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Shawn Martin

Goals: That Students will understand cells in the blood that prevent loss
and allow clotting to take place, using a variety of intelligences to ensure
understanding and long term retention.

Materials: A bell for quiet signal and color printouts of cell images and

Description: We will begin with the jigsaw structure and I will place
material at four stations throughout the room. Each student will go to the
table with their corresponding number, after reviewing the material students
will take their material back to their team. All four steps will be put together
here and we will check for understanding. Here we will proceed to the line-up
structure using each students number from one through four they will line
up and carry with them the cell image that has their corresponding number.
Step one goes with students who are numbered one etc. I will check for
understanding and then after lining up I will have them flow around the room
in a circular pattern as if we are flowing through the veins in the body, I will
then indicate a cut has occurred to our collective body, and direct step one
cells to the affected area then step two cells etc. In this way I hope to
physically show the students what occurs and in what order when the body is
damaged and blood loss is occurring.

Multiple Intelligences: Verbal linguistic skills to bring their section

back to the group and explain that information. Intrapersonal skills when
interacting with their team. Logical Mathematical when lining up in the
correct order. Bodily kinesthetic when we simulate moving through the
veins. Visual spatial with color cell images.

Cooperative Learning Structures: Jig-saw and Line-up

Connection to other knowledge areas: This will connect easily
with human Anatomy and physiology, and previous health and science along
with mathematics.

Shawn Martin

Thinking Skills: Students will use higher logical thinking skills and gain
an understanding of the sequence that must occur to prevent blood loss.
They will need to apply this knowledge to previous material and by using
multiple intelligences retain this information long term and be able to add to
this knowledge base as they expand their education.

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