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JOSEPH BOTTUM explains Americas spiritual anxiety

DIANA L. ECK explores the sacred geography of India
DR. SCOTT HAHN on the power of angels and saints in modern life
DAVID I. KERTZER uncovers the Vaticans role in the rise of Fascism
DR. BRANT PITRE examines the Eucharist through the lens of Jewish tradition
CHRIS STEDMAN finds common ground for Believers and Non-Believers


New and Recommended Books for Course Adoption

Featured Titles
The Joy of the Gospel by Pope Francis ................................................................................. 2
THE GLOBAL WAR ON CHRISTIANS by John L. Allen, Jr. ....................................................... 4
Catholicism by Robert Barron ..................................................................................................... 6
The Future of Catholicism by Michael Coren ................................................................. 8
Angels and Saints by Scott Hahn ....................................................................................... 10
The Pope and Mussolini by David I. Kertzer ..................................................................... 12
Jesus the Bridegroom by Brant Pitre ............................................................................... 14
Walking with Mary by Edward Sri ..................................................................................... 28
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Brant Pitre ....................... 32
India by Diana L. Eck...................................................................................................................... 40
AN ANXIOUS AGE by Joseph Bottum............................................................................................ 50
Faitheist by Chris Stedman .......................................................................................................... 58
The Wall by H.G. Adler ............................................................................................................... 62
The Bishops Wife by Mette Ivie Harrison ................................................................................. 64

Subject Categories
Christianity/Catholicism.......................................................................................................... 2
Classics. ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Bible Studies............................................................................................................................. 28
Jewish Studies/Judaism........................................................................................................... 32
Islam............................................................................................................................................ 38
Eastern Religion...................................................................................................................... 40
Theology And Comparative Religion . ................................................................................ 48
Religion General...................................................................................................................... 50
Atheism/Agnosticism................................................................................................................ 58
Fiction........................................................................................................................................ 62


HC = Hardcover TR = Trade Paperback MM = Mass Market EB = e-book NCR = No Canadian Rights


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$3.00 for each paperback priced under $20.00, and 50% off the retail price for all hardcovers and paperbacks priced at or over $20.00.
Examination copies are limited to ten per instructor per school year and can only be mailed to valid U.S. addresses.
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) Queries:



Cover art: Photographer/Artist: William Huber


The Joy of the Gospel
Evangelii Gaudium
By Pope Francis
Foreword by Robert Barron
Afterword by James Martin, SJ

A special hardcover edition of Pope Franciss popular message of hope explores themes that
are important for believers in the 21st century. Examining the many obstacles to faith and
what can be done to overcome those hurdles, he emphasizes the importance of service to God
and all his creation.
See page 2

Angels and Saints

A Biblical Guide
By Scott Hahn




Gods Holy Ones

From the bestselling author of The Lambs Supper and Signs of Life comes an illuminating work
on angels and saints, and how their examples can lead individuals to a new, heartfelt
understanding of holiness.
. . . . Dr. Scott Hahn has created not only a brilliant introduction but a masterful treatise on how
the Church understands the angels and the saints as our friends and as God-given routes of access
to life in Christ. Very Reverend Robert Barron, Rector, Mundelein Seminary, and Founder,
Word on Fire Catholic Ministries

Early Islam

A Critical Reconstruction Based

Edited by Karl-Heinz Ohlig


See page 10

Contemporary Sources

Using coins, commemorative building inscriptions, and a rigorous linguistic analysis of the
Koran along with Persian and Christian literature from the seventh and eighth centuries
when Islam was in its formative stagesfive expert contributors attempt a reconstruction of
this critical time period.

See page 39

Despite its scholarly presentation . . . the explosive nature of its contents is unmistakable: the
term Muhammad originally referred to Jesus; early Islam was a variant of Christianity; the
Ur-Koran was a Christian book in the Syro-Aramaic language. Die Presse (Vienna, Austria)

India: A Sacred Geography

By Diana L. Eck

A spiritual history of the worlds most religiously complex and diverse society, from renowned
Harvard scholar Diana L. Eck.
In this lucid, learned and luminous book, Diana Eck introduces the Western reader to the sacred
landscape of India. She leads us into an unfamiliar world, with myths and symbols that seem
initially strange, but by the end of this rich journey we find that we have encountered unexpected
regions within ourselves.Karen Armstrong, author of A History of God and Twelve Steps to a
Compassionate Life
See page 40

Zealot: The Life

By Reza Aslan







Weighing both gospel and historical truth, the internationally acclaimed author of No god but
God presents a unique gospel about Jesus of Nazareth.
The story of Jesus of Nazareth is arguably the most influential narrative in human history. Here
Reza Aslan writes vividly and insightfully about the life and meaning of the figure who has come to
be seen by billions as the Christ of faith. This is a special and revealing work, one that believer and
skeptic alike will find surprising, engaging, and original.Jon Meacham, Pulitzer Prize-winning
author of Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power
See page 52


The Joy of the Gospel

Evangelii Gaudium

By Pope Francis

Foreword by Robert Barron; Afterword by James Martin, SJ

Image | HC | 978-0-553-41953-5 | 240 pp.

$14.00/NCR | Exam Copy: $7.00
EB: 978-0-553-41954-2 | $9.99/NCR

The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter
Jesus In this Exhortation I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to
embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while
pointing out new paths for the Churchs journey in years to come.
Pope Francis
This special edition of Pope Franciss popular message of hope
explores themes that are important for believers in the 21st
century. Examining the many obstacles to faith and what can be
done to overcome those hurdles, he emphasizes the importance of
service to God and all his creation. Advocating for the homeless,
the addicted, refugees, indigenous peoples, the elderly who are
increasingly isolated and abandoned, the Holy Father shows
us how to respond to poverty and current economic challenges
that affect us locally and globally. Ultimately, Pope Francis
demonstrates how to develop a more personal relationship with
Jesus Christ, to recognize the traces of Gods Spirit in events
great and small.
Profound in its insight, yet warm and accessible in its tone, The Joy
of the Gospel is a call to action to live a life motivated by divine love
and, in turn, to experience heaven on earth.
Includes a foreword by Robert Barron, author of Catholicism: A
Journey to the Heart of the Faith and an afterword by James Martin,
SJ, author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage.
Also of Interest:

Lumen Fidei: The Light

By Pope Francis
Foreword by Scott Hahn



Image | TR | 978-0-8041-8585-1 | 96 pp. | $9.99/$11.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

EB: 978-0-8041-8586-8 | $9.99/$9.99 Can.

On Heaven and Earth

Pope Francis on Faith, Family and

in the 21st Century
By Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Abraham Skorka



Image | HC | 978-0-7704-3506-6 | 256 pp. | $22.00/$25.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.00

EB: 978-0-7704-3507-3 | $10.99/$12.99 Can.
For more titles on or by Pope Francis, go to:

POPE FRANCIS is the first Latin American to be elected to the chair of Peter. A native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, he was ordained as a
priest in 1969. He served as head of the Society of Jesus in Argentina from 1973 to 1979. In 1998 he became the archbishop of Buenos
Aires, and in 2001 a cardinal. Following the resignation of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, February 28, 2013, the conclave elected
Bergoglio, who chose the papal name Francis in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi.

2 To order examination copies, go to:

The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer
of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly
born anew. In this Exhortation I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter
of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Churchs journey in years to
A joy ever new, a joy which is shared
The great danger in todays world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is the desolation and anguish
born of a complacent yet covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted
conscience. Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no
longer room for others, no place for the poor. Gods voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of his love is
no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades. This is a very real danger for believers too. Many fall prey
to it, and end up resentful, angry and listless. That is no way to live a dignified and fulfilled life; it is not
Gods will for us, nor is it the life in the Spirit which has its source in the heart of the risen Christ.
I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus
Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each
day. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since no one is excluded from
the joy brought by the Lord.1 The Lord does not disappoint those who take this risk; whenever we take
a step toward Jesus, we come to realize that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms. Now is the
time to say to Jesus: Lord, I have let myself be deceived; in a thousand ways I have shunned your love,
yet here I am once more, to renew my covenant with you. I need you. Save me once again, Lord, take me
once more into your redeeming embrace. How good it feels to come back to him whenever we are lost!
Let me say this once more: God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy.
Christ, who told us to forgive one another seventy times seven (Mt 18:22), has given us his example: he
has forgiven us seventy times seven. Time and time again he bears us on his shoulders. No one can strip
us of the dignity bestowed upon us by this boundless and unfailing love. With a tenderness which never
disappoints, but is always capable of restoring our joy, he makes it possible for us to lift up our heads and
to start anew. Let us not flee from the resurrection of Jesus, let us never give up, come what will. May
nothing inspire more than his life, which impels us onward!
The books of the Old Testament predicted that the joy of salvation would abound in messianic
times. The prophet Isaiah exultantly salutes the awaited Messiah: You have multiplied the nation, you
have increased its joy (9:3). He exhorts those who dwell on Zion to go forth to meet him with song:
Shout aloud and sing for joy! (12:6). The prophet tells those who have already seen him from afar to
bring the message to others: Get you up to a high mountain, O herald of good tidings to Zion; lift up
your voice with strength, O herald of good tidings to Jerusalem (40:9). All creation shares in the joy
of salvation: Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth! Break forth, O mountains, into singing! For
the Lord has comforted his people, and will have compassion on his suffering ones (49:13). Zechariah,
looking to the day of the Lord, invites the people to acclaim the king who comes humble and riding on
a donkey: Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter Jerusalem! Lo, your king comes
to you; triumphant and victorious is he (9:9). Perhaps the most exciting invitation is that of the prophet
Zephaniah, who presents God with his people in the midst of a celebration overflowing with the joy of
salvation. I find it thrilling to reread this text: The Lord, your God is in your midst, a warrior who gives
you the victory; he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you
with loud singing, as on a day of festival (3:1718).

Excerpted from Joy of the Gospel by Pope Francis Copyright 2013 by Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Excerpted by permission
of Image Books, a division of Penguin Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or
reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

For additional titles, go to: 3


Books by John L. Allen, Jr.


Dispatches from the Front Lines

of Anti-Christian Persecution
In The Global War on Christians, John L. Allen, Jr. uses his
knowledge of world affairs and religious insight to investigate the
worldwide persecution of Christians. From Iraq and Egypt, to
Sudan and Nigeria to Indonesia to the Indian subcontinent, Allen
argues that Christians in the early twenty-first century are the
worlds most persecuted religious group.
Image | HC | 978-0-770-43735-0 | 320 pp. | $25.00/$28.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50
EB: 978-0-7704-3736-7 | $12.99/$14.99 Can.

Also by John L. Allen, Jr.


The Inside Story
Really Thinks





Image | TR | 978-0-385-50967-1 | 400 pp. | $14.95/$21.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

EB: 978-0-307-42349-8 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.


The Challenges Facing the

Catholic Church and the Faith
That Can Save It
With Timothy M. Dolan

Image | TR | 978-0-307-71850-1 | 256 pp. | $15.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

EB: 978-0-307-71851-8 | $11.99/$12.99 Can.


How Ten Trends are Revolutionizing

the Catholic Church


An Objective Look Behind the

Myths and Reality of the Most
Controversial Force in the
Catholic Church

Image | TR | 978-0-385-51450-7 | 432 pp.

$23.00/$26.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.50
EB: 978-0-385-51687-7 | $18.99/$20.99 Can.


The Inside Story of How the Pope

was Elected and Where He Will Take
the Catholic Church

Image | TR | 978-0-385-51321-0 | 272 pp. | $12.95/$16.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

EB: 978-0-307-42410-5 | $10.99/$12.99 Can.

Doubleday Religion | HC | 978-0-385-52038-6 | 480 pp.

$28.00/$35.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $14.00
EB: 978-0-385-52953-2 | $12.99/$13.99 Can.

JOHN L. ALLEN, JR. is a reporter for The Boston Globe focusing on the Catholic Church, the Vatican correspondent for the National
Catholic Reporter and a Vatican analyst for CNN and National Public Radio. He is the author of several books, including The Future Church:
How Ten Trends are Revolutionizing the Catholic Church and All the Popes Men: The Inside Story of How the Vatican Really Thinks. His work
has appeared in the New York Times, the Miami Herald, The Nation, and many other publications. His Internet column, The Word from
Rome, is considered by knowledgeable observers to be the best single source of insights on Vatican affairs in the English language.

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Young people are terrific idealists, and in the 21st century theyve
become key protagonists for social change. The initial uprisings
that produced the Arab Spring, massive street protests in Brazil
and Turkey, and global ferment over the environment and climate
change are all examples of movements led by young activists. In a
nutshell, the core reason young people ought to be concerned with
the global war on Christians is because it isnt just a religious or
confessional issue, but rather the premier human rights struggle of
our time. Lets start with two sets of factsnot hunches or theories,
but empirical realities.
First, most Christians today live in the developing world.
Two-thirds of the worlds 2.3 billion Christians today are found
in Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Pacific islands and the Middle
East. Theyre overwhelmingly non-white and poor, and they are also
disproportionately women. Often theyre drawn from the poorest
and most marginalized strata of their societies, as in India, where
roughly 70 percent of the Christian minority comes from the Dalit
and tribal underclass.
Second, those Christians are in the firing line. According to the
International Society for Human Rights, 80 percent of all acts of
religious discrimination in the world now are directed at Christians.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity estimates that
100,000 Christians have died for religious reasons each year over
the last decade, which translates into 11 victims every hour for the
past ten years. Whats happening in Syria and Egypt right now (Fall
2013), with rapidly spreading assaults on their Christian minorities,
illustrates these trends.
Put those two sets of facts together and heres what you get:
A societys treatment of Christians is a harbinger for its broader
human rights recordfor its treatment of ethnic and religious
minorities, its record on women, and its concern for the poor and
the forgotten.
Just as you didnt have to be Jewish to be concerned with dissident
Soviet Jews in the 1960s and 70s, and you didnt have to be black to
be outraged by Apartheid in South Africa in the 1980s, you dont
have to be Christian today to see the global war on Christians as a
towering moral concern. Its a transcendent cause, not a wedge issue.
That, in a nutshell, is why young people dreaming of a better
world ought to pay attention.
John L. Allen, Jr.

For additional titles, go to: 5


A Journey

to the


of the


By Robert Barron
What I propose to do in this book is to take you on a guided
exploration of the Catholic world, but not in the manner of a
docent, for I am not interested in showing you the artifacts of
Catholicism as though they were dusty objets dart in a museum of
culture. I want to function rather as a mystagogue, conducting you
ever deeper into the mystery of the incarnation in the hopes that
you might be transformed by its power. Father Robert Barron
What is Catholicism? A 2,000-year-old living tradition? A
worldview? A way of life? A relationship? A mystery? In Catholicism,
Father Robert Barron examines all these questions and more,
seeking to capture the body, heart, and mind of the Catholic faith.

Image | TR | 978-0-307-72052-8 | 304 pp.

$16.00/$19.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-72053-5 | $10.99/$12.99 Can.

Readers Guide Available

Go to:

Starting from Jesus Christs incarnation, life, and teaching,

Father Barron moves through the elements of Catholicismfrom
sacraments, worship, and prayer, to Mary, the Apostles, and
Saints, to grace, salvation, heaven, and hellusing his distinct
and dynamic grasp of art, literature, architecture, personal stories,
Scripture, theology, philosophy, and history to present the Church
to the world.
Paired with his documentary film series of the same title,
Catholicism is an intimate journey, capturing The Catholic
Thing in all its depth and beauty. Eclectic, unique, and inspiring,
Father Barron brings the faith to life for a new generation.
Includes over 100 black and white and color photos.

Also Available in
Spanish-Language Edition:


Un Viaje al Corazon
de la Fe
By Robert Barron

Clarity, intelligence, passion and elegancethese are the marks of a

writer in top form, and Father Barron brings all these gifts to bear in
this extraordinary reflection on the Catholic faith. If you read one
book this year on what Catholics believe and why, this is the book to
readand to share with others.
Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap, Archbishop of Denver

Image | TR | 978-0-385-34672-6 | 368 pp.

$18.00/$20.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-385-34669-6 | $11.99/$14.99 Can.
FATHER ROBERT BARRON is the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, the Rector of Mundelein Seminary, and the host of
Catholicism, a groundbreaking, award-winning documentary about the Catholic faith. He received a Masters Degree in Philosophy from
the Catholic University of America and a doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Institut Catholique de Paris.
He has published numerous books, essays, and articles on theology and the spiritual life. He has also appeared on several media outlets
including NBC, PBS, FOX News, CNN, and EWTN. His website,, has reached over 3.8 million people and his weekly YouTube
videos have been viewed over nine million times. His pioneering work in evangelizing through the new media led Cardinal Francis George,
Archbishop of Chicago, to describe him as one of the Churchs best messengers.

6 To order examination copies, go to:

Chapter 1
It all begins with a jest. The essence of comedy is the coming together of opposites,
the juxtaposition of incongruous things. So we laugh when an adult speaks like a
child or when a simple man finds himself lost amid the complexities of sophisticated
society. The central claim of Christianitystill startling after two thousand yearsis
that God became human. The Creator of the cosmos, who transcends any definition
or concept, took to himself a nature like ours, becoming one of us. Christianity asserts
that the infinite and the finite met, that the eternal and the temporal embraced, that
the fashioner of the galaxies and planets became a baby too weak even to raise his
head. And to make the humor even more pointed, this Incarnation of God was first
made manifest not in Rome, Athens, or Babylon, not in a great cultural or political
capital, but in Bethlehem of Judea, a tiny outpost in the corner of the Roman Empire.
One might laugh derisively at this jokeas many have over the centuriesbut, as G. K.
Chesterton observed, the heart of even the most skeptical person is changed simply for
having heard this message. Christian believers up and down the years are those who
have laughed with delight at this sacred joke and have never tired of hearing it repeated,
whether it is told in the sermons of Augustine, the arguments of Aquinas, the frescos
of Michelangelo, the stained glass of Chartres, the mystical poetry of Teresa of vila, or
the little way of Thrse of Lisieux. It has been suggested that the heart of sin is taking
oneself too seriously. Perhaps this is why God chose to save us by making us laugh.
One of the most important things to understand about Christianity is that it is not
primarily a philosophy or a system of ethics or a religious ideology. It is a relationship
to the unsettling person of Jesus Christ, to the God-man. Someone stands at the center
of Christian concern. Though Christian thinkers have used philosophical ideas and
cultural constructs to articulate the meaning of the faithsometimes in marvelously
elaborate waysthey never, at their best, wander far from the very particular and
unnerving first-century rabbi from Nazareth. But who precisely was he? We know next
to nothing about the first thirty years of Jesuss life. Though people have speculated
wildly about these hidden yearsthat he traveled to India to learn the wisdom of the
Buddha; that he sojourned in Egypt where he became adept at healing, and so forth
no reliable information concerning Jesuss youth and young manhood exists, except
perhaps the tantalizing story in Lukes Gospel about the finding of Jesus in the temple.
Since Joseph, the husband of Mary, Jesuss mother, is described as a carpenter, we can
safely assume that Jesus apprenticed to the carpentry trade while growing up. As far
as we can determine, Jesus was not formally trained in a rabbinic school, nor was he
educated to be a temple priest or a scribe, nor was he a devotee of the Pharisees, the
Sadducees, or the Essenesall recognized religious parties with particular convictions,
practices, and doctrinal proclivities. He was, if I can use a somewhat anachronistic
term, a layman.
Excerpted from Catholicism by Robert Barron Copyright 2011 by Father Robert Barron. Excerpted by permission of Image, a
division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission
in writing from the publisher.

For additional titles, go to: 7


The Future of Catholicism

By Michael Coren

Signal | HC | 978-0-7710-2351-4 | 256 pp.

$24.95/$26.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50
EB: 978-0-7710-2353-8 | $12.99/$14.99 Can.

When Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos

Aires, became Pope Francis in March 2013, there were almost
6,000 journalists in Rome to cover the Papal election. Many
of these journalists asked questions regarding the changes the
new Pope might introduce: Is the Church going to change? Will
the new Pope be flexible? Is Catholicism going to adapt to the
times and alter its teaching on same-sex marriage, abortion,
contraception, female ordination, celibate clergy, and divorce?
Does the Church need to change, and if so, where? Where
it cannot change, why is this so? In his signature frank style,
Coren will explain and outline why the Church believes as it
does on many of the most pressing moral issues, giving reasons
for teaching and belief, and applying these to contemporary
challenges. And for those areas where the Church must change
and establish reformthe transparency of leadership and finance;
the competence of the curia and Vatican civil service; the
approach the Church takes toward media, the way it deals with
the detritus of the abuse crisis; and its approach to the developing
world and toward other religions, particularly IslamCoren will
offer insight into the faiths next steps.
Coren argues that the Church is at a crossroads, but perhaps more
significantly and accurately, the Western world is at a crossroads,
and how the Church reacts to and deals with this phenomenon
will decide and define so very much of the future.

Also by Michael Coren:


Islams War



See page 18 for full description.

Signal | HC | 978-0-7710-2384-2 | 240 pp. | $27.95/$29.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $14.00
EB: 978-0-7710-2385-9 | $14.99/$16.99 Can.


Ten Lies They Spread About Christianity

See page 18 for full description.
Signal | TR | 978-0-7710-2317-0 | 256 pp. | $17.99/$19.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-7710-2314-9 | $13.99/$4.99 Can.

Why Catholics Are Right

McClelland & Stewart | TR | 978-0-7710-2322-4 | 240 pp.
$17.95/$19.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-7710-2323-1 | $13.99/$13.99 Can.

MICHAEL COREN is the bestselling author of fifteen books, including biographies of G.K. Chesterton, H.G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle,
J.R.R. Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis. He is the host of the talk show The Arena on the SUN News Network and also writes a syndicated column
for ten daily newspapers. His last two books are Why Catholics Are Right and Heresy.

8 To order examination copies, go to:


In some ways when we consider the future of Catholicism, this subject is the most
central and intense question surrounding the Churchs social and moral teaching,
which is why this chapter is relatively long. While Catholics in the coming years will
continue to hold, for example, to a strong defence of the unborn and an opposition
to artificial birth control and euthanasia, these will seldom bring them into direct
conflict with the state and the law, other than in relation to their work in the medical
profession, their rights to protest, or with some of the more intolerant quasi-legal and
censorship creations of our increasingly misnamed liberal society. In other words, it
will in the future be possible to be a serious Catholic and behave accordingly regarding
these issues and generally not suffer too many direct, damaging consequences. With the
same-sex marriage issue and the greater, wider phenomenon of homosexuality and its
various ripplestransgendered, transsexual, twin-spirited, and an ever-expanding variety
of sexual categories and sub-categoriessupport for the gay community is now so deep
and will become ever more so due to generational changes in cultural assumptions,
that Catholics will find themselves at loggerheads not only with Western societys
pre-set position but also with the legal process, employers, adoption agencies, schools
and universities, and even the police. Its going to be an extremely tense situation for
the future Church, and the pressure on that Church to change its teachings will be
even stronger and more forceful than it is now. As it stands, the situation is harsh and
threatening, and support for same-sex marriage has become one of the central litmus
tests for social acceptability and inclusion in the body politic and polite society. In
several Western countries, a declared opposition to same-sex marriage, no matter how
formed that opposition might be in loving and intelligent Catholic teaching, would
make it almost impossible for someone to become a prime minister or a premier, and
this intolerance is finding its way into myriad aspects of our daily lives. The Catholic
Church cannot and will not change its teaching on the subject, and its vital to
understand why that is. Life would be so much easier if the position could suddenly
be reversed, but Catholicism, and indeed this book, is not about ease and comfort;
norand this is imperativehas it anything to do with bigotry or prejudice, which are of
course sinful and anti-Catholic, and the Church is no more going to change its teaching
on condemning bigotry and prejudice than it is going to change its teaching concerning
sexuality and the nature of marriage.
Excerpted from The Future of Catholicism by Michael Coren. Copyright 2013 by Michael Coren. Excerpted by permission of
Signal, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without
permission in writing from the publisher.

