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Steven Davis
Mr. Catelli
10 January 2015
Works Cited
Levin, Ira. This Perfect Day; a Novel. New York: Random House, 1970. Print.
This book takes a look into the future of society. It depicts modern society as a
system completely governed by a computer and dependent on new age medicine and
technology. Ira Levin is a long-time playwright, script writer, and novelist who wrote his
first novel in 1953. This book still affects many on the idea of the over use of technology
even forty years after it was published. This book is a great source of ideas for what the
future has the possibility of becoming if we continue the obsession with technology. It
also discusses the problems that would come with societal uniformity and lack of
individual decision.

Lowry, Lois. The Giver. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993. Print.

This book tells the story of a society that has given up basic human qualities, and
even a few senses, in order to live in a so-called perfect community. The book follows
the journey of one child who decides to break from the society and try to escape all of the
controls and reconnect with his humanity. Lois Lowry is an award winning writer, one of
which being the Newbery Medal for this book. She is also renowned for the stance she
takes on society in this book which has influenced many schools to incorporate it into
their curriculum. This book discusses the possible problems with the increased
integration of technology in society that many people are pushing for today. This also

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provides an example of how the said integration will create a dependency on technology
that is either life threatening or life hindering.
Surrogates. Dir. Jonathan Mostow and John D. Brancato. By Michael Ferris. Perf. Bruce Willis.
Touchstone Picture, 2009. Film.
This movie tells the story of a society where humans are assigned life-like robots
known as surrogates to live their lives for them while they remain in their homes
separated from everyone else and life itself. While it is a primarily fictional film, it very
well serves as a prediction for where technology is headed to. In this case it deals with the
blind search for an increase in safety. This artifact is useful because it shines light on the
second view on how technology will become a problem; the fearful search for easier life
leading to a misunderstood acceptance of lifelessness.

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