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Writing Style Of The Author

The author has written the paper following the Expository style of writing. His main
focus has always been on the fit throughout the paper. All the work in the paper
has fully revolved around the the fit factor. The author has not given any personal
argument in the paper and all his assumptions and conclusions are based on the
findings from the earlier works and the proposed model.
The author has sequentially defined the working of the proposed model. He has
used a Hierarchical regression model in which the contribution of the technology
and the structure in determining the quality of care is explained. Also, the use of
relevant references from the previous works has made the paper very subject
oriented. The author has very well used these references for circumlocution
purposes. He has firstly discussed the fit factor from the earlier works and then
purposely diverted the discussion to the present model so as to present an analogy
between the two.
The author has also incorporated the cause and effect phenomena in his work. He
has mentioned the effect of considering only technology, only structure and
technology-structure on the performance predictor. He even discarded the works
that made no meaning according to the present scenario (Woodward 1965) and
appreciated those which helped him to carry the purpose of the paper further
(Schoonhoven 1981).
The author has very well described each and every point of his hypothesis. He has
given valid examples to prove his points. The organization of the all his points is
very textbook material and relevant facts are incorporated to make clear
understanding of the topic.

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