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FROM IRAN TO YEMEN IN THE 6th/12th AND 7th/13th C., I)

Ab Rashd al-Nbr, the successor of Abd al-Jabbr al-Hamadhn (d. 415/ 1025)
as head of the Baran school of the Mutazila, is mostly known for his Kitb
al-Masil f l-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn which is preserved in a
unique manuscript of Yemeni provenance owned today by the State Library of Berlin
(Glaser 12). By contrast, another comprehensive work of Nsbr has completely
escaped the attention of modern scholarship, viz. MS Maktabat al-awqf of the Great
Mosque in an, No. 696, which can be identified as his Masil al-khilf baynan
wa-bayn al-mushabbiha wa-l-mujbira wa-l-khawrij wa-l-murjia. The article presents this work and its author in detail and outlines important steps in the transmission of Zayd religious literature from the Caspian region to Yemen during the
second half of the 6th/12th and the first half of the 7th/13th centuries.
Keywords: Islamic theology; kalm; Mutazila; Zaydiyya; Ab Rashd al-Nsbr;
Eduard Glaser; Ibn al-Wald al-Qurash al-Anf; al-Manr bi-llh Abd Allh b.
Successeur de Abd al-Jabbr al-Hamadhn (d. 415/1025) la tte de lcole de
Bara du mutazilisme, Ab Rashd al-Nbr est avant tout connu comme lauteur
du Kitb al-Masil f l-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn, prserv dans un

This is the first in a series of studies dealing with the transmission of knowledge
from Iran to Yemen in the 6th/12th and 7th/13th centuries. This publication was
prepared within the framework of the European Research Councils FP 7 project
Rediscovering Theological Rationalism in the Medieval World of Islam. We
take the opportunity to thank Camilla Adang, Wilferd Madelung, Gregor
Schwarb and Jan Thiele for helpful remarks on an earlier draft of this paper.


STUDIA IRANICA 39, 2010, pp. 225-276


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manuscrit unique de provenance ymnite, aujourdhui la Bibliothque nationale de

Berlin (Glaser 12). En revanche, un autre ouvrage important de Nbr (cf.
Maktabat al-awqf of the Great Mosque in an, manuscrit 696), que lon peut
identifier comme son Masil al-khilf baynan wa-bayn al-mushabbiha wa-lmujbira wa-l-khawrij wa-l-murjia, a entirement chapp lattention des
chercheurs. Larticle prsente en dtail cet ouvrage et son auteur, et retrace les tapes
importantes de la transmission de la littrature religieuse zaydite depuis la rgion de
la Caspienne jusquau Ymn pendant la deuxime moiti du VIe/XIIe et la premire
moiti du VIIe/XIIIe sicles.
Mots cls : thologie islamique ; kalm ; mutazilisme ; zaydisme ; Ab Rashd alNsbr ; Eduard Glaser ; Ibn al-Wald al-Qurash al-Anf ; al-Manr bi-llh Abd
Allh b. amza.



The beginning of the scholarly investigation of Mutazilism dates

back to the last decade of the 19th century. Its primary textual foundation was the collection of manuscripts that had been brought together
by Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) during his repeated journeys to Yemen
in 1882-84, 1885-86, 1887-88 and 1892-94, consisting mostly of Zayd
works and numerous Mutazilite kalm writings. Glaser had sold the
manuscripts purchased during his first and second journeys to the
Knigliche Bibliothek zu Berlin (nowadays Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin).1
During his subsequent trips, he continued to purchase manuscripts
offering them again to the Berlin library. After fruitless negotiations
between the Knigliche Bibliothek and Glaser regarding the sale of the
third collection,2 it was purchased by the British Museum (328

The collection assembled during his first journey comprises 23 manuscripts; see
Vollers 1884. During his second journey, Glaser purchased another 242 manuscripts which he offered in May 1886 to the Knigliche Bibliothek. See letter
Eduard Glaser to the Oberbibliothekar der Kniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin,
dated 2/5/1886. Consulted at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Acta betreffend der
Glaserschen Sammlung arabischer Handschriften No. III.C.51 [abbreviated in
the following as Acta IIIC51], ff. 7-9. Following the positive assessment of
Wilhelm Ahlwardt (1828-1909) (see his Bericht ber die Glasersche Sammlung arabischer Handschriften, dated 10/6/1886 [Acta IIIC51, ff. 26, ad26]),
the collection was bought in February 1887 for the price of 20,000 Reichsmark.
Both collections are described in Ahlwardt 1887; see also Ahlwardt 1887-99
[repr. Hildesheim 1980-81], X, pp. 89-92.
Glaser offered the collection of 341 manuscripts for the price of 36,000 Reichsmark to the Knigliche Bibliothek. See letter Eduard Glaser to the Generaldirector, dated 28/9/1888, together with Verzeichnis meiner arabischen Handschriften (von Eduard Glaser) [Acta IIIC51, ff. 99-101]. Ahlwardt was asked to
assess the collection and advised the library to purchase only a select number of





manuscripts).3 Glaser sold the fourth collection to the Austrian National

Library (282 MSS).4
It was particularly the Berlin collection that had an immediate
impact on scholarship. The first to make use of its manuscripts was
Martin Schreiner (1863-1926), a scholar of Jewish and Islamic Studies
who from 1894 onwards taught at the Lehranstalt fr die Wissenschaft
des Judenthums in Berlin.5 For his studies on Mutazilite kalm, Jewish


manuscripts or the entire collection for a lower price. In his Vorlufiger

Bericht ber die Glasersche Sammlung, dated 2/2/1889, Ahlwardt writes:
Besonders hervorragende Werke sind nicht dabei und diese sind meistens
schon vorhanden in den Berliner Sammlungen. Von Interesse ist aber doch
immerhin eine betrchtliche Anzahl von Schriften, insofern sie sich bisher
weder in Berlin, noch in einer anderen europischen Bibliothek befinden.
Dieselben gehren hauptschlich in die Fcher Jura und Zeiditische Werke
Nach meinem Dafrhalten wrden etwa 170 Handschriften, also die Hlfte der
angebotenen Sammlung, der Knigl. Bibliothek etwas Neues bieten. Sie sind in
Sdarabien verfat und abgeschrieben. Sie sind grtentheils eine Vervollstndigung der bereits erworbenen eigenartigen Glaserschen Sammlung. Die
brigen 170 Hsn sind ja auch (zum grten Theil) nicht werthlos, es sind sogar
zum Theil alte Abschriften, aber es sind theils wirkliche Dubletten, theils ihrem
Inhalt nach unbedeutend Von einem Preis von 36000 Mark kann, denke ich,
nach Obigem schwerlich die Rede sein. Rechnen wir 170 Hsn 60 M. = 10200
M und 175 zu 10 M. = 1750 im Ganzen nur 12000 M. Ich glaube nicht, dass
E. Glaser mit diesem Preis einverstanden sein wird; vielleicht versucht er, seine
Sammlung anderswo zu verkaufen, wenn er erfhrt, welchen Werth dieselbe
allenfalls fr K. Bibliothek in Berlin hat. (Acta IIIC51, ff. 111ff). On
23/4/1889 Ahlwardt submitted his final report on the collection with the same
unenthusiastic assessment of the manuscripts, suggesting 20,000 Reichsmark as
the highest possible offer (Acta IIIC51, ff. 155ff). The following negotiations
between Glaser and the Knigliche Bibliothek came to nought.
See Rieu 1894, pp. vii, 925-928; Amr 1400/1980.
In February 1887, Glaser offered the fourth collection again to the Knigliche
Bibliothek zu Berlin. The few letters that were exchanged suggest that the
parties did not enter into serious negotiations (see Acta IIIC51). The Glaser
collection at the Austrian National Library has only insufficiently been
catalogued. A brief appraisal is offered by Grnert 1895-97, IIIme partie, pp. 3543. See also Grnert [ca. 1894]; Sammlung Glaser (arabische und persische
Handschriften aus dem Jemen) in der sterreichischen Nationalbibliothek
(Handschriften-, Autographen- und Nachlass-Sammlung). Signaturen-Katalog.
Erstellt von Dezember 2000 bis Mrz 2001 von Dr. Thomas Ripper, Mainz auf
der Grundlage des Kurzen Kataloges von Dr. Maximilian Grnert, Prag, um
1894 (Ser. n. 2167) [unpublished manuscript]. An overview of the history of the
different Glaser collections is given in Sobieroj 2007, pp. xxi-xxii; Christoph
Rauch, Arabic Manuscripts from Yemen at Berlin State Library (paper
presented at MELCOM Annual Meeting 2009, Kazan). We thank Christoph
Rauch for having made the text available to us. On Eduard Glaser, see also
Dostal 1990.
A biographical sketch is given by Moshe Perlmann in his introduction to
Schreiner 1983.


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and Muslim, viz. his Der Kalm in der jdischen Literatur (1895)6
and Jeschua ben Jehuda (1900),7 Schreiner consulted some of the
Mutazilite materials of the collection, namely Ab Muammad Ibn
Mattawayhs (d. 469/1076) al-Majm f l-Mu (MS Glaser 52), a
paraphrastic commentary of Abd al-Jabbr al-Hamadhns (d. 415/
1025) Kitb al-Mu bi-l-taklf,8 al-Bar al-zakhkhr of Amad
b. Yay Ibn al-Murta (d. 840/1436-7) (MS Glaser 230),9 and the
Kitb al-Masil f l-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn by
Ab Rashd al-Nsbr (MS Glaser 12).10 It was this last text that
attracted the attention of some of Schreiners younger contemporaries.
In 1902 Arthur Biram (1878-1967), Schreiners student at the Lehranstalt, submitted his doctoral dissertation including an edition and
analysis of the first part of the Masil f l-khilf dealing with substances (al-kalm f l-jawhar).11 In 1910, Max Horten (1874-1945) presented a paraphrastic summary of the complete work,12 followed, in
1911, by a study on the section al-kalm f l-ulm wa-l-itiqdt of the
Masil.13 An edition of the entire text on the basis of MS Glaser 12
was published in 1979 by Man Ziyda and Riwn Sayyid.14
As had already been noted by Biram and Horten, Ab Rashd
specifically refers in his Masil f l-khilf to other works of his,
namely his Kitb al-Juz (MS Glaser 12, f. 42a:2 = ed. Biram, p. 86;
eds. Ziyda and Sayyid, p. 96); al-Naq al ab al-abi (f. 61b:10
= eds. Ziyda and Sayyid, p. 139); Ziydt al-shar (f. 112b:8 = eds.
Ziyda and Sayyid, p. 219); al-Tadhkira (f. 112b:8 = eds. Ziyda and
Sayyid, p. 219); and Masil al-khilf baynan wa-bayn al-mushabbiha
wa-l-mujbira wa-l-khawrij wa-l-murjia (f. 211a:8-9 = eds. Ziyda
and Sayyid, p. 375). The later biographical literature of the Mutazilites

Schreiner 1895, pp. 1-67 (repr. in Schreiner 1983, pp. 280-340).

