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Sagar Publications
n Janpath





II Rationale of Vimsottari
III Different Methods


Time Factor - HYcar"

Period of Sun
(i) General effects of sub-sub-petiods
of Planets in sub-period of a Plane
(ii) Tables of periods, sub-pen ods and
inter-periods of planets
XV Inter Pretation of Dasa Results





I S3

Practical Method


The antiquity of Indian Astrology is as remo te as tbe
Vedas. It forms one of the Angas of the Atharva-Veda.
Th e Jyotish Shastra (Astrology), as mentioned in the Athana-Veda, consists of one hundred and sixty-five verses
only. In fact , the whole of the Jyotish-Shas,ra then con..
listed , was on observing the movements of the Sun,
the Moo n, th ei r passage through the constellations
(Nokshatras), a nd assign ing a certain significance to them,
and was then made more appli cable to a Mundane
Astrology than to a jud ic ial one. It will thus be leen
that the origin o f the present day Astrology is to be
fO\Jn d in the Atharva-Veda-Jyorish, the probable date
of which, according to Dixit and others, ia 900 to
1500 B.C.
No mention is made in it of the signs (RashiJ) of
the zodiac. Signs had no existence then. It must not be
supposed, however, that the division of the zodiac into
twelve parts was not known to the Hindus in those time. ;
but the twelve parts were then known by different names.
The ancients wholly depended on the Nakshatras and
their qualities. As lime went by, owing to the invalions
of the Muslims and Greek s. and' their association with
our people, thei r science got mixed up with OUfS, and
the present astrology. as it is studied and practised, is a
combinatiOr, of Chaldean, Grecian and Egyp tian A.tro
logy. We are not entering here into a discussion of
[ I )

claiming priority of the science for Hindu:!. I. is proved

beyond doubt by Sankar Balkri.1hna Dixit, in his Blrarliya Jyotish Shastra (History of Indian Amonomy), It.
book written in Maratbi, but now translated in Engli,b.
Tbil claim of priority is further supported by Sepharlal
in hil book "The Science of Foreknowledge" in the
chapter on Indian Astrology.
As regards Directional Astrology (that part of Astroloay which pred icts the timing of events in life, indicated
by the Na ta l Chart) of tbe Hindus (tbe Dasa Paddhali) is
quite unique.
Tbis system, as mentioned in ancient astrological
works of Hindus is no where else to be found in any
part of the world . It is the simplest hown system of
Timing tbe Events. though Directional Astro logy is
known to be tbe most d ifficult to understand . One can
gauge how difficult It is from the rollowing words of
that great English Astroloier, Raphlul written in the
preface of his "Guide to Astrology." He writes : "The
part of Astrology which relates to the determination
of futur~ events is the most difficult, the least underItood, and perhaps the most unsatisractory, part. I may
be allowed to say that the unsatisfactory condition of
this part' is a wise intervention of God, for, if one knew
for certainty what wa5 goina to happen at a particular
time, mOlt of the world would either be lunatics or
commit suiCides. "
Tbere arc many kinds of DaSQs. Parashoro, in his
book, bas mentioned about 42 of them, but of tbese,
J'imsottari Dasa is the most popular, with which we arc
for the present concerned in this book. In the choice of
any particular type of Dasa, the criterion mUlt be that
of experience and VimlQttari has answered this test. The
total period is for 120 years and it is divided into nine

[2 [

parts presided by the Sun, the Moon, five planets and

by Rahu and Kethu (Dra!;on's Head and Dragon's Tail).
The position of the MOOD at birth is important In tbe
calculation of the Da$cu. Every constellation covers 130 .20'
degrees of the zodiacal space . Each Nakshatra has a
planet assigned as its Lord and the Dasa at birth;s deter
mi:\cd by the c::>nltiJation occupied by tHe M.>on at the
moment of birth.

Kriltika, UUars and Uttarasbadba
Rohini, Hasta and Sravana
Mrigasira, ChiUa and Dhanishta
Aridra , Swati and Satbhisha
Punarvasu, Visakha and Purvabhadra
Pushyami, An uradha and Uttarabhadra
Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revathi
Makha, Moo la and Aswini
Pubba, Purvashadha and Bharan;


6 Y"
10 yrs'
1 Y"
II yn
16 yes
19 yro
17 yes
1 Y"
20 yrs

The total of the different periods is 120 years whicb.

is considered a. the natural life period of a human bein,.
But there are eltamples of persons having lived longer. The
combinations for such horoscope!, call be found in any
s(;lndard work of Indi an Astrology. The position of the
Moon at birth determines the ruling poriod. And the next
Dasas. lucceed in the order given above. If at birth time
the Moon is in the first degree of the Nakshatra, the full
period assigned to the planet will run. If the Moon occu
pies some intermediate degrees, accordingly period r,rtust
be reduced.
We sball ~ive below the method of findinll the ruling
Dasa and its balance at birth. Take a birth when the
Moon is in Taurus 25 0 14' 2r. Reference to the Tables
[ 3J

(Balance of Virnsottarl Dan by Longitude of the Moon)

al the end of tbis boole, will indicate at 2S the balance
of Marl Dasa 6)' 1m lSd, 10 minutes will indicate 1m
Id 4 minutes will indicate 13 days and 22 seconds will
indicate I d :\y. Add all these figures, and we will get 1m
lSd , Th is is to be subtracted from 6)' 1m lSd, as the
Moon Iud advanced for more t ban lSD, which will give yo u
the balanl,;C o f6 years in Ma rs Dasa at the time of birtb.
Simila rly, you can work o ut with any of the Horoscope.
After finding o ut the DaJa, the sub-periods in each of
the period must be determined. (The Tables
are provided at the end of this book for ready reference).
We shaH give an easy method by means of which the subperiods ( BlrukIis) can be independently calculated.
Multiply the nU(,lber of years of the Dasa period of
the planet by the number of the years of the Dasa period
of the planet whose l ub'period is desired. Then cutting off
th e last figure of the product, multiply it by 3 and keep
that figure as days, the other figur es in the product will
be month" Suppose we want to find the sub-period of
the Sun in the major period of Venus, multiply the
Dasa term of Venus 20 yea rs by that of tbe Sun 6 yrs,
i.e. 20 X 6 = 120 - 12 months. There is a zero for tbe
last fig ure of the product and therefore tbe sub-period is
12 months.
F ind the sub-peri od ofRabu in Jupiter's major period:-Rahu's period being 18 years and that of Jupiter 16 yean
18 x 16 =- 288 "", 28 months and 24 days.
-The Bhuktls are furtber subdivided into still more
minute divisions t.:alled the Antilras or inttr-peri odsj these
into sub-sub-sub-periods and so on, till swora or the
period necessary fo r tile inhaling and the exhaling of breath
is reached. Nevertheless for all practical purposes, the
sub-sub-periods ( on/o ras), will be fouod 10 be q uite

[ 41

sufficient. The anlaras (sub-sub-periods) have to be determined for each. Bhukti (sub-period).
Example: Required the an/ura' (sub-sub-period) of
Jupiter in the sub-period of Saturn in the major period of
Kethu :Kethu's period 7 years.
Saturn's sub-period in Kethu is 13 months and 9 days.
In 120 years-Jupiter's 16 years.

In 13 months and 9 days - _

13 months, 9 days -= 1

month. 23 days and 4.8 hours.

We know now to find the unexpired (balance of)
Dura at birth, With the expired portion of Dora at birth
there are certain sub periods (Bhuktir) ruling under the
period which have also expired. After determining tbem, we
can say under what sub-period one's birth has occurred.
To do this, find all the sub-pl!riods (Bhuktis) in period
(Dasa). Add together lhe Bhuktis from the beginning of
JWlfna Dora (ruling period), one by one till the total is
little in eltcess over the expired portion of Dasa. at birth.
Dimnish the aggregate by tne expired part of birth Dasa
and the remainder give5 the balance of unexpired Bhuktl
(of the planet in question) at birth.
Illustration: Required the balance of bhukti at birth in
the case of a persl)n born with a balance of 6 yean in
Mars Dasa :
The Ruling period 3<
Expired period
Mars Bhukti
Total -Therefor~,

Mars 7 years
I xear
Oy 400 27 days
Iy Om 18 days
Iy Soo IS days

I-S-lS-ly-Om-Od = Oy Sm l.Sd, i.e. balance

[ 5I

of Rahu Bhukti in Mars Doso at birth"'" Oy Sm 15 dll.Ys.

The results likely to hll.ppen during such periods, subperiods and inter-periods as a result of planetary position.
have been sketched in the subsequent chapters of this
It would not be out of place here to mention what
others who have studied the Doso system of Directing
think ahout it. "Sepharial", a European Astrologer of
repute, who has tried his utmost to solve the problem or
the planetary periods of Jljmsottari Doso, though still
unsuccessful in his effort, writes in his Manual of
Astrology: "Let us grant, for the purpose of investigation
that tte periods of the planets are the results of experience, and tbat at once the intelligent Astrologer would be
prepared to find that tbere is lome underlying numerical
harmony by which this apparently arbitrary division of
the life period is brought into line with all we know of
Astral Science, and, although we are quite prepared to
find it so, at the present time we are not in a pmition to
state that the said harmony actually exists. Experience is
the great test; and, had not experience proved to u~ the
truth of the deductions of the Hindu Astrologe~, we
should not deem this exposition worth writing."
Vimsottari dasa is considered to be the best for
Ka/iyuga, which fact is evident from ancient authorities
cited in that valuable work known as "Daso Phal Darpon"
and supported by the experience of astrologers in India.
The following are the general principles for assessing the
results of Vimlottari MohadaSQ.
A dasa will prove good (I) if its lord is benefic 't o
logno. (2) is strong in Ish to Shadbala, (3) occupies its
exaltation, own or friendly sign in kendra, trikona, or
11th house, (4) has more than the requisite number of
bindus in Sarvashtavarga, (5) is in Arohan/J (in its upward

!6 1

course from its debilitated to exalted sign), (6) is In

between benefic.s. (7) and if strong benefiCl occupy o r
aspect the kendra and trikona bouses from Dasonatha.
A dOJa will prove bad (I ) if its lo rd is weak, (2)
bas Kashta Shadbala, (3) occupies its debilitated sign or
6th, 8th or 12th house from lagno, (4) is co mbust, (5)
bas less tban the requisite numberof bindus in Sarllashtava
rga, (6) is in Allarohanam (in its downward course from
its exalted to the debilitated sign). (7) is hemmed in
between malefics, (8) is in bhava, rasi or Riksha Sandhi
(the last nallOmsa of Kalaka, Vrishchika and Muna ,
and (9) if strong malefics occupy or aspect the kendra and
Irikona houses from Dasanotha.
Wben a lagna malefic is weak, he becomes powerless
to do bad, even as a serpent i3 rendered harmless when
its fangs are removed.
When Dasonatha is exalted in rasi and debilitated in
amsa, tbe results arc mostly bad. If. on other hand, he
is debiliu.ted in rasi and exalted in amsa, good results
may be expected.
In the daJa of Kendradhipatl, tbe bhukti of the
Trikonadhipati gives excellent results. Similarly in tbe
dasa of Trikonadhipathi tbe bhukti of Kendradhipathi gives
good results.
Generally when a bhukti lord is 6th. 8th and 12th
from Dasanatha bad results are produced. lf the bhukti
lord is in kendra or trlkona or 11 tb from Dasanalha,
good results bappen .
It is a general rule in astrology that a benefic dasa
does not give its good resuit! in its own bhukli unless it
proves fatal in its latter pari.

17 I

No clear-cut and autho ritative rules seem 10 exist io
Astrologica l literature to explain the basis o f a rrangemen t
of the twelve signs of the zod iac and th e allotment of
planetary ownership 10 different signs. The more onc
thinks of tbe subject, the more perplexing it becomes.
Nothing could be more puzzli ng than the allot ment of
periods ra nging from 6 to 20 years in the Vimsollari
system o f direction which is adopted by a large numbe r of
astrologers. It is, therefore, of academic necessity to fill
in th e void by a reconstruction of theory within the scope
, offered.
Parasara Hora does not offer any clue in solv ing the
mystery about its or igin. One cannot delect symmetry or
balance in these numbers. It would be almost certai n
that these individual numbers of years a re intrinsic to the
pla nets themselves.
The Astrological Magazine has published a rticl es explaining the Rationale of Vimsotta ri Oasa. A number of
theoriu have been put forwa rd in an effort to eKplain the
reason for this pa rticular allotment.
1. A noteworthy effort in solving the riddle of Vimsottori Dasa has been that ofR. Jagann atha n, who has tried to
use the well-known astr onomical law, i.e. the Bode's law,
for its solution. T he results of his analysis a re contained
in an article ent itled " Bode's Law and DaJo System"
published in The Astrological Mag(lzine, October 1965


(Reproduced for ready refNence).

Bode's Law and Oasa Systems
As to the basis of Dasa systems, Ashlottari and Vimsottari, a questiclfl was raised by a reader (vide The
Astrological Maguzine, April 1965, page 398, Q Ila) and
I make an attempt to solve the riddle with my little knowledge obtained through your Magazine. The clue which J
obtained by my efforts, I wish to submit to the revered
Editor and readers alike. In tbis regard, my approach is
only that of simple mathematics.
Bode's Law states (vide The AJtrological Magazine.
Decem ber 1963 , page 1008. by Wm. J. Tucker): "Lay-out
series of numbers, doubling the preceding figure each time
thus: 0,3,6,12,24,48, etc.; to each of the above numbr:rs
was added the number " 4" and so on. Tbus the formula
becomes: X 2+4.
Hode's Law (as per Elements of Astrology by George
W. Parker, pages 91 and 92) is "D=4+3x 2n- I " where
"D" represents the distance of a planet from the Sun, and
"n" the number of the planet beginning with Venus. By
giving to n the values of 1,2,3, etc., the v<riue corresponding to the distance of different planet~ from the Sun
commencing Venus are fOl/nd to he the same as mentioned
above. "
"Write down the following numbers in which each
after the first is doubled :-0, I, 2, 4, 8 etc. Now
multiply by 3 and add 4 to each and we get 4, 7, 10, 16,
28 etc."

True Distance


"'" 10+ 3
_ 16+ &
_ 28,..11

4+ 3 x 2
4+ 3 x 21
4+ 3 x l '
4+3 x 23
4+ 3 x 24
4+ 3 x 21
4+3 x 21
4+3 x 2'

= 100 + 41
= 196~g
_388+ 191

3.87 1
15. 237


Here it should be noted that this formula does not

apply to Mercury. Hence we begin with V~ nl1s.
Now. instead of x 2+4 and x3 + 4 take mOleformula
and apply to A sh/Oflart Dasa (A.D.) and Vim~'ol/uri Dasa
(V. D.) variously for different se ts of planets to find o ut
the periods as fo llow and it will be seen that correct anSA
wers were obtained, again leaving some problems to be
solved .

x 1+2. x 2+3. x 2+ 4, x 2 + 5, x 2+ 6, x 3+ 4,
x3+5, x3+6 etc.
Vlmsottari Das.
Unlike in A.D., here tbe formula applied are many
for individual and different groups of planets respec
tively. But all are quite reasonable and the rationale taken
into consideratio n is o f planets in inferior, superior,
interior and exterior posi tions calculated from both hello
and leo-centres.
( 10 I






x 2+4

x 2+ S

x 2+5



x 2+ 3

Jupiter, Sat.
Moon &

x 3+ 4

Not applied Man
x 3+S
R ahu
Sat urn
x 3+ 6
Tota l






Inferior Moon

3. Superior Moon





x 2+41
x2+ 51
x 2+6 \



120 years

(1+2) ~







Period in
years .



[ II I


Xi+ 4}

P lanets

The Moon is both inferior and superior, I.e., its

motion is below and above the orbit of the earth; hence
two positions.
Planetary positions are considered from Earth ,to
Saturn anu then Mercury onwards, and numbers have been
allotted serially I to 7. For luminaries, the Sun. the
inferior Moon and the superior Moon, numbers allotted
serially are 1,2, and 3 as a different group.
It should be particularly noted, though planetary
numbers are 6 and 7 for Mercury and Venus assigned
afkr Saturn, they are in ascending order from the Sun
indicating that our ancient authorities on Vimsollari Vasa
had clear idea of the planets' proximity to the SUIl.

The following diagram gives a total picture of Dasa

period in Vimsollari Dasa :



. HOwlO

Since Rahu and Kethu are nodes of the Moon, again

a different formula has to be applied:
[ \2



Pla nets Kethu

SI. No.


Formula x 3+4=7

x 3+ 4..... 10 x2+ 4* = IO x 3+ 6t
= 18 yr.

i.e. Sun * Moon

( 1+ 2) x 3

(I + 2) x2

=3+6 .t

=2 + 4*

Periods for Asteroid s are not allotted in the Vimsottari

Dl.lsa, the reason being perhaps tha t they a re regarded as
a planet broken into 300 pans approximately with four
hll'ge~t. i.e. Vesta Juno, Ceres, and Pallas. Suppose for
this Ihe above !'ormula is applied, does it solve the ques
lio n iftakcn into account? I request the readers to investigate this problem.
For the planets, beyond Saturn, i.e., Ura nus. Neptune
and Pluto ; applying similar formulae to s uit the modern
age, i.e., allotting numbers from the Sun and Earth inde
pendently, we get ;-


.. -

._ ,
., . _



.1 . . . . . . . _ _


. . _

~ . . . . .. . ..

[ 13 )

.,.. -.

-. -



. .....


Here. please note the total periods for the inferior

Moon and the superior Moon (12 +7= 19 years) coincides
with a metollic cycle, i.e . in every 19 years there are
exactly 23 5 lunations. At the end of every 19 years and
with the Sun and the Moon returning to the same posi
respect to the fixed stars, a ll the
tions with
phases of the Moon will occu r once again on the same
days and months for the next 19 yea rs.
If for the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto the
periods 6,7. and 8 are assigned afrer Saturn and added to
120 years in VimSQlla ri Dasa (120 +75), we get 195 yea rs
""-hich is greater by one metonic cycle (1'5-176) = 19
yea rs.
Fro m above, it is clear that ancient Hindu astronomers. even before Bode had applied his formula. had
developed their own methods as to the period of the
X 3+4 = 22. X 3+ 4=25 X 3 + 4=2 8
= Total 75 years

2. The approach of Mlhira of the Astrological Magazine fame is built upon the premise that when yea rs
allotted to the various planets are added together in
vMious wa ys, they yield interesting results.
interesting these results may be. tbey offer no clue to
solving the mystery o r their origin. (Page 129, January
1966, reproduced for ready reference).
" This question bas been answered in the early issues
of the Astrolog ical Maga zine. Thl!Y are reproduced here
briefly. PlanelS foll ow each other in the orbital order. A
study of th e dingrnm given below will illustrate many
points and harmony and balance are behind the number
of years ascribed.

r 14 I

Saturn rules Capricorn, the 10th sign of the zodiac

which is on the top of the circle. The other planets are
arranged round this circle following the direction of the
signs or constell at ions. That is the dua next to Saturn's
is Mercury's and this is placed next to it on the left. Next
in order comes Kethu and this is placed next and so on for
the rest of the planets. When this arrangement is com pIe
ted, Saturn is opposite to the Sun and the MOn con
sidered as one unit. Rahu comes automatically opposite
to Kethu (180"), Mercury opposite to Jupiter (90") and
Venus opposite Mars (90")
Years of Planets
I . Mercury + Kethu+Venus+Sun+Moon=6{)
Mars+Rahu + Jupiter + Saturn
2. Venus + Sun + Moo n+ Mars+ Rahu
Jupiter +Saturn+Mercu ry+*ethu
The more the said diagram is eX8T1).ined. the more will
it yield results. But all Ihat will be beyond the scope of
tbese columns.
[ IS

3. As indicated by M ihira that furth er re,earch is

possible on the lubject of planetary periods. with the aid
o f the sketch, T. Ram achandran helped himself a bit in
the study, making suitable modifications to the diagram.
But to our mind , he has miserably failed to make o ut the
reasonable case. To a reader it provides nothing. (October
19 70, page 925, reproduced for ready reference).

Draw the hexazonal fi gu re BCOFGH as shown in the

Diagram with A and B as midpoints of the top and
bottom sides HB and FD. Join GS, GO, HF, FC, AE,
BO, HD t and SF. The po int A starts with Kethu , lord of
the asterisms Aswini, Makha and M oola. The point B
represents Venus. lord of Taurus and Libra and constellation Bharani, Poo,rvapholguni and Poorvoshadlw. Point
C denotes the Moon and Sun jointly, the fe rmer owning
Cancer and constel lations Rohini, Hasta and Sro vano, and
tbe latter owning Leo and aster isms Krittika, UttoraphaJguni and Uttaroshadha. Proceeding. in this way, clockwise,
the poi nts D. E, F, G, and H represent the planets in tht
order of Vimsotlari Dora. The natu ral numbers of signl.
owned by the planets are atso given at the respective
points. The 27 stars a re thus completed in eight points

16 )

in the diagram with the sign Cancer and Leo (Point C)

opposing Capricorn and Aquarius (Point G). Of course
Rahu and Kethu oppose each other at po ints E and A.
Tbe Dasa year, of planets are also given at the points.
A number of issues can be deduced from the diagram:
Adding natural numbers of the signs of opposi ng
points :
~ 30
Points G and C, we get 10+ 11 + 4+ 5
Points Band F, we get 2 + 7+ 9 + 12
Poi nts Hand D, we get 3+6 + 1 (i .e. 13) + 8
~ 30
Add ing Dasa years:
Triangle DOB (Mars. Venus and Saturn) 7+ 20 + 19
= 46 years
Triangle FHC (Jupiter, Mercury. the Moon and the
SU1) 16 + 17 + 10 + 6
= 49 years
The sum of the triangular combinations which exclude
Rahu and Kethu work out roughly equal :
Other Combinalions ;
I . Triangle HABC (Mercury, Kethu, Venus, the MOOR
and the sun) 17+ 7+ 10+ 6 =(,0 years.
Triangle DEFG (Mars, Rabu, Jupiter Bnd Saturn)
7+18+16 + 19 = 60 years.
Nou,' It is interesting to note that the triangle DFG
represe nts three superior planets who depend on their
own mean motion for their geocentric posi tion and the
triangle HBC covers inferior planets.
2. Quadrilateral BCDE (Venus, the Moon, the Sun
Mars and Rahu) 20 ~ 10+6 + 1 + 18 = 61 years.
Quadrilateral FGHA (Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and
Kethu) 16 + 19 + 11+ 7= 59 years.
3. Triangle GHAB (Saturn. Mercury. Kethu and
Venus) 19 + 11 + 1+ 20 =1J3 years,
Triangle CDEF (the Moon, the Sun, Mars, Rahu and
Jupiter) 10+ 6 + 1+ 18 + 16=51 years .
[ 17 J

Similar such deductioDs can probably be drawn in an

ullimated and interesting way by furth er resea rch.
It further occurred to me that the natural benefics and
natural ma lefics shou ld have an equal say in the sharing
of the total period of 120 years. I have assumed M ercury
-Benefics. as well associated and the Moon as neutral in
th is analysis.


16 years Benefics
20 years Total 16 + 20 , 17-53 yean

Mercury 17 years


Natural Sun
Male fics: Mars

10 years
6 years Malefics
7 years T otal 6 + 7 + 19 + 18 + 7=
57 years
19 years
18 years
7 years

Ir the total period of 120 years had been equally divi

ded between the nine com peting planets, each will on an
average get J 3 years and 4 months. 1 he three natural
benefics get a sha re larger than thi s average (3 x -I3!40 years) which probably is justified for the reaSOD that
the naluI'al malefics outnumber the natural benefics. Can
we caU this a balancing Signification of life?
One more feature t hat can be pointed out in the
allotment of the Dasa years for the planets is that there
is some order of alternating malefics and benefic element
in the numerical values if the periods are arranged in Ii.
descending "order:
[ 18




18 I
16 I







Benefics and mal efics get interleaved in the above

which see ms again a genui ne purposive design. Incident
ally, the planetary order for the YimJolta ri Dasa follows
neither geocentric nor heliocentric sequence and this point
offers abundant scope for research.
4. The article "Ralionale of Yimsottari" appeared on
page 99, January 1972, where the author says that he has
found the rationale behi nd this system. The author has
mathematically related the num ber of years a lloted to
each of the planets to their e~alta ti on points, the stars in
which they 'occur, etc . That was really an original con
cept and e"planation and it goes to prove that what our
a ncients t hought of could be " th ought of" again. But
the author admits, it is, however, possible that the origi
nator of Vimsottari Dasa might have arrived at these
values by a m =thod ot her than the one adopted here.
(reproduced for ready reference).
Rationale of Vimsottarl
The two operative pa rts of Vimsotttui that cannot be
considered as scientific unless vi ndicated by logica l .
reasoning are the ones relating to (a) Dasa sequence. and

t 19 J

(2) all ot ment of Dasa periods. It is obvious that a trad j

tio nal system tike V;msotfari be necessarily based on

sound astrologica l truth and could not have been

arbitrarily d rawn up. Thererore, a scientific analysis of
the working of the method vi sa-vis the fundament al
princ iples of astro log y should reveal the design of the
scheme sati sfactorily.
Th e most sign ifica nt feature of this system is the place
give n to the Moon . In fact, the Moon is the kingp in or
master of ceremonies under th is schem e. Considering
th at the pur pose of the sys tem is to keep track of t he
changi ng fortunes of man, a fast moving planet like the
Moon could alone keep pace with and indicate m ore
clearly the changing influences. The role of the Moo n
assumes greater im portance und er th is system.
Apart from th e broad division of the Zodiac into
t welve signs, there is another sma ller but more cO"'lpact
divi sions into 27 zones. Su ch II d ivision is marked against
the constcl1at ional backdrop of th e Zodiac. These divisions are iden ti fi ed by the names of the major stars in
each of the constellations. Vim sottari has adopted with
advantage t he 27 star zones, in preference to twelve signs.
The zodiac being a circle. any point therein makes as
good a starting point as the other . However. the Moon
being the ma ste r of ceremonies here, it is but logical that
for purposes of reckoning under this scheme, the beginit
ing should be from the place ind icated by the M oon. This
could naturall y be its exaltati on place. Accordingly
Krirtika is the cho ice and the Sun is allotted its lordship,
being the head of the famil y.
There are five planets, t wo luminaries and two nodes
recognised as Grahas in Hindu Astrology that are capable
of influencing human affai rs . Whilst the Sun takes the
number one position, the protocol with regard to Other

! 20 J

planets needs to be arranged methodically, Prof. B.V.

Raman in his book Hindu Predicfire Ajtrology 1970
edition, page 51) has clearly explained the principles Of:
which such an arrangement is to be based . To quote
from the text: " If we replace the Sun by the Earth, then
we find that the nearest planet to the Earth, viz., the
Moon rules the nearest sign to Leo, viz. , Ca ncer, etc."
The same principle holds good for allocation of star lordships as well. If we replace the Sun by the Earth, we
have, on one side, the satellite Moon and ot her superior
planets, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in order of their proximity to the Earth. Arranged in a similar orde r we have,
on the other side. Venus dose to the Eanh and then
Mercury. The Nodes; Rahu and Kethu , aTe only points
of intersection o n opposite sides. But they are symbo lically recognised as Chaya-Grahos and therefore they are
also to be accommodated under this scheme. On one side
o f the Earth. we have four superior planets. By intersecting this group in the centre we prm ide for the senior
of the Choyo-Grahas-Rahu. among the superior planets.
On the opposite side, Kethu find. a position in the middle
of the two inferior planets. Finally we replace the Earth
by the Sun and we get the ring-formati on as under:


Inferior planets



Venus Moon


Superior planets



Jup. Sat.

Mercury, Kethu , Venus-the Sun-the Moon, Mars.

Rahu, Jupiter Saturn.
( 21

Stat(ina Irom the Sun, who getS' the lordship or

Krillika constellation, the lordship of other constellations
to lollow Irom Krillika are allotted in the same order 01
the formation described above.
As the zodiac is divided into 27 constellatioD ~ , each
constellation extend ing to 13 20' Krirrika to Pubba accommodate nine planets and accordingly constitute one cycle.
As a result we get 120 per cycle. Considering one degree
as equal to one year denoles a period of 120 years.
But to interpret that the 120 year cycle of Vimsottari
represents the maximum term of a human life would
be contrary to astrolog ical principles. The longevity of
man is determined by the quantum of Prarabdlla
Karma . Since thert is no ceiliDg on Karma as such, t here
can be none on human longevity either. It can be observed that Vim w lfari Dasa sequence mechanism can account
for noy length. of life, as Dasa periods follows one another
in a set of sequence repeating them selves any number of
Other things heing equal, the Dasa period of each
planet should have been equivalent to I r 20' in terms of
years, by virtue of lordship (If constellation in the cycle.
However, this value gets altered depending upon the
posi tion of the constellation in the Zodiacal setup.
Except the Nodes who have no body, the othe.r five
planc:ts and two luminaries have their places of exaltation in the Zodiae. So long as their exaltation point
happens to be in thei r own constellation, it would not
materially affect. But when a planet gds exalted in the
constellation of luminary. it will absorb half of tbe brighto.:ss of the luminary. Whereas a planet being less bright
than a luminary would part with only a quarter of its
br ightness when another planet gets exalted in its constellation. Therefore the net value of each of the planets


needs to be worked out accordingly. The Nodes can

nei ther affect nor gu affected because of their invisi ble
body. But Rahu constitl.lting the body and head accoun t~
for the vall.le of Kethu also. Since neither of a ny independent status they are bracketed with Saturn and Mars
respectively with whom they share equa :ly.
Con ~ idering the equiva lent of 13 20' as the base-value
of each planet, we ca n now arrive at the net va lues mathematically. When we obt ain fra ctio ns, only round figure s
a re con sidered and the fractio n is ca rried over to the nex t
stage, so that by the time we reach t he last stage, no
fraction rem ai ns.
Starting with the SUI1, we find th at the Sun gets exalted
in Asw ini, the lord of whi<:b is Keth u . a Node . Therefore
this will not a ffect the basic value of the Sun in any way.
But the Moon gets exa lted in Kriftika, the lord of which is
the Sun . Being a lu mi na ry, tbe Su n parts with half of
value in fa vour of the Moon.
I. The Sun
Basic Value
Exaltation Aswini-Kethu
therefore receives
Exaltation in Kriuika
gives to the Moon








Net value
F raction ca rried over

2. The Moon
Basic value
Receives from the Sun
(Krittika ex.altation)




- - ---(23


Given to Mercury ( Hasta

Fraction carried over

3. Mars
Basic value
Receives (Dhanista exaltation)
Gives (no p lanets e xalts)








- - -- - 14

K ethu bracketed comb ined



-00-- - -007

contribution- - shared equally

4. Jupiter
Basic Value
Receives from Saturn (quarter),
(exalts in Pushya)





- -- - - -

G ives (no p lanet exalts)


Net value



Fraction carried over


- -- - -



Basic Va lue
Receives (Rahu exalts in Swathi) NIL


G iven to Jupiter (e xaltatio n in


Rahu bracketed, Basic value of 10






- -- - - 40

- -- - - -

Net combined value


[ 24 J


Fraction ca rricd OVcr

By spl itting the combincd value
of 37 units bctwee n Saturn and
Rahu a remainder of I will be
left after giv ing 18 units to
each. Thc remaind er is awarded t o Saturn by virtue of his
being a planet against a node


6. M ercury
Basic value
Received from the Moon (exalts 10
ill Hasta)


Given to Venus (quarter) Exalts 5
-----in Revati
Net value


Fraction carried over to Venus

7. Venus
Basic value
Receivcs from Mercury (exalts
in Revati)
No planets exalts
Net value









In this analysis, a logical explanation could be found

in respect of Dasa-seq uence as well as allotment of Dasa
periods, which had hitherto been considered inexpl icable.
It is, however, possible that the originator of Vimwllar;
Dasa might have arrived at t hese values by a meth od
other than the one ad opted here. The subject of astrology
being versatile, it casily lends itself to varied adoptations
without destortion of basic truths. The purpose of th is
[ 25 )

c~crc i s e

is t o prove that the traditional astrol02icai

are based on sound and scientific principles and
are not gimmicks.
As obse rved earlier. the Moon is the mast er of cere
monies here. It is therefore logical to infer that the Time
Measure adopted under this system should be by Lunar
recko ning, the units bei ng Thithi, Nakshatras, Paksha,
Masa and Sanll'a/sara etc. It is therefore very i",portant
to use rectifical fa ctor, should any other Time Measure
be appli ed for the sake of convenience.
5, M .S. Sitharam ia h, in his art iclc ""'Dimensions of
A .~trological Research-IV" page 493, J une 1 74 provided
other explanations. He states: Once we accept the pr inciple
that every rule in ancient astrology is based on reason,
we could confidently se arch for thi s reason. (reprod uced
fo r ready refc:rence).
" T here could be othe r expla nat ions as well : why is the
t iny Mercury treatcd equal t o the colossal planet Saturn
(17 yea r and 19 year Dasa respectivel.x) ?
The seque nce of Vimsottari Dasa is another point of
discussion in Astrological M aga:i"e. But. I find a reasonab lc explanation in that they foll ow a pattern according
to the ir orbi ts but link ed in a circle. Thi s may require
some expla nation. If one draws a line after the Moon
a nd arranges the Dasas on their side , the total s are equal:
M ercury
Venu s
M oon
T otal 60 years
T otal 60 years
The dividing line. I feel, is in the Ean h or wh ich the
Moon is a satell ite. I n other words, where the M oon is,
there lies the Earth .
~ys t e m s

[ 26 1

The next interesting po int is the cycle of Vimsouari.

Why \'ere they arranged in that order, and linked in a
circle to be continuous. I have tried to project this in the
form of a diagram below:









A careful look at the diagram above will show that

from the Sun, it takes a cl ockwise direction. but the
pla nets are arranged in exactly oppos ite of what they
are in the houses acco rding to the South Ind ian Sq >lare
KU/ldali . If the Sun is removed from the ci rcle, we
notice that the sequence is Mercu ry. Venus- Moon( Eartn)_
Mars.Jupiter-Saturn with Kethu interposed after Mercury
and Rahu aft er Mars. If one' forg ets for a moment Kethu
and Rahu, th e rest of the planets fall in their respect ive
orbits round the Sun.
Th is explanati on al so shows that the Earth (proxy
heing the Mood) has been located in the correct place .
So the oft repeated accusa tion that Hindu took the eart h
as stationary a nd the Sun as revolvin j round it 'seem to be
unwarranted . Presum ably. they gave the M oon wh ich
[ 271

attracted water on the earth all the earth's attributes as

we ll. In fact the Moon is the greater disturber of earth's
seasons and orbit than the Sun.
6. The article "On origin of 'he Vimso(fari Dasa,"
appeared on page 5 1, of the 1976 Annual Number, we
were happy to see the head ing , as the author also says
that he has found the rational.: beh ind this system. On
going through it, we were shocked at the exercise in
unrealities and illogical formulat ions. Table III is the
bra in child of his imagination, which makes no sense to the
reader. This approach is full of complicated artificially .
Instead ef explaining th e ratiollale behind th is Table
1111, the author takes protection with the rema rks: "A
detaileli rel'iew of ,hese considerations is IInfortllnately
II ot po.uible in an article of this kind anti the aulilor is
perforce obliged to produce helow only the ultimate CO Ilc1usions of all the re/erollt factors."
Such articles will only do more harm than good to
the cause of Astrology. It is not worth to write any
mo re about it or to reproduce any part of it .
7. Many questions have been asked from time to
time in the columns "Your Scientific Difficulties So/red ",
Th e Astrological Magazin e but Millira had no answer for
them :
I. Q3, page 717, August 1962: The auth or is not
kn o ....n. Parosara is the fir st known auth or . of a
work containing details about this system .
Presumably even before Parasara, this system.
was practised. Probably because Vimsollari
gives better results.
2. Q I I, page 398, April 1965: It is not know n.
3. N. V. Shastri, in his article "Some Obsen'ations
on Sa/uTll's Dasa." September 1965, page 807
obse rves: " It is Dot know n how ancients fi xed
[ 28

J9 the total duration for the dasa .

fe el number 19 is ruled by the Sun, and Saturn is
the son of the Sun."
8. Yet another solu ti on is offered by Dr. V.G . Rele
in his book entitled "The Dm!('fivno/ Astrolog)' of
Hindus". This theory is based on t wo primary consid erations. The author in th is exposition of Vi,lIso /luri Dasa
tried to explain as besl as he could how the periods and
lords came to be a ~ ign ed to the planets and why a
certain ord er was foll owed.
9. From a sc ientific point of view, we cannot say
with any soct of defin iteness, upon what basis each planet
is allotted a certain number or yea rs as its term of Dasa.
But in actual practice the Dasa System yield s very satisfactory results-Dr . B. V. Raman, Hindu Predh'tiw!
As long as we arc ignorant of the basis of Dasas, we
cannot condem n them as clumsy and unreliable. It is
ignorance as to their origin that perhaps makes people
scept ic in accepting this system as reliable. If that is
removed, they will have very little to say aga inst it.

