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Engage Your Students From

the Start using Technology

Deanna Heikkinen

Be Engaging Before Day 1

What can you do to engage students
before the term starts?
Send Welcome Letter
Email a Syllabus

There are a lot of other things you can do

before the semester even starts

A Real Welcoming Letter

Include pertinent information
Dates, book info, course description
Expectations of time and login frequency

Include your personality

Use an image
Be creative

Film a short welcome video

Create a Website (or other FREE service)

Have images and information about you
Post your syllabi
Put up other information for your students
to have
Professor Deanna Heikkinen Webpage

Create a Dynamic Syllabus

Use a web based syllabus
Have a traditional syllabus
Print requests

Use images
Use hyperlinks
Be creative and let your personality show

Push out content before the

class starts
Ted Ed
You Tube

Group engagement

Involve students before day 1!

Encourage interaction before the term
Web enhance and open the shell early
Have ice breakers that can interest everyone
Encourage participation, even if optional

The First Day of Class

instead of

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