For additional titles, go to: 9


Angels and Saints

A Biblical Guide




Gods Holy Ones

By Scott Hahn
In Angels and Saints, Hahn sets out to offer a considerate
examination of two of Catholicisms most sacred traditions.
In part one, Hahn thoroughly explains the churchs process
for canonizing saints, the scriptural foundations behind the
Communion of Saints, and the role of intercessory prayer, among
other topics.
In part two, each chapter is a meditation on the life of a particular
saint. Included with each meditation are writings by or about the

Image | HC | 978-0-307-59079-4 | 208 pp.

$23.00/$26.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.50
EB: 978-0-307-59080-0 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

Angels and saints abound in heaven even if we cannot see them. In

this masterful book, Scott Hahn pulls back the curtain on this realm
of spiritual reality in a new and utterly engaging manner. Dr. Hahn
has a spiritual gift that lets us experience angels and saints in a way
that they no longer appear to be far beyond us. His book is a
passport into the spiritual realm of these special friends of God.
His Eminence Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington

Also by Scott Hahn:

Catholic Bible

The Lambs Supper

The Mass

Image | HC | 978-0-385-51229-9 | 1008 pp. | $45.00/$55.00 Can.

Exam Copy: $22.50 | EB: 978-0-385-53008-8 | $36.99/$43.99 Can.

Consuming the Word

The New Testament and the

Eucharist in the Early Church
Image | HC | 978-0-307-59081-7 | 176 pp. | $22.00/$25.00 Can.
Exam Copy: $11.00 | EB: 978-0-307-59082-4 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

Joy to the World

How Christs Coming Changed

Everything (and Still Does)
Image | HC | 978-0-8041-4112-3 | 192 pp. | $23.00/$26.95 Can.
Exam Copy: $11.50 | EB: 978-0-8041-4113-0 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.





See page 20 for full description.

Image | HC | 978-0-385-49659-9 | 192 pp. | $22.00/25.00 Can.
Exam Copy: $11.00 | EB: 978-0-385-50480-5 | $12.99/$14.99 Can.

Reasons to Believe

How to Understand, Explain,

and Defend the Catholic Faith
Image | HC | 978-0-385-50935-0 | 240 pp. | $22.95/$27.95 Can.
Exam Copy: $11.50 | EB: 978-0-385-52185-7 | $13.99/$14.99 Can.

Signs of life

40 Catholic Customs
Biblical Roots



Image | HC | 978-0-385-51949-6 | 288 pp. | $23.00/$27.95 Can.

Exam Copy: $11.50 | EB: 978-0-307-58950-7 | $12.99/$14.99 Can.

For more books by Scott Hahn, go to:

SCOTT HAHN holds the Fr. Michael Scanlan Chair of Biblical Theology and the New Evangelization at Franciscan University of Steubenville,
where he has taught since 1990, and he is the founder and president of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. In 2005, he was appointed
as the Pope Benedict XVI Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation at St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Dr. Hahn
is also the bestselling author of numerous books, including The Lambs Supper, Reasons to Believe, and Rome Sweet Home (coauthored
with his wife, Kimberly), and is editor of the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible and Letter & Spirit: A Journal of Catholic Biblical Theology. Some
of his most recent books are Many Are Called, Consuming the Word, The Catholic Bible Dictionary, and Signs of Life.

10 To order examination copies, go to:

The Church and the Holy Ones
When people talk about the Church, we know what they meanor at least we think we do.
Its the parish we attend on Sundays that has really good preaching and music (or maybe not).
Or its that big old institution that were part of, thats kind of hard to explain, and that lets us
down sometimes. This book is about the Church we sometimes forget: the heavenly Church.
The heavenly Church is not a different Church or yet another denomination. Its the true
Church, the Church in its essencein its essential perfection. Thats how we see the Church in
the last chapters of the Book of Revelation: as a radiant bride, presented to Christ her groom,
amid a great marriage supper. But its not just off in the future. Its now. Its the Church where
Jesus, the Blessed Mother, and all the angels and saints live todayin glory.
And we are united with themby gracejust as they are totally invested in usby love, to
help the pilgrim Church to live on earth more and more like they do in heaven. When I was
a new Catholic, I was also a young theologian, just getting acquainted with the great tradition.
Reading the theologians of centuries past, I reveled in their expositions of the Churchits
four marks (one, holy, catholic, and apostolic) and its three states (militant, suffering, and
triumphant). But I also noticed something strange. I noted that they rather consistently
used a curious phrase to describe the Church. The Church, the old books said, is a perfect
society. It struck me as odd because the Church that I knew the Church that had received
me as a grateful convert seemed beautiful and even awesome but far from perfect. It had rich
history, glorious art, intellectual coherence, and demonstrable apostolic succession. But it was
also rocked by scandals and run by pastors with varying degrees of competence and differing
levels of grouchiness. Many of its members seemed indifferent to its glories and, at best,
intermittently engaged. Yet the old theologians were plainly telling me not simply that this
is the best society youre likely to find, so grin and bear itbut rather that this is indeed the
perfect society. Perfect? I wasnt seeing it. And thats the point. The essential perfection cant
be seen. Its heavenly. God has shared his life with the Churchdivinized itand divine glory is,
for now, invisible to our mortal eyes. Yet the perfect society is also the Church we know. Even
the Church on earth is perfect, because it possesses all the means necessary for perfecting its
membersand among those means are the holy angels and the saints. None of us is canonizable
till we get home, till we die. Until then, we look to the heavenly Church, whose members bear
the four marks more vividly and truly than we do. We want to become more like them through
all our days on earth. And we do that by growing in friendship with them. There are not two
churches, one earthly and one heavenly. God does not segregate his finished, heavenly elite
from the multitude of ordinary schleps who warm the earthly pews. No, you and I believe in a
Church that is at once heavenly and earthly. In that Church the saints are present and available
to us. They are family to us. They are elder siblings, only purified of all rivalry, impatience, and
irritability. They want to help us become as they are (holy). They want to help us get all the way
home. That is why God presents his Church to Christ as a bride, in the midst of a wedding
feast. Its a family matter. A family affair.
Excerpted from Angels and Saints by Scott Hahn. Copyright 2014 by Scott Hahn. Excerpted by permission of Image, a division
of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing
from the publisher.

For additional titles, go to: 11


The Pope and Mussolini

The Secret History
in Europe


Pius XI

and the




By David I. Kertzer
From National Book Award finalist David I. Kertzer comes the
compelling story of Pope Pius XIs secret relations with Italian
dictator Benito Mussolini. This groundbreaking work, based
on seven years of research in the Vatican and Fascist archives,
including reports from Mussolinis spies inside the highest levels
of the Church, will forever change our understanding of the
Vaticans role in the rise of Fascism in Europe.

Random House | HC | 978-0-8129-9346-2

592 pp. | $32.00/$38.00 Can.
Exam Copy: $16.00
EB: 978-0-679-64553-5 | $14.99/$16.99 Can.
Do not order paperback until 12/30/14.
Random House Trade Paperbacks | TR
978-0-8129-8367-8 | 592 pp.
$20.00/$24.00 Can. | Exam Copy $10.00

David Kertzer has an eye for a story, an ear for the right word, and
an instinct for human tragedy. They all come together in The Pope
and Mussolini to document, with meticulous scholarship and
novelistic flair, the complicity between Pius XI and the Fascist leader
in creating an unholy alliance between the Vatican and a totalitarian
government rooted in corruption and brutality. This is a sophisticated
Joseph J. Ellis, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of
Revolutionary Summer
A capstone on David Kertzers already crucial work, The Pope and
Mussolini carefully and eloquently advances the painful but
necessary truth of Vatican failure to meet its greatest moral test. This
is history for the sake of justice.
James Carroll, National Book Award-winning author of
Constantines Sword
The Pope and Mussolini is a riveting story from start to finish, full of
startling, documented detail, and nobody is better prepared to tell it
than David Kertzer.
Jack Miles, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of God: A Biography
Wholly deservingeven demandingthe adjectives
groundbreaking, courageous, and captivating, The Pope and
Mussolini decisively challenges the received narrative about Pius XI
and the Fascist leader. The relationship, in short, was one not of
hostility but of mutual dependence. David Kertzers conclusions are
unflinchingly and conclusively proven, thanks to his profound and
thorough research, scholarly authority, and narrative panache. This is
a meticulously researched and crafted book, exquisitely written,
fresh, mesmerizing, and enlightening.
Kevin Madigan, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History,
Harvard University

DAVID I. KERTZER is the Paul Dupee, Jr. University Professor of Social Science and professor of anthropology and Italian studies at Brown
University, where he served as provost from 2006 to 2011. He is the author of nine books, including The Popes Against the Jews, which was
a finalist for the Mark Lynton History Prize, and The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara, which was a finalist for the National Book Award. He
has twice been awarded the Marraro Prize from the Society for Italian Historical Studies for the best work on Italian history.

12 To order examination copies, go to:


The tragic series of events that led to World War Two and the Shoah holds a grim
fascination for scholars and students alike. Italy played a double role in this tortured
path. The home of Europes first fascist dictator, Benito MussoliniAdolf Hitlers role
modelit was also of course the home of the Roman Catholic Church. It would be
hard to think of a more explosive topic in twentieth-century European history than
the role played by Church and the pope in the years leading up to the war and the
Holocaust .
While the popes ability to influence developments in Nazi Germany was modest
most Germans were Protestants and virtually none of the major figures in the Vatican
were GermanFascist Italy presents a completely different picture. For centuries every
pope had come from Italy, virtually all of the key players in the Vatican in the interwar
years were Italian, and so were 99% of all Italians. The pope and the Catholic Church
had enormous influence in Italy and, as I show in my book, its support proved crucial
to Mussolinis dictatorship.
What makes this story interestingbeyond the major impact it had on the course of
twentieth-century European historyis the complicated relationship that developed
between two outsized, yet very different personalities. The recent opening of the
Vatican archives for the 1920s and 1930s, together with the rich materials found in the
Fascist archives, make possible for the first time a full understanding of just how Pope
Pius XI and Mussolini struggled to take advantage of each other and how their highstakes game played out.
While the story I tell is based on thousands of pages of archival documents, much of
it only newly available, it is one I try to tell in a way that will catapult the reader into
the middle of the dramas of these two personalities. The pope, known for his temper,
was apt to turn purple with rage and pound his fist on his desk in shouting at the top
of his lungs at a hapless ambassador who had upset him. The men around Mussolini
faced his verbal assaults with no less dread. Readers enter into their world.
In taking the reader into the inner workings of the papacy at this dramatic moment I
show in a way that I dont think has been done before the secret jockeying for influence
that surrounds the pope. As the aging Pius XI began to show signs of turning against
Mussolini and his anti-Semitic racial policy, the men around him did all they could
to stop him. Here several influential characters come to the fore. Cardinal Eugenio
Pacelli, the future controversial Pius XII, worked methodically as cardinal secretary of
state to prevent a break with the Fascist regime. Among those most active in this effort
was the Jesuit Father Tacchi-Venturi. As the popes shadowy private envoy to Mussolini,
he met privately with the Italian dictator over a hundred times. He signed his letters to
the dictator your loyal Fascist.
I hope you will find the time to read The Pope and Mussolini and consider whether it
might offer your students something new and exciting, a book that combines human
drama with what I hope is a gripping tale that sheds new light on a crucial moment in
history. For those of you who teach courses in modern European history, the history of
the Church, or the interplay of politics and religion, I think you will find that The Pope
and Mussolini will stimulate livelyeven heateddiscussion among your students and
offer them new insight into some thorny and controversial, yet crucial historical and
moral issues.
David I. Kertzer

For additional titles, go to: 13


Jesus the Bridegroom

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

By Brant Pitre
By Dr. Brant Pitre, author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the
Eucharist and a professor of Sacred Scripture at Notre Dame
Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana, Jesus the Bridegroom offers a
thought-provoking examination of Jesuss messianic role in firstcentury Palestine.
In Jesus the Bridegroom, Dr. Pitre delves into the wells of Jewish
Scripture and tradition, and unlocks the secrets of what is
arguably the most well-known symbol of the Christian faith:
the cross of Christ. In this exploration, he shows that Jesus saw
his own suffering and death as far more than a tragic Roman
execution. Rather, he saw his Passion as the fulfillment of ancient
Jewish prophecies of the messianic wedding, when the God of
the universe would wed himself to humankind in an everlasting
nuptial covenant.
Image | HC | 978-0-7704-3545-5 | 208 pp.
$23.00/$26.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.50
EB: 978-0-7704-3546-2 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.
For more books by Brant Pitre,
go to page 32.

This book will change you. It is an invitation to the Messiahs

wedding feastand a foretaste of heaven. It will change the way you
experience the sacraments, personal prayer, Scripture study, and
marriage. Most of all, it will deepen your love for Christ.
Scott Hahn, author of The Lambs Supper and Signs of Life
Brant Pitre has a wonderful gift for blending insight, scholarship,
and an elegant, appealing style. The result is an extraordinary
encounter with Jesus Christ, the meaning of his mission, and the
spousal nature of Gods love for humanity and Christs love for the
Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Capp., Archbishop of Philadelphia
Brant Pitre helps us to know Jesus not just as a Savior and lord, but
as our divine bridegroom. This excellent book shows how the theme
of Christ the bridegroom is at the very heart of salvation history and
how it can transform the way we view baptism, the Eucharist,
marriage, and our own relationship with Christ. The profound Biblical
insights and clear, engaging writing style will take you deeper into
the divine love story found in Sacred Scripture.
Edward Sri, author of Walking with Mary

BRANT PITRE is a professor of sacred Scripture at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is the author of the bestselling
book Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper (2011). Dr. Pitre is an extremely enthusiastic and
highly sought-after speaker who lectures regularly across the United States. He has produced dozens of Bible studies on both CD and DVD,
in which he explores the biblical roots of the Catholic faith. He has also appeared on a number of Catholic radio and television shows, such
as Catholic Answers Live and EWTN. He currently lives in Louisiana with his wife, Elizabeth, and their five young children.

14 To order examination copies, go to:

What do you see when you look at a crucifix? Different people see different things. Do you see
the brutal execution of an ancient Jewish man at the hands of the Roman authorities? Or the unjust
punishment of a great teacher, who was tragically misunderstood by the leaders of his day? Do you see
the martyrdom of the Jewish Messiah, who was killed for claiming to be the king of the Jews? Or the
sacrifice of the divine Son of God, who willingly took upon himself the sins of the world?
In the first century A.D., the apostle Paula former disciple of the Jewish rabbi Gamalielsaw all of
these things. But he also saw something more in the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. Paul saw the love
of a bridegroom for his bride. In one of the most famous (and controversial) passages he ever penned, the
apostle describes the passion and death of Jesus in terms of the love of a husband for his wife. Speaking
to husbands and wives in the church at Ephesus, Paul writes these words:
Wives, submit to your husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is
the head of the church his body, and is himself its Savior. As the church submits to Christ, so let wives
also submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave
himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that he
might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and
without blemish. . . . For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,
and the two shall become one. This is a great mystery, and I mean in reference to Christ and the church.
(Ephesians 5:2127, 32)
Now, I realize that many readers may be thinking: Wives do what?! Why does Paul tell wives to
submit to their husbands? And why do husbands apparently get off so easy, with the simple command
to love their wives? Is Paul some kind of apostolic chauvinist? What in the world does he mean when
he says such things?
I promise to get to that later on in the book. Before we can, however, we first need to focus our
attention on what lies behind these controversial words: Pauls description of Christ as a bridegroom, the
Church as his bride, and the crucifixion of Jesus as the kind of ancient Jewish wedding day on which he
loved her and gave himself for her. Indeed, as we will see later on, when Paul refers to the Church
being washed and presented to Christ, he is describing the ancient Jewish bridal bath and wedding
ceremony. From Pauls point of view, the torture and crucifixion of Jesus on Calvary was nothing less
than an expression of spousal love.
What are we to make of this mysterious analogy? To be sure, most Christians are familiar with the
idea that Christ is the Bridegroom and the the Church is the Bride. But what does this really mean?
And what would ever possess Paul to think of such a comparison? If you had been there at the foot of the
bloody cross, with Jesus hanging there dying, is that how you would have described what was happening?
How could a first- century Jew like Paul, who knew how horribly brutal Roman crucifixions were, have
ever compared the execution of Jesus to the marriage between a bridegroom and his bride? Is this just
an elegant metaphor? If so, why then does Paul refer to it as a great mystery (Greek mysterion mega)
(Ephesians 5:32)?
As I hope to show in this book, it is precisely because Paul was Jewish that he saw the passion of Christ
in this way. It is precisely because Paul knew Jewish Scripture and tradition that he was able to see the
crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth as more than just a Roman execution, an unjust martyrdom, or even the
sacrifice of the Son of God. Because of his Jewish background, Paul saw the passion and death of Christ
as the fulfillment of the God of Israels eternal plan to wed himself to humankind in an everlasting
marital covenant. As we will see in this book, from an ancient Jewish perspective, in its deepest mystery,
all of salvation history is in fact a divine love story between Creator and creature, between God and Israel,
a story that comes to its climax on the bloody wood of a Roman cross.
Excerpted from Jesus the Bridegroom by Brant Pitre Copyright 2014 by Brant Pitre. Excerpted by permission of Image, a
division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission
in writing from the publisher.

For additional titles, go to: 15

If God Is Good
Faith in the Midst
By Randy Alcorn





In difficult times, suffering and immorality beg questions about God. In this book,
Randy Alcorn challenges the logic of disbelief. He offers insights from his
conversations with men and women whose lives have been torn apart by suffering,
yet whose faith in God remains unshaken. Alcorn equips readers to share their
faith more clearly and genuinely.
Multnomah Books | TR | 978-1-60142-579-9 | 528 pp. | $17.99/$20.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-60142-254-5 | $13.99/$13.99 Can.

Seven Revolutions

How Christianity Changed the World

and Can Change It Again
By Mike Aquilina and James L. Papandrea
Combining history, politics, and religion, the authors examine the practices of the
Early Churcha body of Christians living in Romeand show how the lessons
learned from these ancient Christians can apply to Christians living in the United
States today. The book moves from the Christian individual to the family, the
church, and the world. The Early Church as depicted here will be not only
surprisingly familiar to modern Catholic readers, but also still relevant in terms of
its values and teachings.
Do not order before 2/1/2015.
Image | HC | 978-0-8041-3896-3 | 256 pp. | $22.00/$26.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.00
EB: 978-0-8041-3897-0 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

From the Library of C. S. Lewis

Selections from Writers Who Influenced
His Spiritual Journey
Compiled by James Stuart Bell with Anthony P. Dawson

Drawing from Lewiss personal library, as well as annotations and references from
his writings, this book includes more than 200 selections from literary giants as
well as more contemporary writers, providing inspiration from those who have
shone forth as messengers of light in Lewiss own thinking, writing, and spiritual
WaterBrook Press | TR | 978-0-307-73082-4 | 416 pp. | $16.99/$19.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-55170-2 | $13.99/$13.99 Can.

Dancing on the Head of a Pen

The Practice
By Robert Benson

of a

Writing Life

In an impressive blend of the practical and the spiritual, Robert Benson invites
readers into the work and rewards of a writers life. More than a primer on
effective writing, Dancing on the Head of a Pen is a guide to where the life of the
spirit meets the life of art. Including wisdom from revered writers past and present,
Dancing on the Head of a Pen is a mosaic of inspiration, practical help, and a glimpse
into the disciplines that shape one writers life.
With deceptive simplicity and an almost seductive easiness in his voice, Benson lays
open before us the filigreed mystique of the writing life in all its beauty, its unmitigated
angst, and its inescapable vocation. Phyllis Tickle, author of numerous books
including The Divine Hours
WaterBook Press | HC | 978-1-4000-7435-8 | 192 pp. | $14.99/$17.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $7.50
EB: 978-0-307-45814-8 | $9.99/$10.99 Can.

16 To order examination copies, go to:

The Third Miracle

An Ordinary Man, a Medical Mystery,

and a Trial of Faith
By Bill Briggs
In The Third Miracle, journalist Bill Briggs chronicles the Churchs investigation into a
mysterious healing and offers a window into the ritualistic world of the secretive
Catholic saint-making processone of the very foundations on which the Church is
built. With exclusive access to the case and its players, Briggs gives readers a front-row
seat inside the closed-door drama.
[An] intriguing glimpse into the Vatican saint-making process. . . . In page-turning prose,
Briggs details not only the process by which [one] miracle was authenticated by the
church, but also the personal disquiet felt by the recipient, who was forced to ask the
questionwhy me? Kirkus Reviews
Broadway Books | TR | 978-0-7679-3271-4 | 352 pp. | $15.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-7679-3270-7 | $13.99/$13.99 Can.

New Testament Essays

By Raymond E. Brown

With a new Introduction from Ronald Witherup

New Testament Essays brings together fourteen of Raymond Browns early works on
subjects ranging from the ecumenical possibilities raised by historical study of the
Bible to the relationship between faith and biblical research to the theology and
history of the Gospel of John, concisely capturing many of Browns major concerns
in the clear and accessible voice for which he was beloved. In this new edition, Father
Ronald Witherup, Browns colleague, provides an introduction describing Browns
life and work, his impact on biblical studies, and his powerful legacy.
Image | TR | 978-0-307-59164-7 | 368 pp. | $15.00/$17.50 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

My Sisters the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir

By Colleen Carroll Campbell

In My Sisters the Saints, author Colleen Carroll Campbell blends her personal
narrative of spiritual seeking, trials, stumbles, and breakthroughs with the stories of
six female saints who profoundly changed her life. Drawing upon the rich writings
and examples of these women, the author makes an argument for Christianitys
liberating power for women and the relevance of the saints to the lives of
contemporary Christians.
My Sisters the Saints is the story of how a thoroughly modern woman drew inspiration
and strength from her spiritual sisters while struggling with the mysteries of life, love,
illness, and death in todays world. This lovely and highly readable book will touch many
lives. Mary Ann Glendon, Harvard Law professor and President of the Pontifical Academy
of Social Sciences
Image | TR | 978-0-7704-3651-3 | 240 pp. | $15.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-7704-3650-6 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

Render unto Caesar

Serving the Nation
in Political Life
By Charles J. Chaput


Living Our Catholic Beliefs

Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia, argues that in order to survive,

American democracy depends on an engaged citizenrypeople of character, including
religious believersfighting for their beliefs in the public square respectfully but
vigorously, and without apology. Render Unto Caesar is a call to American Catholics to
serve the highest ideals of their nation by first living their Catholic faith.
This isnt just a book for Catholics; its for anyone who cares about the state of Americas
soul. John L. Allen, Jr., NCR and CNN senior Vatican correspondent
Image | TR | 978-0-385-52229-8 | 304 pp. | $14.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-385-52859-7 | $11.99/$12.99 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 17

Hatred: Islams War
By Michael Coren



Author Michael Coren argues that Christians are the most persecuted religious group
on the planet. He also asserts that while Christians suffer in North Korea and parts of
India, it is in Islamic countries like Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey,
and even Indonesia and Malaysia where the situation is dark and becoming worse. In
Hatred, Coren outlines the history of the relationship between Islam and Christianity,
explains what Islam actually teaches about the Christian faith, and gives numerous
examples of the experience of Christians throughout the Islamic world.
Signal | HC | 978-0-7710-2384-2 | 240 pp. | $27.95/$29.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $14.00
EB: 978-0-7710-2385-9 | $14.99/$16.99 Can.


