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Alfta s D ictio n ary o f N o rth e rn Lo re

***Copyright Note***
2001 Alfta innsen. This dictionary may be printed for personal
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Aegir- Sea giant who rules over the seas with his wife the goddess Ran. Son of
Miskorblindi. His weapon is the net as is Ran s. (1)
Aegir's daughters- Said to be the mothers of Heimdallr. They are said to be
nine waves and their names are Himinglva (the Heaven Shining One), Dufa ,
Blodhughadda (Bloody Hair), Hefring (the Rising One), Udhr, Hronn, Bylgia,
Bara, and Kolga (The Cold One). Dufa Udhr, Hronn, Bylgia and Bara are all
synonyms for waves. (5)
Aesir- The tribe of deities that Odhinn and Thorr belong to. (1) They are the
deities of consciousness and the sky as opposed to the Vanir who are the deities
of the earth and biological life and natural cycles. (O)
Ai- A dwarf. (5)
(The) Alcis- Twin deities worshiped by the Germans and were said to be sons
of the Sky God. (O)
alf- A race of beings that are magical in nature. The word alf is normally
translated to the word "elf". There are three types of alfs. One is the light alf
which are the residents of Ljossalfheimr which Freyr rules. They are said to be
fairer than the sun to look upon. The second type are the svartalfs which are the
dwarves. The third are the dark alfs which some believe to actually be the spirits
of dead male ancestors. (O) The Dark Alfs are said to be as black as pitch. (5)
Alf- The name of a dwarf. (5)
Alfather- "Father of All". Another name of Odhinn. (4)
Alfheimr- One of the nine worlds and home of the Light Alfs also called
Ljossalfheimr. (1)
Alfrothful- "Alf- beam". Mother of Sol. (4)

alf-shot- A condition that is caused by being "shot" by alfs and can be the cause
of physical conditions ranging from mild muscle spasms to bone cancer and
nervous degeneration, having a part of your soul complex stolen or eaten as well
as other unpleasant effects. The same effects can come from witch-shot and
dwarf-shot. (O)
Alf's Beam- A keening for the sun. (4)
Alfadhir- "All-Father". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Alfodhr- Same as "Alfadhir". (5)
Alfrodul- The daughter of Sol who shall ride the chariot of the sun after
Ragnarok in her mother's place. (5)
All-Bright- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that Asa-sons call the sun.
All Devourer- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the dwarfs call fire.
All-Green- In Alvissmal, this is the name by which the etins call Midhgardhr.
All-Father- Same as "Alfadhir". (5)
Alsvidhr- the com pletely white one The nam e of one of the two horses that
draw the sun. (4) See also "Arvakr".
Althiolf- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)

the all powerful one. Father of the giant Thjazi, Idi and Gang. (4)

Alviss- "The All-Wise". The name of a dwarf who talks the gods into letting
him wed Thorr's daughter in Thorr's absence. Thorr catches up to the dwarf
before he can get to his home and tricks the dwarf into staying above ground
until the sun rises at which time the dwarf is turned into stone. (4)
Alvissmal- Also known as the Lay of Alviss. A poem in the Poetic Edda about
how Thorr tricks the dwarf Alviss into staying above ground until the sun rises at
which time the dwarf is turned into stone. (4)
amber- Amber is probably sacred to Freyja and was used as a sacrifice to the
gods and goddesses in heathen times. When Freyja could not find her beloved
Odhr, she shed tears and the tears that hit the ground turned to pure gold and
the ones that hit trees turned into pure amber. Also called "Freyja's tears".(O)

Amsvartnir- "The Red-Black One." The name of the lake on the island Lyngvi,
where the Fenris Wolf was finally bound by the Aesir. (5)
Andhrimnir- "Sooty in the face". The cook of Valhalla who cooks the nightly
feast for the Einherjar. (O)
Andlangr- extended The nam e of the second heaven, that is said to be south
and above the skies visible to Midhgardhr. This is most likely a christian
addition made to the lore by Snorri. (5) See also Vindblain, Vidblain, Vidfedmir,
Hriod, Hlyrnir, Gimir, Vet-Mimir and Skatyrnir.
Andvaranaut- The name of the ring that was said to have been taken from
Brynhildr by Sigurd and give to Gudhrun. (4)
Andvari- The careful one A Dwarf whose treasure Loki took to pay Otter's
ransom. This treasure included a ring that would bring it's user wealth but
anyone who wore it besides the dwarf would also be doomed. This ring is
thought to have ultimately caused the deaths of Hreidmar, Fafnir, Regin and
Sigurd among others. (1)
Angrbodha- "Boder of Ill". (4) A jotunn who is mother by Loki to Hela,
Fenrir, and Jormungandr the world serpent. (1)
Angantyr- See "Ottar".
Annar- Second husband of Nott and father through her of Jordh. (O)
Arvakr- The name of one of the two horses that draw the sun. (4) See also
Asa-Thorr- Another name for Thorr. (5)
Asatru- A word generally used to describe the pre-christian religion of the
Northern Europeans. It comes from the words "ase" which means "of the gods"
and "tru" which means faith or loyalty and is generally translates as Loyalty to the
gods. (O)
Asatruar- Refers to those who are Asatru as a group. (O)
Ases- See "Aesir".
Asgardhr- One of the nine worlds. It is the home of the Aesir. (O)
ash tree- Odhinn, Vili and V used the organic material from an ash tree to
form men. (see "elm tree") The World Tree Yggdrasill is said to be an Ash but
there are also references to it as a yew. (4)

Askr- Ash -tree. Odhinn, Hoenir and Lodhurr created the first two people
from two trees they found on a shore. Their names were Askr and Embla. (1)
Asynjur- Asynja-(sing.) . Refers specifically to the fem ale gods of the Aesir
and the Vanir. (O)
athem- See "0ndh".
Atlakvidha- "The Lay of Atli". A poem in the Poetic Edda, in which Gudhrun
avenges the murder of her brothers (by her husband and king, Atli) by slaying
him, his two sons (which she bore him) and Burning his halls to the ground. (4)
Atlamal Hin Groenlenzku- "The Greenlandish Lay of Atli". A poem in the
Poetic Edda, that is another version of the subject matter of Atlakvidha. (4)
Atli- "The Terrible." He was married to Gudhrun after the death of her
husband Sigmund. (4) See also "Atlakvidha". Also given as another name for
Thorr. (5)
Atridhr- "Attacker". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Audhumla- The great mother of the creation, the hornless cow or bovine. She
licked the first gods out of the ice and nourished Ymir. (1) Four rivers of milk
flow from her utters to nourish all. (5)
Audhr- Son of Naglfari and Nott. (O)
Aurbodha- The mother of Gerdhr by Gymir. (5)
Aurgelmir- Said by Vafthruthnir in Vafthrudhismal to be the oldest of all
etins. (4) This is another name for the giant Ymir. (5)
Aurnir- A giant. (4)
Aurvangardwarves. (5)

the gravelly wetlands. A place that is said to be hom e to

Aurvindil- The husband of the seeress Groa who tried to charm the whetstone
out of Thorr's forehead but was not successful. Thorr took his toe and threw it
up into the sky after it had become frozen and it became a star. (1)
Aurvindil's Toe- See "Aurvindil."
Austri- The name of one of the dwarfs that hold up the four corners of Ymir's
skull (the sky). Their names are Austri, Vestri, Nordhri and Sudri. Their names
mean North, South, East and West. (5)

Awl- A dwarf and brother of Sindri and Brokkr. (5) See also "Brokkr".
Bafur- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Baldr- Son of Odhinn. He was slain by Hodhr who was tricked by Loki into
doing so. He was white of skin and bright haired. Along with Magni, Vidharr
and Vali he will inherit Asgardhr after Ragnarok. (1) See also "Hringhorni".
Baldr's Draumar- "Baldr's Dreams". The name of a poem in the Poetic Edda
that describes how Odhinn attempted to find Baldr's fate and what could be done
to avoid it. It is also know as Vegtamskvida. (1)
Baleygr- "The One with the Flaming Eyes". A name given as one of Odhinn's
many names. (5)
Bara- See "Aegir's Daughters".
Barri- The name of a place where Freyr was to meet Gerdhr to be married in
nine nights time from the time Skirnir had first went to her. Freyr, however
could not wait that long, such as his longing for Gerdhr. (5)
barrow-mound- Burial mounds where the dead were placed. (O)
Baugi- Brother of Suttungr. An etin. (1) Uncle of the giantess Gunnlodh.
Baugi is the giant that Odhinn, in an attempt to steal the m ead of inspiration,
works for in a disguise under the name, Bolverkr. After working for a full
summer and doing the work of nine, Baugi promises him a sip of the mead of
inspiration, whom the giants brother Suttungr possesses. It is a promise that
Baugi cannot fulfill because his brother refuses to give Odhinn a sip, forcing
Odhinn to obtain the mead my other means. (O)
beech- Beech wood is associated with the norns and Frigg. (3)
Beli- Freyr will slay this giant with a stags antler horns. (5)
Beowulf- The title of an Anglo-Saxon epic poem. It is named after the name of
it's hero. (1)
Bergelmir- Offspring of Thrudhgelmir at the creation. (O) The only frost
giant to survive the drowning that was caused when Ymir was killed and his
blood drowned all the frost giants save Bergelmir. (1)
Bestla- Daughter of the giant Bolthorn and mother by Burr to Odhinn, Vili and
Ve. (4)
Beyla- Companion of Byggvir. (1)


the one with the painted shield. Another nam e of Odhinn. (4)

Bifrost Bridge- The bridge that leads from Midhgardhr to Asgardhr. (O) It
is a rainbow bridge that only the gods can cross. Jotunns are not allowed to
cross. Heimdallr is ever vigilant at this bridge keeping the jotunns from crossing.
Bifur- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Bil- Child of Vidhfinnr. The name of one of the children that goes with the
moon (Mani) on his nightly rounds. Bil is also said to be one of the Asynjur. (5)
See also "Hiuki."
Bileygr- "One With Poor Sight". A name given as one of Odhinn's many
names. (5)
Bilskirnir- "the one striking lightning with rays of light." The name of Thorr's
hall in Thrudhvangr. It has 540 apartments. Also called "Lightning". (O)
The Blessing of the Alfs- A blessing that is performed during Winter Nights.
The Blessing of the Dises- A blessing that is sometimes performed during
Winter Nights.
Blessing of the Wanes- See "The Harvest Festival".
Blindi- "The Blind One". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Blodhughadda- See "Aegir's Daughters".
Blood Eagle- A form of sacrifice and/ or punishm ent in which a person s ribs
were separated from there backbone. The ribs were pulled out (looking like
wings) and their lungs pulled out through the incisions made there. (4)
boar- The animal that is sacred to Freyr. Boars where often sacrificed to him
especially on the last night of Yule-tide. Freyr has a boar who has golden
bristles. (1) See also "GullinBurrsti".
boast- The ritual drinking to the honor of a god, goddess or ancestor or drinking
to seal an oath.
Boe- In Saxo's account of the Baldr story the son of Rindr is called Boe instead
of Vali. (1)
Bohn- The name of one of the three containers of the mead of inspiration that
were guarded by the giantess Gunnlodh. (4) See also "Odroerir" and "Son".
Boll- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)

Bolthorn- The giant who was the father of Bestla. (4)

Bolverkr- "Evil-doer". The name Odhinn assumes in his disguise while
working for the giant Baugi in an attempt to steal the mead of inspiration. After
working for working for Baugi a full summer and doing the work of nine, Baugi
promises him a sip of the mead of inspiration, whom the giants brother Suttungr
possesses. Suttungr refuses Odhinn this drink and Odhinn therefore steals the
m ead by sleeping with Suttungr s daughter and then carrying off the m ead in the
form of an eagle. (O)
Bombor- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Borr- Son of Buri. Borr was the father of Odhinn, Vili and Ve and the son of
Buri. (1)
Bothvild- Daughter of Nithoth. (4) See also "Volundarkvidha".
Bragi- The god of poetry. The silver tongued one. Husband of Idhunn. He
prepares the halls of Valhalla for the arrival of kings that have died in battle. (1)
Son of Odhinn. (5)
Breadstuffs- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the gods call seeds
(grains and barley). (4)
Breidhablik- "The Far Shining-One". The residence of Baldr. (4) Snorri
gives it's location as in Ljossalfheimr. (5)
Brewer's Day- See "Bryggdag".
Brimir- The name of a giant. (4)
Brimir- Snorri gives it as the name of the hall in Gimli where the gods hold
drinking feasts. (5)
Brisingamen- The name of Freyja's necklace, that she obtained from the
svartalfs in exchange for her lending them her powers of reproduction for four
days. (1)
Broadland- Another name for Vidharr's hall. (O) See also "Landvidi" and
Broadview- Another name for Baldr's Hall. (O)
Brokkr- A dwarf, brother of Sindri and Awl. Brokkr was the assistant to his
brother Sindri. The dwarf that Loki wagered his head against the skill of Sindri
whom he wagered could not make three precious items- Draupnir, Gullinborsti

and Mjolnir. These same two dwarves also constructed Odhinn's spear Gungnir,
Sif's golden hair and Freyr's ship Skidhbladnir. Sindri won the bet but had to
settle for stitching up Loki's mouth with the thong called Vartari with the help of
his brother Awl. (5)
Brot af Sigurtharkvidhu- A poem in the Poetic Edda. (4)
Brynhildr- A Valkyrie. Daughter of Buthli. She was married to King Gunnar
but really loved Sigurd. When Sigurd was killed she committed suicide. (1)
Burrgeoning- In Alvismal, this is the name by which the alfs call Midhgardhr.
Burr- See "Borr".
Buri- Father of Borr. He is the first being that Audhumla licked from the ice.
Buseyra- "The One With Big Ears?". The name of a giantess that is said to
have been killed by Thorr. (5)
Buthli- Father of the valkyrie Brynhildr and the king Atli (4)
Byggvir- Companion of Beyla. (1)
Byleistr- One of the two brothers of Loki, the other being Helblindi. (5)
Bylgia- See "Aegir's Daughters".
Byrgir- The name of the well that Bil and Hjuki were walking from when Mani
took them. (5) See also "Saeg" and "Simul".
caraway seeds- Alfs and wights are said to detest caraway seeds. (3)
cats- Cats are sacred to Freyja. (3)
Clear Must- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call beer. (4)
cocks- The cock (rooster) is believe by some to be connected with approaching
death or with a death cult in some way. Also the rooster is believed to be
connected with fire and to set the red cock on one s roof is to have one s roof set
on fire.(O)
Codex Regius- 13 century manuscript containing stories of the gods and
heroes. It is also known as the Edda. (1)
Dagr- "Day". Son of Delling and Nott. His horses name is Skinfaxi. (4) See

also "Nott".
Dainn - The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Dainn- There are four stags that are in the branches of Yggdrasill and feed on
it's branches. Their names are Dainn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Durathror. (5)
Damp with sleet- Another name of Hel's hall. (O) See also "Eliudnir".
Dark Alf- Dark Alf's are said to be the spirit's of the dead. They are said to live
in the mountains with the Svart Alf's. They also inhabit the barrow-mounds. It
is also said that Dark Alf's are the spirit's of the dead who had dealt with the
Svart Alf's extensively in life and owed them favors for which they were paying
off in the after life. (O) Snorri says that they are as black as pitch in appearance.
The Daughters of Aegir- The waves of the sea. (1) see "the undines".
Day- At the creation the gods sent day and night to race across the skies in
chariots drawn by swift horses. (1) See also "Dagr" and "Skinfaxi".
Day Balm- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the alfs call a calm
windless day. (4)
The Days Haven- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the dwarfs call a
calm windless day. (4)
The death dream- A northern tradition in which a person, particularly
heroes, dream of their own death before it actually happens. (O)
The Deep- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the dwarfs call the sea.
Delling- A god who is the father through Nott of Dagr. (4)
disir- (dis sing.) The spirits, usually female, of deceased ancestors whose
desires and ambitions have kept them attached to Midhgardhr and to the
ancestral line. They watch over the family in general but more particularly the
person who will carry on the line. (O) See also "Idis".
Din Farer- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the alfs call the wind.
Disting- One of the Great Blessings between Yule-tide and Easter. On
February 2nd or 14th. Local Things are often held at this time. Freyja and Vali are
often honored during this blessing as well as the Dises and Alfs.
Dolgthvari- The name of a rock dwelling dwarf. (5)