I 29 I


Ramesh Cha ndra Sharma, The Astrological Magazine,

October 1957, page 845; K . Krishna Iyer, The AJitrologiea! Magaz ine. March 1966, page 325 ; and D. R .
Suhramani :l n. The As/rolvgicol Magazine, Fe bruary 1972,
page 2 10 are of the view :I . Vlnlsotlari Daso gives good results for o nly those
born during the night with the Moon strong in a Nocturn:ll Rasi.
2. Vim sotlOri Dasu is to be applied for those boro in
Sun's Hora in the dark fortn ight and for those born in
Moon' s Hora in the br ight fortnight ,
3. SilutlUJu{/(Iri ~hould be used for those burn in the
Sun 's Hora in the br ight f ort night and the Moon's Hora
in tht' dark fonnigh t.
To this K. Ganapathy Iyer, A.molagieal Mugazine ,
October 1954, page 724 replies as under :P. Ramachandra Sharma Goad requests the astrologl!rs to make usc of two methods of Vill/sotlari Duso,
Till' Astrological Maga::il"'. April 1954. page 327. i.e.
(I) Krithikadi if the bi rth fulls in Krishna Pl1ksha and the
Lagnn be in Sun's Hora , and in the SII/Iklu Pakslw
and Lagna falls in M oon's Hora, tlnd (2) Aridl'tldi, if the
bi rth fall s in Krishna Poh/Ill and the Lag na in 1\'l oon's
Hora, and in Shukla Paksh a and the Lagna in Sun's
Hora. I wish to ma ke the following observations :
Sage Pcrasura mentions a number of DasaJ like: Sage

[ 30 1

Jaim in; and the pride of place is giv!: n to Vill/SO flari

Krit hikadi only and th i~ system is foll ow!:d by all Hindu
Astrologers fr o m olden times. It gives sat isfactory results
and this is accepted by eminent astrologus li ke Or. B. V.
Raman and others. The Dasa at birth is ind icated and

calculated by the constellation occupied by the M oon

irrespective of the birth falling in Sh ukla or Krishna
Pabha and the Lagna falling in Sun 's Hora or Moon 's
The Nadi writers in their excellent Nodi works madc
use of Vimsoltari Krithika(/i.
In conclusion. J beg to state that unless and until the
whole Parosara Hora is translated and mnde available to
us with su itab le Key-Book to it by some experienced and
talented astrologers. it is better for us 10 fo llow Vimsortari
Krithikadi which has gained the suppOrt of and been
followed by eminent astrologers and Natli writers.
There was a qu estion No.4, p:lge 323, M:l rch 1963,
Astrological Magazille, on the subject to which Mihira
Q . Two different meth ods are given for calculating
Yimsottari (\) In October 1957, pa. e 845, Pt . Ramesha
Chandra Sharm a says th at Ihe Das a begins from Krirtika
if Lagna is in Sun's Hora in Krish,:a Paksha (da rkness)
and M oon's Hora in Shukla Pakslw (lightness) ; otherwiSe it begins from Arh/ro (2) Beg ins fr om Krittika in all
cases which is correct ?
A . We eannot say . The latter is one almost universally adopted and is ge nerally found to be correct in
the resuhs.
We have no comments to make o n the subject as our
research is limited so far. The readers will do good to
put this school on test :lnd come to thei T o wn conclusions.

[31 )


When one takes to the study of Hindu Astrology, he

is to seek guidance from tbe ancient classical texts and
fr om the valuable writings of learned authors based on
their pcrson3.l learn ings and experiences. When we took
to the studies of H indu Astrology, we were confronted
with many problem~. One is of Time Factor-"Year"
I. Many questions have been asked fr om time to
time in the col umns " Your Scientific Difficulties Solved,"
of the Astrological Magazine , about the time factoryear' in VimSultDr; Dosa, but the answers have been more
of a co nfusion than of solution. Some of them are as
under :
I. F or Dasas or planetary peri ods, does year mean
360 days or 365 days- Januaty 1955, page 131 :
A. This question has been answered several times,
For purposes of dasa, one year means 365 days. If Sun's
dasa begins. say on ). 111954, it lasts till 110-1960. If
this rule is followed,. there is no difficulty.
2. Does one year of dasa constitute 365 or 360 days?
The total of o/lfli ra dasa comes to only 360 days. How
is the difference of 5 days to be dealt with. January
1956. page 149.
A. The periods giyen for Onthra dasa total only 360
days for fa ci lity calculation. But if the corresponding
calendar date is tahn, it will work 365 days .
3. As per books, the Dasas and Bhu/:>Iis are eateu


lated as 360 days per year. What is the procedure for

calculating the difference of 5 or 6 da ys per yea r-Jul y
1956, page 565.
A. Only the duration of sub periods is calculated at
31)0 days per year for facilit y of calculation. The year
always advances at the rate of 365 days per year. This
will not effect if the co rrespondi ng calendar dates are
taken for actu ~ 1 reckoning, e.g.
Saturn's D asa will be over

Mercury's Dasa will be over


and so on.
4. It is stnted that the Mollodasa periods under
Vimsottari Dasa relate to 360 days each wh ile the normal
year is 365. 25 days. Ta ke the case of a person who
sta rts with a balance of Venus Dasa 14 yea rs 5 mo nths
and 11 days on 12-9-1901: Wha t will be the Dasa Bhukti
now? August 1956. page 631.
A. No doubt there is difference of view as to wh ich
year is to .be adopted for ftari Dasa. But Pha/adeepika is the a uthority th at it s hould be only a yea r
of 365 dnys .
.5. When calc ul at ing ba l anc~ of da sa periods, a
month is taken 30 days and year 360 days . Actuall y it
is 365 days. Which to take 360 or 36.5 days.' Januury
1962, page 560.
A. The y~ar for Dasa is the Sola r Year o f 365 days.
The year of 360 days does not exist in reality . Suppose
the birth date i~ 1-1-1941, and 20 yea rs of Venus at birth.
the Sun's da sa begins on 1-1-1961. Are not 20 years of

[ 33-1

365 days each incfuded in.

6. In the calculation of Vimsotlari, what is the value
fo r one year - 360 days or 365 days. October 1963,
pllge 873 .
A. Phaladeepika is authority fo r the statement that
one Solar Year (365, days) is the year to be taken for
Vimsottari calculation s.
7. If the years of Udu Daso are of 365 days, each
bhukti must have some ghotis more, but no bhukti is like
thrlt. They are 0-6-0, 0-3-18, etc . What about 51 days.
July 1964, page 623 .
A. As t he yea rs, months and days are uniforml y
connected with calendar months and da ys, llctually this
difTen::nce will be abso rbed in the calculation of each
year, e.g., suppose birth is 1-1-1900. and there is a
balance of 5y 3m 18 days in Sun's dasa :
Sun's Dasa
Moon 's Dasa 15y
Mar's Oasa
and so on.
Simila rly bhukti also:
Sun's Dasa
Moon /Moon 0

18 d
18 d



18 d


- - - -- ---


Moon/ Ra hu



18 d




18 d




18 d

---- ---- -_._._------.-

19) 1908

and so on
8. For Vimsotlori and Ashtollori, is the year to be
reckoned as 360 days o r 365 days. Janua ry 1966. pale 127.
[ )4

A. It has been answered in these columns times out

of number that there is the authority of Phaladeepika for
the year to be taken as of 365 days vide Chapter XIX,
Verse 4 : "Note the exact position of the Sun in the
zodiac at the time of birth. When the Sun is in next
round arrives at the same position, it is considered as
one Solar Year which is also the year taken for Udu
Dasa System . By sub-dividing the same, days also
9. Is it necessary to subtract 5.114 da ys per year in
determining the dasa period 1 December 1967 page 1141.
A. No, the question has already been answered
several times in these columns with authority quoted.
10, Whether 360 or 365 days are to be taken as one
year for Udu Dasa calculations, July 1971. page 724.
A. Bhaltotpala in his commentary on Brillat Jataka
quotes Rishi Gargi's dictum that the Savana measure of
360 days alone should be u!ed in the matter of Ayurdaya,
Prayaschilta, etc. In his own gloss on the above,
Bhattotpala uneq uivlcally declares that Sa~al/a measure
shou ld -be used in Dasa-phala calculations. Tradition
and experience support to th is usage.
!J . Vimsottari Dasa is calculated on the bas is of
Sa~ana Masa System. i.e. 30 days a mont h. But generally
it is being calculated on English Ci:llend:t r months. o r
Sowrantana System or Chandramana System.
Any of
the system bave an addition 51 days approximately, If
this is followed. there will be difference in DasalBhukti
invariably. So please clarify the same. September 1972.
page 863.
A. This question has been decided fo r us by the
Rishis, In his commentary on Brillat lataka in the
Dasa-Antardasa Adhyaya, Bhauolpala quotes Rishi
Gargi that: "in tbe matter of Ayurdaya, Prayaschita,

{ 3l]

Sat/ra Yoga, etc., the Savana measure alone should be

used." Commenting on tbis quotation, Bhattotpala
explains," the days, etc. of Da J(J should be calculated by
Savana calculations." I think it is a mere academic
question .
12. Some astrologers hold that in calculating the
correct time of Mahodasa/ BlllIkti under Vimsottari system,
the difference in days due to ~olar and lunar years must be
deducted. For example, if a native has reached 20 years of
age, we should deduct 20x 5= 100 days. This will make a
great difference in calculating the Dasas etc. Please clarify
the right method and if deduction (any) is necessary
for calculating Dasa fBllUkli; October 1975, page 794.
A. This problem has been wIved for by the Rishis
Rishi Gargi says-Bhalfotpala
in his
commentary of Brihal Jalaka says-Here they advocate
the Saval/o rate of 360 days only for purposes of Dasa
My experience fully supports this practice.
NOTE :. The readers will ~bserve that Mihira supported 365 days a year before 1971 and afterwards he made improvements in his observations. Now he believes in 360 days a year.
II. Astrological Magazille is fuJI of "Letters to th~
Editor" which carryon lengthy debates about which
rule or which ancient sage should be accepted. Some of
them are reproduced to assist the readers to compare
their results with their own ob3ervations :
1. UOU DASA SYSTEM by Jyothirbushanam T.
Rajam, Thiruvaiyaru. April 1955, page 374.
I have seen various astrologers calculate the dasa
system (Udu Dasa) in different ways (I) Chandramana (2)
Sal'anamana (3) SOl/ramona etc. Neither Parasara nor
any author who followed him have stated in any of
their works to what category of the above mana (measure

{ 36]

these Udu nasa years pertain.

I have seen in the book Nodi Jyolislla by Meella
that in calculating the Ayurdaya of an individual at the
rate of 21,600 breaths for a day, he has reckoned the
life to be 120 years contributed by the nine planets I.e.
93,31. 20.000 breaths as shown here:

21, 600 x 360 x 6 = 4, 66,56,000

21, 600 x 360 x 10= 7. 77,60,000
21, 6oo x 360 x 7 = 5. 44,32 .000
21 , 600 x 360 x 18 = 13, 99,68,000
21 , 6OO x 360xI6 = J2, 44,16,000
21, 600 x 360 x 19= 14, 77. 44,000
21, 600x360x 17 = 13,21,92,000
21, 600 x 360x7 = 5, 44,32,000
21, 600 x 360 x 20=15, 55, 20,000
120- 93 , 31,20,000

From the above it is seen that he calculated the life

period contributed by the planets at the rate of 360 days
only for a year. This is Savallamalla
On a reference to V.G. Rele's Directional Astrology of
the Hindus as propounded ill Vimsotlari Dasa," one would
see that in his attempt to fix the basis on which the planetary periods have been arrived at, he says all page 27, "So
while taking out the actual geocentric places of planets,
we have to calculate them for the 360tb day, i. e. one civil
or SaJ'ana 'year',
From these references it is evident that the years
assigned to the planets are Savamana, Le. 360 days a
Against this, Mantheswara, in bis Plraladeepik a Adhyaya
[ 37

19, 5/. 4 stales: Ihat when the Sun arrives at the same
position as at birth, th is is one Sourmalla year, that is
otherwise called Udu Dasa Year which is 365 days, 15
ghatika, etc.
Taking an illustraiion, say, for a birth which occurred
on 28th December 1954, according to Chf1ndra sphuta,
the balance of Challdra dasa is 2 years and 6 months and
we shall work out, when his Kuja dasa commences.
If the Phaladupika systetn is accepted, one has to
add to the date of ' birth, the balance of the dasa
years, and also add 10 the date so arrived at, the
difference between Savanamalla and Souramalla i.e.
l3 days etc.
The more appropriate system, I think would be to
convert the balance of the to days at 360, reduce
these days to calendar days, months, years, elc. and add
it to the date of birth.
I shall be obliged if you or any of your valued contributors would give a correct lead in the matter, so as to
enable the va rious astro logers to follow the correcl
2. K. Krishna Iyer, Sambavarvadakara, September
1958, page 844 observes:
"According to Phaladeepika, the yea r means the Solar
Year and so there is no need of deducting 5 days per
!'ear for Nakshatra Dasa. Also as results o f one dasa
natha and another overlap each other and also as there is
such a variety of Ayanamsa adopted by many astrologers,
I do not think, there is any need to be so accurate as
regards the beginning of Dasa and Bhuktis for the
present till the question of Ayanamsa is finally settled.
3. M.F. Wickremsinghe, Colombo, August 1961.
page 708 observes:
"I have always found the balance of dasa correct and
[ 38

the events fitting into Dasa, AI/lar-Dasas, an d evert

Anlnr-Anlar-Dasa. if the balance of period is calculated
on the Poona basis and a dam-)ea r tC'ckonC'd as 360 days
lind nol 365i days. No body knows the correct Ayanamsa but experience alone will prove that the Poon a
basis at 360 days to a Dasa-yea r is the nea rest to the
tru th.
4. V.K.S. Prakasa Rao, Vizagapata m. April 1968, page
412. observes:
" Whatever may be the Ayollamsa, according to Udu
Dasa, the results that appe.. r are not completely uniform.
If I take one yea r=360 days o nly fo r Udu -Dasa
and apply correction to Mr. Lahiri's value I found the
events are correctly ti med ."
5. K .V, Venkataramanan, Erode. Janua ry 1974. page
121 observes:
H ira Guljarani in his article on the above subject in'
The Astrological M agazine, of October 19 73. seems to
think that the year of 360 days adopted in Jlimsottari
Dosa of Hindu Astrology is not correct and recommends
the use of English Calendar year o f 365 days. I disagree
with his theory which is against the spirit . practice and
rational of Vedic astrol ogy.
Al.:cording to Mahabharto . ViI'al Parva. Chaple r 52.
when Arjulla revealed his identity afte r t he completion of
13 years' exile. Duryodhano raised a technical objection
that he had not comp leted full 13 years basi ng his
ca lculation on the Solar yea r of 3651 days. But Bheeshma
over-ruled the o bjection. saying that Arjllna co mpleted
full 13 }ears as per lunar year of 360 days. It clearly
shows that Hindu Sastras recogni sed only lunar year of
360 days for Civil aud legal purposes_
Further. the
zodiac is div ided into 360 degrees as per lunar year of
360 d ays.

[ 39

"If the results of Dasa Bhukti d iffer among astrologers. it is due to various values of Ayanamsa adopted
by astrologer:> according to thei r pet theories. "
6. M. S. Sitara miah . Bombay , June 1974, page 506
" Hira Gulrajani, in his above captioned article
published in your October 1973, issue has given a new
calculation of funn ing Dasa different from the long followed practice thus causing confusion to many like me.
All" tbe astrologers wnom (nave consulted over a peri od
of 50 years have been calculating the Dasa / Bhukti periods
by simple additio n of days, months and years as the
case may be. On this basis only I have followed the
predictions, which would be sometimes true sometimes
false .
According to Gulrajani we have to deduct on an
average 'of 5 days after every year of age with an extra
deduction of 5 days every 20 years for the difference on
account of Leap years. In my case, as per the calculations
so far followed my Kethu Bhukt; in Saturn Mahadasa
ended on 12-3-1974. whereas according to Gulraj ani's
theory Venus Bhukti will have begun already. Will this
mean that all the astrologers who have guided me all
along were wrong 1 You will no doubt agree with me
that such startling statements create do ubts in th e min4
of people about the exactness of astrology.
Co uld the learned Editor and other astrological
pundits kindly clear thIS confusion and explain what should
be the correct method."
7. K. B. ChouguJe, Aurnal. October 1974, page 795
.. I am writing about Hindu months and their drects
on finding correct Dasas. H indu months are based on the
Mooo's rotation . Every year consists of twelve lunar

[40 1

months. Sut there are additional months too. this year

there is additional Bhadrapada . This kind of additional
month occurs every third year.
So th is makes for a
difference in finding Dasa. But if we deduct these
addition months we can get correct Dasos ert:. It is
bette r to take into account the Hindu months and years
rather than English years. Suppose a person was born
on July 5. 1954. we should consider it Ashadho Protipod
of IS56 for Dosa reading. This gives correct pUlod of
Dasa and Antar-dasa, Please give me your opinion and
8. M.R. Nanda Gopa\, Astrological M agazine. June
1972, page 589. adds another d imension to this complex
problem on Calculating Running Dasa. His observations
" A year is de6ned in different ways depending on the
different planet or star taken as reference. We have the
solar year with 365l days, the lunar with 354 days.
Sovanamano 360 days, Sidereal year with 324 days and
Barhaspathyo or Jovian year with 361 days. Mostly, the
English Calendar is adopted for time and date. Even
here there is a differing number of days in a month and
once in 4 years, there is a leap yea r. Then again in 400
years there is no leap year. All these give rise to small
differences in the timing of events.
The Dasa correction becomes necessary because the
English calendar has 365 days. Udu Dosa system folluws
a sidereal year as it is a stellar dOlo system . A stellar
month is equal to the number of days the Moon takes to
travel from Alwin; to Revati. A stellar yea r is tbus
twelve times the stellar month and the number of days
in a stellar year is 324. There is thus a difference of 41
days. The balance of Dtua is calculated only on a
position of the star at the time of birth and thus the


correction of 41 days a year would have to be applied

only to the birth time Dasa. The 4\ day correction
is mostly calculated on th e expired portion of the
Dasa and the correction is added to the balance of Dasa
at birth and the other Dasas follows."
ru. The invention of this system is attributed by the
Hindus to the sage of Parsara, whose writings are considered as the main source of all Hindu astrology. Parsara
is in some ways like Western astrology's own Plolemymore abused than used-and there is even some doubt
as to whether his work was authorised by him or was a
compilation of current practice written tInder the name
of the great man many years after his death. Some of
the afticles appeared on the subject in the Astrological
MagaziM are as under:
Gulrajani, October 1973, page 931.
The finding out of the balance of a Mahadasa Period
at birth from the Moon's traverse in a particular constellation under Vimsottari, A.shlottad or for that matter
under any Dasa system stands quite well explained and
needs no further clarification. There after the subsequent
Mahadasa, Bhukfi, and/or Antara periods of concerned
planets under the respective Dasa system are being added
upto the date of birth for finding out the Dasa / Bhukri
period to predict events.
The periods of planets given in astrological works are
rated at 30 days a month (360 days for a year of 12
months) whereas the English calendar year contains 365
days a year, with on,: day more in a leap year once every
four years. The anomal y appears ' where periods of
respective planets are being added upto the date of birth
according to the English calendar, as is being usually
done. This means, rough ly for every six years, we get
[ 42

the runn ing Dasa period one month ahead or actual

period. For instance, when we wish to find out as per
usual practice, the commencemen t of Mercury Bhukti
of Sa turn Mahad(Jsa under Vimsollari system c~mmenclng
his Saturn Mahadasa from 1-1-\971, what we do is,
Add 03-00-03
of Saturn Bhukti
to 1. 1.1971
of Saturn Dasa commencement
and obtain 4-1-1974 as commencement of Mercury
But if we follow exactly the English calendar year, we
would have to add to 3-0-3 years as 360 days x 3 years =
1080 d ays, plus 3 days = a total of 1083 days.
We obtai n days according to English calendar as
From \- 1-\971 Saturn Mahadasa com mences
1-1 -1972 Add 365 days of 1971
1 1-19 73 Add 366 days of 1972 ,Leap Ye:lr)
1812-1973 Add 352 days of 1973
i.e. From BH2- 1973
Add 1083 days total. commences Mercury Bhukti
Therefore, the difference between the usua l practice
and according to the English Calendar comes to exactly
16 days (i.e. 19-1 2-1 973 instead of 4-1-19 74) which accounts
for a difference of S days per year for 3 years plus one
day difference of the leap yea r. This difference is obtai ned
only for one Rhllkri. One can imagine the difference
caused in an entire Mahadasa .
Whi le Ihis inconsistency is not likely to bring about
much of a difference in Mahadasa or Bhukti periods, it
is bound to produce qu ile a difference in finding out
the precise Antara periods. duration of which is quite
short as compared to Mahada$a and Bhukli periods.
Secondly, this difference would assume quite a majo r
proportion depending upo n the advancement of age for
[ 43

individual horoscopes. For instance, with roughly a

difference 5 days per year of age; the difference for an
individual aged 45 years would come to 45 x 5 days.::>
225 days + Ildays of leap years""" 236 days = 7 months
and 26 days , which in the Dasa of planets like the Sun
and Mars under Vimsottari would bring about a
difference even in Bhukti periods as well, not to mention
the difference in Antara periods. Consequently, the
predictions blSed on periods so inacurate arc bound to
produce many misgivings and apprehensions.
It would be very laborious indeed and almost impracticable to actually trace and follow the English calendar
years to find out the precise running Dasa periods. Therefore suffice if we deduct on an average 5 days after
every year of age with an extra deduction of 5 days more
every 20 years for the difference on account of leap
From my personal experience of scrutiny and verification of numerous horoscopes, I have found the results
of planets yet to rule being obtained in advance when
the running Daso period is usually found out. But by
following the English calendar I have obtained accuracy
in both verifying past events and predicting events to
Although such an adj ustment of 5 days per year of
age helps quite a bit in most cases, we cannot and Plust
not conclude it at the final word since, more often than
not, the balance period of Dasa at birth is in it,elf
questionable due to inaccurate time of birth etc."
DASA by H . R . Shanka r. January 1974, page 93:
" In an article appearing in the October 1973 issue of
this esteemed magazine Hira Gulrajani has raised some
serious doubts on the advisability of timina events guided

[ 1

by Vim$otlari Dasa/Bhuktls in the manner in which is

presently in \'ogue. He contends that there is an inherent
naw in the method of ca lcu lation and the results thus
obtained a re an anomaly. According to him there would
be cumulative difference by as much as, one month ror
every 6 yea rs of age of the native between the indicated
operative period under Vimsottari and th at of what he
terms as actual period . rr we are to go with him in his
line of thinking ; it would turn Ou t that a native may
have to celebrate his 72 birthday even while he has yet
10 complete his 7 1st year urlder Vim$o ltari reckoning.
T he seed of this co nfusion lie~ apparen tly in th e notion of
the contribu tor is that "The period of plane ts given in
astrological works are rilled at 30 days a month (360 days
for a year of 12 months), etc." Nothing could be more
absurd th an projecting. as it does, the authors of astro
logical work s as so naive and thoroughly lacking in
sense of time measure that they conceived a caledar with
360 days 10 a yea r that is untenable astronomically and
illsui ted for religious and ~ven civil purposes, let alone
for tim ing events. Whereas, actually, the same sages
who have codified for us the astro logical truths were also
giants in the field of astronomy and have to their credit
o f evol ving systems to compute with fine accuracy the
age of the Earth even.
The basis of all our time measure i .. the period of our
world's rotation on her axis. defined as our d ay. Solar
days and years afe marked by the consequent apparent
motion of the Sun while the Moon's d rcuit relative to'
the Sun marks the lunar month . All ca lendars extant
nre mere adoptions of one of these two 1 systems.
VimSO(fQr; being basicall y a stellar method, it is logical
to conclud: dllt the reference therein is to luna r m~nths
and thithis.
[ 45 )

The synodic period o f the Moo n is the basis for lunar

calend a r. Here the recko ning is done from the day following the New Moon ending with the next Ncw Ml)on.
The period named as Masa or luner month is d ivided
In to thirty equal thUMs. A ,hilhi is based on elonga tion
of the Moo n from the SUII and ma rked by the perio d
taken by the Moon to cover a s~gm~nl of [2 ' of an a rc
of the zodiac, each mu lt iple of 12 as the d ifference in
longitude marking the end of a lhilhi. Thi! lhi/his are
numbered Shukla (bright) I 10 S/lIIkfo! 5 during the waxing
Moon and Krish'la (dark) I I.) Kri., /IIIO 15 during the
wan ing Moon respel.:lively. Th e lun e r months are named
after correspo nding solar m onth s in wh ich the initial New
Moon falls . T welve lunar mo nths ma ke one SamroJ/sara,
each Saln l'a/sara bearing a sp~ cjfic name commencing
from Prabhava ending with Akshaya completing a cycle
of 60 years, Vilnmllari cycle of 120 y.:ars correspo nds
to two of luna r- year cycles.
The duration of a mean IhilIJi being equivalent 10 0.98
of a day, there wi ll be an excess of 10.7!8 days in a sola r
year over twelve months. This difference is perio dically
reconciled by the introduction of "Adhik a" Masa in tbe
lunar cale ndar. When two new moon-ending
luna r
months begin wi lhin the same sola r mo nth , then the
second month is termed as Sudha or rea! and the first
one is Atlhika bearing the same na me. Th is, incidenta lly,
resu lts in Ihe first day of the lunar yea r alwa y~ fa lling
between March 14 and April 13114 of English calenda r .
In othe r words, the age reckoned unde r lunar calendar
wou ld not be different from that o f counting fro m English
calender except for a marginal difference of few d ays,
plus or minus.
While the method described in as tro lo~ica l work s fo r
calculation of Dasa and Bhuklis is in un its of Thilhi, Masa

[ 46]

nnd Saml'al.mra (as being pr~ cti sed by the lTaditio na!
scholars belonging to old schoo!) t he purpose would be
equally served even by the d ircct application under English ca lendar. Astrological prt dlcti ons being indicative
rather than deterministic. a difft rence of few days in timing cven ts would not substantially d istorlthe predicti on .
For those connoisseurs who wish to delve into sookshma
division, the detailed wo rking need ne ces~lr ily he linked
wit h the phase and movement of the Moon.
One would, however, he working as a very sli ppery
ground in tryi ng to align ope rative p! <lnct:lry pe riods
with correspond ing evcnts. Invariably, more than o ne
astrological contr ibutory f<lctor would be invoh'ed in
br inging abou t an even t. To identi fy onl y o ne force. t6
the t xcl usio n of other planetary forces. wi th unerring
accura cy, as the prin cipal con tributor is more a game
of guess tl1>1n :L nalysi s. Iking confronted with the Ayal1amsa riddle most of the :ls trologer~ resort to th is method
of stretchin g <J nd pruning the operative period to accomodate past even ts nnd then take off fro m th at point.
Though th is method is widely used. individual expe rience
and talen ts alone arc the decisiv( fa ctor when it ac tua lly
This inevitably brings us to the core of the problem.
How to muke certain that the balance Dasa period arrived
at fo r the time o f birth .is th e correct projectio n of t he
horoscopic pattern of even ts? There need to be a drill or
exercise to check that Vill/sollar; mechanism is positioned
correctly before it is set to work.
With this in view, I am putting forth a working theo ry.
The main theme of Vimsottari and of predict ive aHrology
is that a planet fulfil s its promi ~as ind ica ted in t he horoscope during its operative period . In order to fi x the operative period it is necessary to correlate, indubita bly, the
, 47 )

evenl wIth a specific pl anet. The event in a man's life

that has universa l character is either birth or death . For
obvious reasons birth is the only evo:nt we ;:an consider
for our astrological study ill this context. According to
dictum of astro logy, at {he time of birth, the operative
period need necess.<lrily be of a pl anet directly associated
with the native's birth . If we a re to be guided by astrologica l classics, the bir!h and the nature of birth arc to
be judged from the Moon and the Dwadasamsa position
of the Moon. By stretching th is clue. we may, surmise
that the operative period-meaning the AntaralBllUkti
-sho uld be that of the Moon itself or that of the lord
of DwadasaitfOsa sign in whieh the Moon is posited.
RESEARCH-IV by M.S. Sitharamiah , June 1974, page 493.
We have another problem rega rdi ng Vimsotlari and
other Dasa sy stem s. They are measures in terms of )ea rs.
Rect.: ntly a cont rib utor to the Astrological Magazifle pointed o ut that it would be wrong to take Gregoriall yea r of
365 and 366 days for DaJa calculations a nd that the
correct thing would be to take 360 days for the yea r, on
t he grou nd that all divisio ns are based o n 30 days to a
This raises a fundamental question. What is a year?
The Calendar Reform Committee spend quite some .tlme
ovcr this question and Ihe Report contains copious refe
renCes to p ractices followed in India. Egypt and other
A perusal of the report shows tbat our ancients were
certain of the Equinoxes, and were able to observe more
accurately the New Moon and the Full Moon . They
had at first followed a 360 days year, and this was later
corrected. They also followed a solar yea r of six seasons,
with two months, one of 30 days and another 31, thus
[ 48

makin g the so lar year of 365 d:tys, whi le the lun ar remained at 354 days. A number o f ex plan atio ns have
been given how those 12 days have been accounted for;
and p<lrti cu lar attention is to be given to advIce given
for begi nning of sacrifices durin g the Vedic pe riod .
Fi na lly, our ancients solved tbe prob lem by introducing
intercalary months. Even today the Luni-Sol ar adjustments are being made in Hindu Pancilangas by Mala or
(Adhika) Masa. Actu ally PUru Sharddhap (annu al death
ceremonies) are pe rformed twice in a yea r wh ere the
Pitrljdina falls in Mala Mas{l. This goes to show that
adjustments were made by which th e yea r wa'l linked
back to the Sun.
To strengl hen this, I venture to say that Varshap ha!a,
which depends on the retu rn of the Sun to the same poi nt
as at birth, clearly defines what is a Varsha o r the yea r.
Actually, during the Vedic periods, a five yea r Yuga
period Wa S bein g followed in which there were 69 solar
months and 62 lunar-months. Th~ whole period represents Pal/cha Varsha. So, the year even then was ce rtainly
not merely 360 days but mo re.
The Gregorian calendar is the nearest approach to
locate the Sun back in the original poi nt. Rash/riya Panchanga as introduced by th e Government of India on the
recommendation of the C:J.lendar Refo rm Committee
follows this.
This however requires a furth er rese<l rch. We, in astrology. are interested in the accuracy of the yea r period.
as predictions have to bel based o n sub-divisions of a
Dasa wh ich is defined in If rm, of yea rs.
IV. As said earlier, Western Astro logers are not Jacking
behind in taking the interest in Hindu Astrology, of course
Vimsott(Jri Dasa as part of it, and one such article on
Vimsottar/ Dasa was published in American ~.'Mlro "y,
[ 49 1

May 1975 by Kenneth Irving.

While illustrating and discussing few horoscopes based
o n Vimsottari Dasa, the author has taken 360 days a
year as Time Factor for a 'Year.'
2. Garth Allen; in his "Perspectil'es ill th~ Sidereal"
published in Am~rican Astrology, February 1975, page
46 under DASA SYSTEM observes:
"My deep interest took hold, however. when I undertook to subject the Vimsotlari Daso System to a rigid
statistical test using Fagan's Spica-based ayal/amsa and
the 360day year as basic values. The event of death W;4S
the subject chosen for study, a nd to my mixed conslerna
tion and amazement it turned out that a lm ost three time~
as many people pass away during m::alefic-ruled sub periods
than probability would predict, with the Saturn subperiod outstanding in this respect.
Strange, is it not, that my conversion to Hindu astrology should have been wrought by the very reasons my
Eastern critic picked up as the basis of his reservations?
I accepted the Dasa system as valid because it holds up
under test condi tions when the Hypsomatic ayanamsa is
employed. I had rejected the system yea rs earlier than
this, when other ayallamsas were applied, in fact. Ihad decided that the ve ry theory of the Dasas was pretty much
superstitious hogwash. My earlier rejection and later
acceptance were both made on statistical grounds, for I
cannot embrace and champion a scheme which doe~ not
withstand such tests.
Astrologers, bo th Easterfl and Western , are too prone
to utter dictums, and mutter objections based upon
scattered individual case evidence, or what is actually
worse no matter how respectable it sounds; "experience."
The history of any science is as much a continuing story
of face-saving measures on the part of writers, teachers,
( lO )

lecturers and field-dominating personalities, as or conti

nuous betterment. It is only human to want to derend
one's own past teachings or present views when something
that demands their amendment looms into sight.
The readers will observe that different astrologers
have given different arguments in su?p;)rt of their views.
but no final rule is established. We have m:lde a thorough
research on this subject and our views are detailed in the
J[ Part or this book.



Krittika, Uttaraphalgltni and Utlarashada are each
ruled by the major p eriod of the Sun lasting fo r 6 years.
When the Sun is benefic to A ~ c~n::l.ant o ccupying e xal-

ted or own sign in anglcs or trine house!, the native

is rocketted to fame and hon Ol l T by the grace of God
SiI'o. He is ever-basking in t he affect io n of his fathe r
with a cha nce for rich inhe ritance. He wields power ana
au thority either in Governm!nt or public lire. He acqu ire!! ]<lnds ill hilly o r forest regions.
He has a desire for
tra vel especi:lll y towa rds the East for pleasure. pront or
pilgrimage. Jr he is a trader, his business will fl ou rish

well both al home and abroad.

He spends his weal th

freely fo r charity and shun s all that is mean and ignoble.

