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By :siamir marulafau
What makes me frightened is about war
War is regarding as ghost
It looks like an evil
No ice to make it fresh
No water can purify since it brings fire
War will drop the blood like water fall
Because of the guns are roaring
Caused by the hot brain
The innocent child was weeping
Crying for peace
Not crying for golden prize
Crying for damage
But crying for the moon light
If the lighting is bright
Surely the lives will be no cases
Starving would be coming down
While poverty is in the final door
Day bay day the land becomes deserted
Drought could be found
Mean while the sun has not lighting
The life seems to be dull like a night without stars
The world will be descriptively ended by fire
Because the destructiveness will smell lives
What is the solution?
What makes me frightened is about war
War will be drastically makes soul short
Life does not last long
For it has no good face with fresh hand
Regret still arises for a while
Because analogy of thinking war is far away
Till the life is buried into the dust
Let's hope for the peace
As the key to stop for a while

The appreciation of WHY SHOULD WAR BE THERE?:

The poem entitled WHY SHOULD WAR BE THERE? is about war which causes the
destruction of human being. The author describes about war through this poem in
order to express the authors view to the reader about war that the effect of war is
not more than ruin everything which gets its way. The effects of war which are
described in this poem such as poverty, starving, even death.
No ice to make it fresh
No water can purify since it brings fire
War will drop the blood like water fall
Because of the guns are roaring
Based on lines above, it describes that if the war begins, it will nothing can stop it,
by assuming the ice cant make something fresh and the water cant vanish the fire
anymore. The author expressed there are many souls has been wasted because of
war by using simile, War will drop the blood like water fall.
The way of delivering this poem is excellent, because the author is able to express
the illustration of the destructions of the war clearly. It can attract the readers
emotion by giving the some points of the phenomenon which are caused by war. At
the end of the poem, the author invites the readers to keep this life for peace.
Let's hope for the peace
As the key to stop for a while

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