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Inspiring You to Live a Fantastic Life

No. 269 Vol. 22

October 2012









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The Real Discipleship

By Bo Sanchez



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By Bo Sanchez

Bos polo courtesy of Golden ABC/Memo.

We also thank Mariz Dacillo and Arnold Gomez for posing with Bo in this photo.

et me tell you a true and sad story.

One day, a young woman named Catherine
was going home to her apartment. Suddenly, a
man named Winston attacked her and stabbed her with
a knife. She screamed, My God! I was stabbed! When
she screamed, the man ran away. There were 38 people
around the area who heard her scream, but not one of
them approached her. When the man saw that no one
came to help, he went back and finished her off.
By the time the police came to apprehend the man,
the woman was dead.
Why do we not go out and help? Because something
in our brain tells us, Its none of my business.
It was the same voice that spoke to Cain. Once upon
a time, there were two brothers, Cain and Abel. Out of
envy, Cain killed Abel. And when Cain was running away,
God asked Cain, Where is your brother Abel? And Cain
answered, Am I my brothers keeper?
When Catherine was murdered, those 38 people were
thinking like Cain, asking, Am I my brothers keeper?
The story of Cain and Abel is found in the fourth
chapter of Genesis, right at the start of the Bible. And its
as though the rest of the Bible is answering that question
with a resounding Yes!
Friend, God is searching for heroes.
Psychologists made numerous research studies to find
out why those 38 people didnt help Catherine. And heres
what they realized: Those people didnt help because they
depended so much on what others were doing. Because
no one was helping, the others didnt help either. If at least
one of those 38 bystanders had helped that woman, the
others would probably have helped, too. But that was the
problem. No one dared to help her.
Thats how most people make their decisions. Most
people dont want to lead. Most people like to be safe and
just follow.
So here lies the
importance of at
least one person
becoming a hero.
you be that one

Can you lead a movement of love?

Nothing dramatic, mind you.
Act small.
One day, a husband told his wife, I will do anything for you, even
cross the Pacific Ocean for you! The wife said, Thats nice. But Id
rather you carry the trash from the kitchen to the back door every
Perhaps you can give an encouraging word. Or you can smile at
someone. Or you can pat someone on the back. Every encounter is an
opportunity to be a blessing for that person.
God said to Abraham, I will bless you so you can be a blessing.
This is the reason God wants to bless us so that we can be a
blessing to others. This is the reason He wants to give you a miracle.
So that you can be somebodys miracle.
Heres what I believe. If you wont share your blessings to others,
you wont receive the maximum amount of blessings that God wants
for your life.
Every day, God wants you to be a hero to somebody.
And its not complicated. Just be kind as a mother, as a sister,
as a cashier, as a saleslady, as a teacher, as a manager, as a nurse.
Its easy to do something good for someone who can pay you
back. But when you do something good for someone who cant pay
you back, the Lord will pay you back.
The Bible says, Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will reward them for what they have done (Proverbs 19:17).
Be someones hero today.
Youll be happier.
May your dreams come true.


Ordinary Heroes


Id like to thank Bo and the

Kerygma staff for your wonderful
articles. I pray that you and your
community will be able to touch
more souls and inspire them to
dream not just for themselves, but
also for other people. I really am
inspired by the stories and the
testimonies. All the articles are
Keep up the good work! More
Joward dela Cruz
Onboard VLCC Tankers
I consider myself blessed for having
had the chance to accidentally
read your magazine in our school
library. When I discovered that
your magazine is enlightening and
motivating, I told myself that I will
continue reading it every month,
no matter how busy my schedule
is. Fortunately, our library has a
subscription to your magazine and
I can read it whenever I want.
I think that accidental moment
is really a gift from God. Now I
can learn more about life and how

God wants me to live. I will share this

blessing with my fellow students by
telling them about your magazine. Ive
realized that God has never stopped
surprising me in my Christian life.
Thank you for your awesome
Jose Maria Nunag
Via email
Since 2000, Ive been subscribing to
Kerygma. I was in the seminary for
nine years. But I was not allowed to
proceed to fourth year Theology. The
formators sent me on regency, meaning
I was asked to leave the seminary. They
actually gave me a year of regency
but I opted for indefinite regency. The
experience really caused me pain. I felt
sad because of what happened.
As I read Rissas column in the
June 2012 issue of Kerygma, I felt
inspired and encouraged. Truly, this
painful experience made me more
personal and intimate with the Lord.
In this trying moment in my life, I
continue to experience and feel that
the Lord is indeed with me. I was really
inspired by her article, When Winter
Comes, because it made me reflect on

my current situation. May the Lord

continue to use you to inspire and
encourage many people. God bless!
Ralph Jacob R. Tagle
Via Email
Congratulations to the Kerygma
staff and to Mr. Bo Sanchez. When
I first saw this magazine, I was
curious as to what was inside. Then I
borrowed it and when I read it, I was
surprised. I was so inspired and filled
with hope. I pray that God would
enlighten and guide me to make the
right moves in my life. Thanks to
Jerome Perez
Tinambac, Camarines Sur
When I first read Kerygma, I was
inspired a lot. The articles were very
touching and I could relate to them.
I hope that the next issues will be
more inspiring. God bless.
Via text

We Want to hear from you!

Send your message via email to, through text to 0923-378-4941,
or by snail mail to The Editor at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109.
You can also reach us through KERYGMA Family. Log on to
For subscription-related concerns, text or call Sarah Discutido at 0922-814-7031 or email subscription@



living by grace

By Rissa Singson-Kawpeng

The Unfair Exchange

Rissas clothes courtesy of Elite Garments/Ensemble.

How Can You Not Win When the Rules Are in Your Favor?

t was my eldest daughters fourth birthday so I took her with me to

morning Mass. I still remember the exact feeling I had when I first laid
eyes on her. Still groggy from anesthesia, I managed to open my eyes in
the delivery room as a nurse showed me a baby swaddled in a pink blanket.
She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.
Inspired by my reminiscing, I pulled out a large bill during the offertory
in thanksgiving for the blessing of having my daughter. As I dropped in my
money feeling a little smug for my generous offering, it dawned on me how
worthless my gift was. How could any amount approximate the blessing of
having her in our lives?
Then I was reminded of the Jews who had to redeem their firstborn sons
because all firstborns belong to the Lord.
Remember the story in Exodus 11 and 12? The Pharaoh refused to set
Gods people free so Moses, by Gods power, brought plagues upon Egypt. The
last one was the death of all firstborn males, human and animal, throughout
the land. The only ones who were spared were those that belonged to the
Israelites, whom God had instructed to mark their doorposts with blood.
When the Lord saw the blood, He passed over the house and spared their
Because of this, God pronounced that every firstborn male that opened
up a womb belonged to Him.
To redeem a son, the father would have to present him to the priest and
exchange his life for five silver shekels (Numbers 18:16).
I read that today, the Bank of Israel mints silver coins just for this purpose
while they use silver dollars in America.
I teared up at the gross inequality of the redemption process. What do I
have in my possession that I could give in exchange for the life of my firstborn?
I know of people who have spent millions to get pregnant while I have not
just one, but two beautiful girls conceived without difficulty.
Ive come to learn that Gods math is not the same arithmetic were taught
in school.
No, far from it.
His math doesnt compute.
It doesnt add up.
It goes beyond the multiplication table.
It puts exponential functions to shame.

Think about it: God sends rain

on the just and unjust. If I were God,
why waste my water on the one who
doesnt believe in me?
He gives us bread and fish even
when we deserve a scorpion.
He clothes us in the finest robe,
puts a ring on our finger and sandals
on our feet, when, really, were not
even worthy to enter His house.
What an unfair God we have.
Indeed, before you the whole universe
is as a grain from a balance, or a drop
of morning dew come down upon
the earth. But you have mercy on all,
because you can do all things; and you
overlook the sins of men that they may
repent. you spare all things, because
they are yours, O Lord and lover of souls.
(Wisdom 11:22, 23, 26)
Email me at or
follow me on Facebook.

What to Expect This Month:

Kergyma Conference 2012 is happening on
November 24 and 25 at the SM MOA Arena
and SMX. Dont miss the biggest Catholic
learning event of the year, now even bigger
with 14 streams to choose from: Prayer,
Worship, Education, Health, Career, Business,
Catholic Faith, Solo Parents, Singles, Single
Blessedness, Inner Healing, Family, Youth
and Leadership. Ticket prices are P1,500
(premium with reserved seats) and P975
(regular). Student rate is P400. Register
now! Call (02)725-9999 or log on to www.