He is fond of occult sciences like M al/tra Sast ras and

Ayurveda. His so ul yearns intensely for the company of
pious sou ls.
If the Sun is combined with the Moon there is gain
of appare l and ornaments, followed by mi sunderstanding
with maternal relations. Sundays will prove lucky in
Surya dasa when it is good.
When the Sun occupies debilitated sign 6th, 8th or
12th ho use with bad aspects, the . native suffers from
poverty, disease especially of the head, eye, tooth and
sto mnch due to extreme heat. He. lead s an obscure life,
haled by his father, fri ends and relations. He may face
litigation regarding bis paternal property. He invites


trouble tbrough his quick temper. There is likel ihood of

depromotion in service or loss of prestige, tro uble to
father, danger from fire d c.
Tbe following arc the results of Surya Dasa in
different signs:
Generally the Sun produces good results when he is
placed in Mesha, Milhuna, Simha, Katlya and Dhatlus; and
bad results when he occupies Vrisabha, Thula. Makara and
Kumbha and mixed results in Karaka, Vrishchika alld Muna .
The follow ing are the important years when the Sun
ca uses some momentuous events when he occupies the
different houses which of coune, depend upon the
degree of the Su n's strength.
When the Sun is in the 1st house, the native suffen
in his 15th year; in the 2nd loss of wealth in his 7th
yea r; in the 3rd. financial gain in his 20th year; in
tbe 4th, loss of I to parents in his 12th year; in
the 5tb . danger to falher in his 9th year; in the 6th,
prosperity in bis 23rd year j in the 7th. danger to wife in
hi. 34th year; in the 8th, death of near aDd dear relative.
in his 27th year; in the 9th, bath in sacred rive rs in his
10th year; in the 10th, separation in his 19th year; -in
tbe 11th. birth of prosperous children; and in tbe 12th.
danger to life in his 38th year.

If the Sun is favourable; only mild results wi ll happen

during its bhuktj unless death is in the offing in the latter
part of the daso.
When the Sun is combi neo with the lord of the asce ndant, bhukfi will prove good at the beginning and slightly
adverse in the end; the reason being that {ognadhipmj
becomes combust .

[ 53]

When the Sun is in the 2nd or 71 h house combined o r

IIspected by deathdealing planets, there is dallger to
life ..... hich can be averted by propitiating Sun God, a nd
wea ring an ornament set with ruby.
SUN/Moo iii
When the Moon is benefic to ascendant placed in
an angle or trine house, the native enjoys peace and
plenty by the grace of God Ganapathi or the G oddess
Shakthi. He will be petted and pampered by his mother,
mate rnal relations who are well off. He has a fertile
mind highl y imaginati ve and emotional; more suited to
litera ry production than to th e hum-drum practical wo rld .
He ma y undertake a voyage or journey especially towards
the North-West either for busi ness or pilgrimage. He is
ea sy-going and pleasure-loving, attaining grea t success
without much efforts . There is no want in his house for
white and ju icy articles like milk, curd, gbee , nor for
live-stocks like cows.
When the Moon is in exaltation or own sign combi
ned with or aspected by the lord of the 4tb, 9th or 10th
or ascendant lord ; marriage, birth of female children,
purchase of vehicles, dress and ornaments; profession
connected With water, like na vig ati o n, ~ ferry contract, or
dam or bridge contract will be the good results. He may
also shine as a novelist or author if there is an aspect of
When the bhukti lord is in the wane, debilitated
combined or aspected by the lords of the 8th or 12th, the
native is fickle minded, subjected to constant worries. He
suffers from cold diseases like influenza . trouble to wife
and childrenj disputes and quarrels through fair sex;
disease Or death of mother or maternal rela tions. Failure

[ 54 )

in undertaking and lou through miscalc ulati on or

specu lation may also happen.
When the lord of the blwkti is in an a ngle or trille
or 11th house from Dasollotha, the native e njoys o ffi ci:d
favou r, ch eerfulnes si bath in sacred rive rs, visit to
temples; di gging well for charity, delicious meals.
When Bhuktillalllli is in 6th, 8th or 12th from Dasanalha,
there ma y be loss through theft o r deceit or qu a rrel with
mother, wife , etc. When the lor.d of the bhllkti is in the
7th house strong ly influenced by deatbinflicling p la nets
there is danger to life.

The sub period of Ma rs in the major period of the
Sun lasts for 4 month s a nd 6 days resulting genera lly in
heat diseases like fever , small-pox, d ysentery, abscess,
fear and anxieties. trouble from enemies etc.
When Mars is benefic to ascendant occupying an angle.
trine. 3rd o r II th house in exalted. ow n or friendly 'sign ,
the native h as unbounded g race o f Llrd Subramanya and
other Ugra Devarhas like Kali, Narasimha. and Hanuman .
He has a st urdy constitution glowing with health and
e nergy. lucky brothers', helping friendS', distinction in
games and sports; sk ill in cookery, acquisition of land,
dexterity in handling weapons, military honours. dauntless courage in braving dangers; success in litigation etc.
He is fortun a te ill the Southern direction . Whe n Ma rs
is aspected by Jupiter with the influence of the 9th house,
the native shines as a Halayogi. He gains through red
grains and a rieles.
If Mars i\ combined or aspected by male6cs and
occupies 6th, 8th and 12th house, in inimica', or depres
sed sign, the native is tempted to commit sins, pick

[ 55 J

qllltrrel3 with brothers and friends, danger or death in

the warfield, accidents , injury by animals. fear of thieves

lind arson , death of wife, ch ildren or some otht.r near
and dear ones, failure in undertaking. If Mars is benefic
and combined with ascendan t lord; the bhukti produces
monetary gains, comflJrt and convenience 'and other
effects of Raja Yogu.
When Mars is combined with the lord of the 2nd
house, disease or danger to father. little comfort, loss of
appetite, trouble fr om Government an: caused when the
2nd lord is malefic.
If the above mentioned planets are in the 6th or 8th
house, danger to life, loss through Iheft. Government.
arson, storm, elc., are produced.
If the lord of bhukti is in an angle or trineposition from
Dasanatha, little comfort, gain, change or place or trans
fer, ill-health to children, misunderstandings wi th reIAtive~ and such other mixed results an; caused.
rule may cause some confusion in the minds of the
readerl. It is based on the principle that siDce Mars is a
natural malefic, his occupation of a,n angle or trine
position from Dasanatha affects the good effects of

When Mars is combined with the lords of 2nd. 7th or

other death-inflicting planets, there is danger from
fatal diseases .

When Rahu il in an angle or trine house. he produces
bad results for the first 3 months like financial worries,
ill-health or loss of wife and children, danger from
Inakes, trouble from the Government or master. Thereafter he provel !ODd by promoting healtb, wealtb,
( 56

happincss , royal favour, auspIcious ('un ct ion s, ctc.

Whcn Rallu is in Upachayas prel. 6th, lOth and I llh)
c o mbined with lagnadhfpathi and a s p ::~h: d by be nefic
planet s. the native enjoys sudden ga in throu gh business
like money-lendi ng or by the help of friends, bumper
harvest from the lands. stron g will. fame , honour and
If he is combined or as~cted by Venus there may
be gain of house, money through opposite sex. birth of
children, sexual union with many women, promotion in
service with hi s fortune lying in the direction o f NorthWest o r South-West.
When he is occupyin g 6th, 8th or 121h ho use from
Dasanalha, th ere is danger from water, fear o f imprisonment. disease o r death of wife, tro uble from cieditocs,
dea th of li ve-stocks, loss through low-minded people.
If Rahu is influenced by the death-infl Icting planets
like the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses. there is danger
to life.
When Jupiter is in an a ngle, trine, 2nd or 11th ho use
occupying own o r exalted sign combined with Dasallatha,
chance of marriage, G overnmen t appointment, birth of
male children, respectable profess io n like teaching,
service in the department of Religious Endowment or
Minister of State, etc., a re the good results.
W hen J upiter is combined with Dharmakarmadhipathis,
(lords of 9th and 10th houses) the native is highly religiou s,
respected both by the Government a nd publ ic. a ttracting
peo ple by his spiritual powers.
When Jupiter is combined with malefics in<lepressed
sign or combust, the native comm its pIOUS fraud, faces
[ 511

ex-communication, disease or death of children.

Wh en Jupiter is in the 9th fro m Dasallatha, the native
enjoys peace a nd plenty, highly devoted to God Shiva O f
Visllllu. He is engaged in religious a nd charitable
activities like constructing temples: digging wells, hea ring
religiou s d iscourses and undertaking pilgrim ages especially in Western o r So uth-Western directions . He easily
attains Mantrasiddhi.
If Jupiter is in th e 6th, 8t h or 12th house f rom
Dasanatha, the na tive su ffers from the curse of saints or
Brahm;ns, fai lure in undertakif!g and in fa ct faces alround
When Jupiter is associated or influenced by the deathdeal ing planets like the lords of the 2nd or 7th houses,
the native suffers from fe ll Jiscases.
S UN /Saturn
The sub- period o f Saturn in the major pe riod of the
Sun hlsts for II months and 12 days result ing generally
in ill-health, misunderstanding with father, friends and
relatives, trouble from ruling classes, fi nancia l loss and
bad company .
When Bhuklhill(Jfila occupies an angle, trine ho uses,
own or exalted sign, it wilt prove bad for the first 3
months and produce good results like success over
enemies, cheerful ness , acquisition of lands, financial gain,
happy functions, comma nd over rustics a nd rowdies,
When Saturn is a malefic combined with other bad
influences, ex ile, trouble from the Government, death of
childre n, sufferin g due to the wrath o f God RudrQ.
blasphemy, poverty or financial worries, adultery etc.,
are the bad effecu througho ut the bhukti excepting at the
[ 58 )

beginning when some slightly good resu lts may be expected.

Wh en Saturn is in an angle or trine posi tion from
DaSGIIGllia, he causes fear, death or disease of father or
pat ernal rdations and sons.
When he is in the 11th house from DGsGIIGtha, the
nati ve gnins through black-grains and articles like iron,
buffalo and Iravels in Western and South-Western direc
When Saturn is combined or aspected by the lords o f
2nd or 7th house or other death-dealing planets, there is
danger to life.
SUN/ Mercury
If Mercury is strong in an angle , trine, own or
exalted sign, the native has the unbounded grace of
Vish/lu, by which he attains Ilame and fame in artistic
and literary pursuits, gain in trade and commerce or in
deciding the disputes between conflicting panies, skill in
painting, sculpture, mathematics and astrology, etc ..
purchase of apparel and ornaments, etc.
If he is combined with the lords of the 2nd an d the
11 th , the nat ive makes enormous gain either in service or
business tspecial1y in the direction of North. If he i.
combined with lords of the 5th and 9th, royal favour,
promotion in se rvice, doing charity, propitiating Brahmjlls
and Gods, pilgrimage, happy and auspicious functions
at home.
If he is in good places combined with the Sun, the
native evinces kee n interest in religious and philosophic
pursu its like yogas and malllllra sastras, and seeks the
darshan or Sages and Saints by frequenting secret places
like caves and hills .
[ 59

If Mercury is in an angle and trine po9itions (rom

Dasanatha, the native attains easy success in educational
and Public Service Examinations, receives ho nours and
lit les and purchase of costly gems, etc.
If he is in 6t h, 81h and 12th houses, he produces
diseases like gasteric troubles, leprosy, ulcers, hea rt troubles and nervous debility, sexual weakness. heavy loss,
litigation, di sease or death of materna l rel ations, cows,
disgrace, depromotion in service, failure in examinations.
misunderstanding with wife and children. But slightly
good results may also happen .I( the beginning of the
bhuk thi.
If Mercury is combi ned with the lords of the 2nd o r
7th house or influenced by other death-dealing planets,
th e native may apprehend danger of life.
It la sts for 4 months a nd 6 days resulting generally
in mom:tary loss, mental worries, offi cia l displeasure.
disease and trouble from relatives.
If Kethu is combined with ascendant lord, the native
reaps some happy results at the beginning of the bhukthi
followed by misery and death-news of relativCl at the
middle and the end.
If he is in 6th, 8th or 12th house combined with
malefics; toothache, headache, urinary disease like
diabetes, change of place, cheating friends, dea th of
paternal grand parents, etc., may happen .
If Ketbu is combined with Dasal/atho , bi lious complaints, suffering to children are the had results.
Ir be is in ascendant with auspid ous influences, there
may be gain of wealth, marri age, Government service,
good actions, possession of horses and elephanl s.

{ 60

If he is in the 11th house from Dasanalha, happy

results are produced.
If he is combined with the lords of 2nd or 7th houses
or influen ced by other death-dealing planets , there is
danger to life .

When Venus is in an angle or trine house occu pying
own or exa lted sign. the nat ive enjoys e",cel1ent Raja Yoga
effects by the grace of the Goddess like sexua l union
with b",aut iful ladies. gain of hc use, vehicles , dress,
toilet , and other ornaments, pleasure trips or pilgrimage
to d ifferent places especiall y in South-Eastern direction ,
enjoyment of music, drama or association with cinemastars etc .
If he is il)61h, 8th and 121h house or in debili tated
sign, death of live-stocks, wife and children, loss of
house. wealth, female di seases. trouble to wife side
relations. etc., are likely to ha pp::n.
If Ven us is in :In angle or trine position from
Darollatilll , t here may be royal favou r, ga in through
contract or Banking, de votion to G oddess and Brahmill s,
initi ~ tion in Srj Vil/ya, luck y daughters, etc.
lf he is in 6th. 8th and 12th from DosolIOlha. heavy
!o!!.s, misunderstanding with the fair sex, disgrace are
the likely bad results mi xed with so me good effects at
the beginning oflhe bhukti.
If he ;,) combined o r aspected by the lords of 2nd and
the 7th houses or influenced by other death-i,nflictin g
planets, there may be dan~er to lire.

[61 [


Chandra dOSQ lasts for 10 years. Rohini, Hasta and
Sravana are each ruled by the -major period of Moon
resultin~ generally in peace and plenty; affectionate and
lucky mother, literary talenlS with a highly imaginative
and emotiona l background, easy success in sr ~c ulative
vClllures like literary or crossword puzzle, earning
through trade con nected with juicy articles like milk,
curd, ghee, wine, sce nts or pearls, white gems, rich
yield from the land ; purchase or sale of cattle. etc.
lf Moon is in the wane, he may cause laziness, fickle-

mind, misunderstanding wi th friends and relations and

mental afflicti ons like insanity, hysteria etc.
The following a rc the resulls of Chandra Doso in
different signs:
In Aries . he produces strong mind, domestic harmony,
d isease of the head. misunderstanding with brothers.
When Moon 'is in Moolathrjkona. the native ~oes
abroad, ea rns a la rge fortune, enjoys bumper harvest
followed by phlegmatic diseases and misunderstanding
with friends and relatives .
If Moon is in the ht part o f Taurus with malefic
influences. there may be danger to mother. If he is in
the latte r part of Taurus, the native's father will be
happy and prosperous. If combined with malefics. he
causes dangerous diseases. If Moon is Vargottama, the
nalive attains fame and honoul. devotion to Guru and
[ 62 )

God, ga in through live-stocks, wate ry articles; etc., and

a lso some dIseases are to b ~ apprehended .
When Moon is in Gem ini, the native ha s a firm faith
in religion, gains through writin g books or profession
co nnected with audit and accountancy, or as travelli ng
agents and attains fame and honour. There may a lso be
cha nge of place or profession .
If Moon is in Can cer, the native has :normous
income from agriculture, live stocks, knowledge of
different sciences, hea ring religious discourses, desire t o
visit hills and dales eith er 'for pleasure, profit or pilgrimage. The native is lik ely to get some diseases in
private parts of the body .
When the Moon is in Leo, he gives a lift in profession,
royal favour and defective limhs.
When Moon is in Virgo, the native is likely to visit
foreig n countries o r at least go out o f his nati ve place
for establ ishing busih<!ss co nnection 0 1' cultural or literary
miss ion or f<.lr bath in sac red waters.
When Moon is pos ited in libra, vulturing ambition,
trouble to wife or other famil y members of the family,
misunders t anding, pove rt y and company of the lowminded are the likely results.
When Moon occupies the extreme debilitated portion
o f Scorpio, he causes physical ailments, separation
from near and dear ones, loss of prestige and mental
When Moon occupies a port ion beyond the extreme
debilitated part of Scorpio, the native is likel y to get
some monetary gain, foll owed by disease in private parts
o f the body and general discomfo rt.
When Moon is in Sagittarius, the native enjoys
respect and honour from kings a nd nobles; but though
there may be dwindling of property acquired previ ously ,
[ 63 J

the native is likely to make rresh gains during the dasa.

Whcn Milan is posi ted in Capricorn, the native will
have a large circle o r sons and daughters, income rrom
agriculture, constant travel with consequent ill-health .
In Aquarius, Moon produces misery, disease,
indebtedness. Ir he is Varogotlama, in Aquarius he
incurs the enmity or the rich and influential persons,
trouble to wire, children, loss or wealth, disease of the
tooth and mouth .
In Pisces , Moon ca uses gain through a rticles co nnected wit h water, extinction or enemies. wisdom and
kn owledge.
The rollowing are the import ant years when Moon
causes majo r events when occupies different houses
at birth .
Wh en Moon is in the 1st hOllse, the native suffers in
his 27th yea r; in th e 2nd, misery in the sa me yea r; in the
3rd, ga in through relatives in hi s 5th year; i'l the 4th,
worries and difficulties in his 15th yea r; in SIt. House,
birth of chi ldren in his 26th yea r; in the 6th, loss of
high Stat us and delth in his 57t h year; in the 7th ,
danger to mother in his 15th year; in the 8th, danger to
life in his 61h day or year; in the 9th, bath in sacred
waters in his 20th year; in the 10th, financial gain in his
43rd "yea r; in the 11th, roya l ravou r and gain or live-st.ocks
in his 20lh year; in the 12th, trouble or danger in his 3rd
year. All these results are, or co urse, tentative depending
upon the degree or Moon' s strength,
MOON /Moon
When Moon is in an angle or trine occupying exalted
or own sign with good aspects, the native will be happy
with wife, children, maternal relations, rolling in unear
( 64 1

ned wealth and attaining fam~ and fortu ne without much

effort o r merit. He may have sudden and unexpected
gain through speculative ventures like horse races or
share speculation or agriculture or through sale or
purchase of live-stocks like elephants. white-horses. cows.
etc. He will have opportunities of attending dinner
parties. reli gious discourses. undertaking sacred baths
and pilgrimages. enjoying sweet scents, garlands, deliciow fruits, drinks. If Moo n receives the benefic influence of Mercury, the native will shine as a creati ....e
novelist or au thor. If wit h the benefic inftuence of
Sun, the native enters Government service with fat sa lary
wi thout much responsibil ity or he may become a n elected
head of local bodies.
If Moon is debilitated occu pying 6th, 8th or 12th
house with malefic influence. the native h as a weak
mind, family worries. indebtedness. misunderstanding
with mother or maternal relations, tedious journey,
dangcr from water or cold diseases: If combined with
Rahu or Kethu devoid of good asp::cts, mental derange
ment or hysterical tendencies are likely to be caused.
The native will be a terrible drunkard, if strongly
inftuenced by Saturn with malefic influences.
If Moon occupies the 2nd or 7th h " u ~e strongly
inftuenced by death-dealing planets, the native is likely
to meet with prem ature death or suffer [rom fell
When Mars is in an angle or trine or 11th house both
from /agna and Dasanmha occupying own or exalted
sign, the native is highly energetic and famous as swimmer.
navigator, baving rich and influential brothers and
[ 65 J

friends. landed property. making enormous profit throulh

Icielltific agriculture like pump-sets, success in litigation.
The native may enter Military service especially in the
Naval Department M in Prohibition Police. or in
facto ries engaged in the manufacture of watery substances
like soda. scent.. or in the engineering department connected with river-valley projects or dam const ruct ion or
as chan ncl overseer, etc_ The native may acquire large
fortune as Proprieto r o r Manager of coffee-clubs or
meals hotel.
lf Mars is debilitated or combust occupying 6th, 8th,
12th, both from Lagna and Dasanolho, amiction to
hrolhers, fin ancia l straits, danger from enemies, fire,
operatio n, accident , death of friend, mean profession like
a sen-er in a hotel o r a cook, are the bad resu lts.
When Ma rs is in the 2nd or 7th house wit l , slrong
Morako (Insha , he may cause preml ture den th .
When Rahu is in an angle or trin ~ occupyi ng own or
exalted sign o r combined with lagnodhipati, th e nalive
enjoys good etrects like sucess in undertaking, favour
from young masters , bright bus iness prospects, travel in
the direction of South or South-West, help or income
from low-caste peo ple. devotional and ch aritable bent of
mind , pilgrimage, etc., at the beginning of the bhukthi;
and bad results like danger from drowning, poison ,
snakes. skin diseases, professional setback, etc., for 3
months in the middle; followed by benefic results at the
end of b/Jukli.
If Rahu is aspected o r combined with Mars wilh
malefic ownership, accidents due to rail or weapons, danger
from thieves are likely to happen. When Rahu receives
[ 66 )

the influence of the 8th house. he may ca use arrest or

impriso nm ent , dange r fro m animals . If thue is benefic
aspect, the nati ve enjoys delicious meals, g:li n thro ugh
forei gn trade, fame and hono ur, se:(Ual pleasure etc.
If Rahu is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house both from
Dasal/alha and Jagna; fin ancia l los5, disease or death ('If
children, disputes and quarrels, immoral acts, trouble
through change of place are likely.
If Rahu . . is in the 11th ho use, he produces happiness.
monetary gain to Ihe native, slight tour and di sease tothe membersrof the famil y except the native.
When Rahu is in the 2nd or 7th house influenced by
deat h-deal ing planets. danger fro m mortal diseases is tn
be apprehended.
When Jupiter is posited ill nn angle, trine or 11th
house occ upying own or eX.l l1ed sig n both from !agna and
DasonatiJo, the nati ve will be highly virtuous with a
philosophic and humanitarian outlook. He earnsl hrough
noble profesion like teaching or as Minister of State o r
as High Co urt or District ludge or a great yogi highly
respected . celebrating or Attending happy and auspicioul
fun ctio ns either at home or in the family of friends and
relations. Sons will be fa mous and lucky. He generally
trav:ls towards West.
If Jupiter is clebilitated or combust posited In 6th,
8th or 12th both from fagna and Dosanatha and comhined
with Rahu or Kethu he produces a thei ~ tic tendencies.
e~co mmunicat ion. disease or death of children or parent ,
poverty, trouble from Government or rich and influential
1T13sters. curse of pious souls and divine retribution. etc.
If Jupiter is in the 2nd or 7th . house with Itronl

( 67]

Moroka dosha, the native suffers from windy diseases or

danger to life.
When Saturn is placed in an angle or trine, little happi~
ness, less gain; obstacle. halered of relations. s light
f.:ver, misery, hard work are the likely resu lts.
If Saturn is benefic to ascendant occupying the 31d.
6th, or 11th house in angle or trine positions from
Dasanalha, the native gains through mean profession like
wine and butchery shop, acquires land5, houses, comm:::lRd
over rust ics and rowdies. Ir Saturn receives the benefic
influence of Sun; the native will be a great leader among
laboure rs or kisans or a Government official in rural
parts. He wi ll have opportunities of tour or travel in
the direction of South-West.
]f Saturn is debilitated in the 6th. 8th or 12th houses
with good aspects. he may give slightly good resultS. Ir
combined with malefics, the nalive takes to bad habits,
keeping low~nste women o{ such other immoral act ,
disease or death of parents . wife and children, financial
straits, exile or failure in agriculture, loss through theft,
flne or penalty from Government, disputes and litigation,
enmity; etc.
If Saturn is in the 2nd or 7th house strongly influenced
by death-dealing planets, the native will meet with premature death.
When Mercury is in an angle or trine o r II th house
occupying own or eltalted sign; the native attains educational and academical success by fluke without much

[ 68 J

effort . He will be a areat scbolar, businessman enaaged

in Overseas trade; accountant or auditor or astrologer,
commanding vehicular and conveyance facilities, a mass
immense fortune in speculative business like share speculation or as a mediator between conflicting parties. The
native's uncle will be rich and helpful.
If Mercury is debilitated or combust occupying 6th,
8th or 12th both from iaglla and Dasallatlta, the native
lufl'ers from bilious complaints, trouble to wife, children,
disgrace and dishonour, professinal transfer to undesirable
places, loss through speculation, like horae race etc.
If Mercury is placed in the 2nd or 71h house with slrong
Maroka dQsha, native is likely to apprehend danger to life.
When Kethu is in 3rd, 6th, or 11th house occupyina
exalted lign with good aspects, gain through agriculture,
sexual union with windows, royal
favour, charitable disposition, domestic happiness arc the
good results.
If he is in an angle or trine combined or aspected by
benefics, he causes disputes and quarrels, fever; sma llpox etc., at the beginning, followed by ha ppy result at
the end of the bhukti.
If he is in the 6th or 8tb bouse from Dason(Itha or
debilitated , obstacles to undertaking, trouble from evil
spirits, danger from snakes, disease of the head, tooth.
death of grand parents, loss of live-stocks, professional
set-back are the bad effects.
When Venus is placed in an anale or trine , 2nd or

[ 69 1

I Ith house occupyi ng own or exalted sign both (rom

lagna a nd Dasanafha, the native will have beautiful and
lucky wife, de~nt house, fas hion able orna ments, vehicles,
musical taste, craze fo r cinema and drama and such other
entertainments, gain th ro ugh banking, purch ase or sale
of gems etc.
If Venus is combined with Dasanutha, the native
enjoys comforts and convenience, liquidation of debts.
If he join s Mercury and Sun in chura (moveable) or
.Jlhiru (fixed) rusis , the native will celebrate marrige and
other happy function s.
If Venus is debilitated in 6th , 8th, or 12th both from
lagna . and Dasanatha, disease o r dea th of a wife and
children, disputes and quarrels through ladies, financi al
l o~s through bank-crash, insolvency of debtors, female
intercourse in wrong places a nd time or sexual abuse are
the likel y bad effects.
If Venus occupies 2nd or 7th house with strong
Maraka influence, danger from venereal diseases is likely.
]f Sun is placed in an angle or 11 th house in his own
or exalted sign, the native regai ns his lost property,
secures Governmen t appointment, attends happy function s,
has cordial relationship with fri ends and relatives, follow
ed by bodily ailments at the end of the bhukti.
If Sun is in the 6th, 8th or 12tb bo use with malefic
influence, he may cause mental worries, fever, stomach
pain due to extreme heat, trouble or death of father or
paternal relations.
If Sun is combined with lagnadhipalhi, the native
enjoys happy results at first, followed by obstacles and
disho nour later.

( 70 J

If Sun is in an angle or trine from Oasanatha, he

blesses the native with Manthra Siddhi, fame and honour.
If he is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th from Dasanatha, thc
native may apprehend trouble from fire. theft, Government, etc.
If Sun is in 2nd or 7th strongly influenced by other
death-dealing planets, there may arise danger to life.

[ 71


Mrigasira, Chitta. and Dhanisto arc each ruled by

the MahadasQ of Mars which lasts for 7 years, resulting
generally in cuts, hurts, burns, boils, fever. abscess,
su rgical operation, enmity. misunderstanding with brothers ' trouble from G overnment or stricturs from superiors. loss through theft , a rson, exi le. et c. I f Mars
occupies airy signs with malefic influence he may cause
d anger from storm, air-crash, etc. Ir in moveable signs
be will produce accidents during wal k or travel in
bicycle. mOlor cat or ra ilway trai n etc. If in earthy
lIign. there may be danger from fa it. stone-throw.
collapse of house, earth-quake. accidents in mines etc.
In watery lign s. he is likely to produce drowning accidents. In fier y signs. the danger may arise through fire,
electric shock or gunshot injuries etc.
When Mars is in 3rd. 6th or 10th house occupying
exalted . own or friendly sign with benefic aspects and
conjunctions. he endows the native with sturdy constitution. strong will. dynamic and quick action usualJy found
in leaders o r military commanders. He may attain name
and fame as a d aring adventurer. industrial pioneer,
.killed engineer. distinguished sportsman with extraordinary p hysica l fea ts. He may also enter se rvice in
Police or Agricultural Department or in a workshop or
factory or as a businessman dealing in mechanical goods
or as a landlord engaged in scientific agriculture. His

( 721

brothers will be rich and helpful while his friends will bc

influential and reliable.
If Mars is weak with Kashta-shadhu!a, atHiction to
wife, children, Iivestocks, loss through sale or mortgage
of lands may be expected.
If he is combined or aspected with benefics, he produces mixed results like purchase of lands at the beginning, followed by disease at the end of the bhukti.
If Mars is malefic to lagna but strong in Ishtashadbala occupying own or exalted sign, the bad effects are
restricted to his own bhukli, while the rest of the period
may prove good provided other bhukti lords are well
The following are the general results during his
major period with reference to his occupation of different
If Mars is posited in Moofatrikona, the native enjoys
good income, success over enemies. passion for military
If he occupies other parts of Mesha, in bad Shashtiarma, be may cause the birth of noble sons, happy functions followed by danger from fire and enemies .
If in Taurus, he produces godliness, opportunities
of presiding over public functions where his oratorical
skill will be admired and charitable disposition, etc.
In Gemini, Mars may cause foreign service, travel or
transfer to distant places for better prospects, where he
is lik'ely to learn new language, art and crafts followed
by windy and bilious complaints, enmity of good people,
When Mars is posited in Cancer with benefic aspect,
the native may possess vast extent of wetland with enormous water facilities, enaged in scientific agriculture,
milk supply, selling gbee, curd, etc., or managing a

[ 71 J

coffee-club or meals hotel. etc. The native may have to

live far away from wife and children with weak co nstitution and consequent worries.
If Mars is placed beyond the extreme debilitated
portion of Cancer, he wi ll make the native honest and
straight-forward possessing rich livestocks like cows,
goals, followed by so me disease in private parts of the
When Mars is placed in Lco, the native wields power
and authority either in G overnment or public life mixed
with malefic results'lik! seplration from wife, danger
from fire and weapons.
If Mars is posited in Virgo, he produces spiritual
tendencies, like the perfo rman ce of religious rites and
ritu a l ~ .
besides domestic happiness and monetary
gain .
When Ma rs is in Libra, the native suffers from financial strllin , loss of tivestocks, separation from wife, weak
body. a life without fame due to sins committed in previous lives.
If Mars is posited in Scorpio, prosperity thro ugh
agriculture . generous heart, enmity. talkative nature a re
the effects.
If Sagittarius, Mars promotes spiritual advancement.
lulfilment of desires, favour from Government and want
of fame due to sins of previous lives.
1f Mars occupies the most exaltation portio n of Capricorn, the native redeems old debts, regains his lost
property or kingdom; upholds his family tradition, success in war or arguments. purchase of costly gems and
acquires profit through hard labo1,lr.
When Mars has descended from the most exalted
portion of Caprico rn . he produces success after strenuous
effort . danger from fall. weapons, water, liUle happiness.
[ 74 J

When Mars is posited in Aquarius, the native will be

unprincipled, worried on account of his sons o r heavy
expenditure, etc.
In Pisces, he produces worries and anxieties. expenditure exceeding income, disease, indebtedness, danger from
poison o r exile.
When Mars is Vargotlama, he produces success in war.
litigation. heallhy constitution, moral stamina, many-sided
When Mars is debilitated in amsa, he may produce
tedious and profitless travel. mental unrest, sudden and
unexpected. obstacles to work on hand. disgrace and bad
name from good people.
The following are important years when Mars produces some major events with reference to his occupation
of d ifferent bouses :
When Mars is in the 1st, the native suffers from
iii-luck in his 5tb year; in the 2nd, financial loss in his
12th year; in the 3rd, happiness through relatives in his
8th year; in the 4th, deatb of re lations in bis 8th year;
in tbe 5th, trouble tbrougil relatives in his 5th year; in the
6th birth of children in his 24th year; in the 7th disease
or death of wife in his 27th year; in the 8tb, danger in
his 28th year ; in the 9th. death of fatber in his 14th year;
in the 10th, danger from weapons in the 21th year; in
the 11th financial gain in his 45th year ; and in the 12th,
trouble in his 25th year.

When Mars is strong and well placed, he will produce only mild results in Ilis own Mllkr; reserving his
excellent effects for ~ther bhukris. The native may be
a devotee of God Subramanya baving cordial relation-

[ 751

ship with his brothers and silltcrs with opportunities of

travel in southern or south-western direction.
If Mars is posited in 6th, 8th or 12th bouse, affliction
to brothers. ill-health. pressure from creditors and such
other malefic results are likely to happen .
If he is exalted in amsa with good aspects, favourable
results may be expected.
If Mars is placed in 2nd or 7lh house or strongly
influenced by other death-dealing planets, he may produce
mortal diseases.
The sub-period of Rahu in the major period of Mars
will generally cause danger from snakes, small-pox. fever,
loss or danger through water, poison etc.
If Rabu is posited in an angle, trine, 3rd or -II tb
house with benefic aspect or combined with laglladhipathf,
the native will experience moderate results like pilgrimage
01 holy batbs, generous impulse. intense longing to go
out of his native place especially in eastern direction,
acquisition of lands, celebration of marriage, mixed witb
malefic effects like death of relati ves in the middle 01
the bhukti.
If Rahu is placed in 6th. 8th o r 12th house occupying
debilitated o r unfriendly sign with malefic aspect' or
conjunction, the native is likely to face trouble from rude
and low-class people. death by drowning or suicide in a
well or river; sudden- and unexpected loss through theft,
litigation, etc.
Wh.en Rahu is combined with lagnadhlpathi or posited
in an angle. trine, 3rd or 11th house fr om Dasanatha, tbe
native suffers from vague fean , Joss of reputation for tbe
first 6 months followed by ,ood resu lts during ot her
[ 76

parts of the bllUkti.

If Rahu is placd in 2nJ or 7th house or other-wise
strongly influenced by death -Jelling planet~. he may
cause fatal diseases like T.R
When Jupiter is placed in an angle, trine or 11th
house occupying own or exalted ~ign the native will be a
Karmayogi engaged in humanitari<ln service. He easily
attains manlrasitldhi by wh~ch h.:: wields miraculous powers
like curing dangerolls diseases. drivi(lg devils. etc., by
charms and talismans. He wil l be an adviser to kings and
chiefs, something like a Minist~r for I:tnd revenue, agriculture or industries.
If Jupiter is in logllo aspeeted by laglladhiparhi, the
native reaps bumper harvest, gain through new masters
or change of profession for better prospects, etc.
rf Jupiter is placed in 6th. 8th or 12th house occupying debilitat<:d or inimical sign with the conjunction of
R:lhu or Ketu, he produ ces slightly good effects like
6nancial gain or celebration of auspicious function with
great difficulty, followed by malefic results like irreligious
tendencies. diseases or death of so n or brother, enemity
from good people, professional transfer or travel to
distant and undesirable places especially in northeastern
If Jupiter is placed in an angle or trinefrom Dasanatha.
the native enjoys royal favour. accumulation of wealth,
purchase of lands, celebration of marriage, happiness of
father and mother.
If Jupiter is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house frorp
Dasanalha with other malefic influences, the native courts
.!lin and suffers from secret enemies, mental unrest,


bereavement and exile.

If Jupiter occupies 2nd or 7th house or in8uenced
strongly by death-dealing planets. the native faces danger
to life or fell diseases.

When Saturn is benefic to lagna occupying own or
exalted house in an angle or trine, the native will be
something like village Hamdan, thief of Bagdad. labour
or kisQII leader with comm:lnd over a gang of rowdies
or rustics or a rich landlord or an iron merchant
or a dealer in black a rticles like se.~ame or gingelly oil
etc. pro fit thro ugh illegal means like black-market,
tax-evasion or through smuggled articles, sexual union
with low class women. birth of children. travel towards
south or north.
If Saturn is debilitated or occupies an inimical sign
in 6th, 8th or 12th house. the native suffen from poverty,
tedious work. trouble from low-class people, death of
wife, children, friends or relatives, nasty habits, faces
criminal prosecution or gruesome death from accident,
murder, di sease like mental derangement, etc.
If Saturn occupies 2nd or 7th house or otherwise
strongly influenced by death-dealing planets, the native
will have to apprehend premature death.

