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Esoteric Mormonism Newsletter, June, 1997, Copyright (C) 1997 by Michael Bertiaux, Post OFE¢e Box'1554, Chicago, Il. 60690-1554, USA. The Origins and Kingdon of the Votives: "The Votives of the immanence of the ontologoumens series are as a series of problens with attachnents of art-Being.’ ("Inmance Divine," xvi, 12). According to the teachings of the Holy Apostle of this church, the migration of the Votives from Boston, brought with them the roots of their kingdom, which was established in the sands of the holy territory. They were not to be thought of as any form of human race, but as purely elemental because of their own attachments to'the materials of art. ‘They did not possess any limitation, except those which are imposed by che essence Of life and the essence of types of metaphysical formation. That the divine was viewed as immanent within these kinds of elementals is indicated by the above refrence to them from the text of "Inmance Divine", so spelled to avoid causing a fear of any divine imnanence. The doctrines of the Immance, clearly, Showed that the divine was immanent in nature and that pan- paychistic metaphysics was indicated by the contents of this Eevelation. hen the Votives reached Utah, that is to say when they were to Find their ways into the works of art, they began to build all of the outer forms of their particular culture, for which Chey were famous. The works of art, which they inhabited were alr-naps of the plains, upon which’ the mystical civilisation could be grounded. The gnosis of thelr migration from Boston Took expression in the choice of new forms of earth-colours, which and whereby expressed the newer potencies of these Tadical forms of revelation. It was by this means that the art of the saints could be the mediun for the expression of a next stageness in the manifestation of the angelic universe. Gradually by a shift in ontological emphasis, the continuum of the ontologounena series could be detailed and sensed as a Living and fesling and, even, thinking wholeness or Natura. In place of the dry and the parched land, thought (though falsely) as dead, we have nature alive and every grain of sand "is filled with soul and mind and powers of spirit". So, every work of art- Being 1s filled with the vitality and creativity of the spirit, which Fills all time and space. When the Votives reached Utah, they immediately established their kingdom, which can still be seen by those gifted, in the great and wide vastness. It was there that they sought to find The materials or ochres, by which they were able to create a mystical and spiritual celebration of art-Being there in the alchemical sphere of the dry. Tt is from these pioneers that we have cone forth. Michael Bertiaux Esoteric Mormonism Newsletter, July, 1997, Copyright (Cc) by Michael Bertiaux, Post Office Box 1554, Chicago, Illinois 60690-1554, USA "I have come to teach the way that is clear before my people, and to Lead then to the promise, that by my holy will 1s to be their own and their pride.” (Revelations, IV Voice, 14:22). ‘The holy writings, as they come to us in the spirit show us how the Church of Jesus Christ manifeste truth in our daily lives. We proclaim the fire that comes from above and the pure priesthood of the Holy Restoration. We are the purest form of the Mormon bloodline. We are the Esoteric Mormons and we are in process of realising the truth of our faith, in all of the won- ders, which the gods have laid open before us- We have been forced to move outwards to many foreign places and we have been forced to take upon ourselves, many foreign and strange names. Yet, we shall be strangers no more. For the holy angels have come Upon us and have blessed us with the true Light of the Mighty One, He Who has come before us and He Who is the Light in lis Oun’Personality, the Angelic One in our own midst, He Who is the Promised Leader of the Covenant: Marc More Mann (1949-), ‘The Guide of the Falthful of the Kindred. "And He shall come in’the fire of his words, vast and true words, as they befit all those who come forth to’have evil burned away in thelr hearts, which then shall be pure and light and like unto the words uttered in heavenly places." (Revelations, IV Voice, is: 38). The many gifts of revelation, which we have received from on high, and the many forms to which the truth has given of itself to us, as when the ight shines forth at the dauning of the day, or as when the Lights of many fires held by the faithful burn, in a Pure togetherness of light and worship, by angels and not by men, or Lastly as when the light is brought in a procession of many forms of expression to the truth of this faith: the religion of Mare Nore Mann, this light comes to us, whenever we turn our hearts to the teachings of Mare More Mann, and it is this light which 1s the gift of the cods to us, when we behold the message of the way that leads to all truth and spiritual freedom. ‘Those who wish to learn these teachings are invited to write to this newsletter for more information on the pathway of the "Esoteric Nore Mann Teachings from Mare More Mann". Michael Bertiaux Esoteric Mormonism Newsletter, September, 1997, Copyright (c) 1997 by Michael Bertiaux, Post Office Box 1554, Chicago, Tl 60690-1554, USA Ontic Chambers of Esoteric Initiation: Rules of the Heavenly Temple: "I have come to teach the way that is secret for my elect and holy priesthood, and to lead them to the true world of aate: and essence. The rules of the heavenly pathway are keys to entering the temple, wherein dell the spirits of initiation at the heart of being. They dwell in secret chambers outside all that is profane. The heavenly temple is my body." (Revelations, IV Voice, 14:26). ‘These are the rules of the heavenly temple, whereby the perfected may enter the ontic chambers of esoteric initiation through the teachings of Mare More Mann. 1. The temple does not exist for it is pure being or eternity, 2. Those who have sought the temple have been taken to it. 3. The mystical understanding of being removes us from this tealm. 