Schreiner 1890, pp. 3-90, i-xxix, esp. 5-25 (Zur Geschichte des
Mutazilismus) [repr. in Schreiner 1983, pp. 503-619, esp. 505-525].
On this manuscript, see Ahlwardt 1887, p. 10; Ahlwardt 1887-99, IV, pp. 459460, No. 5149.
On this manuscript, see Ahlwardt 1887, pp. 38-39; Ahlwardt 1887-99, IV, pp.
301-304, No. 4894.
On this manuscript, see Ahlwardt 1887, p. 4; Ahlwardt 1887-99, IV, p. 448,
No. 5125. See also below, Appendix III.
Biram 1902.
Horten 1910.
Horten 1911, pp. 433-448. See also GALS, I, p. 344. The three studies by Biram
and Horten have been republished in Sezgin 1986.
Nsbr 1979.





provides additional information on the biography and literary output of

Ab Rashd. Al-kim al-Jishum (d. 494/1101) reports that he first
adhered to the school of Baghdad but then moved to Rayy where he
became a student of Abd al-Jabbr al-Hamadhn, whom he succeeded
as head of the Baran school following the latters death in 415/1025.
Of Ab Rashds works al-Jishum specifically names Dwn al-ul,
dealing with substances and accidents (jawhir wa-ar) and Gods
unicity and justice (tawd wa-adl). He mentions two recensions:
during his time in Rayy Ab Rashd composed a first recension in which
the discussion of substances and accidents preceded that of Gods unicity and justice (al-nuskha al-rziyya); during a later visit to Jurjn
he rewrote the work reversing the order of the two parts (al-nuskha aljurjniyya).15 Moreover, al-Jishum twice quotes from Ab Rashds
Kitb al-Tanbh,16 both times in al-qism al-thn: al-kalm f firaq ahl
al-qibla of Jishums Shar al-uyn. This suggests that the Kitb alTanbh was a heresiographical work. Moreover, on one occasion he
quotes a statement of Ab Rashd in which the latter refers to his notes
(talq) on Abd al-Jabbrs Ajwibat al-sil an mushkilt al-Mughn.17
An additional title is known through a refutation by Ab Rashds
younger Twelver Sh contemporary, al-Sharf al-Murta (d. 436/
1044). In the introduction to this epistle, al-Murta refers to Ab
Rashd Sad b. Muammads Dhikr anw al-ar wa-aqsmih wafunn akmih.18 Moreover, in an anonymous talq on Ab Al
b. Muammad b. Khallds Kitb al-Ul that had been composed or
noted down by one Ab hir b. Al al-affr reference is made to Ab




See Sayyid 1974 (Fal), pp. 382-383 (= MS Leiden OR 2584A [=Ar. 1942a],
ff. 128b:20-129a:13). See also Ibn al-Murtas entry in Ibn al-Murta 1961,
p. 116.
Cf. al-Jishum, Shar uyn al-masil, MS Leiden OR 2584A [= Ar. 1942a],
ff. 40a:4-5, 41a:2-3. Jishum also attributes to Abd al-Jabbr a work entitled
Jawbt masil Ab Rashd; cf. Sayyid 1974 (Fal), p. 368 (= MS Leiden OR
2584A [= Ar. 1942a], f. 124b:10-11).
Cf. al-Jishum, Shar uyn al-masil, MS al-Jmi al-kabr, al-Maktaba
al-gharbiyya, Ilm al-kalm No. 99, f. 182a:19-20.
Al-Murtas tract is available in two editions: In al-Sharf al-Murta 1410/
1989-90, IV, pp. 307-315, and in al-Sharf al-Murta 2001, pp. 208-217. The
tract is mentioned by Ibn Shahrshb in his Malim al-ulam f fihrist kutub
al-Sha wa-asm al-muannifn minhum, qadman wa-adthan: Tatimmat
Kitb al-Fihrist li-Ab Jafar al-s, Ibn Shahrshb 1961, pp. 70-71 as
Tatimmat anw al-ar min jam Ab Rashd al-Nsbr. See also al-urr almil 1965-66, II, p. 183; Jafar 1413/1992-93, pp. 99-100.


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Rashds Talq al-taqrb. This may have been a commentary on Abd

al-Jabbrs Kitb Taqrb al-ul.19
In 1969, Muammad Abd al-Hd Ab Rda published an edition
of MS Maktabat al-awqf, al-Jmi al-kabr, an, No. 541 under the
title F l-Tawd. The editor decided that the fragment was a
commentary (talq) on Ibn Khallds Kitb al-Ul which he identified
as being a portion of Ab Rashds Dwn al-ul.20 A second fragment
(incomplete in beginning and end) of the same commentary containing
most of the chapters dealing with prophecy is preserved in the British
Library (OR 8613). It was first described by A.S. Tritton,21 and later
partly edited by Richard C. Martin.22 Martin questioned Ab Rdas
identification of the fragment found in Yemen as being Ab Rashds
Dwn al-ul, arguing that it belonged to the same supercommentary
on Ibn Khallds Kitb al-ul as the British Library manuscript. Both
manuscripts, he maintained, constituted fragments of Ab Rashds
Ziydt al-shar that may have been written down by one of his
pupils.23 Daniel Gimaret later argued that the work was neither
composed by Ab Rashd al-Nsbr nor by any of his students, but by
an anonymous later author.24 Apart from the frequent references to Ab






The manuscript is part of the library of the Faculty of Medicine at the

University of Shiraz (Allma abab Library). See Ansari and Schmidtke
2010, p. 283.
See the editors detailed description of the manuscript in the introduction to F
l-tawd [Dwn al-ul li-Ab Rashd Sad b. Muammad al-Nsbr ?], ed.
Muammad Abd al-Hd Ab Rda, Cairo 1969. The MS is described in
Ruqay, ibsh and Ans 1404/1984, II, p. 759, and is misidentified there as
being Volume One of Abd al-Jabbrs al-Mughn.
Tritton 1952 [repr. in The Teachings of the Mutazila., II, pp. 262-72],
containing also an edition of ff. 29b:18-34b of the manuscript.
Martin 1975 [includes an edition of ff. 2b:5-69b of the manuscript]. See also
Martin 1980, pp. 175-189. For a critical edition of ff. 69b-85b (bb al-kalm
al l-yahd f imtinihim min naskh al-shari) of the British Library
manuscript, see Adang and Schmidtke (forthcoming).
Martin 1975, pp. 11ff; Martin 1978, pp. 389-393. See also van Ess 1991-97, IV,
p. 768 n. 2. Martin expresses here the intention to publish an edition of the
entire British Library manuscript OR 8613, but so far this has not materialised.
The present authors are currently preparing a critical edition of the entire
Gimaret 1979, p. 73: Reste la question de savoir qui est lauteur de cet autre
commentaire. Ab Rda, et de mme R. Martin, croient pouvoir lidentifier
Ab Rad al-Nsbr. Je pense en ralit quil sagit dun auteur plus tardif. Je
pense dautre part que le commentaire porte non pas directement sur les Ul
dIbn alld (comme semble le croire Martin), mais sur son ar al-ul. Je
men expliquerai dans un prochain article. The announced study has so far not
been published.





Rashd throughout the two fragments,25 references to Ab Rashds

younger contemporaries al-Sharf al-Murta26 and Ibn Mattawayh
(esp. his al-Tadhkira)27 strongly suggest that these two manuscripts are
not part of Ab Rashds Ziydt al-shar. It seems plausible that they
constitute a later redaction of Ab Rashds supercommentary on Ibn
Khallds Kitb al-Ul and on Ibn Khallds autocommentary and
Abd al-Jabbrs commentary on this Shar. In the curriculum of studies
of the Imm al-Mahd li-Dn Allh Amad b. al-usayn (d. 656/1258),
the Zayd author Al b. al-usayn b. Muammad Siyh [Shh] Sarjn
[Sarbjn] is credited with a work entitled Shar al-Ul al-kabr. It
may well be that the two manuscripts are in fact portions of this Shar.28
In his Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Fuat Sezgin lists a
second manuscript of Ab Rashd al-Nsbrs al-Masil f l-khilf
bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn, viz. an, ul 208,29 and in
his introduction to Studien zur Philosophie des Ab Rad an-Nsbr
(published in 1986) he writes: Das Buch der Streitfragen von Ab
Rad wurde im Jahre 1979 lediglich auf Grund der Handschrift der
Berliner Bibliothek ediert, bei der jedoch nach Ansicht von Biram und
Horten einige Bltter fehlen. Wahrscheinlich wird man mit der
Handschrift an die Lcken schlieen oder den Tatbestand erklren
knnen.30 Two years prior to the publication of this statement, the new




MS British Library OR 8613, ff. 42a:1, 47a:3, 62b:10, 62b:18-19, 63a:6, 64a:4,
67a:9, 81b:20, 101a:6-7, 133b:19, 135b:16; F l-Tawd, pp. 14, 149, 215, 229,
231, 280, 301, 445, 471.
MS British Library OR 8613, f. 19a:1.
MS British Library OR 8613, f. 136a:2; F l-tawd, p. 14.
See Ansari and Schmidtke 2010, and Ansari and Schmidtke (forthcoming II).
Siyh [Shh] Sarjn [Sarbjn] is otherwise well known for his Kitb al-Mu
bi-ul al-imma al madhhib al-Zaydiyya, a commentary on the Kitb alDima f tathbt al-imma of the Imm al-Niq bi-l-aqq Ab lib Yay
b. usayn al-Butn (d. 424/1033). A fragment of the original Ziydt alShar seems to have been preserved in MS Firk Arab 403, held in the Russian
National Library. See Ansari and Schmidtke (forthcoming I).
GAS, I, pp. 626-627 No. 22. The shelfmark he provides is the former number of
MS Maktabat al-awqf, al-Jmi al-kabr, an, No. 696, as given in Fihrist
kutub al-Khizna al-Mutawakkiliyya al-mira bi-l-Jmi al-muqaddas bian al-mamya, an 1361/1942. Margaretha T. Heemskerk also takes this
manuscript to be a second copy of the text preserved in Berlin; see Heemskerk
2000, p. 57 n. 178.
Sezgin 1986, p. viii. A brief lacuna occurs at the end of al-juz al-thn ashar
(following f. 156b). See also Biram 1902, p. 5 n. 1. Max Horten assumed on the
basis of the statement on f. 197b:2-3 (= Nsbr 1979, p. 353), wa-sa-nataqa al-qawl f dhlika inda dhikrin al-kalm f l-awl that the original text


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catalogue of the Maktabat al-awqf of the Great Mosque in an had

been published. Although the information provided is scant, the incipit
and explicit of MS No. 696 (formerly ul 208) are quoted. These, as
well as the title, Masil al-khilf f l-ul, reveal that the an
manuscript contains a different text than MS Glaser 12.31 However,
with the exception of Daniel Gimaret who refers to the an codex in
his Matriaux pour une bibliographie des Jubbai: Note complmentaire (published in 1984),32 this codex seems to have gone unnoticed in
the scholarly community.33
MS Maktabat al-awqf (al-Sharqiyya), al-Jmi al-kabr, an,
No. 696,34 consists of 297 ff., 16x24 cm. Author and title of the work
are indicated on f. 1a as Kitb Masil al-khilf f l-ul min tanf alShaykh al-Sad Ab Rashd Sad b. Muammad al-Nsbr raimahu
llh tala (see also below, Fig.1). The title page has a library stamp of
al-Maktaba al-mma al-mutawakkiliyya al-jmia li-kutub al-waqf alummiyya f Jmi an al-maalliyya,35 followed by a note stating





included a chapter on the states (awl) that is missing in the present codex. See
Horten 1910, p. iv: Leider ist sie uns unvollstndig berkommen, da die
einzige berliner Handschrift die Abhandlung ber die Modustheorie, den
wichtigsten Streitpunkt zwischen Basra und Baghdad, nicht enthlt.
See Ruqay, ibsh and ns 1404/1984, II, p. 745.
Gimaret 1984, pp. 31-38. Gimarets microfilm copy is now part of the Fonds
Gimaret (CNRS, Institut de Recherche et dHistoire des Textes, Section arabe),
No. R00713.
See, e.g., Richard Frank, Ab Rashd al-Nsbr, The Encyclopaedia of
Islam. New Edition. Supplement Fascicules 1-2, pp. 31-32; Wajh 1420/1999,
pp. 464-465 No. 458; Wilferd Madelung, Ab Rad Nsbr, Encyclopaedia
Iranica, I, pp. 367-368; Ab Rashd Nsbr, Dirat-i marif-i buzurg-i
islm, V, pp. 484-487, where no mention is made of this manuscript. Cf. also
Mayhb 1426/2006.
During a visit to Yemen in August 2009, Sabine Schmidtke was able to consult
and photograph the original codex, for which she expresses her gratitude to the
Ministry of Religious Endowments. Microfilm copies of the manuscript are held
by the Mahad al-makht al-arabiyya in Cairo, in the Dr al-makht in
an, in the stn-i Quds library in Mashhad, and in the Fonds Gimaret in
Paris. See al-Makht allat awwarath bathat al-Mahad il l-Jumhriyya
al-arabiyya al-yamaniyya, Majallat mahad al-makht al-arabiyya 22/i
(1976), p. 24 No. 145; Mashriq/Q 1421/2001, p. 459; above, n. 32.
Al-Khizna al-mutawakkiliyya (which is now Maktabat al-awqf, al-Shaqriyya) was founded by the Imm al-Mutawakkil Yay b. Muammad amd
al-Dn (d. 1367/1948). Cf. Sayyid 1375/1955, pp. 195-209; Sayyid 1974
(Sources), p. 420. On Yay b. Muammad, see Muahhar 1418/1998;
A. Rouad, Yay b. Muammad, The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition,
XI, pp. 247-248.





that the manuscript was copied for the library of the Imm al-Manr
bi-llh Abd Allh b. amza (r. 583/1187-8 - 614/1217).36 The brief
colophon at the end of the text (f. 297a; see also below Fig. 2) indicates
neither the scribe nor the date or place of completion.37 In the margin of
f. 3a, there is a note recording the transfer of the codex from afr into
the Awqf library in an, dated Rab I 1348/August 1929.38 Throughout the manuscript, there are several collation (muraa) notes by
Muy al-Dn Muammad b. Amad b. Al b. al-Wald al-Qurash
al-Anf (d. 623/1226) who together with the Imm al-Manr bi-llh is
the recipient of an ijza issued by Sadd al-Dn Amr b. Jaml [Jumayl]39
(dated 3 Rab II 606/5 October 1209), that is found at the end of the
codex (ff. 297a-b; see below Appendix II).40 Two collation notes
(ff. 234a, 243a) suggest that Ibn al-Wald had an additional copy of the
text at his disposal which he considered as unsatisfactory as the present

The note reads as follows:

/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /

The colophon reads as follows:


The note reads as follows:

/ / /
/ / / / / /
/ / / /

On al-Manr bi-llhs library in afr, see Shahr 1421/2001, I, p. 609; Akwa

1424/2003, III, pp. 1283-1311.
On him see Shahr 1421/2001, II, pp. 840-842 No. 529; Ibn Abi l-Rijl 2004,
III, pp. 379-382 No. 967.
The document is written in a different hand from the main text, possibly by Ibn
al-Wald. The ijza is explicitly mentioned in Shahr 1421/2001, II, p. 841 and
has evidently served as a source for various entries of Mala al-budr and
abaqt al-zaydiyya al-kubr. Quotations from it are also adduced by alManr bi-llh in his Kitb al-Shf; see al-Manr bi-llh 1406/1986, I, pp.
155ff. See below, Appendix II. Ab Abd Allh umayd b. Amad al-Muall
(d. 652/ 1254) states in his Masin al-azhr f manqib Imm al-abrr wawlid al-Aimma al-ahr al-Imm Amr al-Muminn Al b. Ab lib (Muall
1422 [/2001 or 2002], p. 379) that he was granted by Amr b. Jumayl the same
ijza in 606/1209.