Dori- The name of a rock dwelling dwarf. (5)

Draugr- The undead. A draugr is formed when a person dies, generally
someone who has been very cruel during there lifetime. It happens when a
person dies and does not want to accept that fact that they have died. When the
ondhr exits the body, the hughr and minni remain there. The result is a lifeless
body that still houses the intelligence and memory of the deceased. The body, no
longer receiving the influx of life energy of ondhr begins to decay. The draugr's
body will eventually decay to the point where it will no longer be able to stay in
the body at which time the draugr will become discarnate. This is sometimes the
origin of ghosts and poltergeists. Draugrs are extremely strong and as such can
be very dangerous. They were said to commonly kill the living by applying a
massively strong slap to the head. Draugr's should never be looked at directly as
it is said that they can steel vital ond from a person by gazing at them alone.
There are various folk rem edies for protecting one s self from Draugr. One is to
stick pins in the bottom of the feet of the recently deceased to keep them from
walking. Another is for an elderly woman to throw her own urine at the draugr til
drive it off. (O)
Drap Niflunga- "The Fall of the Niflungs". A poem in the Poetic Edda
detailing the downfall of Hogni and Gunnar. (4)
Draupnir- the dripper It is a gold ring that Odhinn gave to Baldr on his
funeral pyre. (1) Every ninth night it drops eight more rings that look just like it
and are of the purest gold. It was one of the precious items constructed by the
dwarves Brokkr and Sindri for the Aesir. (4)
Draupnir- A rock dwelling dwarf. (5)
Dripping Hall- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the dwarfs call the
skies. (4)
Dromi- When the gods decided that the Fenris Wolf needed to be bound they
first tried to bind him with the fetter called Loedhing. Fenrir broke this fetter
and so they tried the fetter called Dromi and he also broke this one before finally
he was not able to break the third fetter called Gleipnir. (5)
Duf- A rock dwelling dwarf. (5)
Dufa- See "Aegir's Daughters".
Duneyrr- There are four stags that are in the branch of Yggdrasill and feed on
it's branches. Their names are Dainn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Durathror. (5)
Durathror- There are four stags that are in the branch of Yggdrasill and feed
on it's branches. Their names are Dainn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Durathror. (5)

Durinn- One of the greatest of dwarfs, second only to Motsognir. (4)

Dvalinn- the slow one or the sleeping one There are four stags that are in
the branch of Yggdrasill and feed on it's branches. Their names are Dainn,
Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Durathror. (5)
Dvalinn- The name of one of the four dwarves that constructed Freyja's
Brisingamen necklace. (5)
Dvalinn's Doom- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the dwarfs call
the sun. (4)
Dvergatal- "The Catalogue of the Dwarfs". In the Poetic Edda, a list of names
of Dwarfs. (4)
dwarf- See "Svartalf".
dwarf-shot- see "alf-shot".
dwarve's drink- A keening for The Mead of Poetry. (O)
eagle- There is an eagle that sits atop Yggdrasill that wars with the snake that
continually gnaws at the roots of Yggdrasill. The eagle has a hawk perched on
it's forehead and it is thought by some that this eagle is the same eagle that, by
flapping it's wings causes the winds in the world of man. (1) The eagle is thought
to be sacred to Odhinn. (3) See also "Ratatoskr" and "Hraesvelgr".
Earth's Mane- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the gods call wood.
Eating- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call seeds (grains
and barley). (4)
Edda- A collection of heroic tales and stories that are the prime texts of Asatru.
There are two. There is the Snorri Edda, also called the Younger Edda or the
Prose Edda, and the Poetic Edda also known (erroneously) as the Saemundar
Edda. (O)
Eel Home- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etin's call the sea.
Eggther- The name of the giant who guards the giantess who gives birth to
jotunns that are in the form of wolves in the Iron Forest, according to Voluspa.
(O) See also "Fjalarr" and Jarnvidhr .
Egil- In Hymiskvidha, a giant who after allowing Thorr to leave his goats at

him home must repay Thorr for the maiming of one of his goats by giving Thorr
his children as servants. (4)
Egil- Brother of Volund the smith. (4) See also "Volundarkvidha".
Eikinskialdi- The name of a dwarf. (5)
Eikthrynir- The name of the stag that stands atop Vallholl and feeds on the
leaves of Yggdrasill. Water drops from it's antlers fall into the well Hvergelmir
which feeds all the rivers of the world. (O)
Einherjar- The name by which those who were slain in battle and reside in
Valhalla and Folkvangr are known collectively by. At Ragnarok Odhinn will lead
them into battle against the jotunns. (O)
Eindridhi- See "Einridhi".
Einridhi- "The One Who Rides Alone." Another name for Thorr. (5)
Eir- Asynjur who is the best of physicians among the Elder Kin. (5)
Ekin- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This river
is one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
elder- The elder tree is said to be sacred to Freyja. (3)
Elder Kin- With the reasoning the words "god" and "goddess" tend to foster
too much of a separation between us and those commonly called by those words
that we are dedicated to, it is felt that the Phrase "Elder Kin" is better to describe
what most call the gods. And we are their "younger kin." (O)
Eldhrimnir- "Sooty from the fire". The name of the great cauldron in Valhalla
in which the boar Sehrimmnir is cooked each night for the Einherjar to feast on.
Elder- One of the servitors of Aegir. (4) See also "Fimafeng".
Elf- see "alf".
Eljudhnir - "Damp with Sleet". Hel's hall in Helgardh. (O)
Elivagar- The rivers that flow from Hvergilmir into Ginnungagap. It is said
that the "poisonous drops of hoar frost" from these rivers met with the heat of
Muspellheimr that the first being began in the melting ice, the giant Ymir. (4)
These rivers are said to be in the Jotunheimr. (O) See also "Hvergilmir."
Elli- Old age. The name of the old woman that Thorr wrestled with in the hall

of UtgardhaLoki. (1)
elm tree- Odhinn, Vili and Ve used the organic material of an elm tree to form
women. In other sources it was Odhinn, Hoenir and Lodhurr. (1)
Embla- Odhinn, Hoenir and Lodhurr created the first two people from two
trees they found on a shore. Their names were Askr and Embla. (1)
Erda- See "Erde".
Erde- Mother of Thorr.
etin- Another name for a jotunn. Etin's are generally thought of as either neutral
or friendly to the cause of the gods as opposed to jotunns who are unfriendly to
the cause of the gods. (O)
Everglow- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call the sun.
Fafnir- Son of Hreidmar and brother of Otter and Regin. (1) See also "Otter's
Fair Bough- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the alfs call wood. (4)
Fair-Roof- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the alfs call the skies.
Fair-Wheel- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the alfs call the sun.
fairies- see "light alfs"
Fal- The name of a dwarf. (5)
falcon- Associated with both Frigg and Freyja. (3)
Falhofnir- One of the horses of the Aesir. (5)
famine- The name of Hel's knife. (O)
far-sighting- The ability to see into the skuld (the future).
Farbauti- The father of Loki, Byleistr and Helblindi by Laufey. (5)
faring forth- The practice of leaving the physical body to travel forth in spirit
to other realms. (O)

Farmagodh- "god of Burdens". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names.

Farmatyr- "god of Burdens". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names.
Fast Whelmer- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Hel-wights call
fire. (4)
Feast Draught- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the sons of
Suttungr (giants) call beer. (4)
Feng- Another name of Odhinn. (4)
Fenia- One of the servants of Frodhi, the other being Menia. (5)
Fenja- One of two giantess bondmaids who turned the millstone in the poem
Grottasongr. The other was Menja and they were sisters. See "Grotti". (4)
Fenrir- The wolf son of Loki and Angrbodha. Brother of Hela and The World
Serpent. He was bound by Tyr who lost his hand in the deal. First they tried to
bind him with the fetter called Loedhing but he broke this fetter. Next they tried
to bind him with the fetter Dromi but this one he broke also. Nothing could bind
him until the Dwarves manufactured a chain that was made out of the secret and
impalpable things of the Earth- the roots of a mountain, the noise of a moving
cat and the breath of a fish, the beard of a woman and the spittle of a bird. when
finished it looked like nothing more than a silken chord but no force can break it.
The Elder Kin then called the Fenris Wolf to the island Lyngvi and bound him
with Gleipnir then took the bound Fenrir and chained him to the rock called Gjoll
with the chain called Gelgja. They then used the great stone called Thviti to drive
the rock Gjoll deep into the earth. At Ragnarok he will be freed from his fetters
will slay Odhinn before being slain himself by Vidharr. (1)(5)
Fenris Wolf- Another name for Fenrir. (4)
Fensalir- "The Marsh Halls". The hall of Frigg. (4)
Ferth- The ferth is an Anglo-Saxon term that is used to describe all the nonphysical parts of the soul/mind/body complex except for the fetch. The ferth is
considered to be the "self". It survives death and can travel to other worlds
before and after death. (3)
fetch- The fetch is an independent form that is attached to the person though
not actually a part of the person, in a sense. It can some times easily be confused
with the fylgja but it is actually a splintering of the fylgja that is done in order to
accomplish some particular task. It comes generally in the form of an animal or
of the opposite sex of the person it is attached to. It's purpose is to assist the
person it is attached to in other realms. Most people never see or have need of

their fetch until death, at which time it will generally guide them to the after-life.
It can and often is passed along ancestral lines. See also "Fylgja" (O)
Field of Warriors- Another name for Freyja's hall. (O) See also "Folkvangr".
Fili- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Fimafeng- One of the servitors of Aegir, whom Loki slew because of his dislike
for the praise that Fimafeng was receiving from the gods and goddesses. (4) See
also "Elder".
Fimbulthul- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir.
This river is one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
Fimbultyr- "The Mighty God". A Name for Odhinn. (4)
Fimbulvetr- "The Mighty Winter". It is the three year long winter that will
proceed Ragnarok. (1)
Finn- The name of a dwarf. (5)
Fiorm- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This
river is one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
fire- One of the first two polar elements in the creation the other being ice. It is
usually attributed to the south. Fire begat the element of air. (O)
Fire Wood- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call wood. (4)
Fire Giants- The inhabitants of Muspell. (1)
Fjalarr- Another name for the giant Skrymir. (4)
Fjalarr- The name of a bright red cock that crows next to the Eggther. (4)
Fjalarr- The name of one of the Dwarves that killed Kvasir and made the
mead of poetry from his blood. (O) See also "Galarr".
Fjolnir- "The One Who Knows Much?". A name given as one of Odhinn's many
names. (5)
Fjolsvidhr- "The Very Wise One." A name given as one of Odhinn's many
names. (5)
Fjolsvinnsmal- "The Lay of Fjolsvith". A Poem in the Poetic Edda. (4)
Fjorgyn- Another name for the mother of Thorr. (1) Mother Earth. (4) See

also "Jordh".
Fjorgynn- Father of Frigg. (5)
Flame- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the gods call fire. (4)
folkish- In Asatru a belief in which the followers, believe that those who are of
Northern European descent are better suited to follow the ways of Asatru. This is
a very general definition and you will find that those who call themselves folkish
fall anywhere between the belief that only those of Northern European descent
should practice Asatru to the belief that those of Northern European descent are
better suited to practice Asatru than those who are not of that descent. (O)
Folkvangr- "Battlefield". The home of Freyja. Her hall, Sessrumnir is
located here. (O) Also called "The Field of Warriors".
Folkwangr- See "Folkvangr".
Forn Sedh- In Sweden and some other Northern European countries, Asatru
is known by this name. (O)
Forseti- The son of Baldr and Nanna who supported Freyr's proposals at the
peace talks between the Aesir and Vanir. He is said to be able to settle any
dispute and his hall is called Glitnir. The law-giver god. (1)
Fra Dauda Sinfjotla- "Sinfjotla's Death." A poem in the Poetic Edda. (4)
Franangr- The name of the waterfall that Loki hid from the gods and
goddesses underneath in the form of a salmon. He was caught none the less and
was bound to three rocks with the guts of his son Nari, where a serpent was
placed above his head by Skadhi to drip poison on his face. His faithful wife
Sigyn holds a bowl to catch the venom but when she must empty the bowl a few
drops fall on his face and he writhes in pain shaking the very earth which is said
to be the cause of earth quakes. (4)
Freki- One of Odhinn's two wolves. (O) See also "Geri".
Frey- see "Freyr"
Freya- see "Freyja"
Freyja- Her name means "The Lady". In her are embodied the powers of
magic, sexual love, and the cycles of nature and birth. She was said to have taught
Seidh to Odhinn. She receives half of those slain in battle, Odhinn receiving the
other half. She lives in Folkvangr. Her twin brother is Freyr. Mother of
Gersimi and Hnoss. Daughter of Njord. (1) See also "gold" and "amber" and

Freyja's Heart- A heart, the symbol of Freyja's blessings and those given to
her mysteries. (O)
Freyja's tears- See "amber".
Freyr- Also called "The Lord". He is the twin brother of Freyja. He is the god
of wealth and peace and contentment. Blood was not allowed to be spilled
through violence, nor where weapons or outlaws allowed on or in his holy places.
Twin brother of Freyja. Son of Njord. (1) He rules over rain, sunshine,
prosperity, peace and the produce of the Earth. (5)
Frigg(a)- "The Beloved". (4) The queen of the goddesses and goddess of
domestic order. Wife of Odhinn. (1) Mother of Baldr. Her far-sighting is said
to be unmatched although she rarely talks of what she sees. (O) Daughter of
Fjorgynn. (5)
Frija- The wife of Wodan, a goddess of the Germans, considered to be the same
as Frigg. (1)
frith- A word basically meaning "peace". Also it is one of the SixFold Goals.
Frithleif- "The Heir of Peace". Son of Skjold and father of Frothi. (4)
Frodhi- Another name for Freyr. (O)
Frost Giants- The inhabitants of Niflheim. (O)
Frosti- The name of a dwarf. (5)
Frothi- "The Wise". Son of Frithleif. He was a king who was given a wonderful
mill that ground out gold but he abused the two bondmaids who turned the mill
by not allowing them proper rest and they chanted the Lay of Grotti
(Grottasongr) which brought about his doom. (4) See also "Grotti".
Fulla- One of the Asynjur. She carries Frigga's casket and looks after her foot
wear and is said to share her secrets. (5)
Fundin- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Fylfot- Another name for the Swastika. (O)
fylgja - The fylgja is a manifestation of a part of a person's soul that can take on
independent action as it can contain portions of a persons hughr and minni. It
can also be easily confused with the fetch. The fetch is actually a splintering of the
fylgja that is done in order to accomplish some task. The fylgja can also be used

by the person in times of need for such things as travel to one fo the nine worlds.
Being able to take the form of the fylgja can be developed over time. The fylgja
generally takes on the form of an animal or of the opposite sex of the person that
it is attached to. It can and often is passed along ancestral lines. (O) See also
Gagnrath- "Giving good council". The name Odhinn used when he went
disguised to the hall of Vafthrudhnir to challenge the giant to a contest of wits.
Galarr- One of the Dwarves that killed Kvasir and made the mead of poetry
from his blood. (O) See also "Fjalarr".
galdr- Primarily the use of the runes for magical purposes. (O)
Gandalf- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Gang- The brother of Thjazi and Idi, son of Alvaldi. (5)
Ganglati- "The Slow One." Servant of Hel. (O)
Gangleri- "The Way-Weary". Another name of Odhinn. (4) Also a name that
King Gylfi gives himself when traveling to the halls of Asgardhr. (5)
Ganglot- "The Slow One." Serving maid of Hel. (O)
Gardrofa- The mother of Hofvarpnir by Hamskerpir. (5)
Garm- A guard hound in Helgard. It is said that he will kill Tyr at Ragnarok.
(1) See also "Gnipahellir."
Gaut('s) (Gate)- Gaut- (God of the Goths), is another name for Odhinn and
Gaut's Gate is said to be a keening for a shield. This is because Odhinn's gate, the
gate to Asgardhr, shields Asgardhr from it's enemies. (O)
Gauti- Same as "Gautr".
Gautr- "Gotlanders". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Gefjon- Vanir goddess. Unmarried girls go to her after they die. She ploughed
around Zealand and made it into an island. (1) King Gylfi offered Gefjon as
much land as she could plow in one day and she went to Jotunheimr and fetched
four sons she had by a giant and had them transformed into oxen and they
plowed the Island "Zealand" from off of the mainland. Snorri however, states
that she is a virgin, despite the fact that she has for sons. (5)
Gefn- Another name for Freyja that she uses in her travels in search of her lost

love, Odhr. (5)

