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FORM DR-2 DISCLOSURE ev. 1272005) | REPORT FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM DISCLOSURE SUMMARY PAGE [COMMITTEE NAME (Hust bo same as on Statement of Organization) Mid Auverienn Decting Commitee TNL 3 AMIE 20 ome IMPORTANT” (alcalo by # ype af commilee you are reporing for Logged in _ (Statewide egislatveludge Standing for Renton Candidate { 2 )State PAC (3 )State Party Eaataee {4 Joounty Contal Commitee (5 County Canaidate {6 Jy Candidate (7 Schoo Board or Other a Potiesl Subdivsiop Sencisate (8 County PAC (9 ]y PAC {10 )Scrool Board or Other Political [computer [CANDIDATE COMMITTEES ONLY: bane Candidate Name Pottcal Panty (tf appicble) Fle wit fowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board lotice Sought Distt (t Senate or House) Septem Des Moines, wa 50319 Fax: 975-281-2701 Late reports are subject to possibie civil and criminal pales. Pursuant o lowa Code section 68B.324(7) the candidate, fora candidate's commitee, and the chaiperson, for any other type of commie, isthe indcfreeonstl or ing tiny ard accurate opera eC. SIS-981-2208 aly 3, 2007 3GWATURE OF PERSON FING REPORT TeLePrOne BATE SND rateuncn 5 clay prioeto election FEPORT FOR) ELECTION 2NOWELECTION YEAR (ope dats) inate LE [lc if AMENOMENT TO REPORT DATED Tecal Commitans ater 0 cJuly /0, 2007 {ef creck natant an atch Nee of selon Form OS (You must continue to fe roports unt a DR-3 is fle.) ad STATEMENT OF CASH ON HAND. ‘CASH ON HAND at the beginning ofthe reporting period. (Total of al funds held by the ‘committee, This amount MUST be the same as the cash on hand at the end ‘ofthe last reporting period or must be zero if this is first report fled.) s 1 00 ‘ADD TOTAL MONEY TAKEN IN THIS PERIOD ‘Schedule A: Cash Contributions total (Attach Schedule A) (‘also see in-kind below, 25000100 ‘Schedule F: Loans Recsived total (Attach Schedule F). ‘Schedule H: Total Sales of Campaign Property (Attach Schedule H) SUBTOTAL cern 25 000. 00 SUBTRACT TOTAL MONEY SPENT THIS PERIOD Schedule B: Expenditures total (Alach Schedule B) ("also see debts and loans below). 2L 000.08 Schedule F: Loan Repayments tal (tach Schedule F) ‘CASH ON HAND al the end ofthis reporting period (inal report balance must be zero) (Atach DR-3), “UNPAID BILLS (From Scheduse D - Attach Schedule O) s “IN ND CONTRIBUTIONS (From Schedule E - Attach Schedule E) “OUTSTANDING LOANS (From Schedtie F- Attach Schedule F ‘CONSULTANT BREAKDOWN (Schedule G Attached?) ayes alana (CANDIDATE COMMITTEES ONLY: VALUE OF CAMPAIGN PROPERTY From Schedule H - Attach Schedule H) s 0100 [STATE COMMITTEES: Submit a reconciled campaign account bank slatementin January ofeach year, For instructions, See Back of Form Fearn] [ScHEOULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS -- MONEY TAKEN IN (Rev.07103) | RECEIPTS (inctding cansdae'sporsoral funds) 1 check THs Bx iF [COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Staioment of Organization) AMENDING FORM MibPrnevitan Destiny Committee STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION S RECEED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE}, IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION IUMBESt AND THE_PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. & UST OF D MUMBERS 16 AVAL ABL® PROM THE IOWA EPA AND CMPNTGN NOTE: ANY PERSON, OTHER THAN AN INDIVIDUAL, THAT CONTRIBUTES MORE THAN $750 TO YOUR CAMPAIGN MAY HAVE FILING RESPONSIBILITIES AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.32A\(6), prohibits the use of information copia from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any ‘Commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees, DATE TOME THANE AND ADDRESS: FELATONSHP_] AMOUNT J TFFOR] RECEIVED | (applicable) Tocanoware: | Receive | “FUND. qimuoowvR) | AND PAC CHECK (i applicable) RAISER NUMBER INCOME oF Wid American Evecgy Compary Afiolo ? | cK Gb Grove Ase, Se bo exhly 825000 = Des Moines, /A_ 50309-2560 SUBTOTAL TOTAL (if ast page of this schedule) + Disclosure law requires candidat commitioes to clclse the relationship of ary clave making a contrbuton othe committe. Relationship mast be shown tothe hed degree of coneangunty (aod eaves) an aft (rlaves by marriage) . if sumame of contributor is the same as candidate, but there is no Page ot_/ familial reiatorshi, enter "not applicable” i he relaonship eakumn Wer Schedule A) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM SOREDULE B MONETARY EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT Gorges | emma STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OR LEGISLATIVE ‘CANDIDATES, LST THE CANDIOATE DENT IFICATION NUMBER WN THE DESTGNATED COLUMN AO THE O01 citeck this 0x iF PAG CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE, ALIST OF ID NUMBERS 6 AVALABLE PROM THE OWA, ‘AMENDING FORM ErviGs & CAMPAIGN OSCLOSURE BOARD [COMMITTEE NAME (lust Re samo as an Statement of Organization) MidAmecican Nesting Comite e TANDDATE | NAN AND ADDRESS TO WHO? PURPOSE aOR osre | TONUMBER EXPENDITURE (OESCRIBE TRANSACTION) EXPENDED expendeD | (rappleabe) (Disoursement) WAS MADE woo) | “ANB Pac creo Nuwar Yes to iw Suppert of 7/e/o7 Deal ti, Surte “ ean Aiolo7 | oxy 300 Walnut St, Surte. Desty ballet measure $ aSjo00 Des Mowes, A 50307 Compatgu SUBTOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: Purch + certain campaign property costing $500 or more must also be inventoried on Schedule H, (Refer to Schedule Hinsbuctons) Expenditures to personslentiias providing consulting, advertising, fund-aiing, poling, managing, organizing services must azo be deta erized on [Schedule G by the amount purpose, and date ofeach Iype of expenture made bythe persrventty on behalf ofthe candidate's commities, (ete 0 [Schedule Gnstucione and towa Code 68 402(9X0) Page or _¢ Alor Sched 8)

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