The Bo Files.
1 The Boss Wanted:
Ordinary Heroes
40 Point of Contact

1 1


2 Mailroom
6 New You
7 Real Stuff
9 KFam Insider
10 Dear K
12 Feast Snapshots
13 Feast Testimony
13 Laughingly Yours
14 The Feast Schedules
17 It Happened Traveling
the Road of Faith
39 One Last Story
Praying the Rosary
with Mom

21 Jesus in Everyone:
The Real Discipleship
22 Befriend Them
28 Serve Them

26 Freedom Behind
32 Milk, Toasted Bread,
and a Changed Life

3 Just Breathe
The Unfair
35 Kitchen Scribbles
I Want a Plaque
or Something
37 K Preacher
A Lesson in

chairman of the board and publisher BO SANCHEZ editor-in-chief and production

manager RISSA SINGSON-KAWPENG managing editor TESS V. ATIENZA creative
director MIKE CORTES graphics director REY DE GUZMAN assistant layout
designer PIO MALLARI staff writer MARJORIE ANN DUTERTE contributing
ROSANNE ROMERO, JON ESCOTO sales and marketing manager JOSEPH
MARTINEZ administration and finance manager WENG CEQUEA
KERYGMA. A Greek word meaning Proclamation of the Gospel. It is a Catholic
inspirational magazine. It aims to be an evangelistic tool to all nations, providing
Scriptural, practical and orthodox teachings to Catholics, particularly those
in the Catholic Renewal, as an alternative to present-day magazines. It is also
committed to fostering the renewal and unity of the whole Christian people.
Philippine copyright Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc. 2012. No part of this
magazine may be reproduced without permission. KERYGMA is published
monthly by Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc., whose editorial and business
offices are located at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, 1109 Quezon City. Tels: 725-9999,
411-7874, 725-1190. Fax: 727-5615 Email:

vol. 22 no. 269








Anthony Rouben P. Valenzuela was raised in Bahrain in the Middle East, his parents being
Overseas Filipino Workers. He joined CFC Youth for Christ in his latter elementary years and
came to know the Lord more personally. After high school graduation, he decided to come home
to the Philippines to answer a deeper call to serve the Lord. He entered a Franciscan seminary
and took up AB Philosophy. For four years, he underwent an intense and joyful formation and
self-discovery. His relationship with the Lord further deepened, until he discovered that his
calling was to serve Him as a layman.
Tony or Ants, as his friends call him, has an AB Mass Communications degree from
Adamson University. He is an aspiring thespian, dancer, actor, host, singer, writer, lyricist and
film director. At present, Ants works as Media Engagement Specialist for World Vision, an
international Christian humanitarian organization.
An avid Kerygma reader, he dreams of becoming a more effective communicator and
servant of God in the field of media. He is now a member of Singles for Christ. He has been
attending The PICC Feast* since 2010 and was part of the core team of the PICC Single Mens
Ministry, Gods Gentlemen.
* The Feast is the weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus Family in different locations. Bo Sanchez handles
the PICC Feast every Sunday. For details, call 725-9999 local 205.



tips for personal development



How Love
Benefits You

Tips to
a Dreaded

f youre like everyone else, you probably have some

tasks you dont want to do. (Like exercising, perhaps?)
To conquer this, here are some things you can do:
Put yourself in jail. Just in your mind, OK? If you
imagine yourself in jail, you have no reason to rush. So
you can slow down and concentrate.
Take baby steps. If it is the hugeness of the task that
bogs you down, just take one step at a time. The next
day, take another step. Before long, youll be surprised
at how much youve accomplished.
Do it first thing in the morning. Conquer your fear
first thing in the morning by doing it right away. As
soon as you enter work, or when you wake up, give
yourself a certain number of minutes each day to
accomplish the dreaded task.

ove makes the world go round. Apparently, there are other

perks to being in love or of having someone love you:
Love improves mental health. A study in New Zealand
found out that people who had been in a relationship for
longer than five years were less likely to be depressed and
attempt suicide. Other studies showed that married people
report lower levels of depression and distress.
Love keeps the heart healthy. A study by researchers at
the University of Rochester in New York found out that those
in happy relationships are three times more likely to survive
heart surgery.
Love keeps you sober. A study showed that only four
percent of people who had been in a relationship between
two and four years misused alcohol, while only three percent
abused alcohol for those in a relationship for more than five



Quick Health Tip

ell peppers, which belong to the nightshade family that includes potatoes,
tomatoes and eggplant, are an excellent source of over 30 different
members of the carotenoid nutrient family. In a recent study from Spain, only
bell pepper and tomato contained two-thirds of all listed nutrients in the study
(vitamin C, vitamin E, and six carotenoids alpha carotene, beta carotene,
lycopene, lutein, cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin). To maximize the availability
of vitamin C and caretonoids in bell peppers, use the vegetable when it is ripe.




Live Longer
Be Happy,
Study Says

f you want to live longer, check out your happiness meter.

According to a study published in the online edition
of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, happy
people reduce their risk of premature death by as much as 35
Unlike other happiness studies which rely on a participants
long-term recall of emotional states, this particular study used
a technique called Ecological Momentary Assessment, which
gives a quick picture of what a person is feeling in real time.
In the study, 4,000 participants, aged 52 to 79, were asked
to rate their feelings of happiness or anxiety on a sliding scale
four times over the course of one day, beginning when they
woke up in the morning. The study team then followed them
for five years, recording the number of deaths during that time.
According to lead author Andrew Steptoe, professor of
epidemiology and psychology, after several control factors, the
study results showed that those folks who rated their feeling
of happiness higher lived longer than those with lower scores.
I was a bit surprised that the happiness effect was so
strong, even among people who had chronic diseases, he said.
Older people have needs that we in society try to supply like
good healthcare and ensuring they have enough money to live
on. But maybe we should pay attention to their well being in
terms of happiness, too.




he cause for the canonization of the late Archbishop

Fulton Sheen has made progress with the declaration
by Pope Benedict XVI to recognize the heroic virtues of
Archbishop Sheen, declaring him Venerable.
According to Bishop Daniel Jenky of Peoria, Ill.,
Venerable Sheen displayed virtues that the rest of us
can try to imitate, and was a pioneer in using media
to proclaim the Gospel. He preached and taught
He always believed that the miracle of bringing
more people to Christ came from the time spent on his
knees before the Blessed Sacrament, Bishop Jenky said.
He added, Perhaps more importantly, he was a man of
holiness, of intense daily prayer. That is an example that I
believe the Church needs to imitate in these days.
Venerable Sheen was the host of the Catholic Hour
radio show, the ABC television show Life Is Worth Living,
and author of many books. He also headed the Society
for the Propagation of the Faith and served as auxiliary
bishop of New York and Bishop of Rochester.
His cause for sainthood was opened in 2002. An
authentic miracle is now needed for Venerable Sheen to
be beatified, which is the last step before canonization.

St. Hemma

Saints at a Glance

Born and Died: 980, Austria June 27, 1045, Austria

Notable Facts: St. Hemma was adopted by Emperor Heinrich II and his wife
Kunigunde. As Countess von Friesach-Zeltschach, she married Count Wilhelm von
der Sann, thus becoming one of the most powerful women in Carinthia, Austria.
When she lost her children and then her husband, St. Hemma had sole control over
two mighty families with possessions in several areas in Austria and Italy. She used
a large part of her inheritance to build two monasteries and a number of churches,
and for the welfare of the poor. She became a lay sister in 1036. St. Hemma is
invoked for a happy childbirth and for eye complaints.


K insider

By Rey Ortega

ometime in September 1979, we heard about a Grade

6 pupil who, because her parents were so poor, could
not go on to high school after finishing her elementary
studies in a small barrio in Taguig. And there was no high school
in their fishing village; the nearest was located in another town.
My friends and I pooled together our meager resources and
we made that girl our scholar in high school the following June.
And four years later, we sent her to college. After another
four years, she marched onto the stage to receive her diploma
in Nursing as tears freely flowed from her eyes.
Fast forward to June 2012.
Different Settings, Different Challenges Same Vision
Were still at it, helping poor but persevering kids and holding
their hands as they slowly turn their dreams into reality,
Some 140 youths, most of whom are in collegiate level, and
coming from diverse backgrounds, began trooping to various
schools. They are the scholars of Pag-asa ng Pamilya Scholarship
Foundation, formerly known as ALAY Foundation.
Five of these Pag-asa scholars are not your typical cellphonetoting, showbiz-updated, jeans and T-shirt kids. These kids have
not even been to any shopping mall or a small-town cinema.
They are Dumagat children, part of widely scattered
indigenous tribes up in the Sierra Madre mountain ranges. Their
Dumagat parents eke out a living by using centuries-old farming
methods, growing root crops and vegetables, and collecting
honey, and selling their products to the lowlanders.
A visionary businessman with a big heart for the poor
stumbled upon the plight of the Dumagats. Seeing their abject
poverty, he dreamt of finding ways to help them on a long-term
basis, not on a one-time or occasional dole out system. (He
refused to make his name known, as he might get flooded with
requests for financial help!)
He contacted Pag-asa ng Pamilya Scholarship Foundation.
And an ambitious scheme came into being: The Dumagat tribe
will be helped in order to help themselves.
Yes, the Dumagats will go on with their traditional way
of life and preserve their culture and traditions. We modern
people have no right and should never impose our modern
ways on them. All indigenous peoples way of life and traditions
deserve to be preserved; those are the sacred legacies of the
ages. But on the economic front, the poor Dumagats need not
remain poor forever. And this is where my businessman friend
and Pag-asa Foundation will come in.

