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Shin, Jeana
H English 9A (Period 1)
Mrs. Ying
12 December 2014
Of Mice and Men Epilogue
A few days after the death of Curleys wife and Lennie, Candy was assigned to dig their
graves in time for a small funeral to be held the next day. The beauty of nature was apparent in
the clearing where he was working. The birds were singing and rabbits were peeking out from
small bushes. It had just stopped raining, and the cleared sky revealed a rainbow of colors across
a light blue canvas.
He had just finished digging his first grave. As Candy dug the hard rocky soil bed he
thought of the horrible possibility of George giving up on the ranch.
How selfish would it be to leave an ol man behind jus cause o this? George wouldnt
do that to me. Why, hed be over that bum by next week! Candy reassured himself.
After digging a considerably large hole for the funeral, he grew angry.
If only that bitch hadnt come and muss everythin up!
He bitterly spit into the grave.
You go an rot in hell! Try an seduce the likes of the devil!
He then looked at the hole beside the one he had just dug up.
Poor Lennie. First Curley an now that tranny of is. I bet George wants to just about
murder those horrible folks. Now I know you miss him but tomorra hell come an see ya. Hes
a good guy like that. He aint one to abandon a poor soul. Not you, not me, not anyone! said
Candy as Carlson approached.
Whatre ya yappin bout by yerself out ere while yer supposed to be workin? Now,
dont go tellin George, but if you ask me its a good riddance! Those two were trouble. Maybe
Curleyll shoot imself too an then this ranchll be a decent place to be. Maybe Bossll have the
brain to get ridda is useless son. e tol me imself he wants to fire lazy troublemakers.
Carlson stared at the painting-like skyline as if he were remembering a distant memory.
Well, finish up ol man. We gonna save a place for ya to play rummy if thats fine with
ya. Dont break yer back for this and hurry up!
The next morning, Candy got up at dawn to put the corpses in their places. Soon Curley,
Carlson, and Slim with George arrived to pay their respects.

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As Crooks walked towards the crowd, he tripped over the shovel Candy had used to dig
the graves the day before, which had been partially hidden by a large pile of crisp, dead leaves..
He shrieked as mice scurried away from underneath.
Carlson, chuckling asks, Ya gonna kill yerself one day skulking round like that. Say,
whats an ol nigga like you comin outta yer hovel for?
Used to the insults and tease, Crooks calmly replies, Jus wanted to see Lennie one las
time. Aint nothing; wrong with that. He was a good kid that one. Im gonna miss him. Lennie
aint done nothin wrong but fall under that bitchs spell.
Crooks had touched a sensitive area for Curley as he grew angrier with each sympathetic
comment for Lennie.
My wife ere aint done nothin wrong. That beast was jus jealous that she was mine
and kill her cause she smart enough to dislike im. He couldnt control imself round er. Guys
like that are dumb as mutts but everyone thinks its my wife who started this mess! Spread those
silly rumors with that fowl little nigga mouth o yers an Ill have ya hanged!. Curley
Crooks shrunk back and bowed his head of acknowledgement before scampering back to
his room.
Candy couldnt stand to see Curley gain the upper hand.
He scolded, Jus cause he a nigger doesnt mean he cant share his thoughts with any
one o ya. Listen to an ol man for once will ya?
Curley retaliated, Shut yer ol trap old man cause I can git rid o you jus as easy! he
yelled, All this trouble started when these two idiots showed up. These sons-of-bitches are the
reason for all this appening!
Curley stopped short and gazed at his wife, whose beauty still radiated even in death and
whispered, M poor girl had to suffer the most. At least you wont get hurt no more.
He scooted over to look over at Lennie, who looked as if he was dreaming of the rabbits
he wanted to tend so much and spit.
George, who had been keeping silent, seemed to all of a sudden snap out of a trance and
stomped towards Curley. Before Curley could react however, George punched Curley hard
enough to send him sprawling into his wifes grave.
He shrieked as he was instantly covered with dirt, grime, and maggots that crawled out
from underneath the dark crevices of the rotting body.
George angrily screamed in tears, Scum like you are the reason why this world is so
screwed up! Why, if I was you I wouldve jus shot mself ages ago!
He took one last glance at Curleys speechless and helpless self before leaving and said,
Thats where you belong. In a grave with your whore where only scum like you could love!

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Slim quickly took change of the situation.

