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THE ABS DIET START-UP KIT ‘give you everything you need io dive right in to the Abs Diet and the Abs Diet Workout. a rarer Honda Grand atone, cach Slay 4 feed, pee MankGaken sn, ar ‘Basle Shopping List—The ABS DIET POWERT2 and Related Foods Arvo lier Peto ss an abot crue rsualfondied ey, che Boineofehoice a) = ej SPaseh fesher lve god . tan — Wie gi best a DDorsninecr — tondeand Gopeiue negra Temi rikend ceo crater trae cen potin feel Whole F Weeriorines! the pom, hace en ta Wamewes queer 6 Intact Rencberiesfosh —_vegobles Lass oa Torey es ‘Shopping Lst—Ingredients for Recipes (600 recipes forinaividual amounts) Stycamts —Fetghae Lowfat some vee Catebans SEIS Siow ante ae oe Monette Sovran Meckbeas —Gosnanied—tnwtms SNR fromnice PPP ore Sty siee Cann twan SEC ature Sete Cored en 8 creme Teen sort Himersormon reaupmig TH Comedpeckd Howie 6 Tero se Comoe Engen Omen TN oar srremnens Tapsiee ape revue Cowtrepees perpen est aay ae eee Ce ae cory Toe mn por nani iam tot ane Curypowder —innsendrone "CHES BO ovccntme fatnbred —acentte tee tatonandine Re a se con ee orat Wome ber (yeubeonstoasym,theyshulshavea necessary eauprant) Kaetemst —Onearopat ——_Ramkg shoes pou mati ay sey SE Zhan ml Coton tt, Spree iting mach, TIME Ighctoreegnnar | Chapter 2 WHY THE ABS DIET? AND WHY NOW? ‘Shocking New Sclentific Breakthroughs in Nutrition half a dozen ways the Abs Diet will improve your lite /And T told you about the tunique and scientifically proven promise ofthe Abs Diet, how it can strip off up to 20 pounds of fat in 6 weeks—starting with your belly, ‘But the next steps are up ta you. If you're simply not interested in improving your life—ifthe idea of hecoming a slimmer, fitter, healthier, pain-free, more successful, more sexually vital person doesn’t appeal to you-then close this hook right now, and return it, (After you wipe aff the Cheetos grease heard of omega fay aids: They’ee the fats fond in fish, and adi high in omega: has been shown to help protect the ‘ear from cardiovascular disease, That's plenty enough reason to include seafbed in your diet, But new evidence suggests that this typeof fat con actually hep you contzo your weight. I one study, subjects who took in 6 grams 2 day af sh ol supplements turned more fat during the eourse ofa day than tho whe went without. Researchers suepect that diet high in omega- tually alters the bodys metabolism and spur i to bur ft mor cdfcienty ‘Now, you conta ish oi supplements fy0u want, but youl mise the muscle-bulding protein benefit of res fish. The fch with the highest levels omega-'s are the fish you probably enjoy the mot already—salmon and tuna, to name two, To se where your favorite fish falls in the omega sweepstakes, see chart on the oppaite page) In adation to being packed wit eart-healthy,fal-burning omega’ ih i leo great source of lean, musle-building protein There's another amazing, secret Powerfod that tadybwilders now about but you may have never evan heard of flaxseed. Flax is cldom-used grain that's ade with omoga-B a well 9b eo lestrol-bustng fiber. Youll find flaxseeds and Massoed olin mos health food stores, Grab it! I koep ground Maxseed inthe frid and Tass iton breakfast cereal into smoothies, and on opie cream. t's go a mild nutty Navor youl ke Te rushes cholesterol with ts omegn's it adds artry-sevuring ber to your diet, and it might just be your best weapon against ‘Omege- fatty acids al help lowar bad cholesterol and rae ood cholestrol They're found in vegeta cl meat, eas, and dairy products. They're ao common to e@ many food, in fet, Una only those of you currently shipwrecked on deserted islands living off flotsam and jetsam need worry about not getting enough in your dit EAT MORE — Faxee ond asoed ol Monounsaturated fats: GOOD. Monounsaturated fts are ound in nate olives, peanuts avocados, and alive and canola oils holesterl levels and pro Like emg these fats help rev tect against heat disease, but thes alo lp yu bra fat i. ono uy, researchers found thatthe body bums more fat inthe ‘hour ellowing a meal high n monos than after & meal rich Monounsatursod fats will ct nly ower your deste and EE ITH THE BRERESPOMEG A'S CONTENT Shad a9 saraines 2he Mackerel 199 Sabienish 93 ol Salmon 163 ah Trout 2 ‘Sword 1s Tuna o > oensarphad can ‘move because that means youl be eating ta ttle carbohydrate sand too much fat—probably saturated fa." Instead o maintain yout body's best glyeemie response, center your meals around ‘ooda with GL of 19 or lees and shoot for & GL. of ess than 120 for the whole day. ‘Sound confusing? I¢ doesn’t neo to be The Abs Diet Rowor- ‘odes and the Abs Dict veipe ll have low to moderate eycemnie Toads. All you have to do is fallow the plan. And on thas oasis ‘when you ae stuck and need to chose between to a more fod, efor ta the chart on page 276, Calcium: The Future of Fat Fighting YOU'VESEEN MoRE than enough milk moustaches to know that caeium strengthens your bones, but did you know that clsfum «can alo firm up your gut? Researchers at Harvard Medial School showed that those who ato throe sorvings of dairy a day—whieh {in conjunction with other foods provides about 1,200 eiligeams of calcium (shout the daily eeommendation)—were 60 percent Jess ikely tobe overweight. In studies at the University of Tene ‘nesses, research put subjets on dts that wore 500 calories a ‘ay loss than what they were uned to eating Yup, the subjects lost ‘woight-about 1 pound of fat a week. But when researchers put another st of subjects onthe same dit but added dairy to their ‘meals thei fat oes doubled, to 2 pounds a weak. Same ealriein- ‘aks, double the fat ow Calum seems to limit the amount of new fot your body can make according tothe University of Tennesse research team. In another study conducted at tho came lab, men