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copy.41 The last note on f. 297a is dated Jumd II 606/ December 1209
and signed by Muammad b. Amad b. al-Wald (see also Fig. 2).42


The note on f. 234a reads as follows: balagha muraatan wa-taan

bi-asab al-imkn maa uf al-nuskhatayn maan wa-llh wal al-tawfq. The
note on f. 243a states: balagha bi-asab al-imkn bi-amd Allh wa-mannihi
al nuskha ghayr muhadhdhaba maa l-istiq. See also ff. 7a, 20b, 28a, 37b,
43b, 44b, 46a, 48a, 62b, 64a, 70a, 77a, 82b, 108a, 112b, 119b, 127b, 140a,
141a, 149a, 151b, 154a, 161b, 165b, 171a, 183b, 194a, 202a, 206b, 208b, 212a,
218a, 222b, 225b, 238b, 244a, 257a, 267b, 277a, 289a where the simple note
balagha is found in the margin. On f. 262a there is note that reads balagha
bi-amd Allh wa-mannihi. Nota bene notes (indicated as unur) are found on
ff. 28b, 254b, 256a, 256b, 257a (for this use of unur, see Gacek 2001, p. 142).
Additional notes in the same hand containing corrections (all concluded by
a, abbreviated as ) are found on ff. 1b (partly damaged), 2a, 3b, 5b, 6a,
6b, 11b, 12a, 12b, 15a, 17a, 18a, 18b, 19b, 20a, 20b, 21a, 21b, 23b, 24a, 26b,
29b, 30a, 31a, 31b, 32a, 34a, 35a, 37b, 39a, 41a, 44a, 46a, 46b, 47a, 48b, 49a,
49b, 51a, 54b, 55a, 58a, 59b, 62b, 65a, 65b, 66b, 70a, 72a, 73b, 75a, 76b, 77b,
78a, 79a, 80b, 81b, 83b, 84a, 84b, 89a, 89b, 92b, 93a, 94a, 94b, 101b, 102a,
104b, 105b, 107b, 108a, 108b, 111b, 112a, 112b, 113b, 116a, 119a, 119b, 120a,
121b, 122a, 122b, 127b, 128b, 129a, 132b, 133a, 135b, 138a, 142b, 143a, 146b,
148a, 149b, 150b, 151a, 151b, 152a, 154a, 156a, 156b, 157a, 157b, 158a, 159a,
163b, 166b, 168a, 171b, 172a, 173b, 174b, 175a, 178a, 181b, 183b, 187b, 191b,
192a, 194a, 194b, 195a, 198b, 200b, 201b, 202a, 205b, 206a, 207a, 208a, 208b,
209a, 209b, 211a, 211b, 213b, 214a, 215a, 215b, 216a, 216b, 217b, 219b, 220a,
222b, 225b, 226a, 227a, 229a, 229b, 230b, 233a, 234a, 235b, 237a, 238a, 239a,
239b, 240a, 241b, 242a, 242b, 243b, 244b, 246a, 247a, 248a, 248b, 249b, 250a,
252a, 254a, 257b, 258b, 259a, 259b, 260b, 261a, 262a, 263a, 271a, 271b, 272b,
273a, 273b, 274a, 274b, 275a, 282b, 284a, 285b, 288a, 289a, 291a, 291b, 292b,
293a, 295b. 296a, 296b. See also ff. 4b, 5a (introduced by aunnuhu), 7a
(introduced by aunnuhu), 9a, 11a (introduced by aunnuhu), 19a, 21b, 22b,
23a, 25a, 38a, 44b, 52b, 55b, 56a, 58a, 63b, 69b (introduced by aunnuhu), 73a
(introduced by aunnuhu), 74a, 76a, 81b, 86a, 96b (introduced by aunnuhu),
97a, 99a, 100b, 104a, 117b, 119a, 121a, 122a, 127b, 141b (introduced by
aunnuhu), 154b, 162b, 172a, 177a (introduced by [a][unnu]), 178a, 179a
(introduced by aunnuhu, the entire marginal note is crossed out), 179b
(introduced by aunnuhu, the entire marginal note is crossed out), 180a, 188b,
190b (introduced by aunnuhu), 191a, 193b, 194b (introduced by aunnuhu),
196b, 198a, 199a, 199b, 201a, 204b, 211a (introduced by aunnuhu), 212a,
215b (introduced by aunnuhu), 218a, 218b, 220b, 225a, 226a, 229a
(introduced by aunnhu), 229b (introduced by aunnuhu, the entire marginal
note is crossed out), 230a (introduced by aunnuhu), 231a (the note is crossed
out), 231b (introduced by aunnuhu), 232a (introduced by aunnuhu, one of the
two notes is crossed out), 233a (introduced by aunnuhu, the entire note is crossed out), 233b (introduced by aunnuhu, the entire note is crossed out), 234b
(introduced by aunnuhu, the entire note is crossed out), 238b, 241a, 243b
(introduced by aunnuhu), 244b, 246a (introduced by aunnuhu), 246b, 260a,
261a, 262b, 267b, 268b, 269a, 274b (introduced by aunnuhu), 281b, 287a. On
one occasion (f. 22b) Ibn al-Wald adds a comment (shiya intah). For
interlinear corrections in the same hand, see ff. 4a, 7b, 9b, 10b, 11a, 13b, 14a,
17b, 18a, 18b, 20a, 20b, 21b, 24a, 24b, 26a, 31b, 32a, 44b, 47a, 51a, 52b, 55a,





Ibn al-Wald is otherwise known to have written a refutation of

al-kim al-Jishums positions with regard to the status of the first
three caliphs in his Shar uyn al-masil, Minhj al-salma f masil
al-imma,43 a refutation of the section on the imamate in Ibn al-Malims (d. 536/1141) Kitb al-Fiq f ul al-dn, al-Jawb al-niq
al-diq bi-all shubah kitb al-Fiq,44 and a refutation of the section


56a, 58a, 58b, 66b, 70a, 74a, 76a, 81b, 82a, 86b, 87a, 93a, 94a, 95b, 113a,
141b, 142a, 143a, 144b, 145b, 148b, 150a, 157a, 158b, 162b, 164a, 164b, 166a,
167a, 174b, 180a, 181b, 185b, 188a, 191b, 193b, 195b, 197a, 199b, 201b, 203a,
213a. There are additional marginal notes that are possibly by a different hand,
see, e.g., ff. 169b, 170b, 178b, 179a, 182a, 186b, 188b, 192b, 195b, 198a, 203b,
205b, 207a, 207b, 208a, 209b, 210a, 210b, 212a, 212b, 213a, 216b, 217a, 217b,
218b, 240a, 250a, 260a, 269b, 288a, 289a, 293b, 294b, 295a.
The note on f. 297a reads as follows:

[ ]



Ibn al-Wald has collated other codices that had been copied for the khizna of
al-Manr bi-llh, among them a copy of Volumes One and Three of Jishums
Shar al-uyn (see below n. 43) and Volume Two of al-Muwaffaq bi-llhs
(d. 479/ 1086-87) Kitb al-Ia, preserved as MS Leiden OR 8409 [= Ar.
1942b]; cf. his collation note on f. 249b dated Shawwl 605/April-May 1209.
The transcription of the codex was completed in Shabn 605/February-March
1209 (cf. colophon f. 249b). On th, see Akwa 1424/2003, I, pp. 490-536.
See usayn 1413/1992-93, III, p. 76 No. 3071. MSS Leiden OR 2584A and B
contain a nearly complete copy of Jishums Shar Uyn al-masil,
comprising qism 1-4 [al-mujallad al-awwal], 7-9 [al-mujallad al-thlith], that
had been copied for the library of the Imm al-Manr bi-llh (Volume One
completed on 7 Raman 608/12 February 1212 and Volume Three completed
in Jumd II 608/November-December 1211) and that had been collated by Ibn
al-Wald; see MS Leiden OR 2584A [= Ar. 1942a], f. 283a, containing his last
collation note in this codex dated Muarram 609/June-July 1212, and OR
2584B [= Ar. 1942c], f. 270b, dated Jumd II 608/November-December 1211.
MS Leiden OR 2584B [= Ar. 1942c], ff. 271a-285b, contains a copy of his
Minhj al-salma f masil al-imma, transcribed in Raman 608/FebruaryMarch 1212, that has been collated by the author in the same year. See
Voorhoeve 1980, pp. 214, 395; Witkam 2008, pp. 164-165. On Ibn al-Walds
refutation, see also asan Anr, Fal dar immat az kim Jishum u radd
bar n,
[ (accessed 20/10/2009)].
Both refutations were composed in Raman 608/February-March 1212.
Al-Jawb al-niq is extant at the end of two MSS of Ibn al-Malims alFiq, MSS Maktabat al-awqf, al-Jmi al-kabr, an, No. 557, ff. 282b-293
(incomplete in the end), No. 558, ff. 222-244; cf. Ruqay, ibsh and ns
1404/1984, pp. 587, 693-694 (that the tract is extant at the end of No. 557 is not
specifically mentioned in the catalogue); cf. usayn 1413/1992-93, I, p. 378
No. 1093. On this tract, see also asan Anr, Risla-yi dar radd bar Mamd


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on the imamate in Abd al-Jabbrs al-Mughn f abwb al-tawd wa-ladl, entitled al-Jawb al-sim al-mufn bi-all shubah al-Mughn.45
From his pen, we also have al-Jawhir wa-l-durar al-mustakhraja min
Shar Ab Muar, a summary of Ab Muar Shuray b. al-Muayyads
(fl. 5th/11th c.) Asrr al-ziydt;46 Srat al-Imm al-Manr bi-llh
Abd Allh b. amza;47 Tarr zawid al-ibna, a redaction of glosses
of various scholars from Iran on the Ibna f l-fiqh of al-Nir li-l-aqq
al-asan b. Al al-Ursh (d. 304/917);48 a recension of the Aml of alMurshad bi-llh Yay b. al-usayn b. Isml al-Shajar (d. 479/1086-