Ten Lies They Spread About Christianity

By Michael Coren
In Heresy: Ten Lies They Spread About Christianity, author Michael Coren explores why
and how Christians and Christian ideas are caricatured in popular media as well as in
sophisticated society. He ultimately challenges what he considers 10 common lies told
about Christianity: that it supported slavery; is racist, sexist, homophobic, antiintellectual, anti-scientific, and anti-Semitic; provokes war; resists progress; and is
repressive and irrelevant.
Signal | TR | 978-0-7710-2317-0 | 256 pp. | $17.99/$19.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-7710-2314-9 | $13.99/$4.99 Can.
For more books by Michael Coren, go to page 8.

St. Peters Bones

How the Relics of the First Pope Were Lost

. . . and Then Lost and Found Again
By Thomas J. Craughwell



An account of the search for the remains of the worlds first pope: Peter, the apostle of
Jesus. In 1448 the Basilica of St. Peter had to be rebuilt. In the process, builders paved
over the resting place of St. Peter. Then in 1939, while working underground in the
Vatican, diggers discovered a portion of an ancient Christian mausoleum. A full-scale
excavation followed.
Its a thriller, a whodunit, and an adventure, full of clues, codes, false trails, professional
envy, whiffs of conspiracy, and heroic mercy. And its all true! Craughwell has delivered an
historical account thats breathtaking, page-turning, and inspiring.
Mike Aquilina, Executive Vice-President, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, and author,
The Fathers of the Church
Image | TR | 978-0-307-98509-5 | 144 pp. | $13.99/$16.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-98510-1 | $9.99/$10.99 Can.

10 Days Without

Daring Adventures in Discomfort That Will Change

Your World and You
By Daniel Ryan Day
Foreword by Joni Eareckson Tada
Author Daniel Ryan Day chose 8 necessities that Americans take for granted and
gave them up for 10 days, in the hopes of modeling a more Christ-like approach to
life. Here, he chronicles his experiences and challenges readers to move from apathy to
action while raising attention and funds for charitable organizations around the globe.
Ten Days Without is a manifesto for intentional Christian living. . . . [Days] bold ten-day
experiments shed light on the simple things we take for granted, and his experiences from
around the world will inspire you to live your life differently. Justin Zoradi, founder and
CEO of These Numbers Have Faces and author of Doing Work that Matters
Multnomah Books | TR | 978-1-60142-467-9 | 224 pp. | $13.99/$15.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-60142-468-6 | $9.99/$10.99 Can.

18 To order examination copies, go to:

God and the Fascists

The Vatican Alliance

and Pavelic
By Karlheinz Deschner


Mussolini, Franco, Hitler,

Available in English for the first time, a controversial work that indicts the Vatican
for its actions before and during World War II.
In [Deschners] thrillingly written work, he was the first renowned author to document
the close collaboration between the Catholic Church and the Fascists, which, in the
Balkans for instance, led to probably the best-concealed mass crimes of modern
times. . . . A real eye-opener! Dr. Peter Priskil, author of Salman Rushdie: Portrait of a
Poet and Taslima Nasrin: The Death Order and Its Background
Prometheus | TR | 978-1-61614-837-9 | 330 pp. | $21.95/$23.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.00
EB: 978-1-61614-838-6 | $12.99/$12.99 Can.

A Twist of Faith

An American Christians Quest

in Africa
By John Donnelly


Help Orphans

A Twist of Faith is the story of one man who, despite personal struggles, a profound
cultural gap, the corruption of local officials, and the heartbreak of losing an orphan
he comes to love, saves himself by saving others in a place nothing like home.
Donnelly sheds light on the faith-inspired armies of compassion who have responded to
a call to serve in Africa. By telling the personal story of the founder of one organization,
we learn the fundamental truth that regardless of the sums of money involved, service
requires human interaction, humility, and an openness to otherness.
Ambassador Mark R. Dybul, co-director, ONeill Institute for National and Global Health
Law, Georgetown University
Beacon Press | TR | 978-0-8070-0116-5 | 200 pp. | $16.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-8070-0133-2 | $25.95/$30.00 Can.


By Peter Furtado
A small sect, Quakers have produced a disproportionate number of eminent
thinkers, scientists, and businessmen, and their teachings have been widely
influential and become mainstream. Best known as pacifists, Quakers have always
been at the forefront of social justice and conflict resolution. This book is an indepth look at the Quaker religion, its philosophy and distinctive culture, and its
place in history.
Illuminating portrait of historical and contemporary Quakerism. . . . Reading this
account of Quaker activism, we realized that no other religious community has worked
so hard, so long, and on so many social issues. Spirituality and Practice
Shire | TR | 978-0-7478-1250-0 | 64 pp. | $12.95/$14.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-7478-1418-4 | $7.95/$7.95 Can.

Living the Quaker Way

Discover the Hidden Happiness
By Philip Gulley

in the

Simple Life

A Publishers Weekly Top 10 in Religion selection.

Award-winning author Philip Gulley invites readers to encounter the defining

commitments of the Religious Society of Friends and shows how those ideals can be
incorporated in personal and public life to bring renewal and eliminate that which
is keeping them from deeper spirituality. Living the Quaker Way shows how Quaker
values provide real solutions to many of the most pressing contemporary challenges.
Living the Quaker Way will leave you not only longing to live differently but also with
practical ways to do just that. Kathy Escobar, co-pastor of The Refuge and author of
Down We Go: Living Into the Wild Ways of Jesus
Convergent | TR | 978-0-307-95579-1 | 224 pp. | $14.99/$17.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-95580-7 | $11.99/$13.99

For additional titles, go to: 19

Catholic Dictionary

An Abridged and Updated Edition

By John A. Hardon, S.J.


Modern Catholic

With over 2,000 entries, Catholic Dictionary is the essential Catholic lexicon in the
areas of faith, worship, morals, history, theology, and spirituality. Now revised to
include the statements of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II, new
movements and devotions, and other recent developments within Catholicism, this
edition brings the legacy of Father Hardon into the contemporary era.
Image | TR | 978-0-307-88634-7 | 576 pp. | $19.99/23.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-88635-4 | $13.99/$15.99 Can.

The Lambs Supper

The Mass as Heaven
By Scott Hahn



Prominent Catholic author Scott Hahn sheds new light on the Mass, offering
readers a deeper appreciation of the most familiar of Catholic rituals. Hahn reveals a
long-lost secret of the Church: The early Christians key to understanding the
mysteries of the Mass was the New Testament Book of Revelation. With its imagery,
mystic visions of heaven, and end-of-time prophecies, Revelation reflects the sacrifice
and celebration of the Eucharist.
Image | HC | 978-0-385-49659-9 | 192 pp. | $22.00/25.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.00
EB: 978-0-385-50480-5 | $12.99/$14.99 Can.
For more books by Scott Hahn, go to page 10.

My Battle Against Hitler

Faith, Truth, and Defiance in the Shadow

of the Third Reich
By Dietrich von Hildebrand
Presented by John Henry Crosby with John F. Crosby
This unpublished memoir from German-Catholic philosopher Dietrich von
Hildebrand demonstrates his opposition to anti-Semitism, his prescient
understanding of just how deadly Nazism and Hitler would be, and his courage as
he prepared to flee Germany.
Image | HC | 978-0-385-34751-8 | 352 pp. | $28.00/$34.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $14.00
EB: 978-0-385-34752-5 | $13.99/$15.99 Can.

The Story of Christianity

A Chronicle of Christian Civilization

Rome to Today
By Jean-Pierre Isbouts



Illustrated with hundreds of photographs, artifacts, and maps, The Story of

Christianity focuses on the rich social and cultural history of Christianity through the
ages, from its roots in Palestine to its triumph as a global movement, told through a
series of dramatic turning points and unforgettable people. Using the art and
architecture of the Christian faith as visual touch points and highlighting inspiring
quotes and stories with resonance to the modern era, Jean-Pierre Isbouts writes with
a deep respect for both Catholic and Protestant traditions and provides an
introduction to the complex and compelling world of the Christian faith.
National Geographic | HC | 978-1-4262-1387-8 | 368 pp. | $40.00/$45.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $20.00

20 To order examination copies, go to:

An Unquenchable Thirst

A Memoir
By Mary Johnson

At 17, Mary Johnson experienced her calling when she saw a photo of Mother Teresa
on the cover of Time magazine; 18 months later she began her training as a nun in
Mother Teresas order. Not without difficulty, she adapted to the sisters austere life
of poverty and devotion, though facing daily the simple and profound struggles we all
share, the same desires for love and connection. After 20 years of service, Johnson
left the church to find her own path, but her story holds universal truths about the
mysteries of faith and how a woman discovers herself.
A candid, generous, and profound spiritual memoir that deserves a great deal of
thoughtful discussion. Anne Rice
Spiegel & Grau | TR | 978-0-385-52748-4 | 560 pp. | $16.00/NCR | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58836-986-4 | $11.99/NCR

The Next Christians

Seven Ways You Can Live
the World
By Gabe Lyons





Lyons argues that a new wave of believers are turning the tide by bringing the truth of
the Gospel to bear on our changing, secular society. Restorers approach culture
with a different mentality than generations past.
It seems an impossible task: restore a 2,000-year-old religion so that it no longer rejects,
no longer chases, but actually leads a modern, pluralistic culture running at the speed of
Twitter. Lyons offers hope for Christianitys next one hundred years by profiling the next
set of Christians transcending this epic challenge. . . . [O]ne of the most encouraging views
of Christian faith in recent years. Kevin Kelly, cofounder of Wired magazine
Multnomah Books | TR | 978-0-385-52985-3 | 272 pp. | $14.99/$17.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-71618-7 | $13.99/$13.99 Can.

The Christian World

A Global History
By Martin Marty

Historian Martin Marty gives readers of all faiths a brief yet sweeping account of
Christianity and how it grew from a few believers 2,000 years ago to become a
prominent religion. With a special emphasis on global Christianity, Marty argues that
the religion emerged from its ancestral homeland in Africa, the Levant, and Asia
Minor, was imported to Europe, and then expanded to the rest of the world.
A whirlwind tour of the history of Christianity . . . [Martin] Marty draws on his deep
historical knowledge, and the quirky details he inserts paint a lively picture of
Christianitys spread. The Christian Science Monitor
Modern Library | TR | 978-0-8129-7677-9 | 288 pp. | $16.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58836-684-9 | $12.99/$13.99 Can.

The Essential Writings of Christian

Edited and with an Introduction by Bernard McGinn

This comprehensive anthology, culled from the vast corpus of Christian mystical
literature, presents nearly 100 selections, from the writings of Origen of Alexandria
in the 3rd century to the work of 20th-century mystics such as Thomas Merton.
Uniquely organized by subject rather than by author, The Essential Writings of Christian
Mysticism explores how human life is transformed through the search for direct
contact with God.
An unusually clear and insightful exposition of major texts selected by one of the
greatest scholars in the field of Christian mysticism, based on his vast erudition and
uniquely sensitive interpretation. Professor Moshe Idel, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Modern Library | TR | 978-0-8129-7421-8 | 592 pp. | $19.95/$26.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

For additional titles, go to: 21

MOther Teresa: Come Be My Light
Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta
By Mother Teresa
Edited and with Commentary by Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C.

This collection of letters Mother Teresa wrote to her spiritual advisors over decades,
almost all of which have never been made public before, sheds light on her interior
life. A chronicle of her spiritual journeyincluding moments of utter desolation
these letters reveal the secrets she shared only with her closest confidants.
Come Be My Light is that rare thing, a posthumous autobiography that could cause a
wholesale reconsideration of a major public figureone way or another. It raises
questions about God and faith, the engine behind great achievement, and the
persistence of love, divine and human. David Van Biema, Time magazine
Image | TR | 978-0-307-58923-1 | 416 pp. | $15.99/$18.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-385-52420-9 | $13.99/$15.99 Can.

Pray for Me

The Life and Spiritual Vision

First Pope from the Americas
By Robert Moynihan


Pope Francis,

From the founder and editor of Inside the Vatican magazine, the comprehensive
monthly on the Roman Catholic Church, comes an introduction to the life and
spiritual teachings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, the first pope of the
Americas. Included in this volume is biographical information as well as a collection
of Jorge Mario Bergoglios most persuasive words.
Image | HC | 978-0-307-59075-6 | 256 pp. | $19.99/$22.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $10.00
EB: 978-0-307-59076-3 | $9.99/$9.99 Can.

Absolute Monarchs
A History of the Papacy
By John Julius Norwich

In a chronicle that captures nearly 2,000 years of inspiration and intrigue, Norwich
recounts the histories of the most significant popes and their political, cultural, and
social impact on Rome and the world.
A highly entertaining read . . . [John Julius] Norwich has a lightness of touch and caustic
sense of humor. . . . As a lively romp through two millenniums of ecclesiastical history,
[Absolute Monarchs is] well-nigh infallible. The Sunday Business Post
Random House Trade Paperbacks | TR | 978-0-8129-7884-1 | 528 pp.
$20.00/$24.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $10.00
EB: 978-0-679-60499-0 | $13.99/$17.99 Can.

The Wounded Healer

Ministry in Contemporary Society

By Henri J. M. Nouwen
The Wounded Healer speaks directly to those men and women who want to be of
service in their church or community, but have found the traditional ways often
threatening and ineffective. Theologian Henri Nouwen combines creative case
studies of ministry with stories from diverse cultures and religious traditions in
preparing a new model for ministry. Weaving cultural analysis with his psychological
and religious insights, Nouwen has come up with a balanced and creative theology
of service that begins with the realization of the fundamental woundedness of
human nature.
Image | TR | 978-0-385-14803-0 | 128 pp. | $12.99/$15.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-8041-5207-5 | $9.99/$11.99 Can.

22 To order examination copies, go to:

St. Paul

By Pier Paolo Pasolini

Presented here for the first time in English is a screenplay about the apostle Paul by
Pier Paolo Pasolini, filmmaker, novelist, poet, and radical intellectual activist. At
once a political intervention and cinematic breakthrough, the script forces a
revolutionary transformation of the contemporary legacy of Paul. In Pasolinis
kaleidoscopic vision, we encounter fascistic movements, resistance fighters, and
faltering revolutions, each of which reflects on aspects of the Pauline teachings.
Verso | HC | 978-1-78168-288-3 | 240 pp. | $26.95/$32.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $13.50
EB: 978-1-78168-289-0 | $26.95/$32.00 Can.

The Holy Longing

The Search for
By Ronald Rolheiser

Christian Spirituality

Ronald Rolheiser argues for the essentials of healthy spirituality, including the
importance of community worship, the imperatives surrounding social action, and
the centrality of the Incarnation. At the core of this book is Rolheisers explanation
of God and the Church for a world that more often than not doubts the credibility
of both. This 15th-anniversary edition includes a new introduction and readers
guide from the author.
Image | TR | 978-0-385-49419-9 | 304 pp. | $15.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

Sacred Fire

A Vision for a Deeper Human

By Ronald Rolheiser


Christian Maturity

Ronald Rolheiser continues his search for an accessible and penetrating Christian
spirituality in this highly anticipated sequel to the contemporary classic The Holy
Longing. Rolheiser examines the writings of St. John of the Cross and argues that
identifying and embracing the three stages of discipleshipEssential, Generative,
and Radicalwill lead to new heights of spiritual awareness.
Image | HC | 978-0-8041-3914-4 | 368 pp. | $25.00/$29.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50
EB: 978-0-8041-3915-1 | $13.99/$15.99 Can.

Lets Not Forget God

Freedom of Faith, Culture,
By Cardinal Angelo Scola
Foreword by John L. Allen, Jr.



Born out of a speech celebrating the 1,700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan, in
which emperors Constantine I and Licinius granted Christians legal rights, this
book by Cardinal Angelo Scola gives attention to the crisis of religious freedom in
the twenty-first century. Lets Not Forget God asserts that Christianity has been at the
center of creating a pluralistic society, from the Roman Empire in 313 to the
American Revolution in 1776.
Image | HC | 978-0-8041-3899-4 | 128 pp. | $20.00/$24.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $10.00
EB: 978-0-8041-3900-7 | $10.99/$12.99 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 23

The Pope Who Quit
A True Medieval Tale
By Jon M. Sweeney


Mystery, Death,



The Pope Who Quit tells the story of Pope St. Celestine V, the pope who retired from
the papacy under a veil of secrecy.
[Jon Sweeney] tells the story of Celestine V, a hermit who was elected pope, then
abdicated five months later. In The Pope Who Quit, Sweeney gives us a vivid snapshot of a
tumultuous period in the history of the Catholic Church and Western Europe.
Thomas J. Craughwell, author of Saints Preserved: An Encyclopedia of Relics
Image | TR | 978-0-385-53189-4 | 304 pp. | $14.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-385-53188-7 | $9.99/ $9.99 Can.

The Ancient Path

Old Lessons from the Church Fathers

for a New Life Today
By John Michael Talbot
The bestselling author of The Lessons of St. Francis offers practical insight into how
the early Church Fathers can offer guidance and inspiration in our modern lives.
In the 1970s, John Michael Talbot was new to the Christian faith and developed a
habit of looking to the Church Fathers, including St. Ambrose, St. Jerome,
St. Augustine and Gregory the Great for guidance. This book tells the story of how
these men helped Talbot through spiritual and professional challenges throughout
his life, and how these ancient Christians are relevant to the lives of modern
believers today.
Image | HC | 978-0-8041-3995-3 | 208 pp. | $22.00/$26.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.00
EB: 978-0-8041-3996-0 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

Vatican II

The Essential Texts

Edited by Norman Tanner, SJ
Introductions from His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and James Carroll
By encouraging engagement with the modern world and a refocusing of traditional
teaching, the Second Vatican Council brought new life into the practice of
Catholicism. Vatican II: The Essential Texts brings together the key documents of the
council. As the council is commemorated on its 50th anniversary, readers will be
returning to these source materials to understand the Churchs developing positions
on its relationship with the secular world and other religions, the role of lay people,
human rights and the common good, the liturgy, and other still highly relevant
issues. In addition to the introductions, the documents are accompanied by brief
historical prefaces from John Carrol University Professor Edward Hahnenberg.
Image | TR | 978-0-307-95280-6 | 384 pp. | $16.00/$19.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-95293-6 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

God and the Gay Christian

The Biblical Case
By MatthewVines




Same-Sex Relationships

God and the Gay Christian stands nearly alone in that it affirms the key tenets of a
gospel-centered, orthodox hermeneutic while presenting a clear and compelling case
for embracing sexual diversity.
God and the Gay Christian is a game changer. . . . With this book, Matthew Vines
emerges as one of my generations most important Christian leaders, not only on matters
of sexuality but also on what it means to follow Jesus with wisdom, humility, and grace.
Prepare to be challenged and enlightened, provoked and inspired. Rachel Held Evans,
author of A Year of Biblical Womanhood and Faith Unraveled
Convergent Books | HC | 978-1-60142-516-4 | 224 pp. | $22.99/$25.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.50
EB: 978-1-60142-517-1 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

24 To order examination copies, go to:

Fill These Hearts

God, Sex, and the Universal Longing

By Christopher West
Weaving lessons together from classical and contemporary art, pop music, movies,
and the Christian mystical tradition, popular theologian Christopher West explores
the ancient idea that the restless, erotic yearnings we feel in both our bodies and our
spirits reveal the cry of our hearts for God. Along the way, West rebuts the idea of
Christianity as a repressive, anti-sex religion by demonstrating that Christ came to
stretch and inflame our desire for love and union to the point of infinity.
West has done a masterful job of confronting the inherent dualism lurking in much of
modern Western theology, exposing the deepest longings of the human soul as an
authentic yearning for union with God. Wm. Paul Young, author of The Shack
and Cross Roads
Image | HC | 978-0-307-98713-6 | 224 pp. | $24.99/$28.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50
EB: 978-0-307-98714-3 | $12.99/$14.99 Can.

Rare Bird: A Memoir

By Anna Whiston-Donaldson
Foreword by Glennon Doyle Melton





A New York Times Bestseller, Rare Bird is a mothers story of tenacity in the face of
sudden, unfathomable loss, and her surprising encounters with the supernatural on
her journey to healing and hope. Anna Whiston-Donaldson unfolds her story with
the power of a woman who has not only survived the unthinkable but returned to
make her testament of hope.
The author is an emotionally insightful guide to the territory of grief. . . . The book is
well paced . . . and is underpinned by a steady drumbeat of faith, as Whiston-Donaldson
negotiates a new relationship with God after Jacks death Publishers Weekly
Convergent | HC | 978-1-60142-519-5 | 240 pp. | $22.99/$26.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.50
EB: 978-1-60142-521-8 | $11.99/$13.99

Just Jesus

My Struggle to Become Human

By Walter Wink with Steven Berry
In this thought-provoking spiritual memoir, Christian theologian Walter Wink
writes about how the living presence of Jesus sculpted his life, forged his
understanding of the world, and enflamed his desire for social justice for all people.
Wink provides a glimpse into what it was like to live a life of faith during the
turbulent 60s and 70s, when racial and political divides were threatening to destroy
this country.
[A]n eclectic collection of autobiographical and theological vignettes, threaded together
by his ruthlessly honest search for God and meaning in a wounded world and a
compromised church. . . . This is an important read. Peter Storey, former South African
anti-apartheid Church leader and Professor Emeritus, Duke Divinity School
Image | TR | 978-0-307-95581-4 | 176 pp. | $15.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-95582-1 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

The Feasts

How the Church Year Forms Us as Catholics

By Cardinal Donald Wuerl and Mike Aquilina
In their latest collaboration, Cardinal Wuerl and Mike Aquilina examine the history
and traditions behind both favorite and forgotten holidays, from Christmas to
Easter, from the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity to the Feast of the Holy Angels.
Cardinal Wuerl and Aquilina show us the transformative spiritual power in the Churchs
original and most ancient feasts. This is a book to be prayed with and meditated on.
Most Reverend Jos Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles
Image | HC | 978-0-8041-3992-2 | 208 pp. | $23.00/$26.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.50
EB: 978-0-8041-3993-9 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 25


From faith formation to inspiration, Image Classic Books have been

transforming minds and hearts for the past 60 years.
Newly repackaged and with updated introductions, each
Image Classic book comes with a discussion guide for further reflection.
City of God

The Way of a Pilgrim

Image | TR | 978-0-385-02910-0 | 592 pp.

$17.00/$20.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

Image | TR | 978-0-385-46814-5 | 208 pp.

$14.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-56917-2 | $9.99/$11.99 Can.

By St. Augustine
Edited and Abridged byVernon J. Bourke
Foreword by Etienne Gilson

By Saint Augustine
Translated and with an Introduction
and Notes by John K. Ryan

Image | TR | 978-0-385-02955-1 | 448 pp.

$12.00/$14.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-78590-9 | $8.99/$9.99 Can.

Interior Castle

Teresas Masterpiece of Mystical

Literature in its Most Celebrated
English Translation
By Teresa of vila
Translated and Edited by E. Allison Peers
Image | TR | 978-0-385-03643-6 | 272 pp.
$15.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

And The Pilgrim Continues His Way

Translated by Helen Bacovcin
Foreword byWalter J. Ciszek, S.J.


By G.K. Chesterton
Introduction by Joseph F. Girzone
Image | TR | 978-0-385-01536-3 | 192 pp.
$10.99/$13.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-82308-3 | $4.99/$9.99 Can.