Modern business technology will be introduced. Marketing

and accounting systems will be implemented. Continuous
savings will be encouraged. All profits will be retained by the
Dumagats; neither my friend nor the scholarship foundation will
share in the income.
And as part of the planned infrastructure, well-selected
Dumagat children will be trained through formal university
education to serve as future leaders and movers.
The son of the tribal chieftain is one of the chosen scholars.
We enrolled him in a course on Agricultural Management. The
other Dumagat scholars, all talented and filled with potentials,
enrolled in Marketing and Accounting courses. Two other
Dumagat scholars took up Education and will serve as school
teachers in their own mountain community.
They are now regular students in the University of Rizal
System (URS), in the schools Tanay and Antipolo campuses.
Commuting daily from their mountain communities to the
lowland URS is expensive and impractical. At this age when man
had already set foot on the moon and cloud computing is blazing
newer and newer technological frontiers, only one jeepney plies
the mountain route and makes only one trip a day!
We solved the problem by putting them in boarding houses
near their campus. The time they save on their daily commute is
now devoted to studying their lessons.
Lets Help Them in Their Journey
And since these scholars are all baptized Christians (three are
Catholics and two are Protestants), we hope to bring them closer
to God by loving them, journeying with them, and introducing
faith-oriented experiences to
Lets help build the
To send a poor youth to school and
Kingdom in their hearts.
help his family rise from poverty,
With your prayers, these
please make a donation today.
Dumagat scholars can make
Banco de Oro Savings Acct. No.
a difference in their poor
397-005-9458. Account name:
mountain communities.
Pag-asa ng Pamilya Scholarship
And with your moral
and financial support, Pagasa Foundation can continue
Please contact Rey & Myrna Ortega
reaching out to more and
for details at 0922 859 7035 or
more poor but persevering
youths in Metro Manila and
in the provinces.



was born and raised a Catholic. I believe

in God with all my heart. But lately, my
faith is being shaken by our professor in
philosophy, who has been teaching us beliefs
that are very different from what our religion
is teaching us. Because he offers very logical
reasons, many of us begin to also consider his
viewpoints and we are being influenced by his
lectures. Some have started to question their
faith, too. I am confused and disturbed by the
things he is saying but because he offers very
persuasive arguments, I cant help but listen.
I am afraid that because of his class, we are
beginning to question our beliefs. I cant stop
attending his class, because it is a basic subject
required for us to take. How do I listen to
differing opinions while protecting my faith?
How do I tell my teacher respectfully that his
views are affecting us? What can we do about
Bothered Student

Dear Bothered Student,

I understand you very well. The question you ask is also asked
many times by our seminarians who study philosophy. Coming from a
background of pious belief and simple devotions, the logic of philosophy
that questions many of our beliefs can really be shocking and shake the
faith. But never forget that there are great Christian philosophers who
were able to combine faith and reason.
Logical reasons are, of course, more convincing than what faith
offers. Faith appeals mainly to the heart while logical reasons appeal to
the head. The task is to combine both.
Take the discussions of your teacher as challenges to search now for
answers that will strengthen your faith. I teach the Bible and sometimes
seminarians tell me that their faith is shaken because they hear things
about the Bible they had never heard before. I myself experienced
this when I had my introduction to the Bible during my novitiate. I
felt uncomfortable as you feel right now, but then I searched for the
meaning of what I had learned and realized that I had to let go of some
old, dear beliefs. And that was liberating.
Maybe you have reached this stage. Mature faith is not something
we have already but something that we must constantly develop and
deepen. And that needs challenges.
Try to talk to a priest or find books by Christian philosophers
and books about the Catholic faith where you can find answers to the
disturbing things you hear in class.
Feel free to write again and dont get tired of asking questions!
Im praying for you!
Fr. Rudy

When Fr. Rudy Horst came to the Philippines in 1984, he

was first assigned to the Immaculate Conception Parish
in Cubao. It was where he came in contact with the still
young Light of Jesus Community. In 1990, he moved to
Christ the King Mission Seminary, where he serves as one
of the spiritual directors of the seminarians and teaches
Religious Education. He also teaches Holy Scriptures at the
Maryhill School of Theology and the Divine Word School
of Theology in Tagaytay.



Email your questions to Or if you need to talk to someone, call (632)
726-4709 or 726-6728 to contact a Light of Jesus counselor. Telephone counseling is 24 hours from
Monday to Friday, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Face-to-face counseling is by appointment. For
correspondence counseling, email or go to

Or Call

(632) 725-9999

Pregnant? Confused? Abortion is not the answer. Contact Grace to Be Born at 0917-816-4700 or
You may also contact Sr. Pilar Versoza at Pro-life Philippines. Call (632) 733-7027 or text 0920945-5494 or email


y parents are about to celebrate

their 30th anniversary. They live in
one house but they hardly speak to
each other. I heard my mother say that most of
her married life shes been miserable. This made
me fearful about marriage and I am afraid that
I might repeat the mistakes they have made
and also be miserable.
I often wonder if there is still hope that my
mother would be able to forgive my father for
his affair in the past, which broke her heart and
which hurts her until now. She says she has
forgiven him but the wounds still remain and
their communication has suffered ever since.
Its been two decades since my father sired
children from another woman. My parents live
together but they sleep in different rooms.
How can I help my mother forgive my
father? Can they still start anew even if they
are already old? How do they restore their
relationship after all these years?
Concerned Daughter

Ditas Espaol is a cancer survivor. Nineteen years

ago, she fought for her life with the sword of faith
that God had given her. Now a counselor, she
still uses that sword to battle the pain of others.
She believes she was healed so she can be an
instrument of our Divine Healer. Together with
her husband, Vic, Ditas trains the counselors of
the Light of Jesus Counseling Center.

Dear Concerned Daughter,

Your love for your parents is clearly seen from your letter. I admire
you for your loving concern for them. I am sure that witnessing your
parents marital problems has not been easy for you all these years.
Allow me to answer your central question How can I help my
mother forgive my father? My answer may come as a shock to you, but
here it is: You cant!
You cant make her forgive your dad; she has to desire this herself
and come to a decision to forgive him. You cant save their marriage;
they are the ones to decide on its fate. You cant fix their problems; they
have to fix it themselves. You cant stop them from fighting; they need
to change themselves.
My point is this: No one, not you, nor even the most skilled
marriage counselor can fix their marriage unless they themselves would
want to restore their relationship and seek help for this.
Now, does this mean you are simply to sit back and wait till your
parents come to their senses? Not really. There are things you can do,
beginning with the attitude that only God and your parents themselves
can fix their marriage.
Which brings me to two things: the power of prayer and the power
of love.
Pray to God to open their hearts and to bring healing to the
wounds of the past. Share your faith with them. Ask God to use you as
an instrument to bring them to a closer relationship with Him.
Be there for them, not to fix their marriage, but to simply love,
support and encourage them when needed. Your loving and listening
presence may help your mom sort out her hurts and melt her bitterness.
Lastly, I strongly urge you to get support for yourself.
Already, you have observed the effect of your parents marital
problems on your own feelings and views about marriage.
It may help to talk this over with a counselor or a trusted
I pray that the Holy Spirit may touch your family that
unity, love and peace may reign in your parents relationship.






Text by Osy Erica
Photos by I. C. de Guzman and
Jacob Cruz
ook for the word center in the
dictionary and it will point you to
the following definitions:
center noun: 1. a place where
a particular activity or service is
concentrated; 2. a point around which
things revolve; often, a focal point, one
that is most important.
At the Makati Feast Tuesdays launch
on May 15, 2012, both definitions proved
accurate. The Paseo Center in Makati City
became a place of a huge celebration
and, at the same time, of knowing the
True Center and Focal Point of our lives:
Jesus. (Editors Note: Makati Feast Tuesday,
now dubbed as Makati Feast Salcedo, has
moved to its new home at the second floor
of the Mondragon House in H. V. dela Costa
St. near Tordesillas St. in Salcedo Village.)

Center of the Celebration

Clad in red, a popular color indicative of
a celebration, worship leaders Andreus
Cosio and Mike Vias welcomed the
crowd of mostly young professionals to
the joyous Feast that was to come.
Lets celebrate! was Makati Feast
Salcedos builder Jan Silans warm
invitation to everyone. Much like town


fiestas, the Feast is a celebration, a potluck not of food but of self. Jan emphasized
that what we bring to The Feast as a contribution is ourselves.
Speaking more on celebrations, Jans reminder was that we should celebrate
not only when we win. Sometimes we win; sometimes we learn. He encouraged the
Makati attendees to focus on the good, celebrate, and give thanks in all circumstances.
Center of Everything
Being a new Feast builder and the youngest at that Jan introduced himself to
the crowd with a very personal profile of himself. A child of God was the first entry
in his profile. Jan also shared that, 12 years after hearing Light of Jesus Founder Bo
Sanchez give a talk, he began nurturing a dream: to build a Feast, not to be popular
but to tell the world of Gods love.
Jans parting words were a promise: through the Makati Feast Salcedo, people
will not only be closer to God but also know Jesus more today than yesterday. And
with that promise came an invitation: for everyone to put Jesus at the center of their
lives, to make Him the focal point of their everything.
How about you? Would you like to know Jesus more? Have you made Him the
center of your life? Accept Jans invitation. Join him every Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., at the
Makati Feast Salcedo, and find out how to put Christ at the center of it all: your heart,
your life, your everything.





Through the Novena to Gods Love
By Ellen Balasa as told to Bella Estrella
Photo by Arlene Batislaong

am a wife and mother of three, and a longtime sales practitioner in the pharmaceutical
industry. I manage the training needs of the
company I work for. At the same time, I am an
active servant in our parish and in a Charismatic
community as formator.
My first time to attend a Feast was on May
6, 2012, at The Feast Alabang. I went there to
promote the 6th National Catholic Charismatic
Congress (NCCC) held from May 31 to June 2,
2012 at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay City.
That was the first time I saw the Novena to
Gods Love, a booklet given to first-time attendees
at The Feast. I carefully filled it out with seven
dreams that I desire.
In the days that followed, I continued
promoting the 6th NCCC at the different Feasts
that I could reach Makati, Sucat, Laguna and the PICC. In all of them, I lifted
up my Novena to Gods Love.
Dream No. 2 Answered in Just 10 Days!
On May 16, my boss approached me and said, I have good news! A car with
automatic transmission has been approved for you! Really? My eyes widened
with glee and tears of joy began to fall as my thoughts raced back to dream no.
2 in my Novena to Gods Love: a car with automatic transmission in a color unlike
my previous cars.
Ive been driving for 32 years, and being in my golden years now, I wanted
an automatic to ease my driving every day from our Las Pias home to our office
in Ortigas, a good one-and-a-half-hour drive, given the daily traffic.
As I look back, could it be that God rewarded me for contributing to
the purchase of a new personal computer for our parish office? By using my
husbands mid-year bonus, which he offered because our children have all
finished college, I was able to add P10,000 to the amount I had solicited. And so,
our parish priest got his request in time for our fiesta!
As I counted the number of days from the time I first attended The Feast, it
was only a matter of 10 days, and my prayer was already answered! And talking
about specifications I got an automatic in metallic beige, a color that none of
my previous cars have had.
Dream No. 1: The Weather Obeyed
Caesar and I celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary on June 25, 2012. Taking
advantage of an airline promotional discount to the Visayas, our whole family
geared up for a three-day holiday in Boracay from June 22 to 24, the weekend
before our anniversary. The only factor that could possibly dampen our trip and
family bonding was the weather because June is usually a rainy month in our
My dream no. 1 was for fair weather during our vacation in Boracay. Just
before our trip, tropical depression Carina left the country. After our vacation,
tropical depression Dindo entered. They gave way, and our family enjoyed every
minute of our stay there!

