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(4 Grammatik Exercises > Gender of German nouns German nouns fall into three groups: masculine (der), neuter (das) and feminine (die). Grammatical gender may coincide with biological sex (e.g. nouns referring to male persons are always masculine) or with specific noun forms (e.g. all words formed with the diminutive suffix -chen are neuter). There are no fail-safe rules for determining the gender of German nouns, but below are a few helpful guidelines. The best way to master gender is to memorise the article together with the noun. Masculine (der): der Mann man, der Onkel uncle, der Junge boy Nouns referring to male persons der Friihling spring, der Januar January, der Samstag Saturday, Names of seasons, der Abend evening months, days of the week, of day Common exceptions: das Friihjahr spring, die Nacht night der Siiden south, Directions der Nordwesten northwest der Wein wine, der Sekt sparkling wine, der Cognac cognac, Alcoholic beverages der Likér liqueur Common exceptions: das Bier beer der Mercedes, Car makes der Mazda, Most nouns ending in -e denoting animate beings Nouns ending in -er denoting professions, nationalities and equipmentitools Nouns formed with the foreign suffixes -ant-, -ent-, -eur-, -ist-, -ismus and -or Neuter (das): Nouns referring to children and young animals Names of many metals and chemical compounds Nouns formed with the suffix -chen or -lein Collective nouns formed with the prefix Ge- Nouns formed from infinitive verbs der Fiat der Fine Finn, der Experte expert, der Léwe lion der Techniker technician, der Osterreicher Austrian, der Computer computer, der Drucker printer, Common exceptions: das Messer knife der Praktikant trainee, der Student student, der Ingenieur engineer, der Tourist tourist, der Realismus realism, der Direktor director das Baby baby, das Kind child, das Kalb calf das Metall metal, das Gold gold, das Uran uranium, das Chior chlorine Common exceptions: die Bronze bronze, der Stahl steel, der Sauerstoff oxygen das Madchen girl, das Brétchen bread roll, das Fraulein young woman das Gebirge mountains, das Gemiise vegetables das Treffen meeting, das Rauchen smoking Nouns formed with the foreign suffixes -(ijum and -(m)ent Feminine (die): Nouns denoting female persons Names of ships Names of most trees, flowers and fruits Most nouns ending in - denoting concepts or inanimate objects Nouns formed with the following suffixes: -heit das Studium studies, das Praktikum traineeship das Sortiment assortment, das Dokument document die Mutter mother, die Schwester sister, die Tante aunt die Titanic, die Otto Hahn die Birke birch, die Kiefer pine, die Tulpe tulip, die Rose rose, die Birne pear, die Banane banana Common exceptions: der Wacholder juniper, der Apfel apple die Frage question, die Stunde hour, die Schule school, die StraBe street Common exceptions: der Name name, das Interesse interest, das Ende end die Datei computer file, die Druckerei printing house die Neuheit novelty, die Gelegenheit ‘opportunity die Chefin (female) boss, die Freundin female friend -keit -kunft -schaft -ung Nouns formed with the following foreign suffixes: -anz -enz -tat die Méglichkeit possibility, die Schwierigkeit difficulty die Zukunft future, die Herkunft origin die Wirtschaft economy; die Eigenschaft property die Ausstellung exhibition, die Priifung exam die Toleranz tolerance, die Distanz distance die Konkurrenz competition, die Differenz difference die Theorie theory, die Industrie industry die Technik technology, die Fabrik factory die Organisation organization, die Produktion production die Reparatur repair, die Natur nature die Qualitat quality, die Universitat university Compound nouns and abbreviations The gender of compound nouns coincides with that of the suffixed noun: die Arbeit + der Platz das Geschaft + die Reise die Woche + das Ende der Arbeitsplatz die Geschaftsreise das Wochenende The gender of abbreviations is usually the same as that of the word they stand for: der PC der VW der Krimi das Info die EU die Uni der Personalcomputer der Volkswagen der Kriminalroman/ -film das Informationsblatt die Europaische Union die Universitat e

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