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social Circle Seminar:

Cold Approach is dangerous for Social Value for 9s and 10s

SC: Building sth. , no routines, dont push bounderies, do not kino escalate the same, going
slow pace, you build value to social attraction triggers, shares leadership with men. Weak
Social Circle is only one leading, strong one is several leading
Navy Seal Team,

Basics of Social Circle

Thin-Slicing: First impression, You gotta control the thin-slice of friends. You have to be tactful with
thin-slicing of friends. Build credibility.
Value: Survival, Replication, Good Emotions/Casual, Conscious reparity thought (gleiche Hobbies).

5 senses
Subconscious Filter (Value governs)
Conscious Thought + Attention

Value changes focal points. (person with value you kind of see only the good sides) Value is
important to become humorous. Value lowers the threshold to humor.
You must calibrate to social differences in value.

Loose social connections 40-100 people,
1. Social Connector, person who knows a ton of people, want FUN and getting to know
people, no drama, bad emotioness, clinginess (sun rays)
2. Value Connector, someone who has access to scarce resources, famous/popular people,
very rare to access (DHV for you) (rain drops) inherent independent value,
3. Ultimate Connector, ping them 2-3 weeks, dont be clingy, dont make bad emotions, dont
look desperate, (one drop, sun rays to other drops) 70% value connectors, 30% social

4. Situational Connector (Gatekeeper, access to specific resource) disqualify yourself with

gatekeeper girls (you and my friend Jeff would make a great couple)

Emotional Overreaching, dont become a beggar, be a leader. Needy Guy Syndrome If you are a
busy game, I wouldnt text them every day Disvalue the communication by doing it too often.

Social Dead End: Does not add value to your life, has inner game issues. Value leech. Their issues
become your issues, and push connectors away.
Behind the curveball guy: socially miscalibrated, nerd, get it 3 seconds later than everybody else
RES or Value thief: Cool guy, who steals attention from you, cuts his value down. AMOG guy.
The more green you become (value connectors), more people become dead ends to you.
People dont hate you, they simply dont have time and might reignite. The value you provide to
people, is the stickiness you provide to their life.

Build SC
Managing SC
Picking-up through SC
Build SC

Good Emotions
Independent Value + Relationship Value (Time, Shared Experience) = TRV (Total relationship value)



Inherent IV (being a value connector)

Exchanging Value starts every relationship (have to provide good emotions)

Giving IV for RV, you wanna build relationships, by trading value or providing him with
independent value, key is getting Time and shared experience, RV is the line between two people.

Core (2 people)
Inner Core (immediate family 2-5 people)
Outer Core (friends 10-20 people)
Wider Community (100)

Inner Girls 1-2 Friends
Outer Girls 3-5 Friends
One-Offs/Money Zone
Look for 2 STRONG connections to girls , they maintain their connection with their 3-5 girls, and
then you focus on the One-offs. Attention goes to value, who has the value, ME!
Columbian Coke Attraction: RES, her attention goes always to value! AFC to the inner/outer Core,
PUA to the One-Offs

Social Forest/Tree Theory

Yoga Tree, Special Interest Group Tree, Gym Tree, One-off Friend, Work Tree
In Trees you have different positions,
Tree Climbing:
Shortcut: Go Direct to the Top and be friendly with him.
Snowball effect: Green Lights will go up quickly
Try to become a green light, Supernova:

Gaming Connectors:
Meet connector,
High-Value Connector: Mirror their investment in you. DONT OVERREACH. Remember Details
about Connectors life. BE interesting, unique, STICKY FACE!
Prized Venue: Where you know everybody.
Drop Eastereggs: Never Brag, just drop things and see if they react

Neutral Rapport: Warm but NOT NEEDY.

Bouncing: Doing different out of context, when time is right and value is about as high on both
Become a connector yourself, strive for forward momentum and excellence. Have a thriving and
engaging life.