What did the female mushroom say

about the male mushroom? Hes a real
fun guy [fungi].
Patient: Doctor, should I file my nails?
Doctor: No! Throw them away like
everybody else.
A note left for a pianist from his wife:
Gone Chopin, (have Liszt), Bach in a
There once was a clerk who worked
at the grocery store and noticed that
someone left their lights on their vehicle.
She decided to be a good Samaritan
and announced the following over the
intercom system: Excush mae, der eez
a caar wid de lights on, license phlate
numbearrr, LBQ123, El as in elepant, vee
as in victory, and q as in cucumbearrr.
Dream Nos. 3 and 4 on the Way
I am now getting, through an installment
plan, my own LCD projector (Dream no. 3),
which I will use in giving spiritual formation
and talks.
And for Dream no. 4, our general
manager informed us that weve been
having a very good sales performance, and
the trend is heading towards achieving our
sales target for 2102. This means that my
dream to have our management conference
either in Hong Kong or Singapore in 2013 is
on its way.
As Bo Sanchez says, Go where the
blessings flow. For me, thats The Feast
where God has been blessing people in
amazing ways.
Today, I bring our parishioners to The
Feast Sucat, and we are continuously being

Share with us how The Feast has

blessed you. Email your testimony
and high-resolution photo to


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F schedules





Alabang 1

2nd Floor, Festival Mall (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang,

Muntinlupa City


10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Arun Gogna

Alabang 2

2nd Floor, Festival Mall (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang,

Muntinlupa City


2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Arun Gogna

Alabang 3

2nd Floor, Festival Mall, (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang,

Muntinlupa City


5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Arun Gogna

Alabang 4

2nd Floor, Festival Mall, (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang,

Muntinlupa City


7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Jonathan Yogawin

Alabang 5

2nd Floor, Festival Mall, (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang,

Muntinlupa City


6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Randy Borromeo


2nd Floor, Festival Mall, (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang,

Muntinlupa City


3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Arun Gogna


Cinema 4, SM Baliwag, Bulacan


6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Marvin Tan


5th Floor of Fully Booked, Bonifacio High Street,

Bonifacio Global City


5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

George Gabriel


Mary Help of Christians Hospital, National Road,

Barangay. Calahan, Cardona, Rizal


5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Nap Col-long


Cinema 5, Robinsons Imus, Aguinaldo Highway, Imus,



10:30 a.m. - 12:30p.m. Rex Robillos

Laguna 1

Feast Laguna Family Center, 3/F Central Mall, Binan City,



9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Jon Escoto

Laguna 2

Feast Laguna Family Center, 3/F Central Mall, Binan City,



10:00 a.m. - 11:15a.m.

Jon Escoto

Makati 1

AIM Conference Center, Benavidez corner Paseo de

Roxas, Makati City


7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Randy Borromeo

Makati 2

Cinema 3, Glorietta 4, Ayala Center, Makati City


9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Randy Borromeo

Makati 3

Mondragon House, 2/F Ballroom, H.V. Dela Costa St. (near Tuesday
Tordesillas Street), Salcedo Village

7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Jan Silan


Feliza Jazz Pavillon, Sumapang Matanda, Malolos City


5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

John Cruz

Manila 1

Cinema 4, SM Manila


4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Obet Cabrillas

Manila 2

Cinema 4, SM Manila


7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Obet Cabrillas


Bluewave Marikinas Activity Center, Marikina City


5:15 - 6:45 PM

Pio Espanol

Marilao 1

Barcelona Academy, Marilao, Bulacan


5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Alvin Barcelona

Marilao 2

Cinema 2, SM Marilao


5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Alvin Barcelona

Marilao 3

Cinema 2, SM Marilao


7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Alvin Barcelona

Ortigas 1

Cinema 3, Robinsons Galleria, Ortigas


7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Vic Espaol

Ortigas 2

Cinema 3, Robinsons Galleria, Ortigas


10:00 a.m. - 12:00p.m. Vic Espaol

Pasig 1

Valle Verde Country Club


10:00 a.m. - 12:00p.m. Obet Cabrillas

Pasig 2

Valle Verde Country Club


1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Obet Cabrillas


Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City


8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Bo Sanchez


Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City


10:30 a.m. - 12:30p.m. Bo Sanchez


Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City


3:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Alvin Barcelona


Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Visayas Ave., QC


9:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Eng Si


Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Visayas Ave., QC


8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Eng Si


Cinema 4, SM Sucat, Paraaque


7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Adrian Panganiban


Valley Fair, Taytay, Rizal


9:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Pio Espaol


Cinema 1, SM Valenzuela


1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Eng Si



Millete now serves as lector/commentator

at The Feast Alabang.



By Millete dela Cruz as told to Lella M. Santiago

e were rammed by a car from behind. My husband, Gilbert, and our

motorcycle flew off the road while I was thrown under the car that hit
us. When Gilbert saw that I was unconscious, he ran and pounded on the
window to tell them to reverse the car because my head was lodged between the
tire and the running board. The people in the car didnt even know I was there. They
only stopped because of a flat tire. God saved me.
This happened on March 8, 2009 on our way to Valle Verde. We had been going
to The Feast there for two years before the accident. In the beginning, our business,
Stageman Sounds & Lights, serviced The Feast in Ultra. Bo Sanchezs inspiring talks
encouraged us to become regular attendees. But since I developed a phobia for
riding the motorcycle after the accident, we stopped attending.

In May of that year, Kerygma preacher Arun Gogna spoke in a seminar at the Divine Light
Academy (DLA) where I work as a Christian Living and Values Education teacher. He invited us to
attend the South Feast (now Feast Alabang). I missed attending The Feast, but the trauma was just
too much. I cried for joy when I heard that one will be opening near us. I knew it was another of
Gods miracles and an answer to my prayer.


There were trials in my life that I felt

were obstacles on the road of faith I was
traveling on. I need The Feast as my weekly
charger especially when problems
weaken me.
Taking Detours
Our accident was just one roadblock. I
remember when I was in the hospital,
I asked the Lord why He allowed that to
happen when we were on the way to hear

The Cruz family celebrating Fathers Day in 2012.

His Word. But I realized everything has a

purpose. He used my tragic experience to
touch many when Arun asked me to share
about it. After the session, people came
up to me to say thank you because they
were blessed. Little did I know that this
detour would make a difference in their
In my sharing, I also talked about the
other obstacle that came my way. In July
2009, I was diagnosed with pneumonia
and severe anemia. The doctor
recommended a blood transfusion of
four to five bags because my hemoglobin
count was very low. I decided to hold
that off. I was depressed for a week. I kept



crying because I was afraid I would have leukemia. Again, I

asked the Lord why I was weakening and losing faith when I
had begun to serve Him.
That Sunday, the topic was Relentless Faith and the
message that struck me most was, Satans job is to make
us quit. I understood that my illness, like the accident, was
meant to veer me away from the path of faith. I asked to be
prayed over and felt the Holy Spirit touch and heal me. When
I had my blood analysis done after that, the results showed I
no longer needed a blood transfusion.
Major Roadblock
The accident and my illness are just bumps in the road if you
compare them to something that had been digging into my
soul for years unforgiveness. This started years ago when
my two brothers and I discovered that our father has another
family. That was very painful for me because, as the eldest and
the only girl, I was his pet. What was more painful was that,
although we are the legal family, there were instances when
my father denied our identity. I remember the time when he
introduced me to his other children as his niece. He said they
were too young to understand.
What deepened the hurt was that my fathers relatives
knew about his other family and we didnt. We found out
years later when my brothers and I were already married. Only
then did I realize why he mistakenly brought me a walking
doll from his trip abroad when I was already grown up (my
half-sister is 15 years younger) or why he was only with us
either on Christmas or New Year but never on both occasions.
When we asked him to choose between the two families, he
refused. My mother just let him live with his other family.
It was only years later when my husband and I attended
the Marriage Encounter (ME) and eventually the Life in the
Spirit Seminar that I forgave him. Actually, I saw no reason to
attend the ME because my husband and I have been blessed
with a good marriage for the past 27 years. Apparently, God
had a purpose for directing us to make this turn. I needed to
learn about forgiveness, otherwise my spiritual life will have
a blockage. Today, as a member of the Marriage Encounter,
I give the talk on forgiveness at our PREX (Parish Renewal
Experience) seminars.
I have forgiven my father and so has my mother. Our two
families are at peace, especially now that the other woman
has passed away. My secret prayer is that my parents will get
back together.
You know, God has a funny way of making up for our
hurts. My father has a sister who was hit by a motorcycle.

Millete sees her trials now as preparation for something

bigger the best that God has planned for her.