who added three servings of rogurt a day to thai dst lst 61 percent more boy fa and 81 percent moro stomach fat oor 12 weeks than men who Gide eat yorurt A study Ja Hawall found that teens with the highest calcium intsles were thinner and leaner than those wl: ‘ing ees cleus. ‘Some researchers speculate that dairy calcium helps fight fat because it increases the thermic offectofeating—in other “yori you barn mor closes digesting ealeum-ich foods than ‘you would if yu ate something with equal calories but no cal tum, That’ one reaton why ealeiam supplements, though good for bone-building and other bodily functions, don't have the same effect. as daixyfewor calories to digest, 0 ower eslriew tobura “And calm has its benefits boyond steonger bones and leaner Dodios. Aer analyzing data from 47,000 men involvod in the Health Professional's Follow-Up Studs, Hervard researchers found that men whoso dts inched 700 to 800 milligrams of the ‘nineral a day were upto 60 porcon loss likely vo develop some forms of colon cancer than men whose diets contained less thon 500 miligeams,For bos effet, shoot fr about 1200 miligrams {ng of eaeium per day "The Abs Det recommended caleium-rch food ae > ounce grated Parmesan choot (314 mg) > 1 coplage-cunt eotiage cheese (128 mg) > 8 ounces low-fat yogurt (415 mg) > Sounces low-fat milk (264 mg) >» 2 ounce (I-inch oe) Swiss cheose (224 mg) > 1 ounce slice) Cheddar cheese (204 mg) > Lounce moszarella cheese (148 mg) > 1 som (28 2 whey ponder protein (110 me) ‘nother mantra has begun to take holdin Amerian society: EAT "Tis directv comes not from a book-peding det do ut fom ‘the US. government, tho form ofa evan fond pyramid designed tay the Fod and Drug Adminitrtion, Fat hasbeen fingered es Use ‘0 ofall ictary evils: Simpy ut, fatty fonds translate nt fatty people Diet experts race to dafind this ida, whieh an the face of itgounds prety logical: Distary ft is more easily transformed into body fa, whereasexebohytrates are proferentially bam off for ‘energy, Henes swap your ft calories for carb calories, ad voila, you've entered into the mayial weightloss zone Quickdy, 00d manufacturers move to capitalize on thes ex ‘iting developments, As eales af ft-roe milk rise, packages of reduced fat, low-fat, and fat-free cheeses, spreads, yogurts, ico reams ake, and cookies borin to ll the supermarket shelves ‘Some taste okay. Some taste like sugarcrusted cardboard But ‘hat the hell—no fat, no foul. Cerboloading becomes a byword of amateur athletes all seose the country. lower, thi whole low-fat theory comes with ae big but ‘Actualy it eames with millions of big buts, a th obesity rate en FIVE WAYS TO ADD MORE FIBER “Toyou eggs: A tirdota cp of choppdonian ands dow of gare wl ad ‘ gemottb toa coup ofevanbes ease To your sans Hato whale wheat? Go wth 9 Like wheat has 2 gems of fourparsies. Tes mre than ce thas! or mia To your dinar: res aoa pot, thes? gras me fea pk “Toyou cereal sp of pore ad 4 ome! ber and Be cred spt hes give you srt gra as ‘naa risen 15 peroont inthe past 10 years) Like todays low-carb raze the los-faterae originally appears to works been tere- ates 4 rotectve esting program that eliminates certain fods ‘and hen, a sartain aun of elvis, I'you suddenly have to ct out countless steaks, baked goods slabs of butar,nuts, dairy ‘roduc, and desterts, presto, you lose weight ‘at, a with catbobydrates, our bodies crave fot, Fatty fds (beef, Sah, and dairy products for instance) are usually high in ‘muscle-building proteins and cupply entice vitamins and min- ‘eral (the vitamin in nuts and ols the calcium in chaese and _yogut) So you can a lawfat die fo only 60 Long bare you ‘wind up facedown in piat of Chunky Monkey. That’ the way Mothor Nature planned it ‘What che didnt plan for, however, was the eratiness of fd ‘marketers. Knowing that lowfat dicers are seeretly pining for ‘the old days when a nioo slice oP eake and a sevop of ice eream ended evry celebratory meal, grocery manufacturers go int the Inboratory and come outwith hundrods of now low-fit foads. And that leads ta what should go down in history as The Great Sneck- Wells Debacle [Nabisco conceives SnackWella asthe ultimate answer to the low-fat dot erze SnackWell', which you can stil find on grocery shelves today ane fat-free and low-fat cookies tet somehow carry nearly ll the flavor of fl 9 cookies. The eeret i that Nabisco loads up the cookies with extra sugar (except in the sugarfreeva- ‘etes), # eansumers can indulge their eet tooth without ever ‘missing theft, How this development pays out in se mind ofthe svecuge consume ia simple to pric: “AL nave to doo lace waht toe out fo™ "Yel Theae cookies hve moat. atu o packages” ‘Haney id you at thet second pace of cookies for trata? waned ‘Candy. But you want to look slimmer, fe iter, and not co incidentally—ive longer, then you need to eat more often i the sme stud, subjects who added three snacks a day to threo reg- ‘ular meals balanced out their energy bette, lst fat, and in- creased loan body mass (as well as increased their power and endurance). Tha similar sty, researchors in Jepan found that boxes who ste the same amount of calories a day from ether two ar six meals ‘oth lst an average of 11 pounds in 2 weeks But the guys who ste six meals a day lst 8 pounds more fat and 3 pounds less ‘muscle than the ones who ate only two meals, ‘There's science to support the fact that mare meals work, but ‘the plain-speak reason it works is beoruse it does something that ‘many diets dont do: It keeps you ful and stinted, whi wil r- ce the likelihood of a det destroying binge ‘ow it works: For stheduling purposes, altornata your larger meals with smaller snacks. Bat two of your snacks roughly 2 hours before luneh and dinner, and one snack roughly 2 hours stor dinner ‘Sample time schedule Shasta Ws anak ‘re nc Arsh rs dinee (ra ack Fora complete 7-day meal plan, check out page 104 I’ not something you need to stick to religiously, usta suggestion for ‘how you ean make the Abs Diet work for you. It also shows ‘how to incorporate the recipes youl ind in chapter 9 inte your everyday li, Guideline 2: Make These 12 Abs Diet Powerfoods the Staples of Your Diet ‘The Abs Diet will éeach you to fous on (not restrict yourself ta) a ‘handful f fod types—th Abs Diet Power 12—to fulfil your core nutritional neds These foods are all god ir you. Theyre 0 goa’, in fact, that they'l just about single-handedly exchange your fat for mule (provided you've kept your receipt), Just as important, Te designed the Power 12 to include literally thousands of fod combinations, There are hundreds of dairy product, frais and ‘vegetables, lean meats, and athe choicest satay your tastes Tn- corporating thos Powcrfods into your six meala a day will astiate ‘your tastes and cravings and keep you from feasting onthe dan- serous fat promoters in your dst. ‘Youll read more about these Powerfoads in chapter 8, For now, {just want you to remember: ‘Aimonds and other ats Beans and lesues Splnch and other gwen vgetblor Daley atte or loweat mk yoo chee) Inston steal ansmnetane unloved age Torey and other ean masts Pant utter Ore cit Whoa rin breeds and cre ses protain bey power Respberes nd other Deis 12 ‘THE 7-DAY ABS DIET MEAL PLAN se mort et pls, which te adn vith compl hao low es nd vetbten oo you lve bt havea withou te Aes Dat eyo ee {od you lve, ep your cmv at ay acs you tort saes aoa the sae tine. Hee a example con you ca stucco asco temo writen nse by ay rea Mxup he mess uss aoe Yun Heck | Co ae yous sae tng ove yore ‘The purpose ofthe chats spy osm ou howto len te pres of the Aon Dist So mor! MONDAY ‘Brot: Ono als to 12 unc Abs et Utiate Power Sache (Gee 138; rn ex rater ‘Suc: 2 semcons pat bas rw petals mich ou wan) ‘anc: Tuto out bet sai on whale gra bed, Veip iiorteten mit app Snack #2: cures smn 1 ep be Dinner Mos Macho Mesa page 145) Sark 2: 80 12 ounces Ab Dit Utne Power Soc ‘TUESDAY Brkt: E202 Bonet Sach ge 139) ‘neck: 2 teaspoons pret bute | Bow oxime thigh bcos! lunch The Ar Not ath Sa Saad page 182) Sak 4: 3slces de lay, ge oenge Dinner Bocacous Bain Chicken page 15) Snack #2: ounce tno, cures antalspe WEDNESDAY ‘reals: One al las 12 canes Senor) Field Mahl Smoothie (page 137; make or frlter ‘Sac: ounce non, ounce at Lam: Gis Rl go 142 Sak 12:1 ok sig ches, om vegetables (ae mach you a Dion Chile Poppered Sask oage 148) Snack 13:8 12 cuss Seay Fld Mehl Sacto THURSDAY rskare 1 ie whcerintend wth | bleeocn paant bie | Fred earge supra cer wep Pr ek ter Sack #1: 8 ounces lon yogurt, tan ow sdim VE Lane: Gute BL age 42) Sack 42:3 lor cl om bet, age onge Diner Pisa Fr ong 1) Snack £3: 2 waspoons peanut te, cop low ft ie cam FRIDAY rekfat: Oneal ost 12 ounce Borne Split Smoothie (gee 157 ake arte Snack #1: cance trond ounces nape tanh: Ho Tapa 43) Sack 42:3 aloes i ont bets orange Diner Cri Con Tey fg 148) Snack 4: to 2 ounces Brana Spt Smcohie SATURDAY Brak: Onl gt 12 cance Hae Bares Snooth 6298137 | Snack #1: 1 onl hah fbercars 1 cp owt yoout Lunch efor Chik Con ekoy Snack 4:2 enrpoos peat ute, oF? sce woe rin ed ‘Dimer Chaat mel Have whee ov bas raving th wok a nd ‘anguber ad pz, beer nd ab-eyting you can ren Snack 42:90 12 cues Hale Baris Soothe SUNDAY Brak The Hove Had tp Coen et Sandwich page 10) Snack V1: 2 tarps pest | canlow anu 8 ce ‘Brunch late Sunday 2 szarbled oe, 2s helen tone, anes, tp Thorlo mit Snack 42:3 ale dl ost boe 1 of oe cases ‘ion B60 King one 46), Smack #2: ounce sna, ep low at een DUMBBELL SMARTS. When itcameeto ens eo ard pure tives no ins of enupmen smote ete stbng mae ha pref rls Ona pasa ee hy einen (0 arp ay nal, You woot ot hme prey compact ung» Stone the Bu tts jt he cbc st Hee eight ere ke sind hares wah dl, 4. Dumbbtsgve yous more compete workout You may thik ur buleanyouama flees cu tthe fea orworkng outage (Lange, Ca! Rea bck Deaf nd aban Sie Bar, Wight Canehs anal 2 Dumbbat halange you muss mare, Ons of bigs hl lenge to welt Hors chenmanor cad asoung hen our body becomes used to 9 gn orkut it tps beng clang ee Your musts Hop aowing Bacaue ther thurs fret er. tes ou can do ith bbe, ou caw hemp changing nd peng your ose 0 you muscle sty changed and keep ving. Fr ears, thew oe 18 or 20 visti of beeps car you can do wth dumbel3s foppened a eiy hard you cans th 2b and ny one or 0 3. Dumbbell greater strength, eons hey alow fer ater range fimo ding exec, dba change yur mance aps oer euler an. or example, bbl cores esting erg a bench pe becouse you can ng he wag down ery befr your cert, ‘asin be wy Bt hen yur bing amen each an, youcan bing the weigh down ower rng ere epee, eng nt ay more trsd a ard stirling move oth 4 Dumbo buldsbongth faster, Negtverestunc ving reo thet you puton youre rng the lowsing or naga, pase ‘fan cure. ne nega rerane may ow mus even ar ee ‘rly than te pote o rg, phase of newts Way mel, you ‘nade rg stacy no Your wokou Lats ay youve done “biaps crwth yorltthane od you cnpowy He tha weg one ‘moe ne. You an now chat, tng your gt han help youre ihe ‘ightone ore se, nlp omer he dmbbel ing ou ef hand ly Deing olay You eusto out tha bt ite bx obra rom your wore 5 Dumbbell can ge you a hese ear ny fuses ave shown Yi deol bereft» lower ieee fess um fore ae Teriag a ened onygn pate: Dumbledore peak Invorbogy neko than oar per ofwastetanng, san boa ote ‘gomorange of oton ty ow 4. Dumbbells make you smarter Youre. anysay Duals mae Youwokn Oye dress My dnt ek you tothe sae pan ‘lo or set rons that nrcae machines do, Tet meme your truce no hncion nv ox el xe ye cht prt ‘iether youre aching the wining passin te Super Boor enh he Hore hey fl the ons 7. Dumbbas Keep your body in balance 8 cg cham otis farce, mba opto