By G.K. Chesterton
Introduction by Joseph F. Girzone

Image | TR | 978-0-385-02900-1 | 160 pp.

$14.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

Saint Thomas Aquinas

By G.K. Chesterton

Image | TR | 978-0-385-09002-5 | 192 pp.

$14.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

26 To order examination copies, go to:


Models of the Church

By Avery Cardinal Dulles

Spiritual exercises
of Saint Ignatius

Image | TR | 978-0-385-13368-5 | 288 pp.

$15.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-385-50545-1 | $13.99/$13.99 Can.

Saint Ignatius Profound Precepts

of Mystical Theology
Translated by Anthony Mottola, Ph.D.
With an Introduction by RobertW. Gleason, S.J.

The Cloud of Unknowing

Image | TR | 978-0-385-02436-5 | 208 pp.

$14.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

The Book of Privy Counseling

Edited by William Johnston

Image | TR | 978-0-385-03097-7 | 208 pp.

$14.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-80905-6 | $9.99/ $12.99 Can.

Introduction to the
Devout Life


Image | TR | 978-0-385-03009-0 | 336 pp.

$16.00/$19.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

By Francis de Sales
Introduction by Edward Egan

The Story of a Soul

By St.Thrse of Lisieux
Translated by John Beevers

Catechism of the
Catholic Church

Image | TR | 978-0-385-02903-2 | 192 pp.

$14.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-77808-6 | $9.99/$12.99 Can.

By U.S. Catholic Church

Image | TR | 978-0-385-47967-7 | 864 pp.

$9.99/$11.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-95370-4 | $9.99/$11.99 Can.

Life and Holiness

By Thomas Merton

Image | TR | 978-0-385-06277-0 | 128 pp.

$13.00/$16.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

For additional titles, go to: 27


Walking with Mary

A Biblical Journey



to the


By Edward Sri
Mary appears only a few times in the Bible, but those few passages
come at crucial moments. Catholics believe that Mary is the
ever-virgin Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth. But
she also was a human beinga woman who made a journey of
faith through various trials and uncertainties and endured her
share of suffering. Even with her unique graces and vocation,
Mary remains a woman we can relate to and from whom we have
much to learn.
In Walking with Mary, Edward Sri looks at the crucial passages in
the Bible concerning Mary and offers insight about the Blessed
Mothers faith and devotion that we can apply in our daily lives.
We follow her step-by-step through the New Testament account
of her life, reflecting on what the Scriptures tell us about how she
responded to the dramatic events unfolding around her.
Image | HC | 978-0-385-34803-4 | 176 pp.
$21.00/$24.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $10.50
EB: 978-0-385-34804-1 | $12.99/$12.99 Can.

Readers Guide Available

Go to:

This book is the fruit of my personal journey of studying Mary

through the Scriptures, from her initial calling in Nazareth to her
painful experience at the cross, writes Edward Sri. It is intended
to be a highly readable, accessible work that draws on wisdom
from the Catholic tradition, recent popes, and biblical scholars of
a variety of perspectives and traditions. With the riches of these
insights, we will ponder what her journey of faith may have been
like in order to draw out spiritual lessons for our own walk with
God. He adds, It is my hope, therefore, that whether you are of
a Catholic, Protestant, or other faith background, this book may
help you to know, understand, and love Mary more, and that it
may inspire you to walk in her footsteps as a faithful disciple of
the Lord in your own pilgrimage of faith.
Sri combines a step-by-step Bible study on the life of the mother of
Jesus with profound insights into the spiritual life of every Christian.
The result is a biblical portrait of Mary of Nazareth that is both
extremely informative and deeply moving.
Dr. Brant Pitre, author ofJesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

DR. EDWARD SRI is a nationally known Catholic speaker who appears regularly on EWTN and is the author of several well-loved Catholic
books. He is a founding leader, with Curtis Martin, of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), and he currently serves as
vice president of mission and outreach and professor of theology and scripture at the Augustine Institute masters program in Denver,
Colorado. Sri holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He resides with his wife, Elizabeth, and their
six children in Littleton, Colorado.

28 To order examination copies, go to:

Im not sure how devoted Ive been to Mary. But I know she has been very devoted to me. Thats
how a friend once described his relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary. And his words capture an
experience to which I can very much relate.
I grew up surrounded by Marian devotion in my home. Rosary beads by my mothers chair. Pictures
of Our Lady and the holy child in my room. Hail Mary prayers at my bedside at night. Most of all, I will
never forget those quick visits to a Polish Carmelite monastery just three blocks from my home in a town
outside of Chicago. Almost every day my mother would stop by that monastery on our way back from
school and take my siblings and me into a small, dark chapel with nothing to illuminate it but the dim
refracted, colored light from the stained-glass windows and the rows of flickering red candles in front of
the altars. For a child, walking into this mysterious chapel was like stepping into another worldinto the
realm of the sacred.
Our brief visits always culminated with the lighting of devotional candles and a prayer in front of a
very large painting of Mary crowned in royal splendor with twelve stars on her head. Each child would
have a candle lit for their intentions, and we would kneel down before this picture of Mary as my mother
offered very personal, heartfelt prayers to the Lord. God was real. Prayer was real. And I knew Mary
was an important person very close to God, and somehow (though I could not have explained it at the
time) a profound part of my experience in prayer. I would not want to give the impression that I had
a particularly strong Marian devotion as I grew up and entered junior high and high school. But I did
say my prayers, and thought of Mary from time to time, especially in moments when I was troubled. I
suppose my relationship with Mary back then was similar to how many adult children relate to their own
mothers: I love my mom. I sometimes take her for granted. I sometimes forget to call. But I know shes
always there for me. This youthful affection for Mary was severely shaken one night shortly after I went
away to college.
On my dormitory floor at Indiana University, I met a joyful, outgoing Christian student named Rod.
He called himself a Bible Christiana term I had never encountered in my Chicago-area Catholic
upbringing. But I figured that since I was Catholic and I also believed in the Bible, he and I would get
along together quite well. One night in the middle of the fall semester, however, I found out it would not
be so easy. Rod came knocking on my door. He had a Bible in hand and a serious look on his face.
Ted, can we talk?
Yes, I replied. Whats wrong?
Well, Im worried about you.
Because youre Catholic.
Why are you worried about that?
Because if youre Catholic, Im worried youll go to hell.
I was utterly shocked. When I asked him why he thought my Catholicism would lead to my
damnation, he said that Catholics believe so many things that go against the Scriptures. He proceeded to
drill me with numerous pointed questions about Catholic beliefs and the Bible.
Why do you Catholics confess your sins to a priest? Dont you know the Bible says only God can
forgive our sins?
Why do you believe in purgatory? The word purgatory isnt even in the Bible!
Why do you believe in the pope? And why do you Catholics have all these man-made traditions?
Dont you know that only the Bible is inspired by God?
And then the questions about Mary came up.
Excerpted from Walking with Mary by Edward Sri Copyright 2013 by Edward Sri. Excerpted by permission of Image, a division
of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing
from the publisher.

For additional titles, go to: 29

Proving History
Bayess Theorem
By Richard C. Carrier

and the


for the

Historical Jesus

This in-depth discussion of New Testament scholarship and the challenges of history
as a whole proposes Bayess Theorem, which deals with probabilities under conditions
of uncertainty, as a solution to the problem of establishing reliable historical criteria.
The author demonstrates that valid historical methods can be described by, and
reduced to, the logic of Bayess Theorem. Conversely, he argues that any method that
cannot be reduced to this theorem is invalid and should be abandoned.
Carrier applies his philosophical and historical training to maximum effect in outlining a
case for the use of Bayess Theorem in evaluating biblical claims. Even biblical scholars,
who usually are not mathematically inclined, may never look at the historical Jesus the
same way again. Dr. Hector Avalos, Professor of religious studies, Iowa State University,
and author of The End of Biblical Studies
Prometheus Books | HC | 978-1-61614-559-0 | 340 pp. | $28.00/$29.50 Can. | Exam Copy: $14.00
EB: 978-1-61614-560-6 | $12.99/$12.99 Can.

Bad Girls of the Bible

And What We Can Learn
By Liz Curtis Higgs



Through a unique combination of creative storytelling, biblical exposition, and

practical life lessons, Liz Curtis Higgs brings to life ten radical women of the Bible,
including Eve, Lots wife, Delilah, Sapphira, Rahab, and Jezebel. In looking at what
readers can learn from biblical women, Higgs brings to life ancient stories and argues
that timeless truths of the Bible apply to modern women. Newly repackaged with a
study guide.
Liz takeswith humility and humorthe evangelical message and puts it in a lens that
anybody can look through. A truly remarkable accomplishment.
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly
WaterBrook Press | TR | 978-0-307-73197-5 | 288 pp. | $14.99/$16.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-57856-971-7 | $11.99/$12.99 Can.

Whos Who in the Bible

Unforgettable People
to Revelation
By Jean-Pierre Isbouts


Timeless Stories



In National Geographic Whos Who in the Bible, author Jean-Pierre Isbouts brings to life
the individuals in the Old and New Testaments. More than 2,000 entries are included,
which draw on art and artifacts, sidebars, and family tree features to highlight Biblical
characters greater meaning for mankind. Illustrated with color photography and
historical artwork, this reference runs chronologically, with each person listed in order
of appearance.
Isbouts has written an exquisite reference guide to the personalities in the Bible. . . .
The text is lavishly illustrated with art, photos, and maps that help situate the period and
personalities under examination, a splendid presentation that sets it apart from similar
works. Library Journal (starred review)
National Geographic | HC | 978-1-4262-1159-1 | 384 pp. | $40.00/$46.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $20.00


Inspiration for Everyday Living

By Pastor Tonia Jenkins
Presented in a clear, accessible format, Wisdom of the Bible draws on the Scriptures to
provide words of advice and inspiration on relationships, love, family, and more.
Taking as its credo that the best life is one that follows the principles of the Scriptures,
Wisdom of the Bible brings these ages-old words of wisdom to life, along with practical
advice from Pastor Tonia Jenkins personal and professional experience.
Hatherleigh Press | HC | 978-1-57826-454-4 | 192 pp. | $12.50/15.00 Can | Exam Copy: $6.25
EB: 978-1-57826-455-1 | $9.99/$11.99 Can.

30 To order examination copies, go to:

Like a Hammer Shattering Rock
Hearing the Gospels Today
By Megan McKenna

Megan McKenna celebrates her 50th book with a controversial interpretation of the
Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John and what they mean for the Church and
society today. McKenna explores the messages of the four gospels in the context of
daily life when they were originally written and interprets their meaning for our
modern world. While some argue for the development of new gospels for the
21st century, McKenna argues that society hasnt paid due attention to the ones
already present.
Image | TR | 978-0-385-50854-4 | 238 pp. | $14.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-7704-3784-8 | $9.99/$11.99 Can.

The Greatest words ever spoken

Everything Jesus Said About You, Your Life,
Everything Else (red letter edition)
By Steven K. Scott
Foreword by Gary Smalley


All of the statements Jesus made in the New Testament have been brought together
and organized under more than 200 topics. The moment you turn to the
appropriate topic heading, you will have access to the breadth of Jesus teaching on
that subject. You can also use this book as a guide for studying Jesus wisdom on any
topic of interest, such as prayer, forgiveness, eternity, anger, temptation,
relationships, grace, or knowing God.
WaterBrook Press | TR | 978-1-60142-667-3 | 544 pp. | $18.99/$21.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-44612-1 | $13.99/$15.99 Can.

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha

World DVD Study Pack
Finding Intimacy
By Joanna Weaver



in the




Written specifically for women and the issues they face, the Having a Mary Heart in a
Martha World DVD study and participants guide, along with the main book, appeals
to women at every stage on their faith journey as they strive to live more fully in the
truths they believe. Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World looks at contrasting sisters
of the BibleMary and Marthato show readers how they can deepen their
devotion, strengthen their service, and experience less stress and greater joy. Packed
with helpful tools for building a relationship with God, the companion study guide
gives participants a chance to reflect on what theyve read as well as what theyve
learned in their study of Gods Word.
WaterBrook Press | TR and DVD Study Pack | 978-0-307-73159-3 | 128 pp.
$34.99/$39.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $17.50
EB: 978-0-307-56902-8 | $9.99/$13.99 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 31


Jesus and the Jewish Roots of

the Eucharist



of the

Last Supper

By Brant Pitre

Preface by Scott Hahn

In recent years, Christians everywhere are rediscovering the Jewish
roots of their faith. Every year at Easter time, many believers now
celebrate Passover meals (known as Seders) seeking to understand
exactly what happened at Jesus final Passover, the night before he
was crucified.
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist shines fresh light on the
Last Supper by looking at it through Jewish eyes. Using his
in-depth knowledge of the Bible and ancient Judaism, Dr. Brant
Pitre answers questions such as: What was the Passover like at the
time of Jesus? What were the Jewish hopes for the Messiah? What
was Jesus purpose in instituting the Eucharist during the feast of
Passover? And, most important of all, what did Jesus mean when
he said, This is my body. . . . This is my blood?

Image | HC | 978-0-385-53184-9 | 240 pp.

$21.99/$24.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.00
Do not order paperback before 3/1/2015.
Image | TR | 978-0-385-53186-3 | 272 pp.
$15.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

Readers Guide Available

Go to:
For more books by Brant Pitre,
go to page 14.

To answer these questions, Pitre explores ancient Jewish beliefs

about the Passover of the Messiah, the miraculous Manna from
heaven, and the mysterious Bread of the Presence. As he shows,
these three keysthe Passover, the Manna, and the Bread of the
Presencehave the power to unlock the original meaning of the
Eucharistic words of Jesus. Along the way, Pitre also explains how
Jesus united the Last Supper to his death on Good Friday and his
Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Inspiring and informative, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
is a groundbreaking work that is sure to illuminate one of the
greatest mysteries of the Christian faith: the mystery of Jesus
presence in the breaking of the bread.
For an outline of the book, go to:

BRANT PITRE is one of the most exciting new Catholic scholars in this generation. A professor of sacred scripture at Notre Dame Seminary
in New Orleans, Louisiana, he received his Ph.D. in New Testament and ancient Judaism from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. He
travels widely to speak about the Eucharist and its origins in ancient Hebrew tradition and he is the author of Jesus, the Tribulation, and
the End of the Exile. Dr. Pitre currently lives outside New Orleans, Louisiana, with his wife Elizabeth, and their four young children. More
information on his work can be found at

32 To order examination copies, go to:


Chapter 1
The Mystery of the Last Super
Jesus and Judaism
Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew. He was born of a Jewish mother, received the Jewish sign of circumcision,
and grew up in a Jewish town in Galilee. As a young man, he studied the Jewish Torah, celebrated Jewish
feasts and holy days, and went on pilgrimages to the Jewish Temple. And, when he was thirty years old,
he began to preach in the Jewish synagogues about the fulfillment of the Jewish Scriptures, proclaiming
the kingdom of God to the Jewish people. At the very end of his life, he celebrated the Jewish Passover,
was tried by the Jewish council of priests and elders known as the Sanhedrin, and was crucified outside
the great Jewish city of Jerusalem. Above his head hung a placard that read in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew:
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews (John 19:19).
As this list demonstrates, the Jewishness of Jesus is a historical fact. But is it important? If Jesus was
a real person who really lived in history, then the answer must be Yes. To be sure, over the centuries,
Christian theologians have written books about Jesus that dont spend much time studying his Jewish
context. Much of the effort has gone into exploring the question of his divine identity. However, for
anyone interested in exploring the humanity of Jesusespecially the original meaning of his words and
actionsa focus on his Jewish identity is absolutely necessary. Jesus was a historical figure, living in a
particular time and place. Therefore, any attempt to understand his words and deeds must reckon with
the fact that Jesus lived in an ancient Jewish context. Although on a few occasions Jesus welcomed
non-Jews (Gentiles) who accepted him as Messiah, he himself declared that he had been sent first and
foremost to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 10:5). This means that virtually all of his
teachings were directed to a Jewish audience in a Jewish setting.
For instance, during his first sermon in his hometown synagogue at Nazareth, Jesus began to reveal
his messianic identity in a very Jewish way. He did not shout aloud in the streets or cry out from the
rooftops, I am the Messiah. Instead, he took up the scroll of the prophet Isaiah and found the place
that spoke of the coming of an anointed deliverer (see Isaiah 61:1-4). After reading Isaiahs prophecy,
Jesus closed the scroll and said to his audience, Today, this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing
(Luke 4:21). With these words, he proclaimed to his fellow Jews that their long-held hope for the coming
of the Messiah, the anointed one (Hebrew mashiah), had at last been fulfilled in him. As we will see
over the course of this book, this was the first of many instances in which Jesus would utilize the Jewish
Scriptures to reveal himself to a Jewish audience as the long-awaited Jewish Messiah.
You Shall Not Drink the Blood
However, if Jesus did in fact see himself as the Jewish Messiah, then we are faced with a historical
puzzlea mystery of sorts. On the one hand, Jesus drew directly on the Jewish Scriptures as the
inspiration for many of his most famous teachings. (Think once again of his sermon in the synagogue at
Nazareth.) On the other hand, he said things that appeared to go directly against the Jewish Scriptures.
Perhaps the most shocking of these are his teachings about eating his flesh and drinking his blood.
According to the Gospel of John, in another Jewish synagogue on another Sabbath day, Jesus said the
following words:
Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have
no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the
last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed . . . This he said in the synagogue, as
he taught at Capernaum. (John 6:53-54, 59)

Excerpted from Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Brant Pitre Copyright 2011 by Brant Pitre. Excerpted by
permission of Image, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or
reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

For additional titles, go to: 33

Suffering as Identity
The Jewish Paradigm
By Esther Benbassa

Reaching from biblical times to the present day, Esther Benbassas prize-winning
exploration of Jewish identity is both epic and comprehensive. She shows how in the
Jewish world, the representation and ritualization of suffering have shaped the
history of both the people and the religion.
A magnificent plea for a Judaism of the future which would no longer haveor no
longer solely havesuffering as identity and Israeli politics as its instruments of
redemption. Politis
Verso | TR | 978-1-84467-404-6 | 256 pp. | $24.95/$31.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50

Our Immoral Soul

A Manifesto of Spiritual Disobedience

By Rabbi Nilton Bonder
Rabbi Nilton Bonder identifies the forces at play in individual, social, and spiritual
transformation. Many people believe that obedience to the established moral order
leads to the well-being of society as well as the salvation of their souls. On the
contrary, says Bonder, the human spirit is nourished by the impulse to betray and
transgress the ways of the past. In the course of discussion, he examines a variety of
intriguing issues touching on religion, science, and culture, including the findings of
evolutionary psychology; the relation of body and soul; infidelity in marriage; the
stereotype of Jew as traitor; sacrifice and redemption in Judaism and Christianity;
and the Messiah as archetypal transgressor.
Shambhala | TR | 978-1-57062-924-2 | 128 pp. | $16.95/$19.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

The Bronfman Haggadah

By Edgar M. Bronfman
Illustrated by Jan Aronson

A contemporary, illustrated Haggadah for the Passover Seder, as interpreted by the

world-renowned philanthropist and Jewish leader Edgar Bronfman. Designed to
foster Jewish pride, Bronfmans text continues the traditional commandment to
retell the Exodus story of slavery and freedom for future generations. The authors
approach weaves together meaningful readings, from the nineteenth-century
abolitionist Frederick Douglass to the poet and novelist Marge Piercy. Watercolor
paintings, created especially for this book, illustrate its main parts: the Seder plates
symbolic foods, the parting of the Red Sea, the 40-year journey, and the giving of the
ten commandments on Mount Sinai, to name a few.
Rizzoli | HC | 978-0-8478-3968-1 | 128 pp. | $29.95/$29.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $15.00

Isaacs Army

A Story of Courage and Survival

Nazi-Occupied Poland
By Matthew Brzezinski


A Finalist for the 2012 National Jewish Book Award (Holocaust)

Based on first-person accounts from diaries, interviews, and surviving relatives,

Isaacs Armychronicles the triumphs and setbacks that befell the Jewish underground
from its earliest acts of defiance in 1939 to the exodus to Palestine in 1946. This is
the true story of the Jewish resistance from the perspective of those who led it.
Brzezinskis often painful, always riveting account of Jewish resistance in Germanoccupied Poland is unsparing in its details and epic in scope, offering the kind of
sweeping narrative that this subject has long deserved. Andrew Nagorski,
author ofHitlerland
Random House | HC | 978-0-553-80727-1 | 496 pp. | $30.00/$35.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $15.00
EB: 978-0-679-64530-6 | $14.99/$16.99 Can.

34 To order examination copies, go to:

The Jewish World

100 Treasures of Art and Culture

The Magnes Collection
By Alla Efimova and Francesco Spagnolo
The Jewish World represents an overview of Jewish art that spans the multiple
dimensions of Jewish life across the globe. Through beautiful photographs and
insightful texts, this richly illustrated book brings to light masterpieces of Judaica
and craftsmanship from The Magnes Collection, one of the worlds largest and most
preeminent collections of Jewish ceremonial, modern, and contemporary art, music,
rare books, and manuscripts. With art from India, Spain, Yemen, Germany, Tunisia,
Turkey, Morocco, China, Russia, the United States, and other regions where Jews
once lived or continue to live, the book gives insights into the richness and variety of
Jewish cultures.
Skira Rizzoli | HC | 978-0-8478-4113-4 | 176 pp. | $55.00/$55.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $27.50

The Kabbalah Reader

A Sourcebook of Visionary Judaism

Edited by Edward Hoffman
This entre into the world of Kabbalah covers 1,600 years of Jewish mystical thought
and features a variety of thinkersfrom the renowned to the obscureunavailable in
any other volume. Edward Hoffman, a psychologist and respected scholar of
Judaism, reveals how this supposedly esoteric material is relevant to a host of
contemporary concerns, such as ethics, emotional health, intuition and creativity,
meditation, social relations and leadership, and higher states of consciousness.
The most comprehensive and accessible anthology of Kabbalah writings in existence . . .
The Kabbalah Readeris a remarkable collection of several millennia of visionary writers.
Highly recommended. Jewish Media Review
Trumpeter | TR | 978-1-59030-656-7 | 272 pp. | $17.95/$22.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

With Heart in Mind

Mussar Teachings
By Alan Morinis


Transform Your Life

In short, accessible chapters, this book describes 48 methods through which one can
acquire Torahand turns them into a straightforward weekly practice. They include
cultivating humility, joy, awe, forbearance, good heartedness, closeness with friends,
not taking credit for oneself, love of charity, and many more. Working through each
quality or method, the reader goes through the process of refining the soul and
developing a strong and open heart.
Trumpeter | TR | 978-1-61180-152-1 | 192 pp. | $17.95/$21.50 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

Gertrudas Oath
A Child, a Promise,
World War II
By Ram Oren

and a

Heroic Escape During

Michael Stolowitzky, the only son of a wealthy Jewish family in Poland, was three
years old when World War II broke out. His father, desperate to settle his business
affairs, went to France, leaving Michael in the care of his mother and Gertruda
Bablinska, a Catholic nanny devoted to the family. When Michaels mother had a
stroke, Gertruda promised the dying woman that she would make her way to
Palestine and raise him as her own son. Written with the invaluable assistance of
Michael, Gertrudas Oath re-creates Michael and Gertrudas journey.
Written with impressive talent and suspense, this true story will appeal to many.
Elie Wiesel
Doubleday Religion | TR | 978-0-385-52719-4 | 320 pp. | $14.99/$16.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-385-53056-9 | $11.99/$9.99 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 35

The Idea of Israel
A History of Power
By Ilan Pappe



In The Idea of IsraelIlan Pappe considers the way Zionism operates outside of the
government and military in areas such as the countrys education system, media,
and cinema, and the uses that are made of the Holocaust in supporting the states
ideological structure. In particular, Pappe examines the way successive generations of
historians have framed the 1948 conflict as a liberation campaign, creating a
foundation myth that went unquestioned in Israeli society until the 1990s.
An essential read for anyone trying to understand the politics and history of the Middle
East. Frontline
Verso | HC | 978-1-84467-856-3 | 288 pp. | $26.95/$31.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $13.50
EB: 978-1-78168-247-0 | $26.95/$31.00 Can.

