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‘coupany: Division:__Bfological Research rssue0 0} ep RESEARCH AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ‘PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR PERIOD ENDING September 30, 39 69 De. R. Es Farrar De. R. L. Rowland 1G. PL Cook Dra C. B. Tangs Dr. K. J. Mysels Dr. E. D. Nielson 50087 9960 RIK CONFIDE Distrtbuetons Me. E, A. Vassallo Dr. F, Gs Colby Me. Be De. Murray Seakus Des B.C. Markinas De, 8. 0. Jones Me. E. 3. Monohan Mr. W. J. Reaves a Mi ws noses scrion 152 Bhocheatcal Synthess Modifications of the fermentation ediua are being evaluated for producing increased enzymatic Activities and reduced costs, Conditions for the production of AL to 47E fructose syrups were evaluated. ‘A 160-gallon batch of 47% fructose syrup has been produced for 90-day toxtetty studies for self- certification of this process. Vartous procedures for the produc thon of & cell-free glucose isomerase have been determined: A study of cell lysis and cell bleed (coloring of mediua) during {eonerization ie under investiga tioa to deteraine color-producing. spectes. Further studies of the taxonoate characteristics or baste cultural ‘behavior patterns of the mutant strains are under way. Studies are contioutng. Optintzation of these processes Ae under tavestigation. ‘The syrup will be e1faned up by Product Developaent persomel. ‘Appropriate volumes will be distributed for feeding trials. Optimization of these procésses and procedures for the recovery of enzynes are under investigatt Studies are continuing. Studies are continuing. company: Penick and Ford, Ltde DIVISION: _Btological Research {ssueD BY:__Eldon D. Nielson RESEARCH AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 50087 9961 PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR PERIOD ENDING September 30, 1969 G2 CONFIDE! =a t i PROJECT TITLE AND DESCRIPTION fod status 134 Fermentation Developsent 135 Starch Blocheatstry 927 G-F Developaent ‘The fermentation process is being optimized vith respect to the le-vp parameters of agitation, aeration, and pl. High tenperature chromatography ie being evaluated for routine use 4m a quality control Laboratory to monitor the enzyne activity of conaerctal cnzynes used at Penick & Ford. A report 4s 4 preparation for the determination of unfernentable carbohydrates in syrups. In the Peneveet chronic (90-day) toxicity study, animals have ‘been eacrificed. Blood chentotry work 46 coupletes Further tests will be made. Studies are continuing. Personnel from BUR will discuss thie report and other analytical procedures with the Quality Control personnel at Penick & Ford in October. Report on blood cheatstry vill b completed. Tissues are being processed and histology will be started.

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