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What is the Non-Feminist Revolution?

Hello. Fidelbogen here. To my fellow workers in the vineyard, worldwide, greetings.

Today's talk is called "What is the non-feminist revolution?"
So...what IS the non-feminist revolution?
The non-feminist revolution is not a "movement", but a largely unconscious demographic
upwelling of resistance to feminism and its consequences. It is an objectively historical process,
of a spontaneous, organic and amoral character. Its center is everywhere, its periphery is
nowhere, and its parts do not always accord with each other. We did not instigate this
"revolution". We merely recognized it and gave it a name.
We have chosen the word "revolution" not because it sounds cool and glamorous, but because
no better terminology occurs to us. A revolution is a thing which overturns or abrogates a system
of authority, and does so without seeking permission. Indeed, it would be an ironic kind of
revolution that would say to the targeted regime "may I overthrow you?". But the non-feminist
revolution is nothing of that sort.
On the contrary, the non-feminist revolution works to reverse the entire spectrum of adverse
consequences which feminist innovation has introduced. By this means, it nullifies the feminist
project in toto. It works as a primordial energy upon a distributed range of attack points, and not
all of the humans involved will intellectualize the meaning of their actions. That is, they might not
be aware that they are compromising feminism as such. They might only be reacting to life
conditions, yet the combined effect of their actions will undermine the feminist power structure
from many directions.
As you might guess, the non-feminist revolution does not compose an identifiable human target
group. It has no clear demographic profile and no membership roster. Rather, it operates as a
cloud of forces manifesting through human actions which can sometimes be politically linked to
each other, but other times not.
The people lazily called "MRAs" are not the non-feminist revolution but only a conspicuous
manifestation within it -- rather like the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. And like the Great Red Spot,
the "MRA" vortex will eventually dissipate. Yet the Jovian turbulence that originally spawned it
will continue.
The boundary between MRA and non-MRA becomes meaningless when you consider the holistic
nature of the non-feminist revolution. So-called MRAs are on a continuum with every form of
non-feminist reality there is, and the feminist obsession with "MRAs" misses the forest for the
trees. This myopia shall be their undoing.
Ever since recognizing the existence of the non-feminist revolution, our interest has been to
harness the energy of it so as to make it politically efficient. To make the non-feminist revolution
politically efficient means both to minimize the transit time from a feminist world to a postfeminist world, and to minimize any chaos and human misery that might go along with this.
The project to harness the non-feminist revolution, is broadly termed counter-feminism. It is the
mountain top view. The gameboard view. The vanguard view. And yes, a revolution needs a
vanguard if it is to be distinguished from chaos. Gut reactions might arise from broad masses of
people, but politically efficient plans assuredly do not. Therefore, somebody might as well give it
a go. If they don't, somebody else will.
Please note that feminism is a utopian project not unlike the pursuit of a rainbow. Some might

call it dystopian in practice, but in the minds of its participants it aims at a perfected future state
of life.
Counter-feminism is not utopian. It aims only at the disappearance of feminism and harbors no
blueprint for a perfected post-feminist state of life. Counter-feminism considers both feminism
and non-feminism to be flawed states, but counts the latter preferable to the former. In the end,
the role of counter-feminism is simply that of midwife to a post-feminist consciousness.
The project of feminism is to increase the power of women with no specified limit. More tersely
stated, feminism is female supremacism, since that term describes the logical outcome of such a
project. However, it is not amiss to suspect that the unconstrained growth of female power will
generate natural consequences, and that these consequences are not bound to be pleasant or
tidy. And this describes the character of the non-feminist revolution -- it is the natural order of life
bursting chaotically through the structure of feminist innovation and reasserting itself.
When water breaks through a dam and roars away downstream, sweeping all before it, the scene
is chaotic. But it does not remain that way, for the chaos is a healing crisis, the natural
consequence of something that should never have been permitted to develop in the first place.
And at last, the water will settle down into a tranquil stream again.
It even so with the non-feminist revolution and its chaotic manifestion. Forces of nature can be
that way, especially when they are unnaturally pent up in defiance of commonsense. These
things are predictable. And political revolutions follow a similar pattern -- it is best to initiate
reforms well before the crisis comes to fever pitch. If you wait too long, you get drapage. You
get Jacobinism and Sansculottism and reigns of terror and all manner of unpleasantness.
Let it be our endeavor, therefore, to ease the transition to a post-feminist world and keep the bad
stuff to a minimum. Let us reduce the non-feminist revolution to the most politically efficient
order possible.
Fidelbogen . . . out.


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