When Mercury i ~ in a n angle or trine the native is
witty. humorous and talketive, evincing keen interest in
technical educa tion like short-hand, typewriting, arts an d
crafts. He may be a bu~iness m:lgnate dealing in mechanical goods or an industrialist in tbe manufacture of

[ 78 1

scientific applinnc(s or a journali st like war-corr~lpon

dents, or war-technician .
If Mercury is debilitated or combust 6th,
8th or 12th house, h~ is likely to cause chest pai ll , disrespect from r~1::ttions, su ffering t o wife. children and
financial worries.
If Mercury is co mbined wi th Dasalla flla, enemity.
fear, exile, di~hon o ur, trouble from Government . failute
in examinations . disease o r death of matern ?1 un cle are
the likel y res ults.
If Mercury i<; posited in an angle o r trine fr om Dasana/lla occupying own or exa lted sign. the native
enjoys roya l fa v\lur. lift in profession. musica l enterlalnment. religious discourses. etc.
H Mercury is in 6th. 8th or 12th from Dasana/ha, he
will produce hum ilia tio n. f.lil ure in litiga to n, neg lect of
religi ous duties. trouble fro m low class p eo pl ~. pressure
o f creditors. danger from weapJns. disputes and qu arrels
through angry ..... ords. etc.
If Merc!.lry is in 2nd or 7th ho use or otherw;
strongly influenced by death-dea ling planets, he is likely
to cause dangerous diseases .
Ir Kethu is posited in an angle or trine occu ~yi ng
own sign combined with benefics or /agn adhipath i, he
produces at the beginning moderate results. like little
ha ppiness. slight gain. heavy expend iture. purchase of
live-stocks, lands, gain through servants o r low class
people, service under new master. sexual union with
widows followed by malefic resu lts like misu nderstand ing
or quarrel with wife. children at Ihe end of the bhuk ti .
If Kethu is in 6th. 8th or 12th bouse occupying own
( 79

or exalted sign, with benefies or lagnadhipa,hi, he causes

good health . wealth, happiness, etc.
The above rule, though likely to cause some con
fusion, it is quoted as found in the text available to us.
If Kethu is posited in an angle or trine with malefics.
misery, obstacles to undertaking, sudden ri se of enemie~,
trouble t hrough relat ives , danger to life , journey to a
foreign place where he may have happiness.
If Kethu is in the 11th house, he produces slightly
good effect s at the beginning, fo llowed by mental
worries. impediment to work on hand, unpopularity in
the middle. again with good results at the end of the
If Kethu is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house wi th
mal efic infl ue nce. disputes, toothache. loss th rough theft ,
trouble to brothers, paternal and maternal relations,
danger from snakes, poison, wild animals, f..!11 diseases,
like white leprosy, loss of wife, trouble from Government
are likely to happen.
If Kethu is posited in 2nd or 7th home with death
dealing planets, he may cause deadly diseases
When Venus is in an angle, trine, ltd or 11th house
occupying exalted . owo or friendly sign with benefic
aspect or conjunction, he gives marriage or sexual
pleasure with beautiful and passionate ladies. fashion
able house, co rd ial friendship with friends and relatives,
travel especially towards west or north, marriage with
a girl in the direction of the south, purchase of vehicles,
ornaments, dress, sandal, flowers, scents, enjoyment of
musical enterrainment, cinema, drama . gain through
contract or banking business, happy and auspicious
[ 80

fun ctions al home. pilgrimage. holy baths. cha ritable

acts. el c.
Tr Venus i ~ posited in 6th. 81h or 121h " ouse both
rrom Du.ranarha and [agna with malefic influence. he
produces domestic disha rmony, heavy ex penditure, miseries
th rou!!h ladies. remale diseases. arrest or imprisonment,
loss Ihrou ~ h thert or accident, mo rlgage o r home or
je wd~. etc.
lr Venus is in 2nd or 7th house or influenced by other
de"': lh-d ealing planets. h(. is likely to cause premature
de.llh or d anger.
If Sun is placed in an angle or trine occupyi ng own
N exaltalion, he may prod uce m ~ l efic resulls at first,
rollowed by h:l ppy resu lts like roya l r"vour, Governmmt
service, travel toward s east, phi losophical mind in the
middle and misery althe end or the b/Juk'i. The native
is also likely 10 meet with loss through thert during travel
in roreign countries.
If Sun is benefic to lagna and co mbined with lagnadltiparh i. he will produce monetary gain, rich agricultural
yield , purchase of dress and ornaments.
If Sun is posited in an angle or trine position rrom
Dasanarha, he promotes litlle gain , happy runetion s,
acquisit ion or lands. Government appointmen t. eiC.
If Sun is in 6th, 81h or 12th house from Dasanatha,
rear latitude. disease are the likely results.

When Moo n is posited in an angle, trine o r 11 th
house, occupying own or exalted sign with benefic aspect
( 81

or conj unction. holy bath . religious and cha ritable disposition, birth of children, celebration of marriage,
happiness of mother , brother, delicio us meals, possession
o f livestocks like milch cows, service in mills and fac
t'lries, eng!lged in the rnl oufacture of liquid articles like
sugar _or soh facto : y, travel lowJ. rds north where the
nl tive is likely to s~cure G overnment ap pointment,
fin3ncial an:i sp!culat iv succen, digging of wells , etc.
These re!ult~ will be excellent if the Moon is full .
If Moon is in debilitated or inimi cl[ sign occupying
(jth, 8th or 12th house. there may be fe ar of death ,
trouble from Gove rn ment , dwi ndling of pro!)Cfty, loss
o r d3.mage to live~to ck~ ; sca rci ty of milk, curd, ghee, etc.
If Moon is combined with the lords of the 9th and
7th hOllse with the aspect of Jupiter, the native will
acqu ire la nd Of kingd om, flowe rs. scents, ornaments,
rich dowry through wife. devot ion to Gods and sa ints,
doi ng charit y, etc.
If Moon is placed in an angle o r trine from Dasanatha,
he ca llses happiness to fatber. desire to hear religious
di,cou r~es, military service, honour and help through
When Mobn is posited in 6th , 8th or 12th house
from Dasanatha; danger from water, Government , mental
..... orries through sons and daughters are likely.
If Moon occupies 2nd or 7th house Of otherwise
influenc(d b)' death-dealing planets, he is likely to cause
prem ature death,

[ 82


Aridra, SWQN a nd

Safabhisha .:Ire each

ruled by
Rahu MahadOSQ which lasts for 18 years resulting gene
r~ lIy in misery during its tirst part and happiness during
the second followed again by malefic resu hs at the end .
If Rahu is in the 3rd. 10th or II th ho use occupying
exalta tion sign with benefic aspect or associa tion. the
mltive attains sudden and giddy success in all waiks of
life. acquires IHrge fortune, either by fair o r foul means.
wields power .and authority over hilly or forest tribes,
ha s servants, shines as a wilt)' clown o r buroo~ moves
with wicked people, travels or tours low,lCds South-Wesl,
gains through oversea trade. builds rest housts. d igs wells
either fo r agricultural operation or for charity and has
a 'liki ng for non-vegetarian dishes and foreign service.
If R ah u is ot herwise placed. he may cause professional setback, loss of reputation. disease o r death of
father. mother. maternal or patern al grand-parents or
other relatives, danger from snakes, poison, mental
derangement or physical deformity , indebtedness, imprisonment death by drowning or suicide etc. These results
will be modified, if there is a ny benefic aspect or combination.
Tbe following are tbe general rC$ulll of Rabu witb
reference to bit occupation of different
, siloS:

{ 83]

In Anes . R ahu , produ ces happiness. auspicious function ,

,lCquisi lio n of lands, roya l favo ur. cordi al relationship
wi th wife, child ren, friends and relatives.
In T aurus. good cdllca ti on, polit e bchnviou r, possessi"n of co"s . lar. dcd pi operty. financia l gain . purchase
" f f'lshiona ble dress and jewe ls are the likely results.
In G emini . Rahu causes enm ity, danger fr om poison,
misundersta nd ing with relatives trouble th ro ugh ladies,
In Cancer. he produces great pros perit y. self-earning,
marriage, birth of ch ildren . acquisition o f wet-lands .
build ing or purch:;i se of house ' a nd fulfilment of
In Leo, officia l displeasure. troub le fr om G ove rnment.
failure of cro ps, r os ~ of re putat io n, wea lth . hous~ . death
or disease of paterna l rehl tions are the effects.
In Virgo, Rahu makes one crown ed or offici al head or
a famous sch olar. with 3uin of vehide, om amcnts, silk
dress, restoration o f lost property, marriage or birth of
children, etc.
In Libra Rah u produces loss of hc use, lands, wealth
or profession . trouble fromG overn ment . unpo pularity.
deat h of fath er or ot her relatives.
III Scorpio, the native acquires lands, honours from
Government, help from friend, and relatives . ext incti9n
of enem ies, success in li tiga tion or in the war field
and such other happy results.
In Sagittari us . the native suffers from want of milch
cows, fear o f arrest, trouble from enem ies, death or
disease of fathe r, etc. ,
In Ca pricorn, the native will atta in power and authority in rural parts either as Government officer or as
elected head, ma rriage or birth of chitdern . agricultural
o r monelary ga in, conllructioD of house . purchase of
[ 84\

livestocks, et c.
In Aquarius. Rahu produces difficulty, indebted ness.
enmity, loss of house, wealth , livestocks, bod ily ailments,
affliction 10 wife. children loss of profession or reputa~
tion, d anger fro m poison etc.
In Pisces, the nati ve s uffers from mis understanding
with one and all dread of foes. arson. thieves, G overnmental punishment and bereavem ent, et c.
RAHU/ Rahu

The sub-period o f Rahu in the majo r period of Rahu

will generally produce finan cial lOB. enmity, disease like
indigestion, consumpt ion. profitless journey or profess ional tran sfer to undesi rable places, affli ctio n to wife and
children .
If Rahu is combined WIth Ascendant Lord wi th benefic influence, the native is likely to tour or travel to
different places dther on professional duty o r pri vate
bu siness , pleasure or pilgrim trip.
If Rahu is posited in Taurus, Can cer o r Virgo with
benefic aspect or association. he will pro mote name and
fame, roya l or official favou r, service in Military or Po lice
Depa rtment , acquisition of wealth th rough foreign
service o r trades, travel towards West or Soulh-west
where the native will enjoy veh icular co nvenience. If
Rahu is aspecl ed by ma lefi c, he may C;l use tro uble or
danger to father.
When Rahu is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house wi th
malefic influence, ocupying debJitated rasi or am.l"a, he
will cau ~ e profitless and ted ious journeys, fin ancial strain .
fear of theft, imprisonment, enmity, di shonour, dea th
of father . mother, children, o r livcstocks, trouble from
one's own kith a nd kin, etc.
[ 85 J

tr Rahu is in 2nd or 1th house strongly influenced

by maJefics, the native will apprehend premature death,
danger from reptiles.
U Jupiter is in an angle'frine or 11th house occupying
own or exalted sign or amsa, the native will enjoy the
effects of Raja yog~ . He will have faith in religion, charitable dispositIOn, company of pious souls. cou rage in
resisting evil. purchase of cows, vehicles. ornaments;
journ ey toward Sou lh o r South-western direction where
he may enter Government 5ervice or enjoy official
favour, delicious meals, etc.
U Jupiter is debilitated or combust occupying 6th.
8th, or 12th house with malefic aspect or associa tion,
temptation to commit sin, amiction to wife, and children.
chest p3in, exile are the likely results. If Jupiter is placed
in an angle, trine, 11th or 2nd house from Dasanatha. he
will promote health, weultb. happiness, purchase ' of
lands, house, birth of fam ous sons, cordial relationship
with friends and relatives, etc.
When Jupit er occupies 6th, 8th or 12th house from
Dasanatha. he will produce financial loss. official displeasure, trouble from secret enemies. misunderstanding
with one and all. professional transfer to und~sirable
places. disease arising out of indigestion are the likely
results during the first half of the bhukti followed by
some good results during the second balf.
If Jupiter is placed in 2nd or 7th houses influenced by
death-dealing planets. the nati\'e will have to apprehend
premature deatb.

( 86)

If Saturn is posited in an angle, trine, 3rd or 11 th
house. occupying own o r exalted sign, he may cause at
first some malefic effects like disease and disputes. followed by gratifying resu hs like fame aDd (ortune tbrouah
hard and sustained work, power and authority either as
official or elected head in rural parts. The native will
have a large number of sen'a nts, commanding vehicular
fa ci lities. He may gain through black a rticles, grains or
animals like iron, buffalloes, travel towards West or
South-west, service under alien maste rs like Christians,
etc. The native may have a liking to have in tercourse
with widows, elderly o r low-caste women. There may
be celebration of happy and auspicious functions at home.
birth of children and digging of wells either for agricultural operation or charity.
If Saturn is placed in 6th, 8th. 12th in debilitated Of
inimical sign , he may produce trouble through rude and
uncivilised people. servan ts or tenants , ill-health, misunderstanding wi th near and dear ones, death of maternal
o r paternal relatives. fear of arrest or criminal prosecution , financi al worries.
When Saturn is posited in an angle, trine or 11th from
Dasanatha with benefic aspect or association, he may
produce official favour, monetary gain followed by enmity
with Government officials, affl iction to wife, children. etc.
If Saturn has malefic ownership occupying 6th, 8th or
12th from Dasanatha, the native will suffer from chest
pain. danger from snakes. fire. loss of profession or
reputation, poverty, etc.
When Saturn is in 2nd or 7th house with malefic
aspect or conjunction, the native may apprehend preroa
ture death.

[ 87 J

RAHU /Mercury

Ir Mercury is in an angle, tr ine or J I lh house, the

native will shine as a poet, author, painter, orator, lawyer,
mathematician , a mb a~sa d o r. travelling sales man or business magnate, etc, He will get married or have sexu<ll
union with the woman of his heart, enjoying musical or
dramalic entertainments like cinema, dancing, etc. He
may also amass large fortune through trade or commerce.
When Mercury is posited in 6th, 81h or 12th with the
aspect o f Saturn or :lIlOther malefics, he will produce disgrace, tro uble through his own words, loss thro ugh gambling or fraud or fluctuation of prices, etc.
lf Mercury is placed in an angle or trine f rom Dasanatha, he promotes educati ona l or academical succcess,
purchase of ornaments or housts of latest fashi on, performance of charity, name and fame.
If he is in 6th, 81h or 12th from Dosollollla, failure in
examination, loss through theft, fire , d isput.:s. and qu arrels, hatred of relatives are the likely resu lts.
If Metcury occupies 2nd or 7th house with strong
Marako dosha, he may produce mortal disease.
Kethu bhukti will gene rally produce mental disorder
like hysteria, treason , epidemic, trouble from evil spirits,
poison , affliction to wife and children. If he is in ascendant, he may cause enmity; d Ol nger poisonous
creatures in the 2nd house; suffering to brother and
digestive disorder in th ~ 3rd house, affliction to fath er in
the 9th, trouble to mother in the 4th house, accidents in
the 7th house.
If Ketbu is posited in an angle or trine combined with

[ 88 J

their lords with benefic asptcts. he will give marriage.

official favour, gain through mean profession or low-caste
people . widows or ma ter nal grand-p:lTcnh. Cxp,L Jlsio n of
trade and commercial projects, transfer or journey 10wards North-west.
If he is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th with malefic influence occupying Scorpio , Cancer, Leo, mental worries,
disputes through ladies, misundersta nding with brothers.
danger from thieves, fire, weapons . death of livestock s,
grand paren ts, imprisonment, female disease , leprosy,
poverty are the likely results.
When Kelhu is placed in an angle or trine from
Dasolllllho, little happiness, meagre gain through agriculture. livestocks followed by heavy expenditure at the
end of the bhukti.
If Kelhu is strongly influenced by death-dealing
planets, he may cause danger from poison, disease of
the head or ear or premature death.
When Venus is placed in an angle, trine or 11th house
occupying own or exalted sign with benefic influence.
the native will enjoy the effects of Raja yoga like marriage
or sexual union with beautiful ladies, construction of
new-fashioned houses, purchase of vehicles, lands, ornaments, costly gems, gain through contract, banking, overseas trade, birth of children, lucky daughters , prom otion
in service, etc.
If Venus is posited in 6th, 8th or 12th house with
malefic aspect or association, he may cause dise;l se or
death of wife, children , enmity with fr iends and relatives.
venereal (;omplaints, urinary diseases, loss through house
transactions, bad name, death of livestock s, wanl Qf

[ 89 J

doth and ornaments.

If Venus is in an angle. trine or 11th ho use from
Dasanatha, the native wi ll enjoy life with guests liKe
sexual pleasure, luxurious bedding, sweet scents, flowers.
fashionable dress, hearing of religious discourses, moving
with tbe nobility and gentry.
If Venus is posited in 6th, 8th or 12th from Da.sanafha
with malefic influence, he will cause trouble through
ladies. sons and daughters or wife-side relatives, loss
through Iivestocks. mortgage or sale of property on
account of pressure from creditors. or court nction, etc.
When Venus is strongly influenced by ' Maraka' planets. there may happen danger to life.

When the Sun IS posited in un angle, trine or 11 th

house both with reference to lagna and Dasallalha,
occupying own or exalted sign, the nati ve wi ll at(;lin
name and fame. inco me thro ugh travel, trade o r Govern ment service, mixed with so me sort of mental or physical ailment, both to the nalive and his sons.
If Sun is joined with the lords of lagna and 9th house
and aspected by Jupiter and Moon, the nat ive will become
a high-placed Government official with keen intellect or
a business magn ate ever basking in officia l favour.
If Sun accupies 6th. 8th or 12th both from lagna and
Dasanatha, he m::y cause diseases due to elttreme heat
like purging, etc., trouble from Government, enemies,
tedious and profitless jou rney. etc.
If Sun is pl aced in 2nd or 7th house with malefic
aspect or aSSOCiation of Saturn, Mars or other deathdealing planets, he may produce heavy expenditure.
mortal disease.

[.90 )

Since Moon is an enemy to Rahu. he may generally
produce financia l loss thro ujh relati ves, th ieves, ill-heal th
to mother, pa in of limb. probabil it y of a voyage to a
foreign country followed by acquisi ti on of property,
change of residence, purchase of live-stocks, etc.
If Moon is fu ll occupying an angle, trine, 11th ho use
or own or exalted sign, he promotes prosperity, domestic
happiness, delicious mea ls, fulfilment of desi res. birth of
children, c~lcbration of marriage o r other aus picious
fun ctions, purchase of ornaments. d ress, success in
speculation. professional advancement, etc.
If Moon is in the wane occupying 6th, 8th or 12th
with malefic ownership, sudden and unexpected loss
thrp ugh specula tion or fraud, poverty, theft, disrespect
fro m relatives, domestic disharmony, fail ure oJ crops,
scarcity of milk, curd, ghee, cold diseases, etc., a re the
likely results.
If Moon is posited in an angle, trine o r 11th house
from Dosallotho, he will produce the propiti ation of Gods
and Brahmins, pilgrimage and holy baths, diggi ng of wells,
If he is in 6th , 8th o r 12th from Dosanalho. the Iihly
result. are hysteria or such other tro ubles from devils,
jaundice, danger from drowning, accidents thro ugn travel.
skin diseases like itches, etc .
If he is influenced by death-deal ing planets, there may
be danger of premature death.
When Mars is posited in an angle. trine or J IIh house
with benefic aspects and conjlmctions, the native will be
[ 91-)

fired with

daring Splflt of adventure, organising and

!kill; he will have helping fri ends a nd
brothers, enjoying hea lth . wealth a nd happiness, s uccess
in litigation, bi rth of brothel'1, etc.,
If Mars is placed in 6t h, 8th o r 12th house with malefic ownership, he may ca use high fev er, intestinal troubles,
hu rts find cuts. disputes, misunderstanding with brothers,
accidents during jo urney o r pla y, en mity, opera ton. death
by drowning or militll.ry action lit the begi nn ing of the
bhukli follo w('d by so mt: good effects like happy and
auspicious functioJlS, na me and fa me in sports or ga mes.
In tbe above rule the sage hints a n important astrologica it ruth that maldics when placed in malefi c houses
like 6th, 8th or 12th. will become powerless to do much
harm. On t he other hand. they facilitate benefic planetl
to do lome good. Th is accounts fo r some good results
stated in the above passage.
If Ma rs is placed in an angle. trine. l !th house in
Scorpi o, he will promote tl ightly good effects. official
favour, purchase of la nds, gai n thro ugh red gra in!. articles, journey. etc.
If he is posited in 6th, 8th, 121h from Oasafla/ha
combi ned with deb ilit ated or malefic planets, he may
produce disease or death of wife, children. brothers, fear
of imprilo nment. loss o r mortgage of !anded property,
thert. danger from an imals. etc.
When Mars is strongly influenced by ' Maroko' planets.
be may cause dan,er to life.

en~inee r ing

[ 92]

PUlIorVQSU, Visakha and Parva Bhadrapada are each
ruled by the Ma!ladasa of JlIpit~f which lasts for 16 years
resulting generally in majestic and magnetic personality
with fat constitution, virluom dlSpJsition, divine grace,
initiative; insight into men and th ings, strict observance
orfast and prayer, selfless se rvice to humanitarian or
national cau<;es, peace and plenty, study and exposition of
scriptures. sin less or nob le professior. like tC:lching,
journalism, etc., happy and iluspiciou<; functions like
marriage, religious rites propitiating God lndra o r Brahma
or Sillu. birth of lucky children, meet ing of sages and saints
or such other piolls souls, sen-ice under Brahmin or
sarhl'ic minded masters, fame and fortune in the direction
of North or Northeast, fo llowed at some time or other
by burns or pains in the neck, thigh, knee, etc. The
native will have a fancy for ye J1 r'Jw dress or articles and
gems like lapis lazuli and topaz.
If the native is born under Raja Yoga, he wilt become
a Minister of State with much diplomatic skill, or a popular officer rising to high position by sheer force of
character. If born in ' Hamsa YOKa' he will become a
great yOgi, philosopher, logician. grammarian or a religious head, attracting people throu8h his spiritual power~.
The best position of Jupiter in a horoscop: may be visible
in the native's palm in the form of auspicious marks like
star, triangle, conch, etc., on the mount of Jupiter.

[ 93

If J upit!'!r is debilitated o r combust occupying 6th , 8th

o r 12th house both from lagl/Q and Dasanatha, the results
will be very bad like dogged misfortune, worries and
anxieties, death of nea r and dea r ones, atheistic tendencies, divine retribut ion , trouble from Brahmins. falie
frie nds or secret ene mies, loss of profession. prestige, eating of begged food . etc.
J upiter posited in the 2nd or the 7th house in the
above condition will ca u~e dish onou r, affliction to sons,
change of place. diseases of wi nd, phlegm or spleen especially in the cold season, mixed with some good effects in
the middh: and at the end o f the dasn.
Th e foHow ing arc the genera l effects of Gllru Mahadasa with reference to his occupation of differe nt signs:
J upiter in Aries .... il l confer G overnment service o r
leaders hi p. generous !lnd forgiving na ture and domest ic
In T aurus, the native wiH be fond of fine arts with
crea tive t;llents, but will have no peace of mind . There
may arise a si tuation when the nat ive will have to Je3ve
his nati\'e pbee and work hard for meagre income .
Ju piter in G emini will prom ote religiou s d ispositio n,
knowledge of saslras, o ratorical or diplomati c i-kill, disciplined chtl racter, spiri t of renunciation. Alth ougb the
native may achieve grea tness and glory, he will incur the
displeasure o f his maternal relations or wife with consequent worries .
If Jupiter is posi t ed in th e most exalted portion of
Cancer, he will bestow immense luck, dign ified position in
li fe , fam ous sons, bappy and auspicious functi ons. If he
has descended from the most exalted point occupyi ng
malefi c l'argas, he will produce loss of wealth previously
earned, worries to pare nts and such other results.
In Leo, Jupiter will promote fame and honour, Govern
[ 94

ment service. fat s:tlary, co nt :lct wi th rich and influential

In Virgo, Jupiter produces educational distinction .
acade mical honours. literary and cultura l refinemen t. royal
favour. Yet at some time or other, the native will have
to encounter trouble from low-caste pr mean-minded
In Libra , the nat ive witl be du ll -witted suffe rin g from
wa nt o f proper mea ls. misundersta nding with wife. chi ldren and other m31dic results.
In Scorp:o, J upi ter will produce wisdom, scholarship.
executive skill. poli tc and polished manners, happin ess,
follow ed by indebtedness and heterod o x views.
If Jupiter is posited in M ooflJlrikolla o f S;].giltarius,
he will produce keen intellect ;l nd intuition, official fav our. excessive bile in th e system and henpl.ckcd nature .
If . he is placed afler 20 d egree ill Sagittarius, he will
endow the nalive with religiou~ mimi, performan ce o f
penance, prayer and c harity, bumper ha rvest, moneta ry
gain through livestocks o r through d eliverin$ religiow;
d isco urses, etc.
If Jupiter is posited in the most debi litated po rtio n
of Capricorn. Ih e native Will suffer from pove rty, tedious
work undu hard-task masters, stomach or other
complicated disea ses. dj s resp~ct from one's own kith and
If Jupiter is placed beyond the debi litated point of
Capricorn, the native will get large incom: from agricu lture, hard wo rk o r throu gh mea n profession or se rvice
u nder low class masters o r through recourse to questionab le means,
When Jupiter occupie~ Aquarius, the native will evince
keen interest in mystic and occults sc iences, propiti ating
Kshlldra d~~a(has. He will be ever fond of his ... ife wi th
[ 95 [

unbridled sexual passion,

In Pisces. Jupite'r will confer deep scboiarsnip, pu blic
e!lteem, roya l favour, dutiful wife and chi ldren, peace and
The above results, should be ca refully weighed in the
light of different kinds of planet:ny strengths and aspects .
The foll owi ng are the imortant years when Jupiter
cau ses some major events when he occupies the different
houses at bi rth :
When Guru is in the 1st house. he will produce
happy and auspicious function s in the nati ve's 5th yea r;
in the 2nd, roya l favour in his 27th year; and acquisi
tion of wealth in 39th year; in the Jrd , in the company
of good fr iends in his 20th yea r; in the 4th . gain t hrough
relatives in the 12th year; in the 5th . affliction to
maternal rel atio ns in the 7th year; in the 6th . trouble
from enemies in the 40th year; in the 7th, gain thl ough
ladies or sexual un ion in the 27th year; in the 8th ,
chronic disease in the 3 1st ye ar : in the 9th, 10th and 11th,
moneta ry gain to fat her in the 15th yea r ; in the 121 h ,
heavy expendi ture in the 25th yea r,
J UPITER{Jupiter
When Jupiter is well placed, the result s th ough favou r
able, will be mild . likt: visit to holy shrine~ and sacred
baths, building of loft y towers, digging of well s, fo und
ing of charitable institution5, noble assoc iations, Th e
native will ri se from 1humble begin ning slowly but ste a ~ily
to great fortune which will be lasting for generations,
He will possess horses, elephan ts, cows, palanquins o r
other vehicu lar conveni ence,
If Jupiter is posited in 6th. 8th or 12th house occu
pying c!ebililated sign with malefic aspect and conjunc[ 96

ti on in ad di ti on to o wnership of 4th , 7th or 10th house.

the native will be subjected to unto ld suffering, mental anguis h, disease, quarrel with 'Dayadilu', bereavement like
death of gre:J.t grand-father or eldest member of the
fa mily, neglect of reli gious dUlies, finan cial difficulties.
wo rried meals, etc. If, in the a bove position, Iupiter is
defeated in 'Graha-yuddha" the native will die in foreign
co untri e:i.
If Iupiter is placed in the 2nd o r 7th house or otherwise inftuenced by death-dealing pl anets, he will cause
dissases like dropsy.

Sat urn occupying all angl e, trine, 3rd or 11th house in
exa lted , own or frie ndly sign with benefic aspect or conju nction, will produce leadershi p among mobs, labo urers,
reli gio us head for lo w'('"::iste peopk propi tiat ing Kshudra
d"vathas' for attaining S iddhi in occult sciences lik e
black magic. alchemy, rejuvenatio n, etc. The nat ive may
engage himself in social service like uplift of depressed
classes , recla mation of crim inal tribes. abolition o f slavery. etc. Acquisition of lands, wea lth , house, etc. (may
be through unscrupulous means). servants. livestocks like
buffaloes and mules m"\ y also take pl ace. If the bene fic
influ ence of Mercu ry combine" the nati ve may go for
foreign studies or at least learn a fo reign language,
ga in through trade or travel in the direction of- West,
Sou th-wes t o r Northeast. If the benefic influence of
Ma rs combines, the native will become mill-owner or head
of a facto ry. If the benefic influence of Sun combines, the
nat ive may enter Government service in the d epartmentJ
con nected with Po lice, Agriculture. F orest. Excise or
Prisons, Labour . etc.
[ 97]

If the benefic influence of Rahu or Kethu combines.

th e na tive will become something like iron merchant.
oil-monge r, o r head of a firm engaged in the ma nufac-'
ture of ~hoes, bla nkets, etc. The native will however
suffer from ma lefi c results for 5 months like mi su nderstanding with relatives, heavy expenditure, tedious work.
Sa lun pos it ed in 6th; 8th 01 12th both from lagn
and Dasanatha with malefic inHuence, will cause enmity,
trouble from rowdies. failure of c ro p!; indebted ness .
impri sonment, loss of re putation, intercourse with servantma id , scavengers, diseases or maimed wo men, fear
of murder, theft , shift o r transfer, cruelty, etc. a re the
likely resu lts.
If Saturn is placed in the 2nd o r 7th house or otherwise influenced by death-dealing planets; he mly cause
fe ll diseases pertaining to tendon, muscle or wrist especially in cold season.
If M ercu ry is st rongly pl aced in a n angle, trine with
benefic aspect o r conjunC"tion, the native will be well.versed in scriptures, arts and scie nces with a bright
a nd brisk persona lity, tactful behavio ur, sense of humou r.
presence of m ind, gift of the gab. alway! striving
fo r high ideas. He may be a busi ness magnate thrIVing well in the direction of West or N o rth-west o r
enter service as accountant, auditor o r clerk in the
Judicial, Income-tax, Postal, Railway o r Revenue D epartment. Green grains and articles as well as bellmetal are some of the lines which will bring fortune to
If sighted by Dasanatha, M ercury produces religio us
trend, taste for astro!ogy, Mal/ra Siddhi io preparina: spells
[ 98

and ch:Hrns, co nt ri butio n fo r ch ll"i table ca use . etc.

When Merc ury is posi ted in 6th. 8th or 12th with
ma lefic aspect or conjunction like Ma rs, he may cause
heavy loss through ga mbl ing. indebtedness. d isho no ur.
cha rges of trust o r defalcation, defama tio n. etclf Mercury is placed in a n angle o r tr inc fro m Dasanatha the native may learn a new lang uage. purchase of
golden o rnaments. vechiclei. help fr o m maternal uncle
or other relatives. happiness to parents, holy baths,
devotion to God VlshnZl. gain through sha re speculation
or - prices, fo nune in his own nativll land .
If Mercury is posi ted in 6th, 8th or 12th fro m
Dasanatha occu pyi ng debi litated sign, fai lure in examination, depromotion in service, loss t hro ugh travel, theft
are likely to happen .
If Mercury IS strongly inl1 uenced by dea th-dea ling
pl a net ~. the native may apprehend danger to life through
diseases like indi gestion, colic, diarrhoea a nd al so through
the instrumellt.ll ily of spirits pertainrng to Vishnll. The
above evil effecls may be mitiga ted by pro pitiating God
Vishnu or Mercu ry.

It Kethu is posited in an a ngle o r trine he promotes little happiness. gain thro ugh mean profession
o r questionable means, untimely and undesi rable mean.
purcha~ e of rare and valuable articles.
If he is pl aced in 3rd or I Jth house with benefic
aspect or conjunction. devotion to God Siva, Gal/esha, ehandee, or other UgTa Devathas, bath in the Ga nges. spint
of renu nciation, acquisition of wealth , fa st life, knowledge
of witchcraft. possession of live-stocks like cosk, dog, etc.,
"xual enjoyment with widows. royal favo ur. service 85
( 99

doctor. etc are the likely results.

If Kethu occupies 6th. 8th or 12th house with malefic
influence. he is likely to cause trouble from widows.
shift or transfer. misunderstanding with grand parents:
death of brother. dishonour, residence in foreign places.
poverty, stupidity. inconstancy, bodi,,>, ailments of eye,
head or fell diseases like consumption:)eprosy, small-pox,
hysteria, danger from snakes and reptiles etc.
If Kethu is strongly influenced by death-dealing
planets, premature death is likely.
Venus in an angle or trine occupying own or exalted
sign will bestow on the native the blessings of As~ra
Lakshmis, namely, chaste and beautiful wife, children,
ornaments, dress, house, enjoyment of music performance,
dramntic and cinema entertainments. sweet scents,
!lowers, fruits, garlands. sandal paste, gain through
oversea trade, banking, contract, travel towards West Of
Southeast, delicious meals, celebration of marriage or
other happy functions, initiation in Sri Vidya. gain
through dowry, or help from father-in law or ladies , etc.
If Venus is placed ,in the 6th, 8th or 12th occupying
debilitated sign with malefic influence, delay in marriage,
disease, danger or death of wife, daughters, chiMren,
disputes and quarrels with wife-side relations, female
diseases o r the trouble of the lung like pleurisy, sale of
house or property owing to pressure from creditors, loss
thr~'Sh then, or litigation, death of Iivestocks. residence
in for.~ign places, poverty, are the likely results.
If Venus is strongly influenced by death-dealing
planets, he is likely to cause premature death through
venereal complaints. diabetes, etc,

[ tOO 1

Wh;!.!} Sun is p)~ited in an angle or trine oCl;upyina
own or exalted sign with benefic aspect or association. he
will confer proficiencj in court language, Government
service. marriage. fame and fortune especially in the
direction East, con tact with aristocratic peoplc. company
of pious souls, prosperity through father, s uccess "in
undertaking through favour of Government officials, etc.,
mixed with some malefic results like diseases of the head
arising through extreme heat.
If he is placed in 6th, 8th or 12111 with. malefic inDu
cnee, occupying debilitated sign in ras; or amsa, the
n"tive will have to face tbe opposition of the rich and
influential people, loss through Government action. lili
galion. damage or danger from arson, affliction to fathe r
o r paternal relations, high fever, shift or transfer, sinful
acts, dishonour, etc.
If Sun is strongly influenced by death-dealing planets
he may cause danger to life,

When Moon is waxing, posited in an allg'le. or trine
occupying own or exalted sign with benefic aspect o r
conj unction. he will produce bealth. wealth and happiness.
marriage, birth of children, good harvest. digging of
wells, wide knowledge. holy baths. devotion to Goddess
Gowr;, sea voyage o r travel to distant cou ntries. help
from matern al relations, attending parties a nd funct io ns,
plenty-of curd. milk, ghee. gain through livestocks like
COW!!, acquisition of lands, under
ground treasure,
success in speculation. good earning through profession
and other good results.
[ 101

Jf M00n is placed in 6th, 8th or J 21h hODse both fro m

Lagna and DasanathlJ with malefic influence , he

cause heavy loss through miscalculation or failure of
business, enmity, affliction to mother, children, official
displeasure, diseases like typhoid, pallor,catarah, jaundice,
in1lammation of the nose and also trouble from numerous
female goblins.
If Moon is strongly influenced by death-dealing
planets, the native will meet with danger to life.
When Mars is placed in an angle, trine occupying
own or exalted sign , he will produce little gain, heavy
expenditure during the first half of the bhukti followed
by acquisition of lands, house, help from brothers, gain
through military service or in a workshop, travel towards
South, success over enemies, bumper harvest, ath letic
fame and delicious meals, especially heat producing
If he is in 6th, 8th or 12th combined or aspected by
the lord of the 9th house, the native may enjoy glowing
health, rulership over towns and villages, followed by
heavy and unavoidable expenditure.
If, in the above position, Mars is debil itated or
combust with malefic aspect or association, he wil'l
produce diseases like boils, wounds, loss through theft
or litigation, arson, intercourse with other women with
consequent bad name, urinary d Iseases, neglect of one's
family duties (Dharma), accidents during travel or in the
war-field, etc-.
When Mars is strongly influenced by death-dealing
planets, he will cause dangerous diseases.
[ 102 J

If Rahu is posited in an angle o r trine with malefic
planets, he will cause disputes and quarrels, misunderstanding with friends and relatives. sorrow through wife.
If he is placed with benefic planets in the above pasitia l'!, he will make the native an elected or official head
o'\'cr lowns and villages, acquisition of land , fr iendship
of new and rich people, gain through business or travel
towards South o r South-west, knowledge of foreign,
language etc., celebration of ha ppy and auspicious fun ctions at home, military se rvice or leadership, pilgrimage,
holy baths in Ganges, Rameswaram, etc.
If he is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th, he will produce
trouble from Government o r from one's superio rs, danger
from thieves. devils, mental worries.
If he is in an angle or trine from Dasanalha with benefic and malefic aspects, he may ca use trouble to the
native and his 'Dayadins', disgrace, jo urney, o r transfer to
inconvenient places, followed b~' happy res ults at the end
of the bltukti.
If he is placed in 6th, 81h or 12th from Dasanalha, he
will produce very bad result s, foll owed at the end of the
bhukti with slightly good effects.
If Rahu is strongly influenced by death-dealing planets.
he may cause fell diseases like epilepsy, small pox, leprosy
ant! want of appetite, suicide. etc.

