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Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Consbucion nS Grcund Ma & Toss bakom, Poon SEN STOESSS ‘A methodology for evaluating potential damage to cast iron pipes induced by tunnelling A.Bracegirdle & R.J.Mair Geotechnical Consulting Group, London, UK R.ENyren Inperlal College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK R.NTaylor Geotechntcal Research Centre, City University London, ABSTRACT: UK is often necessary to make sinpl evaluations ofthe pte for damage to buried services as a result of ‘elements caused by tumeling, without infomation availble onthe condition of te services or jointing details. In such ass, lnalyses. This paper describes a ‘5 Leon Cy. 1 BACKGROUND [About 80% of buried service pipes inthe UK. ae in prey ast iton. Graphite, present a kes in the iroa, gives the eon is grey colour, and has a murked effet on its properties, The graphite fakes offer ile strength and, cing a voide, hey provide stree-teiser within the ion. ‘Teale serse tend to concentrate around the ends ofthe fakes, allowing frctures to propagate fom flake to ake. [Asa reall, grey cast ron is relatively weak in tension, and is brite, The modulus of elasticity of grey cast on in tension is nonlinear and rate dependent. In its four, fey iron may be cast at relatively low temperatures, ‘lowing intricate shapes tobe formed; it has good damping ‘ropetes, andi realy machinable ‘AS dented by Howe (1985), the most common modes of failure of east ion pipes subject 10 ground movements ae tensile facture, and pull-out at joints, The tolerance of individual pipes to gyound movements i dependent on many factors, few of which the tumel tdesigar will have knowledge of The tensile properties of ‘ast on canbe quite variable, depending n the quality of the cating, adits stese-isory, The unifoity of back- [il corrosion (Harrison, 1976) and the presence of tervice ‘cnmections wil lg affect pipe’ performance. In view ofthe difieuies of acuratepredicion of tresses in pipes, the potential for damage due to ground movement is usually tvahated using empirical coneations, and semi-empirical ‘method based on strain predictions. 2 AMETHODOLOGY “This paper describes a methodology that may be applied 10 pidly asses te potential fr damage to buried services, ‘where detailed information concerning the services i not Immediately avalible to the designer. The methodology proposed is based on the estimation of ground movements, Ed comparisons with basic acceptance criteria, asset out ‘riesements can be mad onthe basis of simple enter, avonding the need for sophisticated and tine-consuming methodology that maybe ved where setements arise fem tunneling in soft ground, such ‘nthe lowing steps: "2, compare the predicted round slope at the level of the pipes with simple empincal cert, chock possible joint otaion and pull-out; ©. cleat potential pipe strains. ‘The mushodology conservatively assumes the worst scenario inter of the location and stfies of pipe joints. Tn steps a and, iis conservatively assumed that te pipe follows the gromnd. In step b, no account i taken of the ‘etuallostion of joints between pipes; itis assumed that Joints may be located atthe most severe position, and that the joins ae tee to roa and shi. if aegumed that jot are ig end capable Simple soi/-ipe predicted ground stains to caimsle axial pipe stains. ‘Where tunnels we deep, with wide setement troughs, predic pipe string become paiculrty onerous, in this fase it may become nscesary either to obtain more information on the condition, type and fequency of joins, ‘orto incorporate sl-pige lip ito the model {a the following, the methsology is oulined in greter ati, with patcar reference 10 services parallel or transverse othe ine of tunneling. 3 PREDICTION OF GROUND MOVEMENTS. 