When she had a

brain operation,
were affected
and only her
old memories
were retained.
recognize my
fathers other
family, just ours.
In a way, that
pain of being
d i s o w n e d

Another Stoplight
Two years after our accident, I thought my trials were
over. But two months ago I bled for three weeks. I
ignored that until I felt so weak, my friends badgered
me to go to the hospital. As soon as the doctor checked
me, he ordered that I be given oxygen, dextrose and
transfused with three bags of blood. Had I not been
admitted on time, I would have been comatose from
lack of oxygen. I was advised to undergo fractional
curettage because I had endometrial polyp, chronic
endocervicitis and myoma uteri.
This time, I did not question God. I know He allowed
all these things to happen to make me grow stronger,
to deepen my faith, and to gain courage to face my
trials. I learned that this is just a detour in my life and it
will bring me to my God-ordained destiny.
Transported by Faith
Now Im proud to say I belong to The Feast Alabang
family where I serve as connector and lector/
commentator. Im also an assistant Caring Group head
and I preach in school during our morning praise
about the talks given at The Feast.
God has rewarded my faithfulness and service.
In my Novena to Gods Love, I asked Him to give us a
vehicle because of my trauma with the motorcycle.
At first, I was not specific. He gave us a truck maybe
because we needed that for our business.
Later we were taught to be specific about our
prayers. I asked for an Innova so my husband and I,

together with our four children, my mother and my

sister-in-law can go to The Feast together.
Within two
application for
approved. But
we only had
half the amount
for the down
issued a check
for the other half.
Soon after, we
An answered prayer: a brand-new Innova
were contracted
for an event and
earned enough
to fund the check. When we got the car, we said,
Lord, please take care of the monthly payment.
Then The Feast Cavite hired us weekly, which took
care of our amortizations.
With the Innova, we were able to bring not just
our family to The Feast but also my co-teachers.
Many of them became regular attendees and some
are now serving, too.
It is difficult to travel on the road of faith because
of the obstacles and the detours but I am confident
that, by Gods grace, we will be transported safely to
where He wants us to go.

Millete with her best friends, Ditas Mayes and Gemma Benedicto of
Divine Light Academy, who brought her to the hospital on March 20,


S section


The Real Discipleship

By Bo Sanchez

ve realized that preaching is never enough.

The Word has to become flesh.
After preaching for more than 30 years, heres
what I noticed: At first, people will listen to the message
of a messenger. But after a while, people will want
the messenger to be the message itself. The life of the
messenger must be the 3D movie of the message.
People dont really listen to words anymore. People
want to see the words becoming flesh in front of them.
Its useless to talk about Jesus if you dont become
Unless you do that, all preaching is a noisy gong and
clanging cymbal, producing no real disciples.
Because when you get to the bottom of it, discipleship
is really friendship.
Jesus made friends with people who were far from
God sinners, tax collectors, prostitutes and many others
considered outcasts in society. Some even became His
Apostles and faithful disciples.
Friends, thats the secret of Jesus.
And He wants us to do the same.
A real disciple loves like Jesus does.
And the proof of our growing spirituality is not being
annoyed by sins committed, but acceptance of the sinner.
Lets see Jesus in everyone.
More than that, lets be Jesus to the people around us
one person at a time.



S section



By Bo Sanchez

magine that theres this brilliant chef

Now, you dont have to go to the restaurant.
who owns the secret recipe of the If you want your family to eat the most
most delicious pizza in the Universe. delicious pizza in the universe, you can cook it
He opens only one restaurant in Makati. No right in your home.
other branches anywhere else.
This, my friend, is exactly what God did.
The restaurants name? Forget Your
The Secret Recipe Is Out!
God is the owner of the restaurant. The Church is the
Why? When you sit down in the restaurant. Jesus is the pizza because the main product
restaurant, the waiter will give you a piece of the Church is Jesus.
Let me shock you: I believe God doesnt want you to
of paper, instruct you to write your name on
bring people to Jesus. God wants you to bring Jesus to
that paper, and ask you to slip it into your people.
pocket. Because the moment you bite into
How? By being Jesus to somebody.
The secret recipe is out!
the most delicious pizza in the universe,
This is Gods battleplan to conquer the hearts of
youll forget your name. When that happens,
humanity. People will get to know who God is not by
you have to pull out that piece of paper from going to Church. People will get to know who God is by
your pocket to remind yourself who you are. you becoming Church wherever you are.
This isnt semantics. This is deep theology.
Its such a delicious pizza that it would
This in fact is the difference between Christianity and
seem like a crime if you didnt tell your family other religions. In other religions, you search for God. In
about it. So, people would go home and tell Christianity, God searches for you. And even if you run
their family, You have to go to the Forget away from Him, God will chase after you.
In other religions, God is only King. But in Christianity,
Your Name restaurant. They have the most
God is King, yes, but a King who lays down His crown, leaves
delicious pizza in the universe!
His throne, and becomes a servant who washes the feet of
So the restaurant is always overflowing His disciples. Hes a King who is madly in love head over
with patrons. In fact, the lines are so long, heels, hopelessly smitten, diehard Suitor who will not stop
at anything until He gets you.
you need to wait for three hours to get in.
So let me say it again: Your mission isnt to bring people
But one day, something weird happens. to Jesus. Your mission is to bring Jesus to people. And you
Because the owner of the Forget Your do that by being Jesus to somebody.
Name restaurant is a weird guy. It turns out
You Can Go Where I Cant Go
he is immensely wealthy. And he isnt in the Do you want to change the world? It wont happen by a
restaurant business for the money. He just proliferation of priests, pastors or preachers. It will only
happen by a proliferation of ordinary people (like you!)
loves seeing people eat his pizza.
So he does something crazy: he posts who become Jesus to somebody.
Preachers like me cant be in your kitchen table, talking
the secret recipe of the most delicious pizza with your kids, listening to their dreams, affirming their
in the universe on his website. Anyone can worth, encouraging them to risk, accepting their wounds,
now download the recipe the exact correcting them in love, awakening their values.
I cant be there. But you can.
ingredients, the exact measurements, the
Oh, there are some parents who think I can do that
exact temperature, every single detail.
for them. They come to me distraught, asking me to talk
Not only that, he also uploads on YouTube to their rebellious, stubborn, misbehaving teenagers. They
the step-by-step video instruction of how to want me to be their miracle man. They ask me, Bo, can
you talk some sense into my teenage son? Even just for 10
make his pizza.
minutes. You see, he doesnt listen to me. Hes taking drugs.

Hes not in school. Hes wasting away his life. They hope that
a 10-minute conversation with me will erase 17 years of bad
parenting. It wont work.
Yes, I can pray for him. Yes, I can listen to him. Yes, I can
be Jesus to that boy for 10 minutes. But only the parent can
be Jesus to him every day.
Preachers like me cant be in your office, supermarket,
classroom, mall, farm, factory or ship. Only you can be Jesus
to those people every day.
This is Gods ultimate master plan. This is how the
Kingdom will be built: You becoming Jesus.
Yes, you!
By your words. By your work. By your presence. By your
service. As a secretary, cashier, clerk, teacher, doctor, lawyer,
engineer, businessperson. More importantly, as husband,
wife, father, mother, aunt, uncle, daughter, son.
Your mission is to be Jesus to somebody.

Once upon a time, I didnt know that. I was brought

up to believe that to be Jesus to somebody, I shouldnt
smoke, or drink, or gamble, or go clubbing, or listen to
secular music. I was brought up to believe that to be
Jesus to somebody, I should memorize Bible verses and
talk about God the whole day.
Later on, I realized that these high standards werent
attracting unchurched people to God. They were doing
the very opposite. They were turning them off.
Hey, dont get me wrong. Personally, I neither smoke
nor drink nor gamble. But these arent the definition of a
God-follower. I believe that the only high standard that
unchurched people are attracted to is the high standard
of love.
What does it mean to be Jesus for somebody?
Only one thing.
Do you die to yourself so that others may live?
Thats what it means to be Jesus to somebody.

Its Not About High Standards

I can hear you now. But Bo, Im not holy enough!
Thats OK. You dont have to be perfect to be
Jesus to somebody.
You dont have to have it all together.

Whats the Main Thing?

Jesus said it eloquently: By this all men will know that
you are my disciples, if you love one another (John
He didnt say, By this all men will know that you are
my disciples, if you pray every day, or if you read the
Bible, or if you go to Mass.
The proof that youre a God-follower isnt in
In other words,
if you want to know if
Im a God-follower,
dont ask me how many hours I pray. Dont ask
me how many Bible verses I memorize. Dont ask me if
I know the right doctrines. In fact, dont ask me at all
because my answers will be biased.
Instead, ask my wife, Is your husband Jesus to you?
Ask my kids, Is your daddy Jesus to you?
Ask my mother, Is your son Jesus to you?
And ask my employees, Is your boss Jesus to you?
John Maxwell said, Be disturbed if the people who
love you the most are the people who know you the
I repeat: The proof that youre a God-follower isnt in
your religion but in your relationships.
The opposite is dangerous. When religion, and not
relationship, becomes the main thing, two not-so-good
things happen:
We become prone to spiritual arrogance; and



We make a church for religious people only.

We Become Prone to Spiritual Arrogance
If religion, not relationship, becomes the main thing, we
become proud of our religiosity.
Our religiosity becomes a barrier.
We look down at others who dont pray, or who
dont read the Bible, or who dont attend Mass, or who
dont sing our songs, or who dont wear our clothes.
Because of this, the unchurched person asks a very
penetrating question: Do I really want to become like
you arrogant and condescending?
So they reject Christianity.
Something else happens when we make religion,
not relationships, the main thing of Christianity.
We Make the Church for Religious People Only
In other words, we become a church for insiders.
To be accepted in church, you have to behave in a
particular way. You have to act in a particular decorum,
speak in a particular language, dress in a particular style
or youll always feel like an outsider.
But if we make loving one another the main thing of
Christianity, the Church will be the safest place on Earth
for the wounded, the lost, the messed up, the struggling,
and the sinner.
to put
a big
sign on
every church door: No perfect people
allowed inside!
What is the truth? Were in church not because were
perfect but because were forgiven.
And I think this is the reason why The Feast, our
weekly prayer gathering, is growing in leaps and bounds.
When people go there, we dont ask them about
their past sins or their weaknesses we simply welcome
them and share our love with them.
Friend, your mission is to be Jesus to somebody.
Start now.

