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Systane Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops

Active ingredients: Polyethylene Glycol 400 0.4%, Propylene Glycol 0.3%
Systane provides relief from burning and irritation caused from dry eyes due to
poor tear quality. Systane works by lengthening the eye s tear film breakup time (
the time required for dry sports to appear on the corneal surface after blinking
) and strengthening the ability of the tear film to protect the ocular surface i
n between blinks.
Use: for dry eye caused by poor tear quality
- See more at:
If you have severely dry eyes and are considering refractive surgery like LASIK,
note that dry eyes may be exacerbated with procedures that require corneal resh
aping like LASIK. Perhaps the safest choice for people with dry eyes is the Visi
an Implantable Collamer Lens. Instead of needing to cut away eye tissue which af
fects the corneal nerve fibers integral to tear production, the Visian ICL is a
biocompatible, advanced lens placed inside the eye for lifelong vision correctio
n and does not cause dry eye. Additionally, the lens provides UV protection and
can be reversible if necessary.
- See more at:
f.dpuf Tears work to relieve burning and irritation f
rom dry eye caused by a lack of tear production. This product is an extra streng
th eye drop that moistens the eye by mimicking natural tears. Another ingredient
in Refresh, tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride, produces local vasoconstriction to
reduce redness. - See more at:

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