4. Yet, the mattér of this realm ts used to build the temple. Mare More Mann teaches that the chambers exist, do not exist, and are ina midst state, as best, explained in'Hegel's Logic. For this reason, he taught in Wisconsin that the key could be identified though the use of NeTaggart's "Commentary on Hegel's Logic’. The key was in the reality of matter in its ideal or perfected states however, this was balanced by spirit in its real or incarnated state. Between them was the "middle chamber" or the sphere of process. From this middle chanber came’ the dissatisfaction with both being and nothingness, which causes all transformations to "happen". It was in this middle chamber that the spirits gave all the ontic initiations, which were marked in being, or "recorded in heaven". The mark of the crutch of the teaching made it real or noumenal, rather than merely written in some mystical "book" in the realm of phenomena. The name Mare or Mark for the teacher refers to his ontic roots or authenticity. Ontological discourse, au contraire, is rooted in phenomena. Esoteric physics and inttiation processes into the mysteries focus on the operations of the "middle chamber" and its ontic twins, in reality and ideality. Every gradation of being is so characterised by being and nothingness, connecting Aristotle to Mahayana Buddhism via the body of Mare More Mann, or the temple revealed in the mystical matter of his body. Tt is this realisation which ts at the basis of the Ontological Church of Jesus Christ, Perfected. For us the pathway being here and now, Lt begins whére we are and leads us to the Ontic Chambers of Esoteric Spiritism, which the hymn calls "our heavenly hone." Michael Bertiaux ‘The Esoteric Ontology Newsletter, August, 1997, Copyright (C) 1997 byrwichael Bertiaux, Fost Office Box 1554, Chicago, 11+ 60690- » USA. Golem and Radiopsychoanalysis (RP): ffective methods of esoteric prayer At combines the physics of the Tattwas and the other high energy fields of Hindu metaphysics (and their Zothyrian developments) with the exploratory ritual and mystical language of depth psychology and metapsychics. This particular method ope ind karmalayers of the soul-world, wherein the most ancient energi are subject to its special modes of treatment, whereby it becone: {nits own unique way the vehicle of a vudu-gnostic [recently discovered that hile some problems are the result of the presence of negative formulations of the Golem-problem, {t wa also possible to treat problengof the spiritual life by the {ntro~ duction of Golen-energy, in order to break down the knots of no; tion and other complexes present, at those deep levels, and to filter out the psychic residues identified as evil and’demonic. In id a newer dimension to the art of ks of our forthcoming "AtLantean-Zothyrian Sacra~ mentaire", which concludes the methodology of our earlier "Woudon- Gnostic Workbook", is to "prove" the Atlantean roots of the Vudu~ spiritism of West Africa and Haiti and to show that the Zothyrian gnosis 1s exactly continuous with the Franco-Haitian gnostic and soteric tradition; but a more subtle task is to show how the Golem energy of the Franco-Haitian tradition ("inetanathenatical Zombe isme") is a valid method of spiritual healing and occult scienc This technique has to be proven piece by piece, always in a minute manner, by case study after case study. I now have eight such cases, and anticipate the¢gmPbetion of work on eight more, whereby the aotutlons canbe shown-Go "prove" the continuity of methods, of aploying the Golem energy in che payche with the evidences of che Golen-relics present in the deepest and oldest psychic residues in jOul-world of ur contemporary reincarnating AtLanteans. deepest regions of the psyche, in the most archaic ayth- ‘of our sub, we have unearthed the € cultural-granmar, which point nce of Golen-energies in a lifestr: gments of value, which I can d ain. The method of disclosure, the Vudu-gnostic church, cor of the ritual of spiritual avakening, 'service sacranentatre de Quiabht’,, in one of the formulas of Lue Guzotte, and which will be expbored'as a type and technique of ritual physics in the sacramentaire. Suffice it to Say that the ritual methods of Vudu-gnosis are the means whereby the evidences of Atlantean psychic-contents are revealed to the and Future newsletters will provide che current research tnformation on the production of "he Atlantean-Zothyrian Sacramentary". For a dis~ cussion of RP, cf. Kenneth Grant, Necate's Fountain (London: 1992 Skoob Books Pubs).

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