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If you look at the map of Britain,you can see

England,Scotland,Wales and Ireland.Not all Ireland is in
the Britain.

London is the capital of Englad and Britain.Edimburg

is the capital of Scotland.Cardiff is the capital of
Wales.Belfast is the capital of Northen Ireland.

If you look at the map of Europe,you will see ,that

Great Britain is not large.It takes just six hours to travel in
a fast train from London to Edinburg.

Great Britain have a very good geografical position as

it lies on the crossways of the sea from Europe to another
parts of the world.

The sea conects Britain with most European countries

such as Belgium,Holland,the way of Europe to America
also passes trough the Chanel.

Britain’s climate is mild and damp.It often rains,and

fogs are quite frequent especially in the west and south-

There are not big rivers in Britanin.The lerges rivers is

the Thames.London is in the Thames.

London in one of the largest cities of the world.It was

a populations of over 10 millions.It is the great and
industrial centre.

School in Britain

English children go to the school every day,from

Monday to Friday,Saturday and Sunday holidays.In the
morning ,school starts at nine o’clock and ends at half
past twelve.The cildren have a hour and a half for
lunch(some go home for lunch ,others have lunch at
school).In the afternoon school starts at 2 o’clock and
ends at half past four.

````London’s museums

One the must famous museum in London is The Brithish

Museum.It is considered to be the largest museum in the is a great building where thousands of visitors
go to see the rare and beautiful things.

Other famous museums are:The National Gallery,the

Natural History Museum and the Science Museum.

``````london’s parks and gardens

One of the most pleasant things about London is its

parks.Office worker often sits in them and eat their
lunch.Bands play at lunchtime and in the afternoon.

The oldest of them Is Saint James’s Parks which is just in

front of Bunkingham Palace,the palace where the queen

Hyde Park is in Central London and is faimous for its

Speaker”s Corner.At Speaker Corner anyone can get up o
box and talk to anyone who will listen.However this
tradition is dyng out them nowdays.

Regent’s Park has the london zoo,with animals from all

the world and in summer it had an open air theatre.People
can sit in a clair or in the grass and see a play between
trees.The play is usully by Shekspearse.London has
small,parks and gardens too.
People walk in them sit in them take boats the water in
them on good days in summer.

The wather in in Britain

Some people think it rain all the time in Britain.This is

not true,but a period of more than three weeks without
rain is very unusual.The weather in Britain is never the
same for o long time.You can have the feeling of
spring,summer,automn and winter,all in one day.

There are parts of Britain,however ,where the weather

is general good (o long the south wast)where spring and
automn are waran and winter is short and wild.

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