racy rly sangth bans ht ay hve develops rn por or mpl act ha ving or caying {rtcase or om Hing wth bal acnes, Wher pressing ber tel overhead fr eam you can compnste ars mether ta by ing more th yur igh sand jst mating te ibalnce were "her gore pening to umbels ovthend, Honea each ate of your bocyhartonereinsopensentyad ache gett ame veut of nec, 1 Dba ap provent ry Eseries clad to tet ne rsc ulsytomasiaze roth Tate you oly daly a ‘heen, een pact laf ngorunto amet the orl truce gent nd tears tht ot oslo ars, Machines ay ris hese econday mace and siporthg teu whch a wet youve {eran injury Duroc, on th te aed tgs you every ptt yur by enh, squat Held babel wit en cuehand rp otatitrestconfobly on your Upper back et yourfoceahouderaih apa andesp your howe aighly tone bacebight and eye fone argh ahead, Sou lower ou ody ‘sityou were sing bce mo ach. beeing your back stud ag ‘ant edyour loner lag ety arp oe Noo Whe you igh ‘opr othe Moor pan, fen eu othe sarng poston, HOME VARIATION: So, but wh ‘one dumbban sch na our pas cng your oar igh, BENCH PRESS Us on ourbckon af bench th auf onthe Foor te barbl ‘than ovethanc gp, your ade beyond shuidath pa Lit the Sera noah onc So ne HOME VARIATION: Jus co stand Push: Got na Pash postion (mor you hands bout chew spa Bard te elbows wie Trecho yourbock agricul your enn iron caches Ye For ten pon bacon | = PULLDOWN, Stare facnga nt plow mad. Rech op and rap tear wth ethane pha to ayes wie an year soe Son ees Ieing the estan of tb rd youre shove yur ea When seus inpaton, pul bar oon ul tush your opr chest Held ths poston ore cod, hen et ote stating son HOME VARIATION: Gene Or Roe Stand nth your nse hgh bert dss part Bond om 20 ht you back almost pra te foo: Holng» Gambler hand bt your arms ang toward he eee wth your gars foang, pl the dbo oars you as hey touch heute afyourchese Fae, dene oe string postion. iLiTARY Press Siting onan ee bench, al tal ular aight nth your hae shuldeena apo Pes thawagh sight ovement Jour sas ar sires eerdea nod ora curt ol one, thn tan tote fentol ours Ropat, HOME VARIATIONS Sting ona ‘ude htc abeneh old ‘Se crobal in ech had abot Tove ith your ears Pash b= bale sige overoad tat your fore are aoa fly estarded Fold fore count ofon, en mtn toe strong poston Rapes UPRIGHT ROW Gia bel wth an onthand fs, nd stand wth your fot shoud ‘ith pat ard yur ews sity bt Lat eal hag at arent Sr topafyurtighe tre parastown enh er bang your ova fyour upper ors aright ut to We des, ana pl tne el rit ip unl yur oper aman parle Sera heb at tion ch vel Pus han nthe ai pion HOME VARIATION: ame, na ne bbe n each hand “TRICEPS PUSHDOWN ‘hie saci. ipa br tached to abih pulley cable cot rece with ‘rhe ne ope hed ae “ating ber dv uti crely nfo you Woe Spel ee uring Peto phe be coun rl or Tins be eed seg down bryos he Dane Your sow Retue stb rng poston HOME VARIATION: TicpsKekback Sard wi you nes sighy bent ar shoulderith art Bond over 50 ht your back aac paleo ‘he gun Bend your bows to sbou dogs agi ng en © sabe the ll of our bac Th she seg pon Een yor foram backwater yur pe’ ans tata When toy aly extended your ar soup tte ground Paes ben etm the tating poston HOME VARIATIONS Squat gut he Ws San with yur ack at gant wall Squat domo our thigh pal 0 rune lst poston fang mou can Tht crate ofa sot A for 20 seconde sar an rk euro feces LEG EXTENSION ‘Sing ore og eertlonnechre wih yourfoct unde fe toed ant [ne igh and Ht he pc ith our fot url yur gs oe ete EPS CURL Stand we hllng baba in Yon you pas fing ot wth your fac short apa ae your ams hanging a fon you Ca he ‘sgh omar you shocler, hold fors econ hon enn 0 the i poten HOME VARIATION: Sun, on we eset of mabe ete Lee curt Us fauna eg machin, snd hook your re uncer te packed tbe Reaping your stuachandpaivs agate bency ony rea our Feet ovo yur bt cng ute welt Cora upon at your set rer th your boo alone he sag poston HOMIE VARIATION: Li down wth ourstomac on he Boar Put ight ‘nba Ges youret fe ta the top end of the delet on ‘hobovom at you fod Sues yourbe athe secu he ope so your but ‘TRAVELING LUNGE. Ft abate aces yr uperback Sr thou fot pict pa, ane end he oom: you need oor wal cbt 20s Sap ond ‘tyr fot an ome your bd tat yuri hgh pare ore oon our sgh igh = prpercear tthe four our int inee hous tern inst teh he Sand ing you ta fot pret Yale apet ih be tog hg oan HOME VARIATION: Use cumtbefs,hosng a noah hand with your sms: ours you don the mough spam doe move no ic, ting your os fot weno ne. STEP.UP | ‘Use tap o rch hat 18 ich of the grand ac youre oot on ‘hestapsathatyour lows bart tt degrees Youle oso vance pat he sof your fot Ps th our, ng | Your he oo co test, ogpng your bck saight. Now step down ‘enh af foot flowed byte ght tera fe ening ose oro al tthe repetten lending wth one oct anne tema, Oe ya HOME VARIATION: Sao, nue tesa and of tp ‘nfo, od dnb, Uyeudont hme oe (Go slow. Each rp ofan ab exersine should Last slightlylongor ‘than you lasted on prom night—4 to 6 seconds Any faster, and you run the risk of letting momentum do the work. The slower you ‘0, the higher the intact. The higher the intensity, the stronger the stomach In this chapter, youll find 56 exercises—a 50“6-pack” of ‘exercise that youll never get bored and ea that you'l work your abdominals as efficiently aa posible, Remomber that this portion of the workout is what will make your abe pop out of {your skin the way Janet Jackson pops out of her wardeube ‘Think ofthe ab exercise portion of the plan as the tay at the ‘ottam of the cereal box, the payeheck at the end of the wee, the finish line atthe end ofthe marathon. I's the motivation, 1Ws the reward. It’s the goal that no scale could ever show. How to Do the Workout PICK ONE ExERCISE from each group ofthe listings below, and do he exoreite fr the specified number of repetitions. Do ane set of each exercise and then repeat the