b. al-Malim,
The text is incompletely preserved in MS Maktabat al-awqf, al-Jmi al-kabr,
an No. 550; for the extant parts, see Abd al-Jabbr al-Hamadhn [n.d.],
pp. 262-264; cf. also usayn 1413/1992-93, I, p. 370 No ; 1066; Msav Najd
1384/2005, p. 121.
See usayn 1413/1992-93, I, p. 384 No. 1111. Cf. also ibid., II, p. 159
No. 1931 where Ibn al-Wald is said to have composed a Shar al-ziydt. This
may be a conflation with his Mukhtaar especially since no extant manuscript is
mentioned. A manuscript of Ibn al-Walds text is preserved in the Maktabat
Sharaf b. Qsim al-Wajh, cf. Wajh 1422/2002, II, p. 659; another copy is
preserved in Munich (MS Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cod. Arab. 1193), see
Sobieroj 2007, pp. 288-290 No. 135. Ab Muars Asrr al-ziydt is preserved
in two copies in the Maktabat al-Awqaf, an, Nos. 1137, 1139; cf. Ruqay,
ibsh and ns 1404/1984, II, pp. 899-900. On Ab Muar, see Ibn Abi l-Rijl
2004, II, pp. 395-98 No. 662; Shahr 1421/2001, I, pp. 485-486 No. 284;
Madelung 1987, English introduction, pp. 19-20.
According to Abd al-Salm al-Wajh, a manuscript of the text is preserved in
the library of the Great Mosque in an, together with the Kitb al-Shf of the
Imm al-Manr bi-llh; see his edition of Shahr 1421/2001, I, p. 696 (footnote). This information could not be confirmed on the basis of the published
catalogues. On Ibn al-Wald, see also Ibn Abi l-Rijl 2004, II, pp. 243-245
No. 519; ibid., III, pp. 234-238 No. 881; ibid., IV, pp. 184-188 No. 1093; Yay
b. al-usayn al-Yaman al-ann, al-Mustab f tarjim rijl al-zaydiyya
al-ayb [Kitb al-abaqt f dhikr fal al-ulam wa-ilmihim
wa-muannaftihim], MS Maktabat Muammad b. Muammad al-Manr
(an), ff. 66b-67a [a microfilm copy of this manuscript is available at the Dr
al-kutub in Cairo, No. 15632; we have consulted a printout of this manuscript
preserved at the library of the Centre Franais dArchologie et des Sciences
Sociales de Sanaa (CEFAS)]; Shahr 1421/2001, I, pp. 417-421 No. 246; ibid.,
II, pp. 912-916 No. 561; Wajh 1420/1999, pp. 844-845 No. 901; Akwa 1424/
2003, I, p. 492. Some members of Ibn al-Walds family were Isml ayyib
ds, among them the renowned Imd al-Dn Idrs b. al-asan (d. 872/1468).
On the genealogy of Idrs, see the introduction to Sayyid 2002. See also
Hamdani 1974, pp. 258-300; Daftary 2004, pp. 118-121 for other possible
members of the same family.
Cf. Shahr 1421/2001, II, p. 914. The Kitb al-Ibna is preserved together with
the commentary of Ab Jafar Muammad b. Yaqb al-Hawsam al-Nir
al-Q (d. 455/1063); cf. Sobieroj 2007, pp. 502-503 No. 268 (=Cod.Arab.





87 or 499/1106), Tartb al-aml al-khamsiyya;49 a summary (mukhtaar) of al-Jishums Jal al-abr,50 and Hidyat al-mustarshidn,
being a collection of fatw of al-Manr bi-llh Abd Allh b. amza.51
In addition, Ibn al-Wald had composed a refutation (entitled al-Risla
al-rdia) of a polemical tract against the Zaydiyya and al-Manr in
particular, by the Shfiite-Asharite faqh Ab l-Qabil/ Ab l-Fail
Abd al-Ramn b. Manr b. Ab l-Qabil (d. 609/1212-13 in Dh
Jibla) which in turn was a refutation of al-Manr bi-llhs al-Risla alnfia bi-l-adilla al-wqia, entitled al-Risla al-dmigha.52 Ab
l-Qabil reacted with a counterrefutation, al-Risla al-khriqa li-ahl
al-milla al-mriqa. Al-Manr bi-llh responded by writing his Kitb
al-Shf in which he usually quotes Ibn al-Walds text which is not
independently preserved.53
The text of the Masil al-khilf f l-ul displays some of the
characteristic features of Ab Rashd al-Nsbrs writings as these are
known from his al-Masil f l-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn as well as from the two preserved fragments of the later redaction of his Ziydt al-Shar. As is the case with these two works, the
present work bears witness to the authors proficiency in and predilection for poetry (cf. ff. 25a, 30b, 31a, 45b, 49a, 49b, 50a, 50b, 53a,
88a, 88b, 113a, 188a). As regards its structure, it closely resembles the
text preserved in MS Glaser 12. In both Masil works the chapters




This text has been published repeatedly: Kitb al-Aml: Wa-hiya al-shahra
bi-l-Aml al-Khamsiyya li-l-Murshad bi-Allh Yay b. al-usayn al-Shajar
rattabahu Muy al-Dn Muammad b. Amad b. Al b. al-Wald al-Qurash
thumma al-Absham wa-kna qabla dhlika rattabahu Shams al-Dn Jaml
al-Muslimn Jafar b. Amad b. Ab Yay f saba wa-ishrn bban 1-2, Cairo
1957 [repr. Beirut 1983].
Maslik al-abrr al-manzm min Jal al-abr; see Wajh 1420/1999, p. 844.
A manuscript of this text is preserved in al-Maktaba al-niriyya of Lucknow;
see Amn 2007, IV, p. 21.
Abd al-Salm al-Wajh mentions a copy of the text in the private library of l
Taq in the village of Shibm; cf. Shahr 1421/2001, II, p. 420 n. 4. In addition,
the work has been preserved in the redaction (jam wa-tahdhb) of Muammad
b. Asad al-Murd, al-Muhadhdhab f fatw al-Manr bi-llh Abd Allh b.
amza alayhi al-salm (Murd 2001).
An edition of al-Manr bi-llhs al-Risla al-nfia is included in al-Manr
bi-llh 1422/2002, I, pp. 381-481. Ab l-Qabils al-Risla al-dmigha is lost.
The identity of the Shfiite-Asharite author is revealed by Yqt in his Mujam
al-buldn, Beirut 1399/1979, II, p. 106; Janad 1983, II, p. 193; Akwa 1424/
2003, I, p. 492; ibid., III, pp. 1296, 1415-1416; Yaya b. al-usayn 1968, I,
p. 406; Al b. al-asan al-Khazraj 1911-14, I, pp. 233-234; see also Schwarb
(forthcoming), No. 362. Al-Manr bi-llhs al-Shf is available as al-Manr
bi-llh 1406/1986. Altogether, Ibn al-Wald is said to have composed 27
writings; see Ibn Ab l-Rijl 2004, III, p. 238.


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open with al-kalm f and are further divided into sections invariably
introduced as masala f ...54 Moreover, in both works Ab Rashd
devotes the first part of each section as a rule to arguments supporting
his own view, followed in the second part by a critical assessment of
the counterarguments of the opponents. These sections are introduced
in the present codex with titles such as dhikr jumla min shubahihim f
hdhihi l-masala wa-l-jawb anh (e.g., f. 78a; see also Appendix I,
below). Typical titles for these sections in MS Glaser 12 are dhikr
[jumla min] asilatihim (or: asilat man khlafan) [f hdhihi
l-masala] (or: allat yumkin rduh f nurat qawl man khlafan] wal-jawb anh (cf. MS Glaser 12, f. 15b:2-3 = eds. Ziyda and Sayyid,
p. 51; f. 27a:12-13 = p. 72; f. 31b:6 = p.79; f. 40b:2-3 = p. 95;
f. 50a:18-19 = p. 121; f. 52a:8-9 = p. 124; f. 86b:5-6 = p. 179;
f. 142b:19-20 = p. 265; f. 148b:11-12 = p. 274; f. 212a:20 = p. 378).
As to the identity of the an codex, there are a number of indications that suggest that it can be identified as the Masil al-khilf
baynan wa-bayn al-mushabbiha wa-l-mujbira wa-l-khawrij wa-lmurjia to which Ab Rashd refers in his Masil f l-khilf bayn
al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn. The reference to it in the latter work
(f. 211a:8-9 = eds. Ziyda/Sayyid, p. 375:24-25) clearly relates to
f. 32a:5-11 of Masil al-khilf f l-ul:
Masil al-khilf f l-ul,
MS Maktabat al-awqf No. 696,
f. 32a:5ff



Masil al-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn

eds. Ziyda and Sayyid, p. 375:24-25

The division of al-Masil f l-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn in

Nsbr 1979 into two aqsm (al-qism al-awwal: qism al-jawhir, and al-qism
al-thn) was made by the editors and has no foundation in the manuscript.


: ... ]






A further indication is that the structure of the present work (see

also the detailed table of contents in Appendix I) reflects the title,
Masil al-khilf baynan wa-bayn al-mushabbiha wa-l-mujbira wa-lkhawrij wa-l-murjia. Ab Rashd arranged the topics discussed
according to the groups he intended to refute: The first chapter, which
is devoted to qualifications that are to be denied of God (ff. 1b-55a),
addresses positions that are usually associated with the anthropomorphists (al-mushabbiha). The following chapters, on justice (ff. 55aff),
will (ff. 70aff), Qurn (ff. 101bff), the created (ff. 127bff), generated
actions (ff. 192bff), capability, moral obligation (taklf) and divine
assistance (luf) (ff. 213aff) are primarily directed against the mujbira.
With respect to both groups, Ab Rashd has primarily the Kullbiyya
and the Ashariyya in mind. The chapters on threat (al-kalm f l-wad,
ff. 268bff) and on the intermediary position (al-kalm f l-manzila bayn
al-manzilatayn, ff. 288bff) are directed against the mujbira, the
Murjiites and the Khrijites.55 The work ends with a brief chapter on
commanding the good and prohibiting the reprehensible (al-kalm f
l-amr bi-l-marf wa-l-nahy an al-munkar) which is directed against
the Twelver Shs and Khrijites (ff. 295bff).56 Occasionally Ab
Rashd refers to specific opponents, such as Amad b. Ibrhm alQalnis al-Rz (f. 42b:12 ba al-juhhl min al-Kullbiyya wa-l-huwa
al-marf bi-l-Qalnis),57 Ibn Kullb (d. 241/855?) (ff. 85b: 10,
107b:9), al-Ashar (Ibn Ab Bishr, d. 324/936) (ff. 44b:14-15 Ibn Ab



See specifically ff. 178b:19, 192a:13 (al-mushabbiha); 113b:13, 168b:7,

255b:6, 255b:10 (al-kullbiyya); ff. 52b:17, 54a:7, 189b:25, 208a:8, 290a:1,
291a:9, 296b:14 (al-khawrij); 55a:15, 57a:17, 64a:8, 68b:8, 69a:12, 87b:7,
91b:11, 93a:1, 134b:1, 148b:6, 172a:20, 185b:16, 186a:12, 189a:17, 189a:20,
189b:20, 189b:21, 190a:18, 190a:19, 190a:21, 190a:23, 190b:6, 190b:8,
190b:10, 190b:14, 190b:15, 190b:17, 190b:19, 190b:21, 190b:24, 191a:2,
191a:4, 191a:8, 191a:10, 192a:13, 192a:15, 192a:20, 192b:3, 230b:11, 232a:18,
249b:14, 258b:13, 259b: 14-15, 264b:10, 283a:13 (al-mujbira); 291a:9 (almurjia); see also ff. 62a:12, 236a:9 (al-mulida), 63b:6-7 (ab al-tansukh);
111b:8 (al-karrmiyya); 189b:20, 190a:5, 190a:21, 191a:9-10, 249b:14 (alqadariyya); 196b:11-12, 213a:10-11, 222b:4 (ab al-abi).
Cf. also f. 293a:11 (wa-dhahaba qawm min al-immiyya ).
On al-Qalnis, see Gimaret 1989, pp. 227-262.


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Bishr al-jhil; 85b:10; 101b (margin); 112b:5; 177b:3 ab Ibn Ab

Bishr; 186b:2), al-usayn b. Muammad al-Najjr (d. ca. 220/835) (ff.
55a:14-15 al-Najjr wa-sir al-mujbira; 85b:12; 107b:8; 167b:10;
167b:20; 181a:6; 225b:25),58 Burghth (d. 240/855 or 241/856)
(ff. 88b:18, 138b:6),59 irr b. Amr (d. ca. 200/815) (ff. 54a:12,
54b:18), and Ibn al-Rwand (d. end of 3rd/9th century) (f. 222a:5).
It seems that the text of the Masil is incompletely preserved in the
present manuscript. Other than is the case with Ab Rashds al-Masil
f l-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn, the text has no khuba
or any other kind of introduction but opens immediately with a masala
f anna llh tal l yajzu an yakna liman bi-ilm qadm (f. 1b:2)
following the basmala. Moreover, in contrast to the remaining chapters
of the text, the first chapter dealing with qualifications that are to be
denied of God is not introduced by a chapter heading (al-kalm f).
From f. 234 onwards, there are regularly notes indicating that a fascicle
(juz, pl. ajz) ends (f. 234b yatlhu f l-juz al-sbi ashar dall
khar; cf. also ff. 243a, 251a, 262a, 270b, 287b) suggesting that the
text was originally divided into twenty-one fascicles (see also below
Appendix I). As is common practice in medieval Arabic manuscripts,60
the division into fascicles is independent of the division into chapters in
the present codex. Comparison with MS Glaser 12 shows that a similar
codicological division into fascicles runs through the entire manuscript
with no connection to the division into chapters.61 These are invariably
concluded with the same formulae that can be encountered throughout
the last 63 leaves of the present manuscript.62 The evidence of the two
codices suggests that the division into ajz originated with Ab Rashd
in both cases. It thus seems that for most of the present codex, notes



On him, see van Ess 1991-97, IV, pp. 147-170.