( 10)

Pushyami, A nuradha and Uttarashada are each ruled
by the Mahadasa of Saturn which lasts for 19 years. lr
Salurn is well placed . the native may rise ' from log cabin
to White House: :1S it were through hard and sustained
work wielding power and authority over rustics and rowdies, something like a village Hampdon, Labour or kisan
Leader o r, a champion o f the depressed and downtrodden
people like Harijans, Negroes, criminal or forest tribes.
fishermen. hunters or such other unclvilised fold. He
may earn a large fortune especially in th~ western din:ction through ag riculture o r trade in inferior articles o r
grains among low-class people or tbro4gh service under
a lien masters like Christians and Moham medans. If the
malefic influence of Rahu, Kethu or Mars combines, the
subject is likely to become a notorious swindler, gangster
or usurious money-lender with cruel di$position . He may
purchase old and dilapidated houses or lands, and try .to
enrich h imself by drawing chestnut out of fire or fishing
his opponents in troubled waters. He will be lazy, indolent or miserable. But once his vanity is tricked, he may
spend lavishly both for good and bad causes. He may be
addicted to alcoholic drinks and narcotics craving for the
company of wid,?ws or old and low-class women. Too
much of Saturn ian influence may take several forms, say,
blackmarket, black-magic and black;6,.ess, as some people
have now-a-days a fancy for black shirts. If the influence

[ 104 J

of Mercury combines, tbe native wip become a l'rophet

of evil or death-foretelling astrologer.
The following are the general eff..:ct5 of Sa turn Maliadasa with rdefence to his occupation of different signs:
Aries-If Saturn is posited in the extreme debilitated
portion , he will produce diseases like fe ve r, headache,
death of retatives, accidents in mines, loss of quadruped s
like buffaloes, camel s, donkeys, mules, lit igation, insult
from rude and rough people. But when Saturn is
exalted in lIavomsa, with benefic aspects, these results
should considerably be modified. On the other hand
some good results may also be expected .
Taurus- Dignity, roya l favour, taste for arts and
sciences, laziness, craving for sexual pleasure, milita ry
G emini-Majestic and magnetic personality, nobility
of ch aracter, luck thro ugh wife, income through trade,
writing, recognition of merit, hu man itarian work and
trade gains, success in speculative ventu res, political fam e,
Cancer- Mental worries due to wife, children or
fr iend s; disease of tile eye or ear; enmity. If thcre is benefic
aspect o r association, good effects like happy and auspicious function s, gai n through foreign travel or trade.
Leo- Misery, disappointment, misappropriation, criminal prosecution , sucide, murder or such other tendencies.
Virgo-Officia l favour, promotion in se rvice, increase
in fo rtune, mixed with danger from water, trees, mountains and hilly regio ns.
Libra-If Saturn is posited in the extreme exa lted point.
acquisition of lands. dress. ornaments, sexua l pleasure,
enjoyment of drama tic and Olber entertai nments, travel
o r trade in regions inhabited by Chri stians, Moslems or
other foreigners, invitation for p ubhc parties and fu m:-

[ 105

tions. increase or business. If Saturn is debilitated in

navamsa or otherwise afflicted, shift or transfer to a new
place, lo~s in trade or agriculture, official displeasure,
disrespect, exile etc., are likely to happen .
Scorpio-Cruel and sinful disposition, tedious journey,
fraud , officia l stricture. loss of prestige or reputation.
destruction , o r damage to property.
Sagittarius-When Saturn is well placed. the nat ive
will evince interest in religious and philanthropic studies,
attend happy and auspicious funct io ns, live in big cities
ncar military centres, minister or adviser to ruling chiefs
or rich people. lf afflicted, he will produce trouble
through servants, strained relationship with kith and kin,
di5eases like T.B., leprosy, etc.
Capricorn- Purchase of lands, ornaments, clothes,
succes! in business. friendship with great and illustrious
personage!. fa vo ur from officials. Jf the sign is strong in
shadba/a, the native will live in a fertile place abounding
in water facilities near a river, sea or tank, making enor
moul gain especially in the directi on of so uth or north,
increase in power or authority, golden ornaments. If
afflicted , misunderst anding wi th friend s and relatives or
other worries arc likely to crop up.
Aquarius- If Saturn is po>ited in Moolatrikona portion,
the native will have opportunity of visiting foreign countries where he will attain fame and glory after undergoing
some trouble. If afflicted, loss of money, mis-under!tanding with wife and child ren may happen.
If posited in the Swakshelra portion, travel in western
co untries. success in lit igation ; wealth and happiness.
Pisces-Pilgrimage and holy baths; spirit of renunciation, trade gain especially from East. If afflicted. domestic worries. pain ill the calves may be expected.
The followioi are the general effects of Sani Mahadasa

[ 106 1

with reference to his occupation o( tbe 11: housd.

S<ltu rn posi ted in an angle or trine wil l prod uce only
mixed results, as he is a natural malefic. He wi ll produce
good effects in respect of the houses of which he is tbe
owner and bad effects as regards the houses in wbich he
is posited. In the 6th house, he will produce good
results provided that its bond is we ll provided. In 8tb
and 12th houses. be invaria bly causes malefic results.
The fo llowi ng a re the general rules regarding bhuktiJ
in Saturn M ahadasa with reference to hi s occu pation of
different houses:
During ma lefic bhukti in the major period of Saturn
posited in an angle, the native will apprehend loss of
status, house, shift o r transfer; danger fro m fire, thie'loes,
G ovcrn ment, et c. During benefic bhuktis, extreme
happiness. Government se rvi c~ or elected head over towns
or villages, good earning in the beginning of the bhuktis
fo llowed by disease, blame, death of relatives and financial loss towa rds the end .
When dasa lord is placed in trine, malefic b/luktis wil l
prod uce trouble to fatber, cbildren, failure in underta king,
diseases like phelgm, pilcs, professio nal set back , agricultural loss.
Du ring benefic bhuklis, agricultural and mon etary
gain, respect and honours either from Government or
public, domestic happiness, help from friends and relativ('s, gain of apparel or ornaments, servants and cbaritable aclS are likely to bappen .
Malefic bhllklis in the- major period of Saturn pos ited
in 6th, 8th o r 12th may cause recta l troubles. danger fro m
poison, fever, fi re. depromotion in , ervice, blame, etc.
Benefic bltuklis will produ ce good results.
When Dasanatha is placed in 3rd or 11th house,
malefic b/Juklis may cause misery, suffering to brother,

[ 107 ].

trouble (rom servants, (ear mixed with slight financial

gain. During benefic bhuktis, good results like honours
and titles, purchase of lands, ornaments, help from brothers may happen.
During malefic bhuklis of Saturn Mahadasa posited in
2nd house, trouble from Government, obst ructi on to
work, fear of impri so nment. worried mind , dysentery,
fever , damage o r loss of lands. cattle, vehicles. etc.
During benefic bllllktis the results are strength of mind ,
helping native , pleasure and profit in gambling, horse-race
etc., hearing lectures, attending enterta inments or buying
costly gems, good appointm ent are th e likely results.
The sub period of Salu rn in his own major period
will generall y cau se domes.ic disharmony, ill-h ealth .
enmity mixed with good results like acqui sitio n of land s,
se rva nts. cattle like buffa loes, goa ts, dogs. mules . One
may try 10 secure a high appoinlment not necessui ly by
me rit. but thro ugh bac k-door influence like bribery, etc,
He may ga in through iron . or oil trade. fue l business,
road conllacl . in fact. :111 works involving hard work.
I!" Saturn is placed in an angle , trine, 3rd or 11th
house occupying own or exalted sign . he may cause large
income, Goverment servi ce or fav our of the ruling dass.
gain or ornamen ts set with blue stones, weapons, succesS
over enemies, travel towa rds west, visit of friend s a nd
relatives in connection with happy fun c lion ~, happiness of
sons and d aughters.
Saturn placed in 6th , 8th o r 12th house occupy in g
debilitated sign or combu ')t will cause disputes and quarrels with mischievous element, loss through theft, indebtedness. fear of murder. arson, poverty, shame, trouble
[ 108

through widow!> ur lowclass wom:!ll, venereal complaints,

loose moral, etc.
If posited in 2nd or 7th house strongly influenced
by deathde:lling plan::ts, premature death is liKely.

Mercury bhukri will generally prod!.1ce commercial or
trade gains through nunipulating accounts, false adverlisemer:t, by cleverly cheating the customers. Student"
will try to smuggle question papers or pass examinations
by copying answers or such other illegal means.
If Mercu ry is placed in an angle or trin e occupy ing
own, exalted sig n or l'urgullulIJu 1I(1I'UIIJSO or retrograde
with slwdbafa strength, he will promote fame and fortune,
contact with educated persons, learning new bnguages,
hearing religious or liteT<lry discourses, grace of God
Vishnll. help from unrles or mother-side rel <l tions . sympath y with the poor. pilgrimage, bath in Rameslvaram or
other holy pillees, poor fcedlng. He may expand his
husiness by opening new lines or by undertaking tour in
new places, law~' ers :HC likely to llIHlrish well especially in
crimill<ll cases.
Whcn r-"Iercury is pos ited in 6th, 8th o r 12th in
debilitated sign, he may cause failure of busincss through
l1ucluatioll of prices, or in education, quarrel through
t:lctless tnlk, d ishonour, dj~pleasure of educated people
and other malefic results.
If posited in an angle Of trine from DUSGIlGlha, he will
promote health, wealth and happiness, elevation to higher
posts, followed by bodily ailment, blame and death of
relatives towards the end of the bhukli.
If in 6th, 8th or 12th from Dasanatha, little happiness
in the heginning followed by gain of omament, devotion

[ 109

10 God and Guru at the end .

11' in 2nd or 7th with st rong ' Maraka DOJlla' he may
cause serious danger.
The sub-period or Ket hu witl generally cause diseases
ftri sing rrom blood poisoning, itches, danger rrom serpents
or other repti les, domestic disharmony, etc.
If he is posited in an angle or trine with benefic aspect
or association with more than the required number or
hindus, he may cause happy and auspicious runctions
at ho me, ga in through widows o r other low caste people,
rail or enemies, spirit or renunciatio n, in terest in the
attainment or spiritual salvation, sacred bath in the
Ganges or other holy rivers, propitiat ion or the Goddess
Chandee , God Siva, Ganesha. Docto rs will have a good
time during this sub-period.
If placed in 6th, 8th or 12th occupying debi litated
sign with malefic association, trouble rrom robbers, fires.
weapons, poisonous creatures, loss or wea lth , bad name
through associatio n with vile and wicked women , dogbite, rear or arrest, o r murder, suicide, trouble rroDl witchcrart. indebtedness. sale or lands, etc.
Kethu in 2nd o r 7th with death-inflicting infl.uerJce,
may cause prem alu re death .
When Venus is well placed in an angle or trine
occupying own or exalted sign associated with the lords
or the 9th o r 11 th house he will promote, excellent yoga,
enormous income rrom banking, contract, house construction, sexual pleasure with beautirul ladies. gain thIOugh
[ 110)

marriage, birth of lucky children. comfort and convenience. gain of fashionable ornaments and dress. enjoying
sweet scents. flowers. drinks and narcotics, amorous
disposition, attending musical entertainments, etc.
If he is placed in 6th, 8th or II th with malefic aspect
or association, he will produce venereal complaints,
kidnapping of ladies. loss through money lending,
damage or destruction to house, cattle, death of wife and
children, quarrel with father-in-law or other relations,
pledging of jewels and other malefic results.
Venus in 2nd or 7th with death-dealing influence may
cause premature death.
When Sun is placed in an angle or trine or 11th house
occupying subha varga with benefic aspect or association,
the native will attain power and authority over towns and
villages. enter Government service or business firm, gain
through fore st produce . trade in drugs and other chemical
s ubstances. success in litigation through favour of
Government officials, increase in patrimony, help from
father, happy functions connected with paternal relations,
meeting of pious souls, philosophic studies, devotion to
God Sh'a, etc.
If he is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th houses, occupying
debilitated sign with:- R~'hu or Kelhu, he becomes a
chandala, thereby marring the fame and fortune of the
native. He will associate with outcastes, perform intercaste marriage, suffer from the curse of pious souls,
death of children, mental anguish, etc.
If Jupiter is posited in 2nd or 7th house with deathinflicting influence, the native may apprehend danger
to life.
[ 111


Aslesho, Jyeshla, Rt'~olhi are each ruled by the
Mahadasa of Mercury which lasts for 17 years resulting
generally in smart and smiling personality with a sparkling sense of wit and humour, eloquent a nd persuasive
tongue, fle xible ca pacity for adjustment, psycho logical
insight, fru gal and calculating nature, pushing and
dashing kna ck for business c.nterprise
in the direction of North -West, educational distinction
mathemati cs , refined and elegan t taste for fine
arts and keen interest in occult sciences like astrology,
palmistry and mallfra shaslra. The native may secure
Government appointment by passing comyctetive examinations in the revenue, judicial. income-tax, cooperative.
postal, railway or radio department. Or he may enter
business as secretary, manager. accounl:tnl , auditor.
stenO-I}pis!. clerk. travellin! o r commissio n agent in a
firm of imports and exports. boo k-sellers and - publishers.
yarn o r weavi ng mill. He may also slrike out an independent lin e as piece-good merchant, pan shop-keeper
or a dealer in vegetables, green grains and a 110y of
In the case of people born in Bhadra Yoga, Mercury
w;l1 mo uld versa tile geniuses, mathemati cal or scientific
prodigies, industri al and commercial m:lgnat es. poets,
pal rials, philoso phers. lawyers, a mbassado rs, parliamentarians and public speakers. He will , however
[ 112

produce towards the clo:;e of the dasa 50 me ill-health

due to the deficiency of 'C' vitamin.
The following are the general effects of Mercury
Mahadasa wilh reference to his occupation of different
Aries: Poor, ignorant and unhappy; unscrupulous,
idiotic; liar, swindler and gambler; unsettled life; constant
and tedious journeys. These results may be modified by
benefic aspect or association .
.. Taurus: Opinionative, clever, logical, well-read, showy;
heavy expenditure, affliction to mother, wife or children.
pain in the neck.
Gemini: Highly educated in literature, arts and
sciences; plea~ing manners and courtly appearance, a
fine comprehension of the scheme of life, a good grammarian , technical, logical and clever; celebration of
happy or a:Jspicious functions, participating in public
meetings, help from cousins, but little happiness to mother
who may be subjected to some sort of suffering.
Cancer: Wealthy, witty and speculative; hard lot
of life in a foreign. place, top-heavy expenditure due to
haughty friends, small gain in agriculture or other profession , mortgage of property or dishonour.
Leo : Unlucky, confused, pooi and proud; mental
anguish due to wife, children or friends. But if Mercury
is well disposed to lagnll with benefic aspect or association, the native will be a daring adventurer travelling in
hilly regions and will have a large influx of money from
different sources . He will have opportunities of learn
ing a new language .
Virgo: When Mercury is posited in the exalted port ion of Virgo, the native will attain fame and fortune
through writing, as author or journalist. H, will be
highly religious, well versed in the scriptures.
[ 113

If placed in Moolatrikolfo, he will produce charitable

mind, self-earning, desire for foreign travel, Government
service, etc.
When fallen from the exalted portion , scarcity of milk,
hatred o f relatives , defect ive limbs, bad name and sinfu l
Libra: Defective vi sion or speech, skill in fine arts
like drawing, painting. sculpture , bold and enterprising
n;i ture. di sease to co ..... s or other live-stocks. If there is
be.l!I;c a.. p!ct or au!)cial ion, rc::colnition of merit, contact
with the wealthy and leuned people. le:tdership.
Scorpio: Little happiness. heavy expenditure, separation from relatives, suffering to wif~ . children ; loss of
wealth. merchandise, prestige. worrit:s but religious and
philo ~ ophic temperament.
Sagittarius : Respected and learned but servicc. adviser to ruling chiefs like Minister, contact with pious sou ls,
tour to Eastern co untries. honours and titles, ambitious,
plans and projects .
Capricorn: Inde btedness, ted iou.. journeys. moving
with all and sundry; obscure. If there is benefic aspect
o r association, new business especially in tanneries and
leather. glassware. etc., may be started . Patronage of the
rich. Government service, success over enemies, new
inventi ons and discoveries. stud y and exposition of religious scriptu res may also take pla ce.
Aquarius : Inventive, esoteric, philosophic. poor
and unhappy. drudaing for others. loss of wealth. or reputation through friends. hard life in n foreign place.
If aspected by benefics, acquisition of parapehrnalia,
good earning, pleasure trips and picnic parties.
Pisces : Mean and srrvilc. ignorant , despisr-d. low
minded and filthy , fa ilure in examinations, weak body,
mental worries, exile, litlle aain from agriculture, trouble


from lh ie v ~s, de:nh of rdativel, nervous debili ty et c.

The following are the important yea r. when Mercury
mly C,\Use some important events with reference to his
occupation of different house3 at birth :
1st house -Recog nition of literary merit in the nalive'
10lh year and som: notabl-: religious event in the 27th
yeu. If Mercurv is badly placed, quarrel with brothen
I!'I the 17th year.
211d h o u~e-1!1uc a t ionl l distin ction in the 15th year.
If Mercury is ill. disposed, loss of money in the 26th year.
lrd ho use-Financial loss in Ihe 12th year and some
hap py event in his 15th yea r.
4th ho use-Mercury, they ny will generally produce
bnd effect!! unless he is strongly fort iRed by beneftc in ft u
ence~ . Monetary 83in in the 16th yea r and loss in the
22nd year a re likely.
5th house-Accord ing to som~ work ~ , Mercu ry will
produce malefic results in the 5th hou se unless there are
otber redeeming in Huences.
6th house-If well disp.)sed, roya l favour in the 30th
year; if illplaced, d anger in the 21 st year.
7tb house-Acquisitio n of vehicles in the 24th year.

8th house-Promo tion in the 25th yea r and danger in

Ihe 14th year.
9t h house-Death o r dange r to mother at 19th year.
10th house-Monetary gain in the 19th year
some disease in the 28th year.


II th house-Marriage or sexua l pleasure a t the 45th

12th house-Death of some female relation in the
45th year.


When Mercury is strongly pla ced in an angle or trine
with benefic aspect or asociation, the native receives the
grace of God Vislmu by which he enjoys health, wea llh,
educa tion . knowledge of scriptures, promotion and service, help fr om uncle o r other maternal relations. honours
nnd title::. of merit, eJ:.pansion of business. invitations to
parties and function~, birth of sons and daughters, pitgriJll3ge or visit 10 famous and interesting places, opportunities of addressing public meetings, marriage or birth
of sons or daughters . hrothers nnd sisters. aerial tour.
Students a re likely to ha ve special apt it ude for astronomy
or B. Com. co urses etc.
When Mercury is posited in 6th. 8th or 12th with
malefic aspect o r conjunction, he may cause fai lure in
eX3min<ltioll, business, loss through misca lculation, extrava gance, indebtedness. dis\:race, danger or death of
maternal rehllions. damage through the effect s of storms
:lnd gnles, diseases of head, throat , nose mental derangement and troubles from spirits like Galldharras and
Demoll.t living in fier y pits who will cause had dleams,
dryness of bod y, etc.
If Mercury is strongly in Auenced by death-dealing
planets. the n1.tive m3Y apprehend danger to life.
If Kethu is quartered in kendra .(angle) or kona (trine),
he promotes little happiness, little income, help from
eld~rl y re la tives, widows, tedious journeys especially towards west with some obstacles to undertaking.
Ir he i, placed in 3rd or 11th in an elta lted or friendl y
sign wi th auspicious planets, he will produce mystic
[ 116

nature, spirit of renunciation, other worldliness, sectarian

views, devo tion to Ugra Del'atlras like Challdee, Rlldra,
Kali, Gaflapathi, success in witchcraft, association with
low-caste people. help ff om grand parents, live-stocks
like dogs a nd cocks.
If he is posited in 6th , 8th or 10th occupying debilitated sign with malefic d isposition, he will engender in the
nat ive pride, dissi mulat ion, mendic:lncy, bankruptcy,
miserliness, dece pt ion, vicious telldencies, secret intrigue,
back-biting, loss th rough theft. fire, litigation, wasteful
expenditure, small-pox, fe ar of reptiles, intercourse with
widows a nd low caste women, bad name, shift or transfer
to an unknown place.
If he is as pected o r associated with death dealing
planets, he may cause premature death.
Venus in an angle or trine occupying own or eulled
si an will cause romantic and amorous disposit io n, perfect
conjugal happiness, luck through wife, movement with
educated ladies, gain th rough shipping tra~e con nected
with sweet scents, soaps, flo wers. fruils, garlands, sandalpaste, gain through money-land ing, contract connected
with well or tank work, house construction . The nali ve
may also ea rn as artist, musicia n, ac lor in cinem a. drama,
or radio, purchase of property in the name of his wife
or by th e help of father-in-law, visit of historic places,
birth of children, celebration of happy and auspicious
fu nctions, devotio n to the goddess, etc. If Venus is
associated with Sun, only small gain and little happiness
may be expected .
If he is pla ced in 6th. 8th or 12th occupying debil i~
t ated sign . Kala/fa dosha. curse of the goddess or some
[ 111

chaste women, delay. in marriage, disputes and quarrels

with women, loss of quadruped, danger fro m water,
mortga ge or sale of houie, jewels and lands doe to the
pressore of creditors arc likely 10 happen especially in
the month s of Virgo, Scorpio, Sagiltarius, Leo and Aries.
If Venus is aspected o r associated with death-dealing
planets, he may cause premature death caused by female

Tbe sub-period of the Sun will generally produce healdiseases, enmity, affl iction 10 wife, children or other elder
member. of the famil y. If he is placed in an angle or
trine occupying exalted or own sign with benefic aspect.
be produces proficiency in official langauge, Government
~ervice , fame and fortune.
If he is combined with lagnadhipati (ascendant lords) he may cause financial gain at
first, foll owed by worries and anxieties, berea\'ement in
the middle and end of the bJrukli. If he is posited in 6th ,
8th or 12th occupying debilitated sign, danger to father
or paternal relations, official displeasure, professional
transfer, lou through business or litigation are tbe likely
results. If the Sun is quartered in 2nd or 7th house with
death-dcaling influences, premature deaths are to be

The sub-period of'tbe Moon will generally cause. eye

defect, leprosy, pain in the neck, swelling in the limb,
quarrel through women . If he is waxing. occupying an
angle or nine in exalted or own sign, be promotes specuJati,.e success, sudden fortune, help from maternal
[ 118

relation, happiness of mOlher, plenty of milk, curd, ahee

in the house, cow, delicious meals, gain from white
articles and grains, fame as a nOvelist, etc. If the Moon
is in the wane in 6th, 8th or 12th house, mental unrest,
disease to quadrupeds, wife and children, lo ss through
speculation or 8uctualion of prices, ill-health 10 mothcr.
If he is placed in 2nd or 7t h with death-inflicting
planets. he may cause danger through water or cold
di~eas es.

The sub-period of Mars will generally produce danger
from fire, weapons; loss through theft; depromotion in
service, etc. If he is placed in an angle or trine, 3rd or
11th house occupying own or exalted sign, regaining of
lost properly, acquisition of lands. military service, skill
in sports and games; birth of or help from brothers, gain
ill mechanised agriculture , engineerina and architectural
skill, trade in machinery, tools or spare parts are the likely
If he is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th occupying debilitated sign with malefic influence, atHiction to brother,
surgical operation, hurl from weapons, enmity, fear of
arn:st, loss of mortgage of landed property. failure of
crops may bappen. If he is strongly inftuenced by deathdealing planets serious danger may be apprehended.
The sub-period of Ra hu will generally cause trouble to
wife. danger from fire, poison, theft, disputes; change of
place, etc. If he is posited in an anile or trine occupying
Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Taurus with. benefic influence,
[ 119

he will produce rel igious d isposition, pilgrimage , holy

bathl> in Ganges, Rameshwaram , G overnmen ta l favour,
m:miage o r other auspicious, fu nctions. e3 rnings t hrough
new business or masters, help fr")m grand paren ts and such
,nther !lood resu lts. If placed in 6th, 8th or 121h house
with malefics. intercourse with servant wornell, prostitu.t e ~;
bite of reptiles, litigation regarding property, danger from
water, loss of foreign business and ser ious dise3scs.
!\1ERCUR Y/Jupiter
If Jupiter is well pl aced occ upying a n angle o r trine
identical with own or e,..alted sign, he wi!! prod uce pi ous
mind, spiritual knowled ge, religi ous studyand exposition ,
honour with kings, birth of lucky chi ldren , sinless earn ing, success in south-western direction . If pla ced in 6th,
8th o r 12th occupying debi lita ted sign bo th from Dasanalha and lagna, fai lure in undertaking, troub le from
Brahmins o r other Sathvik-minded rr.a sters, affliction to
wife and child ren, inttebtedness, divine curse are likely to

Generally, trouble from rude people, loss throu&h
agriculture, litigati on, disease are likely to happe;; . . If
Saturn is pos ited in an angle or trine occu pying own o r
exa lted sign, he wi ll cause luck in the western and northern directions, gain fr om black articles and grains,
servants and other low-class people.
Jf he is placed in 6th , 8th or 12th in debilitated sign,
small-pox, high fever, epil epsy, indebtedness, loss through
theft, abo rtion of wife, tleath in foreign pl ace are the
likely results.

I 120 I



Aswini, Makhll and M oola are e:H,:h ruled by the
Mahodosu of Kethu which lasts for 7 yea rs resulting
generally in dull and dreary resuhs, as Kethu re presen ts
the darker side of things with a sil ver lining here and
th ere, a ll tending towards a reactionary o r revol utionary
If he is predominanlly placed occupyin g a ben efic
house or I'arga, he will give a mateo ric rise to power and
position someth ing like a despotic ruler. di ctator or a
dymani c leader of musses 'riding the whi rl wing and d irecting a storm,' 'I~ it wen:. If he is strongly aspccted by or
asscciated with J upiter o r Venus, the native will become a
great ascetic saint such as sage DUfI"as wi th a fiery and
explosive temper kept under contro l by his iron discipline
and spirit of renu nciatio n born of unbounded Divi ne
grace. I II case a birth occurrin g during extra-ordinary
phenomena like the fall of meteors, eclipse, el.:. , the
natives, if they survive, will attain Malllrasiddhi of
Vgra Del'a/has such as Malia Kali, elial/dee, GOllesh.
Subram ollya, H omlmoll by whose grace tbey wie ld miraculous powers of curing poisonous effects like snakes or
scorpio n-bite, d ri ving the devils by spells and charms, as
also kn owledge
witchcraft, clairvoyance, black magic,
Ket hu occupying an ungk, trine, 3rd or 11 th house
ind enti cal wit h d ual signs and aspccted by o r associ:lIcd


[ 121

with yogakarkas only and not by d~ath-deallng planets

like the lords of 2nd or 7th hous~ , the subject will attain
fame and fortune, particularly in the direction of northwest sen'ing as doctor, el~ctrician, bacteriogist, chemist
in mines and factories or as an expert spy in army or
Police Department like C. I.D. If aspected by Saturn, he
wIll engage himself in underground or secret activities.
If aspected by Mercury, he will have knowledge of astrology, liter3ry gifts for writing detective novels, fiction or
cock and bull stories.
If Kethu is aspecled by the lord of 2nd or 7th house,
he will cause danger and death . BUI , on thc other hand,
if he is posited in the 2nd or 7th house with st rong aspect
of Yogakaraka. he will promole good results like gain
th rough legacy from grand parents or by marriage or
keeping widows etc.
If placed in 6th , tHh or 12th with ma lefic planets, he
will produce epidemic diseases, like cho lera and plagu~.
In the above condition when he is associated with or
aspected by the lords of either an angle or trine. some
happy resullS followed by de-dth through fell diseases or
by suicide, murder , etc. are likely to take place.
The foll owing ;Ire the general effect s of Kethu Mohodasa with reference to his occupation of different si gns:
Aries- Di shonour , 103s of ca ttle, house and lands;
official displeasure. trouble through Government, tedious
jourenys in eastern countrie5, death or disease to elders
in the family, accidents.
Taurus - If Kethu is posited in th e iliitial portion of the
sign, agricultura l and commerci al loss, trouble through
ladies or prostitutes. If quartered in the concluding
portion of the sign , holy baths and pilgrimage, religious
activity. govcrnmen tal favour, purchase of gems and
ornamen ts and auspicious fu nction s.

I 122 1

Gemini - Appointment or prom oti on, health, wealth,

sumptu ous food, purchase of live-stock, birth of children
and intellect ual advancement.
C,lIlcer-- Mixe(1 effects, loss of wealth. ca ll ie, etc . s uffering to wife, parents and children; acquisitio n o f pearls,
gena, sea-voyages. Manlrasiddhi and transfer from place
to place.
Leo- Authority ove r towns and village, fashionable
dress and ornaments, contact with the rich and infl uential
personages, enjoyment of musica l and d ramatic entertainmenls, Sl udy of religious scriptures, success in ellam inalions, learned discuss ion on the topics of the day; scientific
and ph ilosophic research, ~" mpany of l:.Id ies, travd s over
hills and dates and ch arit:Jble disposition.
Virgo- If Kethu is pl aced in the initial portion of the
sign, death o r sickness to wife and children, danger from
poisoll , wild beasts, reptiles ; fi re o r weapons or governmental puni shment. If posited in the concl ud ing portion
of a sign, human itarian and philanthropic acts, bad
conduct, vene real complaints are the effectli.
Libra- Do mestic happiness. linancia l ga in th rough
business , marriage, cordial relatio nship with rela ti ves,
good h:trvest , golden ornaments , headache, heart disease,
nervous debility and reclal trouble.
Scorpio- Uneasy mind, disgrace, loss or mortgage of
house, "ehicle, ca ll ie and then acqu isi tion of weallh
through hard and servile jobs, loss of chi ldren gain of
lands. new friendsh ip with fair sex and female diseases.
Sagittarius- Royal fa vo ur. construction or repair of
houses, Illeeting of pious souls, hearing or delivering
religiou s discourses, bi rth of child ren; marriage or other
happy functions, purcha se of jewels and apparel, kind and
g.ood natured behavio ur, peace and plenty.
Capricom-Hard ship, loss o f reputatio n and status,

I 1231


troubles through widows or low-caste pellple. death

children, mis-appropriation cha rgcs. disappointment, COnsumption, mis-understHnding with friend s and rclatives.
Aquarius- Mixed effects. Apprehension. death of near
and dear ones. unpopularity. dange r from poison, servitude followed in th e end by prosperity and happiness of
wife and children.
Pisces- Pro molton in service, succen in studies. public
fame and honours and ti tles from the Governmen t.
pu rch use of fertile land s, bumper harvest . favour of the
rich, moral and religiou s principles and travel on water to
distant count ries.
The fo llowing are the genera l effects of Kethu MahadOJa with reference to his occupation of the 12 houses in
important }ears.
When Kelhu is in the 1st ho use. he will produce
danger in the 51h year, in the 2nd, loss of wealth in the
12th year; in the 3rd , respect fr vm relatives in the 13th
year; in the 4th . death of relatives in the 8th year; inlhe ~ t h.
worries to a near relati"e in the 5th year; in the 6th.
happine5s thro ugh children in the 24 th year; in the 7th
dange r in the 28th year ; in the 8th , danger in tbe 28th
year; in the 9th , ill-health to father in the 24th yea r; in
the 10th, dea th o r danger to father in the 27th yea r; in
the 11th, gain of wealth iii the 45th year; and in the 12th,
hardship in the 25th yea r.
GeBeral Nature

or Bbuklis

During the major period of Kethu posited in lagna

the sub periods of malefic blmkris will provt: bad. BhuktiJ
of auspicio us p1 an=ts will produce good at the beginning
and b.ut at (he end. The same is the case in respect of
blwkris in the major period of Kcthu posited in a trine
{ 124 J

or 2nd house.
When Kethu is quartered in 3ed or 11th ho use. benefic
bhuktis will prove good while malefic lords wiJ.J cause
troubles at firsl.and comfort in the end.
If Kethu is placed in 6th , 8th or 12th, .malefic hlwktis
will prove b<ld at the beginning and slightly good at the
end. The reverse is the case with benefic bhllklis.
When Rah u and Kelhu are conjoined with benetic and
placed between two Jnalefic, then th e bhuktis of the malefic
that are not conjoi ned with eith-=r of these m;\lefics will
promote good result s.
If the benefic conjoi nOd with the node b a yogakarka .
his hhllktis will ca use mixed e!fecls.
The sub-period of Kethu will generall y produ ce
gloomy res ults. If Kethu is qu ,lrtered in nil angle or a
trine with benefic as p:!cI or as>ociation, he will promote
luck through grand p.lrent s, trade with foreign cou ntrie ~.
in inferior articles and gra ins, mili tary se rvice, pilgrim age
and holy buhs. ha ppy and auspicious fun ctions at home.
etc. Jf he is associated with retrograde malefics in 6th.
8th or 12th. he m'l y cause enmity with mean- minded
poJple , death of elders in the fa mily. arrest and imprisonment, leprosy, T. B. or brain disordcf.i. When he is conjoined with dea th-dealing plan,:t~, he mJ Y cause prema ture
death by drowning, suicide. murder, sma ll-pox o r snakebit e.
When Venus is well placed in an angle o r trine occ upying own or exa lted sign, he will produce marriage o r

12l )

conjugal bliss. compl ily of f.lshionablc wom~n. success

in undertaking, birth of children. help from fatherin-Iaw'~
sid e, enjoYing fine arts , construction o r purchase of house,
ornaments and vehicles. If Venus is associated with the
major lord o r Saturn, the nativc will be addicted to wine
a nd women of other caste or religion on account of blind
passion and come to grief aflerwards. If he is placed in
6th , 8th or 12th both from lagfla altd Dasanatha. the
likely results are venereal complaints, disputes and quarrels with wife, children, loss of house, jewels; failure in
business. and death of live-stock, etc. Venus in 2nd or
7th, with deathdealing planets may cause premature

When the Sun is posited in an angle or trine occupying own or exalted sign with good aspects and associations, government service or favour from G overnment,
fr iendsh ip of Ministers, authority over towns and villages,
marriage of sons, religious st udy, joy rides and pleasure
trips; and publ ic fam e. Ir posited in 6th, 8th or 12th
occupying debilitated sign both from lagna and dasQ lord .
trouble from Government. death or danger to parents,
fever; leaving the native place for earning livelihood in a
foreign country, heavy expenditure, quarrels on Saturn
days. happiness on Mondays and some good result
towards the end of the bhukti.
Ir in 2nd or 7th with Maraka pl~nets, the nalive will
have to apprehend premature death .

