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Zakat Questions and Answers


Zakat aI-Fitr (Fitrana)

The Zakat Year

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Before the Eid prayer after the fast of Ramadan, every

adult Muslim w ho possesses food in excess of his needs
and those of his family must pay Zakat al Fitr. If the
person is a breadwinner, he should also pay Zakat al Fitr
for his dependants such as his wife, children, dependent
relatives or servants.

Zakat on Businesses
Recipients of Zakat
Zakat al Fitr

Zakat al Fitr can be paid a few days before the end of

Ramadhan. It is preferable to pay it just before Eid
prayer (first thing in the morning) so that the poor can
enjoy the Eid.
Abdullah Ibn 'Umar said that the
Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and
give him peace) ordered the people
to pay zakat al-fitr before going to
the Eid prayer. (al-Bukhari)

The minimum amount due is the equivalent of about 2 Kg

of flour, wheat, barley or rice from each person in the
household, including the head of the household and
each dependant, even if the dependant does not live in
the same house. 3.00 per head is a safe estimate for
those living in the UK. Those who are entitled to receive
Zakat al Fitr are the same as those entitled to receive
general Zakat.

Related Questions
Do I have to Pay Zakat?
I gave a lot of money to charity over the year,
doesn't that count as zakat?
What part of my wealth is zakatable?
What part of my wealth is not zakatable?
Can I Pay Zakat in Advance?

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