ieut. Note: Many ofthese exercises ange diferent reians af he ab- ominals during the sere movement, but theyre grouped based on what areas they primary target They've also boon grouped by level of dificult that you ean change your workouts a you got steonger For each exerci, pause at the end of he movement, and retur to the starting position, That count as one repetition, un loss atherwise nota ‘The Abs Circutt por Abs Lower Abs boner ‘ranean Abdi Upper Abs TRADITIONAL CRUNCH ‘een your back with our ines ber sn your ards hind you ea Sion cunch up, bnns your sar blades of he oun 12:15 epetone [Base Upper Abs STANDING CRUNCH ioc rope han toa figh cable play Start your tho (tight sel end hl the end ota ope behind your hess Canch 12:5 epetonfegirer] Upper Abs [MODIFIED RAISED-FEET CRUNCHES ‘Ue on ourbac wth your nee bent nd your hand baind your a, iso our eet pt own of tet rd hohe he Crgh Up tor ue ort back othe Soo oping your fot aes ‘roughout the mavemert 12.18 epetons|Bogrer to etemadne | Upper Abs a DECUNE CRUNCH Tnonjurbs ona can tonto nln nt todd porto you fags capes behind are Ur Fens che the bere, kepng your ower body Ro Dante yoix ays btroment ld he caocton ora secon 12-45 epetion [Bogner tienes Upper Abs LING cAsLE cRUNCH ‘tach pe hart th ow uly Li on ha for wh yourhand ear ‘helom ple. jour kes bat, sd our fat acon the ose Hl the, hunch oer our chess har tbe pot ofthe rope atc te te four ec. Gureh yout ib age tnd your pee Hn our shoulder don fom nce ote feo, 12-15 ropttonintrnadte advance) Upper Abs Upper Abs WEIGHTED CRUNCH son ourback nih our knees bonthadng a wight plat of dumbbel cont your dest Slowly eure up bing your ould oF te ‘yuna Ues poser hea we 2-18 patton ( mrorecaetoatnced) LONG-ARM WEIGHTED CRUNCH Ue on ourback ith our knees ent Hold aligh darlin ach hand, tc som your ams sight bok bain you, Crunch yuri eage od dur pehis Dont geratata momar wir ‘2.18 epettion seco anced} Upper Abs Tor TOUCH Le on yourbeck wth your ge ried dco our: yor mee ‘houldbe sgh bert: ese ow ee svg, paren tower ou" {Sonnet oan eck Ure our upper ab rs oe Pc ‘rarer Hyer shat aes he or ad oh tomer Your toes Holsters sesor! Laws yor solder te floored eet 12:15 opotion|Inarmacate advanced) Upper Abs MEDICINE BALL BLAST Satna sari Sen aged oh or stowaath foor an hak yur ean por ba Hoe mes bl yur youn pasa Ayu tore up thesia a svagipsmeyurhers Cath tithe pe bo ‘notte ten ouer Sow ond ee 12 A8repatine adionced Upper Abs SICILIAN cRUNCH Sle you fet under he hanes hay dunbbel Plce 2 les ‘owrl uar yurlouee bck anol bel 3603 your eh. Rl Jouruppe body a tigh ponte runing our beng tome you" fas Arte opof te rove, eration yr ar and ae re dur ‘hoe yourhea. Kem the durbel above your hood, nee sane ‘p beryour boy tote sang poston so repatineAonces} Lower Abs BENTLEG KNEE RAISE Us on our back ty your hea and neck nyu hac on he for ren your bt Yat fet anol at on th Boe Usa oun seorinal muerte outlets ptonard your ag, ten Sows Tower yourfeeebackta the ring poten ma your fe iy oh te Took eps 2 repetions Seginer Lower Abs PULSE-UP {hit your hands nde yourtalbane ard yur ose ad pote sig wo owed te cllng perp t youre. Pour Fon an exo gter rou You" pe at ow hos 12 pete (Bogor) Lower Abs HANGING KNEE RAISE Hong ly extended ors nap bath your psn ang eu and your haat ater than shoullernth apart ou fot my hy eh the loo: Ras yourlneas tote yor eet ering your ple pd the nd When youcan dota or 1 peons nas ghey espngyourleps are atand of toning you tne by hang trai bl beaten our eee "2 repaint | Bogert iterate Lower Abs SEATED AB CRUNCH Sonthe eae of abe csr orberch lca your hand in font four Et ed grt ses of he seat Lean bck igh ard ened our ge co and ony keaping your hel 48 nce of he our To bagi ‘irc, bend your oo and ion rao your los tomar your ches A ‘hese melon fae wth our appar body slowing ours p> posal your thighs 2eepetions [Dechert tease} Lower Abs RAISED KNEE-IN Us on your bse You ama shuld ln a yours wth our pan dom and jst under you er back ant Pes ho sal tour bck ‘gant flooy and nan yer legs out nth your hess coat 8 inches sboe the Foor Keping your mer ba agatha oy Yur leh toned youre Yau righting sou erah Revs abana the Aor Hae ten tain your lo eg oe satng potion ar ep ‘nth your hg agp yor a tit hgh tne cee 2-12 apaione ech denis Lower Abs Aga FIGURE-8 CRUNCH Us en yur ack wth younger banat Rls ange and you et feton the foo Sunes ight medina igh bean your rect ip youn hy ever ore ten ole oon sed ean ot of tn for owe our ows ae gue mason, Do Sreetins inane recta, han ver erin fr open repstsone names) Lower Abs FLUTTER Kick Ue on ourbic ize bot fet but foo othe ground ond soni oneleg overt othe 20 repens ca ) Lower Abs Lower Abs SWISS BALL KNEE RAISE Ue acon o a is bl ith yuri lower hn your shoulders Reach bck an gn sorathing tat mrt move sch arabe of Seat. and ard yar eget or ft fh aor ap! he ewer pao lege pant ahead, look Ror te, etd your loge ceaghot) DDrsindrdBortLog Kae Raz, wang your abe anh fen to eet your tne oar you chs {2 epattlone termediate ached) REVERSE CRUNCH HOLDING MEDICINE BALL Le ona snc boat with ourhps rth ours. ra the bar behind yur bad fr asppot ar you hpi res st dere sigs, nd hse a all mes bal ten Jokes St Your [At at atin he beer Pul our hipeup ond toner your rn enge Guithom ae ight ou can thet tang your showin of be bored nce yourhips nl ono ot egos, {2,apeton nent to acharcd) Lower Abs PUSH-AWAYS lb onyourbock sth yourhan on your chert eo extend et ad (Ft foo Arete bg ch ee tar our ead, ha fy eked Dal your tat ouch he fos foe! ny door ourlewer back we perming the econ ty ng our asd and ‘ding our chin toned your ces) {repetitions ech ide etemneite to adanced | Obliques hua er ostiaue v.uP Ue on ours wth your dyin sit in. Fal your ams cos yout Chest Keeping your ge together of the foo as yourae yor op ‘Sho tonea your hp. Thernge