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Weekly Syllabus

AP Psychology
B days
Essential Questions:
How do humans think?
In what ways is thinking flawed or constrained? How can people avoid falling for these
errors in thinking?
How do humans acquire language?
How do humans use language to communicate ideas?
How is language flawed or constrained?
Put up semester overview & AP test date
JournalDo you have new goals for yourself for 2015? Skills? If not, why not?
Share with 3:00 partner
Review 4 questions from previous Mods (keep in your NB in a review section)
Creativity Quotient and tips Discussion. Add a skill or area of expertise to
your journal if youd like.
Concept v. Prototype Activity
Diagnose Me activityto review consciousness unit
HW: Read Mod. 3435 TDA/Flashcards. Quiz Thursday over terms only.
Quiz Monday over 34-36. Bring your textbook to class from now on.
Journal topic: What is your experience with visualization? Have you ever
visualized yourself doing something? Explain.
Review from previous Mods (keep in your NB in a review section)
Finish diagnose me activityturn in.
Fact v. Falsehood go over
Step by step vs. heuristics puzzles
Language Notes and theories (language dictates thought?)
Be able to discuss the essential questions above for your quiz on Monday.
HW: Read Mod 36 . TDA and flashcards. Bring your book to class from now

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