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The scientist


1) Fill in the blanks as you listen to the songs

Come up to ________ you
Tell you ______ ________
You _______ know how lovely _____


I ________ to find you

_________you I _______


you I set you apart

Tell me your ________ and ask me your ________

Oh lets go back to the start
Running in ________ coming up tails
________ on a silence apart
2) Organize the words in the sentences
easy nobody it was
such for us its shame a to
said easy was it nobody
ever said no one hard would it

start me back take oh to the

3) Fill in the blanks as you listen to the song
I______ just guessing at __________ and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart
_____________ of science , science and progress
Dont __________ as loud as my heart
So tell me you ________


Come __________ and haunt me

Oh , when I rush to the start
Running in ___________ , chasing in tails
Coming back as we are
4) Organize the words in the sentence
nobody easy said it was__________________________________
its part such a shame us for to____________________________
it was nobody said easy __________________________________
no one said ever hard it would be so _______________________
start going back Im to the _______________________________

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