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Growth in Special Education and Digital Teaching and Learning

Haley Gillman
EDUC 526 Capstone Experience in Digital Teaching and Learning
Dr. Jennifer Courduff
Inland Empire Regional Center
December 3, 2014

Haley Gillman
Inland Empire

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment

Fall II

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December 2014

IntroductionSetting the context.
It seems as though many teachers come from one of two backgrounds, either they
have a family history in education or they found a passion for helping others along their
own journey. I come from the group that developed a passion for helping others. As a
young person studying business I was recruited by an education specialist to volunteer in
her RSP classroom. After working with one of her students with special needs I felt my
heart grow almost immediately. Within several months I decided to continue my
education in the undergraduate program at the University of Redlands to get my degree in
Throughout my coursework I began to network so that I could start planning for
my future. Being that this was a new journey for me and being the first person in my
family to pursue education, of course I had a plethora of questions. I was walking an
unknown path. After conversing with many educators and continuing to volunteer in the
special education environment, I learned that Azusa Pacific University had a very highly
recommended graduate program for special education and I began to pursue my goal of
becoming an educator. Within the first term of my credentialing courses I recognized that
I needed to get further experience in the classroom and applied for several substituteteaching positions. My work experience has been in various settings from kindergarten to
high school wood shop. I have been in two special education classrooms and currently
have a position at a charter school in a transitional kindergarten class where I have been
given the opportunity to help lesson plan, conduct student assessments, and create many
of my own science activities.

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Inland Empire

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment

Fall II

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December 2014

When I came into this program I was unclear as to what my goals were. I took
things day by day until I had a clear vision of the path I was on. In the beginning I was on
track for the masters degree in special education. Part way through my credentialing
courses I decided to switch into the digital teaching and learning program because I
believed that I would be more beneficial to digital native students and more appealing as
a teacher candidate looking for a job. Technology is becoming more and more embedded
into every classroom, no matter what level. While Bill Gates quoted Technology is just a
tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the
most important. I feel this quote is extremely essential to the success of a technology
friendly classroom environment and is an essential program in order to be effective in any
classroom setting.
Personal Growth
Growth is essential and perpetual. While I have grown so much through this
program in many different ways I feel that, more than anything, I have cultivated a
different spirituality about my outlook on life. I have learned a lot through others and
discovered more about myself through the Bible and the Christian worldview that we talk
so much about in each course. Through the EDUC 522: Learning in the 21st Century class
I learned more about my learning style than I ever imagined. Mostly, I realized that no
matter how old you are or how much education you have there is never a time in your life
that you should stop pursuing the ability to learn.
I have come to realize that this program is only a stepping-stone for the things that
I will accomplish over the course of my life. The connections I have made thus far are
more connections on a personal level rather than connections with others. My choice to

Haley Gillman
Inland Empire

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment

Fall II

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December 2014

continue my education through a program that is online has allowed me to be more a part
of my family than if I were to attend courses on campus. The down side is that I feel I
have lost many opportunities to make connections with others that I could potentially
share experiences with.
Upon the completion of this degree I know I will have a self-fulfillment and
success, but at the same time I feel as if it is simply the beginning to a new adventure.
There are so many things that I desire on a professional level and so many things that I
am determined to pursue. To me, having a degree in technology means that you are on
the path to a never-ending life in education. The field of technology is constantly
evolving, which means that it is important as an educator to keep up with the trends and
never allow yourself to fall short of future innovations.
Professional Growth
Since being in this masters program I have expanded my horizons professionally
in so many ways. It has been a slow transitional process from one career to another, but I
feel that I have been blessed with great experiences and am slowly working my way to
the place I want to be as a professional. As an educator I have been given the opportunity
to substitute (temporarily) full time, in which I desire to get a full time internship in the
upcoming school year.
Over the past few months my educational vision has begun to evolve as I have
taken on many new responsibilities as an educator. Being in the classroom everyday has
given me the opportunity to see things from an educators view rather than a volunteers
view. My ideas of classroom management are much easier to formulate being able to
work with the same group of children everyday. In addition, I have been able to write