ofmaton sho, bl yu shoud io inane contain m your os 10 repattons ech de Bepoer] Obliques Obliques = Yes SAXON SIDE BEND ouldr, wn your elon ih bor Heap your boc algo SPEED ROTATION own det to your in deo fr 0 pol ito rg YOU Stand whl hold urban bath han infor of our nico, “pera Pau tarto might poate, ten bende youre “wt dese the ight tan 160 deg foyar hit Roep yur abe de aetoras pore Ugtard rove fart Bingo carter Arte th ae you ih {$10 repattions on och ile Beginner inemect {repens ech seiner Obliques TWO-HANDED WooD cHoP Std whie hiding + dombbel win both hands eat your ight Flecyur sb ard ress your toma th et os ousted you as ‘Snowe he arb ote ove of our loko UI ck, th ‘hese and east onthe ote se, 10repettons each side mses] Obliques MEDICINE BALL TORSO ROTATION Hold mecca bekatbln font of you Stith our nes bet red your et on the oo: Cuchi nis yor rede bal etn you ic Tattoo ra and ik up the bal: Bingth al weun ts our sedantit coun agan Repent Do he sana navbar frpestons whch you atest We et se a you do when you wo Be rgd 1Orepeions teh sie rm advanced) Obliques ee SIDE JACKKNIFE sen outer, wn you os ely svg aed oe foro ase aura of or wh youre oto forbes Heyer hend bat hte wth orl poe on you et iturin ovr your tna wl epg yor ‘Ero ara Punto fete contacon ont ih sel armas Th dwt oveyur eg nd open ch eon ae Bene cniour a pnd doe onan ropes {Orapetirs sch side ered to mond) Transverse Abdominis pribGe Saito getins Putnyp poston bu bend your elbows and et your ‘weight on our fre insteat of aurhandsYourbody sida farn a Soight ine emer shuld your enon. aloe steel inagin ave ung we move your bal biten bck yourepin, Hod fr eben ang ny Ayes buen Jovch 1-2 option Seghnert tna) Transverse Abdominis SIDE BRIDGE {on ournendeminant side Suppor your wag th ht rear and ‘he uted age that ct Your body shoul fom argh ne for Inet alien Allyour asin oyu can, an old he poston or {to 30 second, bathing uly Fel yu can do 30 secon do nerepeton Fok ay foray combintn epee you op "-2repedion on enh ae | Dosier totes) Transverse Abdominis a TWo-POINT BRIDGE Get te xa poten, Uk raw aout ct hw ate ie edocs Tak eo ‘eu the srt onion hn mpeg oe rman cg E10 repettons she nema) Transverse Abdominis NEGATIVE CRUNCH Sten the or wih yourinees bart and your fest Paton he foo Std dhe apart send aur ams wit you Tigers merce, ful cng our nee Boge wih you upper y= alg ean 2 Soclege agate os Lover yout by tuathe foo ang yout {ono err mseding yous ws ack, ad apn your ts contracted ‘nen our booy eaters S-gie ange he ot retro the [Baty ptr oe Youmay nest tack you fet de tof ‘sgt to lp ait Blace toughou he re) Orepetions [rcomecat} Transverse Abdominis SWISS BALL BRIDGE est your forearms on he balan your oe onthe for, th your by in sigh Ine Pll our smack ying to bg your bly baton to your ‘pine Hl fo 20 secon, treuting sadly. You bul nde, ou {an do on 60 second act. 1-2 repens |itomacaty to acanced) Transverse Abdominis a SWISS BALL PULLINS Get he Paha postion your ance tight nicer han a nine ‘ith your shaders but rea of placing yout ft on the Poo et out | ‘ions Si bal eh yours rar anyon ft your body ‘hos ary sight ine fom your soca your rls, Rll he Se ittonsrd yourcheat Fuse, then un the alt the aie pony ‘zing yourlege to the rng pion rain hel baat S-10repettons/ emedae wo acnced Transverse Abdominis Towet Rou. ted onatovlarmaton ior weston: hia toelen te orn fentotyou wed pce juts ee owl sae ae you ody yee Yu by sha aks yoo nad ‘Position. Slowly slide back up. re Storpeon choad) Transverse Abdominis BARBELL ROLLOUT Load. prof pound panos barb kre ona saci ator ‘oak wth your dar ety ve the barb theta th an ove han, shoulder ip. Sr wh your bak nash ounces postin, ‘mor Hohe sr out Font of ou ling ou esn plas your Fibs tomoand arma go fru. Reaping our at, aan a Yuen rot aring your best rocking te Noor th anbing re {ow knees, Pte os ft vcond, he pullback to the ring poi, Sstorepetioneacenced) Lower Back BACK EXTENSION ostin yorsan aback nti to, ishook your et ude the leg ncho: Held your are aght avin ont of yu toured sod format noo your hands to yar Mp Lover yur to lowing yourlonarbacktoroand unt at otf seperate Fooe, aie yur vps ny tis igh above paral the ocr Si ‘ott you so have sight hin abalone your ler see ‘ould be pul tet Pou ro sce ton ope ‘BAS open | Seamer thee) Lower Back Lower Back SWISS BALL SUPERMAN ‘TWISTING BACK EXTENSION Ue fcadoun overa Swab oh your hp at pressed gat the bl Psion our na bck exon tao, ad hook your feat under the sed yourtoo a oundes oer ® Lt your eras that hey paral Ingen: ce oredr or en, oe {oye bod, and bar releases stays ng se tipper body slowing you ker backs oun, wl it ju shor of eer ‘omtng oman! od yor elbows se psn beck. Sly exer yor seis te toe Ra ond yur oper boay Ur gy above nck ar yur cho complet of ha al extend your es oma ‘rel oe or ne cng let Pau ten ower ou tears ‘delat poaton Drow yur sms bakin pon oo an your ‘rune wing tote a fonotothebal 12:15 epetionintrmecae) 12:15 pation {intersects Lower Back eee tiicfowiesn necesita om | SS seen conch arcncraceac anal srr eosemenmeningces Eamonn een ls a BONUS! THE 18 A WE-THE. LT TIME SAVERS! “Leaking v shave even more time off your workout while abr ing fat from your waistline? The remaining 18 moves of cur 506k’ plan work several areas of your midsection neously. Use any one of the following subetittions to cover two or threo areas with one exercise, and you ean reduce your workout plan to just afew exerelses instead of vel ms ‘CRUNCH/SIDE BEND COMBO ‘Targets both the upper abs and obliques Li oor bck. wth yuk bet and our and hind your eas (Criopsothat yur shia Bade te afte fa Band aie wae ‘0 thal ming youre mt tard ou rit Hp Seaton, {han bend yourrane ‘epetNos te etch de Bepner SINGLE-KNEE CRUNCH ‘Targets both the upper and lower abs Li on gout wth ourhps bot 90 degre nd our feat he oor Tach