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Promoting vocations requires adequate institutions where seminarians may be formed in communion with Rome while immersed in the local cultures. Simultaneously, with the erection of the seminary, a theological institute was organized to provide academic formation (philosophical and theological) for the seminarians; and hopefully in the future, to train catechists and candidates for the permanent diaconate. In September 2000, Archbishop Apuron, together with the pastoral team of the Seminary, met with Msgr. Angelo Scola, the then Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome (now Patriarch of Venice), to start the process for the affiliation of a Theological Institute to this renowned Pontifical University. Cardinal Josef Tomko, President of the Propaganda Fidei, had been consulted previously and gave his favorable opinion. In the following years the contacts with the Lateran University continued in a climate of great cordiality and collaboration. The Lateran put at least four very challenging conditions to grant the affiliation. The Institute needed tohave six permanent professors with PHD degrees, a library endowed with 20,000 books, at least thirty students enrolled for theological studies and an adequate building with fitting technological aide (e.g. computers). What seemed impossible was accomplished in a relatively short time and in a miraculous way. On February 2006 Monsignor Sanna, then Vice Rector of the Lateran, visited the BLESSED DIEGO LUIS. DE SAN VITORES INSTITUTE FOR OCEANIA —EE eer Institute and was surprised to find here in Guam, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean such a fitting place for studies, endowed with all the (ru requirements of a university. On November 8, 2006 the affiliation was approved by the Lateran in Rome. The news of the approval reached the Seminary on the day of the Feast of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica, that is, on November 9. ‘The affiliation was finally ratified by the Holy See Sacred Congregation for Catholic Educations and Seminaries on June 7, 2007. It took 7 years to finalize the process of affiliation! This affiliation of Theological Institute, bridges the Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores to one of the most prestigious Theological Universities of the world, the University of the Pope Himself. Even though Guam is far from Rome, the Institute has numbered the involvement of several world prominent visiting professors, besides a staff of permanent professors living in the island, Among the visiting scholars, have come. to teach to Guam theologians as Ettien Nodet, Emiliano Jimenez,~Charles Morerod, Francis Hezel, Pedro Farnes,, JoséAntonio Sayes,'Bogumil Gacka, Bruno Esposito. Upon completion of their studies, the seminarians receive a Bachelor degree in Sacred Theology that is ane issued by the Lateran U . This title allows them to continue their studies for the licentiate and doctorate in almost any catholic theological institution as well ~ asat the Lateran University itself. Also our academic credits are recognized by several institutions all around the The mission of this Institute has been since the beginning to form priest and religious for the new evangelization. The Institute is also open to any ‘seminarian or man in consecrated life, preparing for Holy Orders, who is presented by his Ordinary orSuperior. The Institute shares the same beautiful building of the Redemptoris _ Mater Seminary of Guam: those who come to accomplish in-house studies in the Institute are welcome guests of this unique facility located on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, The Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores Catholic Theological Institute for Oceania is a bright promise of continued growth for the Catholic Church in the Pacificarea. a2

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