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A FOCAL POINT is also called the Center of Interest- it is the area that
dominates and is EMPHASIZED and made to STAND OUT. It is the main
area you want the viewer to look at. You can emphasize by making
something bigger, darker, showing contrast.
Proportion is the amount or size of something in relation to something
else. It can be the proportion of the negative space to the positive
space, or it can be the proportions of the parts of a figure, face ,
animal, etc.
Proportion is the relationship of sizes between different parts of a
work. For example, how wide it is compared to how tall it is. Some
proportions, such as the golden ratio and the rule of thirds, are thought
to be more naturally pleasing and help with COMPOSITION.
A good COMPOSITION has interesting POSITIVE and NEGATIVE spaces.
When lines and shapes are repeated to move your eye through the
work, it is call Rhythm or Movement. It gives the artwork a beat or a
To keep art from being boring, artists use DIFFERENT line, shape,
texture and colors. This is called VARIETY.
Balance in art refers to the visual WEIGHT of a COMPOSITION
It can be:
Formal Balance- which is Symmetrical
Informal Balance- which is Asymmetrical
Pattern is made by repeating lines, shapes and colors in a planned or
organized way.
Contrast is about differences, like when light and dark colors are
placed next to each other, or big next to small. Opposites
Unity is making your art work together as a whole. You can do this by
connecting or overlapping things. You can repeat any element in a
slightly different way to create stepping stones for your eyes. Give any
color, shape, texture, value, pattern, shape, and friend across the
street. It will be similar and not exact.

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