Bos Action Steps:

1. In your home, how can you bring Jesus to your
parents, to your siblings, and to your house
2. What can you do to bring Jesus to your
school or office mates?
3. If youre in conflict with
somebody, be a Jesus to him/
her by approaching
that person and offering
your hand of friendship

Email me at or follow me

on Facebook.


S section testimony

The family that serves together stays together (L-R): Adrian, Jan, Dad Oliver,
Jallyn and Mom Belen.

Freedom T
A testimony of the Silan Family
as told to Pia Suiza



hey gave us a mission. We obeyed.

It was a scorching hot day when my wife
and I made our way to the New Bilibid Prisons
Maximum Security area. So many worries circled my
mind. I couldnt take fear out of the equation. What
awaits us there? How do we act? Will we be safe?
After unloading some of the goods, we found
ourselves standing in front of steel gate number 1.
Prison guards searched every inch of us, making
sure that we didnt have a cell phone, camera, or any
other prohibited items. Once cleared, they marked my
wrist with a blue stamp, just like in the cinemas. Steel
gate number 2 had the same process. They searched
us again and marked my wrist with a second stamp.
Finally, we made it in. We walked about 150 meters to
get to the church. I was sweating both because of the
heat and the tension I was feeling. But when we got
to the venue, everything changed. The miracle had

The Mission
Starting 2009, our community, Bukas Loob sa Diyos,
assigned my wife and me to be one of the three couple
heads to take charge of the Bilibid group, our prison
ministry. It was to be our designated service for three years.
Every second Saturday of the month, we, together with the
rest of the working team, hold prayer meetings, teachings,
and spiritual encounters for around 300 inmates. We also
conduct the Seven Last Words during Holy Week and
gift-giving sessions during the holidays. Our main goal
is to bring the love of Christ behind bars and to give the
inmates a sense of hope amidst their situation.
What we do is we listen to their stories because its
the best way to show them that they are still worthy of
someone elses time and effort. In a way, it makes them
feel more human and less like animals in captivity.
Sometimes I also ask my son, Jan, who is a preacher
in Makati Feast Salcedo, to come with us and help out.
Its very important for the inmates to hear about Gods
love and hope. This is what they cling to in order to stay
sane inside. Many inmates Ive talked with shared that
whenever they go to confession, they confess the same
sin over and over again. They ask forgiveness for the crime
they have committed, finding it hard to believe that the
Lord has forgiven them already. This is what we are called
to do: to make God real and alive behind bars.
The Miracle
Inside the prison, there are many gangs. Gangs act as a
prisoners family and protection. What amazes me is,
though the inmates come from different gangs (even rival
gangs), when they go to the prayer meetings, they are all
friends! Everyone shares one thing in common namely,
Jesus. Kapag prayer meeting na, wala nang gangs. (During
prayer meetings, there are no more gangs.) Inmates look
forward to prayer meetings. Theyd rather attend prayer
meetings than stay in their cells. It becomes their resting
place, a safe zone where they dont need to worry about
being bullied or abused.
Imagine, most maximum security inmates are serving
life sentences for murder, rape and drug-dealing, but it is
inside where I hear the best prayers ever said. Magagaling
sila magdasal. Minsan aawatin mo pa sila kasi overtime
na. (They pray good prayers. Sometimes you have to stop
them because they exceed the time limit given for prayer
In some gatherings, I sing to them the song, You are
loved, you are beautiful, you are loved, you are forgiven
by the mercy of God, then you will see them cry. These
are people who have committed the most heinous crimes,
but when you talk to them about God, their hearts melt
and they actually cry.
When I see these happen inside, my faith in God is
nourished even more. Im reminded that the love of God
is for everyone! He still considers them His children, no

matter what they have done. The Lords love is compassionate

and ever forgiving. He sees the person, not the sin.
The Friendship
For almost three years now, the passion for our mission in
Bilibid has grown in our hearts. What started as an obligation
became a service of love. I believe that our experience inside
changed my wife and me more than we expected. Its true
that when you give your full service to the Lord, He gives you
more in return. He made sure that we learned the three most
important lessons to be slow to judge, rich in compassion,
and abounding in loving friendship.
Tainted by our perceptions, we thought that we were
better than the people inside Bilibid. But the Lord revealed to
us that we are no different. They may have committed grievous
crimes, but at the end of the day, the same God who loves us
loves them as much, too!
Inside, I met Paul.* He was a bodyguard of a prominent
person before he was imprisoned. One day, some men attacked
his boss, so, out of his responsibility to protect him, he killed
the attackers. But instead of being grateful, his boss didnt back
him up during the trial and he ended up being charged with
murder. There are many people like Paul inside individuals
who are really innocent but were victims of injustice. My heart
bleeds for them every time, but my wife and I cling to the
promise of God that His compassion is greater and more
powerful than any injustice of the world. Through these people,
the compassionate face of God is revealed to us all the more.
During gift-giving every Christmas, you will see inmates
happily kissing the canned goods given to them. You see that
these people are deprived of the simplest things, even food.
Kung walang dalaw, wala silang pambili ng masarap na pagkain.
(If they dont have any visitors, they wont have any money
to buy good food.) You will realize that they are imprisoned
in every aspect of their lives, deprived of everything that is
good. This is where our perception about serving changed.
These people dont need grand things. They need love and
compassion the exact things the Lord is offering them.
I have shared with my whole family the mission of taking
care of these people and, by doing so, our whole family is
blessed beyond measure. The intercessory ministry inside
Bilibid always prays for me and my family. They would ask me,
O, kamusta na si Adrian (my son)? Pinagdadasal namin siya
araw-araw (Hows your son Adrian? We pray for him every day).
They even grew a medicinal plant for us, which we use now
at home. Im very happy that the Lord uses my whole family
to share friendship with the prisoners of Bilibid. The freedom
that they feel during services is enough motivation for us to
keep doing what we are doing because there is nothing more
fulfilling than to be part of Gods family.
With Gods grace, there is nothing that can separate
brothers and sisters in Christ.
They gave us a mission. We love. He succeeds.
*Not his real name

S section

By Bo Sanchez



love this passage: Live such good lives

among the pagans that, though they
accuse you of doing wrong, they may
see your good deeds and glorify God on the
day he visits us (1 Peter 2:12).
Good deeds, not good debates, will open
peoples hearts to God. I believe it is service,
not sanctity, that will touch lives.
Dont misunderstand me. I use the word
sanctity the way its commonly
understood someone who is
pious. But in my mind, sanctity
has a more robust meaning:
someone who serves.
I love the story of Jesus
washing His disciples feet. In
biblical times, there were four
ranks of slaves. Only the lowest
ranking slave washes feet. Jesus
took that role and said, I have set
you an example that you should
do as I have done for you (John
Jesus didnt just teach a way of life and
said, Do this. Jesus served us, and then
said, Follow me.
How do you serve?
There are two ways of becoming Jesus to
somebody: through the heart and the hand.
The heart is the personal side of a
The hand is the practical side of a
You need both to be Jesus to somebody.

The Heart
One day, in a busy airport, a little boy was running
to his mother holding a completed jigsaw puzzle in
his hands. He was shouting, I finished it, Mommy!
I finished it!
But at that precise moment, a businessman was
also running, trying to catch his flight.
And the two crossed each others paths. Wham!
The boys jigsaw puzzle flew into the air and hit
the floor, its tiny pieces scattering in different
The businessman said to the boy, Im so
sorry He went on his knees and picked up the
small jigsaw puzzle pieces.
And patiently, he put puzzle back together
After 15 minutes, it was done. It was obvious
now that the businessman had missed his flight.
And he should have been angry and frustrated.
Yet, he didnt know why, but he wasnt. In fact, he
felt happy that he wasted his time doing a jigsaw
puzzle with a kid.
When the man stood up, the little boy stood up
as well. He looked at the towering figure for a brief
moment, and asked a question that blew the man
The boy asked him, Are you Jesus?
Somehow the boy knew that when he met
compassion and kindness, he was in the presence
of Jesus.
To be Jesus to somebody, you need to give
your heart. The heart is the personal side of a
relationship. Affection. Warmth. Touch.
But you also need to give your hand.

The Hand
Im the head of my family. Im a husband and father.


And I need to spend time with my wife and my kids. Thats a nonnegotiable thing I have to do.
But imagine this scene.
One morning, my wife tells me, Bo, we have no food in the
house anymore. I need to buy groceries but we dont have money.
And I tell her, What are you complaining about, sweetheart? Im
always here at home, spending time with you and the kids 24
hours a day, seven days a week.
Theres something wrong with the picture.
To be a Jesus to somebody, you need to give the hand,
too. The hand is the practical side of the relationship.
Excellence. Development. Achievement.
Are you a doctor? An engineer? A teacher? A
In your job, God calls you to be Jesus to somebody.
How? Give your heart and give your hand. Be excellent
in all that you do. Thats the hand. But give your heart,
too. Do it with warmth, compassion, acceptance and
Last Word: Who Was Jesus to You?
Look back into your life.
Someone became Jesus to you.
You came to know Gods Love
because somebody loved you
without condition.
I think of my dad. He was far
from perfect. He never expressed
his love for me by hugging me or
saying, I love you. But boy, did
he spend time with me when
I was a kid.
He was Jesus to me.
I think of my mom. Again,
she has many weaknesses.
But Mom loves me. At 86,
she prays for me before
the Blessed Sacrament
every single day. (When
she has extra time, she



prays for my sisters, too.) When Im preaching

somewhere, I know that Mom is praying for me,
and that gives me strength.
Mom is Jesus to me.
I think of my wife. She, too, has many
weaknesses. (And if you think Ill enumerate
them to you now, think again. Id rather be
thrown into a pool of hungry piranhas than face
my angry wife asking me what I wrote about
But she does something that astounds me
to no end. When I tell her my preposterous, outof-this-world, big, hairy, audacious dreams,
she doesnt laugh. She doesnt guffaw and roll
on the floor. She smiles, looks at me, grips my
hand, and says, Theyll come true.
My wife is Jesus to me.
I think of my professor in my Masters in
Theology course. I wasnt even supposed to be
there. I had failing grades in grade school, high
school and college. I didnt even finish college.
I was just taking the Masters course because I
wanted to study about God.
But my professor, a priest, called me into his
office. He said he saw brilliance in me. (Huh?) He
said, After your Masters in Theology, go back to
college and get your diploma. And then well
send you to Europe to finish your Doctorate in
Theology. Theres this great school there. Well
pay for everything.
I wanted to tell him, Are you sure youre
talking to the right person? Im not a good
student. Im a dunce. Pull out my transcript of
records. Its all there displayed in flaming red
But he saw something in me that I didnt see
in myself.
That professors perspective of me changed
my life forever. After taking up my Masters, I
went back to college with a vengeance. I got

straight As there from then on.

