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GCSE Business Studies Managing 2015 CA Task Spring 2014

1: Understanding the task

Ensure that you understand
what is required of you. In
this case, the main focus of
the task is the promotional
methods used by small

2: How are you going to

manage the task?

8: Read the information

and select the information
that you think is most
important to your research.
Remember to organise and
collate the data.

7: Researching Primary sources.

9: Gather further data

from a variety of suitable
sources. E.g.
Foot fall count

10: Analyse the findings.

Look at the data and select the
information that you think is
most important and relevant to
your research. Restructure the
data into tables, charts etc

You need to think about how

you are going to manage your
time and your resources to
bring the CA to a successful
conclusion. Use the planning
overview documents.

Conduct primary
research in order to
collect information.

3: Sources of information.

You need to think about

the balance between
primary and secondary
Use the planning overview

6: Print out or
paste relevant
information from
the webpage into a
Word document.
Give it a title and
save it.

11. Identify key findings

You need to decide which
information you will use
to support your
conclusions. Any
information that you will
not use should be
discarded at this point.

4: Researching Secondary sources. Find

websites which give you
information about promotional
methods that you can use.
Use the Google research tool
to help you search.

5: Copy the
webpages URL
(web address) and
paste it into an
information log.
Save the
information log

12: Draw conclusions. And

highlight key findings.
You need to make sure that
you are analysing and
making judgements about
the key issues.

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