Candy go take care of George. At the rate hes going, hell turn imself into a drunk an
Im willin to bet that Lennie wouldnt like that.
Candy couldnt help but put a worried expression on his face.
Dont worry ol man. Ill take care of this bastard over ere. I can handle im. Slim told
Candy reassuringly.
When he went to the bunk house, the sudden, strong stench of hard liquor filled his
senses and for a second, he felt dizzy. Empty, broken bottles of alcohol lay strewn everywhere.
Being careful not to step on any glass, he walked towards Georges bunk. Candy could here him
silently weeping for his friend.
George, having heard the soft crunch of glass as the soles of Candys shoes crushed it,
wiped his tears and said, I know he wasnt much, but he was all I had. My only friend, my only
Candy felt somewhat hurt by this comment. He had thought that they had formed a
somewhat friendship after having shared their dreams a few weeks before.
Well, he tried, I aint much either, but at least well still ave each other when we get
that ranch right?
Dont ya understand yet? That dream was never meant to come true. I just cant believe
it took Lennies death to make me realize that. God, Im such an idiot! he wailed.
George breathed a heavy sigh to collect himself before he continued, I know I may be
younger and you may know a few more things, but at least I know when its time to give up.
Come on, the world just wants to have at us. American dream? Thats just some horsecrap some
lonely soul made up to make himself feel better. There is no such thing.
Candy, stunned that George had given up after getting so close stammers, But George,
dont you know what theyll do to an ol man like me? Ill git tossed wit nothin but my bindle
and the cash. But I still wouldnt last a day out there. Think about what yer saying ere George!
We are so close! Ya cant let this bring ya down. Lennie would want ya to get the ranch. We can
even tend the rabbits for him!
Close to tears, Candy begs, Please dont abandon me. Please dont let me be alone
Wiping the last of his own tears, George finishes, Ya gotta stop kiddin yerself. Now, if
yer done, I would like you to leave me alone for a while.
As Candy walked out, Slim entered the bunk house, gave him a nod, and then closed the
door behind Candy.
Candy pondered over the next few hours while working in the fields of the things they
talked about together, especially after the quarrel they had just had. He couldnt help but believe

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that his time on the ranch was almost over. He had no more dreams to look to or people to
confide in. However, he decided to give his all in order to keep his place at the ranch, with any
means possible.
A few days later, Candy was asked to run an errand in which he was asked to deliver a
package for the boss. The package was a cage, and inside was a snake its poisonous venom able
to create unimaginable pain. He shifted uncomfortably, careful not to let it out. As he walked in
to the smell of beer and old books, he observed the clutter that was his bosss office. The bosss
seat was vacant, and he was nowhere to be found at the moment. The walls were decorated with
maps of the country and pictures of his family. He set the package down near the entrance and
looked in awe at the bustling activity of the small room. Candy wondered what his life could be
is he was the boss of his own ranch. How his office would look and the intimidation he would
give to his workers. With these thoughts his eyes wandered to a safe resting in the corner of the
book under a pile of books and files. Its door was slightly empty, a glimmer of gold sparkling
under the sunlight streaming into the room through an open window. He dared to reach out for
the golden bars that were hidden inside.
No, no, no, no. I cant do it, he muttered to himself, Ill get canned for sure on the spot
if I get found out.
He took a second glance.
But its only a matter of time before it happens anyways. Besides, if I give this to
George, hell see that its ridiculous to give up on the ranch now that were so close. Why, we
could leave right this moment if he wants with this kinda money! he convinced himself, The
boss has so many I doubt hell even notice a couple o these missin.
However, as Candy started to make his way towards the door, a gold bar in each of his
pocket, he tripped over the package he had come to deliver in the first place, spilling all of its
Son-of-a bitch! he cursed as he scooped the snake and attempted to throw it back in its
cage. However, the snake latched onto its arm and bit hard before it dropped into its enclosure.
An excruciating pain came over him and he collapsed, his old body not able to bear the strength
of the poison.
When he awoke a few hours later on his bunk, he felt a terrible migraine and a slight, dull
pain all over his body. Crowded around his bunk were George, Slim, and Curley.
You okay? asked a concerned Slim.
Look Candy, Ill get straight to the point ere, started Curley, We found the gold ya
tried to steal, and this ranch aint no place for murderers or thieves. Ill be expecting an empty
bunk by dawn.
Cant ya let im stay for a couple more days? He cant last out there in is condition.
Curley smirked, Ey Slim feel free to join im if ya want but we dont want im here.

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Curley looked at Candy with no sympathy, with only hatred in his eyes. He tossed
George a fully loaded pistol and said, Make sure he leaves the ranch. Kill im if ya hafta. But if
hes still ere the next time I come back, yer gone too.
He then walked out, triumphant and glad to see that Candy was finally going to be off the
Slim looked sympathetically and said, Ill try and talk to him, as he followed Curley
out the door.
I did it for our ranch, whispered Candy after they had both left. We coulda lived good
lives there.
You did this to yerself! What makes ya think its that easy? replied George.
Its not too late. You could leave this godforsaken place with me and we could try an
bargain with the owners with the money we ave now, Candy suggests optimistically.
I was done with that ranch a long time ago. That dream died with Lennie.
After a long silence, Candy said, Do it. Shoot me. You heard Slim. Theres no way I
could survive out there on my own. Especially not in this condition.
George hesitated for a moment before setting the gun down. I couldnt do it. Not again,
he replied before walking towards the door, This will be the last I see of you for now. Who
knows? Maybe youll make somethin of yerself when yer out there. And maybe fate will bring
us together again Goodbye Candy.
Goodbye George. Thank you for giving me somethin to live for, even though it was jus
a short while, said Candy holding back tears, as he brought the gun to his head, and pulled the

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