3. Tmele Jn soft ground, the transverse seftement trough de 9 the ‘excavation of @ single tunnel can be approximated 1 Gaussian distribution, New & OReilly (1991) and Mair et 1 (1996) describe the application ofthis to the prediction Of vertical and borizntal movenents dae to singe end multiple twnels The assumption of tbe longitudinal Setlement rough comesponding toa cumulative probably fuve, as described by Atewell & Woodman (1982), allows {generalised expretion fr setement, Sof the fom: 659 He} © where x and y are tunel coordinates, as show on Fig. 1, tnd Q isthe value of the cumulative normal dstrbution function Figure 1: Coordinate system, after Atevell & Wooden se) ‘The Volume loss, V,, can be estinsted ftom field and ‘experiments! dts, as escribed by OReilly & New (1982) and may be correlated wit tunnel stability (Mir, 1979), Construction of tants in London Cy ypically results i 8 volume less of between 1 and 2% and in this case its usual fo assume 2% when ‘the potential for Gamage to buried services. Oeil & New (1982) showed thatthe trough width parameter i at tho ground surface is about 50% ofthe depth vo dhe tunel ax in elay, x, and about 25% in sand. ‘The vale of atthe depth of servies, 2p canbe estimated for tunel in cay, sing the following lationship, devived fom ease statis by Matt etal (1993) : [om aaa 4) 7 tn 2 sda ed whe eating pod torso oe cruciate ta ec eae arte gel sovene ts as oe oe TR of Spal eae ed tpt scant encanta Fa plate pled iret ont ones Sor Oe ce at ma ea creer a arate eal Sores ete at hea te cae " ® 660 32 Cirewlar Shas Very few measurements of ground movements hive been made around deep circular sas i sf clays, poate beeause ground movements are generally small and sek, cause problems. Recently, detailed meeswemena ot ‘movements wer made around the Hetirow Exores wat haf the construction ofan Vm diameter, erp shat, and the movement data are descited by New & Bonert (1994). Data were called slong two lines of messing ‘stations, Consistent settlement data were recorded on bok, lines, sktbough the data for horizontal movement wose considered reliable on ane line only Measured brietc ‘movements, considered tobe reliable, wete 4m er ko, ‘The nomad setlement det are reasonably wel) =x (| where Sis the settlement st a distanced fom the shaft all, H is the depth ofthe shaft, and « ia dimensionless coefficient. In this ase, the best fit was Wat vahe of of 6x10. The above relationship should haweer be ‘weated with caution, as relates to one se and docs not epond on shaft diameter Particular care shouldbe ‘exercised when applying the relationship to shafts of more ‘han Im in dameter 33 Compiex Geomeries Where multiple tineis are to be constructed, or where ther activities, sch as dep excavation or shat sinking, fe 10 be undertaken, the predicted ground movements should be superimposed to enerate the most pvenaly damaging combination of ground movements affecting the Services. Ground stsins may be obtained diecty by diferentiting the displacements, o fromm Gaussian ce ited to the predicied ground movements; care fing offers the advantage of application of simple enpincal ‘teria or asessment of potential damage ° wos Taare ore Tenors sro 1 Longusra we rad Fiquce 2: Transverse an fongituina seilement troughe 44 EMPIRICAL CRITERIA (PRowke & Trautman (1982) provide an empirical method fore pretininary evalution of potential pipe danoge based cn cboerved values of slope at which damage occurs. The feltionhip f the rao Sad With observed damage i # fusion of the asnumed Gaussian distribution of stlement, fod based on seitlement observations for relatively shallow tuanelsin sand; they propose the limits for Sst foe a transverse seterneat trough shown in Table able 1: Expiial enter. Deserpton of pipe eltvely igi pipes, more than 200m diameter relatively flexible pipes, less than 200m diameter Su iit ‘oon (140 slope) ‘0012-0080 {0-140 slope) ‘The eters asume that he pipes being considered are not sesking pric to tunneling, tor do hey have a history of epoaed leakage, where pipes havea history of leakage, it must be assumed Gut any ground movement wil exacerbate leakage Tiguc’ shows the application ofthe citeria toa single tunnel lay, having 2% vohume loss, and suming the pipes se ransverse othe anne aa depth of Im. AS can Be sen from Fig. 3, the entera predict litle risk of fdmmage, where tunmels ace ss than Sm i diameter, and the depth to tunel axis greater than Sm “The empical eiteria proposed by Rourke & “Teavtmen provide a useful preliminary means of esessing the likelitood of damage to services. They do not, however, reflec variation in risk with the condition and type of tic, for example, no allowance is made fer the be associated with very sensitive services, sich a IRE Ghiameter gat pipes im grey cast ton, where the Somsequcnces of rupture may be very severe, Mis 204 rc) 6 wane! deh Figure 3: Empiial rte, afer ORourks and Trautman age) recommended that joint rotation and pull-out, and Stine are calulted where gas or high ‘maine are present, and that these be acceptance ceri dscused in Section 5 5 JOINT ROTATION ANDPULL-OUT Atewell etal (2986) give guidance fr cat icons: ‘nbycted to ground movements, as show in Table 2, ‘Table 2: Allowable joint Deseription and pull-on oration, 0, dees} Pullout, R, (em) lead-ya itn gas one main wih istony of leaks Tead:yam joint in sound gasmain tead.yar joint in water rubber gk jon in gas crater Where thete is sufficient information, or in the case of particulary senative services, individual joints may be Consider. —Altemaely, it may be conservatively {sumed that on oan, 6 is given by 02 tan! © Pri wet pipes are transverse othe tunnel Ln, oF, S os o whore pipes are parallel to the wnt Tine The sbove ‘elsonsips assume the worst conceivable configuration of Soom amd in some melas may be excessively “Again conservatively, it may be assumed that the maximo potest pull is equal to the maximum Prdicied rioatl ground displacement due to taneling foe both logitedinal and tansverse drectices. Examples ‘ofthe application of joint rotation and pullout eters for fgas maine in sound condition above tunnels in clay are ftven in Figs, 4and 5; ths case, dhe criteria are browdly ‘Flr to those of O'Rourke and Trautman, shown i Fes 6 PIPE STRAINS 6.1 Allonable Pipe Strains ‘As clined in Seton 1, cas iron pipes are sensitive to increased tensile strain cased by tumelling, In. general Compressive sin are lets critical, The total esile stain est nga nn, ten 6 Went Figure 4: Potential damage due to joint rotation, Gygg™ 1° ere tone, oo te Tunnel seme 46 8 eth tint, igure S; Potential damage de to pullout, Rage” 10mm 0 ‘arises from to components: bending stn due 10 ‘curvature, and exial stn. Published vals of strain a riplre of cast icon vary considerably, depending on the type of test an quality of esting, vale of beoween 4000 and 6000ue are not uncommon In practice, however, Impecfecions in casting ean acts stresses, nd fare may take place in thin section at tere strains of 2000, (Grocegirdle ta, 1996). In adition,detecioraion of cast inon may occur fellowing overzess arising from previous ‘round movement (Howe, 1985) and related. conasion (Harizon, 1976). Ae a result design codes have been felatively’ cautious; Attell et al (1980) provide = summary of toll allowable stains arising from code limitations on direct tensile sess, used in design and shown in Table 3 Some conservatism is also requced when assesing accepuable limits for additonal ‘siruin duc to ground ‘movements in otherwise sound pipes. The eriteria given in ‘Table 4 are recommended for application to the simple methodology described inthis paper. 662 ‘Table 3: Typical design stain ite Dene) cee | cers spncstgoem | oan] Tao ai mm] 1a he Rm soba in aia kw ain tie [omen peniminmenes |i] 0 tee we] te ‘The extern in Table 4 are conservative; Herbert and Leach (2990) state that tig reasonable to allow up to 200. for Pipes in rey iron exceeding 300mm in diameter and 150ue for smaller pipes, values of 130 and 100 respectively being applied in partcaly adveree situations” Simple for esumaing pipe strains are summarized by Attewell etal (1986); the mabodclogy described in Section {62 draws 00 these, procedres, but with some simplifications {62 Euimatton of Pipe Stain As discussed in Section 2, ground movements abore tame may be estimated assuming a Gaussian distribution of surface setemeat. Transverse to the lige of single tunnel, the maximum carvatwe, d°S/dy’, occurs in sagpng, lhe centre of the ough, where” o Large compressive horizontal ground strains ecu at the ‘eznte ofthe trough AS shown in Fig. 2, the maximum hogging curvature and horizontal tease strain occurs a distance of 3 fom the cen ofthe trough (equations 8 & 9), under most circumstances, che combination of wal ‘nd bending strains prc the greatest tensile strains ace sate oir Bross. gag Sram o where S, is horizontal ground movement Siniler ‘expressions may be derived for ground strain directly shove and inline with the camel (or example Rashi 1988), In the longiutnal digction maxima curtis and horizontal strauns are given by Pye a 0.242 Simm ao) By 5, Set. one See ay Figs 6 and 7 have been prepared for 8 200m dismetr pipe, above a tunnel in clay, assuming pipe strains to be ‘dential to strane in the ground, as can be socn, this sssumption is paculaty onerous when considering ais! Strains. In addin, it can be seen that ending sais pipes tesnsverse to tunnels tea to be mote severe than for pipes runing pall to tunnels. “Autewll tal (1986) provide simple procedures for

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