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1. Folk etymology
Who are Armenians?
Armenians are a nation and ethnic group native to

the Armenian Highland.

Ancient nation
(more than 3000 yrs old)
Own language
unique alphabet (39 letter)

From Sea to Sea Armenia

Armenian Kingdom was at the height during the reign of

the king Tigran The Great (95-55 BC)

Republic of Armenia nowadays

Location: Southern Caucasus
Area: 29,800
Population: 3.2 million (urban/rural 64%/36%)
Capital: Yerevan (1 mil.)

The Biblical Mountains

According to Genesis 8:4, the Ark came to rest on

the mountains of Ararat.

5137 m The highest mountain by

comparative height (it rises from 200 meters)

Ararat as the symbol of Armenia

Although it belongs to Turkey, the mountain remains the

symbol of the country. Examples coat of arms, beer,


Ararat the brand of Armenia

Hayastan The country of Hay-s (Armenians)

legendary patriarch of Armenians
great-great-grandson of Noah
defeated the Babylonian king Bel in 2492 BC
established his nation in the Ararat region
As an ancient nation for us it is very important

to know who we are and where we come from.

In other words, our folk etymology.

2. Customs and Traditions

Armenian nation has kept its traditions for over 2 centuries.

Many traditions are so unique that they fully describe traits

of Armenian character.
Up until now Armenians marry among each other keeping

the ancient genetic code.

99% of Armenian surnames have an ending yan
The top 3 most frequent Armenian surnames:

Pagan history
Garni temple - the only survived pagan temple

Armenian mythology
During ancient times Armenians were a pagan nation. So

they believed in many Gods similar to Greek and Roman


The water festival

Original name Vardavar
Dates back to pagan times
goddess Astghik, goddess of

water, beauty, love and fertility

currently celebrated 98 days
(14 weeks) after Easter
This is another perfect example
Keeping the traditions alive:
a pagan holiday is
Celebrated until today

The water festival (Vardavar)

3. Hospitality
Armenian hospitality amazed Alexander The Great
Armenians love holding big parties on such occasions like

baptism, weeding, birthday and especially the New Year

They spend a lot on those occasions (even borrowing

The art of saying good toasts
Usually the head of the table suggests new toasts
The most important toasts include such concepts as

parents, women, children, the host, etc.

4. Religious
Armenia prides itself on being the first country to adopt
Christianity as its state religion in 301 A.D.

For centuries when the country didnt have independence

religion and church kept the nation together

Tatev monastery

Armenian alphabet
invented in 405 AD.
39 letters which cover every sound that the language has

5. Warmth
The flag: 2 warm colors & 1 cold color

Traditional dresses

Greetings and handshaking

Greetings show the warmth of Armenian nation
An Armenian handshaking has two parts:
1st the handshaking
2nd kissing each other into cheeks

Another symbol of warmth

6. Passion
Armenian dhol mountainous
This instrument captures the rebellious and passionate

nature of Armenian people

7. Pride/ Dignity
Family dignity one of the top values
The biggest offense to an Armenian would be saying

anything bad about his/her mother or father

The truth of truths: if an Armenian says: I swear in the
name of my mother or father,.., it means he is saying
the truth, not lying. Its like a sort of proof.

Armenian dance called berd (castle)

8. Hardworking

Miniature painting
Started from medieval

Represents the
Hard-working nature of

Khachqar (Cross-stones)

9. Sadness
There is also a part of sadness in Armenians, which is due

to many sad parts of the history: atrocities, foreign

domination, natural disasters, hardships and genocide
Armenian national instrument doudouk represents that

part of sadness in Armenian carachter

10. Surviving
The Great Armenian Genocide:
1.5 mln Armenians were violently killed by ottoman turks
Half million forced to march and leave their homes
As a result the Armenian diaspora was formed

Armenian diaspora
3 mln Armenians live in Armenia
8 mln Armenians live outside

Notable Armenians
We are proud of each achievement of every single

Armenian living in Armenia or out of its borders.


Paruyr Sevak (Armenian poet)

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