Geirahod- The name of a Valkyrie. (5)
Geironul- The name of a Valkyrie. (4)
Geirrodhr- A giant slain by Thorr. He forced Loki to lure Thorr to his hall
without his hammer Mjolnir and he and his daughters Gjalp and Greip tried to
slay him but he had borrowed a girdle of strength, iron gauntlets and the magical
staff Gridharvolr which the giantess Gridhr and slew them all.(1)
Geirrodhargardh- The name of the hall of Geirrodhr. (5)
Geirskogul- A Valkyrie. (4)
Geirvimul- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This
river is one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
Gelgja- The name of the rock that Fenrir is chained to. (5) See also "Fenrir".
Gerdh- Wife of Freyr, who Skirnir could only persuade to give her hand to
Freyr through threats of gadlr. Daughter of the giant Gymir and Aurbodha. (O)
Geri- One of Odhinn's two wolves. (O) See also "Freki".
Gersimi- treasure or precious object One of the daughters of Freyja. (O) See
also Hnoss .
giant(ess)- see "jotunn".
Gilling- Father of Suttungr. A giant who was killed by the dwarfs who brewed
the mead of inspiration. (1)
Gills- One of the horses of the Aesir. (5)
Gimir- (fiery or jeweled) The name of one of the nine heavens according to
Snorri. It is the seventh. Most likely a late christian addition. (5) See also
Vindblain, Andlangr, Vidblain, Vidfedmir, Hriod, Hlyrnir, Gimir, Vet-Mimir
and Skatyrnir.
Gimli- It is a building with a golden roof where righteous men go to upon
death. (1) Also known as Vingolf. It is said to be in the southernmost end of
Asgardhr. (5)
Gunnar- The name of a dwarf. (5)
Ginnungagap- The great unknown. the depths, the darkness. The formless

Gjoll- One of the rivers that runs from the well called Hvergelmir. This river is
said to run by the gates of Helgardh. (5)
Gipul- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This river
is one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
Gjallar Bridge- Another name for Bifrost bridge. (4)
Gjallarbru- The name of the bridge that Hermodh crossed to enter Helgardh
to seek Baldr. It is guarded by Modhgudhr. (1)
Gjallerhorn- "Echo-horn". The horn of warning. Heimdallr's horn that he
uses to warn against any danger from the jotunns to Asgardhr. A blast from this
horn can be heard throughout all the nine worlds. He will blow this horn at the
beginning of Ragnarok. (1) Snorri states that Mimir uses this horn to drink
from the well of Mimir. (5)
Gjalp- A giantess killed by Thorr. One of the daughters of Geirrodhr and sister
of Greip. (5) See also "Geirrodhr" and "Vimur."
Gjoll- The name of the rock that Fenrir is chained to. (5) See also "Fenrir".
Gjolp- See "Gjalp".
Gjuki- The father of Gudhrun, Gunnar and Hogni. (4)
Glad- One of the horses of the Aesir. (5)
Gladhsheimr- One of the names of Odhinn's hall and where Vallholl is
situated. (O) Snorri says that it is a temple where the twelve thrones of the
ruling gods as well as Odhinn's is located and that is made of gold, inside and out.
(5) See also "Shining Home", "Hlidskjalf" and "High Seat".
Glaer- One of the horses of the Aesir. (5)
Glapsvidhr- "Practiced Seducer". A name given as one of Odhinn's many
names. (5)
Glasir- The name of a tree that stands in front of Vallholl that has leaves made
of red gold. Said to be the most beautiful tree among "gods" and men. (5)
gleaming bale- The name of Hel's curtains. (O)
Gleipnir- The name of the third fetter that finally did bind Fenris, on the island
of Lyngvi, after two others had failed. It was very light and soft and was said to
have been made by the dwarves of the sound of a cat, the beard of a woman, the

bear's sinews, the roots of a mountain, the breath of a fish and the spittle of a
bird. (5) See also "Loedhing" and "Dromi".
Glenr- A man named Mundilfari had two children who were so fair and
beautiful that he named the son Mani and the daughter Sol. Now Mundilfari
gave his daughter in marriage to a person named Glenr and this angered the gods
for they thought it arrogant, so they took the son and made him to drive the
chariot of the moon and the daughter they put to drive the chariot of the sun. (5)
Glitnir- "Shining". The name of the home of Forseti. It is covered with silver.
(4) Snorri says that it is covered in red gold with roofs of silver. (5)
Gloin- A rock dwelling dwarf. (5)
Gna- One of the Asynjur. Among the Elder Kin, she accomplishes tasks in
various worlds for Frigga. She rides a horse called Hofvarpnir who gallops
across sky and sea. (5)
Gnipa cave- The cave before which the hound Garm is fettered. (4)
Gnipahellir- The name of the entrance to Hel where the hound Garm is
chained. (5)
Gnita Heath- The name of the mound in which was the hord of gold that the
dragon Fafnir lay on. (4)
goat- The animal that is sacred to Thorr. When ever an animal was sacrificed
to Thorr it was a goat.
The god of the shield- See "Ullr".
godhi- A male priest who's duties would include the instructing of the kindred
and conducting ceremonies. see also "gydhja".
Goin- Spawned of Grafvitnir. Aside from the great serpent Nidhoggr, there are
said to be an innumerable amount of snakes there as well at the base of
Yggdrasill. Goin is the name of one of those snakes. (5) See also "Grabak",
"Grafvollud", "Moin", "Ofnir", "Svafnir" and "Grafvitnir".
gold- Attributed to Freyja. see "amber". (O)
Goldmane- The horse of the giant Hrungnir, who road it when he raced
against Odhinn on Sleipnir. (1)
The golden apples- Idhunn gives the gods golden apples. They are said to
keep them young. They are the apples of immortality. (1)

The Golden Kingdom- Another name for Asgardhr. (O) See also "The White
Goll- The name of a Valkyrie. (4)
Gomul- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This
river is one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
Gondlir- "Magician". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Gondul- A Valkyrie. (4)
goodman- In ceremonies the goodman is responcible for all the non speaking
ritual actions having to do with the distribution of the holy liquid. see also
"theal" and "shope".
Gopul- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This
river is one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
Gothorrn- The brother of Hogni and Gunnar who in some versions of the
story of Sigurd, kills Sigurd but before Sigurd dies he throws his sword at
Gothorrn cutting him in half. (5)
Gotland- Former name of Jutland (Denmark). (4)
Goti- The name of Gunnar's horse. (O)
Grabak- Aside from the great serpent Nidhoggr, there are said to be an
innumerable amount of snakes there as well at the base of Yggdrasill. Grabak is
the name of one of those snakes. (5) See also "Goin", "Grafvollud", "Moin",
"Ofnir", "Svafnir" and "Grafvitnir".
Grad- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
Grafvitnir- This is the progenitor of two of the snakes that are at the base of
Yggdrasill, Goin and Moin. (5)
Grafvollund- Aside from the great serpent Nidhoggr, there are said to be an
innumerable amount of snakes there as well at the base of Yggdrasill.
Grafvollund is the name of one of those snakes. (5) See also "Goin", "Grabak",
"Moin", "Ofnir", "Svafnir" and "Grafvitnir".
Grain- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the alfs call seeds (grains
and barley). (4)
Gram- The name of Sigurd's sword that was made for him by Regin. It was so
sharp that Sigurd split Regins anvil with it. It was also said to be forged from the
pieces of Sigurd's father's (Sigmund) sword. (4)

Grani- The name of Sigurd's stead. Said to be descended from Odhinn's own
horse Sleipnir. (4)
The Great Lacuna- The name of a poem in the Poetic Edda of which only
small fragments have survived. (4)
Greedy- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call fire. (4)
Greip- The name of a giantess who Thorr is said to have killed. Daughter of
Geirrodhr and sister of Gjalp. (5) See also "Geirrodhr".
Grendel- The monster that was slain by Beowulf in the epic poem of the same
name. (1)
Gridhr- The name of a giantess who loans Thorr a girdle of strength, iron
guantlets and her magical staff called Gridharvolr. She is the mother of Vidharr.
(5) See also "Geirrodhr".
Gridharvolr- The name of the magical staff that the giantess Gridhr loaned to
Thorr along with a girdle of strength and iron gauntlets when he stops at her
dwelling on the way to Geirrodhargard. (5) See also "Geirrodhr."
Grim- Short for Grimnir. (4) See "Grimnir".
Grimhild- Queen and mother of Gudhrun. (4)
Grimnir- "The Masked One". In Grimnismal, the name that Odhinn gives for
himself while in disguise to test Geirroeth. (4)
Grimnismal- In the Poetic Edda, a poem in which Odhinn and Frigg have a
wager concerning two brothers that they each have fostered. (4)
Gripir- The uncle of Sigurd and king who Sigurd comes to, to find out what
lays in his future. (4)
Gripispa- "The Prophecy of Gripir". A poem in the Poetic Edda in which
Sigurd goes to his uncle the king Gripir to find out what lays in his future. (4)
Grjotunnagardhar- The name of the place where Hrungnir and Thorr fought
there duel. (5)
Groa- During Thorr's duel with Hrungnir, Hrungnir's whetstone was shattered
and part of it flew and became lodged in Thorr's forehead. He called on a
sorceress named Groa to remove it with her magic, but she could not. She is the
wife of Aurvindil. It is because of this that it is not considered good to throw a
whetstone across the room as it is said to cause the whetstone in Thorr's forehead

to vibrate each time someone does. (5)

Grogaldr- "The Spell of Groa". A poem in the Poetic Edda in which Svipdag
raises the spirit of his dead mother to aid him. (4)
Grottasongr- "The Lay of Grotti". A poem in the Poetic Edda. See "Grotti".
Grotti- "Grinder". In Grottasongr, the name of the grinder mill that was given
as a gift to Frothi by Hengekjopt (Odhinn in disguise). Frothi purchased two
giantess bondmaids, Fenja and Menja to turn the mill. The mill produced gold
and peace for Frothi but he abused the bondmaids by not allowing them enough
rest and they chanted the Lay of Grotti which brought about his doom and he was
slain by the sea king Mysing who took the mill and the bondmaids. Mysing had
the bondmaids grind out salt for him on his ship and at midnight the maids asked
if he had enough salt but he baid them continue and not longer after his ship sank
and this is how the sea came to be "salted". It is said that there is a whirlpool now
where the ship sank that is from the hole in the mill stone. (4)
Gudhrun- Wife of Sigurd, sister of Gunnar, Hogni and Gothorrn, whom he
(Sigurd) married after having sworn to be bonded to the valkyrie Brynhildr.
Daughter of Gjuki. Mother of Svanhild by Sigurd. After Sigurd died she was
given a potion that made her forget all that happened before and was married to
Atli and bore him two sons, Erp and Eitil. After avenging herself by slaying Atli
their two children she tried to drown herself in the sea but could not accomplish
it and ended up becoming the wife of the king Jonakr who had fostered her
daughter Svanhild. (4)
Gudhrunarhvot- "Gudhrun's Lament". A poem in the Poetic Edda, in which
Gudhrun spurs her three sons by Jonakr, (Sorli, Erp and Hamthir) to avenge the
death of her daughter Svanhild. (4)
Gudhrunarkvidha (1)(3)- "The Lays of Gudhrun". Three poems in the
Poetic Edda, dealing with Gudhrun after the death of her husband Sigurd. (4)
Gullifaxi- See "Goldmane".
GullinBurrsti- "Golden Bristled". The name of Freyr's great golden boar.
The boar was made by the dwarfs. (1) Another name given for this boar is
Slidhrugtanni. (5)
Gullinkambi- The cock that heralds the beginning of Ragnarok with his
crowing. (4)
Gullintanni- "The one with the golden teeth." Another name of Heimdall,
referring to his golden teeth. (O)
Gulltopr- The name of Heimdall's horse. (O)

Gullveig- The first of the Vanir to approach the Aesir. Her thrice death in the
hall of the Aesir is what sparked the war between the Aesir and Vanir to begin.
Gungnir- The name of Odhinn's spear. (O)
Gunn- A valkyrie (4) Gunn, Rota and the norn, Skuld always ride to the battle
together to choose who will be slain according to Snorri. (5)
Gunnar- A king who was the husband of the valkyrie Brynhildr and brother of
Gudhrun. His horse was named Goti. (O) Son of Gjuki. (4)
Gunnlodh- The name of the giantess daughter of Suttungr and niece to Baugi,
who guarded the mead of inspiration. By agreeing to sleep with her for three
nights Odhinn gained three sips of the mead of which he drained all three
containers and fled in the shape of an eagle. Upon arriving back to Asgardhr he
spit the mead back into containers that the other gods had waiting for him. (4)
See also "Bodn", "Son" and "Odroerir".
Gunnthra- One of the rivers that runs from the well called Hvergelmir. (5)
Gunnthrain- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
Gunnthro- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This
river is one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)

Guth- A Valkyrie. (4)

Gydhja- A female priest who's duties would include instructing the kindred and
conducting ceremonies. See also "godhi".
Gylfaginning- "The deception of Gylfi". The first part of the Prose Edda in
which King Gylfi travels to the hall of three gods called, High, Just as High and
the Third. He asks them questions about the gods and the nine worlds and in the
course of their answers to him much of the lore we have about our ways, gods and
goddesses is told. (5)
Gylfi- The king that offers Gefjon as much land as she can plow in one day. He
is also the King that travels to the hall of the three gods (see "Gylfaginning")(5)
See also "Gefjon".
Gyllir- One of the horses of the Aesir. (5)
Gymir- An etin, father of Gerdh. Husband of Aurbodha. (1) Gymir is also
another name for Aegir but not to be thought as the same as the Gymir who is

the father of Gerdh. (4)

Habrok- In Grimnismal, it is said the be the name of the best of Hawks. (4)
Halfdan- Brother of Frothi who was slain by Frothi in order that he may
ascend to the throne. (4)
The Half Dead- A title of Hela. (O) See "Hela".
Hallinskidhi- Another name for Heimdall. (O)
Halja- see "Hel".
hallowing- The part of a ritual in which the space in which the ritual will take
place is purified and made holy.
Hamdhismal- "The Lay of Hamthir". A poem in the Poetic Edda, in which
Sorli and Hamthir go to avenge the death of their half sister Svanhild. (4)
hamingja- The hamingja is a part of the soul that is stronger in some
individuals more than others, in modern Icelandic hamingja means "luck, or
fortune". It is said that hamingja is passed from generation to generation.
Generally the hamingja is passed on to grandchildren who are named after the
deceased, thus making it common practice to name children after an ancestor.
Upon death the hamingja is passed to ancestors or reincarnated basically. It is
tied to the fylgja/ fetch. (O)
The Hammer of Thunar (Thorr)- See "Thorr's Hammer."
The hammer sign- Used in ceremonies as a holy sign and also used to bless
food, drink, individuals, etc.
hamr- It is the part of the soul that gives shape to the likh. The hamr is similar
to the likh in appearance, and is the basis for how the likh looks. Its appearance
directly effects the appearance of the likh The hamr goes with the wode upon
death and will assist in forming the likh in the next incarnation. (O)
Hamskirpir- The father of Hofvarpnir by Gardrofa. (5)
Hangagudh- "Hanging-god". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names.
Hanging- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Hel-wights call seeds
(grains and barley). (4)
Haptagudh- "god who fetters". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names.

