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The Free Lunch Is Over

The Free Lunch Is Over

A Fundamental Turn Toward
Concurrency in Software
(By Herb Sutter)


Muhammad Rizwan
Sr. Software Engineer
+92 51 111 859 859 Ext 108

Moore's Law

Amdahl's law
Performance Factors
Free Lunch
Power Wall
Free Lunch is Over

Moors Law

Moors Law
Over the history of computing hardware,

the number of transistors on integrated

circuits doubles approximately every two

If the current trend continues

to 2020, the number of
transistors would reach 32

Amdahl's law

Amdahl's law
The speedup of a
program using
multiple processors
in parallel
computing is limited
by the sequential
fraction of the

For example, if 95% of the program can

be parallelized, the theoretical maximum
speedup using parallel computing would
be 20 as shown in the diagram, no
matter how many processors are used

Performance Factors

Performance Factors
Clock Speed
Execution Optimization

What Free Lunch Is Actually?

Free Lunch

Free Lunch
Programmers haven't
really had to worry
much about
performance or
concurrency because
of Moore's Law

Why we did not see 4GHz

processors in Market?

The traditional approach

to application
performance was to
simply wait for the next
generation of processor;
most software
developers did not need
to invest in performance
tuning, and enjoyed a
free lunch from

Power Wall

Power Wall

Power Wall

Power Wall

This Free Lunch is Over

Right Now

Your free lunch will soon be over. What can you do about it?
What are you doing about it?

Free Lunch is Over

The major processor manufacturers and

architectures, from Intel and AMD to Sparc and
PowerPC, have run out of room with most of their
traditional approaches to boosting CPU performance.
Instead of driving clock speeds and straight-line
instruction throughput ever higher, they are instead
turning toward hyper threading and multicore

Chip designers are under so much pressure to

deliver ever-faster CPUs that theyll risk changing
the meaning of your program, and possibly break
it, in order to make it run faster


The free lunch is over

Performance Free Lunch

Moores law has changed

Futurists such as Ray Kurzweil, Bruce Sterling, and Vernor Vinge believe that the
exponential improvement described by Moore's law will ultimately lead to a technological
singularity: a period where progress in technology occurs almost instantly.

Amdahls law demands shift in software



Hyper threading


Now ball is in programmers


-> With multicore processors, programs written in sequential mode will no longer
surf on the wave of this generation processors.
-> To surf in new wave, programs need to be well written parallel.
-> Programming language and system will increasingly be forced to deal well
with concurrency.

-> Concurrency is the next major revolution in how we write software.

-> Applications will increasingly need to be concurrent if they want to fully exploit
continuing exponential CPU throughput gains.

-> Efficiency and performance optimization will get more, not less, important.

New Law

Only Parallel Applications

Will Survive


The Free Lunch Is Over

By Herb Sutter

A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software

The Free Lunch Is Over

By Ricardo Hermann , Thadeo Carmo

Developing Concurrent Software

Is the free lunch really over? Scalability in

Many-core Systems
By Michael Wrinn

The Price of Free Lunch

Programming in Multicore Era

Any Question?

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