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This text refers to questions from 16 through 19.
In todays society, measurements are used for many applications not only in industry and science but also in our
daily life. There are measurements involved such as when buying petrol or foodstuff from the shop or energy from utilities;
when trying to keep within the speed limits when driving your car; in health analyses when doctors diagnose and treat on
the basis of blood pressure measurements; or when authorities make measurements to control the pollution in the air that
we all breathe. Common to all these situations is that the measurement results need to be accepted (with confidence) by
society. If not, the result is repeated measurements, disputes and legal actions. In most cases, the consumer or even the
user of the measuring instrument does not personally have either the knowledge, the opportunity or the equipment to
check whether the measurement that is so important for us is correct or not. In most countries, the legislature therefore
has decided to set accuracy requirements for these types of measurements; most commonly, measurements in trade are
regulated, but increasingly, also those within the health and environmental sectors.
Ongoing harmonization in Europe has become more and more the first reference point for authorities in the
establishment of requirements for measurements, as requirements for new measuring instruments are stated in
directives; the most important of these directives being the Measuring Instrument Directive (MID) and the directive on
Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments (NAWI). For many of the instrument categories covered by the directives, there is a
national possibility to select the prescription of different accuracy classes for different applications, and furthermore, to
decide on what maximum permissible errors
(MPEs) to apply in-service.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the text, choose de correct option.
A Illness analyses depend upon the doctors diagnose.
B Nowadays, measurements have been used for several applications both in the industrial sector and in scientific work.
C Measurements are supposed to cope with all everyday life activities.
D Either shops or energy utilities are subject to measurements.
E Measurements for speeding are lax.
It can be concluded from the text that
A measurements are yet to be taken to bring air pollution under control.
B measurement needs full approval from society in order to be effective.
C we all breathe polluted air wherever we are.
D society is held liable for any regulation breach.
E authorities are in charge of tackling air pollution so that we are able to gasp for breath.

Material gentilmente cedido pelo Professor Alexandre Hartmann ao site

According to the text, it can be deduced that

A accuracy requirements have been set for any types of measurements.
B trade, health and environmental sectors have been equally regulated in terms of measurement.
C there may be cases when the importance of certain equipment can be questionable.
D consumers and users are not familiar with the importance of a particular measurement instrument.
E both consumers and users are provided with the opportunity to examine measurement devices.
Based on the text, one can infer that
A the NAWI is not so important as the MID.
B MPEs are not allowed.
C European authorities seem to be concerned about finding new measuring tools.
D in Europe, measurement agreements are being reached.
E the MID has long been searched for.


Read text I and answer questions 31 to 33
The web makes waves in Brazil
There is no doubt that the web has caught on in Brazil as its web-using population has doubled in just three years
In July 2008 more than 23.7 million Brazilians went online according to figures gathered by web statistics firm
IBOPE/NetRatings. The figure is up 28% on the same time in 2007 and continues the trend of booming net use.
Proof that it has caught on can be seen in statistics which suggest Brazilians spend the longest time surfing from
home than any other nationality.
By contrast, North Americans spend 20 hours 30 minutes and Germans 21 hours browsing the web every month.
While net access is popular in the homes of Brazilians, with 35.4 million homes connected to the web in July 2008,
internet cafes, or Lan houses as they are known in Brazil, are becoming hugely popular. So popular that they are
springing up in underground stations and fast food restaurants

The dark side

The internet has a reputation for harbouring some dark areas and for that reason, a rigorous check is done before anyone
can use a computer in a Lan house.

Material gentilmente cedido pelo Professor Alexandre Hartmann ao site

(adapted from

31- The title of this article refers to a movement that is

(A) swaying.
(B) sweeping.
(C) swindling.
(D) swerving.
(E) swinging.

32-The underlined word in While net access is popular (line12) can be replaced by
(A) Whereas.
(B) Wherefore.
(C) Whenever.
(D) Whence.
(E) Whereby.

33- When the article informs that it has a reputation for harbouring some dark areas (lines19-20), this implies the
Internet can be used for
(A) exquisite ends.
(B) sober objectives.
(C) genuine aims.
(D) sensible reasons.
(E) grim purposes.

Read text II and answer questions 34 to 40

Meet the new neighbours
The empty house, in a middle-class corner of southern California, is two storeys high and boasts a three-car
garage. Roses bloom around a kidney-shaped swimming pool, which is green with algae. Bill Bobbitt, a county inspector,
dips a ladle into the water and brings up half a dozen wriggling larvae.
Mosquitoes, and the West Nile virus that some of them carry, are thriving in Californias plunging property market.
West Nile virus arrived in America in 1999 and made it to California three years later. Since then it is known to have
infected 2,300 people in the state, of whom 76 have died In theory, owners are supposed to keep their properties in
decent shape whether they live there or not. California has even passed a bill fining banks and mortgage companies that
seize properties and then allow pools to fester. But Mr. Bobbitt isnt waiting for the lawyers. He has treated the pool in
Santa Ana with oil and synthetic growth hormones, which will keep the mosquitoes adolescent, preventing breeding. Then
he tips in a few dozen mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), which begin happily munching larvae. You can buy a lot of the

Material gentilmente cedido pelo Professor Alexandre Hartmann ao site

fish for what a lawyer charges per hour, and some authorities, with commendable creativity, even provide them free to
help control the pests.
(from The Economist, August 2d, 2008, p. 34)

34- The tone of the title is

(A) tragic.
(B) sympathetic.
(C) ironic.
(D) wailing.
(E) enthusiastic.

35- According to the text, the market for buying and selling houses in California is
(A) dropping.
(B) stable.
(C) rising.
(D) sky-rocketing.
(E) inflated.

36- A kidney-shaped swimming-pool is

(A) triangular.
(B) square.
(C) rectangular.
(D) trapezoid.
(E) curved.

37- The underlined word in wriggling larvae (lines 5-6) means that the larvae are
(A) growing.
(B) migrating.
(C) reproducing.
(D) twisting.
(E) dying.

Material gentilmente cedido pelo Professor Alexandre Hartmann ao site

38- The expression boasts a three-car garage (line 2) reveals an attitude which is
(A) humble.
(B) haughty.
(C) hopeful.
(D) hospitable.
(E) holy.

39- When mortgage companies seize properties (lines 13-14) this means they
(A) take them down.
(B) take them off.
(C) take them away.
(D) take them out.
(E) take them apart.

40- In provide them free (line 21) them refers to

(A) lawyers.
(B) larvae.
(C) authorities.
(D) pests.
(E) fish.













Material gentilmente cedido pelo Professor Alexandre Hartmann ao site

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