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1. Can you find all the hidden words in this word search? There are 13 words and they can go in
the following directions:

How many did you find? Check all the remaining words and see if you can find them now!
1. Match the following words and their
1) expensive

4) a bargain

a) for a short time something is

b) a person who buys things in
a shop
c) a piece of paper which
shows that you have paid for
d) if you buy one you take two

5) 10%
6) refund

e) a person who works in a

f) lots of money

7) special
8) buy one
get one free
9) shop
10) customer

g) a very cheap thing

11) receipt

k) money that is paid back for

bad products

2) cheap
3) sale(s)

h) 1 is 90p
i) little money
j) a time when shops sell things
at lower prices than usual

2. Now use some of the words from the previous

exercise to complete the following sentences:
a. Everything is cheap at Zara this week. They have
a ......
b. If you go to the market all the fruit and
vegetables are ..
c. Abdul is selling his new car for 100. It's a
d. I bought a TV last week. It doesn't work, so I'm
taking it back to the shop to get a ..
e. There's a .. on chicken at the
supermarket. You can get two for 3.

3. Question Time!
Do you like shopping? What kind of shops do you
like? Why?
When was the last time you went shopping? Where
did you go? What did you buy?
Have you ever asked for a refund? Why?
Do you like going to the sales?

At a department store


3. Complete the You hear phrases from

exercise 2.
4. Now role-play the same kind of dialogue
using the products in the classroom.

Comparatives & Superlatives Revision

1. Lets check if you remember the rules! Please complete the following sentences using the right
comparative form of the adjective/adverb.
The weather is worse today than it was
Please drive ............. Youre going too
fast! (slowly)
I failed the test. Ill work ............... next
time. (hard)
She sings ................ than you. (good)


And now some practice:

Her life is .................... since she had her second

child. (+ stressful)
That joke is .............. than the last one you told.
The climate in northern Europe is ............ than in
the south. (wet)
Basketball is ................ than baseball in the US.

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