Haley Gillman
Inland Empire

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment

Fall II

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December 2014

lesson plans that are actually used in the classroom rather than writing for a hypothetical
audience. Being that I am subbing at a STEAM school, I am encouraged to use many of
the technological resources that I have been given through this masters program.
In EDUC 514 I developed a video that I was able to show to the students of the
TK class that I am working in and my mind is constantly digging for resources that I have
developed over the course of this program. One instructional strategy that I developed
from EDUC 515 that I am currently working on with the classroom teacher is a project
based learning experience for a student that is academically advanced for his age. This
boy is currently being assessed, but reads at a much higher level than the rest of the group
and becomes disinterested easily. During parent-teacher conferences we discussed a few
instructional strategies with his mother that will pose a challenge for this student without
pulling him away from the other kids in the classroom and PBL is the first one that we
are introducing. This boy is also the type of student that I feel should be challenged
through the multiple intelligences. I feel that if he were given activities that tapped into
the strategies I learned through EDUC 526 we may be able to find out more about his
intelligence than even his family knows.
In my action research study, I chose to focus on a student that I have been
teaching over the course of my substitute teaching position. My goal is to make a
significant change in her behavior. I feel that this topic is one that can be used in all
classroom settings because teachers of all experiences, in all different classroom settings
encounter behavior situations on many different levels. The research question that I have
chosen is, What strategies are teachers using to change the behavior of their students in
the classroom and on the playground? I will choose strategies for in class behavior and

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Inland Empire

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment

Fall II

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December 2014

out of class behavior. Additionally, I will look for ways to better maintain a classroom
management plan that works for all students.
Technical Growth
Prior to entering the technology program, I felt confident that I was pretty
integrated into technology. It didnt take long for me to realize that I was wrong. I
struggled through EDUC 514 because I was learning a new operating system and new
hardware. As time went on I became better, but still found myself frustrated because the
expectation that I had for myself was much higher than the work I was producing. I am
not used to failing and while my grades do not reflect failure, I dont always feel
successful in my work. I feel that I have been given so many resources and I simply dont
have enough time in my life to explore them. One ah-ha moment for me was completing
my first iMovie assignment. I struggle through, but in the end I knew I had made
significant progress.
The more I learn about technology, the more I want to be able to integrate it into
my future classroom. Through EDUC 514 and EDUC 515 I have come to realize that
having a classroom website is a great way to stay connected with students and parents.
Additionally, recording lectures or other important discussions held in class and
podcasting them is a great reference tool for students. Providing a voice recording that
can be embedded into a class blog, which students can refer to at a later date is simple
way to eliminate confusion for students.
Life Long Learning Plan
From the beginning of this program to now my life long learning plan has
changed drastically. Not only have I grown professionally, but I have made major

Haley Gillman
Inland Empire

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment

Fall II

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December 2014

changes to my personal life as well. As I grow professionally, I also grow as a mother

and a partner, which I see working well hand-in-hand. It is incredible to me how closely
you can align your professional studies as an educator to you personal life and the way
you see things as a parent.
I am the type of person that doesnt settle. Within the next five years I see myself
continuing my education and getting a multiple subject credential and possibly a single
subject as well. I do not yet have my heart set on any particular grade level that I would
like to teach, but I am open and feel that I will find my passion through experience.
Beyond that, in ten years or so, I would like to advance to behavior therapy where I can
work with specialized students in different academic and grade level settings. I have
become passionate about behavior differences, but feel that the best way to get
experience is through climbing the professional ladder. Therefore, I plan to teach in order
to get that experience.
If I have it my way, I will be teaching at a charter STEAM school for the
upcoming years, which is a great way to stay abreast of new developments in the field.
Participating in online seminars, professional development days and committing to a life
long journey in technology and educational trends are steps in my plan. Among many
newly acquired theories and pieces of technology that I have acquired through the digital
teaching and learning program, I would like to continue learning about and acquiring
ways to incorporate Howard Gardners multiple intelligence theory in the classroom
along with Norman Webbs depth of knowledge model. I feel that these are techniques
that will not only drive students to get involved deeply in their learning, but help teachers
learn more about their students learning styles and about themselves as educators.

