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Lit & Comp I

Winter Poem Project—Some Expectations & Guidelines

Option 1
•The photographs must be your own.
•The poster must be thoughtfully and carefully composed.
•You must clearly explain, in your presentation, the relationship between each
photograph and the lines that correspond to it.
•I will assess your presentation to the class using the LHS expectation for clear and
effective speaking.

Option 2
•Your dance must represent a serious interpretation of one of the poems; it should not be
a joke.
•Your written explanation of your dance should spell out the process you undertook to
come up with the dance, highlighting different decisions that you had to make and
specific ways in which you interpreted the text of the poem.

Option 3
•You are responsible for making sure that we are able to view your video in class. We
can access the internet, and we have a working projector.
•Your video must include a serious reading of the poem.
•The images that you shoot should convey an earnest and serious engagement with the
poem; they should not be intended to parody the poem or the project in any way.
•Your written explanation of your video should spell out the process you undertook to
come up with the video, highlighting different decisions that you had to make and
specific ways in which you interpreted the text of the poem.

Option 4
•Your letter should strike a formal and respectful tone.
•You must write in the format of a formal letter.
•You must engage the details of the poem.
•You must sincerely explore and attempt to convey the thoughts and feelings that the
poem has provoked in you.
•You must pose questions that you have.
•You must adhere to regular conventions regarding composition and paragraph structure.

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