That professor was Jesus to me.
Let me ask you: Who was Jesus to you?
Thank God for each one of those people.
And every day, resolve to be Jesus to
You dont have to be perfect.
You just have to love them in your
imperfect way.
Email me at or follow
me on Facebook.


1. Look back at your life. Who was Jesus
to you? Say a special prayer for that
person today.
2. How have you given your heart to the
people God has placed around you? If
you havent, start doing now.
3. How have you served others? Think
of what you can do using your Godgiven talents and skills to help other
people. Then do it now.



Special testimony
Milk, Toasted
Bread and
a Changed Life

ts 1:00 a.m., and Im just getting

warmed up at work. The 24/7 work
schedule doesnt help much in the
snooze department, but I guess when
you love your work, the erratic schedule
becomes a minor detail.
I switch on my computer and an email
from a colleague in the US pops in. Oh yes,
their workday is almost over. This must be
some urgent task. I better get this ready
for my colleagues in Australia, whose work
starts in about three hours, I thought.
As I prepare a reply, my business card
nearby catches my attention:
Edwin Lopez
Marketing Manager for the Asia Pacific
EWTN Global Catholic Network

How a Simple Act of Kindness Brought Me

Back to the Catholic Faith
By Edwin Lopez
as told to Osy Erica
Photo by Osy Erica

More than 10 years have passed since I made

the big shift. Leaving my post as senior vice
president of an insurance company was one of the
best decisions I ever made. Yes, it meant leaving a
lucrative income and recognition, but no amount of
salary can surpass freedom and increased faith. The
knowledge that you are doing more of what you do
best and offering it to God is priceless.
I placed back the card where I found it and then
browsed the EWTN website for the latest news on
the Catholic Church. A new archbishop had just
been installed in the Diocese of Rabaul in Papua New
Guinea. By the looks of his credentials, Archbishop
Francesco Panfilo seems to be the perfect fit.
But there is more to know about him than
his credentials the lives of the man in the news
and this marketing manager had once intersected
because of football and toasted bread.
A Can of Rejection
I grew up loving milk. When my father was still alive,
hed bring home cans of the then famous KLIM. It
was the Nido or the Lactum of my generation. But
to the nine-year-old me, it was heaven packed in a
big metal can, and with my father around, I was in
heaven all the time.
But everything changed when he passed away.
My mother, being an ordinary housewife, had
difficulty managing our business. It went bankrupt
and I had to say goodbye to Ateneo de Davao,
to a comfortable life, and to my siblings, since my
mother made the painful decision of giving them


Edwins story is a challenge to every Catholic to be mindful of how he lives

his life.

away to relatives. Meanwhile, my mother and I

had to stay with an aunt In Manila, and there, my
longing for KLIM heaven was rekindled.
At my aunts home, KLIM abounded in the
kitchen, and my cousins could enjoy it anytime.
Being nonmembers of their family, my mother
told me not to touch the can of milk because it
wasnt ours. To alleviate my craving, Id volunteer
to wash the dishes just so I could scoop out milk
residues that got stuck at the bottom of my
cousins glasses. Just doing that already made my
One time, I found myself alone in the kitchen
just me and a big can of KLIM. As I turned to
leave, it was like the big can was hypnotizing
me, calling my name: EdwinEdwin Having
a deep relationship with KLIM, I knew, just by
tapping onto the can, if it was full or not. *Tuk!* It
was full. With excitement, I removed the lid, dug
out a spoonful, and stuck it in my mouth.
The next minute was a blur. Everything
happened in a snap. Aha! Ikaw pala ang
nagnanakaw ng KLIM! (So its you whos been
stealing the KLIM!) my aunt yelled. The next thing
I knew, my mother was beating me up for what
I did. She had warned me before. Her spanking
hurt, but I knew that she was angry, not at me but
at herself for being unable to provide and give me
all the KLIM I wanted.
More than the blows, it was being called a
thief that hurt me more as all I wanted was just
a taste of milk. How could my aunt label me a
thief? She was a devout Catholic, leading the
rosary every night (though praying with lightning
speed). Arent the prayerful supposed to be also
gentle, kind and understanding? Where was her
generosity and mercy? I was confused with her
so-called faith and her behavior toward me.
A Slice of Love
About the same time of my confusion, I received
an invitation from a Born Again Christian group
to attend their service. There, I felt what I didnt
feel at home: acceptance and love. Soon after, I
became an active member, despite me attending
a Catholic school. I stopped hearing Mass and, at
14, I became an advocate of their beliefs. I made it
my mission to rescue the unsaved, to the point of
hopping in and out of buses with a Bible in hand,
encouraging passengers to accept Jesus.
Approaching my mission headstrong, I
challenged my teacher in Don Bosco, Fr. Francesco
Panfilo, to a debate on faith. The good-natured
priest agreed but asked me if we could play
football first. Fr. Panfilo was a very good football
player. He always put aside time to bond and play

football with the students, not even minding

his cassock getting soiled. He never showed
that he was in a hurry or that he was of
higher rank than we were. He was more of a
friend, actually.
After the game, Fr. Panfilo invited
exhausted and hungry me to a snack of
toasted bread. So what was supposed to be
a debate became a session of football and
toasted bread. But I was determined to save
the priest, so the next day, I reminded him of
our postponed debate. The priest promised
to engage in a debate with me, again, after
a game of football. I succumbed. Another
snack session followed the game. And the
cycle continued every day, of football and
toasted bread, until I eventually forgot my
Later on, I began praying the rosary
again and attending Mass. My prayers
had more meaning, and in some way, my
faith grew deeper. I was drawn back to the
Catholic faith without me realizing it. And
when I think about it now, it was the very
kindness of Fr. Panfilo that changed me and
my beliefs. His tool was neither words nor
debates but friendship. The very Gospel I
was trying to preach in buses, Fr. Panfilo lived
out. Through his kindness, I felt the love of
God, a love I longed to fully embrace.
A Changed Life
Four decades later, though Fr. Panfilo and I
had long separated our ways, his kindness
still resonates in my heart. I am forever
grateful. The love he imparted to me, I now
pass on to others through inspirational talks
and nurtured relationships.
During a talk I gave, I remember
asking the audience, Ilang Katoliko na ba
ang nawala sa pananampalataya dahil sa
kasungitan mo? (How many Catholics have
left the Church because of your ill temper?)
Resounding silence entered the room right
after. It is a sad truth but truth just the same.
Our lives are the very Gospel we preach.
Not by faith but by love will people be saved.
When we accept and understand even
the least of our brothers, we are already
introducing God to them. When we love,
even in our simplest ways, we resemble God.
Nearly 40 years ago, this EWTN manager
and theology professor/speaker bid farewell
to the Catholic Church. It was Fr. Panfilos pure
kindness and love that led me back. And all it
took was football and toasted bread.


By Rosanne Romero


of the Year

I Want a Plaque or Something

very morning, before my

husband leaves for the office, he
tells me how his day will go. The
idea is, so the office concerns can be
accompanied with intercession.
They are, essentially, organization
physicians. So his typical day will be
about helping companies diagnose
whats ailing them, determining key
performance indicators, clarifying and
redefining their value propositions,
managing concerns arising from
mergers, etc. And fleetingly it crosses
my mind that Omy is amply equipped
to meet the challenges of the day
ahead. You know, college in UP,
masters in Ateneo, and a PHD in the
offing. Plus all the years of experience
hes been immersed in such concerns.
And Im oohing and aaahing as
I get a grip on all the salient details
to pray for. Im impressed at all these
crucial corporate concerns. All on the
level of make or break. Life or death.
This is the part where this article
takes an interesting turn.
Having told me what his day will
be like, he asks me, What will your day
be like? I stare at the floor, thinking it
will give me an inspired answer.
Who, me? as if there was another
wife he was addressing. And I mumble
uhm several times before answering.
You mean, today what Ill be busy
with today? Getting an answer from
me was like pulling teeth.
I need to look for that, uhm, tuko,
I finally say.

