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Checklist For PET Writing part 1

In Part 1 of the Writing paper of PET you have to read a sentence, then complete a
second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first, using no more than three
words. Of course, you cant predict exactly what sentences you will have to transform,
but there are some structures which come up regularly and you should check that you can
manipulate these with confidence. Here are some of the most common.
1. There is / there are and have / have got
Example: There are two restaurants in the hotel.
The hotel has (got) two restaurants.
2. Present perfect (with for or since) and Past Simple (with ago)
Example: I bought my computer six months ago.
I have had my computer for six months.
I have known Jim for two years.
I (first) met Jim two years ago.
Remember that sometimes you will need to change a state verb (like have or know) into
an action verb (like buy or meet)
3. Spend time doing something and take someone time to do something
Example: We spent three hours looking for her house.
It took us three hours to find her house.
4. When and until
Example: We left when Jane arrived.
We didnt leave until Jane arrived. Or We stayed until Jane arrived
5. much / many and a few / a little
Example: We didnt spend much money.
We only spent a little money.
They only had a few books about Venice.
They didnt have many books about Venice.
6. Suggested (doing) and Why dont you / we
Example: Jane suggested going to the cinema.
Jane said: Why dont we go to the cinema?


7. Ought (to do) and should (do) (both used for giving advice)
Example: You should buy a new computer.
You ought to buy a new computer.
8. cost (verb) and price (noun)
Example: How much does a new computer cost?
What is the price of a new computer?
9. (in order) to and because
Example: She went to Hollywood in order to become an actress.
She went to Hollywood because she wanted to become an actress.
10. Comparative and superlative structures.
Example: Ive never seen such a good film.
This is the best film Ive ever seen.
There are more people here than yesterday.
There arent as many / so many people as there were yesterday.
His brother is taller than him
He isnt as tall as his brother.
11. Obligation structures like must / mustnt / have to / dont have to / need to / dont
need to
Example: It is free to attend the meeting.
You dont have to / need to pay to attend the meeting.
Wearing a uniform is compulsory.
You have to / must wear a uniform.
It is forbidden to smoke here.
You mustnt smoke here.
12. Want and would like
Example: Would you like to play tennis?
Do you want to play tennis?


13. Reported speech. Usually at PET this will be present (perfect) to past (perfect) or
past (perfect) to present (perfect)
Example: I like going to the cinema said Mary.
Mary said that she liked going to the cinema.
Jack told me he had visited New York twice.
I have visited New York twice said Jack.
14. Active voice to passive voice (or vice versa)
Example: Someone showed me the photo.
I was shown the photo.
The building was designed by Gaudi.
Gaudi designed the building.
15. so + adjective + that and too + adjective
Example: It was so hot that we didnt go sightseeing.
It was too hot to go sightseeing.
16. have enough money and afford.
Example: We didnt have enough money to go to the restaurant.
We couldnt afford to go to the restaurant.
17. if and unless
Example: If he doesnt study he wont pass the exam.
He wont pass the exam unless he studies.
18. Possessive forms and belong to
Example: Are those your shoes?
Do those shoes belong to you?
19. borrow and lend
Example: My brother lent me some money.
I borrowed some money from my brother.
20. Shall I / Shall we for suggestions
Example: Would you like me to open the window?
Shall I open the window?

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