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Project Reflection Sheet for UDL Educators Checklist

How did you use technology to implement the 9 UDL guidelines? Explain in the nine boxes below.
Resave the file as Group # UDL checklist

Provide Multiple Means of Representation:

1. Provide options for perception


Offer ways of customizing the display of


1.2 Offer alternatives for auditory information

1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information

2. Provide options for language, mathematical

expressions, and symbols
2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols
2.2 Clarify syntax and structure
2.3 Support decoding of text, and mathematical
notation, and symbols
2.4 Promote understanding across language

Your notes
1.2 Information will be displayed on the white board as
well as the Promethean board. Thus, information will be
hand-written and typed.
1.3 Pictures will be displayed next to the definitions of
halves and fourths/quarters Information will be taught
using hands-on materials; for example, students will be
using Graham Crackers as manipulatives in addition to
cardboard cutout pizzas.
2.1 All students will be given the standard definition for
fourths/quarters and halves. However, for ELLs,
primarily, pictures will be displayed to reiterate
fourths/quarters and halves.
2.2 All students will be given clear directions, but
students with behavioral issues and ELLs will be
provided with repeated instruction.
2.4 ELL students will sit next to Ms. O and Ms. D on the
carpet, so they can receive more direct instruction.

2.5 Illustrate through multiple media

2.5 Information will be displayed using multiple media;

for example, food, arts & crafts, and a pre-made Flip
Chart on the Promethean Board.

3. Provide options for comprehension



3.1 Students will be asked, Has anyone ever broken or

cut anything into equal parts, if so what? Explain how
Activate or supply background knowledge
you did it. (Planned Beginning) Thus, students will be
Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and asked to access their prior knowledge.
Guide information processing, visualization, and 3.3 Ms. D will guide students through splitting Graham
Crackers into halves and fourths/quarters. Ms. O will
guide students through splitting their pizzas into halves
or fourths/quarters. Thus, students will receive
Maximize transfer and generalization
instruction on how to use each manipulative. (Activities
1 & 2)

II. Provide Multiple Means for Action and


4. Provide options for physical action

4.1 Vary the methods for response and navigation
4.2 Optimize access to tools and assistive

Your notes
4.1 Students will have the ability to express knowledge
through food demonstration, arts & craft project,
worksheets, and Flip Chart activity.

5. Provide options for expression and communication 5.2 As stated above, students will be able to use food,
5.1 Use multiple media for communication
5.2 Use multiple tools for construction and
5.3 Build fluencies with graduated labels of support
for practice and performance

6. Provide options for executive functions

arts & crafts, worksheets, and Flip Chart activity to

construct and build their knowledge on halves &
5.3 Definitions of halves and fourths/quarters will be
displayed with pictures for ELL students.

6.1 Ms. O and Ms. D will read the objective, and

students will know they their goal is to differentiate
6.1 Guide appropriate goal setting
CAST 2011
UDL Guidelines Educator Checklistbetween
2 & fourths/quarters. Also, the Flip Chart
6.2 Support planning and strategy development
activity will review with all students what they learned

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