Harbardhr- "Grey Beard". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
In Harbarzljodh Odhinn, disguised as a ferryman, gives this as his name. (4)
Harbarzljodh- A poem in the Poetic Edda in which the ferryman Harbarth,
has a contest of words with Thorr. (4)
Har- A rock dwelling dwarf. (5)
Harr- "The High One", a name for Odhinn. (4)
harrow- A harrow is an altar. Also it is defined as an outdoor altar that is
generally made of stone. (O)
Harvest- One of the Six Fold Goals. (O)
The Harvest Festival- The Blessing of the Wanes. It is held on the Autumnal
Equinox, around August 23rd.
Hati- The wolf who chases Mani, nightly. Said the be the son of Fenrir. (4) See
also "Skoll".
Havamal- "Utterance of the High One". An often quoted poem in the Edda
that gives words of wisdom spoken by Odhinn. (1)
Heathen(ry)- This is a general name given to the Pagan religions of Northern
Europe, specifically the Germanic and Norse paths. Generally Asatru in all it
varieties fall under this term. To be called a heathen is to be someone who
worships in one of these paths. (O)
Hefring- See "Aegir's Daughters".
Heidhrun- A goat in Asgardhr from whose udders flow mead instead of milk.
The warriors in Valhalla drink of this mead at their nightly feasts. This goat
feeds on the leaves of Yggdrasill. (1)
Heidthorrnir- (clouded brightness) See Vindblain. (5)
Heimdall(r)- The Guardian of Bifrost bridge. He can hear everything in the
nine worlds, even growing grass and see at night the same as if at day time. Also
called "the White God." He guards the bridge from the Frost Giants and can see
for an immense distance. He is said to be the son of the Nine Waves or Aegir's
Daughters. (1) His horses name is Gulltopr. He has golden teeth and he needs
less sleep than a bird. His hall is Himinbjorg which is near Bifrost Bridge.
Under the name of Rig he is said to be the father of all mankind and the
originator of the cast system. He was born of nine sisters who are said to be
either, Aegir's daughters- the waves or nine giantesses. (O) See also

Heithrun- See "Heidhrun".
Hel(a)- Daughter of Loki and Angrbodha and sister of Fenrir and The World
Serpent. She is called "The Half Dead". She rules over the realm of the dead.
(O) The realm she rules over is also known as Hel or Helgardh. (1) See also

A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)

Helblindi- "The Blind One of the Realm of Death". The name of one of the
two brothers of Loki, the other being Byleistr . (O)
Helgard- One of the nine worlds. It is the abode of the dead and is ruled by
Hela. Most people end up here when they die and it is not necessarily a negative
or bad place to be. (O)
Helgavidha Hjorvarthssonar- "The Lay of Helgi Hjorvarthsson". A poem in
the Poetic Edda, about Atli and Helgi. (4)
Helgavidha Hundingsbana- "The Lay of Helgi the Hundings Slayer". A
poem in the Poetic Edda in which Helgi avenges his father Sigmund by slaying
those who had slain his father. The second Lay of Helgi the Hundings Slayer
deals with the tragic love story of Helgi and the valkyrie Svava (Sigrun).(4)
Helgi- In Grottasongr he is said to be father of both Yrsa and her son Hrolf
Kraki. In Helgavidha Hjorvarthssonar he is the king who is married to the
valkyrie Svava. He is son of Sigmund half-brother of Sigurd and Sinfjotle. (4)
Helgrind- "Death Gate". The gate between the land of the living and the land
of the dead. (1)
Helheim- See "Helgardh".
Helja- See "Hela".
Helreidh Brynhildrar- "Brynhildr's Ride to Hel". A poem in the Poetic Edda
which describes Brynhildrs ride to Hel after she has taken her own life. (4)
Hengjankjapta- "The One With the Hanging Chin." The name of a giantess
who is said to have been slain by Thorr. (5)
Hengikjopt- "Hang-Chaps". Another name for Odhinn. (4) See also "Grotti".
Heptifili- A rock dwelling dwarf. (5)

Herfjotur- The name of a Valkyrie. (4)

Herjafather- "Father of Hosts", one of Odhinn's many names. (4)
Herjann- "Lord". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Hermodh- Son of Odhinn. He road to Helgardh on Sleipnir to see what could
be done to secure Baldr's release from there. (1) (Aesir) See "Thokk" for more
information on this.
Herrann- A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. It is a secondary
form of Herjann. (5)
Herteitr- "The One Liking Armies". A name given as one of Odhinn's many
names. (5)
Hervor- A valkyrie. Daughter of Hlothver and sister of Hlathguth the
Swanwhite. She was married to Volund the smith but after seven years left him
to take on the duties of a valkyrie. (4) See also "Volundarkvidha".
Hiding Helm- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the dwellers in Hel
call the clouds. (4)
High- A name given by Snorri as one of the many names of Odhinn. (5)
High-Arched- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Aesir call the
skies. (4)
Hild- A Valkyrie. (4)
Hildisvin- "Battle-pig". The name of a boar on which Freyja rides in the Poem
from the Poetic Edda, Hyndlujodh. The boar is actually Ottar who has been
transformed into a boar. (1)
Hildolf- "Battle Wolf". In Harbarzljodh, the ferryman gives this as the name of
his chief. (4)
Himinbjorg- "Heavenly Mountains". The name of Heimdall's hall. It is near
Bifrost bridge. (O)
Himinglva- See "Aegir's Daughters".
Himinhriot- The name of the ox from Hymir's heard that Thorr slays and uses
it's head as bait for the his fishing trip in which Thorr fishes for the Midhgardhr
serpent. (5)
Hjuki- Child of Vidhfinnr. The name of one of the children that goes with the

moon (Mani) on his nightly rounds. (5) See also "Bil".

Hjalmberi- "Helm-Bearer". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names.
Hlathguth the Swanwhite- A valkyrie. Daughter of Hlothver and sister of
Hervor the all-wise. She was married to Slagfith but after seven years left him to
take on the duties of a valkyrie. (4) See also "Volundarkvidha".
Hlebarth- In Harbarzljodh, the ferryman states that this "thurse" gave him a
wand and that he (the ferryman) wiled him out of his wits. (4)
Hlediolf- A rock dwelling dwarf. (5)
Hler- Generally thought to the another name for Aegir. (4)
Hlesey- The name of the island of the sea god Hler. (4)
Hlidskjalf- Odhinn's seat in Vallholl, from which he can see all the worlds
from. (1) Snorri states that it is in the hall Valasskialf. (5)
Hlin- One of the Asynjur. Among the Elder Kin, she sees to it that those that
Frigg wishes to be protected are protected. (5)
Hlodhyn- Another name for Jordh. (5)
Hlokk- The name of a Valkyrie. (4)
Hlorridhi- Another name for Thorr. (4)
Hlothver- A king who is father to the two valkyries, Hlathguth the Swanwhite
and Hervor the all-wise. (4) See also "Volundarkvidha".
Hlothyn- Another name for Thorr's mother, Jordh. (4)
Hlyrnir- (twin-lit) The name of one of the nine heavens according to Snorri. It
is the sixth. Most likely a late christian addition. (5) See also Vindblain,
Andlangr, Vidblain, Vidfedmir, Hriod, Hlyrnir, Gimir, Vet-Mimir and
Hnikarr- "Instigator". Another name of Odhinn. In Reginsmal he aids Sigurd
by coming aboard his ship and quelling the great storm that was magically sent to
do them ill. (4)
Hnikudr- A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Hnikuth- "(Spear) Thruster". Another name of Odhinn. (4)

Hnoss- "Jewel, Treasure." The daughter of Odhr and Freyja. (O)

Hoddmimir- Another name for Yggdrasill which means "Treasure of Mimir".
Hodhr- The blind god who Loki tricks into killing Baldr who is then, in turn,
killed by Vala in revenge for Baldr's death. (O)
Hodhur- See "Hodhr".
Hoenir- He and Mimir were given as hostages to the Vanir in the settlement to
end the war between the Aesir and the Vanir. Because he continually remained
silent during council and in effect refusing to aid the Vanir in any way, the Vanir
beheaded Mimir and sent his head back to Odhinn in retaliation. He was one of
the gods that was present at the creation of man (the other two were Lodhurr and
Odhinn) and is described as swift and long legged. He will be one of the gods
who will survive Ragnarok. (1)
Hofvarpnir- The name of Gna's horse that can gallop across sea and air.
Offspring of Hamskerpir and Gardrofa. (5)
Hogni- The brother of Gunnar, Gothorrn and Gudhrun. Son of Gjuki. (4)
Holda- The Dark Grandmother. Germanic goddess to whom children who died
as infants go to. (O)
holly- Associates with dark alfs. (3)
honeydew- The dew that falls from Yggdrasill falls to Midhgardhr as
honeydew. (5)
Hor- A rock dwelling dwarf. (5)
horn- In rites and rituals a horn is usually used to hold and drink the blessed
Horn- Another name for Freyja that she uses in her travels in search of her lost
love, Odhr. (5)
The Hornless Cow (Bovine)- See "Audhumla".
horse- The animal that is sacred to Odhinn and Freyr. It was sacrificed to both
of these gods. (O)
Hotherus- See "Hodhr".

howe- a type of Burial mound. (O)

Hraesvelgr- "Corpse-gulper". The name of the etin who sits in the top of
Yggdrasill in the form of an eagle. The winds of the earth are caused when his
etin flaps it's wings. (4) Snorri states that he sits in the extreme most Northern
most portion of the sky. (5)
Hregg-Mimir- (storm-Mimir) See Vindblain. (5)
Hreidmar- Father of Otter, Fafnir and Regin. (1) See also "Otter's Ransom".
Hrid- One of the rivers that runs from the well called Hvergelmir. (5)
Hrimfaxi- "Rime Mane". The name of the horse that brings the night. The
foam from it's bridle bit falls and becomes the morning dew. Hrimfaxi is Nott's
horse. (4)
Hringhorni- The name of Baldr's boat. His funeral pyre was placed on this
boat and it was pushed out to sea while it Burned. (1)
Hriod- (coverer) The name of one of the nine heavens according to Snorri. It is
the fifth. Most likely a late christian addition. (5) See also Vindblain, Andlangr,
Vidblain, Vidfedmir, Hriod, Hlyrnir, Gimir, Vet-Mimir and Skatyrnir.
Hrist- The name of a Valkyrie. (4)
Hronn- See "Aegir's Daughters".
Hrolf Kraki- Son of Yrsa. (4)
Hrodvitnir- Another name for Fenrir. (4)
Hronn- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
Hropt- A name of Odhinn. (4)
Hroptatyr- A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Hrotti- The name of a sword that was in he gold hord of Fafnir the dragon
whom Sigurd did slay. (4)
Hrungnir- "Brawler." A giant who was killed in a duel with Thorr at
Grjotunnagardhar. (1) Said to be the largest and strongest of his kind. (4) He
raced Odhinn on Sleipnir on his horse Gullifaxi. (5) See also "Mokkurkalfi".
Hrungnir's heart- Hrungnir was said to have a stone heart that was pointed
with three corners. A symbol was carved in many standing stones that was called

Hrungnir's heart and it is commonly accepted this symbol is the same as the
Valknot so Hrungnir's heart can be said to be another name for the Valknot. (5)
Hrym- The name of the giant that will captain the boat called Naglfar at
Ragnarok. Other sources say that it is Loki that will helm the boat at Ragnarok.
hugh- See "hugr".
Hugi- Thought. (1)
Huginn- One of the two Ravens that constantly bring information to Odhinn. It
is identified with the self-conscious nature. The other raven is Muninn.
hughr- The hughr is the part of the soul that gives one the ability to think, in
modern Icelandic hugr means simply "mind, imagination or thought". The hughr
is the conscious part of the soul, the thought process. Odhinn's raven, Huginn is
said to reflect this aspect. The hughr is said to go to either the Valhalla, Hel or to
some other godly abode upon death. (O)
hunger- The name of Hel's dish. (O)
Hugstari- A rock dwelling dwarf. (5)
Hvedhrungr- "Roarer?" Another name for Loki. (5)
Hvergelmir- The well from which all the rivers of the world are fed. (O) See
also "Eikthrynir". This well is said to reside in Ginnungagap from the beginning
of time and all the great rivers flow from it. Some of their names are Svol,
Gunnthra, Fiorm, Fimbulthul, Slidr, Hrid, Sylg and Ylg, Vid, Leiptr and Gjoll
which runes next to the gates of Helgardh. (5)
hyde- See "hamr".
Hymir- A giant who went fishing with Thorr for the world serpent. Also said
to be the father of Tyr. (1)
Hymiskvidha- Also known as the Lay of Hymir. A poem in the Poetic Edda
dealing mainly with exploits of the god Thorr. (4)
Hyndla- A giantess who is extremely well versed in genealogies that Freyja
consults in Hyndulyodh. (4)
Hyndulyodh- Also known as the Lay of Hyndla. A poem in the Poetic Edda in
which Freyja consults the giantess Hyndla about the genealogy of Ottar. (4) See
also "Ottar".