Since Kethu is an enemy of the Moon, his sub-period
[ 1261

will generally produ ce menl;)1 worries and sickness in tbe

famil y. If the Moon is full occupying an angle or trine
with the aspect of ),ogakarkas in own or exalted sign,
purchase 01 wetlands, success in undertaking . delicious
meals. gain through cows, sa le of while articles like rice,
milk, ghee . birth of childrl!ll , happiness of mother are the
likely results. If he is in the walle occupying 6th, 8th or
12th from both laglla and dasrJllalha in 3. debilita ted sign,
he will cause suddel\ loss thro ugh speculation . gambling
01 trade, sickness to mother, wife. children. and ill feeling
with friends and rei:Lli ves. If the Moo n is influenced by
death dealing planets. deat h or d.1nger from cold diseases
or drownin g may be caused.
When Mars is placed in an angle o r trine occupying own
or exaltation sign with benefic oWlle rsh ip. he will produce
hel p from brothers, acquisition of landed property, ski ll in
ga mes. Sp .H ts, mil itary honours, tec hnical s kill in
operating ma chines, success in li tiga tion and regaining of
lost property. If posited in a dehilitated sign occu pying
61h, 8th or 12th both from /aglla and Dasa!JtlIha, death o r
quarrt'l \1 ith brothers , boils, surgical opera tion, fail ure inagriculture, accide nts, lo~s through fi re, and theft of red
articles may happen. If Mars is placed in 2fld or 7th
with strong Maraka dosIJa, danger to life will ha\'e to be
a pprehended .
KETHV/ Rah)1
Rahu in good position fr om laglla will give pro
fessiona l lift through fa vour of new ma sters, meeting of
pinus souls, fa vour of grandfather, fo reign service or
[ 127

busi ness, pi lgrim:tge, interco llTsl! with low-caste women ,

etc. If he is olaced in 6th, 8th or 12th with malefic
planets, he will cause-trouble through women, evil spirits,
brain disorder, enteric fever, danger from poisonous
creatures, indebted ness and other nulefic resu lts. Rahu
in 2nd or 7th with death-dl!alillg planets may cause
danger to life.
If Jupiter is well placed. the nati ve will attain II1lt]ation in religious matters, divine grace, birth of luck y sons,
prosperity to father, respect fr om publi c and government,
donation for good and charitable causes, promotions in
service and gain thro ugh sattll'ic- minded masters etc .
When he is in 6th, 8th or 12th occupying debilitated
house, death or disease to children, masters, curse (If
good peoph" fai lure in undertakiR tt excommu nicati on,
irreligious tenden cies are likely to be c:lllsed. Jupiter in
2nd or 7th with Maraka planets will cause windy diseases.

Saturn in good position will cause gain thro ugh
servants. low-class people, t rade in in ferior gra ins and
articles, agricultural projec ts, government service .or by
independent profession with a large number o f servants.
self-earning, celebrat ion of m.ur!age and such other
happy fun ct ion s, birth of children , sexual pleasure with
serva nt maids and other low cl ass women. If he is dehilitated in 6th, 8th, o r 12th with malefi c ownersh ip, faithless
se rV <l nts, indebtedness, im prison ment , loss through theft.
dangero us diseases.
[ 128

When Mercury is well disposed, he will cause success
in edu cation, recognition or merit , oratorical skill, ea rning
!:trge rortune through busine5S, friendship of th e educated
and culturd p eople, learning new language , help from
m'lternai uncle, happy and auspicious runclions at home,
birth or children, etc. Ir he is de bilitated in 6th, 8th or
121h with malefic planets, he will produce dishonour,
trouble through one's ow'.'t indiscreet talk . loss through
fhu:tuation or prices, railure in business, death or relatives,
etc. If Mercury is a~pected by or associated with Saturn.
royal displeasure. residence in other's house or lire in a
roreign place wh ere acquisition or vehicles, gain through
travel in the direction of south, happiness in the heginning, income in th e middle and misery at the end or the
Milk,;. tr pos ited in 2nd or 7th with Maraka
influences, premature death is likely .

[ 129 )

Bhurani, Pubba and Pllrvashada arc. each ruled by the
Mahar/asa o t' Ve:nus which lasts for 20 ye ars. Venu'i
stron gly pbced In a horoscope will besto w on the native
the blessings of Ash/a Lakshmis, as Venus holds the key
Krmdalini Sakl/r i, the so'm ::e of d ivine grace. beaut y.
powe r and bliss. If the influences of Jupiter and Mercu ry
combine, be will co nfer an ideal wife like L r>pomurira with
sage Agas/hyn or ,4mndhmhf with Vasishlo.
I n ord ina ry cases. the effe cts llIay take different forms
s uch as attractive personality, sq uint eye or curly hair.
a morous d isposition, purcha se, construction, repair o r
entry in to a new house; invitation to p:lrlies and fun c tions.
income frOIll shipping trad e or foreign agencies, voyage or
travel towa rds South-Ea st, birlh of children etc.
Wile n Venus is afflicted or weakly placed in a horoscope, the subject will be immo ra l r"l lce addicted to wine:
lind wo men, spend ing money li ke water, lind co me to
grief <tfterwards on account of disenses afft"cting the generat ive o rgans, ova ries, the kidneys. the veinous system,
the Ilarmones a nd in short all ailments due to the delki
ency o f Vitamin 'E:
In horoscopes of Malal'iya raga, Venus will produce
famou s poets. musicians, fi nanciers, banke rs. buildingcontractors, ci nema stars, perfumers , jewellers, upholsters, million<lires like H enry Ford or Rockfel1er. Such a
position of Venus may be visible in the form of girdle of

I 130 I

Venus in the palm.

The follow ing are the general effects o f Venus Mahadasa wi th reference to his occupation of different signs:
Aries- Artistic, extravagant in fillery and evil ways ,
licentiolli. easY'going, selfhh. irreligiolli, well -balanced
view,; on life. sane and unjust. Jr the sign is afflicted,
financial worries. disappointment, bilious' fever, liver o r
gastric diseases a re the likely results.
Taurus- I ndependent, self-made, artistic, original,
creative, pioneering, humanitarian, eloquen t, proud . resp~cted It:ader or statesma n, poet and philoso pher, generous and gullible; bi rth of female children, voyage or
travel in the di rection of Sou th. liquidation of old debts:
If the sign is amicted by olher malefic planets. diseases
affecting face , throat, !;lrynx and tonsil s are th e likely
Gem ini- Lover of fine art s. intelligent, gambl.:r or
swind ler; if good aspects combine, the native wi ll have a
kcen desire to go ubroad. or possess rare and costly
articles and dress. But he will commi t adult ry ill secret.
If the sign is affli cted, sickness slIch as cOIlarrah, asthama;
sharp pain or disease affecting arms, the muscular system,
lungs, head, neck. etc. may happen.
Cancer- Emotiona l and mc1ancholoy, lIcsi re to have
another wife, side busi ness, small income followed by
grief, destructi on or damage to property . di$contellt with
rela tives, enmity, Itnancialloss. If the sign is othe rwise
afflicted, diseases affecting chest, stomach , breast o r insanity, or loss of appetite may happen.
Leo~Obstructive . way-wa rd, unpopular, obscure, small
gain through ladies, lill Ie comfort. slavish life; loss of
livestocks, danger from 6re, poison, hurt. bad words,
tedious journey in ho t regions, worries of law-suit, bad
name. and diseasei affecting stomach. or spinal column.


Virgo- Poor means; frustration, tendency to wander,

unsettled mind or life, mortgage of property or domestic
worries, surgical operation or injury due to a fall from a
hi~h place or ailments connected with waist, ailmentary
canal, etc.
Libra-Luxurious life, agricultural and commercial
gain, delicious m:als; good reputatio'n, worship of the
goddess, happy and auspicious functiQ.ns etc. If the sign
is afflicted by malefic influence, brain fever, typhoid and
sexu3l ailments may be caused.
Scorpio-Life in a foreign land, working for others.
little wealth and less comfort, disputes and quarrels,
serious risks. mental disorders, ill-feeling with friends and
relatives, fall of income. If the sign is alflicted by other
planets, diseas~s like jaundice affecting spleen, bladder
and belley are to be apprehended.
SagiuaTius-Favour from the Government, knowledge
of scriptuTCs. public honour mixed with mental worries.
enmity and then meeting of pious souls, holy baths
and pilgrimage. If afflicted with other planets, death or
danger due to a tree, water, weapJn and disease;; affecting the nerVJUS system, the thighs and the hip.
Capricorn-Travel in a foreign place, associ.Hion with
low-caste people, perv~rted ideas of special reform and
sickness affecting stomach, bones, the joints, the skin,
the knees, besides family worries, pali.ence and spirit of
Aquarius-If Venus is influenced by benefic planets,
purchase of property, acqllisit io n of knJwldge, lands,
house" unexp!cted gains, love of aliens, int rcourse with
low-class women, domestic happiness, etc. If afflicted,
misery, misconduct, and diseases like cough. fcv~r, constipation or other ailment alf~cting , the ankles. buuock~,
etc., may happen.
[ 132

Pisces-Government favour, promotion in service, good

earning, clear mind , agricultural gain, political fame, prudence, large-heartedness. fulfilment of desires etc. If
afflicted, drowning, accidents, diseases affecting feet,
mucus membrane are likely.
The following general effects afe produced in Venus
Mahadasa in impo rtan t years with reference to occupation
of the 12 Houses by Venus at birth :
When Venus is posited in the 1st house, he will produce sexual union with a lady in the 17th year; in tbe 2nd.
company of a virtuo us lady in the 32nd year; in the 3rd ,
pilgrimage or ho ly bath in the 6tb year; in the 4th, gain
or joy-ride over a hMse, elephant or vehicle in the 30th
year, and belp from relatives in the 6:h year; in the 5th,
gain of jewels in the 6th year; in the 6th, death o r danger
from weapons in the 41st year; 71h, co mpany of a new
lady in the 14th year; 8th, power and authority to parents
in the 10th yea r, in the 9th. 10th and 11th, prosperity in
the 15th yea r; and in the 12th, financial gain in the 5th
During the major period of Venus in an angle the
bhllktis or sub-periods of auspicious planets wi ll prove
good, while malefic bhuktis will produce evil at first and
load at the end. When Venus is quartered in a trine,
benefic b"uktis wi ll do good and malefic biluklis bad. In
the case of Venus in 6th, 8th and 12th from lagna, the
auspicious sub-lords will cause favou rable results in the
beginning and .evilness at the end .

Sped.lto Yeaus.ocI Jupiter

According to some sages, Iupiter and Venus wi[] produce excellent results in thei r mutual dasa-bhukli3, provided they nre mutually well-aspected with fa vourable
[ 133 J

aspects or associations.
Ir on the other hund, they are placed in 6th , 8th and
12th rrom each other or lagna or happen to own those
houses or otherwise afflicted, they wilJ produce during
their mutual pe riods extremely bad results.
Special to Venus and Saturn
When Venus and Sa turn are equally powerrul in a
horoscope occupying exaltation or Va rgouama positions,
they in thei r mutu:ll dusa-bllllktis will cause the down-fall
of the 1l<ltive, even though he is lin empero r. if one of
the planets is stro ng l,l lld the ot her weak, the strungcr one
will cause the y uga. If both th e pl anets <lfe weak and
placed in 6th . 8th or 12th from each o ther o r own those
houses or conjo ined with the lords of those houses , they
will bestow on the native prosperity. It" one of them owns
an auspicious ho use and the other a malefic one, even th en
both of them will produ ce good effects. Such is the
opinion of some sages.
VENUS,' Venus
Venus in an angle, trine, 3rd. 2nd o r 11 th house with
fav ou rable aspect or associa tions wi ll produce happy
domestic life overRowing with milk a nd honey, luck
through wi fe or daughten, help rrom father-in-law,
auspicious runctions at home, devotion to the goddess,
purchase of wetlands or d igging a new well in the field,
&ain through rour-Iegged animals, white and golden coloured
grains and articles, dress, orna ments , income rrom money
landing o r housercnt, success in the direction or 81t
And West, attendance at dramas a nd cinemas, dance o r
music perrormances. etc. If Venus is placed in 6th, 8tb,

( 134 I

or 12th with malefic aspect or associatioll, death of wife,

children, loss through theft or ladies. li ve s~ocks, house
trouble through evil spirits like mohini, sudden and
unexpected shock due to bomb-crash, insolvency of
debtors and such other malefic results. Venus in 2nd or
7th with death-dealing influellces is likely to cause premature death from female diseases.
The sub period of the Sun in Venus dasa will generally
produce high fever, misunderstandings with cousins,
anxiety, trouble from government, loss of reputation and
money Ihrough Irade in white or black arlicles, sudden
death of a patern,d relation who is helpful, elc. If the
SlIll is posited in an angle or trine he will produce little
comfort, disease 10 futher, danger from weapons at first
and then large income and slich other happ) results in
the middle and end of the sub-period . II" he ]s placed in
3rd or l!th house with benefic aspect or association \\ith
yogakarkaJ, the native may enter Government service or
enjoy favour from the Government, help from father,
brother or sons, success over enemies, recovery from
diseases. religious study. meeting of pious souls, journeys
etc. If posited in 2nd Of 7th with lIlaraka dosha or
death inflicting power, he is likely to cause danger to

Moon bllUkti in Venus mahadasa will generally produce sickness due to the inflamation of the nails, head;
teeth :lrising from wind, bile and glands. If the Moon
is full, occupying own or exalted sign, in an angle or

[ 135

trine both fr om lagna o r dasanatha. there will be rega:n

o f lost property, success in litigation, purchaling wet
land s. cows, costly ornamen ts, vehicles, mentul peace,
happy. and auspicious function s, pilgrimage and holy
baths. gain from forei~n trade o r trip through white or
yellow articles, hearing of religious discourses. meeting
of Mahatamas, help from mother or maternal relat iQns,
birth of children and success througb specu lati on. If the
Moon is in the wane occupying 6th , 8th or 12th both
lagna and dasono/lla (m ajor lord) with malefic aspect or
association, he will cause sickness to mother or maternal
relations, misunderstand ings with friends and relations.
tedious and profi lless journey towards North, su fferinl
from cold and wa tery diseases.
If posited in 2nd or 7th with maraka-do~ha, danger to
life may happen.
The sub-period of Mars will generally produce boils,
hurts, cuts from weapons, acquis itiOJl of golden ornaments, seduction o f a lady. loss of position, etc. If he is
placed in an angle o r tr ine occu pying his own o r exalted
sign , gain of red articles, birth of brothers, acquisition of
lands, military or police se rvice, skill in games and sports,
bumper harvest, management of mills and factories,
delicious meals etc., are the effects. If Mars is posited
in 6th, 8th or 12th both from logna and Dasana/ha,
enteric fever. surgica l operation. accidents, loss thro ugh
arson, tbeft, litigation. death or disease to brother or
wife, sh ift or transfer are likely. Mars in 2nd o r 7th
with deat h-dealing inftuence is likely to cause dange r to

! 136 )


If Rahu is placed in an angle, tri ne,


IIpocllaya and aspected or associated with Yogakarkus

III good position from Dasanatha, he will pro1 uce male-

fic resuhs for the first 6 months and then extinction of

enemie. new appointment or expansion of the rxisting
business. inco me (rom new ma s ter~, birth of children,
lucrative profession in trade or service. in tt!rcourse with
Ilew ladies. success through Government official s. fame
and fortune. gain through stolen arti cles. purchase of
cows . vehicles. contact with the rich and no ble persons.
enjoyment of music. heari ng of religious disco urses, regaining of lost property, h o us~. lands, respect from publi c elC. If Rabu is posited in 6th. 81h or 121h occupying
debilitated or inimical sign, tro uble fro m government,
death o f nea r and dear ones, constant sh ift fro m place to
pla ce, mental worri~ s , danger from wild anima ls, loss
through theft. untimely meals, uneasy mind, fe j,r of
arrest, affl iction to wife and children, profi tless travel
towards SouthEast, dan ger from reptiles or other poisonous creatures. Ral:rou in 2nd or 7th with de.. th dc=aling
in fluenc e may cause danger to life .

Jupiter in an angle, trine occupying exalted, own o r

friendl y si&n with benefic aspect or association wi ll produce religious mind , perforrnancl! of sa crifices, power
and authority either as Minister of Sta te or as hea d of
religio us institutions like Muwor universi ty, settled
profession or income. "",t o f friends and relations. ga in
through noble profession like teaching , pilgr image or tour
towards Sou th or South- -Nest and such other good resu lts.
[ 137 J

If he is placed in 6th, 8th or 1~tb hoth from tOlna

and Dasanalho, in debilitated sign wi th malefic aspect or
association, trouble due to the curse of pious souls or
Brahmins, loss of reputation, indebtedness, death of
children , wife or disea se. qu arrel with relatives. shjft or
'transfer with consequent worries. Jupiter in 2nd or
7th ho use with death dealing influence will cause disease
or danger to life.
Tne sub period of Saturn will generally cause benefic
results. If he is placed in an angle, trine, 3rd o r 11 th
house both from lagna and Dosanotha. as pected o r
associa t ~d with auspicio us planets, royal favour, military
or police service, inco me from trade or agriculture in
inferior grains or arti cles, large number of servants . intercourse with servant women o r other low-caste ladi es.
birth of sons or grandsons, helping o thers, interest in
rel igious study, travel townrds West aTe likelyeffects.
If Saturn is posited in 6th, 8th o r 12th fro m Dasal/allla,
he will cause, trouble from servants, tenants, widows,
fear of imprisonmen t, pain in the bod y, nlental wo rries
due to sons, diseases of the nose, neck, skin, hurt due to
a fall fro m a tree, sto ne , etc, for the first 6 months and
then some good effect s like comfort. s uccess, birth of
children, etc. Saturn in 2nd or 7t h will cause danger to
The sub-period of Mercury will generally produce
mixed results. When" Mercury is placed in an angle
or trine, 3rd o r 11 th from lagna or DasanOlha, (lord of

[ 138 I

major period) occupyinS own or exalted sign, he will

cause educational success, expansion or sain of
business especially in the directions north .und west
in green or blue articles, gems, grains , etc., honours
and titles o f merit, hearing or del ivering public lectures,
luck to mother or maternal relations, aerial tour, taking
to new profession or learning a new language, devotion
to God Vis/mu or other Sat/mk mind ed Del'athas, meet of
Mahatamas. etc. Ir Mercu ry is placed in 6th , 8th o r
12th from tagna or Dasanarha, he will cause dishonour,
swoo ning fits, brain-fag. disease of eye, neck, nose, skin,
wind y and phelegmatic ailments, d a nger from fire,
Gandharras, etc.
Merc ury in 2nd or 71h wi th strong death-dealing
inftuence ma y cause premature death.
VENUS/ Kethu
The sub-peri od of Kethu will gener<l.lIy produce bad
effects at the beginning and good at the end. Ir Kethu
is placed in an angle, trine, 3rd or 11th house, he wi ll
be petted and pampered by grandparents. He will
-acquire lands, rare and costly a rticles, gems, red a rticles,
intercourse with low-caste ladies or widows, s uccess
througb journeys, birth of childr..:n, ill cre as~ o f reput ation, delicious dishes, new o r nove l professio n or trade,
birth of children. etc., followed by malefic results a t the
end. Ir Kethu is placed in 6th. 81h. or 12th both from
tagna and dasanatha, he will cause death or danger to
grand parents, loss through theft, fire, litigation , danger
from serpents, poison, weapons, epidemics and then good
results like di stant journeys and gain etc. Kethu in 2nd
or 7th house with marak.l dosha will cause premature
death from murder o r suicide. drowning, epidemics, etc.




To judge the effects for each Antara (sub-sub-period)
of planets, their dignities or debilities should be ascertained
with regard to the sub period of a planet reckoning its
location in the birth-chart as the Ascendant (subperiod
chart) in addition to their dignities or debilities in the
birth-chart and ill the Namnlsa Chart.
The significations of the sub-sub-periods of planets
should be judged from their location and the houses
owned and aspected by them in til.! sub-period chart in
addition to their signification is shown in the birthchart.
The effects, good or bad, of sub-sub-period of planets
depend on the sum-total of their strength in the. birthchart, sub-period chart and NOI'amsa chart.
SUB-PERIOD OF SUN j Subsu.b-periods
SUN: will obtain fame through royal favour, lead
a wandering life through a wild and hilly country and
will acquire wealth.
He will suffer from fever, illness
caused by excessive heat and may also lose his father.
MOON: wi!! destroy his enemies, his miseries will
come to an end and there will be accession of wealth, He
will be engaged in agriculture, house building and will be
joined with friends. If the Moon be malefic, he will
[ 140 J

stTer from consumption. have tire accident lind di seases

a rising from water.
MARS : wi ll suffer from d i,ca s.:s and wounds; there
will be loss of posi tion and trouble fro m enemies, misunderstandings with his rela tions, danger from the aut horities and loss o f wealth .
RAHU: fresh enem ies will spring up ; wealth wi ll
bl! de~troyed o r stolen , troubles will a rise and there will
be danger from poison and a desi re to please the 'eostS
(~e nsu a l pleasure).
The na live will suffer from severe
headache and eye-co mplaints_ .J UP IT ER: destruc tion of enemies, acquisition of
mo ney thro ugh various means, wo rshipping the Gods
every day, adora tion of the Brahmi"s, elders and relalions: disea se ill the e:'lr, and pulmonary cons um ption
wjIJ di stingu ish.
SATURN : sho uld be pre plTed fo r loss of wea lth.
separation fr om his children, d iseases of women, or loss
ur elders, ab nurJu :d c)\pclH.lilurc, sudden l os~ of clothes.
utensils and o ther goods, or serva nts, excessive filth
and sufTc::ring from pncl gm;)lic troubles_
M ERCUR Y: will suffer from cutaneo us eruption
(ilches), boil (ulcer) . leprosy, jaundice. passing wind,
pam In lhe be11y, hips , etc., destruc tion of la nd. and
d isease s a ris ing from Ih: vitiatio n of the three
humo urs.
KETHU : loss of friends, misullderstalldings with
o ne 's relations and family , trouble from enemies. loss of
wealth a,ld position, sick ness to e ld ers. severc pain in the
kg as well as the head .
VENUS: plin in t he he3d. belly-ache, t rouble in
the an us , doing .. gricu ltural operations, loss of house,
wealth and Carll, sickness to chi ld ren and wife in ar::. in
tense form.

141 1

SUB-PERIOD OF MOON/Sub-sub-periods
MOON: ;J. new d:lUghtcr will b~ born, there will be
acquisition of a new :lnd clean cloth. and meeting with
good Brahmins. Thc native wil! be able to satisfy his
mother's desires (mother wil! be happy), and will enjoy
the happiness of the couch (woman's company).
MARS; wi11 sutTer from diseases arising from bile,
fire and (impurity of) blood, from anxiety, and misery
and there will be trouble from enemies and thieves. There
wil! further be Joss of wealth and honour.
RAHU; will occur a severe reproach or fault.
increase of enemies, diseases to relations, danger from
thunder-storm, lightening and illne,$ and fever caused by
bad food and drink .
JUPITER: will take great delight in making gifts and
other beneficent actions. He will begin to feel happy,
weJ r new clothes and Ofll3.ments. He wil1 meet with
friends and be highly honoured by the king.
SATURN: trouble through v:lrious kinds of diseases,
sickness to friends, children and wife, the h:lppening of
" great calamity or loss of life.
MERCURY: will be acquisition at all times of wealth ,
elephants. horses cJttle and ornaments and much happiness will be felt.
Clearnes~ of conception will also
KETHU; will crop up loss of mental balance, wealth
and relatiolls, danger from watel;and trouble to dependents and servants.
VENUS: activities relating to the fol1owing will
take place, purchased or sold away, \;z., water, carriage;
gold jewels, women, trade, agricultural operations etc. He
will acquire children, rriends, cattle and corn.
SUN: honour from the sovereign, excessive valour,
[ 142

cessation of diseases, downfall or decli ne of th e enemy's

side an d di sefl se caused by bile and wind may he expected .
SUB-P ER IOD OF MA RSfSub'sub'period<:
MARS: wil l b~ suff~fing fro m diseases arisi ng out
oj" ex cess of bile and hea t, (roubl ... from wounds sep:lra l ion from brothers, innu:( of m)n ... y ~ I c . d ue o n accoun t
of lands and litigation, and trouble fro m cou sins. flre.
enemies, the soverc ign and thieves.
RAHU : will he danger from wca pons, fir e, th iive ~.
enemies and rulen . injury from poil>on, d isease in the
hell y. eyes, th e head , loss of elders and relations. peril to
o ne's own life or big cal,unit ies.
JUPITER : will wors hip th.: BrahmiJlS and G ods.
will resort II) s:lcred places a nd shrines, and do meritorious
deeds. will sho w hospi tali ty to guests at all times. will
:lequire nell' children and friends, wi ll suff.:r from ear
d isease in a severe fo rm or from phlegmat ic co mplain t.
SAT UR N : trouble after tr<Juble to onc's children,
wi fe and cider..; , c,tla mit ies beyond number; grief, loss of
wealth, robbin, of wealth through enemies, fear, and
sickness through hea t and wind.
M.ERCURY: fe ar of enemies, much trouble from
thieves. loss of wea lth , destructio n of cattl e, cteph ants
and horses. as~oc iati o n wit h enemies, harassme nt by
kings or enmity with Sm/ras.
K ETHU : will be danger from thunder, boll, sudden
t rouble from fir e and weA pon, going o ut of one's own
country or loss or wealth , and ex it from the wo rld either
o f his OW I\ sel f or of his wife.
VENUS : defeat in b:lll le, residcnce in a foreig n
country, theft of property b~' thieves, trouble in the left
eye and loss of servants.

[ 143 )

SUN : 'hono ur from the ~overeign. fame, and power

got in wa r. acqui si tion of servants, wealth, corn, women
and harem a nd {he widenin:; of the scope f o r livelihood
:I nc! wealth got through daring deeds of fo rce,
MOON : acqll is itiun of kinds of wealth find
chi ldren, ~ everunte from enemies, acqu isi tion of clothes.
hcd , o rnaments, jewels and wealth. trouhl e to elders, find
pa in owi ng \0 enlargement of spleen or excess o f
hi Ie.
SUR-PERIOD OF RAHU / Sub s ubperiod s
RAHU : illness through p('Iison and w:l\er, coming
in sight Of :l ve nomous serpent, interco urse with another'S
wife, scp:J r:ll ion f rom o r one 's nea r and dear ones , bad
words and mental a ngu ish through wicked people.
advent of happiness, wo rship of God ~
and Brallmills, freedom from di se,1Se!>, a ssoci a ti on with
charming I; Idi c~ and disClission of the meanings (11' S:lc rcd
t('xt s,
SATUR N: a di5c a~e due to the vi tiat ion o f wind ;lIld
bile, wou nds in the bod y, misunderstandi ngs with o ne's
children. wife or bro thers, destructio n of !>er\':lnts, and
lo s ~ of posi tion a rc what may c ro p up .
M ERCUR Y : a'quisi tion o f ch ild re n and wea lth ,
mcelin s of fri ends. s ross contem ptibleness of the m.ind .
cleverness in doi ng a ny In tell igent busin ess, adorn men t
and skill in genera l.
K ETH U: one has to apprehend fewr ; trou ble from
fire , we:l po l1 and enemies, headache. trembling of the
hody, inj ury to one's friends and elde rs, suffering
c;Jus.:d by poi~on anJ WOlllld s and quarrel with o ne's
fri en ds,
VENUS : acq uisition of a wife, comfo rts o f the couch ,
[ 144

horses, eleph ants , lallds, and phlegmatic and windy

disorders. and quarrel with one's own relations.
SUN : will be trouble from enemies. intense paID In
the eyes. danger from poison, fire a nd hit by weapons,
and springing up of fresh
troubles. The wife and
children will suffer from diseases and there will be great
Irouble from the rulers.
MOON: loss of the wife, quarrels, mental anguish,
:l.gricul1ural operations, loss of wea lth, cattle and children,
disa~ter to friends , and d,anger from water.
MARS: one has to apprebend danger from the
sovereign , fire , th ie\'es and weapons, or one's own death
tbrough a terrible disease, disturbance 10 one's position,
heart and eye-troubles_
JUPITEK : good luck, splendour, high esteem, development of good qualities, acquisition of a good son,
honour from the so vereign , coming in contact with one 's
preceptor. good men and realisation of one's desires.
SATUR N: aSJ;ocialion with cou rtezans. taking to
intoxicating drinks and such other ev il deeds, rising to
eminence, happiness, sickness to one's family and cattle,
heavy expences. excessive fe ar. eye-complain ts and sickness to children.
MERCURY: olle will come to grief through women,
gambli ng. and drinking, and will suffer from diseases
ca used by the vitiation of the three humours. This is
the opinion of some. Otbers consider that the effect will
be solely benefici al by the worship of Oods and Brahmins
and by the llcquisition of or association with sons, wealth
and happiness.
KETHU : one ~as to suffer from wounds caused by
[ 145 I

we'lpo n. Th ere will arise misunderstandings with the

se rvan ts, mental anguish, trouble t o wife and children,
danger to life and loss of (or separation from) elder. or
VENUS: a cquisition of various materials, cattle, corn,
clothes, utensils. women, children, food, drink, couch
(bed) and ornaments, wo rshipping of Gods and Brahm(lu
a nd entire d evotio n to them .
SUN: victory, honour from the sovereign, acquisition
of fam e, warmth of temper, men, horses and other
vehicles and an extremely prosperous life in a town
or (:o tLntry.
MOON: acquisitio n of many damsels, destruction of
enemies, gain of money. p rofit in agriculture, saleable
commodities, high fnme Hnd intense devotion in the
worship of Gods.
MARS: satisfying the relations, addi tion of wealth
from a host of enem ies. acquisition of good lands, doing
l1eneficent acts , celebrity of power, a little injury to .a
preceptor or elder, Or a severe hurt 10 the eye,
RAHU : distress through relations, excessive mental
an(:uish, sickness , dange r from thieves, disease to one',
e l de~s or to youngsters of his famil y, trouble from the
sovereign, misfortune through enemies, and loss of
wea lt h.


SUBPER IO D OF SATURN /Sub-sub periods

SATURN: increase in agriculture. servants and
buffa loes, windy disease, acquisition of much money
through a person of the low caste, friendship with nn
old woman, laziness and sinfu l action,
MERCURY: will have property. happiness, female
society, honour from the sovereign, success alld company
[ 146

of friends, he will sutTer from diseases aflSmg from the

three humours. His brothers a nd children will be
troubled witlt sickness.
KETHU : becomes liable to disease caused by wind
and fire, trouble . from enemies, a tendency to always
quarrel with his sons and wife, meeting with something
ina uspicious, and danger from serpents.
VENUS: will be happy with his fr iends, wife and
ch ildren, and there will be inerease of wealtb du: to
agricultu re and sea voyage\and he will beco me widely
SUN: death o r danger at all times fro m enemies,
sickness to elders, disease in the belly and eyes, loss or
wealth and corn.
MOON: loss of wi fe or danger to one's own life,
tro uble to friends, danger from diseases, and intense fea r
from water and wind may be expected.
MARS: loss of one's posi tio n, quarrel with o nc's
rein lions, serious illn ess, trouble from fever , fire, wen pa n
or poison, increase of enemies, hernia and trouble to the
RAHU : going in crooked ways, loss of life or danger
. from diabetes or gono rrhoen, severe enlargement of the
spleen, a continuous fever, or wound are what a person
may have to suffer fro m.
JUPITER: delight in worshipping Gods, pleasure
ill living in one's own house in the company of his
wife and children, and phenomenal increase of wealth
and corn.
SUB-PE RIOD OF MERCURY/Sub-sub periods
MERCURY: devotion of virtue, association with the
learned, 3 clear intellect (an unbiased miod), acquisition
[ 147

of money th rot'Sh good deeds , great fame through learning

and co ntinu ous happin ess may be looked for.
KETH U : misery, sorrow, qua rrel, perplexity, shaking
the body, association with unfriendly people, :lnd loss of
lands and vehicles.
VENUS: adoration of Gods, and revering senio rs,
offering of acceptable presents, devotion to duty,
confor mable to religion and morality, addition o f clothes
and ornaments and meeting of friend s.
MOON : headache, eye-complain t, trouble th rough
leprosy , ringworm , severe pnin in the neck, and even
danger to life.
MARS : dauger from fire, trouble to the eye, fear of
thieves, excessive misery, loss of position and windy
RAHU : loss of ho nou r o r a fall fr om one's position.
destruction to one's own self (or loss of wealth), danger
from fire, poison or thro ugh water, h ead-ache, eyecomplaint or trouble in the belly .
JUPITER : freedom fro m sickness, destruction of
enemies, cessatio n of fear, success ill religious devotion,
honour from the sovereign , SHccess in moral duty, and
wealth o f pe nance.
SATU RN : heavy I\Jss of wealth and religious merit,
railure in all business, dise:'lses arising thro ugh phlegm
and wind,
SUB-PER IOD OF KETHU ;Sub-sub-periods
KETHU: 'bas to apprehend qu arrel with enemie!,
misu nderstanding with f riends, hearing of bad wo rds,
burning sensatio n in the limbs due to fever, intrusion to
other's houses and destruction ()f wealth,
VENUS: qun rrel with a sreat friend ~, mis under-

I 148 I

litanding with onc's wife and even with his own reilltio ns,
birth of a daughter, humiliation, and annoyance from
SUN: death of an elder, fever, Tllis 'und e rs tand in~
wllh one's relation , gelin th rough foreign travel, figh ting
:J rebellion
for the Master di seases caused by phlegm
;md ..... ind.
MOON: windfalls and unexpected loss o f wealch,
separation from one's son, a laboured delivery that
engenders mueh sorrow, acquisit ion of se rvanls and
MARS : quarrel wi th the members of one's own
fnmily, destruction of onc's relations, danger from serpen ts, thieves and fire , ami Iroubl:: fr om enemies.
RAHU : qu arrel caused by enemies, remarks from
wicked people, working lipells for the inju ry of another
JUPITER: birth of II very good son, adoration of
the chief of G ods, income through lands or finding of a
treasure, money througb acceptance of presents. inllux
of a large sum of mone}" and honour from the sovereign
l"lay he looked for.
SATURN : trouble to or fr om servants, annoyance
to OJ' from olhers. qu<1rrel ..... ith enemies and t he breaking
of some limb thereby, loss of money and loss of
MERCURY : birth of:\ ve ry good son, a ppreciati on
from a big wealthy lord, monetary gain from lands,
trouble from the enem ies, Joss in cattle :fnd loss in
agricultural operations.
SUBPERIOD OF ',tj-.jUS:'Sub-sub-pcriods
VENUS: clothing, orl1:tmel1ts, vehide, pe rfumes and

1149 J

the like and comforts of the couch, a person wil l have

in plenty besides bodil y splend our and wealth from the
SUN: becomes liable to diseases affectiog the eyes,
the belly aod the ch eeks, danger from the sovereign and
trouble from elders, members of his family and ot her
rela tio ns.
MOON: surfers much pain from a disease due to
inflam ation in the nails, head an~ teeth, sickness arising
from win d and bile, or lo,ss of wealth or trouble through
diarrhoea, disease of the spleen or consumption.
MARS: trouble through flow of blood and bile,
acqui sition of gold and copper, acqui si tion of lands,
loss of one's a ppointment.
RAHU: acquisition of a treasure, birtb of a son, good
news, bonour to or fr om relatives, imprisonment C!f
enemies and injury from fire , thieves and poison may be
JUPITER: pcrfornlance of one's various religious
duties, worshipping of Gods, enjoying the company
of his wife and children, Bnd enjoyments derivable from
his position of authority.
SATURN : honour from the city fathers, the military
or police or from sovereign, acquisition of an excellent
damsel, influx of wealth and various materials, utensils
and comforts requisite for enjoyment.
MER CUR Y: secures the comfort of his sons; wi ll
have happiness on a large scale, great power and fame
and destruction of enemies, but be will be troubled by
sickness through diseases arising from wind and bile.
KETHU : will be deslitute of children and happiness,
will suffer much from danger through fire, he will further
suffer losses and diseases in lome limb.

