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Hellen Michell Lara Munca


Workshop 1: Problem Solving



Carlos Guerra

Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF


This workshop attempts to help you improve your knowledge about problem solving and
some general skills a good problem solver has.

Objective: From the development of these activities, you will be able to understand what a
problem is and generate strategies to solve workplace problems.

1. Work in groups and discuss the following questions:

● In your opinion, what is a problem?

A problem is an issue or that must be solved or clarified, a contradiction or a conflict
between what is and what should be, a difficulty or an inconvenience for the
achievement of an end or a displeasure, a nuisance or a concern.

● How do you describe a problem?

The problem must have a concise description of the facts that need to be addressed.
In addition, you must answer the five Ws of the 5W2H methodology: Who, Where,
What, When and Why.

● Why do you think people have “problems”?

These social causes are divided into three main sub-groups: Cultural factors, such as
customs, beliefs and values; Economic factors, such as money, land, and resources;
Political factors, such as decision-making power. Other reasons for creating a
problem is that the two parties disagree and do not make a decision that benefits
both of them.

● What kind of problems do you think exist in a company?

● ● Lack of teamwork.
● ● Bad communication.
● ● Collaborators with difficulty in relating.
● ● Leaders without leadership.
● ● loving lateness
● ● Excess of competitiveness. Work overload.
● ● Bad customer service.

2. Individual work:

● Answer the quiz: How Good Are You at Solving Problems?

● I'm actually good at solving problems, since I listen to other people and I have
enough patience to have a problem conversation which can lead to a solution.

● Visit the following web site
● Read the score interpretation
The image shows a puzzle with two crossed screws which must be very
meticulous and curious to be able to solve it.

● Share the results with your classmates

3. Skills practice: Do the following activities to practice the learnt vocabulary and English

3.1.Listening Practice: the 5 why’s technique

To solve problems, it is very important to think and reflect about some definitions, the
following concepts help you to have a better understanding of the topic.

Look for the definition of the following words:

Problem: It is a matter for which a solution is expected, it is something with which we are
not satisfied and we want to change.
Analysis:Detailed examination of a thing to know its characteristics or qualities, or its state,
and draw conclusions, which is done by separating or considering separately the parts that
constitute it.
Root: Root Cause Analysis is a problem solving method that tries to prevent the recurrence
of a problem or defect by identifying its causes.
Role:Function that a person performs in a place or in a situation.

Your instructor will introduce to you a short video1,

v=SrlYkx41wEE watch it and answer the questions below:

● Do you know what is a strategy?

Strategy is a concept that refers to the procedure through which decisions are made in a
given scenario with the aim of achieving one or more goals.

● Mention strategies you know to solve problems.

1. Identify the problem you must solve.
2. One of the easiest ways to identify a problem is to ask questions.
3. Brainstorm for various solutions.
4. Define what the solution will be.
5. Implement the solution.

● What is the main objective of the 5 whys technique?

It is a systematic questioning technique used during the problem analysis phase to search
for possible root causes. The technique requires you to ask "why" at least five times, or work
through five levels of detail.

● What steps do you have to follow to do a 5 why’s analysis?

1. Assemble a team. Like any other root cause analysis tool, this method should not be done
by one person.
2. Define the problem.
3. Begins to ask yourself “why?”
4. Learn to stop.
5. Plan changes to your maintenance plan.

The 5 Whys technique requires the team to ask “Why?” about five times, or work through
about five levels of detail. Once it is difficult for the team to answer the last of the “Whys”, the
most likely cause(s) will have been identified.

● Did you use this technique before?

I had not heard this technique for solving problems, therefore I have not put it into practice.

● Do you consider this is appropriate for all situations?

The 5 whys technique can be very useful for business risk management as it aims to solve a
situation or problem through the questioning approach in a chain: by asking the first "whys",
others are triggered until they reach the solution, answer or reason.

Prepare a 5 why’s analysis to a problem from your model company. Discuss the problem,
use the 5 whys techniques, make notes, identify the root of the problem and set some main
ideas such as: responsibilities and roles and some alternatives to solve the problem.
3.2.Reading Practice: Reading about problem solving skills

Before reading the text, make a list of ten skills you consider you have as a person.

Self-knowledge, Empathy, Assertive communication, Problem and conflict management,

Critical thinking, punctuality, kindness, solidarity, recognizing mistakes of my own actions
and honesty

Look for the definition and translation of the words and expressions in bold, for a better
understanding of the text.

The skills of problem solving.

Problem solving requires two distinct types of mental skill, analytical and creative.
Analytical or logical thinking includes skills such as ordering, comparing, contrasting,
evaluating and selecting. It provides a logical framework for problem solving and helps to
select the best alternativefrom those available by narrowing down the range of possibilities
(a convergent process)…
Analytical thinking often predominates in solving closed problems, where the many possible
causes have to be identified and analyzed to find the real cause.

Creative thinking is a divergent process, using the imagination to create a large range of
ideas for solutions. It requires us to look beyond the obvious, creating ideas which may, at
first, seem

unrealistic or have no logical connection with the problem. There is a large element of
creative thinking in solving open problems.

