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Why Teaching Math in Schools Is

Research proved that teaching math to early grades in schools was pointless
Published on December 8, 2014 by Rod Judkins, MA, RCA in Connect to Creativity
Louis Benezet carried out audacious research. He asked the principals of schools in Manchester, New
Hampshire to drop math from the early grades. No teaching of arithmetic. No adding, subtracting,
multiplying or dividing. Benezet was exploring the idea that teaching math in the early grades was a
waste of the childrens time. Benezet allowed math to be introduced in sixth grade when he felt the
children were old enough to cope with it and actually learn from it.
Benezet specified that early grades spent the time they would normally spend on math to chatting about
interesting things, movies, TV programmes or anything that created an animated debate. He believed
this would increase childrens ability to think logically.
The Manchester children were tested on their math proficiency during the sixth grade. Those in the
experimental classes in math caught up with those in the standard classes.
Back in the 1930s Benezet proved that children who had only one year of math, in sixth grade,
performed as well or better at math than children who had several years of math teaching in the early
grades. Research since then has supported these results. Governments have learnt little though.
Many years ago the government in England were disappointed by math results. They doubled the
amount of the school day spent on math (and cut time spent on arts subjects). Math results continued to
drop. So they increased the time again. Results continued to drop. And so it went on and on. The only
result was that they increased the level of boredom in children. They also had to cut down the amount
of time spent on the subjects that children enjoyed. This attitude is echoed across the Western world.
Why is there such a bias towards math in schools? The answer is that math is easy to assess. Tests can
clearly show a students ability. Whereas ability in creative subjects is harder to assess.
Rod Judkins MA RCA is an artist, writer, and professional public speaker, delivering lectures and
workshops that explain the creative process and help individuals and businesses to be more inspired in
their lives and work. He is author of the bestseller, Change Your Mind: 57 Ways to Unlock Your
Creative Self.

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