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Rahu - A conveyance covered on all four sides, A sinful woman, Acquiring a kingdom,

Acute duodenal pain, Air, An irreligious person or a Shudra, Association with animals,
Bones, catarrh, Chowrie, Complaints of wind and phlegm, Conveyance, Depending on
mlechchhas (foreign cultures), Emerald, Facing south, Falsehood, Faulty logic,
Gambling, going to a different country, Great forest, Harsh speech, harsh speech,
Having sex with a wicked woman, Hidden abdominal ulcer, Interpretation of dreams,
Long, Looking downwards, low castes and the like, Malignant tumor, Maternal grand
father, Old age, One belonging to a caste outside the four main castes, One muhurta,
Perplexity, Reptiles, serpents, Severe, South western direction, Southern breeze,
Staying outside, Strong at Sunset, Suffering from mountains, Travels, Umbrella,
Unclean, valor, Wandering in difficult places, Wickedness, World of the snakes, worship
of Vana Durga (vana=forest Durga=Deity of Shakti), Writing Urdu or Persian
KETU - A servant of Shiva, Acquiring prosperity, All kinds of luxury, All sorts of
prosperity, Bath in the Ganges, Consumption, Conversation or association with shudras,
Diseases of the stomach and eye, Dogs,eats sparingly, Father's father, Final salvation,
Fortune, Friendship with hunters, Ganesha and others, Getting the order of imprisonment
evoked, Great pain from peptic or duodenal ulcer, Great penance, Horned animals,
Hunger, Instability of mind, Knowledge of Brahma, Knowledge of the animals, zoology,
Mantra Shastra, Medical practitioner, Observing silence religiously, Painful fevers,
Renunciation, roosters, Small pox boils and such other diseases, Stones, Stupidity,
Suffering from foes, Thorn, Vedanta, Vultures, Wind complaints, Worship of the lord of
Chandi (Goddess Kali), Wounds.

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