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Inland Empire

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment

Fall II

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December 2014

History of Coursework and Course Evaluation


Course Title and


Essentials in Digital
Teaching and


Spring I


Spring II

Apple Pages,
Numbers, and
Google Hangout

Spring II

Rules of
YouTube Channel

Dr. Joanne Gilbert


Applications of
Kristi Hernandez


Digital Video in the

Prof. Bill Selak

Haley Gillman
Inland Empire

Key Skills Acquired

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment

Fall II

This course was a good
introduction to the Digital Teaching
and Learning program. I feel that
was provided with the skills I
needed to develop my LiveBinder
and given a basic introduction to
some of the technology and
programs that we would be using
during the program.
Suggestion: More relevant
information in regards to what will
be expected throughout the
program. A list of apps and
programs would be helpful ahead
of time so that students can explore
before hand.
This course taught me the basics of
how to use my MacBook and iPad.
Being a new user to Apple, I found
myself very frustrated with many
of the apps and programs provided
by Apple, but Kristi was extremely
helpful in explaining and providing
assignments that allowed me to
explore basics needed for Apple
programs. In addition, we learned
how to create a WebQuest project,
which I see being a valuable tool
for educators.
Suggestion: A different way to set
up a WebQuest type assignment.
This program isnt very user
friendly and doesnt give many
options to customize the
Through this course I learned many
fundamental skills about creating
basic videos. I was challenged to
use iMovie, and I developed a
YouTube channel, which will be
useful for my career portfolio.
Many useful apps were introduced
that I will be able to use in my
future classroom.
Suggestion: iMovie help. For those
of us who are unfamiliar with the
program, it can be very frustrating
to figure out without some type of

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Fall I

Lance Martin


Learning in the 21st


Fall I

Adobe Connect
Blooms Taxonomy
Gardners Multiple
Webbs Depth of
21st Century
Learning strategies
Unit Plan
Development using
the MI theory
Mobile Technology
New apps

Fall II

Action Research
Growth Assessment
Curricular Unit Plan

Dr. Jennifer Courduff


Experience in
Digital Teaching
and Learning
Dr. Jennifer Courduff

20% Time
Flipped Classroom
QR Codes

My favorite part of this class was

developing and using
I created a blog that I have found to
be very user friendly. Being
introduced to project-based
learning concepts is something that
I feel will be useful in my future. I
already have been given the
opportunity to participate in a PBL
trial run for a student that I am
subbing for, which I am very
excited about.
Suggestion: More student
interaction on the behalf of the
professor. I had a difficult time
keeping in touch with the instructor
and felt out of touch as a student
participating digitally.
This was the best course with the
best instructor and best foundation.
I learned more about myself and
my learning/teaching style in this
course than I thought possible. This
course inspired me to dig deeper to
find activities to appeal to different
types of learner, which I feel is an
essential skill to teaching students
with special needs.
Suggestion: This suggestion is
more for other studentsif taking
this course online, try to find 1 or 2
sessions that you can participate in
an actual face-to-face class. I think
the experience would be even
better for me if I had the ability to
do so.
This course is an extension of the
coursework completed in EDUC
522, which will allow me to get
deeper with my unit plan and
prepare more in depth activities for
my curricular unit on the California
Mission System.
Suggestions: None so far as I am
only 3 weeks into the course.

Evaluation of the impact of the Digital Teaching and Learning Program

One instructional strategy that I plan to implement as a result of the EDUC 522:
Capstone Experience in Digital Teaching and Learning course is a way to incorporate the
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Inland Empire

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment

Fall II

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December 2014

multiple intelligences into my lessons. Since taking this course I have thought of many
ways to do that and I have discovered that it will depend on the age group of the class.
Within the inclusion classroom, my perfect vision is to have each student take an age
appropriate multiple intelligence test at the beginning of the school year. With the results
from that I would be able to establish learning groups and set my students up for success
rather than failure. I am a firm believer that all students need to experience activities that
tap into intelligences that may be out of their comfort zone. By using the MI theory I feel
that I would be able to develop my lessons to conform to many different types of
Program Evaluation
The following is the Candidate Dispositions Rubric, aligned to Ethical,
Responsive, and Informed educator dispositions, as evidenced in the candidate, which is
given to students at Azusa Pacific University. The National Council for Accreditation of
Teacher Education (NCATE) defines dispositions as "professional attitudes, values and
beliefs demonstrated through both verbal and non-verbal behaviors as educators interact
with students, families, colleagues and communities. These positive behaviors support
student learning and development. The two professional dispositions that NCATE
expects institutions to assess are fairness and the belief that all students can learn
(NCATE 2008).

