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Vera Nada Ljubav

Koji kroz Njega verujete Boga koji Ga

podie iz mrtvih, i dade Mu
slavu, da bi vaa vera i nadanje bilo u
|21| Through him [Moshiach] you have
emunah in Hashem, the One who brought
forth the Techiyas HaMoshiach from
HaMesim (the dead ones) and gave him
Kavod. And so your emunah and your
tikvah [1:13] are in Hashem.
Hashem - Bog
Moshiach - Mesija
Emunah - Vera
Ahavah - Ljubav
Kavod - Slava
Tikvah - Nada

Mitzvat - Zapovesti
For Hashem so had ahavah (agape) for
the Olam Hazeh that Hashem gave the
matanah (gift) [Isa 9:5 (6)] of Hashems
Ben Yechid
[Gn 22:12; Prov 30:4; 8:30} so that
whosoever has emunah in him may not be
neevad (lost,perish, be ruined with
destruction), but find Chayyei Olam
[Daniel 12:2].
Ko je izaao na nebo i opet siao? Ko je
skupio vetar u pregrti svoje? Ko je
svezao vode u plat svoj? Ko je utvrdio
sve krajeve zemlji? Kako Mu je ime? I kako
je ime Sinu (Ben Yechid) Njegovom? Zna
Po tom se pokaza ljubav Boija k nama to Bog Sina
svog Jedinorodnog posla na svet da ivimo kroza
By this was made hisgalus of the ahavah
of Hashem among us, because Hashem
has sent His Ben Yechid into the Olam

Hazeh that we may live through Him. [Yn


U poetku bee Re, i Re bee sa Bogom,

i Bog bee Re.
Yochanan 1:1Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
1 Bereshis (in the Beginning) was the Dvar Hashem
[YESHAYAH 55:11; BERESHIS 1:3], and the Dvar
Hashem was agav (along with, etzel, Mishle
8:30;30:4) Hashem, and the Dvar Hashem was
nothing less, by nature, than Elohim! [Psa 56:11(10);
Yn 17:5; Rev. 19:13 i.e., the Maamar Memra]
Memra (Creative Word of G-d in some of the
I ree Bog: Neka bude svetlost. I bi svetlost.
3 And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was
light [Tehillim 33:6,9].
Sve je kroz Nju postalo, i bez Nje nita nije postalo
to je postalo.

3 All things through him came to be, and without him
came to be not one thing which came into being. [Ps
33:6,9; Prov 30:4]

Reju Gospodnjom nebesa se stvorie, i duhom usta

Njegovih sva vojska njihova.
Jer On ree, i postade; On zapovedi, i pokaza se.
6 By the Devar Hashem were Shomayim made; and
all the tzva (host) of them by the ruach (breath) of His
mouth [MJ 11:3; Yn 1:1; Psa 56:5].
9 For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded,
and it stood firm.

A sad ostaje vera, nada, ljubav, ovo troje; ali je ljubav

najvea meu njima. (1.Kor.13.13)
13 But now remain emunah, tikvah, and ahavah,
these shalosh (three). And the greatest of these is

A koji nema ljubavi ne pozna Boga;

jer je Bog ljubav.

The one not having ahavah did not have daas of
because Hashem is ahavah.

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