your ingen tte siss of your hod ih your bows bar. awe yur ned, elses, ond but of tha Boa you ‘rg your lot ie toward our ches Lower ourtowo ane base cor en pert ths umn hog yur eas ina os occ {armpit ach ide Beginners) ‘TWISTING CRUNCH Targets both the Upper abs and obliques son yout on the hor wh your hand apes bain yor a ane ac owen th ot ea wean Ses ote teoretyaceatyoraghcboroe ee ee ‘tune tng onion and won agen wee a, ‘ose york on ove tour rates repens to each side (Seine ts itemese) stick cRUNCH ‘Targets both the upper and lower abs Ls onyourbec th yur fst ed ofthe ground and your knot gy bert ld strcamsicbehina your esd th your are otra an of ‘he grou. lund your torso up. ann your wes up oth he stk ‘Sond pat yur hneon Pau, thn wt othe sor pean rarepacions [niet lcvcLe Targets both the upper and lower abs ‘ying om yuck wth yur neos bee 99 decree ad your hae in ers, arp you eg ace nd th bynes your {oro fam dete ie movi an af on eon) tone ope 2D apations oes | WEIGHTED ONE.SIDED cRUNCH HY} HANGING SINGLE-KNEE RAISE Targets both the lower abs and obliques Hong ly evtended rm chip bar wh your pln arg out ard Yourhondsa ite tc than suderath par Your at shui ety {eather Witoct sngig tpl op momenta ie you rah toe toward youl hora fr au can using yous sor ome Sigh that yr pea flowed thle, bu don oe Hold aera ‘hovers toe sering ponton Repeat wi youre, mig toward 12-92 apatine ach deers) KNEELING THREE-WAY CABLE CRUNCH “Targets both the upper abs and obliques tach aopa ta han oe igh pul. Ke ing te pulley ted gb he endo re ope, mth your pam fing och th Hod the rope slong the ro your ce, ith your ebow sight bet Bond rar atthe wast, ending your baka ing yur het a your poke Sap when yu fea carton your sbdomin mos Ren ‘Restarting poston then pant he movant tne sang your dat ‘ower yourltkne Stop when you eel econtacon youre bles onan ther repetthe movamet your igh atone opt Srepetion erecta to aharce —— RUSSIAN TWiST Targets both the upper abs and obliques ‘Stop hee with your eos ar and your et et. ald your ars "lt ot in rtf your hs wit you pals fing dor, Lan bk 20 Uharyour tenon te deere ange to he Nae oe ls fe a8 4yeucan paste eats our ovement we tah way bck to ‘ho ah sat oxyou can. Ao gouge Songer folds Eten your andes you do the movers You ay a kyu ft ara st fw op meiah bales ouphou the oa) 1 repettions uch side nterneioe ts aanced | SPREAD TOE TOUCH Targets both the upper abs and obliques Us it on your be wh Jour lag tht up na postion witout losg your kes: Rie our arm owas ceding Ca ou sour ‘dos pane tach ton your igh fat wh bot hans efor ‘stand conten yur ss tan lone t testy poston Re peat hi tna eh for yourleh oct Dot pase th ene poston 12:18 epamone{oemedne to adanced | corkscrew Targets both the lower abs and obliques te on yourbck, wih your lege sed ity oe your ps: your kes ‘shouldbe day bar lace your hans wt the pale own a your side, your lon abe tose your he of he oor retary ib pe ‘Sovting you hip stag up toms cling Smutneo.y ts Yu" Tipeto the rote corte oton Hl as tan he tareng poston Repeat, nizing tthe $Drepeton| nemesis 0 avance) “ee STRAIGHFLEG CYCLING CRUNCH Targets both the upper and lower abs. leon ourback and berdyus hip and knees 90 dng ta your feetaein the Pcs your hands your ery, perfor ‘Somat auteh by tng your hea and souls of he Boor Ath Same tne your hte your chest Lower your toto elon usar yur eg, eaping ai inte thf Ropest {he enane, tse wing your ht nee pay rach. kara fomiattigte aught te meee so veptton enh aide Advnced| DOUBLE CRUNCH Targets both the upper and lower abs Lo onyur beck wh eur np andlnccs bot ayo feo the Noe fet urban ght on arch Poston amen bal btnen ut leet Eales yout yursroulde of teflon and bing your Ince to sources Gra tn al wth ourhad nega yout cha yeu ‘hues tun yur shoulders deg the raring poston Tae: thetal beck yur lor on he eet repro, rhe alert bal a ropottine (anced) vues ‘Targets both the upper and lower abs rd eloow locked) sls rasa ou upper tec hte ohn ‘euch our fog ayour tow. ‘Srorepatins | Actaces} DOUBLE CRUNCH WITH A CROSS Targets both the upper and lower abs, pls the obliques, Lion our bck its your neat youre tn the lo yout ea nce lot and yada tin your ar Use yor owe abso Frtotntnecs end cs ther tod youl shoul you sma ‘une erupt e your et lr 2d cont oma oir ait ince. Hod ora econ Lower yu logs and ton tothe stn pion ardiepeoto te eer eae {0 repaio ech ade chonced The Abs Diet | Maintenance Plan ‘OU'VE REACHED YOUR COAL, AND that’s reason to celebrate, But it doesn’t give you li- cense to go back to break: fasts of leftover jalapefio poppers. However, you have earned a reprieve. You've built your body to churn fat and turn it into musele, and with a muscular base, you're at the point where your body is doing a lot of the work for you. Here's a primer for maintaining the body you've built. mtb ‘eave ated wall dy can contro tha ‘rans oy by argon he Poneronse nd ie ‘penguin prot, Soe ands gan (bohyatn Ken ning omocies ey nd Chaatog Youcon up yur cheating melo a haatng dy sere ou test yu a ngbing ou wat ast ep confined to dy tern seca rein oy ce anata seis progam Your mntrance made now app goa wth ‘he progam yoke, bt you canals sale bck wok fara aning Rasa othe harap {orance ort st Sa Sat Unverity he Sn ‘hat tars can mata i mse hone ‘Vitamin and Mineral Values ras yaaa, iia, route a ANN Sa Tages cg wanes ro se mae core ers eT rs 2 Ween Whaat ss Aivoni(i) sw oe ee eT pele) [eae oee a =r oa a atcoteGmadian) 0 015 io eae ro ies 7 cat a on (medium spear) 2 sao) mimo om sscrn (ees) a 7 ase) eens 008 ie Banana ond enna 7 temstaled(an) eae 2 Bearssick(iuncooied) 1 owe “3 terelnyGeupcoied) 00282! ‘a semniima(sci) Ont = sears Qeipeooiad) 038 040030 39 aeons ficuncosed) oon? 120 beanaictesficip) oat a8 ae Beara (\cpozsiag) 002007 oe eet gordi (Sx) 0008 078 eae Bera) aT cote Ew ESTP IemieN