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Newsletter Editor Job Description


1. Recruit a Proof Reader (recommended no. is 2-3) and Circulation person.

Circulation is responsible for having copies made, purchasing stamps, putting labels
on the newsletters, and mailing to the members who do not utilize computers. The
newsletters that need to be copied at a shop (Nov 2014, 9 members) and mailed via
The distribution list should be available from the previous Circulation person as a
starting point. The list of membership updates are received by the Editor from the
VP Membership and the Circulation person learns of the updaters from the
Newsletter Editor.

Proofreader(s) are needed to identify grammar, spelling, and content errors.

2. Have Microsoft Publisher 2007 or higher or similar software on a computer to be able

to create the newsletter itself, correct grammar and spelling errors in all articles
received and to conform these areas:

AM/PM (vs. A.M. or a.m. or am) and times in 00.00,

Signatures as in name, phone no. & email address on all articles.
Booby [all the card games have this, which is nice since it gives less experienced
players a chance to win $ back],
Day of the month and day of the week (spelled out vs. abbreviations).

3. Send the newsletter to the proofreaders and circulation person via PDF format.
4. By the 4th Monday of each month (August for the September issue to April for the May
issue, at minimum). Send the newsletter to the Webmaster for posting to the website.
Send the newsletter to Contacts to disseminate to all members who use computers,
and to Circulation to send via USPS mail to the members who do not use computers.

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