Hyrrokkin- When the Elder Kin took Baldr's ship, Hringhorni, and tried to
push it out to sea to use as his funeral pyre they could not move it so they
summoned a giantess named Hyrrokkin who was able to move it off of land out
to sea. She is apparently killed by Thorr at a later time as she is listed among a
group of giants and giantesses that he has slain. (5)
Ialg- Another name for Odhinn. (5)
Ialk- Another name for Odhinn. (5)
ice- One of the two first polar elements in the creation the other being fire. It is
usually attributed to the north. The jotunns sometimes try to advance from their
icy layers to retake the earth (the ice ages) but are always fought back by Ostara.
Idhavollr- Said to the be the center of Vallholl. After Ragnarok the surviving
Elder Kin will gather here and a new Vallholl will be built here. (5) See "Itha
Idi- The brother of Thjazi and Gang, son of Alvaldi. (5)
idis(e)- See "disir".
Idhunn- The Goddess of youth, golden apple giver. The golden apples that she
keeps in her casket are given to the Elder Kin to keep them youthful. Wife of
Bragi. (1)
Ifing- The name of the river that separates the land of the giants from
Asgardhr. It is said to never freeze over for if it did the giants would be able to
cross over it into Asgardhr. (4)
Im- Son of Vafthruthnir. (4)
Ing- A god worshiped in Denmark who is often identified with Freyr. (O)
Ingi- The name of a dwarf. (5)
irminsul- See "yrminsul".
The Iron Forest(Woods)- It is the forest that is situated in the boundary
between Midhgardhr and Jotunheimr which lies to the east of Midhgardhr. (O)
It is often used as a keening for an old and monster infested forest. (4)
ironblast- The name of the bellows that the gods placed underneath the
shoulders of Alsvith and Arvakr, the two horses that pull the chariot of the sun,
to help keep them cool. (5)
Itha Plain- "The Shining Plain". A plain near Asgardhr where the new

Asgardhr will be built after Ragnarok. (4)

Ithi- A giant. (4)
Ivalidi's Sons- A keening for dwarfs or svartalfs. (4) The son's of Ivaldi are
said to have constructed the ship Skidhbladhnir for Freyr. (5)
Jafnhar- Another name of Odhinn. (4)
Jalkr- "Gelding". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Jarnsaxa- Mother of Magni and Modhi by Thorr. (O)
Jarnvidr- The giantess who lives in the Iron forest and gives birth to many
giants who are all in wolf form, including the wolves that chase the Sol and
Mani. (5)
Jolnir- Another name for Odhinn.
Jonakr- A king who was the third husband of Gudhrun. (4)
Jordh- Daughter of Annar and Nott. Mother of Thorr. (O) See also
Jormungandr- "Huge Monster." The Midhgardhr Serpent. The offspring of
Loki and Angrbodha and sibling to Hel and the Fenris Wolf. Jormungandr lies
in the great primal ocean that surrounds Midhgardhr. It is said that he
surrounds Midhgardhr and places it's tail in it's mouth. At Ragnarok Thorr will
slay the serpent but in turn will succumb to it's poisonous breath. (5)
Jormunrekk- The name of the king who was wed to Svanhild and who had her
killed along with his son when his deceitful advisor told him that the two had
slept together. (4)
Joruvellir- A place that is said to be the home of dwarves. (5)
jotunn- A race of giants with great age, strength and occult knowledge. They
have control of the chaotic forces of nature. Also called etins/ etin kin. (O) See
also "etin".
Jotunheimr- One of the Nine Worlds. Home of the jotunns (etins). It is a very
windy place and lies to the east of Midhgardhr. (O) See also "The Iron Forest".
Just-as-High- A name given by Snorri as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Jutland- Denmark. (4)

Kavasir- see "Kvasir"

Kavasir's Blood- A title for the mead of poetry or inspiration. (1)
keening- A poetic device where an object or person is described through other
objects to illustrate certain aspects of the person/object. For example "red sea
flame" is a keening used to describe gold. "Sea Stead" is a keening for a ship. (O)
Keila- "Narrow Fjord." The name of a giantess that Thorr is said to have slain.
Kerlaugs- The name of two rivers that Thorr must wade through to get to the
gathering at the Wyrd Well. (5) See also "Kormt" and "Ormt".
Kiar- King and father to the valkyrie Olrun. (4) See also "Volundarkvidha".
Kili- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
kindred- A group of satrar who have formally come together as a group.
Kjalarr- "Sledge Driver?". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Kjallandi- The name of a giantess that Thorr is said to have slain. (5)
The Knot of the Slain- See "valknot".
Kolga- See "Aegir's Daughters".
Kormt- One of the rivers that Thorr must wade through to get to the gatherings
at the Wyrd Well. (5) See also "Ormt" and "Kerlaugs".
Kvasir- Said to be the wisest of gods. He was made from the saliva of the Aesir
and Vanir as a symbol of their truce. His blood was made into the mead of
poetry when the two Dwarves Fjalarr and Galarr killed him. (1)
The Lady- See "The Lord and Lady".
Laeradr- Another name for Yggdrasill which means "shelterer". (1)
land taking- A ceremony that is performed when ever a tru person moves into
a new home (whether it be renting an apartment or buying a house) or when
land/property is purchased.
Landvidi- The name of Vidharr's hall. (O) See also "Whiteland" or
"Broadland". (O)
Laufey- A jotunn, the mother of Loki, by Farbauti. (4)

The Lay of Grimnir- See "Grimnismal".

The Lay of Vafthruthnir- See "Vafthrudnismal".
Leidhi- "The Hated One?". The name of a giant that is said to have been slain
by Thorr. (5)
Leikn- A giantess that Thorr was said to have killed. (5)
Lettfeti- One of the horses of the Aesir. (5)
Lif- One of the two people who find shelter in the world tree at Ragnarok.
After the destruction ends they will emerge and re-people the earth. The other
name is Lifthrasir. (1)
Lifthrasir- One of the two people who find shelter in the world tree at
Ragnarok. After the destruction ends they will emerge and re-people the earth.
The other name is Lif. (1)
Light-Alf-Home- The home of Freyr, Skirnir and the light alfs. (O) See also
light alfs- The inhabitants of Alfheimr. (1)
Lightless- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call the night.
Lightning- Another name for Thorr's hall. (O) See also "Bilskirnir".
likh- It is the physical human body (physical shell), modern Icelandic preserved
this term to mean "corpse, or dead body". Without the other parts of the soul, the
likh would be as a "corpse", an empty body containing no life. (O)
Lit- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. Snorri says that at funeral pyre, this
dwarf was running in front of Thorr's feet and that Thorr kicked him so that he
landed in the pyre and was Burned up. (5)
Ljossalfheimr- See "Alfheimr".
Logi- Fire. The name of the competitor who out-ate Loki in an eating contest in
the hall of UtgardhaLoki. (1)
Lodhurr- One of the three gods present at the creation of man. The other two
were Odhinn and Hoenir. (1) There has been conjecture that Lodhurr is actually
Loki although this is highly debated. (O)

Loedhing- When the gods decided that the Fenris Wolf needed to be bound
they first tried to bind him with the fetter called Loedhing. Fenrir broke this
fetter and so they tried the fetter called Dromi and he also broke this one before
finally he was not able to break the third fetter called Gleipnir. (5)
Lofn- One of the Asynjur. Among the Aesir, she is said to be able to intercede
for couples in love even if their love had not been approved by Odhinn or Frigg.
Lofnheith- One of the sisters of Regin and Fafnir. (4) See also "Lyngheith".
Loki- Fire bringer. Son of Laufey and Farbauti. He brought fire to mankind.
He is the blood brother of Odhinn. (O) He is very handsome contrary to many of
the depictions seen on the net where he is pictured more like an emaciated David
Bowie. He is extremely cunning and a schemer. (1) After Baldr's death he was
bound to three rocks with the entrails of his son Nari. A snake was placed over
his head that drips poison on his face. His faithful wife Sigyn holds a bowl to
catch the poison so that it doesn't drip on his face. It is said that earthquakes are
caused when she has to empty the bowl and a few drops fall on Loki's face
causing him to writhe in pain. (O) He will remain bound until Ragnarok at which
time he will be released and lead the jotunns in battle against the gods as
steersman of the boat Naglfar. (1) Brother of Byleist and Helblindi. Loki is said
to have given birth to the ancestor of all ogres after eating the half Burned heart
of a woman. (4) See also "Franangr".
Lokasenna- Also known as the Flyting of Loki. A poem in the Poetic Edda in
which Loki insults most of the gods and goddesses in turn, at a feast. (4)
Loptr- Another name for Loki. (4)
The Lord and Lady- This is a title that often refers to Freyr and Freyja.
Love- One of the Six Fold Goals.
Lutr- "The Bent One." The name of a giant that is said to have been slain by
Thorr. (5)
Lyngheith- One of the sisters of Fafnir and Regin. (4) See also "Lofnheith".
Lyngvi- The name of the Island on which the is the lake Amsvartnir and where
the Fenris Wolf was finally bound by the Aesir. (5)
Lytir- A god worshiped by the Swedes. (1)
Magni- Son of Thorr and Jarnsaxa. Brother of Modhi. He taught man how to
forge and fashion bronze. After Ragnarok he, Vali, Baldr and Vidharr will
inherit Asgardhr. (1)

Main- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the gods call the sea. (4)
Managarmr- The name of the wolf that will devour the sun at Ragnarok. It is
thought by some that this wolf is actually Fenrir. (5)
Mani- Son of Mundilfari. He drives the chariot of the moon as does his sister
Sol drive the chariot of the sun. (5) See also "Glenr".
Mardoll- "Shining Across the Sea". Another name for Freyja. (1)
Mask- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the "mighty powers" call the
night. (4)
May Day- A time of general festivities held on May 1st.
mead- The preferred liquid to be used in most Asatru rituals. (O) In
Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Hel-wights call beer. (4)
The Mead of Poetry- Odhinn drank this to gain the inspiration to write
poetry. It is said to have been made from Kvasir's blood. (O)
Meili- "The Lovely One". In Harbarzljodh, Thorr states that this is his brother
and a son of Odhinn. (4)
Menia- One of the servants of Frodhi, the other being Fenia. (5)
Menja- One of two giantess bondmaids who turned the grinder mill in the
poem Grottasongr. The other was Fenja and they were sisters. See "Grotti". (4)
Midhgardhr- "Middle-world". (4) One of the nine worlds. Earth. The home
of man. (O)
The Midhgardhr Serpent- Another name for Jormungandr. (5)
Midhgardhrsormr- See "Jormungandr".
Midsummer- One of the Greatest Blessings. Held on the Summer Solstice
June 21st.
Midhvitnir- A giant and the father of Sokkmimir. Odhinn boasts of killing
Mithvitnir in Grimnismal. (4)
Midwinter- One of the Holy Days. The Winter Solstice. (O)
Might- One of the Six Fold Goals.
The Mighty Winter- See "Fimbulvetr".

Mild Light- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the gods call the moon.
milk- Milk is appropriate to offer to most goddesses and all whites. (3)
Mimameidr- Another name for Yggdrasill which means "Pole of Mimir". (1)
Mimir- He was put to death by the Vanir when the became dissatisfied at
Hoenir's silence in council, but Odhinn kept his head alive in order to ask it
advice because Mimir was considered very wise. He is said to be the wisest of all
the Aesir. Other sources say that he is the guardian of the spring beneath the
World Tree that is in the region of the frost giants. (1)
Mimir's Well- It is said to be in the land of the frost giant's. This area is said
to be in the area that ginnungagap once was. It's waters give wisdom and
understanding and Odhinn gave one of his eyes for one single drought from it.
minni- The minni is the part of the soul that internalizes information as
memories, in modern Icelandic minni means "memory" and is associated with
remembering things. Odhinn's raven Muninn is said to reflect this aspect. (0)
Miskorblindi- The father of the giant Aegir. (4)
Mist- The name of a Valkyrie. (4)
Mist-Calf- A man made of clay that the giants made to assist the giant
Hrungnir in his duel with Thorr. (1) See also Mokkurkalfi .
mistletoe- Freyja got everything in the world to agree not to harm Balder
except for mistletoe, which was too young to offer protection. Loki is said to have
fashioned an arrow out of it that was used to kill Balder. (O)

Mjolnir- The name of Thorr's Hammer. It is often used as a symbol that shows
a person's dedication to the ways of Asatru by wearing it as a pendant on a
necklace. It is often used also in weddings to hallow the bride by laying it on her
lap on one point during the proceedings and is viewed as a symbol of protection.
It is also often used for general hallowing. It was viewed as the greatest of all
treasures by the Aesir and it always returns to Thorr after he throws it. (1)
Modhgudhr- A maid who guards the bridge in the land of the dead that spans
the Resounding river. (1)
Modhi- Son of Thorr and Jarnsaxa and brother of Magni. He taught mankind

how to forge an fashion iron.

Modhvitnir- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Moin- Spawned of Grafvitnir. Aside from the great serpent Nidhoggr, there
are said to be an innumerable amount of snakes there as well at the base of
Yggdrasill. Moin is the name of one of those snakes. (5) See also "Goin",
"Grabak", "Grafvollud", "Ofnir", "Svafnir" and "Grafvitnir".
Mokkurkalfi- "Fog Shin." The name of a giant constructed out of clay and
with the heart of a mare who was constructed to aid Hrungnir by the other
giants. It is said that this giant was terrified when he saw Thorr and wet himself.
Thorr's servant Thjalfi killed Mokkurkalfi. (5)
Moon- See "Mani".
Motsognir- Chief of all dwarfs. (4)
mountains- Many believe that when they die they will pass to the inside of
certain mountains and some Seidhr workers use mountains as a doorway to
contact the dead instead of the grave. Svart Alfs and Dark Alfs are said to live in
mountains. It is also believed that mountains are gateways to Helgardh itself or
to Svartalfaheimr. (O)
Mud- In Alvismal, this is the name by which the gods call Midhgardhr. (4)
Mundilfari- The father of the sun (Sol) and the moon (Mani). (4) See also
Muninn- One of Odhinn's ravens that constantly bring him information from
all around the world. It is said to mirror the sub-conscious aspect. The other
raven is Huginn.
Murk- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the gods call the night. (4)
Muspellheimr- One of the Nine Worlds. The world of the fire giants. (O)
myne- See "minni".
Myrkvith- "Dark Wood". The name of a forest that forms a boundary against
Muspellheim. (4)
Mysing- "Mouse-Grey". The name of the sea king who slew Frothi in the eddic
poem Grottasongr. See "Grotti". (4)
Naglfar- At Ragnarok, this boat filled with jotunns and steered by Loki or
Hrym (depending on which source you consult) will be launched to do battle with
the gods. The boat is made of the nails of dead men. (1) Said to be the largest of

ships. (5)
Naglfari- The first husband of Nott and father through her of Audhr. (O)
Nar- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Nastrond- "Shore of Death." The name of a place in Hel where there is a hall
that is made of the bodies of snakes. Their heads point inwards and spurt poison
that runs in rivers in the halls and oath breakers and murderers are forced to
wade the halls through the rivers of poison according to Snorri. (5)
Nott- "Night". Daughter of Norr and mother by Delling to Dagr. (4) Before
married to Delling, she was married to two others. The first was Naglfari whom
she had a son Audhr with. The second was Annar whom she had a daughter
Jordh with. Nott along with her son Dagr, race across the skies. It takes them
each two days to circle the glove once. Nott's horse is named Hrimfaxi. (O)
Nagrind- Another name for Helgrind. (1)
Nain- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Nal- Another name for Loki's mother Laufey. (5)
Nanna- The wife of Baldr. Mother of Forseti and daughter of Nepr and Sunna.
(O) See "Baldr" and "Hringhorni". (1)
Narfi- Brother of Vali and son of Loki and Sigyn. One of the brothers was
transformed into a wolf and killed the other. That brothers entrails were used to
bind Loki to three stones. (O)
Narfi- A giant who is father to Night. Same as Norr. (5)
Nari- Same as Narfi. (5)
Narvi- See "Narfi".
Nehalennia- A goddess of fertility/plenty and seafaring. Not much is known
about her and the afore mentioned attributes are not entirely certain. (O)
Nepr- The father of Nanna. Not much else is known of him. (5)
Nerthus- Mother Earth. (1) She is the twin sister of Njord and his wife and
mother to Freyr and Freyja. (O)
net- The net is the weapon of Aegir and Ran. When someone drowns at sea
they are said to have been caught in Ran s net. (1)