ets (nom) 2 ere ao oe ous Saar GET few tpg) ann ao sae Benvestiiee) 9 ons naa oem anaes aw ae in) eae ame UE RONea sco EMS Taw previ (ute 9 Ta oe Pelt oe eae oe Bend nhlegan(iaks) 0071070 ceca a ales ETE Beikieteaivch, ~~~ ae a ara ‘Seven ‘aaardcheece) wean, sous gui mune cau nngueson rors aes ptt, Mag "a cart cg momar ra eonen(ice) a8 —scas atmo a a ec} Bunespous (how) 60 oes ow a a er ee Cake, coffee (1 piece) 20 010 03 2 a on On 76 0 a = on (Cake frost (ples) 10 ~~ 1m oe uo Om ‘Canadianbacon(2eliess) 0a. 0.20 z 0 181 au 080 Candy, non-checolate ° ° o ° o o o ; (oachae) ‘Cantaloupe PTs ‘oor a w ae 040 018, meade) caro 7 ao ome 7 e008 one autoner es) 2 om on a eT) Comry(lewastins) ss Sama an 0s0 ane Cera whoa 2 awa Rea orel ‘era (200) Chesercheese (kes) 75 oa ¢ = 4 0% Gretssauawenn MeO) eer sessing (cus) : Gracies sweet row (ep) 50 Oo? 00h ms ow am Chetan tines (breast) 4 oot ame enya aNs Crepes (lpcooiae) «a me neon) Crawbar lop) oa (ewes Chis potatotte(1es)—_—@ ~~ SCi eT Chose (145 ce) aos aos ems Cenaenbun a ae a so ‘Citrus fruits and frozen 7 onT ot e 1336 1 oat oncenate eas (20) Chr fede) 10S ae Se ET) ote eu) cao ge aaa Spo tiene meat Cotes \ewencled) —1s40 008028 m7 ey Cookachocateche 088 ag) 001 ow a5 aletiaeCusnnae wrauatn wai 9, vrgune, rote rae wraMne CALC MAGMEEOM romaine seteW¥M ne a Ay SS er = rosy pas a ae RS a WSs enon a Warn Cem) 026006 oe 1 a aA at Cora roe ea ae 7 Oe ea ceo fone) cer | Dini Maro Rar Oise ane Reman arboryescoaeat 10cm 0 ce arenes few = tranche Teg) aa ioe eR Cuamberwnpnl(nei) 10 00h oat a bows 7 ae 000 noses sce roe To fev ae) 00800 a Seen eset ereaaR falar (0) +38 om we ica i ae fet, ooo a TT ‘eee = Fabacoie 204s) ama pacer Fish, white (1 fillet) oo 026 080 26 ° om St oe 8 2 Fecha oo oie a a a saa ee ceaiaae ae Frsigen mewraned 9008 0a oon ar reno ce ew) a Ca) oe 900 Ce IT aac os item tugunioet ae aaa ino time otngur pce Garolbar 2a oe sae aa A a noe ue te) i ap ao oe oo a0 ram sie CC CE a arbres teioos 8 9m ore aie ase em a waco vearaber Fox ten 55@) 00a oor a CO ‘crown erg) +0 oon 1 EE Inmoromat Giro) 0m 08 a “nen waninema) “int "we inet et is “ms a “inet Kale iew) soa? ane Bt eo Ketchup (Tbsp) 7. om 20m 3 2 7am 0 ‘wif Crear) 2 om on occa co Eo Cor TA APL Lasagpameat(7ex) a1 0am a Lents Tbsp) cos ome os 02 . «0m om lettuce eebers(Vew) 8002008 2 ow 1 om o10 Lettue.romaine (cus) ei og isan 1 010006 Ler beef (302) ope 0 ome ais ag Naw WE oT Lunchmeatsalami(Ssices) 000 ace «a os Maes Macaroniandcheese(@o2) #80250 0 oo im ee Meatioa (ste) oo ewe Malonhoneydow (leup) 5 Oat Bon Wen Mt, at-0(1e0p) CS Ce) a a I ati 9 (eu) ois ao OE MO NT ocen rs UO Tao ora eNO Mettr bhebeery ow oor os ow a ae naeaSeSOa Mushrooms Veupsiees) 00g? ato a a ee ee eT Nachoswithcheese(6-8) v0 020 a2 ca alos oT oT coe Nectarine (1) 200s om cree ese toa ‘atreal teup) oz ow 8 Oneal Gcets Wana ee aTeSEaTOmeeLS ‘oWes (TES) o ° ° 7 100s? 0m 0 ‘Onion rings (10 medium) —_ oor 6 oe 037 a6 + 2. ee ‘Oyster (1etur) ooo oz on 6 7 eT) Pancakes (2) on CY Pastawithredeauce(4Sez) 0 aw (Sen aay EET) each (medium) 6 4 6 on 6 . 1860107 Peanut buter(2TB5p) 0 2 os eno TE ear Peanuts (az) ° OMT feo ne EBL Pear (Imedun) 1 7 oma Pepe cia 160 om @spepoe) Peppers sweet istps) 78 a? Pe, aople (128) ° c za cheese (sce) 0 oot Pizza vegetable (aca) 5 oo Pim (vy a c Popcorn (up) om ome 2 ork (302) Potato salad (1609) 298020 “ Potatoes,mashed Veup) 840 0 Prete (10 wi) 0 Fasberses (10) oot a Fe, white (Lo) 0 c part skim (”460) Salad esting. Tare taan (Tbs) ‘Salmon (302) mo Salsa (Ze) isis Savertaut( Sauenge (v8rk) a Soft eink witneaane a (200) chicken (eu) LE AOL MS at rags mn cage eit rae eB Snntoniofae) aia om on 7 EY ATT YR} Enfensftemeee) wwe aro a0 fo)... Soasherivehrestils 4 —~—O08 COST ae mt wae Sererbs Gee -iicoaiininraatinss ee Spm (168) ‘wo om 08 ee ces amare arog oO Tan EE ee Sravteris(ien) as amo iaeaieaasecianl Simebemedech a wea ‘Suvfowersseds(Ieup) 1280138 arate anita wont tat soo ee iaubdises) nanan ae Tosser pan 0) nea oa He hee) ce aoe SE Et a a ae eee Finan) oe Tiianisar rane ae isan Taos abe bad] 0a i sic Veataiiehke ewp) ieee ree a alts 5) a 7s aura etalon Gwedse) orzo eas Whargem (ace) 0m) ora ain eames one oe ten ne (5 0) ons enemies a a SS ce a $2 on ae Yeertiowta(ee) 2 ~~ SCOm Cr a a ee) Grapefruit Green peas Fat-treernil Pear ‘Watermelon Boots ‘ople wi fre ‘Tomato sou ‘atodbeans Chickpeas, canned rapes Pineapole inoleswheat bread Popcorn Soy mik “acoshells al-aran coral Glycemic Loads | for Selected Foods Grapefrult ice armburger bun Kidney beans, canned ent soup ‘oatmeal cookies Sweeteom ‘American ye bread CCheasetortlin Frozen waffles Honey uma beans frozen Low-fatyoourt, Seestened wth sugar Pinto beans white bread Bran Chex core Applejuice Banana Kaleo orange jue Saline crackers ‘Stoned Wheat Thins ran fies ‘Graham cracters Special K creat 1 Totalcareal ” Vania wafers 16 Brownsice 1 ran matin 1s Fettuccine w (Cheerios coreat 15 Argolfood cake ” French bread 15 Comflakes cerea! a Grape Nuts coral 15 French ries 2 Mashed potatoes 15 Jelybeans 2 ‘Shroddedwheat cereal 1S Macaroni 2 ‘Bread stuffing ic 15 RleaKrsples cereal 22 Cheese pizza 16 Couscous a Whole-wheat spaghetti 14 Linguine 2 fsck bean soup 17 Longgaincice a ‘Blueberry mutt 1 Wotertee a ‘cormehips 7 Bagel 2s Doughnut 17 Baked potato Fa Grape NutsFlaesceresl 17 Spaghetts a Instant oatmeal 7 Raising a Flee cakes 17 Macaronlandcheese 22 Sweet potato 7 tnstanteee ou How to Use This Chart “The ruber hi cha erent he gyal (Gi) of onmnon ‘ood The Gish procuct ofaoadegheercinex andthe sunt of ‘arbahydtes aval per seer ser, he GLestntes te fro- [acted sation boos gucove cass by erga parted fa. he Fighera feed GL. te higher thay 0 bem beth elisa et, 0 fry cae yur ea ran fase wih 8 GL oF 1 rl re soot ‘ol ot oflen than 20th wc doy

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