On him, see van Ess 1991-97, IV, pp. 162-166.
See Humbert 1997, pp. 77-86; Droche 2005, pp. 69, 79; Gacek 2001, p. 23.
See also Horten 1910, p. iv: Das Prinzip fr die Abteilung der Bcher mu ein
ganz uerliches gewesen sein, da es vielfach enge Zusammenhnge durchbricht. Vielleicht war der Abschlu eines Buches durch die Gre des
Umfanges bestimmt, oder jedes Buch ist das, was abu Raschid auf einmal
See MS Glaser 12, ff. 13b (end of fasc. 1), 27a (end of fasc. 2), 40b (end of fasc.
3), 54a (end of fasc. 4), 68a (beginning of fasc. 6), 80a (end of fasc. 6), 81a (beginning of fasc. 7), 93b (beginning of fasc. 8), 106a (end of fasc. 8), 107a
(beginning of fasc. 9), 120a (beginning of fasc. 10), f. 132a (end of fasc. 10),
133a (beginning of fasc. 11), 145a (beginning of fasc. 12), 157a (beginning of
fasc. 13), 168b (end of fasc. 13), 169a (beginning of fasc. 14), 180b (end of
fasc. 14), 181a (beginning of fasc. 15), 193a (beginning of fasc. 16), 204b (end
of fasc. 16), 205a (beginning of fasc. 17).





indicating the beginning and end of fascicles were dropped by the

copyist of No. 696 or possibly of his Vorlage.
Twice, Ab Rashd mentions titles of other works of his in the
present codex. On f. 8b:16 he refers to what he has explained in his
al-Masil al-kabra, and on f. 119a:17-18 he speaks of his addendum
to his Masil al-khilf (by which he means most likely his al-Masil
al-kabra), inn qad bayyann f Kitb m yulaq bi-Masil
al-khilf ... 63 Together with the additional reference to his Masil
al-khilf baynan wa-bayn al-mushabbiha wa-l-mujbira wa-l-khawrij
wa-l-murjia in his al-Masil f l-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn, the following chronological order of his Masil works can be
al-Masil al-kabra (= Masil al-khilf)

Kitb m yulaq bi-Masil al-khilf

Masil al-khilf baynan wa-bayn al-mushabbiha wa-l-mujbira

wa-l-khawrij wa-l-murjia (= Masil al-khilf f l-ul)
(MS Maktabat al-awqf No. 696)

al-Masil f l-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn

(MS Glaser 12)
Throughout the text, Ab Rashd refers to numerous earlier
scholars, indicating at times specific titles. Among his own teachers in

In addition, Ab Rashd repeatedly refers his readers to earlier writings of his in

a less specific manner, cf. ff. 22b:7 (qad bayyann f l-kutub), 157b:7 (qad
bayyann f l-kutub), 282b:7 (wa-qad bayyann f ghayr mawi min al-kutub),
283a:21-22 (wa-qad bayyann annahu dall f l-kutub), 157b:7 (qad bayyann f
l-kutub), 215b:2-3 (wa-qad bayyann f l-kutub), 282b:7 (wa-qad bayyann f
ghayr mawi min al-kutub), 283a:21-22 (wa-qad bayyann annahu dall f
l-kutub). In addition he repeatedly has similar phrases that may refer to earlier
writings of his own or of his Mutazilite predecessors, cf. ff. 22b:2 (qad buyyina
f l-kutub), 35a:5-6 (wa-qad buyyina dhlika f l-kutub), 63a:2 (bi-m buyyina f
l-kutub), 74a:19 (wa-qad buyyina dhlika f l-kutub), 84a:8 (bi-m buyyina f
l-kutub); 103a:9-10 (kam yajr f kathr min al-kutub), 120a:15-16 (li-anna
hdh mimm yubayyanu iatuhu f ghayr mawi min al-kutub), 123b:3
(wa-qad buyyina f l-kutub), 131b:11 (wa-qad buyyina f l-kutub), 133a:22 (waqad dhukira dhlika f l-kutub), 139a:11 (li-m buyyina f l-kutub), 139b:12
(fa-huwa madhkr f l-kutub), 139b:14 (al m buyyina f l-kutub), 200b:16
(wa-qad buyyina dhlika f l-kutub), 280b:18-19 (wa-qad buyyina f l-kutub),
287b:3 (wa-qad buyyina f l-kutub), 295b:17-18 (al m buyyina(?) min alshari f l-kutub).


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kalm, he mentions shaykhun Ab Jafar al-Qarmsn raimahu llh

[f Naq al-luma] (f. 50b:1). This theologian, who is not known on the
basis of any other source, was possibly a descendant of Ab af
al-Qarmsn to whom Ab Rashd refers in his al-Masil f l-khilf
bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn64 and whom al-Jishum described
as one of the followers of Abu l-Qsim al-Balkh (d. 319/931) in
Khorasan.65 It may well be that Ab Jafar al-Qarmsn was likewise an
adherent of the School of Baghdad with whom Ab Rashd had studied
before he moved to Rayy where he became a student and follower of
Abd al-Jabbr al-Hamadhn. Ab Rashd also refers to two men from
whom he transmits adth, namely Ab Amr Muammad b. Amad
b. amdn al-Nsbr (d. 376 or 378/986-7 or 988-9)66 and Ab Bakr
Muammad b. Ibrhm b. al-Muqr al-Ifahn (d. 381/991),67 who both
transmit from Ab Yal Amad b. Al b. al-Muthann b. s b. Hill
al-Mawil (d. 307/919-20)68 (f. 53b:11-12).69 The Masil also attest
that Ab Rashd had attended sessions devoted to kalm in which the
Byid vizier al-ib ibn Abbd (d. 385/995) had actively participated





MS Glaser 12, f. 28b:20 = Nsbr 1979, p. 74:18.

See Sayyid 1974 (Fal), p. 320. See also Ibn al-Murta 1961, pp. 101-102; van
Ess 1991-97, IV, p. 255; el Omari 2006, p. 130. Naq al-luma may be a refutation of al-Ashars (d. 324/935-36) Kitb al-Luma f ul al-dn; another
refutation of the same work was authored by Abd al-Jabbr al-Hamadhn. See
Gimaret 1985, pp. 186ff.
On him, see GAS, I, p. 204 No. 242. Ab Amr is also explicitly mentioned as
Ab Rashd al-Nsbrs teacher by Muntajab al-Dn al-Rz in his lost Trkh
al-Rayy; cf. Ibn ajar al-Asqaln 1329-31/1911-13, III, p. 42. The manuscript
(f. 53b:11) erroneously has Ab Umar b. Amad b. al-Nsbr.
On him, see GAS, I, p. 205 No. 245; asan Anr, Ibn Muqr, Dirat
al-marif-i buzurg-i islm, IV, pp. 658-660.
On him, see Schtzinger 1978; Schtzinger 1981; Maryam diq, Ab Yal
Mawil, Dirat al-marif-i buzurg-i islm, VI, pp. 436-437. A new edition
of Ab Yals Kitb al-Mujam has been published by usayn Salm Asad
(Ab Yal al-Mawil 1989). Ab Yals chain of transmission is indicated by
Ab Rashd as follows (f. 53b:12-14): Ab Yal al-Mawil Muammad b.
al-Minl [al-Tamm al-Bar al-arr] (d. 231/845-46) Umar b. abb
[b. Muammad al-Adaw] (d. 206/821 or 207/822) Khlid b. Mihrn
al-adhdh (d. 141/758-59 or 142/759-60) Ab Qallba Abd Allh b. Zayd
(d. between 104/722-23 and 107/725-26) Ab Dharr [al-Ghifr] (d. 31/651-2
or 32/652-3). The tradition cited here by Ab Rashd (f. 53b:11-15) is not
included in the Musnad Ab Yal al-Mawil (Ab Yal al-Mawil 1984-94),
but it is found in al-Kmil li-bn Ad 1-8, ed. Yay Mukhtr Raaw and Suhayl
Zakkr, Beirut 1998, vol. V, p. 39 (with some slight differences in the isnd).
There is also an unspecific reference to ba al-mutaakhkhirn min al-muaddithn (f. 49b:2-3).





(f. 181b:1-2 wa-qad samitu al-ib raiya llh anhu yaqlu ).70
Apart from single references to Ibn Sikkt (d. ca. 244/858) and his Il
al-maniq (f. 25a:3), to the grammarian Ab Al al-Fris (d. 377/987)71
(f. 25a:11 al-shaykh Ab Al al-naw raiya llh anhu), and to
al-asan al-Bar (d. 110/728) (f. 99b:14), Ab Rashd occasionally
refers to Baghdd theologians, viz. Bishr b. al-Mutamir (d. between
210/825 and 226/840) (f. 259b:13 Bishr b. al-Mutamir wa-kna
ras al-Mutazila wa-shaykh al-Baghddiyyn), Jafar b. arb (d. 236/
850)72 (f. 101b:14), and Ab l-Qsim al-Kabs Naq al-Sirjn (f. 52b:
14-15).73 The majority of references are to earlier representatives of the
Baran school, viz. Abu l-Hudhayl (d. 227/841-2) (ff. 46a:2; 148b:1;
149b:16-17); Ab Al al-Jubb (d. 303/915-16) (ff. 45b:8; 48b:10;
78a:3; 81b:9; 82a:2; 98b:7; 100a:15; 100b:5; 126a:12; 128a:14; 131a:
21; 134a:14 Ab Al f kutubihi wa-ghayruhu min al-shuykh al-mutaqaddimn; 180b:4; 181a:6; 183b:2-3; 184a:13; 187a:14; 188a:8;
211b:4; 224b:5; 232a:18; 236b:9; 247a:12; 252a:6; 273a:15; 275a:5;
278b:16; 286a:12; 289b:13; 290a:5; 292a:15; 294a:7; 295b:3; 296a:18)
and specifically his Kitb al-Asm wa-l-ift (f. 46a:3),74 his Jawbt
masil al-khursniyya (ff. 74a:21-22; 286b:5 f ba al-nusakh min
Jawbt li-l-khursniyyn),75 and his Tafsr (f. 98b:8);76 Ab Als son
Ab Hshim (d. 321/933) (ff. 40a:7; 74a:20; 82a:4-5; 92a:10-11;
96b:1; 100b:5; 100b:9; 100b:15; 108b:1; 114a:9; 122a:17; 128a:14;
131a:21; 131b:7; 131b:13; 134a:15; 139a:18; 177b:13; 179a:5;
179a:10; 184a: 15; 184b:8; 185a:6; 185b:11; 187a:6; 199b:13; 208a:17;
209a:9-10 inna qawl shaykhin Ab Hshim qad ikhtalafa f kutubihi;



Cf. also Nsbr 1979, p. 285 (= MS Glaser, f. 155a:14): wa-la-qad samitu

kf l-kuft yaqlu ...; that Ab Rashd attended the circle of Ibn Abbd is also
attested in Muall 1423/2002, II, p. 126. Al-Mualls statement is gleaned
from Srat al-Imm al-Muayyad of al-Murshad bi-llh Yay b. al-usayn alShajar (d. 479/1086-87) (Shajar 1424/2003, p. 38).
On him, see Inyat Allh Fti Nazhd, Ab Al Fris, Dirat al-marif-i
buzurg-i islm, VI, pp. 46-53 [for the English translation, see Enayatollah
Fatehi-Nezhad (tr. Simin Rahimi), Ab Al al-Fris, Encyclopaedia Islamica.
An Abridged Translation by the Institute of Ismaili Studies of the Dirat alMarif-i Buzurg-i Islm published in Persian by The Centre for Iranian and
Islamic Studies, editors-in-chief Wilferd Madelung and Farhad Daftary, Leiden
2008-, I, pp. 457-467].
On him, see van Ess 1991-97, IV, pp. 68-76.
On this work (the title is erroneously given in the manuscript as al
l-Marn), see el Omari 2006, p. 104.
On this work, see Gimaret 1976, pp. 280-281 No. 3; Gimaret 1984, p. 32 No. 3.
On this work, see Gimaret 1976, p. 286 No. 15; Gimaret 1984, p. 33 No. 15.
On his Tafsr, see Gwynne 1982; Gimaret 1994; Tafsr Ab Al al-Jubb
al-mutawaff sanat 303 H, ed. Khur Muammad Nabh, Beirut 1428/2007.