The creative thinking skills can be divided into several key elements:

● fluency - producing many ideas

● flexibility - producing a broad range of ideas.
● originality - producing uncommon ideas
● elaboration - developing ideas.

Effective problem solving requires a controlled mixture of analytical and creative


Research has shown that, in general terms, each side or hemisphere of the brain
is specialized to serve one of these groups of skills. The degree of specialization
of each hemisphere varies from person to person, but it has given rise to the
terms right-brain thinking and left-brain thinking. Leftbrain thinking is more
logical and analytical and is predominantly verbal. Right-brain thinking is more
holistic and is concerned with feelings and impressionistic relationships.

To be a good problem solver you need to be able to switch from one group of
skills to the other and back again, although this is not always easy. Traditional
education gives far greater encouragement to the development and use of
left-brain thinking. This is reinforced in the way we are required to work, where
emphasis is placed on rational, logical analysis of data in drawing

Some other terms which are often used in discussions of creativity include:

Intuition - the ability to draw conclusions based on impressions and feelings

rather than hard facts. It is a characteristic of right-brain thinking and some
people rely on it more than others.

Incubation - the period between stopping conscious work on a problem and

the time when we become aware of a solution or part solution. People
struggling with problems often suddenly become aware of a solution after a
period of incubation, during which the mind is occupied by other things.

Invention - the creation of new, meaningful ideas or concepts.

Innovation - putting new ideas or concepts to a practical use, as in the
development of a new product or service.

Mental skill: Habilidad mental

Analytical: Analítico
Select: Seleccione
Alternative: Alternativa
Narrowing down: Reducir el tamaño
Closed problems: Problemas cerrados
Creative: Creativo
Divergent process: Proceso divergente
Open problems: Problemas abiertos
Fluency: Fluidez
Flexibility: Flexibilidad
Originality: Originalidad
Elaboration: Elaboración
Right-brain: Cerebro derecho
Left-brain: Cerebro izquierdo
Relationships: Relaciones
Switch: Cambiar
Rational: Racional
Logical: Lógico
Data: Datos
Drawing conclusions: Sacar conclusiones
Intuition: Intuición
Impressions: Impresiones
Incubation: Incubación
Struggling: Lucha
Invention: Invento
Meaningful: Significado
Innovation: Innovación

According to the text complete the following chart, classifying the words that correspond

Concept Analytical thinking Creative thinking

Definition Understanding situations and Ability to come up with something

solving problems. new, to relate something known
in an innovative way

Characteristics It is questioning Flexibility, Originality, Sensitivity

Skills Order, coherence, clarity, Emotions, feelings, intuitions,

precision and finesse fantasies.

Brain hemisphere Left hemisphere Right hemisphere

Read the text again and answer the following questions, share your answers with the

● What is the difference between closed and open problems?

Closed problems are those that have only one solution.
Open problems are those that have several possible answers.

● According to the article, what is a good problem solver?

It is the ability to identify a problem, find a solution, monitor and evaluate the
implementation of that solution.

● What role should education play in the development and use of left-brain thinking?
For many years in education, importance was given to the predominant use of the left
brain hemisphere as the most relevant for learning, memorizing and educating.

3.3.Writing Practice: proposing alternatives to solve a problem

Part 1: Read the following problem3

Lawrence has just gotten a promotion at work. He is a team manager for a group of six
employees. Lawrence really wants to be a success in his new job, but his group isn’t really a
team. Two of the people in his group don’t like each other and argue a lot. There is one team
member who talks all the time and another one who never says a word. The team members
are from six different countries, and two of the countries they come from don’t get along.
Lawrence doesn’t know what to do.

Part 2: Write down at least three solutions to the problem

Solution 1:Inform superiors of the problem between co-workers.

Solution 2:Make a meeting for them to try to solve their problems.
Solution 3:Let them know that there is nonconformity in the work area.

Part 3: Design a survey in which, with the help of your classmates, you are going to find out
the best solution to the problem.

You can use the following template

Participant number: _____________

Proposed Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

solutions agree 4 agree nor 2 disagree
5 disagree 1

Solution 1: X

Solution 2: X

Solution 3: X
3.4. Speaking Practice: carrying out a survey

Part 1: Carry out the survey.

● Ask, to at least nine classmates, what they think about the solutions you proposed.
Use the previous template.
● Consolidate the results, you can use the following chart

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 Total

Ask and answer your partner questions about the solutions suggested. Make notes in the
given chart.

Part 2: Make an oral report to the class.

You will talk about the best solution to the problem and the reasons that support it. You
can use a Power Point Presentation to support your report.

4. Extension activities: the extension activities will help you improve your performance in
the topics. You need to reach at least five hours of practice on your own.

For practicing the English structure (Past Simple), visit:
For practicing the English structure (Adverbs of Frequency), visit
For practicing the English structure (Modals), visit http://www.learnenglish-
For more about the 5 whys, visit:

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