Also known as the gecko. That

nothing-uglier-than, repulsive, slimy
reptile. The one that makes those eerie
staccato night calls. (Check YouTube for the
gecko sounds.)
Omy chuckled.
Definitely not a make or break thing
compared to his concerns, right?
But a tuko is a very serious household
problem. Truth to tell, it is a life and death
concern. No fooling. Google says it has
tiny ridges and microscopic suction cups
on its feet! I dreaded the thought of it
falling on me while I took clothes from the
clothesline. Multiple sclerosis hasnt killed
me in 26 years. This one would kill me
Another entry from Animal Planet
added to my anxiety: Do not hold or
restrain the gecko by the tail, as it could
break off. If the tail is broken off, it will
usually regenerate. Im hoping this is
an Internet lie, but just in case, I begin
wondering if both parts body and tail
regenerate. Which means, I could end
up with two geckos if I mishandled this?
Locating it would be one thing. Getting rid
of it, another. A life and death situation.
(By the way, my last week was less
engaging I was regrouting our bathroom
tiles. And the week before that, my life was
about termites.)
Math 11, Math 14, Stat 101, Eco 11
alas, what a waste of brain cells.
Homemaking meant the world to me
when the girls were small. Crisp uniforms.
White socks. Shined shoes. Plastic
covered books and notebooks. Attending
programs. Making all sorts of costumes

for different school celebrations. Helping

make props for school plays. Teaching
them how to handle bullies. Listening to
stories after school. Inviting their friends
over. Slumber parties. Clean beds, aired
and sunned pillows.
But my girls have grown up. And so
have Omy and I. And the only significant
thing I do is plan our menu and cook what
I put there. And, as of late, tracking down a
tuko. (Maybe I dont have to exterminate it.
Our driver says a lot of people like to keep
them as pets. As pets, good grief. Anyway,
good. He can have it.)
Oops! I almost forgot I also take care
of our dog. That about sums it up. Its all
just so home-based.
There are days, like today, when I wish
I could be some noted persona. I want to
be involved in something with a weighty
purpose. Im not talking Nobel or Pulitzer
prize. But something I could receive a
plaque for. (No, not the kind that sticks to
your teeth.) You get me, dont you?
But this afternoon, I received a handdrawn postcard from Rinka, my daughter
with a two-month-old baby. A late
mothers day greeting. It read: You know
how they say you only learn to appreciate
your mother when you have a child of your
own? I thought I already appreciated her.
But you only really get it when you become
a momma, too.
My life has counted for something
after all. You only really get it, when you
become a momma, too.
I just got a plaque I want to keep.
Email me at

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ShepherdS Voice publicationS, inc.

60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City
Tel. Nos. 411-7874 / 725-9999 loc. 101 to 108

By Rex V. Robillos

Rex with his sons, Reginald Steven (6), Reginald Gabriel (2)
and Reginald Jacob (6).


y twin boys once

asked me why
they, despite being
twins, did not look exactly the
same. Of course, I explained
that there are different kinds of
twins those who are nearly
identical and, in their case,
those who hardly resemble
each other. Innate childhood
curiosity being what it is, the
interrogation didnt stop there.
Why does kuya (older
brother) look more like
Why do I have Daddys

I wasnt prepared to give the

then four-year-olds a thorough
biology lesson. So I told them the
story of their younger brothers
birth, right after they took him to
the nursery, which went a little
something like this:
Pudgy cheeks the color of fine
roses. A prominent cleft chin. Loud
mewling cries from lungs the size
of the Araneta Coliseum. Gabriel
was a favorite at the NICU the day
he was born. Youd think the nurses
and midwives assigned to newborns
would already be used to different

degrees of cute, but there they were

on the other side of the viewing glass,
all huddled around Gabbys bassinet,
fawning over him, snapping pictures,
and making duck faces at the little
When they finally let me in, one
of the older nurses looked up to me
with a sheepish grin and said, Oh,
you must be this little heartbreakers
Thats when it hit me in a
sterile room full of giggling nurses
who compared and contrasted my
facial features with my babys he
was mine. He was mine, and other
people could tell. He had my chin,
they announced. And my eyes, and
my eyebrows. To give due credit,
though, he did have a lot of his mom
in him, too.
Thats the answer I gave to my
twins. Its in Gabbys genes. Its in their
genes. Its in my genes.
Theres a saying in Filipino, Kung
ano ang puno, siya rin ang bunga. (A
tree is made known by its fruit.)
An apple tree will never bear
watermelons. So it follows that my
kids and I share some of the same
traits, same features, and same
The boys lit up at that. The answer
to their questions was simply the fact
that they were my children. And I

wish I could have framed that moment

for them.
Whether we think of it as a blessing
or a curse, a part of us will always reflect
our parents in skill or in physical
aspect. What we have deep within us
are the building blocks of the potentials
and talents that can be nurtured as we
grow older, and they werent randomly
generated or conjured from thin air
they came from our folks.
And this is where the genetic code
takes a much more spiritual significance.
Because the Big Boss we call Father claims
us to be His children. Can we all take a
minute to revel in the privilege of that
We are His children. His own flesh
and blood. We are capable of being the
cause of that same pride and utter joy
which surged up into every fiber of my
being when the nurses figured out for
themselves that little Gabby was my child.
Friends, nurture that spiritual DNA.
When God created human beings, He
made them like Himself. Genesis 5:1

Email me at
Rex Robillos is the Feast Builder of Cavite Feast,
which happens every Sunday from 10:30 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. at Cinema 5 of Robinsons Imus,
Aguinaldo Highway, Imus, Cavite.


visit us at


One Last

Wawel with his mom, Monina,

and daughter, Therese

Praying the
Rosary with
By Wawel Mercado

prayed the rosary again last night with Mom. She says it
helps her through her pain. It certainly helps me through
my worries about her.
I saw my moms broken ankle bulge through her skin as she
tried to get up after her fall. She fell from just two small steps
leading to a restaurant where we were to celebrate my niece
Belas birthday. She fell in spite of being assisted down those
steps. She is fragile now, I thought to myself. Osteoporosis has
made her bones brittle.
Her voice was weak when we prayed the rosary on
Monday. It was weak again yesterday. Weakened by pain. Yet I
could sense that she did her best to be heard through the Hail
Marys, but would keep silent through the mysteries, as if she
needed to rest, as I led her through them.
My mom taught all her children how to pray the rosary.
Growing up, we prayed the rosary as a family every night before
dinner, after we came home from school. We were a big family,
so our rosaries were kept in a special rosary basket, which was
passed around at rosary time. Mom even had a special rosary
bell, which she would ring at 6:00 p.m. to signal that it was
time for all of us to pray. I admit that I did not appreciate the

long repetitive prayer as a young boy. Fifteen minutes

seemed to last forever, especially when it kept us away
from watching Voltes V.
As we got older, we learned all the mysteries and
the litany by heart, and took turns leading the rosary.
Monday was for Mom, Tuesday for An, Wednesday for
Robbi, Thursday for me. The joyful mysteries were my
favorite. The sorrowful mysteries filled me with fear. The
glorious mysteries, I understood the least.
The devotion would be carried on even when
we were on long trips in the family van. Mom would
make good use of our time on the road by leading us
in prayer, praying for our safe trip. In May and October,
Mom would organize family pilgrimages to Antipolo. A
pilgrimage meant praying all three mysteries; the first
one on the road to the church; the second one inside
the church; and the third one on the road back home.
Fast forward many years later. On the evening when
my wife, Mila, had an embolism, I clutched the rosary
again for comfort. When the doctors told me that Mila
was close to death, I started sobbing uncontrollably.
Grief and fear rose from my gut. I could not stop myself
from sobbing. Instinct told me to grab Milas rosary. It
was in her overnight bag. Only the rosary could comfort
me, could cradle me to peace and silence.
Keeping vigil through Milas three-week coma, I
would pray the rosary constantly by her bedside. When I
was alone with her, I would play a recording of the rosary,
and pray with the recording. As I struggled to resume a
normal life after bringing Mila home from the hospital,
it was the rosary that kept me sane, gave me strength,
gave me courage. (Editors Note: Their story appeared in
Kerygmas April 2001 issue.)
While driving to and from work, I would pop a
cassette tape into my car radio, and pray the rosary
constantly in the car. On evenings when I could not
sleep, I would pray the rosary, too. As taking care of Mila
settled into a routine, I set aside a rosary time when I got
home from work, and prayed the rosary with her and
her nurses.
I worry about my mom now that she is visibly so
fragile. The woman who has taught me the rosary, I
must now lead in prayer. It is painful. Yet it is only the
rosary that comforts us, that gives us faith, that gives us
courage and hope.
In the midst of my fears and worries over Mom, I
now better appreciate why we pray the mysteries. Only
God knows what is ahead for my mom and, in faith, all
I can really offer now is to accompany her through her
suffering, accompany her through her pain, accompany
her through the mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
(Editors Note: Wawel submitted this story in January 2012.
Last July, he passed away.)

point of

by Bo Sanchez

I pray that you

receive your
miracles in
Jesus name!

pray that God lift your trials,

heal your diseases, bless your
problems and direct you to the
path He wants you to take. I pray that
God remove your fears and give you the
courage to surrender your burdens to
So place your hand over my hand,
and lets pray with trust, together with our
prayer team of intercessors praying for you
right now

This page is our Point of Contact, our

spiritual connection.
Pray this with me
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit.
Lord, I surrender to You my worries and
anxieties. I surrender to You my needs, my
problems, my trials. I place them all in Your
big hands. And I open myself to all that You
want to give to me. On this day, I say yes to
Your love, to Your blessings, to Your healing,
to Your miracles. And Lord, specifically, I ask
for the following miracles for my life...
I believe that You answer my prayer
in the best way possible! And I thank You
in advance for the perfect answers to my
prayers. I also ask for the special intercession
of Mama Mary. I pray all this in the Name
of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,


Bless the readers of Kerygma, Lord. You have shown us the kind of love that we ought to give to each other. May we learn from Your
example, Lord. Help us to see You in everyone, that we may accept and love them unconditionally, realizing that You are present
in every single person You have created. Help us to be Jesus to them, too, and learn to serve them and give them Your love. Amen.
Praying for you,



Email your prayer requests to me at or write to me at

Shepherds Voice Publications, #60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109.

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