Nidhafjoll- "Dark Mountains." The name of the mountains in the underworld

from which the dragon Nidhoggr comes. Snorri says that the hall Sindri is here
which is an abode of the dwarves and is made of red gold. (5)
Nidhoggr- The dragon of death that lays coiled at the base of Yggdrasill and
continually gnaws at it's roots. It feeds on corpses. (O)
Nidi- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Niflheim- "The Dark World." And Icy land to the North. (O)
Niflhel- "The Dark Hel". The lowest and darkest area of Helgardh. (4) Said to
be where the most evil of people go to. (5)
Niflungs- A name referring to Gunnar and Hogni. (5)
Night- At the creation the gods sent day and night to race across the skies in
chariots drawn by swift horses. (1) Night is the daughter of the giant Narfi and
the wife of Naglfari. (5) See also "Nott" and "Hrimfaxi".
Nikar- Another name for Odhinn. (5)
Nikuz- Another name for Odhinn. (5)
The Nine Noble Virtues- Nine virtues that every Asatruar should strive to
make real in their lives. There are various versions. The version used by the
Midhnott Sol Kindred is called the Code of Nine. The nine are To Protect, To
Honor, To Flourish, Knowledge, Change, Fairness, Balance, Control and Conflict.
For more information on the code of nine see the Midhnott Sol Kindred at
http://www.waywyrd/midnhott_sol/training/basic/codeof9.html (O)
The Nine Waves- They were conceived without a father and they gave birth to
Heimdallr. (O) It is also said that they are the daughters of Aegir. (1)
The Nine Worlds- The nine worlds that rest in the branches of the World tree.
The nine worlds are- Midhgardhr, our own world and the axis for the other
eight. To the east is Jotunheimr, the home of the giants. To the west is
Vanaheimr, the home of the Vanir. South is Muspellheimr the home of the fire
giants. North is Niflheim, the land of the ice giants. Northwest is Ljossalfheimr,
the world of the light alfs and of Freyr. Northeast is Asgardhr, the home of the
Aesir. Southeast is Svartalfaheimr, the home of the Svartalfs or Dwarfs.
Southwest is Helgardh or Helheim, the land of the dead and the domain of Hela.
Nipping- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Nithoth- The name of the king who imprisons Volund the smith. (4) See also

Njordh- One of the Vanir. Father of Freyr and Freyja. God of the seas and
ships. His feet are the most beautiful of all the gods. He controls the waves of the
seas and can bring wealth to those who make a living fishing or by sea faring. (1)
His weapon is the ax. Husband of Skadhi. (O) Snorri says that he rules over the
motion of the wind and moderates sea and fire. God of chariots. (5) See also
Njorth- See "Njordh".
Noatun- The home of Njordh. It means "enclosure of ships". (O) See also
Nonn- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
Nord- See "Njord".
Nordhri- The name of one of the dwarfs that hold up the four corners of
Ymir's skull (the sky). Their names are Austri, Vestri, Nordhri and Sudri. Their
names mean North, South, East and West. (5)
Nori- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Norfi- See "Narfi".
The Norns- The Norns are some what comparable to the three fates though
there are differences. They are three sisters, sometimes called the "Wyrd
Sisters". There names are Urdhr (that which has become), Verdandi (that which
is becoming) and Skuld (that which should become.) For those who have the
sight: Urdhr is mother to Skuld who is mother to Verdandi. (O) Their names
mean fate (Urdhr), being (Verdandi) and necessity (Skuld). (1) According to
Snorri, the norns that are said to visit some children after they are born to impart
wyrd upon them are different from the norns Urdhr, Verdandi and Skuld. These
other norns are said to be of varying races, some are descended from the Aesir,
some descended from alfs and some from Svartalfs. (5)
Norr- A giant. Father of Nott. (4) Same as Narfi. (5)
Not- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
Nott- "Night". Daughter of Norr and mother by Delling to Dagr. (4) Before
married to Delling, she was married to two others. The first was Naglfari whom
she had a son Audhr with. The second was Annar whom she had a daughter
Jordh with. Nott along with her son Dagr, race across the skies. It takes them
each two days to circle the glove once. Nott's horse is named Hrimfaxi. (O)
Nyi- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)

Nyr- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)

Nyrad- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Nyt- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
oak- The wood from this tree is sacred to Thorr. (O)
oath ring- An arm ring or band or a finger ring is commonly used to swear
oaths on. (1)
Oddrunargratr- A poem in the Poetic Edda. (4)
Odhr- The beautiful and strong god who Freyja fell in love with. After one
night together Odhr left and Freyja searched for him but could not find him. She
began to weep and her tears turned into gold where they hit the ground and into
amber where they hit a tree. Odhr is the father of Gnoss. (O)
odhr- The odhr is the part of ond that carries the wode. It is inspiration-that
feeling of aha! that we all get from time to time. It is the life giving soul principle.
Odhinn- Chief of the gods. God of inspiration and ecstasy, battle and death.
He hung on the World Tree for nine days to obtain the wisdom of the Runes.
Father of Baldr, Thorr and Vala. Along with Lodhurr and Hoenir he was one of
three gods that was present at the creation of man. (1) Aesir god of victory,
poetry, knowledge, wisdom and cures. Husband of Frigg. (O) Eldest son of
Borr. (4)
Odhinn's sacrifice- Those killed in battle are called "Odhinn's sacrifice."
Odhinn's spear- See "Gungnir".
Odroerir- The name of one of the containers of the mead of inspiration that
the giantess Gunnlodh guarded. (4) See also "Bodn" and "Son".
Ofnir- "The Entangler". Another name for Odhinn. (4)
Ofnir- Aside from the great serpent Nidhoggr, there are said to be an
innumerable amount of snakes there as well at the base of Yggdrasill. Ofnir is
the name of one of those snakes. (5) See also "Goin", "Grabak", "Grafvollud",
"Moin", "Svafnir" and "Grafvitnir".
ogres- Fearful beings that Loki bore after eating the half Burned heart of a
woman. (4)

Oin- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)

Oku-Thorr- Another name for Thorr that is given by Snorri and is said by him
to mean "driving-Thorr." (5)
Olrun- A valkyrie and daughter of the king Kier. She was married to Egil but
after seven years she left him to take on the duties of a valkyrie. (4) See also
Olvaldi- See "Alvaldi."
Omi- A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Onar- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
ondh- It is the animating life breath. The ondh carries the wode. (O)
Ori- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf and also a rock dwelling dwarf. (5)
Ormt- One of the rivers that Thorr must wade through to get to the gatherings
at the Wyrd Well. (5) See also "Kormt" and "Kerlaugs".
Oski- "Wish Fulfiller?". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Oskopnir- See "Vigridhr".
Othinn- See "Odhinn".
Ottar- In Hyndulyodh, Ottar wages with Angantyr that he has a more royal
and regal bloodline. Freyja turns Ottar into a boar and rides to consult the
giantess Hyndla who has great knowledge of royal genealogies. Freyja get's
Hyndla to state Ottar's genealogy in front of the boar (Ottar transformed.) (4)
Otter's ransom- Odhinn, Hoenir and Loki were traveling around one day
when Loki saw an otter feeding on a fish. Loki threw a stone at, it killing it. Later
the gods took shelter at the home of Hreidmar who they later found out was the
father of the otter, for the otter was actually his son in disguise. Compensation
was demanded by Hreidmar and his two other sons Fafnir and Regin. Loki took
the treasure of a dwarf named Andvari and gave it to them. The treasure
included a gold ring which would bring it's wearer wealth but would also doom
them if it were anyone else wearing it besides the dwarf. Fafnir and Regin
murdered their father because of their greed. Fafnir turned himself into a dragon
that sat upon the pile of treasure. Regin tried to trick the hero Sigurd into
slaying Fafnir but his treachery was discovered and Sigurd slew them both.
Although Sigurd gained the Treasure (which included the ring) he later came to
bad end also. (1)
pig- See "sow".

Poetic Edda- See "Edda".

Prose Edda- See "Edda".
Radgrid- The name of a Valkyrie. (5)
Radhgridhr- The name of a Valkyrie. (4)
Radsvin- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Ragnarok- The end times in which the final battle between the jotunns and the
gods in which most of the gods will perish. Bifrost bridge will be shattered
beneath the weight of the attacking Fire Giants. Odhinn will lead the chosen
champions to battle on the plain of Vigridhr. Odhinn is slain by Fenrir who is
then slain by Odhinn's son Vidharr, Thorr and the World Serpent will slay each
other, Tyr slays Garm but does not survive and Heimdall conquers Loki but does
not survive either. Surtr kills Freyr and spreads fire across all the world,
destroying all life. This is not the end because the sons of the great gods still live
and two beings who were sheltered in the World Tree emerge to re-people the
world. (1) Baldr, Vala, Vidharr and Magni will be the new rulers of the new
world. (O)
Rain Carriers- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the gods call the
clouds. (4)
Rain Hope- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call the
clouds. (4)
The Rainbow Bridge- Another name for Bifrost Bridge. (O) See "Bifrost
Bridge" for more info.
Ran- Goddess of the sea. Husband of Aegir. Her weapon is the net. All people
who die by drowning are said to have been caught in Ran's net. It is said that if is
good to have some gold on one s person if one was drowned so that you could
have a gift to give Ran and Aegir when arriving at their hall. (1)
Randgrith- The name of a Valkyrie. (4)
Ratatoskr- A squirrel that resides in the branches of Yggdrasill. This squirrel
constantly runs back and forth between the eagle that sits atop Yggdrasill and
the snake that continually gnaws at the roots of Yggdrasill carrying insults from
one to the other. (1)
Rati- The name of the auger that Odhinn used to drill a hole through the
mountain in which was the cave of Suttungr and the mead of poetry. Odhinn
then transformed himself into a snake and crawled into the cave. (5)

raven- A symbol of Odhinn. It is said that Odhinn has two ravens, Huginn and
Muninn that constantly bring him news from the world at all times.
reading- The part of a ritual in which a mythic-poetic text is recited in order to
place the gathering into a mythic time/place and to engage into the mythic flow
of timelessness.
red gold- Gold is commonly called red gold in the lore. (O)
rede- The part of the ritual in which the purpose for the ritual is stated.
Refil- The name of Regin's sword. (5)
Regin- Son of Hreidmar and brother of Otter and Fafnir. (1) See also "Otter's
Reginleif- The name of a Valkyrie. (4)
Reginsmal- "The Lay of Regin". A poem in the Poetic Edda which tells of
"Otters Ransom", and how Regin tries to convince Sigurd to slay the dragon
Fafnir. (4)
Rekk- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Right- One of the Six Fold Goals.
Rig- In Voluspa and Rigsthula Heimdall is known as Rig. (O)
Rigsthula- Also known as the lay of Rig. A poem in the Poetic Edda that
describes how Rig fathers the three classes, Thrall, Freeman and Ruler. (4)
Rindr- An etin. Mother of Vali by Odhinn. Vali's purpose for being born was
to avenge Baldr's death by killing Hodhr. (O)
Ring of the Niflungs- Another name for the ring Draupnir. (4)
Roarer- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call the wind. (4)
Roskva- Servant of Thorr, sister of Thjalfi. (1)
Rota- Gunn, Rota and the norn, Skuld always ride to the battle together to
choose who will be slain according to Snorri. (5)
Saeg- The name of the tub that Bil and Hjuki were carrying when Mani took
them. (5) See also "Byrgir" and "Simul".

Saemundr Edda- See "Edda".

Saga- "Seeress". The goddess who is said to drink with Odhinn in Sokkvabekkr.
It is thought that since here name means "Seeress" and that Frigg is also called
seeress that Saga may actually be another name for Frigg. (4)
sal- See "Salfr".

sal(fr)- The salfr is the vital part of the soul that encompasses other parts to
make ones "self". It is all the parts of the soul as a whole, the whole person so to
speak. (O)
San- A name given my Snorri as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Sanngetall- "Truthfinder". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Sath- "The Truthful". Another name of Odhinn. (4)
Sif- The wife of Thorr. Her hair is beautiful, long and made of pure gold. (1)
Mother of Thrudhr by Thorr and mother of Ullr by an unnamed person. (5)
Sindri- A dwarf who along with his brother Brokkr constructed many of the
Elder Kin s greatest treasures including Gungnir and Mjollnir. (5)
Sea Quite- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the gods call a calm
windless day. (4)
Seaweed-o f-slopes- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Helwights call wood. (4)
Sehrimmnir- "Sooty Black". The boar of Valhalla. Each day in Valhalla, this
boar is killed and eaten by the einherjar at their nightly feasts. The next day he is
found at the edge of the woods alive and whole ready to be slaughtered and eaten
again. (O)
seidhr (seidh)- The vanic way of doing magic, often compared to shamanism.
Although this is not entirely correct there are many similarities. Although it uses
elements of Shamanism it is not Shamanism. Seidhr is more geared towards
magical working than is spae-craft and has a more negative reputation although
this may be solely because of the fact that the kristians tried to dissuade this craft
by slandering it. (O)
Seidhmenn- Title of one who fares forth using the seidhr. (O)
Seidhkonur- Another title of one who fares forth using seidhr. (O)

Sekin- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This river
is one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
Sessrumnir- Freyja's hall, which is located in Folkvangr. (O)
Shield Maiden- A keening for a valkyrie. (4)
Shining Home- Another name for Forseti's hall. (O) See also "Glitnir". Other
sources have it as Odhinn's hall. (O) See also "Gladhsheimr", "High Seat" and
Shipyard- Another name for Njordhr's hall. (O) See also "Noatun".
shope- In ceremonies the shope is the person who is responcible for all
speaking parts that involve the setting of the mythic and social context. see also
"theal" and "goodman"
Siar- A rock dwelling dwarf. (5)
sick bed- The name of Hel's bed. (O)
Sid- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This river is
one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
Siddhottr- "Long-Hat". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Sidhgrani- "Long Beard". Another name of Odhinn. (4)
Sidhhottr- "Long Hood". Another name of Odhinn. (4)
Sidhskeggr- "Long Beard". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Sif- Wife of Thorr and mother to Thrudhr. Her hair is made of pure gold and
grows like normal hair. This happened because Loki had cut all her hair off and
Thorr threatened to break every bone in his body if he did not find a replacement
for her hair, so he went to the dwarves Sindri and Brokkr and had them make her
golden hair. (5)
Sigdrifa- The name of the valkyrie that Sigurd awakens in poem Sigdrifumal
after Odhinn had pricked her with the sleep-Thorn as punishment for slaying
Hjalmgunnar in battle whom Odhinn had supported. (4)
Sigdrifumal- "The Lay of Sigdrifa". The name of a poem in the Poetic Edda in
which Sigurd awakens the sleeping valkyrie Sigdrifa. (4)
Sigfather- "The father of Victory". Another name for Odhinn. (4)

Sigfadhir- "Father of Victory". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names.

