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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Ziyarat of imam al-husayn

peace be upon him





Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Adam, the chosen one of Allah;




Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Noah, the prophet of Allah;



Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Abraham, the beloved friend of Allah;

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Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Moses, who received direct communication from Allah;




Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Jesus, the spirit of Allah;






Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Muhammad, the beloved friend of Allah;




Peace be upon you, O inheritor of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, the friend of


Peace be upon you, O son of Muhammad al-Mustafa;


Peace be upon you, O son of Ali al-Murtadha;


Peace be upon you, O son of Fatimah, Leader of the women of the entire Universe;



Peace be upon you, O son of Khadijah al-Kubra;



Peace be upon you - the one who will be avenged by Allah, and O son of the one who will be avenged by
Allah - O unique martyr, who was killed mercilessly.

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I bear witness that you established the Salat and that you established the Zakat, and enjoined humanity
towards the performance of doing of good deeds, and forbade humanity from the performance of the
impermissible, and (you) obeyed Allah and His messenger until death came to you.


May the mercy of Allah be removed from those people who killed you; and may the mercy of Allah be
removed from those people who wronged you; and may the mercy of Allah be removed from those people
who gave their tacit (silent approval) after hearing about what happened to you;





My master, O Aba Abdullah! I bear witness that you were a light from the time of your ancestors within
the sublime loins and purified wombs;





The stains of ignorance never touched you, and the garment of disbelief never cast its shadow upon you;

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I bear witness that verily you are the backbone of the religion, and the supporter of the faithful ones;


I bear witness that truly you are the righteous Imam, virtuous, pious, pure, holy guide and Divinelyguided.




And I bear witness that the (nine) Imams who are your descendants are the banners of guidance, the
strong rope, and the proof of Allah upon the whole world.

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And that I call as my witness, Allah and His angels, prophets and messengers - that I have faith in you,
and I believe in your return (before the end of the world), and I am convinced of the laws of my religion
and the results of my actions.
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And that my heart surrenders to you, and my actions are in all in obedience to your command (which is
nothing other than the command of Allah).

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Blessings of Allah be upon (all of) you and upon your souls and upon your bodies and upon your forms
and (when) you are in view and (when) you are out of sight and upon your outward and upon your

Ziyarat of Ali al-Akbar

peace be upon him


Peace be upon you, O son of the Messenger of Allah.


Peace be upon you, O son of the Prophet of Allah.


Peace be upon you, O son of the Commander of the Faithful.


Peace be upon you, O son of al-Husayn the martyred one.



Peace be upon you, O the martyred one and the son of the martyred one.




Peace be upon you, O the oppressed one and son of the oppressed one.

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May the mercy of Allah be removed from those people who killed you; and may the mercy of Allah be
removed from those people who wronged you; and may the mercy of Allah be removed from those people
who gave their tacit (silent approval) after hearing about what happened to you.

Ziyarat of all of the other martyrs of Kerbala

peace be upon all of them




Peace be upon all of you, O the saints and loved ones of Allah.




Peace be upon all of you, O the adorers of Allah and the sincerely attached to Him.




Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of the religion of Allah.




Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of the Messenger of Allah.



Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of the Commander of the Faithful.



Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of Fatimah, the Leader of the women of the entire Universe.






Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of Abu Muhammad al-Hasan, the son of Ali - the sincere, the pure
and the faithful saint.



Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of Abi Abdillah.

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May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you - verily you are pure; therefore the land wherein you
are buried has been purified; you also attained your end and won a great fortune.




Would that we were with you, so that we could also share the accomplishment with you.

Ziyarat of Abul Fadhl al-Abbas

peace be upon him



Peace be upon you, O Abul Fadhl al-Abbas, the son of the Commander of the Faithful.



Peace be upon you, O son of the Chief of the Successors.





Peace be upon you, O son of the one who was the first to accept Islam in the community, the foremost in
faith, the most firm on the religion of Allah, and the most dedicated to guard over Islam.




I bear witness that you advised in the way of Allah, and His Messenger and your brother and how great
a consoler you were as a brother!


May the mercy of Allah be removed from those who killed you, and may the mercy of Allah be removed
from those who oppressed you.



And may the mercy of Allah be removed from those who regarded lawful from you what was forbidden
and violated the sanctity of Islam.

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How wonderful is the patient one, the fighter, the protector, the helper, and the brother who defends his



The one who responds to the obedience of His Lord,



The one who hopes for that which others have renounced of abundant reward and beautiful praise,




And may Allah join you in the ranks of your noble fore fathers in the highest levels of the heavens.

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