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Lotte Reiniger


About her Lotte Reiniger (born in 1899) was a

Gernan film director and the foremost
pioneer of silhouette animation. With her
talents, Reiniger has also worked with film
creator Walt Disney for over 10 years. Her
photography is based on shadows and

The photograph Lotte Reiniger created is

called Frog Prince (1954). Reiniger did all
the amination for the short film and used
this piece in it aswell.


In this photograph, we are seeing the

silhouette of a frog jumping in the air
whilst also seeing the silhouette of a
princess looking very shocked. Other
shocked-faced silhouettes are
surrounding them as well. There is
no use of colour as it is just black
and white but I think that gives more
of a attracting effect.


The work has been created by

sketching out images on black
paper and sticking them on to her
background of choice. I think her
work will help me in my project on
shadows because it inspires and
shows all things you can do using
this feature.


has created the shadow

themed work because as a child she fell
in love with the Chinese Art of Puppetry
so when she was older she followed her
admiration to create something like this.

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