How I Stopped Being a Jew

By Shlomo Sand

Shlomo Sand was born in a displaced persons camp in Austria, to a Jewish mother
and non-Jewish father; the family later migrated to Palestine. As a young man, Sand
came to question his Jewish identity. With this meditative mixture of essay and
personal recollection, hediscusses the effects of the Israeli exploitation of the
chosen people myth and its holocaust industry. Sand also criticizes the fact that,
in the current context, most people interpret Jewish to mean not Arab, and
reflects on the possibility of a secular, non-exclusive Israeli identity, beyond the
legends of Zionism.
Verso | HC | 978-1-78168-614-0 | 128 pp. | $16.95/$18.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $8.50
EB: 978-1-78168-615-7 | $16.95/$18.95 Can.

The Invention of the Land of Israel

From Holy Land
By Shlomo Sand



The Invention of the Land of Israeldeconstructs age-old legends surrounding the Holy
Land and the prejudices that continue to suffocate it. Sands account dissects the
concept of historical right and tracks the creation of the modern concept of the
Land of Israel by nineteenth-century Evangelical Protestants and Jewish Zionists.
This invention, he argues, not only facilitated the colonization of the Middle East
and the establishment of the State of Israel, but it is also threatening the existence of
the Jewish state today.
A thought-provoking, readable, and important work. Publishers Weekly
Verso | TR | 978-1-78168-083-4 | 304 pp. | $19.95/$23.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-84467-947-8 | $26.95/$31.00 Can.

The Balfour Declaration

The Origins of
By Jonathan Schneer


Arab-Israeli Conflict

Winner of the 2010 National Jewish Book Award

With new material retrieved from historical archives, Jonathan Schneer expertly
recounts the public and private fight for a small strip of land in the Middle East, a
battle that started when the Ottoman Empire took Germanys side in World War I.
Remarkable . . . engagingly written, adding to our knowledge of this frequently told
story without ever taking sides. . . . This is the most original exposition of the Balfour
Declaration to date. The Washington Post
Random House Trade Paperbacks | TR | 978-0-8129-7603-8 | 480 pp. | $17.00/NCR | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-679-60362-7 | $13.99/NCR

36 To order examination copies, go to:

My Promised Land

The Triumph
By Ari Shavit





Winner of the Natan Book Award, the National Jewish Book Award,
and the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award

Shavit draws on interviews, historical documents, private diaries, and letters, as well
as his own familys story, to illuminate the pivotal moments of the Zionist century to
tell a narrative that is both personal and national. Culminating with an analysis of
the issues and threats that Israel is currently facing,My Promised Landuses the
defining events of the past to shed new light on the present.
Spiegel & Grau | HC | 978-0-385-52170-3 | 464 pp. | $28.00/$33.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $14.00
EB: 978-0-8129-8464-4 | $11.99/$16.99 Can.


Simple Guides
By David Starr-Glass
Judaism is the worlds oldest monotheistic religion. This engaging book is not just a
concise and readable introduction to its history, beliefs, teachings, and practices, but
a shared exploration of the inner vitality and wisdom of the Jewish world. By
offering essential insights into the core values, customs and beliefs of different
societies, it enables students to be aware of cultural sensibilities, and fosters mutual
respect and understanding of Jewish religion and culture.
Kuperard | TR | 978-1-85733-440-1 | 144 pp. | $10.95/ $12.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-85733-638-2 | $10.95/$12.95 Can.


Based on Sholem Aleichems Stories

Book by Joseph Stein
Music by Jerry Bock
Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick
Fiddler on the Roof is well established as one of the great works of American musical
theater. Adapted from the tales of Yiddish writer Sholem Alecheim and set in Tsarist
Russia in 1905, it has proven an indelible tale of family, tradition, wit, and sorrow
all filtered through the ordeals of Tevye, a Jewish Everyman.
Crown | HC | 978-0-553-41897-2 | 128 pp. | $18.00/$21.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $9.00

At Home in Exile
Why Diaspora Is Good
By Alan Wolfe

for the


Alan Wolfe, writing for the first time about his own heritage, argues that Jews living
outside the Jewish state have flourished, and their universalistic outlook is
desperately needed if Israel is to survive. Wolfes book turns our attention away from
the Jewish state, where half of world Jewry lives, toward the pluralistic and vibrant
places the other half have made their home.
In this energetic examination of contemporary Jewish debates, the distinguished
political thinker Alan Wolfe gives us a sharp and insightful analysis that is original,
critical, and refreshingly straightforward. Susannah Heschel, Eli Black Professor of
Jewish Studies, Dartmouth College
Beacon Press | HC | 978-0-8070-3313-5 | 296 pp. | $27.95/$32.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $14.00
EB: 978-0-8070-3314-2 | $27.95/$32.95 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 37

Islam: A Short History (revised
By Karen Armstrong

and updated)

Author Karen Armstrong argues that Islam is a misunderstood religion that haunts
the popular Western imagination as an extreme faith promoting authoritarian
government, female oppression, civil war, and terrorism. Armstrongs short history
offers an alternative view. The distillation of years of thinking and writing about
Islam, it demonstrates that the worlds fastest-growing faith is a much richer and more
complex phenomenon than its modern fundamentalist strain might suggest.
Modern Library | TR | 978-0-8129-6618-3 | 272 pp. | $15.95/$17.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-43131-8 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.
For more books by Karen Armstrong, go to:

Beyond Fundamentalism
Confronting Religious Extremism
By Reza Aslan

in the



Beyond Fundamentalism is both an in-depth study of the ideology fueling al-Qaida, the
Taliban, and like-minded militants throughout the Muslim world and an exploration
of religious violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Provocative and engaging . . . Reza Aslan shows why he is one of Americas leading
analysts of the confusing and frightening forces that confront us. It is Aslans great gift to
see things clearly, and to say them clearly, and in this important new work he offers us a
way forward. He is prescriptive and passionate, and his book will make you think.
Jon Meacham, author of Pulitzer Prizewinning American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the
White House
Random House Trade Paperbacks | TR | 978-0-8129-7830-8 | 240 pp. | $16.00/$19.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-679-60424-2 | $13.99/$15.99 Can.

No God but God (updated

The Origins, Evolution,
By Reza Aslan






The internationally acclaimed scholar explains the origins and evolution of the
Islamic faith. This updated edition addresses the events of the past decade, analyzing
how they have influenced Islams position in modern culture. Aslan explores what
the popular demonstrations pushing for democracy in the Middle East mean for the
future of Islam in the region, in what ways the Internet and social media have
affected Islams evolution, and how the war on terror has altered the geopolitical
balance of power in the Middle East.
Wise and passionate . . . an incisive, scholarly primer in Muslim history and an engaging
personal exploration. The New York Times Book Review
Random House Trade Paperbacks | TR | 978-0-8129-8244-2 | 384 pp. | $17.00/$19.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-679-64377-7 | $12.99/$14.99 Can.
For more books by Reza Aslan, go to page 52.

From Fatwa to Jihad

The Rushdie Affair
By Kenan Malik


Its Aftermath

A Finalist for the George Orwell Book Prize

Months after the publication of Salman Rushdies novel The Satanic Verses, protests
denounced it as blasphemous. The protests spread to Pakistan, where riots broke out,
killing five. Irans Ayatollah Khomeini then called for Rushdies assassination. Malik
argues that this chain of events transformed the relationship between Islam and the
West: from then on, Islam was a domestic issue for residents of Europe and the
United States, a matter of terror and geopolitics that was no longer geographically
constrained to the Middle East and South Asia.
A thorough and highly readable history of the politics of the Rushdie affair and an
important intervention in the current debate on freedom of expression.
Monica Ali, author of Brick Lane
Melville House | TR | 978-1-61219-405-9 | 288 pp. | $22.00/$22.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.00
EB: 978-1-935554-75-2 | $25.00/$29.95 Can.

38 To order examination copies, go to:

Salaam, Love

American Muslim Men on Love, Sex,

Edited by Ayesha Mattu and Nura Maznavi



Ayesha Mattu and Nura Maznavi provide a space for American Muslim men to
speak openly about their romantic lives. The 22 writers come from a broad spectrum
of ethnic, racial, and religious perspectivesincluding orthodox, cultural, and
secular Muslimsreflecting the strength and diversity of their faith community and
of America.
Intimate and compelling, Salaam, Love is a glimpse of the emotional balancing act
American Muslim men face as they navigate the demands of faith, family and their own
hearts. A must-read. G. Willow Wilson, author of Alif the Unseen
Beacon Press | TR | 978-0-8070-7975-1 | 248 pp. | $16.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-8070-7976-8 | $16.00/$18.00 Can.

Early Islam

A Critical Reconstruction Based

Edited by Karl-Heinz Ohlig



This successor volume to The Hidden Origins of Islam continues the pioneering
research begun in the first volume into the earliest development of Islam. Using
coins, commemorative building inscriptions, and a rigorous linguistic analysis of the
Koran along with Persian and Christian literature from the seventh and eighth
centurieswhen Islam was in its formative stagesfive expert contributors attempt a
reconstruction of this critical time period.
Despite its scholarly presentation . . . the explosive nature of its contents is
unmistakable: the term Muhammad originally referred to Jesus; early Islam was a
variant of Christianity; the Ur-Koran was a Christian book in the Syro-Aramaic
language. Die Presse (Vienna, Austria)
Prometheus Books | HC | 978-1-61614-825-6 | 656 pp. | $45.95/$48.50 Can. | Exam Copy: $23.00

Sacred Ground
Pluralism, Prejudice,
By Eboo Patel

and the




In the decade following the attacks of 9/11, suspicion and animosity toward
American Muslims have increased rather than subsided. In Sacred Ground, renowned
interfaith scholar Eboo Patel posits that this prejudice is a challenge to the very idea
of America. Patel argues that Americans from George Washington to Martin Luther
King Jr. have been interfaith leaders, illustrating how the forces of pluralism in
America have time and again defeated the forces of prejudice.
[Patels] expertise and blend of compelling personal anecdotes with researched
argumentation makes this work an accessible and inspiring introduction to the meaning
and practice of pluralism. Publishers Weekly
Beacon Press | TR | 978-0-8070-7752-8 | 224 pp. | $15.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-8070-7749-8 | $24.95/$28.95 Can.
For more books by Eboo Patel, go to:

The Koran

Translated by John Medows Rodwell

The Koran is considered by the majority of the worlds Muslims to be the actual
word of God. It is also an immensely important book for anyone interested in
studying Islam and the worlds monotheistic religions. Like the Torah and the Bible,
the influence of the Koran on world culture and thought is incalculable. The earliest
known work in Arabic prose, the Koran is divided into 114 suras, or chapters,
containing the religious, social, civil, commercial, military, and legal codes of Islam.
Bantam Classics | MM | 978-0-553-58752-4 | 480 pp. | $6.99/$10.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-553-90062-0 | $6.99/$8.99 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 39



A Sacred Geography

By Diana L. Eck
In India, one finds a landscape in which mountains, rivers,
forests, and villages are elaborately linked to the stories of the
gods and heroes of Indian culture. Places in the vast landscape
each have their own story, and conversely, stories of Hindu myth
and legend each have their own place. Likewise, these places are
inextricably tied to one anothernot simply in the past, but in the
presentthrough the local, regional, and transregional practices of

Harmony | TR | 978-0-385-53192-4 | 576 pp.

$16.00/$19.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-385-53191-7 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

In India: A Sacred Geography, renowned Harvard scholar Diana L.

Eck tells the story of the pilgrims India. In these pages, Eck takes
students on an extraordinary spiritual journey through the living
landscape of this fascinating countryits mountains, rivers, and
seacoasts, its ancient and powerful temples and shrines. Seeking
to fully understand the sacred places of pilgrimage from the
ground up, with their stories, connections and layers of meaning,
she acutely examines Hindu religious ideas and narratives and
shows how they have been deeply inscribed in the land itself.
Eck demonstrates that from these networks of pilgrimage places,
Indias very sense of region and nation has emerged.
Based on extensive knowledge and many decades of wide-ranging
travel and research, India: A Sacred Geography is a sweeping and
seminal work of religious, cultural and anthropological history.
In this lucid, learned and luminous book, Diana Eck introduces the
Western reader to the sacred landscape of India. She leads us into an
unfamiliar world, with myths and symbols that seem initially strange,
but by the end of this rich journey we find that we have encountered
unexpected regions within ourselves.
Karen Armstrong, author of A History of God and
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life

DIANA L. ECK is professor of comparative religion and Indian studies at Harvard University and is Master of Lowell House and Director
of the Pluralism Project. Her book Banaras, City of Light, remains a classic in the field, and Encountering God: A Spiritual Journey from
Bozeman to Banaras won the prestigious Grawemeyer Book Award. In 1998, President Clinton awarded her the National Humanities
Medal for the work of the Pluralism Project in the investigation of Americas religious diversity.

40 To order examination copies, go to:


India: A Sacred Geography, An Imagined Landscape

I began thinking about this book in the city of Banaras on the River Ganga in north India
more than twenty-five years ago. I was then writing a book about that great city, a place I
presumed to be the most important sacred city of India. Over the centuries, many visitors
to Banaras, or Varanasi, have compared this city in sanctity and preeminence to Mecca,
Jerusalem, and Rome, as the holiest center of Hindu pilgrimage. For example, in the 1860s,
a British civil servant, Norman Macleod, wrote effusively, Benares is to the Hindoos what
Mecca is to the Mohammedans, and what Jerusalem was to the Jews of old. It is the holy city
of Hindostan. I have never seen anything approaching to it as a visible embodiment of religion;
nor does anything like it exist on earth. The singling out of a center toward which an entire
religious community turns in collective memory or in prayer made sense to Macleod, as it does
for many who have been schooled in the habits of thought shaped by Western monotheistic
consciousness. Even in India, there have been many who would agree on the central and
supreme significance of Banaras, which Hindus also called Kashi, the Luminous, the City of
Light. This is a powerful and ancient city, its dense maze of alleyways as dark as its riverfront is
radiant. Its morning bathing rites facing the rising sun and its smoking cremation grounds right
there along the riverfront are the heartbeat of a city that never fails to leave a lasting imprint on
the visitor or pilgrim.
I lived off and on for years in Banaras. Even as I investigated the legends and temples of this
city, however, I began gradually to understand what most Hindus who visit the city already
knowthat Banaras does not stand alone as the great center of pilgrimage for Hindus, but
is part of an extensive network of pilgrimage places stretching throughout the length and
breadth of India. The very names of the temples, the ghats, and the bathing tanks of the city
are derived from this broader landscape, just as the names of Kashi and its great Shiva temple
of Vishvanatha are to be found in pilgrimage places all over India. I began to realize that the
entire land of India is a great network of pilgrimage placesreferential, inter-referential, ancient
and modern, complex and ever-changing. As a whole, it constitutes what would have to be
called a sacred geography, as vast and complex as the whole of the subcontinent. In this wider
network of pilgrimage, nothing, not even the great city of Banaras, stands alone, but rather
everything is part of a living, storied, and intricately connected landscape.
At first, I resisted the complexities of this peripheral vision, still interested as I was in
establishing what makes this one place special, different from the rest. It became clear to
me, however, that I could understand Banaras only in the context of a much wider system of
meanings in which significance is marked not by uniqueness, but by multiplicity, even in the
great city of Kashi. Everything about the holy city seemed to be duplicated elsewhere, set amid a
pattern of symbolic signification that made Banaras not unique, but inextricably part of a wider
landscape shaped by the repetition and linking of its features. I began to realize that Kashi was
not the center, but one of multiple centers in a fascinating and polycentric landscape, linked
with the tracks of pilgrimage.

Excerpted from India by Diana L. Eck. Copyright 2012 by Diana L Eck. Excerpted by permission of Harmony, a division of
Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing
from the publisher.

For additional titles, go to: 41

The Dhammapada

Verses on the Way

By Buddha
Newly Translated with a Guide to Reading the Text by GlennWallis

In this new translation of The Dhammapada, Sanskrit scholar Glenn Wallis has
exclusively referred to and quoted from the canonical suttasthe presumed earliest
discourses of the Buddhato illuminate the heartwood of Buddhism, words as
compelling today as when the Buddha first spoke them. In 423 verses organized by
subject into chapters, Wallis offers a distillation of core Buddhist teachings and
includes an informative guide to the versesa chapter-by-chapter explication that
enhances our understanding of them.
Modern Library | TR | 978-0-8129-7727-1 | 224 pp. | $11.95/$14.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-43214-8 | $8.99/$11.99 Can.

Living Beautifully
By Pema Chdrn



The author and spiritual teacher shares practices for living with wisdom and
integrity even in confusing and uncertain situations. Chdrn shows how using a
traditional Buddhist practice called the Three Vows, or Three Commitments, offers
a way to relax into profound sanity in the midst of non-sanity in the world.
Shambhala | TR | 978-1-61180-076-0 | 160 pp. | $14.95/$16.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

Questions for the Dalai Lama

Answers on Love, Success, Happiness
& the Meaning of Life
Edited by Dede Cummings and Travis Hellstrom
Foreword by Lauren Alderfer

Questions for the Dalai Lama poses universal questions and answers from the Dalai
Lama, assembled from quotes, articles, speeches, and written works directly
attributed to His Holiness. Organized into several themes, this volume touches on
everything from love to tragedy, compassion, and happiness.
The question and answer format of this beautifully compiled, small volume draws us
right into a dialogue with the Dalai Lama on how to live meaningfully and grow
spiritually from the most mundane experiences of everyday life . . . . His responses to the
most basic questions on the art of living astound me with their depth and clarity, but
most of all their wonderful accessibility. Olivia Stokes Dreier, Executive Director,
Karuna Center for Peacebuilding
Hatherleigh Press | HC | 978-1-57826-497-1 | 112 pp. | $12.50/$15.50 Can. | Exam Copy: $6.25
EB: 978-1-57826-498-8 | $9.99/$11.99 Can.

From Here to Enlightenment

An Introduction to Tsong-kha-pas Classic Text

The Great Treatise of the Stages of the Path to
By The Dalai Lama
Translated, Edited and Annotated by Guy Newland
When the Dalai Lama was forced to go into exile in 1959, his copy of Tsong-kha-pas
classic text The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment was one of the
few items that he could take with him. This text distills all of the essential points of
Tibetan Buddhism, clearly unfolding the entire Buddhist path to enlightenment. In
2008, celebrating the long-awaited completion of the English-language translation of
this text, the Dalai Lama gave a historic six-day teaching at Lehigh University to
explain its meaning. From Here to Enlightenment makes this momentous event
available for a wider readership.
Snow Lion | TR | 978-1-55939-423-9 | 224 pp. | $16.95/$18.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

42 To order examination copies, go to:

A Profound Mind

Cultivating Wisdom
By The Dalai Lama
Edited by Nicholas Vreeland
Afterword by Richard Gere


Everyday Life

For the first time for general readers, the Dalai Lama presents a comprehensive
overview of the most important teaching of Buddhism. In 2003 and 2007, the Dalai
Lama was invited to New York to give a series of talks on the essential Buddhist view
of selflessness. This new book, the result of those talks, is now offered to help
broaden awareness of this essential doctrine and its usefulness in living a more
meaningful and happy life. A Profound Mind offers important wisdom for those
committed to bringing about change in the world through developing their own
spiritual capabilities, whether they are Buddhists or not.
Harmony | TR | 978-0-385-51468-2 | 160 pp. | $13.00/$16.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-95244-8 | $11.99/$11.99 Can.

Butns History of Buddhism in India

and Its Spread to Tibet
A Treasury of Priceless Scripture
By Butn Rinchen Drup
Translated by Lisa Stein and Ngawang Zangpo

This 14th-century history (completely retranslated from the original Tibetan)

introduces basic Buddhism as practiced throughout India and Tibet and describes
the process of entering the Buddhist path through study and reflection.
Snow Lion | HC | 978-1-55939-413-0 | 464 pp. | $34.95/$39.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $17.50

American Veda

From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation

How Indian Spirituality Changed the West
By Philip Goldberg
Foreword by Huston Smith
American Veda is a look at Indias impact on Western culture that argues that the
ancient philosophy of Vedanta and the mind-body methods of yoga have affected
the worldview of millions of Americans and radically altered the religious landscape.
Acclaimed author and spiritual coach Philip Goldberg paints a picture of East-toWest transmission, showing how it accelerated through the decades and eventually
moved from the counterculture into our laboratories, libraries, and living rooms.
Important and engaging . . . Goldberg chronicles the long neglected history of
Hinduisms encounter with the U.S. He astutely examines how Hinduism has been
constructed and consumed within the larger American spiritual landscape.
Varun Soni, Dean of Religious Life, University of Southern California
Harmony | TR | 978-0-385-52135-2 | 416 pp. | $15.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-71961-4 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

Preparing to Die

Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom

Tibetan Buddhist Tradition
By Andrew Holecek

from the

Preparing to Die is for readers interested in learning how to prepare for death from a
Buddhist perspective, both spiritually and practically. It is also for those who want to
learn how to help someone else who is dying, both during the time of illness and
death as well as after death. Broken into three parts, this book shows how to prepare
ones mind and how to help others before, during, and after death; addresses the
practical issues that surround death; and contains heart-advice from 20 of the bestknown Tibetan Buddhist masters now teaching in the West.
Snow Lion | TR | 978-1-55939-408-6 | 480 pp. | $29.95/$34.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $15.00

For additional titles, go to: 43

Evolving Dharma
Meditation, Buddhism,
of Enlightenment
By Jay Michaelson

and the

Next Generation

Evolving Dharma is a guide to the meditation revolution. Scholar and activist Jay
Michaelson shows how meditation and mindfulness have moved from ashrams and
self-help groups to classrooms and hospitals, and offers straight talk about
enlightenment. He also introduces us to postmodern Buddhist monks and cuttingedge neuroscientists, and then shares his own stories of months-long silent retreats,
powerful mystical experiences, and the many pitfalls he encountered along the way.
Taking the reader from the banks of the Ganges to the offices of Google, Evolving
Dharma shows how meditation is transforming our world. A must-read!
Deepak Chopra
Evolver Editions | TR | 978-1-58394-714-2 | 272 pp. | $17.95/$20.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58394-715-9 | $17.95/$17.95 Can.