[ 150

balaoce of ViDuottan Dasa b, Longitude of Moob

Lo" I.



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( T o be l ubu.ettoi from the bl.l&oe~ of datA for ioo, ,,. o by ... inuw,
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slln~IMOOo )llro lUbu JIII';t.l:r "_turD I 101 .... II

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I: ~ l~ ~ 1~ ~l ~
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~ ~ ~ 2f ~ 2~


iij ,


T,\ULio.:.S OF

[ 153 I


y ....



S:un M oon ManRahu Jupj!~r Saturn Mt r~u.-y K tlU 'rO lal










lnter Perirds

J P of
- o .".n.
".n 9.61Mooll ".o 15




(I ,D

tup i ... r
\{ e,' ' "lII:Y
I\eh l

o .


T otal

I. P.


J upi h: t
M t'rcul'Y






e. of

1'I (L1IlI .




M oon

T otal

027 0
028 12
S"tu fU
o 2.5 l ~
o 10 J ~
1 0
0 9 0
T. 1'. of Jup it er.


N . D. W.
1 IS 11..1 Jllpitcr
I 1.1 ' .8 5,,111111
t 'I 7.2 ~ crcurr
t 15 21.6 J\!"t u
0 18 21.6 VCIIU~
1 24 0 .0 SO"
II 16 4." ~t OOIi
o 27 0.0 M:1rS
o 18 21.6 Rahu
10 24 0 .0 T olal


I I'

0 17
1 21
0 IS
o 17


1 10
1 18
10 S


o 10


"" 9 1j1:11
"" 11'" 9"_.,.
"n l'Jrl 7.2
0 0 7 .2
l' 0.0
o.n Tot;'! 1
.- I"
-L 0_


I P o.f \1 a I'S


or Sun



M. D.

8,4 Ketu
20.4 v..~
0.0 5=
7.2. Moon
12.0 ~l a r5
20.4 Rahn
21.6 Jupltr r
19.2 Saturn
10.8 Mercury
0.0 T otol

Jupi t\' r
S~ t ll rll

:\\cn:\l r)'
K l'tu
V en u <



1. P.

II 16 19.:2


I 18 o.n SO"
U I' i}.6 M oon

o 24
o 16


o 10
0 7
o 18

o 16
o 19
o 17

O.!l M a r~
19 .:! Ral m

1$ 4 .8 Jul\!let
18 0.0 Tolal




""U 169 2Ui
17 20.'1


7 8.4
0 21 0."
0 6 7.2
II 10" 12.0
1 6 0 ,11

Dr 5:11\'1' 11

". "

1 24 3 .
0 19 22.H
1 27 11,11
u 17 2.1


28 12.0

o 19

1 21 7 .2.
1 15 14.f1
II I' 0.0



Ven u)


Mt' rCUfr


7 8.'
U 18 !!lJl

1. P. of Venus.

8 0.0

(1 54 1




9. (; S.. lum
1 15 14.4 ~krl'\\ ry
1 \U 19.~ Ketu

e. of


~I :tr)



0 0
18 0
0 0
'I 0
18 0
27 0
21 0
.1 0


" "


10 YeUlJ
Mou n Ma rt


~font h!>
D:I. ~



.JupU .. : !wh,rn

)';;;;--- 0

M ~ "C\HY

1 -1--1

Kctu V.nul Sun Tobl.





l' of \IU()1I




'To t ~l


Jup iter







- l.


, 4
2 16
2 8
1 10
2 12
I" 0

Kcl "



Ju piter



P. of Ktlu


~I ercur}'



"n 28
5 12


II 11
3 6
2 25 12
2 Ie) 0
j upi!!'!
l'l 0 0 ,
1. P. 1'1 Venus.


6 28 0
I 3

18 I
0 0,

>t. D.





Me rcury



[ 155 )


2m 0
2 J2
2 25 12
:2 16 l ~
I I 12


o o


21 0
MO<) D
I 15 0
I 1 0
IS n 0
I. P. of !If erCUf)' .



Venu s




2ll 18
(l 29
2 ?.5 0

0., l'"

1 12 12
2 16 J?
2 8 (\
j upiter
:2 2.0 HI
11 0 0
I. P. of Sm.
Ma r.~


10 0
1 0 0
1 20 0
1 5 0
S 0 0
220 0
5 0
225 0
1 5 0
20 0 0

M. D.



0 6
in I fj!




Ven us





0 12
o 10 12
o 17 12
1 1 12

o 29

1 I Ii
0 28
o 2!) IS
o 12
1 5 0
o lO 12
o 17 12
7 0. 0

I . P. of S;'ItUlll.

J. P . of Jupit.::r .

Moo ..


o l~


I 17
I 12 IZ
o 17
J 20 0
(l 15 I>
If] 0 0

1 P of Rahu



0 25 0
o 17 12
I 15 0
1 II>

M \llll1

P of .\ lau


o 29





T otal


9 0
o 15 0
o 10 12
o 27 0
o 24 O.
o 28 12
o 25 12
o }O 12
1 0 6
0 0



Years )



NC ullth~
D ~v~

' ot.7

ahu oJu lIer Saturn Mr,tCuTy lid u Ven ul SU Q 100"




Inter Periods
I. P. of .\ I us.
N . D.


Jupilt r
Kct u
Vcn u~


I. P. of R:l hu

8 13.8
o 22 1.2
o 19 1-4 .4
023 0.0
o 20 19.8
11 13.8
o !!..f 12.0
0 7
012 8.0
" 27 0.0

" ,.

J. 1'. of S:ltum.
Me rcu ry
Vr n \IS
J upi te r
T ot:!!

M .


1 20


2 6
o 19
1 3 ItO

H"h u

J upitcl
S ~ tu rn
~rcr e .. ry




2 10 0
021 0
1 5 0
o 2J 12
2 3 0
1 26 0
2 6 12
1 29 12
ON 12
14 6 0


26 16.8
!!O 9.6
29 20.<1
23 13.2
22 U
3 0.0


a 18

N . D.

JIl I)iler
Sal urn
Ve nul


I ' 1 19.2
I 23 ' .B
1 Ii 14 .-4

o 19
2 26
o 16

M. D.
l 20 13.S


o 20 19.8 Vtnus
1 29 12.0 Su n

o 17
o 29

o 20 19.8
123 1!>.2
1 17 14.4

I. P. of Sun.




o 18
o 16
o 19
o 11
0 7
0 21


Jupitt r


M ars
Ju pile r
S:tt urn
1:2.6 McrC'u ry
II 27 0.0 Total


1 29 20.4 Jl1 piter

1 0_ "0 ' .S Saturn
0.0 Total

M . 101 .

M :tr~

~b rs

023 6." Rahu


14 .-4

2 1.6 Moo"
, 12.0 Mus
o HI
(I 22
1.2 Ra hu
I 20
12 18 0.0 Total
II 6
I. P. of Mcrcu ry.
I. P. 01 Kct u.

4.2 . Mcrcury
1 ~.6 Ketti
6.6 .Venus
12.0 Slin
22.8 Moon

I . P. of Ytnus.

M. D.

Jup ite r
Sun .
Moo n

I. P. or Jupll t'f .

[ 156



o 2~

o 12
0 8
o 22
o 19
0 23
o 20

1 3 .~







" 27 0.0
I. P. of MOO!.
)'f. D.


12.0 MaTI

' .4

N .

J upiter
Meteu r)'
Kc t u

0.0 5".
0.0 T otal

o 17




I 12

o 2S 0

29 18

0 0


o E:
I 5
o 10



18 Years
R&hu juplle~ Sa turn Mercu r Ketu Ve nus Sun MoolI; l'4 .nl TOb[










1 1 18
18 _ 0


~. P.

I. P. of R, h"
w . .t>.


" as


4 9 14.4
S 3 .21.61
4 17 16.8
26 16.8
5 12 0.0
1 18 14.4
'21 0.0
1 26 16,8
32 12 0.0
I. P. of Me rClJ ry


o. H .
M. """" 410
1 23 13.2
5 3 0.0
1 15 21.6
2. 16 12.0
1 23 13.Z
4 17 16.8.
R. hu
4 2 9.6
425 8.'
Satu m
T otal
30 18 0.0
I. P. of Sun.

o. H.
016 48
o 0.0
o 18 21.6
1 18 14.4
1 13 4 .R


1 21

I 15
o 18
10 "


o. H .
3 25 4,8
4 HI 19.2
Mercury 4
120 9.6
2 -24 0 .0
1 ).'1 4.0
2 12 O.R
1 '0 9.6
4 g 14.4
Rah u
28 201. 0.0
I . P. of Xetu




I . P. of Saturn.

o. D .
5 12 10.11
4 25 8.4
J ~9 20.'1
5 2 1 0.0
121 7.2
2. 25 12.0
I 29 20.'1
5 3 21.(1
4 16 19t 2
34 6 0.0.
I . P. of Venus.


w. D. H.
6 0 0
022 l.2 Venus
124 0
0 3 0.0 S"n
o 18 21.6 Moon
3 0 0
3 0
1 1 12.0 Mars

5 12 0
o 22 .[2 Rahu
4 ~4 0
1 26 16.8 Jup iter
5 :; 1 0
1 20 9.6 Saturn
1 29 20.4 MerC'lry 5 3 0
_Merr uty
1 23 13.2 Kclu
2 3 0
12 18 0.0 1 Tota!
26 0 0
t. P. of Moon.
1 P. o( Mars.




Rah u
J upiter


Ju piter
7 .2 Mercury
2l.0 Ketu
21.6 \~IIUS
0.0 S\ln
0.0 T otal



lIS 0
1 1 1Z
2 21 0
2 25 12
2 16 12
1 1 12
3 0 0
o 27 0 Moon
16 0 0 1 Tot.a.l

[ 157

M .



1 26 l A.8
1 20 9.6
1 29 20.4
1 23 1 ~.2

,oo I.'

1 1
12 18


16 Y t:l!'S
Ketl! \"enus Sun M oon Mars R~u oll.l.
Mll ntl,s
~ .-,I"'" -__"j"' __~'"'~__G~~CU~"1,8"-.'.
) __"-. 2A

r ... Irs

up l">1 S.,tum

M ~rcury



lt1t ~r" l't!rlO( I S

I. 1'.
Mercur ),



,r J"pi( ~t .

, ".

I. P.

,, "


2 4 0.0
1 14 19.2



M crcur r



0 19
I 2G
0 16
() 28
o 10
1 20
I 11
I 23




I. P. of Moon.


J upil('r
M crc1: ty





9fj. ! M:lrCUf)'

1 23

... ,
, ).


3 2.> 1-1 .4
1 17 14.4


... ,.
5 10
1 18







0 14


220 0.0
o Hl 19.2
j I.'
j 2. 0.0
I 8
1 IS 14.4
I !O 19.2
4 I ' 0.0
0 16 10.2
I 2. 0.0 Venu~
I 18 0.0
TOI ?!
32 0 00. Total
0 8 0.0
l. P. of ~fa rs.
I. P. of Rll hl!.



0.0 Mm'!';
o.n nahu
2 12 o.n ]l1pit(' r
2 4 o.n Saturn
2 16 0.0 MerCUri'
8 0.0 Kelu
0 28 0.0 VentI<
2 20 0.0 Sun
24 0.0 Moon
I . 0 0.0 Tolal
1 10

I. P. of Mercury.

4.8 Ketu
4.8 1 Venus
0.0 Sun
1 lO 19.2
I 15 14A ! Moon
j 17 14.4
16 0 .0 . Ma rs
M ars
1 25 4.8 Rahu
16 19.2 Ju pitrr
3 18 19.2
Jl1p il, r
4 I ],(.'1 Saturn
4 .
:;0 12 0. 0 Tolal
1. P. of VenllS.
l. P.

1 14.'1 M !'r.;.'u t y
18 19.2 Kel u
19.2 V,-nus
8 0.0 .'t.m

M. D.

4 24

0 . um

;) 25 4.8
25 18 0.0
I. p. or Krill .


,r Satu rn.
M. ,. H.

,. ...

O. 19
I 20
I 14
I 11
o 19
I 26
() 16
( I 2R

[ 158 1


D. M.
9 14.4
3 ~.') 4.8
.j '1fI 19.2


14 .4
14.4 VeI!U~
0.0 S",
6 0.0



, ,

1 20 9 .
'2 12 0.0
I 20



19 Yean:

"SIIU", Wercut)' Ketu Vf!nus 5Ul~ Moon M"'~ Ruu JU pltf!1 To!al .
2 I 19

'I '


I. P. of Saturn .




'L4 17



5 21 11 .4
5 3 10.2
2 3 4.'
6 o 12.0
124 3.6
2 3 4.2
S 12 10.8
.2. 9.6
36 3
I. P. of Vemls.




Ju pitrr
I . P. of

M. D.

I. P. of Mercury.




M. D.




S, turn
V elJ.US
o 9
1 3
18 9




5 3
6.6 Rahu
4 16
20.6 j upiter
5 12
4.8 Saturn.
-4.2 i Mercury {Z5
1 29
12.6 1' X.tu
6.6 Venus
5 21
12.0 Sun
1 21
2 2...'i
22.8 , Moon
1 21}
6.0 1 Man
34 6
0.0 t Total




[ 159



o 23


8.4 1




OS" 6.0
2 6 12.0
o 19 22.~
1 3 6.0
.23 6.6
1 29 20.6
123 4 .8
j llpiter
9 4.8 Saturn
2 3 4'
3 10.~ Mercury
1 26 12.6
9 O.() Tota!
I. P. of Moon

11 2.4
6 I. 0.' Sun .
o 28 12.0
1'1:1 d. Moon
o 19 22.8
3 5
121 7.2 .
2 6 12.0 Rl.hll
j llplter
1 15 14.4
2 0.0 Satunl
1 24 3.6
6 0 12.0 Mercury
1 18 10.8
4 11 12.0 Kehl
0 19 22.8
2 6 12.0 Yenus
1 27 0.0
38 a O.O!1 Total
11 12 0.0
t. P. of Man.
I. P. of RallU.


I. P. of Ketu.





1 17 12.0
M .B
1 3 6.0
22S 12.0
:1 0 6.0
2 20 J8.0
I 3 6.0
3 5 0.0
0 28 12.0
19 0 0.0
I. P. of j upiter.


7.2 Moo"

12.0 Mus
20.4 Rabu
0.0 1 Total






14 .4

17 Year!!

0 ..

Mer;lIr y

Kt~1I Vtn~1 SU~ Mo;n M~n R~hU JII~tuSa~W'D 1 ~;-1.




I. P. of Mercm-y.



10 5 11
6 0 21 18
Inter-Pe riods


I. P. of Ketu.

I. P. of Ve:DIU.

....o 20 19.8








5 20 0.0
19.8 Ketu
1 29 12.0 Son
1 21 0.0
13.8 Venus
12.0 SlIn
o 17 20.4 Moon
225 0.0
o 29 18.0 Mars
I 29 12.0
8.' Moon
o 20 19.8 Rahu
5 3 0.0
6.' Mars
16 0.0
1 23 13.2 Jupiter
13.8 Rah u
1 17 14. 4 Saturn
5 11 12.0
1.2 Jupiter

4 23 12.0
1 26 12.6 Mercury
Ju piter
3 2.5 14 .4 Saturn
I 20 13.8 Ketu
1 29 12.0
6.6 Mercury
28 21
II 27 0.0 T otal
34 0 0.0
T otal
17 "0.0 Total
I. P. of Moon.
I- P. of Sun.
, [ . P. of Mus.
M . n.
M . D.
I~' :.~ Mm
o 20 19.8
o 15 7.2 Moon
o 29 18 Rahu1 23 1~ . 2
o 25 12.0 Mars
2 16 12
1 11 14.4
o I '" 20.4 Rah u
2 8 0
1 28 1'l.6
1 :S 21.6 J upiter
1 '20 1 3.8
Ju piter
1 10 19.2 Saturn
2 20 18
o 20 19.8
Satu rn
1 18 10.8 Mercury 2 12 6
1 29 12.0
Mercury 1 13 8.4 Ketu
029 18
o 17 20.4
o 17 20.4 Venus
o 29 18.0
o 25 12 MOOD
1 21 0.0 Son
T otal
11 21 0.0
T otal
10 6 0.0 T otal
17 0 0
I . P. of Saturn.
J. P. of Rahlt.
I. P. of Jupiter.



....4 17 16.8

J u~tef

5. m
X, tu
.... n


4 2





J upiter
Ven us

12.0 M ars
13.2- Rahl1
0.0 T otal

M. D


3 IS
3 25
1 17

14 .4


27 6

[ 160 ]


Satu rn

D. w.
3 10.2
26 12.6
11 12.0
18 10.8
20 18.0
26 12~

>' 8.'



,. Yean:

I. P. of




0 8
0 24
0 7
0 12
0 8
0 22
0 19
0 23
0 20



o 17







'1 3
1 26
2 6

1.2 JupIter
Sat unl
M er('ury



I. P. of Sun.


0 , Sun
12 ' Rah u









1 ~g 12


1 24 12
14 0 0


0 21 0.0
.. 6 0.0

:J.~P:.~O:(_':I:.:n:.__~ ____:I.~PO~":cR:':h:u:.___


o 12 6.0
I 1 12.0
o 28 O.n
1 3 6.0
o 29 18.8
o 12 6.0
1 :5 0.11
o 10 12.0
7 0 0.0
I. P. of Jupiter. I


8Ao Moon
6.0 ~hm
13.8 Rnhu



13.8 1' Venus

12.0 SUD


J. P. of Venus.

D. --;;:,

t.b u
Ju piter
M oon




II .



a .a

I. P. of Sfltum.

1-- -

H. '

I 14 19.2 Siturn
1 2.1 4.8 Mercury
1 17 ]4.4 Xetu

~ ~~ I~:~ I ~:1B
o 16 19.2 Moon
o 28 0.0 Mlrs
o 19 14.4 Rlhu

1 20 9.6 Jupiter
11 6 0.0 Tot:!1

M . D.




I Mars


I. P. of Mercury.


2 3 4.2 M""""
1 26 12.6 K, tu
0 23 6.6 V~~

g1 ]~:1 ~:~


6.6 1 Ju.,hu
1 29 2O.4 ! J u p '~r

o 2S

1 23
13 9

[161 ]



1 26 16.8
1 20 9.6
1 29 20.4
1 2:J 13.2
0 22 1.2
:2 :3 0.0
0 18 21 .6
1 112.0
0 22 1.2
12 18 0.0

4.8 Saturn
0.0 Totli

W. D.


I 20
1 29
o 17
o 29
I 2-'3
1 11
I 26
11 21





Zf Years









I. P. of

M:u s


, ,.I.
, a






M ercury





U .




M ercury













".1 !~Pile'l"


T otal


0 Venus

1 21



[ J 62 1





I. n
" nn
, "I. n
, "
, n











2 20

I, P. of Ketu.




Ml rs
S:l.hl rn



, ,.D. ,.
, ,.
., ,.,



I P. of Jupiter





,,, "



2 3
I . P. of Mercury.
~ I .rs

VnlU S




, X""
, na SDD




12 Mncury
12 KMU
12 Vl'll il~

J. P. of Saturn.





12 Raili.,



0 Jupitu


I. P. of Rahl1.




, I.


Sa turn

". 24D.

3 ! Moon






I. P. of Moon.

" 'E.: !
2' RobD

N .

M p r~

5 !lD
Tnt. 1
I. P. of Mars.

I. P. of Sun.


0 MIn
12 Rahu








1 2.


The entire world lives on hopes. Everybody is eager
to know wh at is in store fo r him , however well placed he
may be. Astrology is a science that can tackle or cover
any walk of life within the limitations imposed . Today.
Astrology occ upies it dignified place due to selfless efforts
of stalwarts.
If by roret: o f circumstances, you will have to leave
your birth-place and have to face a series of calamities,
you will lONe hopes and then you will consu lt an
He will tell you that you were undergoing a
bad period or Dasa and that you will have a brighter
period with the co mmencement of certain Dasa which will
bring you hope.

Rajayagas a nd fine combinations wi ll fail to work if

they are without strength and proper Vasa do not operate
in your life-tim e.
These t wo conditions are importam factors which . like
a fuel. keep your life vehicle or horoscope running.
The horoscope infuses hopes if, by God's grace,
a man after con t inuous suffering happens to undergo
a good Dasa. Does God allow th ings to suit ou r
fancies? We are all beggars at the hands of God.
He gives unlimited wealth and snatches away everything

frmJl us in the form of good and bad times.

ASlrological termmology are cal led D asa.\".

which in

The Das(l of a planet identical in all res pe ct~ is sometimes seen prod ucing quite opposite resu lts in diffe rent
Wh ile a nali ve enjoys a happy. content ed.
prosperous and luxurious life durin g the peri od of Moon.
anoth er is confronted q :i lh all difficults, losses a nd painful
experiences during the'!.ame period of the Moon. When
one goes deep in to th e ~Il bject in an effort to find oul the
reasons for this difference in the res ults of the same Dasa.
one comes to understa nd tha t planets in their differe nt
states produce different effe':ts.
In our long studies and research spread over the
period o f 25 years. we ca me upon a correct way of finding
the correlat ive effects of the Dasa! Blruk tff Am"ara of
Vimso tlllri Da.M in Hindu Astrology.
MallfeSIl'{lra III his famo us work- Phaladeepik a ,
Chapter XX, Verse 29 guides : " Whichever Bham (ho use)
counted from the DaSQllolllO (major lord) is .."Qc.cupied by
the Blwk linallia (sub-period-lord). it is only the effects
arising from tha t BIIlIJ'a (house) that wi ll come t o pass in
that BIII/kli (sub- period), When Bhuktinatha occupies the
6th , 8th or 12th house re(:koned from the Dasallalha 'the
effect will be unhappy. In othe r house'> it will be good."

The statement "lI'hicherer Bhar3 counted from

Dasanatllll" implies the meaning that the place occupied
by the Dnsal/atha (lord of the major period) should be
taken as Lagna (ascendant), just as one would take the
Birth-/agna of a native, If it is not taken so, one cannot
reckon the other B hal'as such as the 2nd, 4th a nd so on

from the Dasallafha. So that we can come to the

conclusion that the author of Phaladeepika expects that
the sign occupied by the Dasanal"a in question should be
taken j ust like the Birth-ascendant fo r all practical
purposes and predictions.
When such occupied sign bccomcs the LogJ/o,
automatically one has to ascertain the relution of the
Dasallatha to thut particu lar sign. So the Birth-lagllo and
the relation of the Dosollolha to the birth-!aglla go to the
background and the Dosal/mha-loglIll comes up. T he
birth-lagno is like a bud and ,he DlIsol/arho!agllo is the
bloom which gradually gives out a ll the inherent qualities
of a fl ower or the fruit of its Karma. If we take the
Dosollarha-/ogna as on par wi t h birth-Iagnu, it goe) without saying th at all other Bllfll"tl.f (ho uses) and Bhavanafhas
(house-lords) should he referred accord ingly.
So when we consider one Bllllkrillulha (lo rd of the subperiod) we have to take into account which Bhal'a or
Bhams, the Bhllktillatlws preside over from the Dosanmhalaglla. Is he the lord o f a dust/lOlla (evil houses) or a
benefic sllIallu (good-house)? Whither is he posited from
the Dasanatha-/agna? In whut ways he is related to the
said liJgl/a and 5th and 9th houses '! Is he an enemy or
friend of the Dasal/atha (ascend ant lord) in question?
What is his strength ?
Acting along this line, a wise ast rologer can find a
clear cut path that will safely lead to accurate predictions.
Coming to the Sloka again. the author has advised us
to count the place by Dasanafha 3.S lagl/a (ascendant) to
predict clirrent events with reference to the dasa-Iord.


from this it goes without saying that the sign occupied

by Bhukti-Iord shall be considered as Lagna (ascendant)
for finding out the effects pertaining to the Bhuktilord
(sub-lord) in his Anthara (sub-sub-period).
This interpretation of the sloka
proved correct. We are strongly

has wonderfully
convinced of its

For example, if one is having Jupiter's period and

Jupiter is placed in Capricorn, he becomes the lord of the
12th and the 3rd houses-both malefic. So he assumes
the role of a pure malefic for this Dasa, though he may
be the lord of Lagna (Sagittarius rising) in his bi rth-chart.
Saturn becomes the lord of lhe Lagnu and the 2nd
bouse (possession). Mars becomes the lord of the 4th
and the 11th. Mercury bIXomes the lord of 6th and 9th.
Venus becomes the lord of 5th and 10th. Sun becomes
the lord of the 8th and the Moon of the 7th house. So
much so, the portfolios of all the planets have drastically
changed for Jupiter's period when compared with the
birth-ascend ant.
Nakshalras occupied by the planets also come into
play. They should be taken into account for correct

Summing up, we get the follo wing broad principles:

I. The place occupied by the lord of the Dasa should
be taken as Birthlugna for that period.
2. His Nakshatra position, his strength and weakness
should be taken into account.
[1 66)

3. His relation to the place wherein he is posited

should he assessed.
4. The lords of sub-periods produce results
characteristic of the Bllavas, reckoned from the lord of the
period, in which they are posited. For example, during
the sub-period of a planet occupying the 2nd Mal'a
(house) from the lord of the period (Dasanatha); increase
in wealth is indicated.
5. Lastly one should bear in mind that all the Mal'as
and lords of bhal'as would be rendered ineffective (such as
lords of the 6th. 8th and 12th or Rahu or Saturn, the Sun
and Mars) were to be found in the 4th , 7th. 10th, 6th,
12th and 2nd houses from the 8"al'(1s or 8hal'a lords
under consideration. Among them, the 10th position is
most harmful.
All the current results pertaining to all the Blwvas can
be clearly told by applying this proper and correct
method. The Vimsot(arj Dasa System is the most scientific
and practical method for forecasting events as experience
have shown all these years. If one fails in his predictions,
it !nay be due to wrong interpretations and not to the
inherent shortcomings of the system. Our own feeling is
that \he Hindu System of Astrology and Vjmsotlari
~yslem of timing events do not require any certificate for
their veracity and workability.
Some of the learned astrologers have done their
research and experience in different terms than propounded
by us. For the ready reference, we are reproducing the


~a m e here to enabie the readers to put them on test and

lind out their validity. We have given our views on the

subject in Pa rtll wherein we have illustra ted the practical
Complete the Ashtakvarga cha rt of the planet when
Dasa results are to be known. Also divide the Vasa years
of the planet into twelve equal parts. If the Dasa be that
of the Sun. then we wi ll get the twelfth part as 6 months.
or we may say that we will get the same number o f
months eq ual to number of dasu-years of the planet. Now
these twelve parts are t o be equally distributed among the
twelve rasis beginning from the ras; where the doso planet
is situa.ttd. The result of the Ilrst position will be
according to the number of bindus contained in the rasi
where the pl anet is situated in the horoscope. The second
portion will be according to the number of billdus
contained in the second rasi as cou nted from the planet,
and so on for the other portions.
If there be more than four bh,dus in one rasi, then
that portion of the dasa period will give good results. If
there be less than four bind us in one rasi then that
portion of the dasa will give bad results. If there be only
fou r hilldus in one rasi then that portion of the Dasa will
give mixed results.
The above facts are as given in Praslla Marga. But we
have found thai if we a pply the following fact s also
then the results obtained a re beUer. Along with the
above facts, we should also look into the nature of the
r asi so far as the planet is concerned. That is, we should
see whether the rasi is a friendly one or Uccha (Exaltation)
or Nucha (Debilitation) or inimical rasi for the planet.


]f we combine these facts also intelligently then the results

obtained are sometimes more than sati~factory. Even if
there be more tban four hindus in a Rasi, if that ras;
happens to be the Nucha rasi of the planet, then the
results are not found to be good. Even if there be less
than 4 bindus in a rasi happens to be exaltation rasi of
the planet concerned then the results are not so bad.


Assume that the Dasa lord is progressing through the
twelve signs and divide the total number of years among
twelve signs uniformly. The first part of the Dasa will
give results of the blJa.o in which that lo rd is from Lagna,
according to the ownersh ip, strength, aspect etc. The
next period of 1/ 12 will have to be judged from Laglla as
if the dasa-Iord is in 2nd from his natal position , and
so on.
To elucidate, suppose it is Cancer Lagl/a and the Sun's
Dasa with the Sun in Aries. As the Sun is the lord of
tbe 2nd posited in the 10th with digba/a in its exaltation
sign, the first six months of the Sun's dasa should be
deemed to be good, with specia l emphasis on professional
gains. f or the next six months, the dasa lord ~hould be
assumed to be progressing through Taurus. This sign
being badhkasthana for Cancer and the Sun being the lord
of the 2nd, financial upsets, difference of opinion with tbe
elders, or brothers, reshutrle in tho family affairs, etc.,
should be indicated. Similarly for progressions of the
dastJ lord tbrough other signs. In the same manner the
bhukti lord also should be progressed.
The common rules, such as the progres5ed dtJsa lord or
bhuk,i lord crossing his debilitation point or transiting his.

enemy's house, etc. are also to be duly considered.

During such progressions when the dasa lord and bhukti
lord occupy 6/8 or 2/ 12, that particular patch becomes
bad. If and when the bhukti lord crosses the dasa lord
or a yoga planet, that particular period will be most
effective (good or bad as the case may be) .
Again the relationship between the present transit of
the dasa lord in a certain house and the apparent position
occupied by the Dasalord during progressions will also
have to be consider~d .
Timing of Events can be done more accurately if the
1/12 part of a Dasa or Bhukti is further su~divided into
nine and the transits considered throu~h asterisms in a
sign, the respective relationship of the dasa lord to the
lord of the asterism as also their relationship to the
ascendant lord taken into account.
Cyril Fagan, a great western Astrologer, following
sidereal school, expressed his own doubts about the
va lidity and authenticity of Vimsottari Dasll (The
Astrological MagaZine, page 285, March 1955), where be
observed :
"Again; surely the correct timing of Mahadasa,
Anlardasa, and Vidasa of the popular Vimsollari system
of predicting by planetary periods is wholly dependent on
the validity of Ayollamsa? If the latter is in error by one
or more degrees. will not the Moon's longitude, and
hence its precise position in the Janma Nakshatra be
adversely affected, thus substantially falsifying the
accurate dating of periods, sub-periods and inter-periods?
How can any legitimate claims be made for Vimsottari

System as a reliable instrument, when we find Indian

Astrologers using Ayanamsa from 19" to 24 1"

To this objection of Cyril Fagan. we have elaborately

dealt in the 11 PART of this book, where we have proved
the validity of Vimsottari Dasa on statistics.
Any valuable suggestions to make further improvements in the text are cordially invited from the learned



In the first part of this book, we have mostly produced
several of the valuable writings from the different sources
(mostly Astrological Magazine, Bangalore) of the lear'ned
authors, scholars and astrologers. but the complex
problems of Vimsottari Dasa System still remain
Lately interest in Hindu Dasa System (Vimsottari
Directions) developed in West also. Great scholars and
astrologers like Cyril Fagan and Garth Allen have
worked and came out with their own observations also.
Garth Allen observed-"my deep interest took


however, when I undertook the subject-the Vimsottari

Dasa System to a rigid statistical test using Fagan's Spicabru;ed Ayanamsa and the 360 days year as basic values.
The event of death was the subject chosen for study, and
to my mixed consentration and amazement it turned out
that almost three times as many people pass away during
malefic-ruled sub-periods than pfC\bability would predict,
with the Saturn sub-p~riod outstllnding in this respect.
"Strange, is it not, that my conversion to Hindu
astrology should have been wrought by the very reasons
my Eastern critic picked as the basis of his reservations?
I accepted the Dasa System as valid because it holds up
under tcst conditions when the Hypsomatic Ayanamsa is
employed. I had rejected the system years earlier .han
this, when other Ayanamsas were applied: in fact, I had


decided that the very theory of Ihe Dasas was pretty much
superstitious hogwash. My earlier rejection and later
acceptance were both made on statisti cal grounds, for I
cannot embrace and champion a scheme which does not
withstand such tests.
"Astrologers, both Eastern and Western, are too prone
to utter dictums and mutter objections based upon
scattered indi vidual-case evidence. or what is actually
worse no matter, how respectable it sounds , " experjence".
The history of any science is as much a co ntinuing story
of face saving measures on the part of writers, teachers.
lecturers, and field dominatin g personalities as o f
continuous betterment. h is only human to want to
defend one's own past teachings or present views when
so mething that dema nds their amendment looms into
sight."-American Astrology, February 1975, pp. 46.
Garth Allen in his statement is very specific and
He has left nothing to speculate. Kenneth
Irving has illustrated the horoscope o f Richard Nixon,
expresident of U.S.A. in his article: " Modern Method s to
Polish an Ancient Concept,"
American Astrology ,
May 1975, pp. 26-35 based on tables and notes which
Garth Allen has prepared. The auth or at one p.lace
observed: "In short, this marvellous method of progression
seems a disaster-at least as mos t Hindu astrologers usc
it . One is leff with the feeling that once upon a time it
worked. but some w:lere along the line it got off the
track. It would be st range if such a thing had happened,
since tnere 'are already numerous examples of such
" derailment, " in centuries-old astrological practices having
been corrected through careful researen,"


Another American author James A. Eshelnan in his

article: "A Hindu Predictive System," American Astrology;
December 1975, pp. 37-39 concludes: " Whatever the
foundation; it is clear that we have here a system with an
internal structure that we cannot ignore-even ir the
Hindu Astrologers them~lves do not teally heli eve in
their own system by the frequency with which they alter
their prererred Ayanamsa at will, in each case producing
r('~ult~ which ' ~{i f' impre~sively anything they want to
say. Its potenti:ll value in rectification should he apparent
to anyone who works regularly with many chart~. and it~
predictive powers provide an excellent way to ca p~Llli.~e a
few di~tin ct palterns during the years."
The ohservations and conclusions or these Icarned
schobrs and ~ciel1tjsts h.we left 1I .~ with two problem~:1. What j.~ th(' correct Ay:mamsa? Tn Ind ia mostly
Lahiri's or Raman's Ayan:unsa is used . Following nre
the diofft:'rent ayanamsas (In January I, 1 9~5.

a. Fagan's - 24 ~-D'-()O"
h. Lahiri".. - 23'- D '-4flc. Raman's-21 -4fi'.1J"
2. Whether, we a rc to take 360 (bys a year or
165 days a year.
3, Since the astrologers in the West do not interpr('t
the cha rts the way it is done in India and they have taken
the natural characteristics of the planets (malefic or
benefic), the third problem is already there. Whelher we
are to read the Dasa System from the birth-ascendant or
to treat the pJ:lce of DQ.ffI/lOIha (Ruler of the major
period) as lIscend.:mt.