Sigfodhr- Same as "Sigfadhir". (5)
Sigmund- Son of Sigurd, whom Odhinn gave a special sword. When he died
Odhinn shattered the sword with his spear. It was later reforged for his son. (1)
Father of Helgi. (4)
Sigrun- A Valkyrie. (1)
Sigurd- The true love of the valkyrie Brynhildr (as opposed to her husband).
Father of Sigmund and Svanhild by Gudhrun. Odhinn also gave Sigurd a horse
(Grani) that was bread from Sleipnir. (1) See also "King Gunnar", "Sigmund"
and "Otter's ransom". (1)
Sigrun- Daughter of the King Hogni who later became the valkyrie Svava and
lover of Helgi. (4) See also"Otter's ransom".
Sigtr- Son of Borr.
Sigurdarkvidha kin Skamma- "The Short Lay of Sigurd". A poem in the
Poetic Edda, dealing with Brynhildr's taking of her own life after she causes the
death of her love Sigurd. (4)
Sigyn- The wife of Loki. Mother of Nari and Narfi. She holds a cup that
catches the poison that threatens to drop on Loki's face ever since he was bound.
The Silent One- A title of Hoenir. (1)
Silfrtopp- One of the horses of the Aesir. (5)
Simul- The name of the pole that Bil and Hjuki where carrying the tub called
Saeg on when Mani took them. (5) See also "Byrgir" and "Saeg".
Sindri- A dwarf, brother of Brokk and Awl. Brokk and Sindri made many of
the Elder Kin's most precious treasures. (5) See also "Brokk".
Singasteinn- The name of a place visited by Heimdallr, possibly where he
contended with Loki over Brisingamen. (5)
Sinir- One of the horses of the Aesir. (5)
The Six Fold Goal- Six goals that every tru man and woman should have for
themselves and their community. They are- Right, W isdom, Might, Harvest,
Frith and Love.

Sjofn- One of the Asynjur. A goddess who turns peoples minds to love both
men and women. (5)
Skadhi- "Scathe". Etin wife of Njordhr. Daughter of the giant Thjazi. She is
often depicted with snow shoes and a bow, (1) Her hall is Thrymheimr and is in
the snow covered mountains. (O) See also "Thjazi".
Skafinn- The name of a dwarf. (5)
Skatyrnir- (rich-wetter) The name of one of the nine heavens according to
Snorri. It is the highest of the nine. Most likely a late kristian addition. (5) See
also Vindblain, Andlangr, Vidblain, Vidfedmir, Hriod, Hlyrnir, Gimir, and VetMimir.
Skeggjold- The name of a Valkyrie. (4)
Skeidbrimir- One of the horses of the Aesir. (5)
Skidhbladhnir- The name of the boat that was given to Freyr as a gift by the
Dwarfs. It can sail equally well on land or water. It is large enough for all the
gods and goddesses including their gear and it has a favorable breeze any time
the sails are raised. It can be folded up like a cloth and kept in one's pocket. (1)
Skilfingr- "The One Who Lives on a Mountain". A name given as one of
Odhinn's many names. (5)
Skinfaxi- "Shining Mane". The name of the horse that draws the sun. (4)
Skirnir- Loyal Servant and best friend of Freyr. (1)
Skirnismal- In the Poetic Edda, a poem describing how Skirnir, is only able to
obtain the hand of Gerdh for Freyr, through threats and curses. (4)
Skirpir- The name of a dwarf. (5)
Skjold- Son of Odhinn and husband of Gefjon , father of Fridleif and ancestor
to the Skjoldungs. (4)
Skjoldungs- A dynasty of Danish kings of the 4th and 5th century who are said
to be the ancestors of Skjold. (4)
Skogul- A Valkyrie. (4)
Skoll- "Mockery". The wolf that daily chases the sun. (4) See also "Hati".
Skrymir- A disguise taken on by UtgardhaLoki-Loki, to fool Thorr and Loki
during their trip to the Hall of UtgardhaLoki. (1)

Skuld- One of the three Norns. She oversees that which should be . See "The
Slagfith- Brother of Volund. (4) See also "Volundarkvidha".
Sleep's Ease- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the alfs call the
night. (4)
sleep-Thorn- Said to be a Thorn on which runes are scratched so that anyone
scratched with it would fall into a never-ending magical slumber until awakened.
Sleipnir- Odhinn's horse. It was said to be the fastest horse in all the world
and that he appeared to have eight legs when he ran. It was given to him as a gift
by Loki. (O) Loki, in the form of a mare gave birth to the grey stallion with eight
legs by Svadhilfari, this stallion being Sleipnir. (5)
Slidr- One of the rivers that runs from the well called Hvergelmir. (5)
Slidhrugtanni- "The One With the Dangerously Sharp Tusks." Another name
for Freyr's golden boar, GullinBurrsti given by Snorri. (5)
Snorri's Edda- See "Edda".
Snorri Sturluson- An Icelandic scholar and politician that lived from the late
1100's until the mid 1200's. He is responcible for compiling the Prose Edda as
well as various other sagas and lore. (O)
Snotra- One of the Asynjur. Among the Elder Kin she is said to be wise and
courteous. Not much else is said of her. (5)
Sokkmimir- "Mimir the Deep". Son of the giant Midhvitnir. Odhinn
mentions that he killed Sokkmimir's father in Grimnismal. (O)
Sokkvabekkr- In Grimnismal the hall that belongs to both Odhinn and Saga
but in Gylfaginning it belongs only to Saga. (4)
Sol- Daughter of Mundilfari who drives the chariot of the sun, along with her
brother, Mani who drives the chariot of the moon. (5) See also "Glenr".
Son- The name of one of the containers of the mead of inspiration that the
giantess Gunnlodh guarded. (4) See also "Bodn" and "Gunnlodh".
son of the earth- A name used often for Thorr. (1)
son's of Suttungr- A keening for giants. (4)

the soul- The soul is made up of various parts. Some of the major parts arethe likh, the hamr, the fylgja, the ondhr, the fetch, the dhr, the hughr, the minni,
the hamingja, and the slfr. (O) See also "ferth".
sow- The animal that is sacred to Freyja.
spae- A term that is some times used to describe helpful wights. Also used to
describe someone (usually female) who performs divination. (O)
spae-craft- The art of seeing that which others can not see and or seeing what
the future will bring. Has some aspects that are in common with shamanism. It
is usually seen in a more positive light than seidhr and is prophetic in nature.
The word Spae is also used as a descriptive term for helpful wights. (O)
spae-speech- A form of possession in which the person hands over control of
their body to a spirit or god/goddess who then speaks through the person. (O)
spae-wife- One (female) who practices spae-craft. (O)
Speeder- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call the moon.
Splendor- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the dwarfs call the
moon. (4)
stall- An indoor harrow is sometimes called a stall.
Starkardhr- The name of a giant that was said to have been slain by Thorr.
Stram of Time and Events- Another name for Saga's hall. (O) See also
Stumbling block- The name of the threshold entrance to Eliudnir. (O)
stumbling horse- A horse that stumbles is a very ill sign for the rider of the
horse. Some believed that it portended the death of the rider. (O)
Sudri- The name of one of the dwarfs that hold up the four corners of Ymir's
skull (the sky). Their names are Austri, Vestri, Nordhri and Sudri. Their names
mean North, South, East and West. (5)
Sultry- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call a calm
windless day. (4)
The Sumble- The sumble is a kind of ritual toasting ceremony. It is an
imitation of the ritual feasts held by the gods and goddesses in Asgardhr.

Summer Finding- One of the Holy Days. The Spring Equinox. (O)
Sun- See "Sol".
Sun Light- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the gods call the sun.
The Sun Wheel- The Swastika. A symbol of the eternal cycle. The Sun Wheel
was used by the Nazi's but it is a holy symbol that existed long before these
vargrs tried to use it for their own evil purposes.
Sunna- See "Sol".
Surtr- A fire giant who resides in Muspellheimr. He will be one of the few
survivors at the battle at Ragnarok. He will cover the earth in flames destroying
all life. He will come by land and cross Bifrost to storm Asgardhr. (1)
Suttungr- Son of the giant Gilling. He forced the dwarfs who had made the
mead of inspiration to give it up to him because they had killed his father. (1)
Brother of the giant Baugi and father of the giantess Gunnlodh , who guarded the
mead of inspiration before Odhinn stole it away. (4)
Svafnir- "He who lulls to dream". Another name for Odhinn. (4)
Svafnir- Aside from the great serpent Nidhoggr, there are said to be an
innumerable amount of snakes there as well at the base of Yggdrasill. Svafnir is
the name of one of those snakes. (5) See also "Goin", "Grabak", "Grafvollud",
"Moin", "Ofnir", and "Grafvitnir".
Svalin- The name of a shield that is between the sun and the land and sea. If
this shield were not between the earth and the sun, the suns heat would destroy
everything on land and in the seas. (4)
Svanhild- The daughter of Gudhrun and Sigurd. (4)
Svarang- "The Clumsy One". A giant but "Svarang's Sons" is also used as a
keening for giants. (4)
Svarinshaug- A place that is said to be the home of dwarves. (5)
Svartalf- Also known as Dwarf's- the metal workers of the underworld. Their
home is usually in mountains. (O)
Svartalfaheimr- The realm of the Dwarfs or svartalfs. It lies between
Midhgardhr and Helgardh. All the dead must pass through it to get to Helgardh
as does anyone who travels between Midhgardhr and Helgardh. Dark Alfs are
said to live in mountains along with Svart Alfs. (O)

Svasuth- The father of summer. (4)

Svava- A valkyrie and lover of the king Helgi. (4) See also "Sigrun".
Svidar- Another name for Odhinn. (5)
Svidhrir- "Spear-god?". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Svidhurr- A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Svidilfari- The name of the marvelous horse that helped a giant to build the
walls of Asgardhr. After Loki lured the great stallion away in the form of a mare
the giant was unable to finish the wall in the time he had promised and was slain
by Thorr. Svidilfari fathered Sleipnir with Loki in the form of the mare. (1)
Svinn- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
Svipall- "The Changeable". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Svivor- The name of a giantess that is said to have been slain by Thorr. (5)
Svol- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This river
is one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
Syn- Among the Elder Kin, she is said to guard the entrances to the halls during
assemblies and acts in defense of matters she wishes to refute. (?) (5)
Syr- Another name for Freyja that she uses in her travels in search of her lost
love, Odhr. (5)
swan- The bird sacred to Odhr, Freyja and Frigg. (O) There are two swans
that feed from the Well of Wyrd and all swans on Midhgardhr are said to be
descended from these two swans. (5)
swan bag- It is said that a valkyrie has a swan skin or swan bag that she dons
to fare forth to battles. It is said that if one can sneak up on them and steal their
swan skins that a man could have her for his wife as long as he holds the swan
skins but even then they eventually return to that which they are naturally. (5)
swan maiden- Another name for a valkyrie. (5)
swan skin- See "swan bag."
swastika- See "The Sun Wheel".
Sylg- One of the rivers that runs from the well called Hvergelmir. (5)

Tanngnjostr- "Teeth-grinder." The name of one of Thorr's goats, the other

being Tanngrisnir. They draw the chariot that he drives.(5)
Tanngrisnir- "Teeth-barer." The name of one of Thorr's goats, the other
being Tanngnjostr. They draw the chariot that he drives.(5)
Teller of Time- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the alfs call the
moon. (4)
theal- In a ceremony the theal is the person who is responcible for all speaking
parts that involve calling on the divine powers and distributing their blessings.
see also "shope" and "goodman"
Thekkr- "The Well-Liked One". A name given as one of Odhinn's many
names. (5)
Thekkr- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
thing- A legal assembly that was held at certain times each year.
Thing's Tide- One of Holy days celebrated usually around August 23rd.
Thjalfi- Brother of Roskva and servant of Thorr. (1)
Thjatsi- See "Thjazi".
Thjazi- Son of Alvaldi, brother of Idi and Gang. The giant father of Skadhi.
He forced Loki to help him kidnap Idhunn and was eventually killed for it.
Skadhi went to Asgardhr to demand compensation and through a series of
events ended up marrying Njordhr. Thjazi's eyes were thrown into the heavens
by Odhinn and became starts as part of the compensation payed to Skadhi for her
fathers death. (1)
Thjodhnuma- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir
Third- A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
thjodhunni- The folk, those who follow Asatru. (O)
Thjodvitnir- Another name for Fenrir, given in Grimnismal. (4)
Thokk- Upon Balder's death Hel said that she would release Balder if
everything in the world would weep for him which did happen except for one
giantess named Thokk. There is conjecture that Thokk was actually Loki in
disguise. (1)

Tholl- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
Thorin- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Thorr- The warrior god who, wielding Mjolnir, is the defender of Asgardhr and
Midhgardhr. It is "Thorr's Hammer" that many wear as a pendant as symbol of
their dedication to the ways of Asatru. Eldest son of Odhinn and Jordhr. He
drives a chariot drawn by goats and has three great treasures. Mjollnir, a belt
that doubles his strength and two iron gloves which he uses to wield Mjollnir. He
is said to be the son of the earth and is depicted as a large powerful man with a
red beard. (1)
Thorr's Hammer- Usually wore as a pendant on a necklace to show that the
wearer is tru to the way's of Asatru. It is also generally considered an amulet of
warding/protection. See also "Mjolnir".
Thorgerdhr Holgabrudhr- A Vanir goddess that, according to Saxo is
supposed the be the wife of one of Freyr's kinfolk. (1)
Thrivaldi- "The Three Mighty". The name of a giant that Thorr is said to have
slain. In various passages the giant is described as having as many as nine heads
or as few as three. (5)
Throng- Another name for Freyja. (5)
Throin- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Thror- "The Thriving One.". Another name that Odhinn uses while attending
Things. (4)
Thror- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Thrudgelmir- The Asexually produced son of Ymir who does battle with Buri
at the creation. He also produces Bergelmir and Laufey. (O)
Thrudhr- Daughter of Thorr and Sif. (O)
Thrudhr- The name of a valkyrie that serves the einherjar. It is not clear if
this valkyrie is the same person as Thorr's and Sif's daughter. (O)
Thrudhheimr- "Power House." The home of Thorr. (5) See also
Thrudhvangr- "Power Field." Snorri gives this as the residence of Thorr
although in other sources it is called Thrudhheimr. Thorr's hall Bilskirnir is said
to be hear. (5)

Thrudhgelmir- See "Thrudgelmir".