Buddhas Daughters

Teachings from Women Who Are Shaping Buddhism

in the West
Edited by Andrea Miller and the Editors of the Shambhala Sun
Contributors include Pema Chdrn, Sharon Salzberg, Sylvia Boorstein,
Pat Enkyo OHara, and many others
Buddhas Daughters features compelling and informative teachings by the most
influential female Buddhist teachers on a wide range of topics. The pieces featured
touch on the themes that are at the heart of our lives: relationships, uncertainty,
love, parenting, food, stress, mortality, living fully, and social responsibility. These
approachable teachings illuminate Buddhist concepts and practices such as
meditation, tonglen, loving kindness, cultivating gratitude, and deep relaxation.
Shambhala | TR | 978-1-59030-623-9 | 304 pp. | $17.95/$21.50 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

The Shambhala Principle

Discovering Humanitys Hidden Treasure

By Sakyong Mipham
One of Tibets highest and most respected lamas elucidates the principles of
Shambhala, the path to happiness, as set down by his legendary father, Chgyam
Trungpa Rinpoche. In a book that combines philosophy and practicality, Sakyong
Mipham, the leader of a global community of meditation centers rooted in the
Shambhala tradition, explains in simple language the goodness of humanity and
illuminates how we can rediscover the peace that exists within each of us.
Harmony | HC | 978-0-7704-3743-5 | 224 pp. | $22.00/$26.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $11.00
EB: 978-0-7704-3744-2 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

The Course in Buddhist Reasoning

and Debate

An Asian Approach to Analytical Thinking Drawn

Indian and Tibetan Sources
By Daniel Perdue


This book, based on the authors successful undergraduate course in the subject,
trains readers with step-by-step lessons to develop the analytical skills used in Tibetanstyle philosophical debate. Making use of sample debate exchanges and definitions
and classification systems drawn from Tibetan Buddhist debate manuals, the book
shows how to challenge and defend assertions made in the course of debate.
Tibetan debate is known in the West more for its color than for its content. Daniel
Perdue explains with patient clarity just how Tibetan monastic debate works.
Donald S. Lopez Jr., author of From Stone to Flesh: A Short History of the Buddha
Snow Lion | HC | 978-1-55939-421-5 | 496 pp. | $79.95/$92.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $40.00

44 To order examination copies, go to:

Open Heart, Open Mind

Awakening the Power of Essence Love

By Tsoknyi Rinpoche with Eric Swanson
Foreword by Richard Gere
Drawing on rarely discussed teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, Rinpoche describes
how negative patterns evolve and offers a series of meditation exercises to help us
unravel them. He also details his own struggles to reconnect with essence love. As he
recounts his efforts to strike a balance between the promptings of his heart and an
obligation to preserve and protect the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, Rinpoche
provides a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern life, and encourages each
of us to rediscover the openness, fearlessness, and love that is the essence of our
own life.
A refreshing, invigorating, and stimulating work: one that has the power to awaken that
essence we all seek. Mark Epstein, M.D., author of Thoughts without a Thinker
Harmony | HC | 978-0-307-88820-4 | 272 pp. | $24.00/$28.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.00
EB: 978-0-307-88822-8 | $12.99/$14.99 Can.

The Buddha Walks into a Bar . . .

A Guide to Life
By Lodro Rinzler

for a

New Generation

The Buddha Walks into a Bar is Buddhist teacher Lodro Rinzlers introduction to
Buddhism for a generation leaving the safe growth spurts of college and entering a
turbulent and uncertain work force.
This volume is far beyond a compilation of Rinzlers columns or prior work; it is a
genuine introduction to living a Buddhist life without immersion in Buddhisms more
esoteric practices. Library Journal
Shambhala | TR | 978-1-59030-937-7 | 208 pp. | $14.95/$16.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

The Buddha Walks into the Office

A Guide to Livelihood
By Lodro Rinzler

for a

New Generation

Geared toward todays twenty- and thirty-something workers and job-seekers whose
employment outlook is radically different from that of a generation ago, Lodro
Rinzler offers simple Buddhist teachings and practices to make readers livelihood a
source of satisfaction and of deep meaning.
Shambhala | TR | 978-1-61180-061-6 | 192 pp. | $14.95/$15.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

Walk Like a Buddha

Even if Your Boss Sucks, Your Ex Is Torturing You,

& Youre Hungover Again
By Lodro Rinzler
The author of the bestselling Buddha Walks into a Bar . . . shares tips for living with
integrity, compassion, and happiness from his popular advice column. This book
gathers all of Lodros Huffington Post works, along with much as-yet-unpublished
material, to provide a guide to life in a Q&A format that allows you to easily access
Buddhist wisdom for dealing with the myriad challenges of lifetraditional as well as
uniquely modern ones related to contemporary concerns and trends like social
justice and social media.
Shambhala | TR | 978-1-61180-093-7 | 224 pp. | $14.95/$16.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

For additional titles, go to: 45

The Heart of Zen

Enlightenment, Emotional Maturity, and What It

Really Takes for Spiritual Liberation
By Junpo Denis Kelly Roshi and Keith Martin-Smith
The Heart of Zen addresses awakening and spiritual life within the context of creating
lasting change through the integration of spiritual insight into the flow and flux of
everyday life. Junpo Denis Kelly Roshi explains that although well-trained
meditation students may learn to be nonreactive to emotions, they seldom learn
how to transform their negative emotions (and the ego that holds them) as part of a
more deeply integrated, lived spirituality. This book describes what this means in
great detail and with exercises for the reader to follow.
North Atlantic Books | TR | 978-1-58394-764-7 | 256 pp. | $16.95/$19.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58394-778-4 | $12.99/$12.99 Can.

Beyond the Robe

By Bobby Sager

Author and philanthropist Bobby Sager tells the story of the decade-long
development of the Science for Monks program and what it reveals about the larger
role Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns can play. He does so through a collection of
essays from the monks and scientists containing the first insights that have come out
of this historic effort. It follows the monks study of science, but it is not a science
book. The real story is what the study of science has revealed about whom these
men and women really are and the much bigger role that they seem so suited to fill.
Contributors include Robert Thurman, Matthieu Ricard, Ken Tsunoda, and Bryce
powerHouse Books | HC | 978-1-57687-638-1 | 312 pp. | $60.00/$68.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $30.00

The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Awakening Upon Dying

Translated from the Tibetan and Annotated by Elio Guarisco
Introduction by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu
Rendered into English and Edited by Nancy Simmons
A new translation of the ancient text also known as The Great Liberation Through
Hearing in the Intermediate State. Both a practical guide and intriguing historical,
cultural, and spiritual document, this new version incorporates recent discoveries
that have allowed for a better translation of previously ambiguous passages. A fullcolor 16-page insert of traditional Tibetan art highlights Tibets unique aesthetic
North Atlantic Books | TR | 978-1-58394-555-1 | 320 pp. | $17.95/$21.50 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58394-573-5 | $14.95/$18.95 Can.


A Paradigm Shift
By Rodney Smith

of the


One of todays most highly regarded Insight Meditation teachers describes the
process of enlightenment in a way anyone can understanddemonstrating in clear
language why we operate with the illusion of separation, how we can move out of it
toward the realization of emptiness and no-self, and how we can live from that state
of awakening.
Smith uses science, psychology, and traditional Buddhism to explain the unexplainable:
the how and why of authentic spiritual awakening. . . . Radically simple, but never facile
or easy, Awakening is an original work by a contemporary spiritual master at the height
of his powers. Norman Fischer, author of Training in Compassion
Shambhala | TR | 978-1-61180-126-2 | 256 pp. | $19.95/$23.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

46 To order examination copies, go to:

A Beginners Guide to Meditation

Practical Advice and Inspiration from Contemporary

Buddhist Teachers
Edited by Rod Meade Sperry and the Editors of the Shambhala Sun
Contributors include Pema Chdrn,The Dalai Lama,Thich Nhat Hanh, and many more
This practical, accessible guide to the fundamentals of Buddhist meditation
introduces readers to the practice, explains how it is approached in the main schools
of Buddhism, and offers advice and inspiration from Buddhisms most renowned
and effective meditation teachers including Pema Chdrn, Thich Nhat Hanh, and
Sakyong Mipham. Topics include how to build excitement and energy to start a
meditation routine and keep it going, setting up a meditation space, working with
and through boredom, what to look for when seeking others to meditate with, how
to know when its time to try a formal meditation retreat, how to bring the practice
off the cushion with walking meditation and other practices, and much more.
Shambhala | TR | 978-1-61180-057-9 | 320 pp. | $16.95/$19.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Liberation through Understanding
Translated by Robert A.F. Thurman
Foreword by H. H.The Dalai Lama

in the


A prominent expert on Tibetan Buddhism in the West offers a translation of this

essential book of Tibetan philosophy that captures the spirit and poetry of the
original worka profound book that reveals the nature of the mind and its
manifestations, and offers pure enlightenment.
Bantam | TR | 978-0-553-37090-4 | 304 pp. | $18.00/$22.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-78402-5 | $15.99/$14.99 Can.

The Bodhisattva Path of Wisdom

& Compassion
By Chgyam Trungpa
Compiled and Edited by Judith L. Lief

The essential teachings on the bodhisattva path of wisdom and compassion are
presented here in volume two of Chgyam Trungpas magnum opus, which offers a
systematic overview of the entire path of Tibetan Buddhism. This volume presents
the bodhisattva teachings of the Mahayana.
Shambhala | TR | 978-1-61180-105-7 | 528 pp. | $27.95/$33.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $14.00

Basic Teachings of the Buddha

Translated by Glenn Wallis

Wallis selects 16 essential dialogues drawn from more than 5,000 Pali-dialect suttas
of the Buddhist canon. The result is an introductory guide to studying Buddhist
thought, applying its principles to everyday life, and gaining a deeper understanding
of Buddhist themes in modern literature. Focusing on the most crucial topics for
todays readers, Wallis presents writings that address modern psychological, religious,
ethical, and philosophical concerns.
Masterful new commentary . . . Glenn Wallis brings wisdom and compassion to this
work of scholarship. Everyone should read this book. Christopher Queen,
Harvard University
Modern Library | TR | 978-0-8129-7523-9 | 240 pp. | $14.95/$19.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58836-638-2 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 47


The Battle for God
By Karen Armstrong

Author Karen Armstrong, a provocative, original thinker on the role of religion in

the modern world, focuses on three fundamentalist movements: Protestant
fundamentalism in America, Jewish fundamentalism in Israel, and Islamic
fundamentalism in Egypt and Iranexploring how each has developed its own
unique way of combating the assaults of modernity. Blending history, sociology,
and spirituality, The Battle for God is a study of a radical form of religious
expression that is critically shaping the course of world history.
One of the most penetrating, readable and prescient accounts to date of the rise of
the fundamentalist movements in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Rather than make
sweeping pronouncements, she wisely focuses on the fundamentalist strains in the
United States, Israel, Iran and Egypt. The New York Times Book Review
Ballantine Books | TR | 978-0-345-39169-8 | 480 pp. | $15.95/$23.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-79860-2 | $13.99/$18.99 Can.

Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths

By Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstrong traces the history of how Jews, Christians, and Muslims have all
laid claim to Jerusalem as their holy place, and how three radically different
concepts of holiness have shaped and scarred the city for thousands of years.
Armstrong unfolds a complex story of spiritual upheaval and political
transformation. The product of years of meticulous research, Jerusalem combines
the pageant of history with spiritual analysis.
Splendid. . . . Eminently sane and patient. . . . Essential reading for Jews, Christians,
and Muslims alike. The Washington Post
Ballantine Books | TR | 978-0-345-39168-1 | 512 pp. | $18.00/$21.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-79859-6 | $15.99/$13.99 Can.
For more books by Karen Armstrong, go to:

The Holy Trinity and the Law

of Three
Discovering the Radical Truth
of Christianity
By Cynthia Bourgeault

at the


Exploring the history of Christian theology, her own years of contemplative

practice, and the ideas of spiritual leader G. I. Gurdjieff, author and Episcopal
priest Cynthia Bourgeault claims that embedded within the theological formula of
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit lies a powerful metaphysical principle that could
change our understanding of Christianity.
Bourgeault peers into [the Christian Doctrine of the Trinity] with the heart of a mystic
and the mind of a philosopher and rediscovers it as a kaleidoscope of inspiration and a
key to understanding . . . everything. One of the most fascinating, humbling, and aweinspiring books Ive read in years. Brian D. McLaren, author of A Generous Orthodoxy
Shambhala | TR | 978-1-61180-052-4 | 272 pp. | $16.95/$18.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

The Cathedral of the World

A Universalist Theology
By Forrest Church

Described by Cornel West as a towering public intellectual and the leading

universalist philosopher of his generation, Forrest Church was one of the
preeminent liberal theologians of our time. The Cathedral of the World draws from
the entire span of Churchs lifes work to leave behind a clear statement of his
universalist theology and liberal faith.
An essential read for anyone interested in liberal religion. Publishers Weekly
Beacon Press | TR | 978-0-8070-0621-4 | 216 pp. | $16.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-8070-7324-7 | $24.95/$24.95 Can.

48 To order examination copies, go to:


The Faith of the Faithless

By Simon Critchley

Simon Critchley asserts that the return to religion has arguably become the
dominant theme of contemporary culture. Somehow, the secular age seems to have
been replaced by a new era where political action flows directly from theological,
indeed cosmic, conflict.The Faith of the Faithlesslays out the philosophical and
political framework of this idea and seeks to find a way beyond it.
The book displays Critchleys skill as one of the very best close readers of philosophical
texts we have . . . this fascinating and important book traces, as it were, a trajectory of
his thought and is not an end in itself. Robert Eaglestone,Times Higher Education
Verso | TR | 978-1-78168-168-8 | 320 pp. | $18.95/$21.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-78168-070-4 | $24.95/$27.95 Can.

Being Both

Embracing Two Religions

By Susan Katz Miller


One Interfaith Family

Author and former Newsweek correspondent Susan Katz Miller argues that there are
distinct benefits for families who reject the false choice of either/or and instead
embrace the synergy of being both. Reporting on hundreds of parents and children
who celebrate two religions, she documents why couples make this choice, and how
children appreciate dual-faith education. Being Bothalso provides the first glimpse of
the next interfaith wave: intermarried Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist couples raising
children in two religions.
An insightful examination of one way that religious beliefs are shaping American
families. Kirkus Reviews
Beacon Press | TR | 978-0-8070-6116-9 | 264 pp. | $18.00/$20.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-8070-1320-5 | $25.95/$28.95 Can.

A History of Religion in 5 Objects

Bringing the Spiritual
By S. Brent Plate


Its Senses

Arguing that religion must be understood in the first instance as deriving from
rudimentary human experiences, Plate asks readers to put aside questions of belief
and abstract ideas. Instead, he shifts the focus to five ordinary types of objects
stones, incense, drums, crosses, and bread. As Plate considers each of these objects,
he explores how the worlds religious traditions have put each of them to different
uses throughout history.
[A]n innovative approach to thinking about religion, feeling it in our lives, and
highlighting its downright sensational aspects as a material, and spiritual, reality.
Gary Laderman, author ofSacred Matters
Beacon Press | HC | 978-0-8070-3311-1 | 256 pp. | $27.95/$32.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $14.00
EB: 978-0-8070-3312-8 | $27.95/$32.95 Can.

Sons of Abraham

A Candid Conversation about the Issues

and Unite Jews and Muslims
By Rabbi Marc Schneier and Imam Shamsi Ali
Introduction by Samuel G. Freedman
Foreword by President Bill Clinton



Rabbi Schneier and Imam Ali tell the story of how they overcame their prejudices
and became friends. In doing so, they offer a candid look at the contentious
theological and political issues that frequently divide Jews and Muslims, clarifying
erroneous ideas that extremists in each religion use to justify harmful behavior.
Sons of Abrahamis a work of political, social, and religious significance and a roadmap
for how we should and can move forward. Congressman Andr Carson
Beacon Press | HC | 978-0-8070-3307-4 | 240 pp. | $25.95/$28.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $13.00
EB: 978-0-8070-3308-1 | $25.95/$28.95Can.

For additional titles, go to: 49


The Post-Protestant Ethic

and the




By Joseph Bottum
In Joseph Bottums new book, An Anxious Age, he asserts that
American culture is being driven by spiritual anxiety. Bottum
argues that, undoubtedly, individuals from all walks of life, no
matter if they are liberal or conservative, radical or traditionalist,
frantically seek confirmation of their own essential goodness. We
are a nation desperate to stand on the side of moralityto know
that we are righteous and dwell in the light.

Image | HC | 978-0-385-51881-9 | 320 pp.

$25.00/$28.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50
EB: 978-0-385-52146-8 | $12.99/$14.99 Can.

Insightful and contrarian, Bottum offers an account of modern

America, presented as a morality tale formed by a collision of
spiritual disturbances. The cause, he claims, is the most significant
and least noticed historical fact of the last fifty years: that mainline
Protestant churches, once the source of social consensus and
cultural unity, have collapsed. Our spiritual angst, broken loose
from the churches that once contained them, now maddens
everything in American life.
Updating The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Max
Webers sociological classic), An Anxious Age undertakes two case
studies of contemporary social classes adrift without the religious
understandings that gave their ancestors meaning. Examining the
college-educated elite, Bottum sees the heirs of the old, dominant
mainline Protestant culture: dutiful, post-Protestant descendants
who claim the high social position of their Christian ancestors
even while they reject their ancestors faith. Turning to the
Swallows of Capistrano, the Catholics formed by the pontificate
of John Paul II, Bottum evaluates the early victories and later
defeatsof the attempt to substitute Catholicism for the dying
mainline voice in public life.

JOSEPH BOTTUM is one of the nations most widely published and influential essayistsand author of The Christmas Plains, classic
reflections on the meaning of Christmas and the American prairie. A bestselling writer of Kindle ebooks, with work in journals from the
Atlantic to the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, Bottum is the former literary editor of the Weekly Standard and editor-in-chief of
First Things. He holds a Ph.D. in medieval philosophy and has done television commentary for programs from NBCs Meet the Press to the
PBS Evening News. Bottum lives with his family far off in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

50 To order examination copies, go to:


An Anxious Age has a very simple story to tell about modern

America. Our wild politics, our cultural divisions, the sexual
revolution, the agitation about everything, the lack of agreement, the
failure of mannersthese are not causes of all that has happened in
recent years. They are instead effects, produced by the failure of one
of the old centers of American society. The most significant, and
least noticed, historical event over the last fifty years has been the
collapse of the Mainline Protestant churches that, once upon a time,
almost single-handedly defined the core of our culture.
The collapse of these churches set free the strange metaphysical
concepts that run through our political and social interactions.
Think of our willingness to believe that our political opponents are
not just wrong but actually evil. Think of the ways we talk about
food, weight, and cigarettes, the way we use such concepts as gender,
race, and the environment. These are not political contests or social
ideas. They have become concepts deeply tinged with morality, as
the place where worry about goodness and salvation has moved,
once they left the churches.
Perhaps the key explanation in An Anxious Age is the account
of the Poster Childrenthe college-educated, post-Protestant class
often called the elite. They may have dropped their grandparents
religion, but they kept many of the other social class signs of the
old upper-middle class. In both the noble range and the annoying
self-righteousness of their moral concerns, they actually are their
grandparents, repackaged for the new anxieties of a new era. An
Anxious Age may be the most provocative study of America in a
decadean explanation of where we are, and how we got here.
Joseph Bottum

For additional titles, go to: 51


The Life and Times

By Reza Aslan





Weighing both gospel and historical truth, the internationally acclaimed author of No
god but God presents a biography about Jesus of Nazareth. By placing Jesus within the
turbulent context of his time and examining the testimonies of those who knew him
besthis disciplesAslan sifts through myths and probabilities to reveal the Jesus of
Aslan develops a convincing and coherent story of how the Christian church, and in
particular Paul, reshaped Christianitys essence, obscuring the very real man who was
Jesus of Nazareth. Publishers Weekly (starred review)
Random House Trade Paperbacks | TR | 978-0-8129-8148-3 | 336 pp. | $18.00/$21.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-679-60353-5 | $13.99/$15.99Can.
For more books by Reza Aslan, go to page 38.

Render unto Rome

The Secret Life
By Jason Berry



in the

Catholic Church

An investigation of financial intrigue, Render unto Rome exposes the secrecy and deceit
that run counter to the values of the Catholic Church. Each week the Church
receives tens of thousands of dollars in charitable donations, yet the public doesnt
know where it goes, how its accounted for, or how its used. Here, Perry examines the
churchs financial underpinnings and practices.
This is a prodigiously researched work that looks at the church with both breadth and
depth, and it is fascinating. John M. Barry, author of Rising Tide and The Great Influenza
Broadway Books | TR | 978-0-385-53134-4 | 432 pp. | $16.00/$19.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-385-53133-7 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

Taking Liberties

Why Religious Freedom Doesnt Give You

to Tell Other People What to Do
By Robert Boston



In this forcefully argued defense of the separation of church and state, author and
leading researcher Robert Boston makes it clear that the religious freedom guaranteed
in the First Amendment is an individual rightthe right of personal conscienceand
not a license allowing religious organizations to discriminate against and control
others. The book examines the controversies over birth control, same-sex marriage,
religion in public schools, the intersection of faith and politics, and the war on
Christmas, among other topics.
Prometheus | TR | 978-1-61614-911-6 | 198 pp. | $19.95/$21.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-61614-912-3 | $11.99/$11.99 Can.

The Mormon People

The Making of an American Faith

By Matthew Bowman
With a New Afterword by the Author
Religious historian Matthew Bowmans The Mormon People pulls back the curtain on
more than 180 years of Mormon history and doctrine. He recounts the churchs
origins and explains how the Mormon vision has evolvedand with it the esteem in
which Mormons have been held in the eyes of their countrymen. Admired on the
one hand as hardworking paragons of family values, Mormons have also been derided
as eccentrics and persecuted as polygamists, heretics, and zealots.
From one of the brightest of the new generation of Mormon-studies scholars comes a
crisp, engaging account of the religions history. The Wall Street Journal
Random House Trade Paperbacks | TR | 978-0-8129-8336-4 | 368 pp. | $17.00/$20.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-679-64491-0 | $13.99/$13.99 Can.

52 To order examination copies, go to:

Occupy Spirituality

A Radical Vision for a New Generation

By Adam Bucko and Matthew Fox
Forewords by Mona Eltahawy and Andrew Harvey; Afterword by Lama Surya Das
Authors Adam Bucko (cofounder of the Reciprocity Foundation) and Matthew Fox
(internationally acclaimed theologian) encourage us to use our talents in service of
compassion and justice and to move beyond our broken systemseconomic, political,
educational, and religiousto discover a spirituality that not only helps us to get along,
but also encourages us to reevaluate and transform our traditions, in the process
building a more sacred and just world. Incorporating the words of young activist
leaders culled from interviews and surveys, the book provides a framework that is
deliberately interfaith and speaks to our yearning for a life with spiritual purpose and
for a better world.
North Atlantic Books | TR | 978-1-58394-685-5 | 288 pp. | $17.95/$20.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58394-686-2 | $17.95/$17.95 Can.

The Secret Language of Sacred Spaces

Decoding Churches, Cathedrals, Temples, Mosques
and Other Places of Worship Around the World
By Jon Cannon

The Secret Language of Sacred Spaces offers insights into some of the most impressive
man-made structures in the world. Cannon reveals how these historical places of
worship were used and how tenets of a faith were encoded in their structures. The
full-color photographs that can be found on every page are supplemented by decoder
sections that zero in on the most important design elements, combining close-up
detail with explanatory context. The book emphasizes the key living faiths
(Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism), but early chapters also look
at the great sites of prehistory and antiquity, including the stone circle at Avebury in
southwest England and the Pyramids at Giza.
Watkins Publishing | HC | 978-1-84899-111-8 | 224 pp. | $35.00/$37.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $17.50

Would You Baptize an


. . . and Other Questions from the Astronomers

In-box at the Vatican Observatory
By Guy Consolmagno, SJ and Paul Mueller, SJ
Brother Guy Consolmagno and Father Paul Mueller are scientists at the Vatican
Observatory, the official astronomical research institute of the Catholic Church. In
Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?, Brother Guy and Father Paul explore a variety of
questions at the crossroads of faith and reason, leading readers to reflect more deeply
on science, faith, and the nature of the universe.
Image | HC | 978-0-8041-3695-2 | 304 pp. | $25.00/$29.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50
EB: 978-0-8041-3696-9 | $12.99/$14.99 Can.