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210b:14; 210b: 17; 211b:14; 224b:5; 225a:5; 225a:15; 227a:15;

228b:5; 231b:4; 232a: 6; 235b:18; 237a (margin); 237b:9; 238a:2-3;
241b:17; 245b:3; 246a:2; 246b:22; 250b:19; 251b:8; 261a:6; 261a:11;
273b:19; 279a:16; 286b:2-3; 286b:23; 289a:25; 289b:14; 295a:1;
295a:11; 295b:6; 296a:18) and specifically his Naq al-irda (f.
155a:11-12),77 his al-Baghddiyyt (f. 200b:17),78 his al-Jmi (f.
134a:17), and, more specifically, his al-Jmi al-aghr (f. 228b:5);79
Ab Abd Allh al-Bar (d. 369/980) (ff. 75a:21; 134a:19) and
specifically his Naq al-mjiz (f. 125a:2); and, towards the end of the
text, q l-qut Abd al-Jabbr al-Hamadhn (ff. 269b:10; 270a:11;
272a:4) and specifically his Kitb al-Mughn (f. 271a:20-21 qla f
mawi min bb al-tawba min Kitb al-Mughn ).80
Comparision with Abd al-Jabbrs Kitb al-Mughn shows that this
book constituted Ab Rashds principal source, the main difference
between the two being that the latter selected and rearranged the material from the Mughn according to his own books characteristic structure, and at times added some details that are not found in Abd
al-Jabbrs Mughn.81 The following sample illustrates Ab Rashds



On this work, see Gimaret 1976, p. 325 No. 30; Gimaret 1984, p. 38 No. 30.
On this work, see Gimaret1976, pp. 308ff No. 10; Gimaret 1984, pp. 36-37
No. 10.
On Ab Hshims al-Jmi al-kabr and his al-Jmi al-aghr, see Gimaret
1976, pp. 313ff Nos. 14 and 15; Gimaret 1984, pp. 37-38 Nos. 14 and 15.
Occasionally the author refers to Ab Al and Ab Hshim as al-shaykhn
(ff. 128a:14, 211a:9, 296a:18).
Ab Rashd is quoting here Kitb al-Mughn, XIV, p. 319:10-14. Throughout
the text, there are also unspecific references such as to shuykhun (ff. 29b:15,
42b:19, 45b:3, 51a (margin), 92b:4, 101a:10, 152a:5, 158b:19, 160a:17,
169b:18, 175a:1, 186b:8, 224a:11, 249b:14, 286a:4, 295b:17), mashyikhun (f.
277a:11), al-shuykh (f. 134a:21), shuykhun al-Baghddiyyn (f. 48b:7-8),
al-Baghddiyyn (f. 65b:4), abun (ff. 51b:9, 111b:8, 115b:8, 136a:1,
136b:17, 181a:6, 259b:12, 261b:4), ahl al-adl wa-l-tawd (f. 191a:22), ahl allugha (ff. 24b:17, 25b:2, 45b:5, 45b:14, 51a:1, 52b:21, 97b:5, 103a:20, 103b:18,
106b:5, 106b:21, 113a:14 dhakarahu ahl al-lugha f kutubihim, 173b:15,
175a:10-11, 175a:19, 175b:1, 176a:13-14, 176b:17, 177a:14, 186b:9, 279a:17,
279b:3-4, 284b:15, 288b:17-18), al-muslimn (ff. 30b:7, 42b:9, 42b:21, 96a:4,
101a:4, 101a:7, 167a:17, 167a:18, 183b:10, 271b:14, 272a:13, 293a:13,
293a:21, 295b:7), jama min al-muslimn (f. 89b:6), al-salaf (ff. 44b:15,
50a:6), al-mufassirn (f. 44b:17), al-fuqah (f. 52a:15), al-ahba (ff. 53b:21,
267b:10, 290a:7), ab al-ala (ff. 60a:9, 263b:19, 265b:1), al-uqal (ff.
93a:15, 188a:3), ahl al-ilm (ff. 100b: 4, 268a:5), al-mutakallimn (ff. 109a:19,
127a:5, 281a:16), ahl al-arabiyya (ff. 112a:15, 278a:22 inna ahl al-arabiyya
qad bayyan f kutubihim), al-arab (f. 124b:19), ahl al-lisn (f. 174a:21), ahl
al-naw (f. 283a:14), ahl al-int (f. 288b:21), ahl al-adth (293b:5).
See, e.g., ff. 45bff = Mughn, IV, pp. 162ff; 46a:16ff = Mughn, IV, pp. 176ff;
49a:9ff = Mughn, IV, pp. 197ff; 49b:10ff = Mughn, IV, pp. 199ff; 50aff =





dependence on his source and shows that he retained some degree of

independence from it. It may be possible that the Masil al-khilf f
l-ul was written as a summary of Abd al-Jabbrs Kitb al-Mughn.
Kitb al-Mughn,
vol. VIII (al-kalm f l-makhlq),
pp. 25:4-26:12

Masil al-khilf f l-ul,

No. 696, ff. 134a:13-b:13 (from Masala
)f anna l-ibd mudithn li-taarrufihim

]134[ :














Mughn, IV, pp. 207ff; 52b = Mughn, IV, p. 226;154bff = Mughn, VIII,
pp. 143ff; 155aff = Mughn, VIII, pp. 144ff.

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: ...

: :

The present manuscript therefore constitutes the second extant work
by Ab Rashd al-Nsbr whose authenticity is firmly established.
Unlike his al-Masil f l-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn,
it covers a much wider range of theological issues and can rightly be
considered a systematic theological summa. As such it can not only
provide additional insights into Ab Rashds theological thought as it
is based in significant parts on Abd al-Jabbrs Kitb al-Mughn, it
may also help add to our knowledge on the contents of those parts of
the Mughn that are no longer extant.82

The present writers are currently preparing a critical edition of the an







Hassan ANSARI and Sabine SCHMIDTKE

Freie Universitt Berlin
Institute of Islamic Studies
Altensteinstr. 40
D-14195 Berlin


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Masala f anna llh tal l yajzu an yakna liman bi-ilm qadm (f. 1b)
-Dall khar (f. 4a); Dall khar (f. 5b); Dall khar (f. 8b); Dall khar
(f. 8b); Dall khar (f. 9a); Dall khar (f. 10a); Dall khar (f. 11a); Dall
khar (f. 11a)
-Dhikr al-kalm f jumla min shubahihim wa-l-jawb anh (f. 11a)
-Shubha ukhr (f. 13a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 14a); Shubha ukhr lahum
(f. 16a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 16b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 17a);
Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 17a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 18a); Shubha ukhr
lahum (f. 18a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 18a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f.
Masala f anna llh tal laysa bi-jism (f. 19b)
-Dall khar (f. 21a); Dall khar (ff. 21b-22a); Dall khar (f. 22a); Dall
khar (f. 22b); Dall khar (f. 22b); Dall khar (f. 25b)
-Dhikr jumla min shubahihim wa-l-jawb anh (f. 25b)
Masala f anna l-qadm tal l yajzu an yakna f makn (f. 27b)
-Dall khar (f. 28a); Dall khar (f. 28a); Dall khar (f. 28b); Dall khar
(f. 30b)
-Dhikr al-kalm al shubha lahum (f. 30b)
Masala f anna llh tal l yajzu an yur bi-l-baar (f. 31b)
-Dall khar (f. 37b); Dall khar (f. 39a); Dall khar (f. 41b); Dall khar
(f. 45b)
-Dhikr al-kalm f jumla min shubahihim f hdhihi l-masala wa-l-jawb
anh (f. 46a)
-Shubha lahum (f. 46a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 47a); Shubha ukhr lahum
(f. 48a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 49a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 51a);
Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 51b); Shubha ukhr (f. 52a); Shubha ukhr
lahum (f. 52a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 52b)
Masala f anna llh l yajzu an yudraka bi-ssa sdisa al m yuk an
irr (f. 54a)
Masala f ibl m dhahaba ilayhi irr anna li-llh tal miyya l
yalimuh ill huwa (f. 54b)
al-Kalm f l-tadl wa-l-tajwr (f. 55a)
Masala f anna llh tal qdir al m law faalahu kna qaban (f. 55a)





-Dall khar (f. 55b); Dall khar (f. 56a); Dall khar (f. 56a); Dall khar
(f. 56b)
-Shubha lahum (f. 56b)
Masala f anna llh tal l yajzu an yakhtra l-qab (f. 57a)
-Dall khar (f. 60a); Dall khar (f. 61a)
Masala f anna l-qab l yajzu an yaqbua li-l tarjau il filihi min
kawnihi mudithan wa-mjiban (?) wa-l yaqbuu li-wujd al-nahy (f. 61a)
Masala f anna llh tal l yajzu an yulima l-afl ill wa-yuamminu
l-iwa alayhi (f. 62b)
Masala al ab al-tansukh f qawlihim anna l-lm l tasunu ill idh
knat mustaaqqa (f. 63b)
Masala f usn taklf man yulamu annahu yakfuru (f. 64a)
-Dall khar (f. 64b)
Masala f anna taklf man yulamu annahu yakfuru nima wa-isn kam
annahu usn wa-ikma (f. 68b)
al-Kalm f l-irda (f. 70a)
Masala f anna llh tal l yajzu an yakna murdan li-nafsihi (f. 70a)
-Dall khar (f. 73a); Dall khar (f. 76a); Dall khar (f. 77a); Dall khar
(f. 77a); Dall khar (f. 77b); Dall khar (f. 77b)
-Dhikr jumla min shubahihim f hdhihi l-masala wa-l-jawb anh (f.
-Shubha lahum (f. 78a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 79a); Shubha ukhr lahum
(f. 80a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 80b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 81a);
Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 82a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 82b)
Masala f anna l-irda wa-l-karha l tataallaqn bi-an l yaknu l-shay
wa-anna irdat al-shay l taknu karha li-iddihi wa-l karha lahu an l
takna (f. 82b)
-Dall khar (f. 83b); Dall khar (f. 83b); Dall khar (f. 83b)
Masala f anna llh tal l yajzu an yurda l-qab wa-l-mub (f. 84b)
-Dall khar (f. 85a); Dall khar (f. 86a); Dall khar (f. 86a); Dall khar
(f. 86a); Dall khar (f. 86a); Dall khar (f. 86b); Dall khar (f. 87a);
Dall khar (f. 87b); Dall khar (f. 88b)
-Dhikr jumla min shubahihim wa-l-jawb anh (f. 88b)
-Shubha lahum (f. 88b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 93a); Shubha ukhr lahum
(f. 94a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 94b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 95a);
Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 95b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 96a); Shubha
ukhr lahum (f. 96b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 97a); Shubha ukhr lahum


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(f. 97a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 98a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 98b);
Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 99a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 101a)
al-Kalm f l-qurn (f. 101b)
Masala f anna l-kalm m lahu nim makh min al-urf (f. 101b)
-Dall khar (f. 102a)
Masala f anna l-mutakallim innam yaknu mutakalliman li-annahu faala
l-kalm (f. 104b)
Masala f anna llh tal l yajzu an yakna mutakalliman li-nafsihi
(f. 108a)
Masala f ibl al-qawl bi-annahu tal mutakallim bi-kalm qadm
(f. 111a)
-Dhikr jumla min shubahihim wa-l-jawb anh (f. 114b)
-Shubha lahum (f. 114b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 119b); Shubha ukhr
lahum (f. 123b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 124b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f.
126b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 127a)
al-Kalm f l-makhlq (f. 127b)
Masala f anna l-ibd mudithn li-taarrufihim (f. 127b)
-Dall khar (f. 133b); Dall khar (f. 134a); Dall khar (f. 136b)
Masala f anna taarruf al-nim filuhu (f. 139a)
-Dall khar (f. 139a); Dall khar (f. 139a); Wajh khar (f. 140b)
Masala f anna l-qudra l tataallaqu bi-l-shay ill al wajh al-idth
(f. 141a)
-Dall khar (f. 142a); Dall khar (f. 142a); Dall khar (f. 142b)
Masala f istilat kawn al-maqdr al-wid maqdran li-qdirayn (f. 143a)
-Dall khar (f. 144b); Dall khar (f. 146b); Dall khar (f. 147a); Dall
khar (f. 149a); Dall khar (f. 150a)
-Dhikr jumla shubahihim f hdhihi l-masala wa-l-jawb anh (f. 150a)
-Shubha lahum (f. 150a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 154a); Shubha ukhr
lahum (f. 154b);
Masala fm yulzimu man afa afl al-ibd il llh tal min al-fasd (f.
-Wajh khar min al-ilzm (f. 158a); Wajh khar min al-ilzm (f. 159b);
Wajh khar min al-ilzm (f. 160a); Wajh khar min al-ilzm (f. 161b);
Wajh khar min al-ilzm (f. 167b); Wajh khar min al-ilzm (f. 169b);
Wajh khar min al-ilzm (f. 171b); Wajh khar min al-ilzm (f. 172a);
Wajh khar min al-ilzm (f. 172b); Wajh khar min al-ilzm (f. 173b)





-Dhikr jumla min shubahihim f l-makhlq wa-l-jawb anh (f. 177b)