Thrymr- "The Noisy". The giant who stole Thorr's hammer. The giant
demanded that he have Freyja as his wife in exchange for returning the hammer.
Thorr disguised as Freyja and accompanied by Loki went to Jotunheimr to the
wedding feast where he eventually regained his hammer and killed Thrymr and
all his wedding party. (1)
Thrymheimr- The name of Skadhi's hall. It is located in the snow covered
mountains. (O)

Thrymskvidha- Also known as the Lay of Thrymr. A poem in the Poetic Edda
describing the ends that Thorr must go to, to retrieve Mjolnir after it has been
stolen by the giant Thrymr. (4) See also "Thrymr".
Thyn- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
thule- The male version of a spae-wife or a male seidhr. (O)
Thunar- see "Thorr". (O)
Thund- "The Roaring One". The name of the river that runs in front of
Vallholl. (4)
Thunder Home- Another name for Skadhi's hall. (O) See also
Thundr- "Swell?". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Thuth- Another name for Odhinn. (4)
Thviti- The name of the great stone that the elder kin used to drive Gjoll, the
rock that Fenrir is chained to, deep into the earth. (5) See also "Fenrir".
tine- In rites and rituals it is a twig, usually from an evergreen tree, that is
primarily used to sprinkle the harrow and kindred with the holy liquid.
Tiw(az)- See "Tyr".
tooth fee- A gift given to an infant when they cut their first tooth. (O)
Trithi- "The Third". Another name for Odhinn. (4)
Troth- A word basically meaning loyalty. A person who is loyal to the Elder Kin
is said to be in troth with them.

tru e fo lk ( to be tru ) ( tru ) - This is a term describing people who are Asatru
or True to the Aesir. Someone who worships the Aesir and Vanir is tru. The
word tru means "loyalty". (O)
Tveggi- "The Double." A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Tyr- Aesir god. The god of law, order and justice. Son of Hymir.
Udhr- See "Aegir's Daughters".
Ullr- Vanir god. A god famous as an archer and skier. He is called "The god of
the shield". He is often depicted with snow shoes and a bow. (1) He is the son of
Sif and stepson to Thorr. He is said to be a better shot than anyone else. (5)
The Undines- What the many daughters of Ran and Aegir are called. They
have dominion over parts of the water. They are as many as the waves of the
ocean. (O)
Unn- A name given by Snorri as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Upper-World- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the etins call the
skies. (4)
Urdhr- One of the three Norns. See "The Norns".
Utgardhr- The name of the hall of UtgardhaLoki. (5)
UtgardhaLoki- A giant who is the king of Utgardh. (1)
Uth- Another of Odhinn's names. (4)

Vafthrudnismal- In the Poetic Edda, a poem where Odhinn has a battle of

wits with the giant Vafthruthnir. (4)
Vafthruthnir- Father of Im. A giant who challenges Odhinn to a battle of wits
with the loser losing his head. Vafthruthnir loses more than the contest in the
end. (4)
Vafudhr- "Wind". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Vak- "Wakeful". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (4)
Vakr- A name given as one of Odhinn's many names by Snorri, possibly the
same as Vak. (5)
Vala- The son of Odhinn and Rindr whose sole purpose for being brought into

being was to avenge Balder's death by killing the blind god Hodhr. He is said to
be almost as good a shot as Ullr. He is called the Avenger and his name means
"slayer". God of vengeance, rebirth, light, and love. After Ragnarok he along
with Baldr, Magni and Vidharr will inherit Asgardhr. (1) He slew Hodhr while
only one day old. It is said that he would not wash his hands nor comb his hair
until he avenged Baldr's death. (4) See also "Boe".
Valaskjalf- One of Odhinn's halls in Asgardhr. It is said to have a roof of silver
and Odhinn's high seat, Hlidskjalf, from which he could see all the worlds at
once is here. (1) See also "Hall of Silver".
Valfather- "Father of the Battle Slain". A name of Odhinn. (4)
Valgrind- Another name for Helgrind. (1)
Vallholl(a)- "Hall of the Slain". One of Odhinn's hall in Asgardhr. It is here
where half of all warriors slain in battle come to after death. The warriors do
battle each day and at night those that had fallen in battle that day rise again and
they all enjoy a great feast on pork that never runs out and mead from the udders
of Heidhrun. (1) It is said that there are 540 doors in Vallholl. (5)
valknot- Also called "The Knot of the Slain". Three interlaced triangles is used
as the symbol of Odhinn. Some times three interlaced drinking horns are used in
the place of the triangles. There are several variations on the basic form. It
symbolizes the power of Odhinn to bind and unbind the soul.
Vali- See "Vala".
Vali- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Vali- Snorri gives this as one of the names of Loki's sons. He gives the two
sons names as Vali and Nari or Narfi. (5) See also "Narfi."
valkyries (valkyrjar)- Shield-maidens of Odhinn who carry the horns of
mead to the slain warriors at their nightly feasts in Valhalla. They also travel to
Midhgardhr to decide the outcome of battles and summon fallen warriors to
Valhalla. The name "valkyrie" means "chooser of the slain".(1) See also
Valley of Yews- Another name of Ullr's hall. (O) See also "Ydalir".
Van- see "Vanir"
Van- The name of a river. When Fenrir was bound the Elder Kin propped a
sword in his mouth and the spittle from his mouth is what forms this river.(4)
Vanadis- Another name for Freyja. (O)

Vanaheimr- The World of the Vans. (O)

Vanargandr- "The Monster of the River Van." Another name for the Fenris
Wolf. (5)
Vanir- The gods and goddesses who govern natural cycles and biology. They
are the polar compliments of the Aesir. (O)
Vanatru- A faith in the same family of religions as Asatru in which the
followers concentrate on following the Vanir as opposed to the Aesir. (O)
Var- "Beloved" One of the Asynjur. Among the Elder Kin, it is she who oversees
oaths and especially between men and women. Her name is called as a blessing
at marriages. (4)
Vargr- A word meaning outcast. It is also a word for "wolf" in some forms of
Old Germanic. (O)
Vartari- The name of the thong that was used to stitch up Loki's mouth after he
had lost his water with Brokk and Sindri. (5) See also "Brokk".
Vasadh- Father of Vindsval and grandfather of winter. (4)
Vathgelmir- A river in Hel. (4)
Vedrfolnir- The name of the hawk that sits on the between the eyes of the
eagle that sits atop Yggdrasill. (5)
Veg- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
Vegtam- "The Wayfarer". The name Odhinn gives as his own in Baldr's
Draumar. (4)
Vegtamskvida- See "Baldr's Draumar".
Ve(h)- Also called Weh. The son of Borr and brother of Odhinn and Vili. He,
along with his two brothers formed mankind out of the organic material of trees.
Ve also means "sacred enclosure" and was used by those worshiping the Vanir
very often. It was basically a secret grove of trees or similar area in which the
worship of the Vanir took place. (O)
Venom- The first etin is said to have sprung from drops of venom. (4)
Veratyr- "Tyr of Mankind". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Verdandi- One of the three Norns. She oversees the present. See "The Norns".

Verland- "Land of Men". Another name for Midhgardhr. (4)

Vestri- The name of one of the dwarfs that hold up the four corners of Ymir's
skull (the sky). Their names are Austri, Vestri, Nordhri and Sudri. Their names
mean North, South, East and West. (5)
Vet-Mimir- (winter-Mimir) The name of one of the nine heavens according to
Snorri. It is the eighth. Most likely a late kristian addition. (5) See also
Vindblain, Andlangr, Vidblain, Vidfedmir, Hriod, Hlyrnir, Gimir, Vet-Mimir
and Skatyrnir.
Vid- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir. This river is
one of the rivers that flows through Asgardhr. (5)
Vidblain- (wide-dark) The third heaven said to be above the second heaven,
Andlangr. Snorri states that it is in Vidblain that the hall called Gimle is located
and that only Light Alfs live in the second and third heaven for the time being.
This should not be taken with too much seriousness, as the idea of a second and
third heaven is most likely a kristian addition to our lore. (5) See also Vindblain,
Andlangr, Vidblain, Vidfedmir, Hriod, Hlyrnir, Gimir, Vet-Mimir and
Vidhblindi- The name of a giant that could pluck whales out of the sea as if
they were fish. (5)
Vidfedmir- (wise-embracer) The name of one of the nine heavens according to
Snorri. It is the fourth. Most likely a late kristian addition. (5) See also
Vindblain, Andlangr, Vidblain, Vidfedmir, Hriod, Hlyrnir, Gimir, Vet-Mimir
and Skatyrnir.
Vidhfinnr- The father of Bil and Hjuki. (5)
Vidrir- Another name for Odhinn. (5)
Vidharr- The son of Odhinn and Hlothyn. He was born in order that he might
avenge his father's death. He will slay Fenris at Ragnarok to avenge his father,
Odhinn's death. He has a great hard shoe that he will kick Fenris with and break
his jaw. He is said to be almost as strong as Thorr. After Ragnarok he along
with Baldr, Magni and Vala will inherit Asgardhr. (1) His shoe is made from all
the discarded pieces from the toes and heals of shoes throughout time. (5)
Vidhurr- "Killer?". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Vig- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Vigridhr- "Field of battle". The name of the plain where the final battle
between the jotunns and the gods will be fought at Ragnarok. (1) It is a hundred

leagues long. (4)

Vili- The son of Borr and brother of Odhinn and Ve. Sometimes spelled as
Willi. He, along with his two brothers formed mankind out of the organic
material of trees.
Vimur- The name of a river that Thorr had to wade through to reach the hall of
Geirrodhargardh. The river has swollen to much more than it's normal level
because of the urine of the giantess Gjalp. (5)
Vin- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
Vina- The name of one of the Rivers that flow from the Hvergelmir (5)
Vindalf- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)
Vindblain- (wind-dark) The name of one of the nine heavens according to
Snorri. It is the lowest of the nine. Most likely a late kristian addition. It is also
called Heidthornir (clouded brightness) and Hregg-Mimir (storm-Mimir). (5)
See also Vindblain, Andlangr, Vidblain, Vidfedmir, Hriod, Hlyrnir, Gimir, VetMimir and Skatyrnir.
Vindhler- Another name for Heimdallr. (5)
Vindloni- Same as Vindsval. (5)
Vindsval- The father of winter and son of Vasadh. (4)
Vingnir- One of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Vingolf- The Temple in which the thrones of the goddesses of Asgardhr are
placed. It is also thought to be a hall in which the einherjar go to. (5)
Vingskornir- The name of Brynhildrs stead. (4)
Vingthor- "Consecration Thorr". Another name for Thorr. (4)
Virpir- The name of a dwarf. (5)
Vithar- See "Vidharr".
Vithi- "The Wide Land". The name of Vidharr's land. (4)
vitki- Someone who uses the runes in magic. (O)
Vitr- The name of a soil dwelling dwarf. (5)

Volund- See "Volundarkvidha".

Volundarkvidha- "The Lay of Volund". A poem in the Poetic Edda in which
we find the tale of Volund the smith. He is imprisoned by King Nithoth and
eventually in revenge Volund slays the kings two sons and makes precious objects
of their skull, teeth and eyes which he gifts to the king, his queen and daughter,
whom Volund get's pregnant after getting her drunk.
Voluspa- "Prophecy of the seeress". In the Poetic Edda, a poem that describes
the formation of the universe, the war between the Aesir and Vanir, Baldr's
death, the end of the world and it's eventual re-birth. (O)
Voluspa Hin Skamma- Also known as the Short Seeress' Prophecy. It is a
poem in the Poetic Edda that deals with much the same matters as Voluspacosmology. (4)
volva- a professional female seeress or magician. The word itself comes from
the root word meaning "magical staff." Many volva are seen to be carrying a staff
of some kind. (O)
Vor- See "Var".
Vor- "The Careful". One of the Asynjur. One of the Elder Kin. Nothing more
is none about her other than she is so wise and careful that she never misses
anything. (O)
Wachilt- A giantess who is the mother of Wade and who lives at the bottom of
the sea. (1)
Wade- Father of Weland the smith. (1)
waelcyrge- Old English for valkyrie. (O)
Wafter- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the gods call the wind. (4)
WalBurrga's Night- See "Walpurga's Night".
walknot- See "valknot".
Walpurga's Night- One of Holy days that is normally celebrated on April 30th,
in conjunction with May Day.
Wand- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Vanir call wood. (4)
Wanes- see "Vanir".
ward(ing)- To ward oneself is to perform actions that will be protective. A

warding would be some method or series of steps performed to protect oneself,

others or property. (O)
Warmth- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Vanir call fire. (4)
Wassail- A parting that many Heathens use today, basically meaning "Fare
thee well". (5)
Wassail Brew- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Vanir call beer.
Water- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the alfs call the sea. (4)
Wave- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Vanir call the sea. (4)
Ways- In Alvismal, this is the name by which the Vanir call Midhgardhr. (4)
weal working- working of magic for the good. (O)
Weather-Might- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the alfs call the
clouds. (4)
Weaver of Dreams- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the dwarfs
call the night. (4)
Weland- See "Volund".
Well of Urdhr- see "Well of Wyrd"
Well of Wyrd- Also known as the Well of Urdhr. It is at the base of the World
Tree, Yggdrasill and it's water is what waters the tree. (O) It is supposed to be in
Asgardhr. (1) The gods are said to gather here for council. (4)
Well Grown- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Vanir call seeds
(grains and barley). (4)
weregild- A fee payed to the kin of someone slain by the person who did the
slaying as a means of compensation.
Wheel- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the wights in Hel call the
moon. (4)
Whinnier- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the "most high" calls
the wind. (4)
Whistler- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the dwellers of Hel call
the wind. (4)

The White God- A title/name of Heimdallr. (1)

The White Kingdom- Another name for Asgardhr. (O) See also "The Golden
Whiteland- Another name for Vidharr's hall. (O) See also "Landvidi" and
widdershins- A word meaning counter clockwise. To move widdershins is the
move in a counter clockwise direction. (O)
wights- Guardians of life. Aids to the great mother Nerthus. They might be
considered as very similar to nature spirits. It is also used as a general term for
spirits of all kinds(O)
Wind-Blown- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Vanir call the
clouds. (4)
Wind-Lull- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Vanir call a calm
windless day. (4)
Wind-Weaver- In Alvissmal, this is given as the name that the Vanir call the
skies. (4)
W inter Finding- One of the Holy Days. The Fall Equinox. (O)
Winter Nights- Celebrated usually on October 13th- 15th. The Blessing of the
Dises and The Blessing of the Alfs can be performed during Winger Nights.
Wisdom- One of the Six Fold Goals.
witch-shot- see "alf-shot" (O)
With many seats- One of the names of Freyja's hall. (O) See also
"Folkvangr", "The Field of Warriors" and "Sessrumnir".
wode- One of the parts of the soul. Wode is a self-created form containing all
your positive past action/ is more a magical persona. It is more a
voluntary partial incarnation of your Self, with all our greatest capabilities and
powers within easy reach. It is a functional, serviceable, self-formed persona. (O)
Wodin (Woden)- see "Odhinn"
woe working- working magic for harmful effects on another person or group.
wolf-joint- The name given to the wrist joint of the arm. It comes from where
Tyr had his hand bit off at the joint by Fenrir. (5)

The World Serpent- Another name of "Jormungandr." (5)

The World Tree- see "Yggdrasill"
Wotan- See "Odhinn".
wyrd- The process of the unseen web of synchronicity and cause and effect
throughout the cosmos.
Wyrd's Well- Underneath the third root of Yggdrasill which leads to
Asgardhr this well sits and is said to be where the gods and goddesses gather for
council. (5)
The Wyrd Sisters- A title of the three Norns.
Ydalir- A name of the hall of Ullr. (O) See also "Valley of Yews"
Yggr- "The Terrible". A name given as one of Odhinn's many names. (5)
Yggdrasill- The ever growing World Tree. It binds the universe. It is said, by
Snorri, to have three main roots. One leads to the realm of Asgardhr, the second
to the land of the frost giants and the third to Helgardh. (1) Other names for the
tree- Laeradr, Hoddmimir and Mimameidr.
Ylg- One of the rivers that runs from the well called Hvergelmir. (5)
Ymir- The father of the giants (etin-kin, jotunns) who was killed during the
creation and whose body became the earth. (O) The first man and woman are
supposed to have grown from his left arm pit and the frost giants grew from his
feet. He was slain by Odhinn, Vili and Ve and from his body they formed the
world of men. (1) His name means "Roarer". (4)
Younger Edda- See "Edda".
younger kin- See "Elder Kin."
Yrminsul- A sign of the axis of the world. It is a symbol of the north-ward
orientation of our attention, as it has it's apex at the Northern star. Further it is a
symbol of cosmic order, as defined by the god Tiw, of whose rune the Yrminsul is
a sign. It can also be said to represent the phallic nature of man's striving to
reconnect with the gods. The vertical shaft being this striving and the horizontal
shaft being the goal or the gods and goddesses. (O) In the Germanic tradition it
is the pillar that supports the world. (1)
Yrsa- In Grottasongr, Sister and mother of Hrolf Kraki as he was fathered by
Yrsa's father, Helgi. (4)

Yule tide- One of the Holy days held from Dec. 20th (Mother Night) through
the 31st.

(1) "Gods and Myths of Northern Europe" by H. R. Ellis Davidson

(3) "Our Troth"
(4) "The Poetic Edda" Hollander Translation
(5) "The Prose Edda" or "Snorri's Edda".
(O) Other or miscelanious sources.

1999, 2000 Alfta Reginleif

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