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Saint Pauls Academy

Inabanga, Bohol
Roles, rules and styles of Debate
Government Takes the positive side of the topic
1. Opening Speaker
a. Gathers the main arguments into an introductory statement. Does not give specific
information; just says "this is true because of A and B and C."
b. Present the main arguments for the team. Each presenter give specific details that
prove A and B and C.
2. Second Speaker
a. Present the main arguments for the team. Each presenter give specific details that
prove A and B and C.
3. Rebuttal Speaker
a. Answer the arguments of the other team. These presenters must take notes as the
other team is presenting their arguments and respond to every argument, using
specific information to disprove them.
4. Closing Speaker
a. Presents the closing arguments for the team. Repeats the main idea for this and
this and this reasons.
Opposition Takes the negative side of the topic
1. Opening Speaker
a. Gathers the main arguments into an introductory statement. Does not give specific
information; just says "this is true because of A and B and C."
b. Present the main arguments for the team. Each presenter give specific details that
prove A and B and C.
2. Second Speaker
a. Present the main arguments for the team. Each presenter give specific details that
prove A and B and C.
3. Rebuttal Speaker
a. Answer the arguments of the other team. These presenters must take notes as the
other team is presenting their arguments and respond to every argument, using
specific information to disprove them.
4. Closing Speaker
a. Presents the closing arguments for the team. Repeats the main idea for this and
this and this reasons.
Adjudicator/timer presents the topic, speakers and keeps track of the time, breaks deadlocks
Judges Awards points based on the judging rubric
1. The Adjudicator introduces the speakers individually. After that, the topic for debate will be
introduced. The Debate timer will start when the adjudicator says Mr./Ms. Speaker, you may
2. Speakers present their stands according to the topic and their arguments for or against it. They
are required to build their arguments during their speeches. No new points may be made after
the speech of the Second Speakers Speech.
3. The opposing teams get a chance to clarify points during the cross examinations. Anyone who
wishes to raise a point has to raise his or her hand and say Excuse me, Mister/Madam speaker,
point of order/clarification please. The speaker addresses the person by saying, Yes,

Saint Pauls Academy

Inabanga, Bohol
Mister/Madam _____, you may go on. If there are several people raising a point, the speaker
must choose who can ask a question first.
4. Debaters are required to observe proper decorum during the debate. Any rowdy or
unsportsmanlike conduct will merit deductions in points.
5. The debate ends after the Government Closing Speaker makes his/her speech.
6. The judges will award points based on the grading rubric.
Order of speeches
1. Government Opening Speaker (4-6 minutes)
2. Cross examination (2 minutes)
3. Opposition Opening Speaker (4-6 minutes)
4. Cross examination (2 minutes)
5. Government Second Speaker (4-6 minutes)
6. Cross examination (2 minutes)
7. Opposition Second Speaker (4-6 minutes)
8. Cross examination (2 minutes)
9. Government Rebuttal (2-4 minutes)
10. Cross rebuttal (2 minutes)
11. Opposition Rebuttal (2-4 minutes)
12. Cross rebuttal (2 minutes)
13. Opposition Closing Statement (2-4 minutes)
14. Government Closing Statement (2-4 minutes)
* Each team is given 1 minute in between speeches to prepare for the next speech
** Total time allotment 1-hour per set
1. 20 pts 2. 20 pts 3. 20 pts 4. 20 pts 5. 20 pts 6. 20 pts -

Per minute in excess of time allotted

Per minute in deficit of time allotted
Shouting at or interrupting opponents
Whispering loudly during a privilege speech
Attacking the speaker and not the argument
Not raising your hand before speaking

Adjudicators Table

Judges Table

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