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Title: Animal Farm Notes

Name: McKenna Hagan

Page 1 of 2
Class: 3
Date: 9/21/14
why do the animals represent each
why are the animals so interested in
revolting? And who is leading

Russians formed Bulksavic party and a revolution
Symbol is hammer and a sycial to represent a worker
A raven named Moses spread rumors about a magical
place after death but the animals did not like this idea
Lenin had Stalin as a trusted advisor
Stalin took over when Lenin died
Stalin had rtratski murdered but also erased because he
was an enemy
Napeolan quickly put an effort to go against snowball but
also to erase the memory of him but he also had external
treats as well that was in the form of Adolf Hitler for
a beneifical treaty was created between Hitler and Stalin
but it soon ended and war broke out
millions were killed because of it
Old Major speaks of a world were the animals can live in
a world free of oppressive control
Carl Marks wrote about the same idea
his words spread quickly and appealed to many people

Title: Animal Farm Notes

Name: McKenna Hagan
Page 2 of 2
Class: 3
Date: 9/21/14

Summary/Reflection:Animal Farm is based off of past leaders and situations in

other countries. It shows that the turn out may not end up to well for the
animals because it did not turn out well for the leaders.

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