-Shubha lahum (f. 177b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 179b); Shubha ukhr
lahum (f. 180a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 181a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f.
181b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 182a); Shubha ukhr (f. 182b); Shubha
ukhr lahum (f. 183b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 183b); Shubha ukhr
lahum (f. 184a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 184a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f.
186a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 187a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 187b);
Shubha lahum (f. 187b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 187b); Shubha ukhr
lahum (f. 188a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 188a)
Masala f anna l-qadariyya hum al-mujbira (f. 189b)
-Dall khar (f. 190a); Dall khar (f. 191a)
-Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 191b)
al-Kalm f l-tawld (f. 192b)
Masala f anna aadana yajzu an yafala f ghayrihi (f. 192b)
-Dall khar (f. 193a); Dall khar (f. 199a); Dall khar (f. 199a); Dall
khar (f. 199a); Dall khar (f. 199a); Dall khar (f. 199b); Dall khar
(f. 199b); Dall khar (f. 200a); Dall khar (f. 200b); Dall khar (f.
-Dhikr jumla min [al-kalm f] shubahihim wa-l-jawb anh (f. 203a)
-Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 207b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 208a); Shubha
ukhr lahum (f. 208b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 209b); Shubha ukhr
lahum (f. 210a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 212a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f.
al-Kalm f l-istia (f. 213a)
Masala f anna min aqq al-qdir al l-shay an yakna qdiran al jins
iddihi idh kna lahu idd (f. 213a)
-Dall khar (f. 214a); Dall khar (f. 214b); Dall khar (f. 217b); Dall
khar (f. 219a); Dall khar (f. 219b)
-Dhikr al-kalm f shubahihim (f. 220a)
-Shubha lahum (f. 220a); Shubha ukhr (f. 222b); Shubha ukhr (f. 223b);
Shubha ukhr (f. 223b); Shubha ukhr (f. 224b); Shubha ukhr (f. 224b)
Masala f anna l-qudra l yajzu an takna mjiba (f. 225b)
Masala f anna l-qudra mutaqaddima li-maqdrih (f. 226a)
-Dall khar (f. 227a); Dall khar (f. 227a); Dall khar (f. 227a); Dall
khar (f. 231b); Dall khar (f. 232a); Dall khar yatlhu f l-juz al-sbi
ashar (f. 234a); bi-sm Allh al-ramn al-ram al-amd li-llh al-wid aladl // Dall khar (f. 234b); Dall khar (f. 234b); Dall khar (f. 234b)
-Dhikr shubahihim (f. 235a)


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-Shubha ukhr (f. 236a); Shubha ukhr (f. 236a); Shubha ukhr (f. 237a);
Shubha ukhr (f. 237b); Shubha ukhr (f. 238a); Shubha ukhr (f. 238a);
Shubha ukhr (f. 238b); Shubha ukhr (f. 238b); Shubha ukhr (f. 240a);
Shubha ukhr (f. 240b); Shubha ukhr (f. 240b); Shubha ukhr (f. 241a);
Shubha ukhr (f. 241a); Shubha ukhr (f. 241a) // wa-yatlhu f l-juz
alladh yalhi fal yattailu bi-dhlika wa-l-amd li-llh wadahu wa-all
Allh al raslihi sayyidun Muammad al-nab wa-lihi al-ayyibn al-hirn
wa-l-sallam (f. 243a) // Fal yattailu bi-dhlika (f. 243a)
Masala f qub taklf m l yuqu (f. 244a)
Masala f ibl m yadhhabna ilayhi f l-badal (f. 249b)
-Dall khar (f. 250a); Dall khar (f. 250a); Dall khar (f. 250a); Dall
khar (f. 250a); Dall khar (f. 250b); Dall khar (f. 250b) // yatlhu
dhikr jumla min shubahihim wa-l-amd li-llh wadahu wa-all Allh al
Muammad wa-al lihi al-hirn wa-sallam alayhi wa-alayhim ajman
(f. 251b)
-Dhikr jumla min shubahihim (f. 251b)
-Shubha ukhr (f. 253a); Shubha ukhr (f. 257a)
Masala f l-arzq (f. 257b)
Masala f tall al-maksib (f. 258a)
Masala f l-jl (f. 258b)
Masala f wujb al-luf al llh tal (f. 259b)
-Dall khar (f. 262a) // yatlhu f l-juz alladh yalhi min al-kalm f l-luf fain qla wa-l-amd li-llh wadahu wa-all llh al raslihi sayyidin
Muammad wa-lihi wa-sallam (f. 262a)
-al-Kalm f shubahihim wa-l-jawb anh (f. 263b)
-Shubha lahum (f. 263b); Shubha ukhr (f. 266a); Shubha ukhr (f. 266a);
Shubha ukhr (f. 266b); Shubha ukhr (f. 267a); Shubha ukhr lahum
(f. 267b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 267b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 267b);
Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 268a)
al-Kalm f l-wad (f. 268b)
Masala f anna l-iqb yustaaqqu al l-ma al sabl al-dawm
(f. 268b)
-yatlhu f l-juz alladh yalhi dall khar (f. 270b) // bi-sm Allh al-ramn
al-ram al-amd li-llh al-wid al-adl // Dall khar (f. 270b); Dall
khar (f. 271b); Dall khar (f. 272b); Dall khar (f. 273a); Dall khar
(f. 273a); Dall khar (f. 273a); Dall khar (f. 273b); Dall khar
(f. 274a)
Masala f anna l-fussq yadkhuln al-nr (f. 277a)





-Dall khar (f. 278b): Dall khar (f. 278b); Dall khar (f. 278b); Dall
khar (f. 279a); Dall khar (f. 279a); Dall khar (f. 279a); Dall khar
(f. 279b)
-Dhikr al-kalm f shubah al-mukhlifn f hdhihi l-masala wa-l-jawb
anh (ff. 279b-280a)
-Shubha ukhr (f. 280a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 280b); Shubha ukhr
(f. 281a); Shubha ukhr (f. 281b); Shubha ukhr (f. 282b); Shubha ukhr
(f. 283b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 284a); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 285a);
Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 285b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 286a) // yatlhu
fal yattailu bi-dhlika wa-llh alam bi-l-awb wa-ilayhi al-marja wa-lmab wa-l-salm wa-ramat Allh wa-barakatuhu (f. 287b)
Masala f adhb al-qabar (f. 287b)
al-Kalm fi l-manzila bayn al-manzilatayn (f. 288b)
Masala f jawz naql al-ism min lugha il dn (f. 288b)
Masala f anna l-naql qad waqaa (f. 289a)
-Dall khar (f. 289b); Dall khar (f. 289b); Dall khar (f. 289b)
Masala f ibl qawl al-khawrij (f. 290a)
-Dall khar (f. 290a); Dall khar (f. 290a); Dall khar (f. 290a)
-Shubha lahum (f. 290a); Shubha ukhr (f. 290a); Shubha ukhr (f. 290b);
Shubha ukhr (f. 291a)
Masala f anna fussq ahl al-alt l yajzu an yaf bi-l-nifq (f. 291b)
-Shubha (f. 291b)
Masala f ibl al-qawl bi-anna man yartakibu al-kabir min ahl al-alt
kfir (f. 292a)
Masala f anna l-mn wa-l-dn saw wa-ka-dhlika l-islm (f. 293a)
-Dall khar (f. 293a)
Masala idh lam nalam dhlika hal naqlu an mumin in sh Allh
(f. 293a-b)
Masala f iat al-qawl bi-anna l-mn yazdu wa-yanquu (f. 294b)
-Shubha lahum (f. 294b); Shubha ukhr lahum (f. 295b)
al-Kalm f l-amr bi-l-marf wa-l-nahy an al-munkar (f. 295b)
Masala f ukm al-drayn (f. 296a)

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] [1

] [2



] [3

84 .
] 85 [4
.86 :
88 89 90

: +
;For Qabir, located in the vicinity of ada, cf. ajar 41430/2009, II, p. 655
Akwa 1424/2003, III, pp. 1688-1692.
Parts of paragraph [4] are quoted in Shahr 1421/2001, II, pp. 840:5-7; ibid.,
III, p. 1210:3-6.
Jal al-abr f tawl (or: mutn) al-akhbr, by al-kim al-Jishum. Cf.
Madelung 1987, English introduction, p. 18 (No. iv); Schwarb (forthcoming),
No. 246.
For Shdhykh, see Bulliet 1972, pp. 79-80, 127.

+ : .
- :







92 .
: 93 94
] 96 [5 97
. :


] 98 [6 99 .
] 100 [7

103 .104

Yay b. Isml b. Al b. Amad al-usayn (d. after 600/1203-4); cf. Shahr

1421/2001, III, pp. 1209-1210 No. 768.
Cf. Ibn Abi l-Rijl 2004, II, p. 65 No. 404; Shahr 1421/2001, I, pp. 309-310
No. 170.

+ : )(

Al b. amak b. Ibrhm b. al-usayn b. amak al-Bayhaq al-Mughth; cf.

Bayhaq 1361/1982, p. 151.
Parts of paragraph [5] are quoted in Shahr 1421/2001, II, p. 840:7-8.
Kitb al-Aml of al-Niq bi-l-aqq Ab lib Yay b. al-usayn b. Hrn
al-Bun (d. 424/1033); cf. Kohlberg 1992, pp. 110-111 No. 29.
Parts of paragraph [6] are quoted in Shahr 1421/2001, II, p. 840:8-9.
Al-ahfa al-kmila (or: al-afa al-sajjdiyya) of Al b. al-usayn Zayn
;al-bidn (d. 94/712 or 95/713); cf. Kohlberg 1992, pp. 322-323 No. 522
Modarressi 2003, pp. 34-35.
Parts of paragraph [7] are quoted in Ibn Abi l-Rijl 2004, III, p. 381; Shahr
1421/2001, I, p. 309:56; ibid., II, p. 840:9-10.
afat al-Ri of Al b. Ms al-Ri (d. 203/818); cf. Kohlberg 1992, p. 323
No. 523.
Nothing else is known about this person. According to Ibn Ab l-Rijl 2004, III,
p. 381, his name is Umar b. Isml or Amr b. Isml.



;)Al-Zhid Al b. al-asan b. Al al-andal al-Nsbr al-anaf (d. 384/994-5

cf. abar 1420/1999-2000, p. 69; abars 1415/1994-95, I, p. 220; Ibn Ab
l-Waf al-Qurash 1332/1913-14, I, pp. 357-59; Dhahab 1988, XXXIII, pp.
129-130; Fris 1384/2005, pp. 305-306; Ibrhm b. Muammad al-arfn
1993, No. 1324.


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] 105 [8 106 .107


108 109


] 111 [9 .112
: 113
]297[ . :
. :
.117 :

Parts of paragraph [8] are quoted in Ibn Ab l-Rijl 2004, II, p. 316: Shahr
1421/2001, II, p. 840:10-13.
Nahj al-balgha of al-Sharf al-Ra (d. 406/1015); cf. Kohlberg 1992, p. 295
No. 461 ; Modarressi 2003, pp. 13-15.
Cf. Nr al-Dn Al b. Ab Bakr al-Haytham [1995], pp. 79-80; al-Khab
al-Baghdd 1415/1997, XIII, p. 223; cf. also Al b. umayd al-Qurash 1987,
I, p. 33.
Cf. Ibn Ab l-Rijl 2004, I, pp. 299-300 No. 119; Shahr 1421/2001, I, pp. 103104 No. 34; ibid., I, pp. 120-121 No. 47.

+ :

Died 611/1214-15; cf. Mundhir 1405/1984, II, p. 1371; Ibn al-Fuwa 1416/
1995-96, V, pp. 509-510 No. 5592.
;Parts of paragraph [9] are quoted in Ibn Ab l-Rijl 2004, I, p. 138 No. 17
Shahr 1421/2001, I, p. 67 No. 6; ibid., II, p. 841:1-3.
Aml of Ab Sad Isml b. Al b. al-usayn al-Sammn al-Rz (d. between
;440/1048 and 447/1056); cf. Ibn Ab l-Rijl 2004, I, pp. 575-576 No. 340
Dhahab 1413/1993, XVII, pp. 55-60; see also Schwarb (forthcoming), No. 321.

- :
- :




Cf. Ibn Ab l-Rijl 2004, I, pp. 66-67 No. 6; ibid., I, p. 138 No. 17; Shahr
1421/2001, I, pp. 66-67 No. 6.

Amad b. al-asan b. Ab Qsim Bb; cf. Ibn Ab l-Rijl 2004, I, p. 292
No. 104; Yqt, Mujam al-buldn, IV, pp. 353-354.






