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A TrueColor image consists of an array with three dimensions,

one of which has a size of three, containing the three color components.
It may be considered as three two dimensional images, one each for the red, gree
n and blue components
When the intensities for all the RGB components are the same, the result is a sh
ade of gray,
darker or lighter depending on the intensity.
A secondary color is formed by the sum of two primary colors of equal intensity
2 pixels are adjacentif they are neighbours and their intensity level V satisfy
some criteria of similarity.
In scilab, matlab | is the logical or.
Local Histogram Equalization gives better results.
Any type of neighborhood operator is first determined by the size of the mask.
With continuous signals, the mask may take anyshape.
With digital data on orthogonal lattices, the mask is normally of
rectangular shape.
Even-sized masks seem not to be suitable for neighborhood operations because the
re is no pixel that lies in the center of the
With a trick, we can apply them nevertheless, and they turn out to be useful for
certain types of neighborhood operations.
The result of the neighborhood operation is simply written back to pixels that l
ie in between the original pixels

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