The Quest to Live Forever

By Stephen Cave


How It Drives

A work of popular philosophy and history, Stephen Caves Immortality investigates

whether it might be possible to live forever and whether we should want to. But it also
makes the argument that its our very preoccupation with defying mortality that drives
Informed and metaphysically nuanced . . . Cave presents his arguments in a brisk,
engaging style, and draws effectively upon a wide-ranging stock of religious, philosophical,
and scientific sources, both ancient and contemporary. Weekly Standard
Crown | HC | 978-0-307-88491-6 | 336 pp. | $25.00/$29.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50
EB: 978-0-307-88493-0 | $12.99/$15.99 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 53

Following the Path
The Search for
By Joan Chittister



Passion, Purpose,



In our modern and mobile society, the range of answers to the questions What am
I supposed to do with my life? and How do I know when Ive found my purpose?
can seem endless and overwhelming. Following the Path brings the insights of Sister
Joans years of teaching and contemplation to bear on this issue, providing readers
with a new way forward. Through her examination of calling, meaning, and change,
she helps lead readers to the place where they know they fit.
Image | HC | 978-0-307-95398-8 | 192 pp. | $18.00/$21.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $9.00
EB: 978-0-307-95399-5 | $9.99/$10.99 Can.


A Practical Approach
By Deepak Chopra




Our Times

Deepak Chopra, the bestselling author and a leading adviser on spirituality, offers
new and provocative ways to understand God and the nature of belief in the
21st century.
At a time when the revolutions of the physical sciences are changing our understanding
of the human consciousness, The Future of God is a book that needed to be written and
no one could have written it better than Deepak Chopra. In this brilliant analysis, Chopra
shows how God is evolving with our consciousness, and how both, the religious and
atheistic fundamentalists are focused on an outdated God. This book is a treasure of
deep insights which will not only touch your heart but will also lead you to understand
how a God without illusions is a necessary condition for your physical well being.
Lothar Schfer, distinguished professor of physical chemistry (emeritus) at the University
of Arkansas and author of Infinite Potential
Harmony | HC | 978-0-307-88497-8 | 272 pp. | $25.00/$29.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50
EB: 978-0-307-88499-2 | $12.99/ $14.99 Can.

War of the Worldviews

Where Science and Spirituality Meetand Do Not

By Deepak Chopra and Leonard Mlodinow
With a Postscript by the Authors
Two bestselling authorsone an articulate advocate for spirituality, the other a
prominent physicistfirst met in a televised Caltech debate on the future of God.
This book is the product of that serendipitous encounter and the contentiousbut
respectfulclash of worldviews that evolved along with their friendship.
Two compelling figures of our time mindfully joust on the battlefield of brain, cosmos,
and evolution. This is a win-win for the authors and for every reader. Rudolph Tanzi,
Ph.D., The Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy, Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Harmony | TR | 978-0-307-88689-7 | 352 pp. | $16.00/$19.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-88690-3 | $13.99/$13.99 Can.


The Transforming Power

By Brad Formsma

of a

Generous Life

Brad Formsma posits that when someone chooses to live a generous life, that person
starts to change and so does the world around him or her. Something incredible
happens when giving comes from within, and is not something done out of duty or
obligation. When a person moves from awareness to action, Fromsma argues,
miracles happen. As giving becomes a lifestyle, an individual not only loves life
more, but creates a more generous worlda better world for everyone. With
inspiring stories and practical suggestions, I Like Giving will help readers create a
lifestyle of generosity.
WaterBrook Press | TR | 978-1-601-42575-1 | 224 pp. | $14.99/$17.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-60142-576-8 | $11.99/$13.99

54 To order examination copies, go to:

The Right to Be Wrong

Ending the Culture War Over Religion

By Kevin Seamus Hasson



The Right to Be Wrong offers a solution to the feud over religious diversity, drawing its
lessons from a series of stories that illustrates the struggle to define religious freedom.
The book concludes that our common humanity entitles us to freedom to follow
what our consciences believe to be true, even if our consciences are mistaken. Thus,
we can respect others freedom when were sure theyre wrong.
Seamus Hasson is a gifted storyteller who also happens to be a genuine hero of the
struggle to make the First Amendments promise a reality for members of all religious
traditions. Mary Ann Glendon, professor of Law, Harvard University
Image | TR | 978-0-307-71810-5 | 192 pp. | $13.00/$16.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

Occult America

White House Seances, Ouija Circles, Masons,

and the Secret Mystic History of Our Nation
By Mitch Horowitz
From its earliest days, America served as an arena for the revolutions in alternative
spirituality that eventually swept the globe. Esoteric philosophies and personasfrom
Freemasonry to Spiritualism, from Madame H. P. Blavatsky to Edgar Cayce
dramatically altered the nations culture, politics, and religion. Yet the mystical roots
of our identity are often ignored or overlooked. Opening a new window on the past,
Occult America presents a study of the esoteric undercurrents of our history and their
profound impact across modern life.
Occult America treats esoteric ideas and movements with an even-handed intellectual
studiousness that is too often lost in todays raised-voice discussions about religion and
belief systems. Washington Post Express
Bantam | TR | 978-0-553-38515-1 | 304 pp. | $16.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-553-90698-1 | $13.99/$13.99 Can.


How to Save Our Countryand Protect Your Wallet

Through Biblical Principles of Finance
By Chad Hovind
In Godonomics, author and leading pastor, Chad Hovind, argues that the only sure
solution to any economic crisisfrom federal budget deficits to a familys
overspendingis to follow Gods principles and adopt biblical values and practices.
Hovind delivers a proven, workable approach that doesnt cater to political pressure
or self-interest, but instead searches the Constitution and Gods Word for the final
word on achieving economic health, financial stability for families, and sustained
success for all who live according to this wisdom.
Multnomah Books | TR | 978-1-60142-479-2 | 256 pp. | $14.99/$17.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-60142-478-5 | $11.99/$13.99

God vs. Gay?

The Religious Case

By Jay Michaelson



Does the Bible prohibit homosexuality? No, says Bible scholar and activist Jay
Michaelson. But not only that: Michaelson shows that the vast majority of our shared
religious traditions support the full equality and dignity of LGBT people.
Mixing memoir and academic analysis in this well-researched and concisely written
treatise, Michaelson embarks on a mission to reconcile sexuality with Judeo-Christian
religious traditions. . . . Inclusive and modern theology that will give both Jewish and
Christian readers a reason to celebrate sexual diversity. Kirkus Reviews
Beacon Press | TR | 978-0-8070-0147-9 | 232 pp. | $16.00/$19.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-8070-0160-8 | $25.95/$29.00 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 55

Writing from Left to Right
My Journey from Liberal
By Michael Novak



Michael Novaks Writing from Left to Right offers a memoir of how he switched his
political views over the course of major events in U.S. history, including Vatican II,
Vietnam, the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s, and the Reagan era. Working
in the center of politics, Novak recalls the thrill of electing the first Catholic
president, the consequences of the Cold War, and his neoconservative evolution. His
progressive goals and Catholic ethics remained constant as he saw how right-wing
policies could better sustain them.
This is an indispensable memoir of the past fifty years, at once engagingly personal and
deeply representative. Paul Adams, former professor of social work, University of Hawaii
and Case Western Reserve
Image | HC | 978-0-385-34746-4 | 336 pp. | $24.00/$27.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.00
EB: 978-0-385-34747-1 | $12.99/$13.99 Can.

The Unlikely Settler

By Lipika Pelham

The Unlikely Settler follows a young Bengali journalist who moves to Jerusalem with
her English-Jewish husband and two children. He speaks Arabic and is a staunch
believer in the peace process; she leaves her career behind to follow his dream.
Jerusalem propels Pelham into a world where freedom from tribal allegiance is a
challenging prospect. As she tries to navigate the complexities and absurdities of daily
life in Jerusalem, often with hilarious results, Pelham achieves insights into the
respective woes and guilt of her Palestinian and Israeli friends. Her analysis suggests a
very different approach to a potential resolution of the conflict.
Other Press | HC | 978-1-59051-683-6 | 416 pp. | $24.95/$28.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50
EB: 978-1-59051-684-3 | $21.99/$25.99 Can.

Science Set Free

10 Paths to New Discovery

By Rupert Sheldrake
In Science Set Free, Sheldrake shows how science is being constricted by assumptions
that have hardened into dogmas. In the skeptical spirit of true science, Sheldrake
turns the 10 fundamental dogmas of materialism into questions, and shows how they
open up startling new possibilities for discovery.
Sheldrake may be to the 21st century what Charles Darwin was to the 19th: someone
who sent science spinning in wonderfully new and fertile directions. The only thing that is
certain in science is that it will change. . . . Sheldrake gives us an inspiring picture of what
these changes are likely to be. Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Reinventing Medicine
Deepak Chopra | TR | 978-0-7704-3672-8 | 400 pp. | $15.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-7704-3671-1 | $11.99/$12.99 Can.

The Sabbath World

Glimpses of a Different Order

By Judith Shulevitz



Winner of the 2011 Sophie Brody Medal for Jewish Literature

Author and journalist Judith Shulevitz explores the Jewish and Christian day of rest,
from its origins in the ancient world to its complicated observance in the modern
one. Braiding ideas together with memories, Shulevitz delves into the legends,
history, and philosophy that have grown up around this custom. The Sabbath World
tells this story together with an account of Shulevitzs own struggle to honor this
difficult, rewarding day.
A swift, penetrating book intent on shattering the habits of mindless workaholism.
The New Yorker
Random House Trade Paperbacks | TR | 978-0-8129-7173-6 | 288 pp. | $15.00/$17.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58836-771-6 | $13.99/$12.99 Can.

56 To order examination copies, go to:

The Woman in the Shamans Body

Reclaiming the Feminine

By Barbara Tedlock, Ph.D.





Reinterpreting generations of scholarship, anthropology professor Barbara Tedlock

an expert in dreamwork, divination, and healingexplains how and why she believes
the role of women in shamanism has been misinterpreted and suppressed, offering a
dazzling array of evidencefrom prehistoric African rock art to modern Mongolian
ceremoniesfor womens shamanic powers.
Her latest fascinating monograph is the mature work of a confident scholar, bringing
many disparate pieces of evidence together in a sweeping summary of the integral role of
women in religion and medicine through many centuries. . . . Tedlock has shifted the way
we view the feminine in diverse historical and current shamanic practices by daring to be
strategically cross-cultural. American Anthropologist
Bantam | TR | 978-0-553-37971-6 | 368 pp. | $17.00/$22.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-57163-2 | $13.99/$14.99 Can.

Stand Strong

You Can Overcome Bullying

(and Other Stuff That Keeps You Down)
By NickVujicic
With no arms, no legs, and no defense, Nick Vujicic was once a bullys target. But in
his new book, Stand Strong, he shows students how to overcome and rise above
bullying. Nick gives students strategies for developing a bully defense system, so
they can handle bullies of all kinds by building their strength from the inside out.
Topics include:
Establishing strong values that no bully can shake
Dealing with cyber bullies
Monitoring students emotions and controlling responses to them
Helping others who are being bullied
Stand Strong will teach students how to identify, address, confront, and stop bullying
in their lives, schools, and community.
WaterBrook Press | HC | 978-0-307-73093-0 | 224 pp. | $17.99/$20.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $9.00
EB: 978-0-307-73094-7 | $10.99/$10.99 Can.
To view Nicks video about anti-bullying, go to:
For more books by Nick Vujicic, go to:

Founding Faith

How Our Founding Fathers Forged

New Approach to Religious Liberty
By Steven Waldman


In this timely book, Steven Waldman, the co-founder of, traces the
origins and history of religious freedom in America, looking at the role of religion in
the early republic, the ways religion promoted the American Revolution, the
separation of church and state, and how the religious beliefs of the Founding Fathers
affected the battle for religious freedom.
If asked to recommend the best book on this controversial topic, I would choose
Founding Faith. Joseph Ellis, author of American Creation
Random House Trade Paperbacks | TR | 978-0-8129-7474-4 | 304 pp. | $16.00/$19.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58836-674-0 | $12.99/$13.99 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 57




Atheist Found Common Ground

with the


By Chris Stedman
Foreword by Eboo Patel

The story of a former Evangelical Christian turned openly gay

atheist who now works to bridge the divide between atheists and
the religious.
The stunning popularity of the New Atheist movementwhose
most famous spokesmen include Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris,
and the late Christopher Hitchensspeaks to the growing ranks
of atheists. In Faitheist, Chris Stedman challenges the orthodoxies
of this movement and makes a passionate argument that atheists
should learn to respect religious identity while remaining
secular. Stedman draws on his work organizing interfaith and
secular communities, his academic study of religion, and his
experiences as a former born-again Christian who struggled with
his homosexuality and became, for a time, a New Atheistuntil
he saw its shortcomings. As someone who has stood on both sides
of the divide, Stedman is uniquely positioned to present a way for
atheists and the religious to find common ground.
Beacon Press | TR | 978-0-8070-1445-5
208 pp. | $15.00/$17.00 Can.
Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-8070-1440-0 | $22.95/$26.95 Can.

Smart. Funny. Heartening. Inspiring. Faitheist is the perfect book for

those seeking a middle path between the firm, opposing certainties
of religious fundamentalism and intolerant atheism.
Reza Aslan, author of No god but God and Beyond Fundamentalism
Who can we be together? Chris Stedman asks in this powerful book.
Faitheist reveals that its not what we believe that matters, but how
our beliefs shape what we do with our livesa timely reminder for
both atheists and the religious that the goal should be neither
conversion nor the destruction of religion, but rather to make a
better world.
Sarah Sentilles, author of Breaking Up with God: A Love Story
Agree or disagree with Chris Stedman (and there will be many who
do both), no one can deny that he has written a deeply human
bookhuman in its description of his own pilgrimage and human in
its call to theists and non-theists alike to seek out common ground.
The world would be a better place with more Chris Stedmans in it
and fortunately he has provided us a roadmap to just such a world.
The Rev. William F. Schulz, President, Unitarian Universalist
Service Committee

CHRIS STEDMAN is the the author ofFaitheist: How an Atheist Found Common Ground with the Religious, an intimate and deeply
affecting portrait . . . [that] proves [he is] an activist in the truest sense and one to watch (Booklist, Starred Review).The Executive
Director andCoordinator of Humanist Life for the Yale Humanist Community, Chris previously served as a Humanist chaplain at Harvard
Universityand as the Values in Action Coordinator for the Humanist Community at Harvard (where he was previously the inaugural
Interfaith and Community Service Fellow). He is the atheist columnist for Religion News Service, Emeritus Managing Director of State of
Formation at the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue, and founder of the first blog dedicated to exploring atheist-interfaith engagement,
NonProphet Status.

58 To order examination copies, go to:

From Chapter 1: Theres Nothing Worse Than a Faitheist
The chief deficiency I see in the skeptical movement is its polarization:
Us vs. Themthe sense that we have a monopoly on the truth; that those other people who believe in all
these stupid doctrines are morons; that if youre sensible, youll listen to us; and if not, to hell with you. This is
nonconstructive. It does not get our message across. It condemns us to permanent minority status. Carl Sagan
I had never heard the word faitheist before, but I was pretty sure it wasnt a compliment.
I blushed and ran my hands through my short coffee-colored haira nervous habitand cleared my
throat, asking if it was intended to be an insult.
Yes, he said without inflection. Theres nothing worse than a faitheist.
It was my first experience with the atheist movement, and for at least a moment I thought it might
be my last. Id been an atheist for a while, but I had hesitated to seek out a community of nonreligious
people. I imagined that secular folks would be difficult to organize; that assembling atheists, agnostics,
skeptics, freethinkers, and other nonreligious individuals would prove tricky because our common
threadthat we are not somethingunderscores only what we do not believe. But as I progressed in my
work as an interfaith activist, I noticed that one of the things that actually made people good at it was a
groundedness in ones own identity. That, paired with my longing for a community of common belief,
led me to begin searching for an organized community of nontheists.
The brusque brush-off occurred at a reception following a public discussion organized by a
nonreligious group; the topic had been how the nonreligiousmore specifically, atheists, agnostics, and
other nontheistic, nonreligious peopleshould approach religion. I had suspected that there would be
mixed feelings about religion. After all, I knew of the popular atheist discourse on the subject, which
cast the religious not only as incorrect about metaphysical realities but as standing in the way of social
and intellectual progress. But I had also hoped that someone might offer a more balanced perspective on
religion, locating within the beliefs, desires, and actions of religious people similar values held by many
nonreligious people.
I had gone with optimism and excitement. At the time, I was both an atheist and an intern for
Interfaith Youth Core, an organization that helps mobilize young people to change the public narrative
on religion from one of conflict to one of cooperation by engaging in dialogue around shared values
and collaborative action. Because of my work, I felt I was in a particularly good position to discuss
religion in the lives of nonreligious folks. I pictured myself saying with a well-meaning grin, Hey, I work
with religious people every day and my atheism is stronger than ever! I hoped I might even serve as a
bridge between two communities that are so often pitted against one another, to offer my insights as a
nonreligious person working in an interfaith environment.
That aspiration was quickly curtailed. Throughout the program, religionand religious peoplewere
roundly mocked, decried, and denied. Id arrived hoping to find a community bound by ethical and
humanitarian ideals. Instead, I felt isolated and sorely discouraged.
Though I was disheartened by the event, I went to the post-panel reception, held at one of the
panelists apartments, because I hoped that if I spoke with more of the group members Id find some
people who shared my opinions or learn a bit more about why they believed differently than I did. Also,
as a thrifty graduate student, free dinner and drinks were hard to pass up!
I walked in and instantly removed my shoes. The apartment was beautiful; the ceiling-to-floor
windows allowed for a stunning view of Chicagos orange-and-white-lit skyline. The living room was
impeccably clean. (I made a mental note to at least shove my dirty laundry in the closet when I got
home.) I stood there and scanned the crowd; I was easily the youngest person there and unfashionably
underdressed (nothing new there). Looking down at my feet, I noticed there was a hole in each of my
socks. Maybe I shouldve left my shoes on, I thought.
Excerpted from Faitheist by Chris Stedman Copyright 2012 by Chris Stedman. Excerpted by permission of Beacon Press, a
division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission
in writing from the publisher.

For additional titles, go to: 59

Reasonable Atheism

A Moral Case For Respectful Disbelief

By Scott F. Aikin and Robert B.Talisse
Disturbed by the negative public perception of atheists and the deterioration in the
tone of open debate, Scott F. Aikin and Robert B. Talisse attempt to counsel both
religious believers and fellow atheists in a measured approach that combines serious
intellectual engagement with respect for the reasonableness of the other sides
position. In the end, the authors make not only a compelling case for atheism but
also for the value and necessity of mutual respect in a democratic society composed
of diverse citizens.
Prometheus | TR | 978-1-61614-383-1 | 219 pp. | $20.00/$21.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $10.00

Christianity Is Not Great

How Faith Fails
Edited by John W. Loftus
Foreword by Hector Avalos

In this new anthology critiquing Christianity, John W. Loftusa former minister and
now leading atheist thinkerhas brought together a group of respected scholars who
focus on the harms caused by one of the worlds leading religions. The contributors
take a look at many of the most important political, institutional, scientific, social,
and moral harms committed in the name of Christianity.
Rich food for thought, not only for evangelical apologists and conservative believers,
but also for those for whom faith is failing or has already failed. Graham Oppy,
professor of philosophy, Monash University, author of Arguing about Gods
Prometheus | TR | 978-1-61614-956-7 | 520 pp. | $20.00/$21.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $10.00
EB: 978-1-61614-957-4 | $11.99/$11.99 Can.

The Original Atheists

First Thoughts
Edited by S.T. Joshi



This is the first anthology published to feature the writings of leading 18th-century
thinkers on the subjects of atheism, religion, free thought, and secularism. Joshi has
compiled notable essays by writers from Germany, France, England, and early
America. The contributors include Denis Diderot (a principal author of the
multivolume French Encyclopdie), Baron dHolbach (System of Nature, 1770), Voltaire
(Philosophical Dictionary), David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Jefferson, James
Madison, Ethan Allen, Thomas Paine, among others. With a comprehensive
introduction providing the intellectual and cultural context of the essays, this
compilation will be of interest to students of philosophy, religious studies, and
18th-century intellectual history.
Prometheus | TR | 978-1-61614-841-6 | 282 pp. | $20.95/$22.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $10.50
EB: 978-1-61614-842-3 | $11.99/$11.99 Can.

Writing Gods Obituary

How a Good Methodist Became
By Anthony B. Pinn

Better Atheist

Anthony B. Pinn, a professor, prolific author, and public intellectual, preached his
first sermon at age 12 and at 18 became one of the youngest ordained ministers in
his denomination. Eventually, he received a Master of Divinity in theology and a
PhD in religion from Harvard University. All the while, Pinn was wrestling with a
growing skepticism. As his intellectual horizons expanded, he became less and less
confident in the theism of his upbringing. In his mid-20s, he finally decided to leave
the ministry and committed the rest of his life to academia. The once devoted
believer evolved into an equally passionate nonbeliever, convinced that a secular
approach to life offers the best hope of solving humanitys problems.
Prometheus | TR | 978-1-61614-843-0 | 241 pp. | $18.95/$20.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-61614-844-7 | $11.99/$11.99 Can.

60 To order examination copies, go to:

Killing History

Jesus in the No-Spin Zone

By Robert M. Price
In this critical review of Bill OReillys Killing Jesus, New Testament scholar Robert
M. Price (a member of the Jesus Seminar) goes through the key events of Jesus later
life as described in the Gospels and retold in Killing Jesus, showing in each case what
scholars know and dont know.
In point after point, Price convincingly and authoritatively argues that OReilly has
produced a Jesus of his own imagination, rather than the Jesus who emerges from a
historically informed study of the gospels. Bart D. Ehrman, James A. Gray Professor,
Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Prometheus | TR | 978-1-61614-966-6 | 300 pp. | $18.00/$19.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-61614-967-3 | $11.99/$11.99 Can.

God and the Atom

From Democritus
Triumphant Idea
ByVictor J. Stenger

to the

Higgs Boson: The Story

of a

This history of atomism chronicles one of the most successful scientific hypotheses
ever devised. Originating separately in both ancient Greece and India, the concept
of the atom persisted for centuries, despite often running afoul of conventional
thinking. In this book, physicist Victor J. Stenger makes the case that, in the final
analysis, atoms and the void are all that exists. He concludes that the total absence
of empirical facts and theoretical arguments to support the existence of any
component to reality other than atoms and the void can be taken as proof beyond a
reasonable doubt that such a component is nowhere to be found.
Prometheus | HC | 978-1-61614-753-2 | 300 pp. | $25.00/$26.50 Can. | Exam Copy: $12.50
EB: 978-1-61614-754-9 | $12.99/$12.99 Can.

God and the Multiverse

Humanitys Expanding View
By Victor J. Stenger

of the


Stenger reviews the key developments in the history of science that led to the current
consensus view of astrophysicists, explaining essential concepts and discoveries in
accessible terminology. He also shows that sciences emerging understanding of the
multiverse is explicable in naturalistic terms, with no need for supernatural forces to
explain its origin or ongoing existence. How can conceptions of God be squared
with this new worldview? Stenger demonstrates how long-held beliefs will need to
undergo major revision or otherwise face eventual extinction.
Light on speculations and heavy with evidence-based conclusions, God and the
Multiverse is a remarkable tour through reality that is sure to deepen anyones
understanding of the cosmos. Guy P. Harrison, author of Think: Why You Should
Question Everything
Prometheus | HC | 978-1-61614-970-3 | 425 pp. | $26.00/$27.50 Can. | Exam Copy: $13.00
EB: 978-1-61614-971-0 | $11.99/$11.99 Can.

