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Zakat Questions and Answers


When does the zakat year begin?

The Zakat Y ear

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The zakat year begins on the date on which you were

first in possessions of wealth above the nisab.

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This will be your seed date, whenever it comes around

you will have to calculate zakat, irrespective of any
fluctuations in the amount of wealth in your possession.

Zakat al Fitr

Exam ple: On Junaid's 18th

birthday he is given a gift of 1000.
This is the first time he has owned
wealth over the nisab threshold, so
his zakat year begins on his
birthday. Junaid calculates the
equivalent date according to the
lunar calendar, and every year this
date comes around, he calculates
his zakat.

The only situation in w hich your seed date will change is

if you were to become totally bankrupt and lose all your
assets and belongings. In this situation, your new seed
date will begin when you are once again in possession
of wealth above the nisab.
If you are not sure of your seed date, then estimate it to
the best of your ability.

Related Questions
My Wealth Decreased Below the Nisab for a Few
Months During the Year, Do I Still Pay Zakat?
I Earned a Large Amount of Cash a Few Days
Before the Zakat Year was up, how do I calculate
my Zakat?

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