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Present Tense

Regular Verbs
Regular verbs always follow the same conjugations:
-ar: [-o | -as | -a || -amos | -is | -an]
-er: [-o | -es | -e || -emos | -is | -en]
-ir: [-o | -es | -e || -imos | -s | -en]

Irregular in the First-Person Singular

These verbs are irregular only in the firsit-person singular. All other forms in the present are
caber, to fit: quepo
caer, to fall: cago
dar, to give: doy
estar, to be: estoy
hacer, to do: hago
poner, to put: pongo
saber, to know: s
salir, to leave: salgo
traer, to bring: traigo
valer, to be worth: valgo
ver, to see: veo

Compounds of Hacer, Poner, and Traer

componer, to compose
deshacer, to undo
disponer, to arrange
distraer(se), to distract
proponer, to propose
rehacer, to remake
reponer, to replace
suponer, to suppose

Other Verbs with Irregular Forms in the First Person

Verbs that end in a vowel followed by -cer and -cir change c to zc in the first-person singular
only. They are conjugated like the verbs conocer and traducir.
conocer, to know (a person): [conozco | conoces | conoce || conocemos | conocis |
traducir, to translate: [traduzco | traduces | traduce || traducimos | traducs | traducen]

Other -Er Verbs Like Conocer

agradecer, to thank, to be grateful

aparecer, to appear
complacer, to please

crecer, to grow
establecer, to establish
merecer, to deserve
ofrecer, to offer
padecer, to suffer
permanecer, to remain
pertenecer, to belong
reconocer, to recognize

Other of -Ir Verbs Like Traducir

conducir, to drive, to lead

producir, to produce

Frequently Used Verbs with Irregular Present Forms

These verbs are irregular in the present tense and must simply be memorized.
decir, to say: [digo | dices | dice || decimos | decs | dicen]
ir, to go: [voy | vas | va || vamos | vais | van]
or, to hear: [oigo | oyes | oye || omos | os | oyen]
ser, to be: [soy | eres | es || somos | sois | son]
tener, to have: [tengo | tienes | tiene || tenemos | tenis | tienen]
venir, to come: [vengo | vienes | viene || venimos | vens | vienen]

Common Compounds of Tener

contener, to contain
detener, to detain
mantener, to maintain
obtener, to obtain
retener, to retain
sostener, to sustain

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