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Harry, Hermoine, Elsa, Anna, Jack Frost, Princesses

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom there lived two princesses, Elsa who
was a good natured girl born with a terrible curse of ice coldness. Anna, the
other sister was kind and brave hearted girl who only wanted her sisters
love and support.
{song-for the first time in forever}
(Whoosh!!!!) On the other side Harry, Hermoine and Jack Frost appear.
Harry: Hermoine! Get off me!
Hermoine: Harry!
Jack Frost: Where are we?
Harry: I dont travel with a world map? Ask Hermoine. (Sarcastically)
Hermoine: Hey look. There is an opening near the bush.
Narrator: They entered and saw a magnificent castle and proceeded further.
Jack Frost: Guys. Whats this place? Arent we gate crashing someones
Narrator: Anna heard them,
Anna: Welcome to the palace of Arendelle. We are enjoying the party of my
sister Elsas coronation.
Hermoine: Coronation!!! Thanks. But dont you think that your sister wont
like it?

Anna: Arendelle is a hospitable kingdom and everyone is welcomed with

great pleasure.
Harry: Wow! There are so many beautiful dames here.
Hermoine: Harry. Shh! Behave yourself.
Anna : The coronation isnt over yet. Come on in.
Narrator: The priest calls Elsa and asked her to remove the glove to hold the
staff for her coronation. As Elsa tries to tighten her grip over the staff. It
starts freezing. She immediately throws the staff away. When Anna sees
Elsas shaking. She presses her and ice begins to form and fall. Its summer
and its snowing.
Anna: Elsa. Whats happening? Are you okay
Crowd: Gasp. She is a sorcerer.
Narrator: Elsa begins to turn and run. Anna is still in shock. While Elsa goes
she sets off an eternal winter everywhere. Elsa reaches northern mountain.
(The song,Let it go..) (Elsa is acting in the song. During the song Elsa
builds an ice palace and begins to live in it.
Anna meanwhile, is really scared and surprised by what Elsa did.She wanted
her to come back and to be with her. Anna asked for her horse and wants to
travel to the mountain to bring her and summer back.
Jack Frost: Wait we would like to come with you and help you find Elsa.
Anna: Thank you, Jack. Thats really sweet. (She smiles)
Narrator: Love begins to strike Jack Frost and Anna.
Anna: Get four horses please.
Jack Frost: I dont want a horse to travel I have my staff. Anna would you like
to join me.
Anna: (Blushes) yes! Jack.
Harry: Elsa! Where are you?
Hermoine: Elsa! Elsa!
Jack Frost: Elsa! Come back.

Narrator: All four of them have travelled quite far. Suddenly, Jack Frost points
towards a glistening castle. They push the door open and they begin to call
out for Elsa.
Elsa: Anna. I am so glad to see you. But go away! You are not safe here.
Anna: Elsa we are sisters and by running away from your problems, isnt a
Harry: Elsa troubles do come but we got to overcome them.
Hermoine: Elsa! You came away to save your sister but started an eternal
winter. You can unfreeze it.
Jack Frost: Elsa! Never give up.
Anna: Jack cant you unfreeze the winter
Jack: (He looks into her eyes) I will try dear.
Narrator: Jack Frost, Harry, Hermoine, Anna and Elsa join hands together. The
spell breaks and the ice starts melting.
Jack Frost: Anna! We did it. When true love and friendship come together
miracles happen.
Narrator: they all lived happily ever after. Thank-you . Hope you all had a
great ride to Arendelle and back! ( Song)

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