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1. Plan & organise
 Purpose
 Audience
 Message
 Medium
 Brainstorm
 Plan
 Consult criteria

2. Bash it out!
 First draft
 Follow plan
 Focus on ideas
 Consult criteria

3. Check 1 - content
 Information
 Detail
 Variety – verbs, adjectives, sentence lengths, sentence patterns, conjunctions, prepositions
 Vocabulary – thesaurus
 Consult criteria

4. Check 2 - mechanics
 Punctuation – full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, colons, semicolons,
quotation marks, hyphens, dashes, brackets, apostrophes
 Capital letters
 Spelling – dictionary for unknown words; check names of people, places, animals, technical
 Correct noun-verb agreement
 Pronouns correctly match noun
 Correct tense

5. Check 3 – show a friend

 Feedback on ideas – interesting points, confusing areas, new ideas
 Feedback on word choices and mechanics – use spell-check; use dictionary; use thesaurus
 Rewrite draft

6. Extreme makeover
 Font size and style
 Graphics
 Colour
 Layout

7. Rethink & reward

 Present
 Celebrate!
 Reflect
 Set learning goals

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