For the purpo~e of illustrating ou r own findings and

experience on these three complex dimensious of Vimsottari Oasa System, we are illustrating eleven charts
hdow_ The bitth-datas have been taken from an article
"Rectification,'- published in Fare & Destiny. November.
11)76; pp 31~37.
I. Girl born at 22N30, 36E30. Saturday, 21-10-1950,
LS.T. 23-21 -55 co mmitted suicide on 24-4-1970.

Raman's - Ayanamsa-21 )-44 ' - 8 ~

Rahu period 9 months 23 day".

- Ayanamsa-23~-IO ' -16~

Rahu period 2 years 9 months I day_'s

-A yanamsa-24Q-9 ' -30 ~

Rahu period 4 years I momh


2. Girl born at 8 Nil, 77E22, Tuesd ay, 14-7-1942,

I.S .T. 25-16-04 expired o n 19-12-1964 due to fire burns.
Raman's- Ayanamsa 21 37'-l r
Saturn-2 years 8 months 24 days.
lahiri's -Ayanamsa-23-3'-20
Saturn-" yea rs 9 months 10 days.
Fagan's -Ayanamsa-24-2'-34"
Saturn -6 years 2 months 27 day~.

3. Person horn at 23N03. 72E 36, Tuesd:lY,

26-6-1 951, I.S.T. 11-52-25 a.m. passed away on
Ram:ln's-Ayanamsa 21"-44'-4r
Saturn-' yean II months 14 days.
[ 179]

Lahiri's -Ayanamsa--2r-I O'-SOw

Saturn-IO years I day _


- Ay anam sa-24 ~ -10'-4

S:lll1rn- ll yea rs 4 months 27 d:lYs,

4, Child horn at 22N3S . 88E23, Monday, 1-8-1949.

f. S.T. 22-3(i-48 was run over and killed by Lorry on
24 91952.

Rnm :m 's - Ayanamsa-2 J_43' -(i"

Rahu-6 months 7 d a ys.

Lahiri's -Ayanmsa-23-9'-14 w
Rahu-2 years 5 months 16 days,
Fagan's - Ayanamsa-24-8' _28 W
Rahu-3 years 9 months 15 days,

[I 80J

5. Persun burn at
72E50 ,
4-[ 1-1 ') 17, LS.T. 4-5-22 a.m. died on 21-4-1954.
Raman 's - Ayanamsa-21"., 6' 31:
Rahu-2 yeats 9 d<lY!.
Lahiri' s - Ayanamsa-2r-4 2' 40
Ralw-3 years II mon lhs 17 Jays.
Fagan' s -A Y,lnamsa-2341 ' 54"
Rahu-5 yea rs 3 months 17 (hl)S.

6. I)erson
born at 14NOO, 79E56, Friday,
20-4-1934, I.S.T. 25-53-24 ~ommitted suicide on

Raman 's-Ayanamsa-21 "-30' -18"

Jupiler-g years 5 months 17 days.
Lahiri's -Ayanamsa-22"-S6'-26"
Jupiter-IO years 2 months 6 days.
Fagan's -Ayanamsa-23-55'-40
Jupiter-II years 4 months 13 days.

7. Persoll born at 14N04, 75E22, Friday, 8-8-1924,

I.S.T. 17-20-45, lost his life in a plane crash on 6-5;1951.
Raman's-Ayanamsa-2r22'-ll ~
Jupiter-S years 6 months 8 days.
Lahiri's -Ayanamsa-22'-4S' -19"
Jupiter-7 years 2 months 29 days.
Fajan's -Ayanamsa-23-4T-3SJupiter-S years S months 4 days.

~L Person born at 11 NOO, KOEOO, Sunday, 16- 11-1930,

l.S.T. 23-59-48 died of electrocution on 10-2-1957.
Ramal\'s - AyanaOlsa-21 "-27' -27"
Moon-6 years 2 months 17 days.
Lahiri's -Ayanamsa-22~-53'-35 w
Moon-7 years 3 months 14 days.
Fagan's -Ayanamsa-23c -52' -49"
Moon-S years 11 days.

!II. Person born a1 26N29, 8021 , Tuesday,

8)1932, LS.T. 4-5824 a.m. committed s uicide 0 11

Ra man " - Ayanamsa21 v 28' .) 1."

Jupiter- 5 months 14 J a) s.
Lah iri 's- Ayanamsa-22" - 54' -40'
Jupiter-2 years 2 months 4 Ja)'s.

Fagan 's - Ayanaonsa-2JO -53' -54'

Jupiter-) years 4 months 4 days.

10. Person bo rn at 27N46, 79E5H, Monday ,

24-1-1 927. LS : r. IH -18-21, died on 7-6- 1955 J uc to
Raman's- Ayanamsa 2I v 24'-15"
Mars-6 years 27 days.

Lahiri's - Ayanamsa2r 50'23Mars6 yea rs 9 months 29 days.

Fagan's - Ayanamsa-23"-4!J' _37Moon5 months 29 days.

II. Jimmy Carter, President of America . born at

84W24,32N02, Wednesday, 1-10-1 924, C.S.T. 7-15-45
a.m. Elected President on ::!-) H 976
Raman 's-Ayananna - 21 0_22' 19"
Jupiter- 12 years 10 months 25 days
Lahiri 's-Ayan amsa - 22_48'-27Jupiter- 14 years 7 months 15 days
Fagan 's-Ayanamsa-2347' -41
Jupiter- IS years 9 months 22

da y ~

Cases Nos. 3 and 7 are peculiar and interesting in the

sense that the LagllQ (ascendant) changes with the chang~
of Ayanamsa, and these two cases can decide to a greater
extent as to the validity of a particul ar Ayanamsa.
I. Case No. 3- With Fagan's or Lahiri's Ayanamsa,
the ascendant is Leo and with Raman's Ayanamsa , the
ascendant is Virgo. The author of the article does not
gi ve the cause of death, but the fact remains that the
native passed away at the young age of 12 years (short
age) .

(a) With Virgo ascendant (Raman's Ayanamsa),

Mercury is in 10th in Gemini, identical to his own sign
in conjunction with Sun and Mars; Jupiter and Moon arc
in the 7th house and Saturn is in the ascendant. Out of
9 planets, six (two natural benefics) are in angles.
[1 86]

(b) With Lalliri 's or Fagan's Ayanamsa, Ll!o aSCl!lldan! ; except Rabu /Ketu, there is no planet in thl! angles.
Jupiter and Moon goes to the 81h houS!! and Venus to
the 12th.
We arc of the opinion that it is Leo ascendant which
indicates the short age and not Virgo.

Case No.7 - With Fagan's or Lahid's Ayanamsa,

the ascendant is Sagittarius and with Raman's
Ayanamsa, the ascendant is Capricorn. The native died
in a plane crash at a young age of 27 years.
(a) With Capricorn ascendant, Saturn ruler of the
ascendant is exalted in the 10th (not retrograde) and this
position of Saturn by itself should be enough to protect
the natives's longevity tho ugh there are other afflictions,
such as Mars opPosition MerCLJfY involving 2nd and the
8tb houses.
(b) With Labiri's or Fagan's Ayanamsa, the ascendant
is Sagittarius (last degrees) and Jupiter, ruler o f the
ascendant is in the 12th (1 05s) in Scorpio (qeath). Mars
(planet of accident) ruler of 12th and Scorpio is in the
3rd (travels and journeys), o pposed by Mercury (planet
of communication) from the 9th (travels). The tragic
end of the native confirms more of a Sagittarius ascen
dant than Capricorn ascendant.
With these two glaring cases out of ten , we a re of the
opinion that Lahiri's or Fagan's Ayanamsa gives better
and convincing results than Raman's Ayanamsa.


Now we are left with two choice- Fagan or

Lahiri. In t:ase No.8 Sun is in Libra if we are to use
fagan's Ayanamsa and SUIl remains in S,orpio if we use
Lahiri's Ayanamsa. Looking to tbe facts of the ..;ase, Sun
is more appropriate in Libra than in Scorpio.
In Case No. II , the editon , Fate & DI."Stiny, <xtaber,
76 has shown Mars (ruler ortbe "fth - marriage) oppositiun
Venus (significator of marriage) in 5th and 11th houses.
Looking to his married life, we will not accept this opposition. We arc in agreement with the editor when he says
that the planets are not in aspect if the signs occupied by
them are not in aspects. Here. when we take Fagan's
ayanamsa, Venus goes to Cancer while Mars stays in
Aquarius i.e. there is no opposition aspect in between
these two planets and this fit s in with his married life .
Further Hindu Astrology is based entirely on the t!teory
of the Moon Mansions (Nakshatras) and now with our
chart, Venus occupies Moon Mansion ruled by Mercury
and not by South Node as shown by the editor. This
has improved the basic strength or" the horoscope.
These changes in the natal chart with the change
of ayanamsa are very much important to our mind.
Sim ilarly in case No. 7 Rahu goes to Cancer 'With
Fagan's Ayanamsa and Rallu stays in Leo with Lahiri's
ayana\llsa. To our mind these changcs of the plancts
in the signs are important. )n case No. 7, if we use
F<lSan's Ayanamsa, the ascendant is on Fatalistic D"grce
(29" Sagittarius), but if we use Lahiri's Ayanamsa, this
is not the case (JO Sagattarius).
In case No.8, the Lunar Mansion (llakshal ra) of Sun
does not change whether the Sun slays in Libra or
[1 88]

Scorpio, but in Case No.7, Rahu stays in Lunar

Mansion No.9, ruler Mercury with Fagan's Ayanamsa,
but Rahll occupies Lunar Mansion No. 10, ruler Ketu
(South node) with Lahiri's Ayanamsa, though there will
be n(l chang\! in the stellar position of Ketu.
Looking to the event of the native's life (died in plane
crash) we are of the opinion that Rahu should be in
Cancer (Lunar Mansion No.9), ruler Mercury nnd not in
Lunar Mansion No. 10, ruler- South Node- in Leo.
The ascendant should be 29 ~ Sagittaruis and not 30n
This concludes that it is Fagan's Ayanamsa which
stands to the test and we would request the learned
readers to put it to the rigid test, before they come to
their own final opinion and conclusions.
Having solved the question of Ayanamsa, we are left
with two complex questions~(l) whether we arc to use
360 days a year or 365 days a ) car and (2) whether we
are to read the Dasa results from the hirth ascendant or
to treat the place of Dasal1a1ha as ascendant. We will
analyse all the II c:Jses to see which school of thought is
valid under test.
1. Case No. /-(a) It was lupitcr/Rahu when the
girl committed suicide. With 365 days a year. Jupiter/
Rahu operates upto 21111970 and with 360 days a year
Jupiter/Rahu operates up to 1181970. ]n this case, it
makes no difference whether we use 365 days or 360 .l,IYS
a year for Vimsottari Dasa System.

(b) From natal ascendant, Jupiter is the ruler of the

6th and the 9th, placed in tile 8th. From Dasallatha as

AScendant, Jupiter becomes the ruler of the 2nd and the

11th. We are of the opinion that it is from Dasanalha ~s
ascendant that Jupitc:r becomes the Markesh (death
inflicting planet) and Rahu (Sub-lord), 2nd to Jupiter.
justifies the event in Jupiter/Rahu.
(c) Jupiter is placed in Lunar Mansion No. 23 which
behaves under the group influence of Mars and Saturn
and this Lunar Mansion No. 23 is accident prone (Maon
Mansions by Mohan Koparkar), Rahu is placed on Lunar
Mansion No, 25. ruler Jupiter and beht: under the
group influence of Jupiter and Saturn, This is another
confirmation to the event occured in native's life.
2. Case No. 2- (a) It was Mercury/Saturn
operates upto 12-10-1965 from 3-2 1963 with 365
year when the girl died with the fire burns. It will
no difference in this case whether we use 360 days
or 365 days a year.

days a
a year

(b) Mercury is the ruler of the 3rd and the 6th

houses from the birth ascendant and placed in the 3rd:
from Dasanatha as ascendant, Mercury is the ruler of the
1st and the 4th. In this case Mercury is malefic from
birth ascendant than from Dasanatha ascendant. However
this position is subject to modification by stellar
position of the planets. It will also be useful to add
that Dasa results get modified by Transits.
(c) Mercury is placed on Lunar Mansion No.6,
ruler Ral-u which is under the group influence of Rahu/
Mercury. From Mercury, Rahu is 3rd and from birth
ascendant. Rahu is 5th. 11 is Mercury on the nakshatra
of Rahu and Rahu 3rd from Mercury which is important

and modifies the influence of Mercury. Saturn is on

Lunar Mansion No.4, ruler Moon under the group
influence of Moon/Venus. Moon is the ruler of the
2nd house from Mercury and Venus is the ruler of the
12th house from Mercury. Saturn (sub-lord) is 12th to
Mercury. By taking nakshatra positions of the planets
into consideration, it becomes clear as to the type and
time of the event occurred in native's life, but some
element of doubt is still there in this case. Mohan
1<oparkar in his Mooll Mansions , did not qualify mansions
Nos 4 and 6 as accident prone.
3. Case No. 3-(a) It was Mercury/ Mercury which
operates from 23-11-1962 to 20-4-1965 with 365 days a
year and the native passed away on 31-12-1963. Here,
too, 360 days a year or 365 days a year will not make any
difference for the purpose of identifying the event through
Vimsottari Dasa System.

(b) From birth ascendant, Mercury is the ruler of

the 2nd and the 11th and is placed in the 11th. But from
Dasanatha ascendant Mercury is the ruler of the [st and
the 4th (similar to Case No.2). Here there is no modification due to sub-lord, as Mercury is the sub-lord also.
If we judge purely on ca~e~ No.2 and No.3 , it will be
the birth-ascendant which will be valid and not
f)asa/latha ascendant. However the stellar position of
the planets and the Transits are always impN{;lJIt.
(c) Mercury is placed on the star or Rahu (North
node) is in the 7th (natal) and Rahu is also placed on his
own star. Mercury will give the results of natal Rahu in
his period. Thus Mercury gets full markeslt (death
inflicting powers. The Lunar Mansions No.6 and 24

involved 3re not accident prone. Like No.2, it is

not a crystal clear C:lse and some element of doubt is still
4. Case No. 4-(0.) It W:lS Rahu/Mars when the
child .vas crushed nnd killed. In thi s cnse again , it will
not make any difference whether we use 360 days a year
or 365 days a yea r. Rahu/Mars operates from 284-1952
to 16-51953.

(b) Rahu is exalted in Gemini, ruler in Virgo, harmony in Libra, fallen in ".Saginaruis, detriment in Pisces,
inharmony in Aries-Lunar Nodes by Bernice Prill
Grebner. Pisces as Dasallotho ascendan t, Rnhu becomes
the ruler or 7th and hence becomes markesll. Mars is the
ruler o f the 2nd and the 9th and placed in the 4th. In
natal chart , Rahu is in the 12th, Mars ruler of the 1st
and the 8th is in the 3rd. This is for judging the ba sic
characteristics of th e natal chart .
We have said else where in o ur writ ings that we
.;-annot afford to overlook Uranus. Neptune and Pluto. In
this horoscope Mars conjunction Uranus in the 3rd in
Gemini SQuared by Neptune rrom 6th is important which
is a clear pattern or accidental death and Rahu/Mars in
Vimsottari Dasa system are capable enough to give the
type of event. Dr. B.V. Raman has said in his Hindu
Predictive Astrology; ;'The Dasa results stand to be modifi ed by the effect of Gocltara or transiting planets. These
cases are being dealt in our separate book "TRANS ITS."
(c) Rahu is placed on the lIak shatra o r Mercury
(ruler or the 4th and the 7th rrom Rahu), but the more
important is that Mars is placed on the star of Rahu in

the sign of Gemini . When we look to this case taking

nakshatras of the Oasa planets into consideration, the
whole picture becomes crystal clear. H owever, this case
can be eq ually justified by taking Lahiri's or Raman's
Ayanamsa, but this was not true in the case No.3.

5. Case No. 5- (a) It was

Salurn/ Rahu from
3-10-19 52 to 9-8- 1955 by 365 days a year when the native
died. Here again it mahs no differences whetherwe take 365 days a year or 360 days a year. This prob lem
still remains unsolved . but in this case Raman's Ayanamsa
o r Lahiri's Aya namsa will not hold good.
(b) Saturn (D asonotha as ascend an t) become5 the
ruler of the 7th and the 8th and hence beco mes markesh.
Rahu. ruler of the 3rd (fr om Saturn) is placed in the 6th
and Saturn fRahu clearly beco mes the maTkes!! for the
native. Saturn / Rah u arc both natural malefics.
(c) Saturn is on Lunar Mansion No.9, ruler
Me rcury, (Mercury become5 t he rul er of the 12th and the
3rd fro m Saturn) and Rahu i ~ on Lunar Mansion
No. 19. ruler South node (Ketu). Vimsottari Oasa
System (SaturnJRahu) justifie! the event. Lunar
Mansions Nos. 9 and 19 participates in the generai cause
of accidents (Moon Mansions by Mohan Ko parkar) and
we will not be surprised if the nati ve did not die a natural
death .

6. Case N~. 6 - (a) It was Saturn/Venus from

24-6-1952 to 24-8-195 5 when the native committed suicide.
In this book of ours we are not dealing with the merits of
the horoscopes. Such cases are being dealt by us
separately in our book - Astrology ill Accidents. In this
[ 193]

Cilse also, whether we take 36; days a year or 360 days a

year, it will not make any difference.

(b) Saturn is in Aquarius. So Aquarius is the

ascendant for Satu rn's period and Saturn becomes the
ruler of the 12th and the 1st.
From Saturn, Venus
becomes the rul er of the 4th and the 9th.
Here the
learned readers will be surprised to see th at such a
painful event took place in the per iods of the ruler of the
ascendant and the ruler of the 4th and the 9th. On the
facc value. it is hard to accept, specially when Venus is
also placed in t he ascendant (Aquari us). This is a
disputed case like cases No.2 and 3. The followi ng para
will make it clear.
(c) We have said earlier that the Lunar Mansions (lloka sho/ra.v) are very important and hold prominent position
in Predictive Astro logy. Astrologers, who overl ook to this
branch of astrology are li kely to err in their fi ndings. In
t his case Saturn is pl aced on Lunar Mansion No. 23,
rul er Mars, and this makes the pi cture clear as Mars is
placed 3rd to Saturn. So Saturn in hi s Main Dasa will
give the results o r Mars in the birth chart. It was on this
base that the success of Jimmy Carter was predicted in
U.S. Polls in October 19: 6 issue of Fot~ &- DeJfiny, by the

Venus is placed o n Lunar Mansion No. 24, ruler

Rahu. (j oint ruler or th e 8th house) who is 12th to Saturn
as well as to Venus. Venus in her s ub-period will give the
results of Rahu in natal chart. When we take Lunar
Mansions (nakshotras) into consideration. everything
becomes crystal clear . 11 will also be useful to mention
that Lunar Mansion No. 23 is accident prone and is
dangerous. However, this case can equally hold good
[1 '4]

with Raman's Ayanamsa as well as Lahid's ayanamsa,

but in both these cases, too, we will have to take
lIakshatra position into consideration.

7. Case No. 7-(a) This case is very important and

it was on this case that we concluded the validity of
Fagan's Ayanamsa. It is not only the ascendant which
changes between Lahiri's Ayanamsa and Raman's
Ayanamsa, ~ but it is the rising degree which changes
between Fagan's Ayanamsa and Lahiri's Ayanamsa, We
are not dealing with the degree influences of the planets
here which is not the subject of this book, but the readers
who are interested can refer to the Stars & Your Future, by
Manik Chand Jain. However, the change in the
balance of Dasa System at the time of birth is equally
important in this case.
It was belween 30'6-1949 to 12-1-1952 i.c. lllltit::r
Saturn/Jupiter that the native died in a plane crash. If
we take Lahiri's Ayanamsa or Raman's Ayanamsa,
Mercury Dasa will operate and the event will not be
justified fully. Before we judge the Vimsottari Dasa
(Timing of the Events), we are to sec if the pattern of the
natal horsocope justifies that type of event or not. This
we have already discussed in earlier pages. Like previous
cases, even tbis case will not make any difference whether
we take 360 days a year or 365 days a year.

(b) Satu.rn is in Libra and so Libra will be the ascendant for Saturn's period. Saturn is Yoga-Karka for Libra
ascendant and it is hard to believe that this sort of tragic
event can take place in one's life in Saturn's period, but it
should not surprise the readers because we have already
been confronted with similar positions in Cases No.2, 3,


and 6. If wc believe in Dasanatha ascendant it makes 110

differeuce whether we take Capricorn as natal ascendant
(Raman's Ayanamsa) or Sagiltarius as natal ascendant
(Fagan's/Lahir's Ayanamsa) because in both the cases,
Saturn's posit ion does not change in his own period, but
the readers will agree that it is the basic pattern of the
horoscope which is important. Only those events will
occur in Oasa periods which are available in natal charts.
This is why transits are always to be considered from the
natal ascendant. We will see in the fo llowin g para if
Lunar Mansions make any modification in the position
of Saturn's period.
Sub-period of Jupiter. Jupiter is the ruler of the Jrd
and the 6th and placed in the 2nd from Saturn and thus
attains t he death inflicting powe rs. Jupiter's rulership of
3rd house identical to Sagittarius in 2nd house in Scorpio
(natural 8th house-sign of death) further confirms the
type of event is likely to take place in this subperiod.
Sub-period of Jupit er combined with the main period of
Saturn makes the picture clear.
(e) Here Saturn is placed on the Lunar Mansion
No. 14, ruler Mars. This mansion behaves under the
group influence o f Mars, Mercury and Venus and this Is
important. Saturn in his main Oasa will give mostly the
results of Mars, ruler of 2nd and 7th , thus becomes the
Markesh and placed retrograde 5th to Saturn, but in the
natal third house- sign Aquarius (Airy Sign), ruler
Saturn. Saturn is on the star of Mars and Mars is in
the sign of Saturn. Both are Airy Signs. Combined with
the basic pattern of the horoscope (Sagittarius rising-29
Fatalistic degree) clears all the dC'ubts about the ruling
Dasa or Saturn.


Jupiter is placed on Lunar Mansion No. 11, ruler

Saturn (Jupiter will give the results of natal Saturn in his
period) and this Mansion b~ h aves under tile influence of
Saturn and Mars, i. e. Jupiter is completely under the
sway of Saturn and Ma rs, the two nat ural malefic pl anets
responsible for thi s tragic event about which we have
dealt earlier in the above para gra ph ~ . We, once a gain
repeat that it mu ~t be the basic pattern of the natal chart
which tells the story o f life and Dasa periods on ly make
them to operate at appropriate times. Had the native
was bo," with Caprico rn ascendant (natal), he was not
destined to meet this fatal end.
8. Case No. 8-(a) It was Rahu/Ketu from 2751956
to 1561 951 when the native died of electorcution. Even
in this case it will not make any difference whether we use
365 days a year or 360 days a year. So far this quest ion
still rem ains unsolved.
(b) Rahu/ Ketu ar c always in exact oppoistion and
Rahu and Ketu in the 8th and the 2nd arc enough
indicatious fo r this type of an event specially when there
are clear indication s in the natal chart. If it is Lahiri's or
Raman's Ayanamsa. th en Ra hu/Ven us will operate which
does not fit in th e pictu re. Further Sun will go to sign
Scorpio and not in Libra. as in the case when we use
Fagan's Ayanamsa and this is important, because Sun is
the ruler of the ascend ant.
We are of the opinion that the pl anets are not in
aspect if the signs occupied by them arc not in aspect. A
planet at 29 0 Cancer is not in aspect to another planet at
10 Scorpio, because the signs aTe not in aspect though the
orb is onl y of 2 degrees for an square aspect. But a

planet at 1 Cancer is very much in aspect with another

planet at 29" Libra though the orb is 28 degrees for an
square aspe(.1.. This is o ur opinion :md learned readers
are requested to put these views of ours to rigid test to
come to their own conclusions. In this case debilitated
Mars aspects debilitated SUIl, ruler of the a~cendant with
Fagan's Ayanamsa, which is not the case wilh Lahiri's or
Raman's Ayanamsa. This is another important case,
where the validity of Fagan 's Ayanamsa is held . We may
be wrong, and let the learned readers put such cases to
ri gid tests.
In some of our writings, we have applied WEST typc
of aspects i.e. squares, t rines, sextiles etc. for all the planets
and the readers will like to argue that with our thought of
approach . Sun in Scorpio with Raman's or Lahiri's
Ayanamsa will be in trine aspects to Mars. Why not take
this into cons ideration. Very true , west type of aspects
do work and are taken into consideration genelally but
they cannot su percede Hindu (Indian) Astrological
aspects. In Hindu Astrology, Mars is the on ly planet
which has 4th aspect (square). FU11her, when we know the
event in one's life. it must be justified by the natal c har~
to establi sh the validity of natal astrology.
Such was the position in Case No. 2 also. Sun was
in Cancer with Raman's ayanamsa, but he will shift 0
Gemini iI we use Lahirj's or Fagan's Ayanamsa. Here
again Sun had to be in Gemini to justify the tragic event
of natives's life. We are not discussing the merits or
demerits here which is not the subject of this hook:.
(c) Rahu is on Lunar Mansion No. 27, ruler
Mercury and this M ansion will behaves under the group


influence o r Me rcury/Jupiter. Mercury and Jupiter are

6th to 8th to each other and Rahu wi ll give the results
or Mercury in his Dasa who is malellc ro r Leo ascendant.
Mercury is placed in Scorpio (8th sign-natural sign of
death) when R:lh.u i<; placed in t he 8th house (death).
Ketu is placed on LUllar Mansion No. 14, ruler Mars
and this Mansion behaves under the group influence of
Mars, Mercury and Vcnus. The leatned readers will
observe that Rahu/Ketu are powerful en ough to cut s.hort
the s.pan of nati ve's li fe.
9. Case No. 9-(a) The nati ve committed suicide on
174- 1955 i.e. Mercury/Mercury which will operate rrom
12-71954109 12 1956. Our problem of 360 days a year
or 365 days a yea r does not get solved even in this ca~e.

(b). This is a clear cas e on the basis of which we can

I::oncludc whether Vimsottari D3sa system is to be read
from natal ascendant or Dasanatha ascendant. F rom natal
ascendant, Mercury becomes the ruler of the 6th and the
9t h, but rrom Daswratha ascendant (Pisces) Mercury
becomes the ruler o r the 4th a nd the 7th houses . As
ruler of the 4th and the 7th being in debilitation, Mercury
becomes the malefi c and Markesh for Pisces ascendant anC:
can cause the given event in native's life. There is no
change whether we use Fagan's ayanam sa o r Lahiri's
ayanamsa, but Raman's ayanamsa wi ll brin g Mercury!
Venus in operati on which is equally valid.
(c) Mercury is placed on the Lunar Mansion No. 26,
ruler Saturn and this Mansion behaves under the group
influence or Saturn and Jupiter. From Mercury, Saturn
is the ruler of J Ith and 12th and is placed in the 11th
aspecting. Mercury (3rd aspect). This configuration of


Mercury makes him ca pable causing the given event in

native's life, when we look to the basic pattern of the
natal chart .

10 . Case No. /O - (a) The nati ve committed suicide

on 1-6195 5 i.e. in Jupiter/Saturn period from 23 31955
to 2961957. Here again there is no change whether we
u~ 360 days a year o r 365 days a year.
(b) This is another case where Vimsottari Dasa
system is valid from DOJOllalha ascend ant and not rrom
natal ascendant. Jupiter is in Capricorn, hence Capricorn
will be the ascendant ror Jupiter's period and Jupiter is
the biggest malefic fOf Capricorn Ascendant. Saturn is a
natural malefic, ruler of the 1st and 2nd, placed in the
11 th rorm Jupiter in Scorpio (8th house of death in
natural zodiac).
(c) Jupiter is placed on Lunar Mansion No . 21. ruler
Sun , which behaves under the grou p influence of Sun.
Jupiter and Saturn. From Jupiter, Sun is the ruler of the
8th house and Jupiter will give the results o f Sun in his
period. Sun is in exact conjunction with Jupiter, thus
Jupiter's period becomes markesh. Saturn is placed on
Lunar Mansion No. 17, ruler Saturn , which behaves under
the group influence or Saturn and Mars. Saturn is a common raeter between the group influence or Jupiter; and
Saturn and Mars arc 6th and 8th to each other. Taking all
the factors into consideration . it becom~ amply clear that
the native could die under Jupiter/Saturn looking to the
basic pattern of the' natal chart.
II. Case No. JJ (a) Mr. Jimmy Carter got married on
7-7-1946 i.e. Satuml Ketu from 541946 to 14-51947

with 365 days a year, With 360 days a year, it will be

fro m 1 5~ 12 - 1945 to 24- 1-1947, So it makes no difference
whether we use 360 a days a year or 365 days a year.
Saturn is placed in natal ascendar.t, so there will be
change whether we consider it from natal ascendant
Dasunalha ascendan t.
Saturn is in Libra (sign
marriage), Saturn is aspecting 7th (house of marriage),
Saturn is capable of giving marriage in its period,


Ketu is 4th to Saturn and Ketu is in Capricorn --sign

ruled by Saturn. So Ketu wi ll give the results of Saturn
and the 4th house in natal chart , Thc most important part
is Ihallhe Moon Mansion of Ketu is ruled by Mars, ruler
of the 7t h house (marriage) and aspecting Venus (significator of marriage). In its sub-period , Ketu wi ll give the
results of natal Mars, hence marriage.
(b) Mr. Jimmv Carter became Governor on 12- 1-1971
i.e. Mercury/Jupiter from 8-8-197 1 to 14-1 H 973 with
365 days a year and from 71 2-1970 to 13-31973 with
360 days a year. Here again it makes no difference
whether we use 360 days a year or 365 days a year.
Mercury is pl aced inLeo, so Leo will be the ascendant
for Mercury's period. (Fate d L'est;ny-October 1976,
pp8) . Mercury is malefic fo r Leo ascendant. There is
another school of Hind u Astrology , where the Dasa
System is to be considered from t he natal ascendant and
in that case Mercury will become the ruler of the 9th and
12th-Good. In Hindu Astrology. Moon Mansions are
very much important. Here Mercury occupies Moon
Mansion ru led by Sun, ruler of the DOS(Jnatha ascendant
and as such Mercu ry will give the results of the ascendant
[201 J

(Sun) in ils period and this will indicate his elevation to

Ihe Governorship. If we lake the Sua's position from the
natal ascendant, Sun is the ruler of the 1\ th house a nd is
eq ually valid to provide political power in Mercury's
main JXriod. The readers are requested to put this school
on test and let us have their findings for o ur future
guidance, We have o ur doubts.
Perhaps our future
research wi!! make this point very clear,
Jupiter is the ruler of the 5th a.nd the 8th and placed
4th from Mercury. Both the positions (ownership and
locadon) are favourable. Jupiter is placed on the Moon
Mansion ruled by Mercury and Jupiter in his subperiod
will give the results of natal Mercury. ruler of the 9th and
the 12th. This sub- period confirms his elevation provided
we give due import ance to Moon Mansions as claimed by
the e~p one nts of Hindu Astrology.
(c) Elected President on 211-1976 i.e. Ketu/Ketu from
23-7-1976; to 2D-12-1976 with 365. d ays a year, but with
360 days a year, it will be Ketu/ Venus from 20- 101975 to
20-12-1 976. This particular illust ration is very interesting
and establishes the clai m of Garth Allen-II is Fagan's
Ayanamsa with 360 days a year which will work. Manik
Chand l ain in his ed itoria l-Fate &: Destiny-October
1976. pp. S has ~a id that it was Ketu/Venus who will give
him the succel'S in the elections.
There is another Improvement in our case. i.e. Venus
is not in the 8th from Ketu but is in the 7th now and
Venus is placed on the Moon Mansion ruled by Mercury
and not by Ketu. Hence Venus in his sub-period wi ll give
the results of natal Mercury-ruler of the 9th and
tbe 12th.

Our observations are:

I. Hindu Dasa System is very much scientific and
reli able.
2. If we use Lahirj's ayanamsa. the Venus is in Leo and
if we use Fagan's ayanamsa, the Venus is in Cancer. When
we look to his married life, it is Fagan's ayanamsa (Venus
in Cancer) which is valid and not Lahiri's
3, If we use 365 days a year, it will be Ketu/ Ketu on
21 H976 when he was elected President of U.S.A . and if
we use 360 days a year, it will be Ketu/Venus on 2-11-1976.
For giving him the success at Polls, it should be Ketu /
Venus and not Ketu/ Ketu.
4. The Moon Mansions are very much important for
the correct delineations of the Dasa Syste m.
Thus we will conclude that it is Fagan's Ayanamsa
with 360 days a year which stood to the test.

Conclusions- I. We have not dealt with the merits and

demerits of the natal charts which is not the subject of
this book. For the information of our readers. we would
like to add that we are of the opinion that Ast ro logy is
incomplete without corporating Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
We will demonstrate fully our views in our forth coming
2. In this 2nd part of this book. we had three
questions before us. F irst was, which of the three
Ayanamsas (Fagan, Lahiri and Raman) is valid and gives
better results. With our ellperience and from the II cases
illustrated here, we came to the c'bnclusion tbat Fagan's
Ayanamsa gives better results.
3. The second question was whether it is 360 days a
year or 365 days a year in Vimsottari Dalia 9ystem which


gives the correct results. From

the 10
demonstrated here, it is observed that it make\> no
diffe rence v.heth er we usc 360 days a year or 365 days a
yeu r upto su b-periods. But t he case No I I has m ade it
clear that it is 360 days a year which is vulid and not 365
duys a year.
4. Th~ third question was whether we are to read the
Dasa System fr om natal ascendant or DaSlmathll
ascendant. It has been made quite clear from the
illustration of II charts t9at it is only the D osanatha
ascendant wh ich is tp be considered and not the natal
ascendant though in some cases natal ascendant works
better. O ur research and experience with hundreds of the
cases in ou r office reco rds has made this point amply clear
beyond any iota of doubt.
5. The majority of people have misconception about
the actual workines of astrology. They seld om kno'w the
difference between the planets and the Stars (nakshamu).
The transits of planets in t he chart are nothing but t he
relati ve motion of planets with reference to the stars or the
motion of the planets through the signs. Thus the stellar
positions (LUnar Mansions occupied by each planet) is
most important. Without taking the Lunar Mansions
into consideration of each natal planet. the astrologer is
likely to fall in an error.
Some of the learned and experienced astrologers will
exclusively depend on Vimsottari Dasa System for t heir
findin gs. We do riot possess that much knowledge and
with all respects to them, we will not agree on th is point.
To our mind TRA NS lTS are very much important and
without taking them into considerations, the findings and

observations may rail completely. So Transits are a must

in each case. for general inrormation ..... e would' like to
addI. The transit of Uranus in natal chart is most
impo) :ant without which dependable results cann ot be
obtained though there is no provision or this planet in
Hindu Traditional Astrology. It was this transit or Uranus
on natal Saturn in ascendant or Jimmy Carter which
brought success to him in 1976 year Presidential Polls

2. \\'ith our experience, we have also come [0 the

conclusion that the transits are to be considered from
natal ascendant and not rorm natal Moon or natal Sun .
We would welcome valuable suggestions rrom lea rned
naders, so that we can improve upon in our ruture


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