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Pronunciation Cheat Sheet
Letra/ Letter Sonido/ Sound Letra/ Letter Sonido/ Sound
A Ah N n
B B Ñ Like the letters ny
together in English
C Like the letter c or O Oh
s in English
CH* Ch P P (said softly)
D D Q q
E Eh R r
F f Rr* errrrreh
G Like the letter g or S s
h in English
H Silent T t
I Eeee U ooo
J Like the letter h in V Veh (like the letter b)
K k W w
L l X Like the letter x or h in
Ll* Like the letter y in Y y
M m Z Like the letter s in
Stress Rule
 When a word has a ´ always stress the syllable with the accent
mark. Ejemplo: teléfono, helicóptero, satélite
 When a word ends in a, e, i, o, u, n or s, stress it on the second
to last syllable. Ejemplo: billete, investigan, platos

How to pronounce words in Spanish

Pasos/ Steps:

Pá gina cuarenta y uno

Instrucciones: For each word below, write the sounds for each letter
below the letters, sound out the word letter by letter, then pronounce
the word all together. Do this as a class with Ms. Mehl

1. a b u r r i d o 2. m a t e m á t i c a s

3. T ú 4. s é p t i m a

5. f á c i l

Práctica con compañero/ Practice with a Partner

Instrucciones for you:
1. Chose 5 of the hardest words from what you will say in your presentation (look
at your rough draft on page 38).
2. Write those five words below.
3. For each word below, write the sounds for each letter below the letters.
4. Sound out the word letter by letter, then pronounce the word all together.
Instrucciones for your partner:
Listen to how your partner reads the 5 words on his/her paper. Star the words that
he/she says correctly using your notes to check him/her.

1. 2.

3. 4.


Pá gina cuarenta y uno


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