Ethical educators who are able to understand and articulate the integration of a Christian
worldview in their professional communities of practice display:

Response Legend:
1 = Not Acceptable (not displayed) 2 = Approaches Acceptable (sometimes displayed) 3 =
Acceptable (usually displayed) 4 = Target (always displayed) N/A = Not Applicable

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Inland Empire

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment

Fall II

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December 2014


Personal Integrity
Collaborative, cooperative, and respectful behaviors
Fairness in educational settings by meeting the educational needs of all students in a
caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner
Sensitivity to cultural and individual differences
Personal and professional maturity

Comments regarding candidate strengths/areas for improvement (Ethical):

I still feel that I have so much to learn about the Christian worldview. This program has simply been a stepping-stone. I
chose an "acceptable" answer for all but sensitivity to cultural and individual differences and personal and professional
maturity because I feel that is something I possess as a person regardless of my Christian outlook.

Responsive educators who practice reflective critical thinking in their engagements with diverse
communities of learners display:

Response Legend:
1 = Not Acceptable (not displayed) 2 = Approaches Acceptable (sometimes displayed) 3 =
Acceptable (usually displayed) 4 = Target (always displayed) N/A = Not Applicable


Responsiveness to the expectations and standards of the professional community

Responsiveness to conditions that promote learning, health, and personal safety in the P12 school and community
Effective communication within the educational community
Commitment to fair academic practices that ensure all students can learn
Responsiveness to the impact of discrimination based on race, class, gender,
disability/exceptionality, sexual orientation, and language on students and their learning
Effective time management
Appearance and dress appropriate for one's professional setting

Comments regarding candidate strengths/areas for improvement (Responsive):

I feel that my desire to be in the special education classroom and the knowledge I have gained about that field over the
past 2 years has prepared me to be a responsive educator that practices reflective critical thinking in my engagements
with diverse communities of learner. While I don't think that I always hit every area on target, I am well aware of my
surroundings and the diversity that lies in every classroom.

Informed and collaborative scholarly educators who are dedicated to professional growth and
lifelong learning display:

Response Legend:
1 = Not Acceptable (not displayed) 2 = Approaches Acceptable (sometimes displayed) 3 =
Acceptable (usually displayed) 4 = Target (always displayed) N/A = Not Applicable


Commitment to adapting and applying the best research-based ideas to improve clinical
An understanding of current and emerging trends in their field of practice
Knowledge of standards and expectations of their discipline through relevant activities

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Inland Empire

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and projects in the program

Ability to apply and communicate current research effectively in course work
The ability to synthesize and apply course content, projects, clinical practice, and
professional work

Comments regarding candidate strengths/areas for improvement (Informed):

Many of the professors that I have been lucky enough to have deserve all the credit when it comes to the educator that I
am becoming. Without the positive influences that I have been lucky enough to have I may have a different outlook on
my professional growth and lifelong learning plan. A professor once told a story about how she had to have a CT scan
and the results flabbergasted the doctors because for her age she should have shown much more aging in the scan, but
because she has devoted her life to never ending education she had the brain of a young person. That story has inspired
me to continue on the lifelong learning journey that she shared with me.

The Masters program in Digital Teaching and Learning at Azusa Pacific has been
the best experience in my educational history thus far. I have enjoyed each and every
course that I have taken. Frustrations set aside, I have not only learned about innovative
ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, but I have learned about my own
learning styles which I feel will benefit my future students and myself. This class sizes
are ideal for getting a personal experience. The professors are knowledgeable and work
hard to challenge the students. Having a small class size, I feel, is an exemplary way to
allow students to develop a closer relationship with the professors and give the professors
the opportunity to invest a genuine interest in the education of each person. For years to
come I see myself continually reflecting upon this program, the instructors that have
encouraged me, and the people I have had the opportunity to network with. I am proud to
say that I would highly recommend the M.A. in Digital Teaching and Learning at Azusa
Pacific University to any teacher looking to pursue their masters degree.

Haley Gillman
Inland Empire

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Fall II

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December 2014

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