Managing SC
Navy-Seals: 2-5 cool guys I would thin-slice. Cool kids in High School. All work in a share of unity.
Abundance mentality. Respecting your wings. They are VERY important

1. Try to share leadership in your social circle

2. Provide good emotions
3. Cultivate Respect first, popularity second

Merging Trees: Preframe if there is one dorky tree, dont be too low on one tree.
Domino Effect: Attract upwards, from the girl on the lowest to the highest social ladder, but fuck
Discretion Frame: My friend Billy, he was pissed that sarah talked about it

Create a spider-web that is hard to escape: Make her and her friends deeply invested in you and
your friends, if you and your people leave. Provide value to them, so they cant easily leave you by
familiarity, repetition, interlinking between trees, value providing.

How to train your wings: all must pull at the same rope.
Must Haves: Value, strong boundary function (tell them, what you dont like, be straight with
them) Prewarning (talk about a group, which hawks about girls, which behaves wrongly)
Prequalifying (I can introduce you to my girl friends, because you dont act like idiot and different
around them)
Big Brother Behaviour: I must pull you aside, dont make wrong things.
Punishment: Passive-Aggressive, abandon in long-term, not offering him any value.
AMOG-Goodlooking guys beforehand: My friend Ryan always tries to be super funny and super
hard and cool and stuff, he is a really good looking guy, who tries to be funnier and cooler around

girls, and he may be attracted to you. He is trying to do things to achieve certain resultsHe wants
attention like a little kid

Theory of Alpha Male of the Group:

1. Alignment: Yield him at minor level, not interested in taking over his tree. Dont outshine
the master, get him to align with you, be his right hand man.
2. Domination: Acknowledge him, be polite. Slowly grabbing independent relationships
outside, when the AMOG is not around. Then olive branch: Come out with us, or Split Tree
in Half and clearly make the other the outsider

Picking Up in Social Circle:

IF you have Navy Seal Team and lot of Value, attraction WILL AUTOMATICALLY happen. Passive
Value will be so high, that RES will got you naturally.
Getting out of LJBF
1. Distance, less hanging out with here, less calling her,
2. Less Comfort,
3. Wax on Wax off Attraction, in interaction fun, fast, a lot of teasing, frame disqualifying,
spike her emotions,
4. Frog cooking Theory, over time increase to be lover than provider, establish the frame I am
busy, not-over night

MIB5 Model (Classsic Writing Sections Mr. M)

One-offs, just go for your life. Here is calibration step:
No.1 attraction switch for social circle: BUZZ, others talking about you. Genuine Form of value.
No.2 preselection
No.3 alliances with powerful preselected guys
No.4 situational value of any kind
No.5 at the top of social hierarchy
No.6 Usual attraction switches

Guys want to align with the value

1. MUST have abundance mentality, slow pickup

2. Have number of projects during MIB5 model

1. Mutual Rapport, short-conversation

2. Create value or buzz (situational value)
Any situational value (bring them in)
Jealousy Plotlines
My ex and I used to have this game, boring conversation, create deal, she should come in take her
away when ear scratching, creates jealousy plotline.

3. Wax on, Wax off, conversation always awesome, attraction game, no comfort , bust her
balls, teasing, push-pull, Kino, steal her food etc dont give her full attention, dont treat
her like any other douchebag
Using your friends to have good time and friends validate your jokes. Walk straight past
her, be hot and cold.
4. Sexual behavior: Talk to her and grab her hand, start sexualizing (your hair smells fucking
good) (if you were my gf, I would fuck you 5times a day)
5. Escalate, Isolate and Close
Important: Abundance Mentality: Always a surplus of women

Slowburn game: Bridge the gap between cold approach and social circle game, happens a lot about
text, cant push her date. Ping her every other days (dont ask her for anything, make statements,
random facts, nothing serious.) Make a bunch of slowburns. You can do them for cold
approaches and one-offs you couldnt close. Its like funny SMS game over weeks even when they
dont answer. Like dynamite, some short and long fuses

Glue and Spike: One Person is nice to the girl and value went down to build rapport, the second
person teased and spiked attraction like crazy. Their alliance allows them in their space. Get the
girl in situation that happens: one rapport, on BT spike, then switch roles after a few minutes. And
then you retract the conversation from her, so she wants MORE.

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