118 :
] 119 [10 120
. : 121



125 126


. 128 :

;Died after 482/1089-90 in Rayy; cf. Shahr 1421/2001, I, p. 535 No. 318
Samn 1408/1988, III, p. 293.
Parts of paragraph [10] are quoted in al-Manr bi-llh 1406/1986, I, p. 157.
Kitb al-Shihb of Ab Abd Allh Muammad b. Salma al-Qu al-Shfi
(d. 454/1062); cf. Kohlberg 1992, pp. 332-333 No. 546.


Died 602/1205; cf. Ibn al-Najjr al-Baghdd 1417/1996-97, V, pp. 7-8; see also
Ibn al-Fuwa 1416/1995-96, II, p. 47 No. 1009; ibid., V, p. 84 No. 4686.



;)Sad b. Amad b. Isml al-Isfarn al-f (d. 563/1167-68 in Egypt

cf. Dhahabi 1417/1997, pp. 189-190.
The identity of Ibn al-Khashshb is unclear. A possible candidate would be Ab
Muammad Abd Allh b. Amad Ibn al-Khashshb (d. 567/1172). However,
the gap between him and al-Qu (d. 454/1062) hardly allows for this. It is
possible, however, that one link is missing in the isnd.
Kitb al-Arban al-mustaghn bi-tabiyyn m fhi an al-mun al-marf
bi-l-Arban al-buldniyya, iml Ab hir Amad b. Muammad al-Silaf
al-Abahn, ed. Ab Abd al-Ramn Musad b. Abd al-amd al-Sad, Riyad
1997. On al-Arban al-buldniyya, see also Kattn 1982/1402, I, pp. 111-112
No. 15. On Ab hir al-Silaf (d. 576/1180), see Cl. Gilliot, al-Silaf, The
Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition, IX, pp. 607-609.
I.e., Turkistns teachers.





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130 129
134 133 132

. 136
. 139 138






For the transmission of Muammad b. Isml al-Bukhrs (d. 256/870) alJmi al-musnad al-a al-mukhtaar, see Brown 2007, pp. 120ff.
Ab l-Waqt al-Sijz (d. 553/1158-59), cf. Dhahab 1413/1993, X, pp. 303-311.
Khab al-Mil Ab l-Fal Abd Allh b. Amad al-s al-Baghdd al-Mil
al-Shfi (d. 578/1182-83); cf. Dhahab 1413/1993, XXI, pp. 87-89.
ird b. Muammad al-Zaynab (d. 451/1059-60); cf. Dhahab 1413/1993, XIX,
pp. 37-39.
Ab l-Haytham Muammad b. Makk al-Kushmhan (d. 389/999); cf. Dhahab
1413/1993, XVI, pp. 491-492]; Silaf 1411/1991, pp. 79, 124-125; cf. also
Brown 2007, p. 121.
Ab Abd Allh Muammad b. Ysuf al-Firabr (d. 320/932); cf. Samn 1408/
1988, IV, p. 359; Silaf 1411/1991, pp. 79, 125; see also Brown 2007, p. 86 and
Ab l-Al al-asan b. Amad b. al-asan b. Amad b. Muammad b. Sahl
al-Ar al-Hamadn (d. 569/1173); cf. GAL, I, p. 724; ibid., II, pp. 975, 981;
Amad Pktj, Ab l-Al Hamadn, Dirat al-marif-i buzurg-i islm, VI,
pp. 25-27.
Ab Sad Abd al-Karm al-Samn (d. 562/1166); cf. R. Sellheim, al-Samn,
The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition, VIII, pp. 1024-1025.
Ab l-Fat Ubayd Allh b. Abd Allh b. Muammad b. Najh b. Shtil (d. 581/
1185-86); cf. Dhahab 1413/1993, XXI, pp. 117-118.
Al-Jam bayn al-aayn of Ab Abd Allh Muammad b. Ab l-Nar Fut
b. Abd Allh al-umayd (d. 488/1095); cf. Kohlberg 1992, pp. 200-201
No. 225.
Ab lib Muammad b. Al al-Kattn al-marf bi-Ibn Ab l-Azhar
al-Muaddil al-Wsi (d. 579/1183-84); cf. Dhahab 1417/1997, pp. 52-53.
Ab hir Amad b. Al b. Ubayd Allh b. Siwr al-Baghdd (d. 496/1103);
cf. GALS, I, p. 722 No. 6a; asan afar Ndir, Ibn Siwr, Dirat
al-marif-i buzurg-i islm, III, pp. 720-721.





141 [11]


. .
143 :
. 145 144
: .
: .147
: 148
... :
While the text of the ijza breaks off here in the manuscript, both Mala
al-budr (Ibn Ab l-Rijl, III, pp. 381-382) and abaqt al-zaydiyya al-kubr
(Shahr 1421/2001, III, p. 1210:7-11) transmit an additional paragraph from
Ibn Jumayls ijza. In the following, the reading of Mala al-budr is given,
the variants in abaqt al-zaydiyya al-kubr are mentioned in the





Parts of paragraph [11] have been incorporated in Muall 1422[/2001-2],

pp. 379ff.
Abd Allh b. Al b. Ab Bakr b. Abd al-Jall al-Farghn khab Samarqand
(killed 616/1219-20); cf. Ibn al-Fuwa 1416/1995-96, II, pp. 47-48 No. 1010;
Dhahab 1417/1997, pp. 219-220.

( ):

Burhn al-Dn Ab l-asan Al b. Ab Bakr b. Abd al-Jall al-Farghn al-Marghnn (d. 593/1197); cf. W. Heffening, al-Marghnn, The Encyclopaedia
of Islam. New Edition, VI, pp. 557-558.
Died 548/1153-54; cf. Dhahab 1413/1993, XX, pp. 2051-2052; Samn 1975,
II, pp. 150-152.
In the Sunn sources, his name is invariably given as Ab l-Khayr Muammad
b. Ab Imrn (d. 471/1078-79); cf. Dhahab 1413/1993, XX, p. 252; Dhahab
1963, IV, p. 52.

Otherwise, Ibn al-Jumayl is reported by Amad b. Sad al-Dn al-Miswar

(d. 1079/1668) to have died before he was able to complete his ijza; cf. Shahr
1421/2001, I, p. 309. On al-Miswar, see Akwa 1424/2003, II, pp. 1081-1083
No. 32; Wajh 1420/1999, pp. 108-111 No. 82; Sayyid 1974 (Sources), p. 238
No. 23; Msav Najd 1384/2005, p. 185.

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] [12

151 152

Another portion of the original ijza is preserved in al-Manr bi-llhs
Kitb al-Shf (vol. I, pp. 155:19-156:3; this passage is also quoted in abaqt
al-zaydiyya al-kubr (Shahr, II, p. 840 No. 529):

] ... [13 :

: ][
An additional portion is incorporated into abaqt al-zaydiyya al-kubr
(Shahr, III, p. 1209 and I, p. 309 No. 170):

] ... [14 ] [...

. ][

... :
: .
- :
- : ) :(
- :
- :







To the brief descriptions of this codex given by Wilhelm Ahlwardt

(Verzeichnis, IV, p. 448 No. 5125) as well as by the editors of the text (Ziyda
and Sayyid, pp. 6-22), the following details should be added:
The titlepage of the manuscript (f. 1a) reads as follows: Kitb al-Masil
f l-khilf bayn al-Bariyyn wa-l-Baghddiyyn iml al-Shaykh Ab Rashd
Sad b. Muammad b. Sad al-Nsbr ramatu llh alayhi; the identical
title is given on f. 193a. Throughout the codex, the title of the work varies:
Masil al-khilf bayn Ab Hshim wa-bayn al-Baghddiyyn (ff. 41a, 107a,
120a), al-Khilf bayn Ab Hshim wa-l-Baghddiyyn (ff. 54b, 68a, 81a,
181a); al-Khilf bayn al-Baghddiyyn wa-l-Bariyyn (ff. 93b, 133a, 157a);
al-Khilf bayn Ab Hshim wa-bayn Ab l-Qsim wa-abihi (f. 145a);
Masl al-khilf bayn Ab Hshim wa-Ab l-Qsim (f. 169a), Masil alkhilf bayn al-Baghddiyyn wa-l-Bariyyn (f. 205a).
The titlepage also has the following note:

On the Yemenite Zayd scholar Imrn b. al-asan b. Nsir al-Udhr
al-Hamdn who had corresponded with the Zayd scholar Ysuf b. Ab
l-asan al-Jln of Lhijn and who had died in the 630s/1230s, see Ibn Ab
l-Rijl, III, pp. 395-397 No. 976; Shahr, II, pp. 833-839 No. 527; Wajh
1420/1999, pp. 736-737 No. 801; see also Madelung 1987, pp. 18-19. His
father, al-asan b. Nir b. Yaqb b. mir al-Udhr al-Shittaw (fl. late
6th/12th c.), had served as the secretary to the Imm Abd Allh b. amza
(see Schwarb [forthcoming], No. 365). His brother, Masd b. al-asan b.
Nir al-Udhr, is known to have copied some works, e.g., Ibnat al-manhij
f naat al-khawrij, of Jafar b. Amad b. Abd al-Salm (d. 573/1177-9),
copy completed on 15 Jumd I 633/26 January 1236; see Ruqay
1404/1984, II, p. 515.
The transmission of the codex is indicated by the following ownership
statements to be found on f. 1a of MS. Glaser 12 (rendered in the following in
chronological order):

/ [ 1]
)( )( /
/ ([ )2]

[...] / [ 3]

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] [4 / / /
/ /
/ )(
/ /
/ /
/ /

On the Ban anash, see Akwa 1424/2003, II, pp. 1003-1004; id. III,
pp. 1309, 1311; Al Raf, Ibn anash, Dirat-i marif-i buzurg-i islm,
III, p. 376.

] [5 /
] [6 / /
/ )( )( /
This last ownership statement [6] is crossed out.
F. 214b of the codex has the following colophon:

/ /

157 /
The copyist of MS Glaser 12 has also transcribed Kitb al-Mu bi-ul
al-imma al madhhib al-Zaydiyya of Al b. al-usayn b. Muammad
Siyh [Shh] Sarjn [Sarbjn], a commentary on the Kitb al-Dima f
tathbt al-imma of the Imm al-Niq bi-l-aqq Ab lib Yay b. usayn
al-Butn (d. 424/1033) (see below, Figs. 3 and 6); this copy is held in a
private library in Yemen (dated Raman 628/July 1231).158 Moreover, both

(p. 381). The editors erroneously read

Digital images of this manuscript were made available to us through the Imam
Zayd b. Al Cultural Foundation (IZbACF). We have no information about the
location of the original codex. On the author see Ansari and Schmidtke
[forthcoming III].






manuscripts have balagha notes in the same hand (see Figs. 3 and 6).159 It is
possible that the scribe of his original, Al b. al-asan b. Al al-Zayd al-Adl
may in fact be Al b. al-usayn Shh Sar[b]jn. At least two additional
manuscripts of Kitb al-Mu bi-ul al-imma al madhhib al-Zaydiyya
are known to be extant: MS Ambrosiana A 23 (see Lfgren and Traini 1981,
II, p. 12; see also GALS, I, pp. 698-99 No. 1c); MS Maktabat al-awqf
(Sharqiyya), al-Jmi al-kabr, an, No. 645 (dated 18 afar 1065/28
December 1654; see Ruqay 1404/1984, II, p. 737 where the text is
erroneously attributed to Ibn Mattawayh). Ysuf b. Iw b. Zakam has also
transcribed Taysr al-malib min/f aml al-Imm Ab lib al-Hrn for
the khiznat al-Manr bi-llh, the copy was completed in Dh l-Qada
600/July 1204.160


We thank the Staatsbibiothek zu Berlin for the permission to reproduce a

facsimile of this page in the present publication.
The codex belongs nowdays to the private library of Abd al-Ramn Shyim in
Hijrat Fallala in the vicinity of ada.


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Fig. 1: Maktabat al-awqf, al-Jmi al-kabr, an, MS. No. 696, f. 1a.
( Courtesy of the Ministry of Religious Endowments, an)




Fig. 2: Maktabat al-awqf, al-Jmi al-kabr, an, MS. No. 696, f. 297a
( Courtesy of the Ministry of Religious Endowments, an)



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Fig. 3: MS.Private Library (IZbACF), end of al-nif al-awwal of al-Mu f l-imma.

( Courtesy of the Imm Zayd b. Al Foundation, an)





Fig. 4: MS. Glaser 12, f. 1a. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

( Courtesy of Staatsbibiothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz-Orientabteilung)


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Fig. 5: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, MS. Glaser 12, f. 46b.

( Courtesy of Staatsbibiothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz-Orientabteilung)





Fig. 6: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, MS. Glaser 12, f. 214b

( Courtesy of Staatsbibiothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz-Orientabteilung)


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