The Science Delusion

Asking the Big Questions
By Curtis White
With a New Afterword by the Author

in a



Easy Answers

Social critic and author of The Middle Mind Curtis White presents a scathing critique
of the delusions of science, alongside a defense of the role of art and philosophy
in our culture. An atheist himself, White fears what this new turn toward
scientism will do to our culture if allowed to flourish without challenge.
Melville House | TR | 978-1-61219-390-8 | 288 pp. | $16.95/$16.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-61219-201-7 | $23.95/$23.95 Can.

For additional titles, go to: 61


The Wall
A Novel

By H. G. Adler

Translated by Peter Filkins

Told in a stream-of-consciousness style, The Wall is the story of
Arthur Landau, a Holocaust survivor struggling to leave behind the
horrors of the past and find a foothold in the present. The wall
in front of Arthur will not let him entirely remember the past
and thus free himself from nightmares, nor entirely let him forget
the past and move on. Though he sees himself akin to that first
Adam, expelled forever from Paradise, Arthur gradually learns to
affirm his life once again through his family and worka testimony
to the human spirit that continues to persevere within him.
Random House | HC | 978-0-8129-9306-6 | 720 pp. | $30.00/$35.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $15.00
EB: 978-0-679-64455-2 | $14.99/$15.99 Can.

Also by H.G. Adler

The Journey: A Novel
Translated by Peter Filkins

Depicting the Holocaust in a unique and deeply moving way, and

avoiding specific mention of country or campseven of Nazis and Jews
The Journey is a poetic nightmare of a familys ordeal and one members
survival. Led by the doctor patriarch Leopold, the Lustig family finds itself
forbidden to live, enduring in a world in which everyone was crazy,
and once they finally recognized what was happening it was too late.
The Journey is a tribute to the survival of art and a poignant teaching in the
art of survival. I tend to shy away from Holocaust fiction, but this book helps
redeem an all-but-impossible genre. Harold Bloom
Modern Library | TR | 978-0-8129-7831-5 | 336 pp. | $16.00/$19.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58836-820-1 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

Panorama: A Novel

Translated by Peter Filkins; Afterword by Peter Demetz

Recently available for the first time in English, Panorama is the newly
rediscovered first novel of H. G. Adler. An epic told in 10 vignettes,
Panorama is a portrait of a place and people soon to be destroyed, as seen
through the eyes of the young Josef Kramer. It moves from the pastoral
World War I-era Bohemia of Josefs youth, to a German boarding school
full of creeping prejudice, through an infamous extermination camp, and
finally to Josefs self-imposed exile abroad.
Remarkable . . . haunting . . . [Adler] provides an artful and brutal description
of the Langenstein-Zweiberge concentration camp that nearly guarantees
Panorama a place in the canon of Holocaust literature.
San Francisco Chronicle
Modern Library | TR | 978-0-8129-8060-8 | 480 pp. | $16.00/$18.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-79446-8 | $11.99/$13.99 Can.

H. G. ADLER was the author of twenty-six books of fiction, poetry, philosophy, and history. A survivor of the Holocaust, Adler later settled
in England and began writing novels about his experience. Adler died in London in 1988.
PETER FILKINS is the award-winning translator of Ingeborg Bachmann as well as the author of two books of poems, and teaches writing
and literature at Bard College at Simons Rock.

62 To order examination copies, go to:


On December 2, 2014, Random House will publish the hardcover
edition of H.G. Adlers The Wall, the final installment of Adlers recently
rediscovered Shoah trilogy. A native of Prague, H.G. Adler was sent
to a Nazi labor camp in 1941. While interred, he collected hundreds
of documents on the workings of the camp and secretly recorded his
experiences on scraps of paper, at great risk to himself and his family.
These materials would later become the basis for his monumental study,
Theresienstadt 1941-1945, and for a trilogy of autobiographical novels, which
are increasingly regarded by critics and scholars alike as lost classics of
Holocaust literature.
After losing his wife, mother, father, and sixteen other family members
in the Holocaust, Adler settled in London, and began writing novels.
Unfortunately, the very depiction of the Holocaust in fiction caused furious
debate at the time (Adler and Theodor Adornos arguments on this subject
are represented within The Walls pages), and delayed the publication of
his novels. Despite the support of Heinrich Bll, Elias Canetti, Hermann
Broch, and others, the novels were published quietly, and remained
unavailable to English readers until Peter Filkins discovered them in a
Cambridge bookstore in 2001, and began to dig deeper into Adlers life and
work. Filkins masterful translations have since begun a major reassessment
of the author. Panorama and The Journey, the first two books in this trilogy,
were acclaimed as modernist masterpieces by The New Yorker, and Adler
was compared in the New York Times Book Review to Joyce, Kafka, and
Gertrude Stein.
Now Random House is publishing Adlers magnum opus, The Wall,
the work that German critics and Adler himself considered his crowning
achievement. The book tells the story of Arthur Landau, a survivor of an
historical atrocity living in exile after the war and struggling to leave behind
the horrors of the past. Adlers stream-of-consciousness style is at its height,
as the everyday, quotidian, domestic life of Arthur Landau is seamlessly
interwoven with memories, nightmares, and phantasmagoria, in a kind
of unfolding of thought with repeating themes and motifs. The books
observations of the human predicament are profound, and it contains some
of the most moving aphorisms Ive ever read.
I wanted to share this remarkable work with youI hope you enjoy, and
revel as I have in the music of H. G. Adlers language, and the power of
his insight.
Sam Nicholson

For additional titles, go to: 63


The Bishops Wife

A Novel

By Mette Ivie Harrison

Inspired by an actual crime and written by a practicing Mormon,
The Bishops Wife is both a fascinating look at the lives of modern
Mormons as well as a grim and cunningly twisted mystery.
Linda Wallheim is the mother of five grown boys and the wife
of a Mormon bishop. As bishop, Kurt Wallheim is the wards
designated spiritual father, and that makes Linda the wards
unofficial mother, and her days are filled with comfort visits,
community service, and informal counseling.

Soho Crime | HC | 978-1-61695-476-5 | 352 pp.

$26.95/$26.95 Can. | Exam Copy: $13.50
EB: 978-1-61695-478-9 | $26.95/$26.95 Can.

But Linda is increasingly troubled by the churchs patriarchal

structure and secrecy, especially as a disturbing situation takes
shape in the ward. One cold winter morning, a neighbor, Jared
Helm, appears on the Wallheims doorstep with his 5-year-old
daughter, claiming that his wife, Carrie, disappeared in the
middle of the night, leaving behind everything she owns. The
circumstances surrounding Carries disappearance become more
suspicious the more Linda learns about them, and she becomes
convinced that Jared has murdered his wife and painted himself as
an abandoned husband.
Kurt asks Linda not to get involved in the unfolding family saga,
but she has become obsessed with Carries fate, and with the wellbeing of her vulnerable young daughter. She cannot let the matter
rest until she finds out the truth. Is she wrong to go against her
husband, the bishop, when her inner convictions are so strong?
Critically acclaimed author Mette Ivie Harrisons mystery debut is an
insiders nuanced look at the workings of the Mormon church.
Beautifully written, and spellbinding in its unflinching examination
of marriage, family and faith, The Bishops Wife is an absolute
Julia Spencer-Fleming, New York Times & USA Today bestselling
author of Through the Evil Days

METTE IVIE HARRISON is the author of numerous books for young adults, including her critically acclaimed The Princess and the Hound
series. She holds a PhD in German literature from Princeton University and is a nationally ranked triathlete. A member of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, she lives in Utah with her husband and four children.

64 To order examination copies, go to:

Chapter 1
Mormon bishops wife isnt an official calling. Bishops wife isnt a position listed on ward
documents; theres no ceremonial laying-on of hands or pronounced blessings from on high. But if
the bishop is the father of the ward, the bishops wife is the mother, and that meant there were five
hundred people who were under my care. I was used to the phone calls in the middle of the night,
to the doorbell ringing far too late and far too early. I was used to being looked past, because I was
never the person that they were there to see.
This morning at the six thirty doorbell, I shook Kurt. Theyll be wanting the bishop, I said. I
was already out of bed and putting on my robe.
Ill be there as soon as I can, Linda, he said sleepily. He hadnt been to bed before midnight
last night, I was sure. I hurried downstairs, sure that something terrible had happened. It was late
January in Draper, Utah, and as picturesque as the snow on the mountains was, it did not mix well
with our modern lifestyle. My fear as I stood hesitating at the door was that someone was here to tell
us that a teenager from the ward had skidded off the road and was on his way to the hospital. The
doorbell rang again, and then the door was knocked on, impatiently.
When I finally opened the door, I saw Jared Helm, one of the newer members of the ward,
carrying his five-year-old daughter, Kelly. She had curly blonde hair that always seemed messy, no
matter how often it was combed. The remains of breakfast (oatmeal) were all over her chin. She was
still in her pajamas, but shed been bundled into an inside-out snowsuit. How her father had figured
out how to get the zipper up without putting it on the right way around, I didnt know.
Can I see Bishop Wallheim? asked Jared.
Not an accident, then, I thought with relief. Come in from the cold. Hes awake, and hell be
down in a minute, I assured Jared. So would Samuel, the youngest of my five sons, who was a
senior in high school; I could hear his alarm going off upstairs and knew hed be rushing out the
door soon.
I led Jared and Kelly to the front room, where my neglected piano waited for me to practice.
Mostly, the room was used now for people waiting to go into Kurts office.
Jared Helm looked terribly strained, though he was well-kempt. His hair was darker than his
daughters, but it was clear where she got the messy mop. His was wet now, the curls ruthlessly
combed around a side part. He was dressed in a button-down striped shirt, cable sweater, and neatly
pressed khakis. I wondered if his wife did that pressing or if he did it himself.
I wished I knew the Helms better, but I had only a general impression that he and his wife were
unhappy, although devoted parents to Kelly, and that they were struggling financially, as a lot of
people in the ward were currently. Maybe he was here because he was in money trouble? Kurt could
send him to the bishops storehouse for some basic food supplies, but many people were unwilling
to take that kind of help. The stigma wasnt insignificant. More often, people wanted Kurt to write
them a check.
I got out a toy for Kelly to play with, but she held it limply in her hands, uninterested. They were
all trucks and building toys, things my sons had enjoyed. Id never had a chance to build a collection
of toys for girls, though I sometimes imagined what I would have bought for a daughter. Dolls? Faux
cooking supplies and a tiny stove?
I found a picture book and read it quietly to her, but after several pages I put it down. Kellys eyes
were wandering all over the room. I finally sat her on my lap and let her plunk on the piano keys,
which she seemed to enjoy. None of my boys had been interested at this age, except for Samuel.

Excerpted from The Bishops Wife by Mette Ivie Harrison. Copyright 2014 by Mette Ivie Harrison. Excerpted by permission
of Soho Crime, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted
without permission in writing from the publisher.

For additional titles, go to: 65

Thief of Glory
A Novel
By Sigmund Brouwer

Based, in part, on a true story, Thief of Glory is an exploration of faith and mortality
and the lasting impact of past wounds.
Sigmund Brouwers Thief of Glory is a powerful story, richly told. Young Jeremiah Prins is
a complex and fascinating hero, blessed with great gifts and challenged by choices to use
them for good or evil. The details of life in a Japanese civilian prison camp are revealed in
unflinching but compassionate realism, and the characters depict the human capacity for
both great selfishness and great heroism. This is truly one of the best books Ive read this
year. Sarah Sundin, award-winning author of On Distant Shores and In Perfect Time
WaterBrook Press | TR | 978-0-307-44649-7 | 336 pp. | $14.99/$17.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-45924-4 | $9.99/$10.99 Can.

The 19th Wife

A Novel
By David Ebershoff

It is 1875, and Ann Eliza Young has recently separated from her powerful husband,
Brigham Young, prophet and leader of the Mormon Church. Expelled and an
outcast, Ann Eliza embarks on a crusade to end polygamy in the United States. But
a second narrative also unfoldsa tale of murder involving a polygamist family in
present-day Utah. Jordan Scott must reenter the fundamentalist sect that cast him
aside in order to discover the truth behind his fathers death.
Engrossing . . . remarkable . . . a book packed with historical illumination, unforgettable
characters and the deepest questions about the tenacity of belief. . . . The greatest
triumph is the way [The 19th Wife] illuminates the larger landscape of faith.
The Washington Post Book World
Random House Trade Paperbacks | TR | 978-0-8129-7415-7 | 544 pp.
$15.00/$17.50 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-1-58836-748-8 | $11.99/$12.99 Can.


By Hermann Hesse
Newly translated by Susan Bernofsky
Introduction by Tom Robbins
A young man leaves his family for a contemplative life, then, restless, discards it for
one of the flesh. He conceives a son, but bored and sickened by lust and greed,
moves on again. Near despair, Siddhartha comes to a river where he hears a unique
sound. This sound signals the true beginning of his lifethe beginning of suffering,
rejection, peace, and, finally, wisdom.
Modern Library | TR | 978-0-8129-7478-2 | 160 pp. | $14.00/$16.00 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00
EB: 978-0-307-42369-6 | $7.99/$13.99 Can.

Also Available in Mass Market Paperback:

By Hermann Hesse

Bantam Classics | MM | 978-0-553-20884-9 | 160 pp. | $5.99/$6.99 Can. | Exam Copy: $3.00

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10 DAYS WITHOUT........................18
19TH WIFE, THE..............................66
ABSOLUTE MONARCHS.................22
Adler, H.G.....................................62
Aikin, Scott F..................................60
Alcorn, Randy................................16
ALL THE POPES MEN..................... 4
Allen, John L., Jr............................... 4
AMERICAN VEDA..........................43
ANXIOUS AGE, AN.........................50
ANCIENT PATH, THE......................24
ANGELS AND SAINTS ....................10
Aquilina, Mike................................16
Armstrong, Karen....................... 38, 48
Aslan, Reza............................... 38, 52
AT HOME IN EXILE........................37
Augustine, Saint...............................26
Bacovcin, Helen...............................26
BAD GIRLS OF THE BIBLE................30
Barron, Robert................................. 6
BATTLE FOR GOD, THE..................48
MEDITATION, A.........................47
BEING BOTH................................49
Bell, James Stuart.............................16
Benbassa, Esther..............................34
Benson, Robert...............................16
Bergoglio, Jorge Mario....................... 2
Berry, Jason....................................52
BEYOND THE ROBE.......................46
BISHOPS WIFE, THE.......................64
AND COMPASSION, THE.............47
Bonder, Nilton Rabbi........................34
Boston, Robert................................52
Bottum, Joseph...............................50
Bourgeault, Cynthia..........................48
Bowman, Matthew...........................52
Briggs, Bill.....................................17
Bronfman, Edgar M..........................34
Brouwer, Sigmund............................66
Brown, Raymond E...........................17
Brzezinski, Matthew.........................34
Bucko, Adam..................................53
A BAR, THE...............................45
THE OFFICE, THE.......................45
BUDDHAS DAUGHTERS................44

Campbell, Colleen Carroll..................17

Cannon, Jon...................................53
Carrier, Richard C............................30
CATHOLIC DICTIONARY................20
CATHOLICISM............................... 6
CATOLICISMO............................... 6
Cave, Stephen.................................53
Chaput, Charles J.............................17
Chesterton, G.K..............................26
Chittister, Joan Sister........................54
Chdrn, Pema...............................42
Chopra, Deepak..............................54
CHRISTIAN WORLD, THE................21
Church, Forrest...............................48
CITY OF GOD...............................26
AUGUSTINE, THE.......................26
Consolmagno, SJ Guy.......................53
CONSUMING THE WORD...............10
Coren, Michael........................... 8, 18
AND DEBATE, THE.....................44
Craughwell, Thomas J. ......................18
Critchley, Simon..............................49
Cummings, Dede.............................42
Dalai Lama, The.......................... 42, 43
A PEN.......................................16
Day, Daniel Ryan.............................18
De Sales, Francis..............................27
Deschner, Karlheinz..........................19
DHAMMAPADA, THE......................42
Donnelly, John................................19
Dulles, Avery Cardinal.......................27
EARLY ISLAM................................39
Ebershoff, David..............................66
Eck, Diana L...................................40
Efimova, Alla..................................35
EVOLVING DHARMA.....................44
FEASTS, THE.................................25
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF.................37
FILL THESE HEARTS.......................25
FOLLOWING THE PATH..................54
Formsma, Brad................................54
FOUNDING FAITH.........................57
FROM FATWA TO JIHAD.................38
C. S. LEWIS...............................16
Furtado, Peter.................................19

FUTURE CHURCH, THE................... 4

FUTURE OF GOD, THE...................54
GERTRUDAS OATH.......................35
CHRISTIANS, THE........................ 4
GOD AND THE ATOM.....................61
GOD AND THE FASCISTS.................19
GOD VS. GAY?...............................55
Goldberg, Philip..............................43
SPOKEN, THE............................31
Gulley, Philip..................................19
Hahn, Scott............................... 10, 20
Hardon, John..................................20
Harrison, Mette Ivie.........................64
Hasson, Kevin Seamus.......................55
HATRED.................................. 8, 18
STUDY GUIDE...........................31
HEART OF ZEN, THE......................46
HERESY................................... 8, 18
Hesse, Hermann..............................66
Higgs, Liz Curtis..............................30
OBJECTS, A...............................49
Hoffman, Edward............................35
Holecek, Andrew.............................43
HOLY LONGING, THE....................23
OF THREE, THE..........................48
Horowitz, Mitch..............................55
Hovind, Chad.................................54
I LIKE GIVING...............................54
IDEA OF ISRAEL, THE.....................36
IF GOD IS GOOD...........................16
INTERIOR CASTLE........................26
DEVOUT LIFE............................27
ISRAEL, THE..............................36
ISAACS ARMY...............................34
Isbouts, Jean-Pierre..................... 20, 30
Jenkins, Tonia..................................30
OF THE EUCHARIST...................32
JESUS THE BRIDEGROOM...............14
JEWISH WORLD, THE.....................35
Johnson, Mary................................21
Johnston, William............................27
Joshi, S.T.......................................60
JOURNEY, THE..............................62

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JOY OF THE GOSPEL, THE................ 2
JOY TO THE WORLD......................10
JUST JESUS...................................25
KABBALAH READER, THE...............35
Katz Miller, Susan............................49
Kertzer, David I...............................12
KILLING HISTORY.........................61
KORAN, THE.................................39
LAMBS SUPPER, THE.....................20
LETS NOT FORGET GOD...............23
LIFE AND HOLINESS......................27
Lisieux, Saint Thrse of.....................27
LIVING BEAUTIFULLY....................42
LIVING THE QUAKER WAY..............19
Loftus, John W. ...............................60
OF FAITH................................... 2
Lyons, Gabe...................................21
Malik, Kenan..................................38
Marty, Martin.................................21
Mattu, Ayesha.................................39
McGinn, Bernard.............................21
McKenna, Megan.............................31
Meade Sperry, Rod...........................47
Merton, Thomas..............................27
Michaelson, Jay.......................... 44, 55
Miller, Andrea.................................44
Mipham, Sakyong.............................44
MODELS OF THE CHURCH.............27
Morinis, Alan..................................35
MORMON PEOPLE, THE.................52
Mother Teresa.................................22
MY LIGHT.................................22
Mottola, PhD, Anthony......................27
Moynihan, Robert............................22
MY PROMISED LAND.....................37
MY SISTERS THE SAINTS.................17
NEW TESTAMENT ESSAYS...............17
NEXT CHRISTIANS, THE.................21
NO GOD BUT GOD.......................38
Norwich, John Julius.........................22
Nouwen, Henri...............................22
Novak, Michael...............................56
OCCULT AMERICA........................55
OCCUPY SPIRITUALITY..................53
Ohlig, Karl-Heinz............................39
ON HEAVEN AND EARTH................ 2
OPEN HEART, OPEN MIND.............45
OPUS DEI...................................... 4
Oren, Ram.....................................35
ORIGINAL ATHEISTS, THE...............60

OUR IMMORAL SOUL....................34

Pappe, Ilan.....................................36
Pasolini, Pier Paolo...........................23
Patel, Eboo....................................39
Pelham, Lipika................................56
PEOPLE OF HOPE, A....................... 4
Perdue, Daniel................................44
Pinn, Anthony B...............................60
Pitre, Brant............................... 14, 32
Plate, S. Brent.................................49
Pope Francis.................................... 2
POPE WHO QUIT, THE....................24
PRAY FOR ME...............................22
PREPARING TO DIE........................43
Price, Robert M..............................61
PROFOUND MIND, A......................43
PROVING HISTORY........................30
DALAI LAMA.............................42
RARE BIRD...................................25
REASONABLE ATHEISM..................60
REASONS TO BELIEVE....................10
RENDER UNTO CAESAR.................17
RENDER UNTO ROME...................52
Richen Drup, Butn.........................43
RIGHT TO BE WRONG, THE.............54
Rinpoche, Tsoknyi............................45
Rinzler, Lodro.................................45
Rodwell, John Medows......................39
Rolheiser, Ronald.............................23
Roshi, Jun Po Denis Kelly...................46
SABBATH WORLD, THE...................56
SACRED FIRE................................23
SACRED GROUND.........................39
Sager, Bobby...................................46
SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI...............26
SAINT PAUL..................................23
SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS...............26
SALAAM, LOVE.............................39
Sand, Shlomo..................................36
Schneer, Jonathan.............................36
Schneier, Marc Rabbi........................49
SCIENCE DELUSION......................61
SCIENCE SET FREE........................56
Scola, Angelo Cardinal.......................23
Scott, Steven K................................31
SPACES, THE..............................53
SEVEN REVOLUTIONS...................16
Shavit, Ari......................................37
Sheldrake, Rupert............................56
Shulevitz, Judith..............................56

SIGNS OF LIFE...............................10
Smith, Rodney................................46
SONS OF ABRAHAM.......................49
SAINT IGNATIUS, THE.................27
Sri, Edward....................................28
ST. PETERS BONES........................18
STAND STRONG............................57
Starr-Glass, David............................37
Stedman, Chris...............................58
Stein, Joseph...................................37
Stenger, Victor J...............................61
SUFFERING AS IDENTITY................34
Sweeney, Jon M...............................24
TAKING LIBERTIES.........................52
Talbot, John Michael.........................24
Tanner, Norman..............................24
Tedlock, PhD, Barbara.......................57
Teresa of vila................................26
THIEF OF GLORY..........................66
THIRD MIRACLE, THE....................17
Thurman, Robert............................47
THE.................................... 46, 47
Trungpa, Chgyam...........................47
TWIST OF FAITH, A........................19
U.S. Catholic Church........................27
UNLIKELY SETTLER, THE................56
VATICAN II...................................24
Vines, Matthew...............................24
Von Hildebrand, Dietrich...................20
Vujicic, Nick...................................57
Waldman, Steven.............................57
WALK LIKE A BUDDHA..................45
WALKING WITH MARY...................28
WALL, THE...................................62
Wallis, Glenn..................................47
WAY OF A PILGRIM, THE.................26
Weaver, Joanna................................31
West, Christopher............................25
Whiston-Donaldson, Anna..................25
White, Curtis.................................61
Wink, Walter..................................25
WISDOM OF THE BIBLE..................30
WITH HEART IN MIND...................35
Wolfe, Alan....................................37
BODY, THE................................57
WOUNDED HEALER, THE...............22
Wuerl, Donald Cardinal.....................25

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CHRIS STEDMAN finds common ground for Believers and Non-Believers

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